I can't hate Sakura because there's nothing there to hate; at worst I could say that it's annoying that she isn't either excised from the narrative entirely or given something to do in the other two routes, and that's really just me shaking my fist at Nasu again.

But mostly? I'm just irritated at Shirou for never putting two and two together and realizing that she's into him. You are a competent cook, dude; the fact that she wants to make food for you is pretty fucking significant.
I can't hate Sakura because there's nothing there to hate; at worst I could say that it's annoying that she isn't either excised from the narrative entirely or given something to do in the other two routes, and that's really just me shaking my fist at Nasu again.

But mostly? I'm just irritated at Shirou for never putting two and two together and realizing that she's into him. You are a competent cook, dude; the fact that she wants to make food for you is pretty fucking significant.

Shirou wants to make food for everyone though, it's like in his mind he must make food so he probably just assumes Sakura is exactly the same.
He's still an irredeemable idiot who doesn't realize that his cute and pretty kouhai would totally do him and god I hate him so much.
Man you described soo many anime harem protagonists. Shirou from the anime is similar to them, but from what I read of the VN the anime doesn't quite do him justice. Of course I doubt he will be completely different in UBW anime.

To me it just sounds like you want to jump Sakura. :p

Don't worry many anime fans rage when who they think is best girl is never picked.
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He's still an irredeemable idiot who doesn't realize that his cute and pretty kouhai would totally do him and god I hate him so much.

Sakura is someone who avoids making overt sexual cues because she gets enough of that shit at home and is incredibly uncomfortable with her sexuality. Shirou is someone who does not seem overly sexual except when an actual sexual situation occurs. It's not really surprising that neither of them made overt moves because they're basically in a relationship anyway.

It's just then the Grail War came on.
I'm pretty sure that in the very first day Shirou notes that Sakura's body has started noticeably "developing", and that he finds her incredibly attractive, but going after her would be impolite, improper, and liable to get him killed by Taiga.
I'm pretty sure that in the very first day Shirou notes that Sakura's body has started noticeably "developing", and that he finds her incredibly attractive, but going after her would be impolite, improper, and liable to get him killed by Taiga.

Which is hilarious because the only time in the entire series Taiga gives no fucks about ladies staying near Shirou is when it's Sakura.
I can't hate Sakura because there's nothing there to hate; at worst I could say that it's annoying that she isn't either excised from the narrative entirely or given something to do in the other two routes, and that's really just me shaking my fist at Nasu again.
The lack of shits I gave about Sakura basically ruined Heaven's Feel for me, to the point where I was feeling railroaded because I had to sacrifice everything for Sakura in order to get the best ending. It doesn't help that her character consists of 'Tragic Backstorytm​' and not much else.
Which is why I love Hollow Ataraxia so much; they gave her an actual personality in that game.
I wonder, what will come after the Fate/Stay Night is finished?

I am pretty sure what Nasuverse will continue to keep getting stuff animated - the question is, what is going be next once they are finished with Stay Night routes?

Ataraxia? Apocrypha? Extra? Tsukihime?
To be fair my sense of Shirou is that the Emiya part of him is poison that hurts him over the long term. In some circumstances, like when he has Rin stopping him from taking it too far, it can work out positively but most of the time he'll just push himself until he dies. That isn't inherently a bad thing, hell, one of my favorite fanfic's explores this very fate, but I'm not sure it what makes Shirou the happiest in the long term.

I mean UBW Good ending certainly isn't terrible, and beyond the really weird instance of Saber living a modern life it's probably happy for everyone, it's just personally my understanding of his character takes away that what he is best at is protecting those he loves, then saving people, and he's very bad at the whole 'stopping villians' thing.
Perhaps this is because of my own view that it doesn't really matter how you lived, what matters is how you died. You can die regretting something but you can also do you die satisfied that you've done great for the world? What matters is how you viewed your life at the end, and what sort of heritage can you give for the future.

With that kind of mindset, I see UBW and Fate Shirou as being better, because they both would die following their beliefs of doing good, having saved countless people, and perhaps even with great satisfaction over their life. HF Shirou's kind of... small in comparison. He died a human, while the others died a hero. All of them would probably be satisfied with their life in the end, but which one give greater heritage for the future? That's how I see it.
As opposed to what? Sakura didn't have a fucking chance, she was 7-8 when Zouken threw her into the pit, a young girl sold by her father trying to better her future, and once she was implanted he could just kill her on a whim. In Heaven's Feel she literally has to reach into her chest and rip Zouken from her heart.

Also she does a bit more then just endure. She actively created spaces where she can just shut herself off from the near constant torturous bullshit she's going through and feel comfortable and safe. She actively denies participation in the Grail War and passes the buck to Shinji because she's not interested in fighting two of the most important people in her life (Shirou who she loves, and Rin who she admires). Also despite the endless amounts of shit she gets she remains generally positive. When Shirou and Rin start discussing if they need to kill her, her reaction isn't "Oh fuck you guys", she understands where they're coming from and tries to be understanding.

And I mean, is enduring not in and of itself a positive trait? Not everyone is capable of fighting a hopeless battle, some people just try and get through.
I just know that her enduring would be mentioned, and I would say, no. Why? Because her endurance is fueled by despair and self-loathing. Pretty much everything she does are fueled by those, except for doing things for Shirou who is her single ray of hope. And I could be fine with it if we were shown that she's still actively trying to resist and trying to fix her situation after all these time.

Compare her endurance to Shirou's (in UBW and Fate) which he gained because of enlightenment, that he chose to walk that path because of the good he could do, because even if it will hurt him, it's still the right path. That's what I call admirable, going with your choice even if it hurts because it's the right thing to do, that's pretty uplifting compared to the HF one which is basically "Fuck you, got mine."

People says that HF is more humane, but I'd say that that's an underestimation of humanity. Yeah, human can be weak and selfish at times, but despite that, we have the potential to grow into an enlightened being who works to make the world a better place. Instead of self-defeating, it's more empowering that way.

Anyway, I got side-tracked. For Sakura, okay, okay, suffering and endurance is an important part of her... and it's interesting THAT is also and important part for Shirou. Still, can't you give more characterization for her? Shirou is suffering and enduring his pain, but he also has his distortion, his general sarcasm, his dream, his admiration for Kiritsugu, his hypocrisy... yes, the focus is on his ideals and how it brings him pain, but there's more to him than that. Compared to Sakura... Sakura's basically a toned down version of Shirou, if he ever given up on everything... except that's also Shirou, in the form of That Man.

That's not a great characterization, in fact, that's a waste. Sakura could still exist, but she should have written better, with more diverse and deeper characterization.
I'll admit her having involvement in the prior routes would have been nice, but I personally think the way in which she put so much of Rin's character into context for me kind of lets me forgive her for that.

I mean that's the other issue I have with UBW, Rin cannot have a proper resolution of her own problems without addressing Sakura. Her entire character is built around the conflict between her desire to have her family and her desire to be the perfect magi, and Sakura is the centre of that. Shirou isn't alive because Rin can't stand the thought of killing a witness, Shirou is alive because Rin couldn't look Sakura in the eyes knowing she'd let him die. Her friendship with Mitsuduri exists because she was stalking Sakura. Sakura herself has problems as a character, though I'm still a fan, but what I like about Sakura is how she links with everyone else, especially Rin.

Sakura doesn't even rank in my top 5 Type Moon characters, but I don't really get how people actively hate her.
All the more reason she's better removed, because everyone would be much happier that way. Still, I don't hate her, I just... don't think she's important. Fuck Sakura, as in "Fuck her, I don't care about her, the story would have been better if she wasn't there." I mean, really, if she wasn't there, we could have possibly gotten a Caster and/or an Ilya route! And the Chibi Caster... I want my Chibi Caster whereismychibicaster?!

I'm okay with not having an Ilya route because that's what Chaos Theory is for.

And god, we're barely into the run of the anime, and we're having fierce debate like this... as expected of Nasuverse fanbase, I suppose.
Perhaps this is because of my own view that it doesn't really matter how you lived, what matters is how you died. You can die regretting something but you can also do you die satisfied that you've done great for the world? What matters is how you viewed your life at the end, and what sort of heritage can you give for the future.

With that kind of mindset, I see UBW and Fate Shirou as being better, because they both would die following their beliefs of doing good, having saved countless people, and perhaps even with great satisfaction over their life. HF Shirou's kind of... small in comparison. He died a human, while the others died a hero. All of them would probably be satisfied with their life in the end, but which one give greater heritage for the future? That's how I see it.

I guess it's just a difference in priorities then. For me HF!Shirou explores who he is, rather then what he follows. I don't have a strong desire for Shirou to be the hero, because I feel he's probably a more positive influence if he lives longer, because he is very good at supporting people. His compulsive need to sacrifice himself for the greater good is noble, but will end with him destroying himself.

I mean I'm someone who values those who support the people around them since they're a bit rarer then the hero who can fight good to make things better. I always picture HF!Shirou managing the house while Sakura performs her duties as Guardian of Fuyuki and Rin goes and becomes an awesome mage of doom. He provides the space they need to not break.

I just know that her enduring would be mentioned, and I would say, no. Why? Because her endurance is fueled by despair and self-loathing. Pretty much everything she does are fueled by those, except for doing things for Shirou who is her single ray of hope. And I could be fine with it if we were shown that she's still actively trying to resist and trying to fix her situation after all these time.

Her endurance is also fueled by hope, which is not just in Shirou, but Rin as well. She hopes those people around her will save her, because she doesn't feel capable of doing it herself. That doesn't mean she doesn't do anything to fix her situation or make her own situation known. One of the big things she's doing to improve her situation is just hanging out at Shirou's, because it gives her a safe space. It isn't much but from her perspective that's all she can manage.

Compare her endurance to Shirou's (in UBW and Fate) which he gained because of enlightenment, that he chose to walk that path because of the good he could do, because even if it will hurt him, it's still the right path. That's what I call admirable, going with your choice even if it hurts because it's the right thing to do, that's pretty uplifting compared to the HF one which is basically "Fuck you, got mine."

Sakura is all about the right choices that hurt her though. Sakura's biggest problem is her feeling of powerlessness over her situation, her sense of self-worth is so absurdly low, and as you said that drives a lot of her decisions. The problem is that whole thought process warps her, so she see's herself as helpless to do anything. Yet despite that, she manages resistance. She refuses to take the role of Master because she doesn't want to harm her family (Non-blood actually care about her family), she ultimately makes a level of effort to make Rin and Shirou kill her(though Rider puts a stop to any attempt except Mind of Steel).

People says that HF is more humane, but I'd say that that's an underestimation of humanity. Yeah, human can be weak and selfish at times, but despite that, we have the potential to grow into an enlightened being who works to make the world a better place. Instead of self-defeating, it's more empowering that way.

HF is more human in that it forces Shirou to come to terms with what his ideals actually mean, and what he needs to be able to do to live up to them. The answer for him is no, it doesn't mean that that is the universal answer, hell, Saber already did.

I think it's also important to note that overall the story doesn't really seem to believe it's own Ally of Justice thing, because the plots progressively dismiss it. It's a nice ideal, but to be able to live up to it, you need to become something like Kiritsugu or Archer, always doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. It is a ideal that can very easily slide towards self-destructive and inhumane behaviour. That doesn't mean it's not an ideal to strive towards, but that not everyone is capable of being Saber.

Anyway, I got side-tracked. For Sakura, okay, okay, suffering and endurance is an important part of her... and it's interesting THAT is also and important part for Shirou. Still, can't you give more characterization for her? Shirou is suffering and enduring his pain, but he also has his distortion, his general sarcasm, his dream, his admiration for Kiritsugu, his hypocrisy... yes, the focus is on his ideals and how it brings him pain, but there's more to him than that. Compared to Sakura... Sakura's basically a toned down version of Shirou, if he ever given up on everything... except that's also Shirou, in the form of That Man.

That's not a great characterization, in fact, that's a waste. Sakura could still exist, but she should have written better, with more diverse and deeper characterization.

I won't try and say Sakura is a perfectly written character, but I think you're applying the wrong lens to her. She is a interesting and deep character, but she is quieter then Illya and has less screen-time then Rin and Saber. Despite this we actually know quite a lot about her.

We know she values Shirou, she adores him because she see's him as this bright spot which can give her solace from what's bothering her. She hates how she feels like she isn't worthy of his kindness, she loves that he gives it anyway. She makes effort to make him happy. Her relationship with Rin is interesting as well, both loving her for the family she is desperate for and hating her for the abandonment she feels, frustrated that Rin never made the effort to actually reach out, yet aware that Rin does in fact care enough to stalk her. Or her relationship with Rider, who see in one another kindred spirits, Rider desperate to protect her from the worst of it.

I think even if she isn't an ideal to strive for, she is still an interesting person who is doing well in the situation she's in.

All the more reason she's better removed, because everyone would be much happier that way. Still, I don't hate her, I just... don't think she's important. Fuck Sakura, as in "Fuck her, I don't care about her, the story would have been better if she wasn't there." I mean, really, if she wasn't there, we could have possibly gotten a Caster and/or an Ilya route! And the Chibi Caster... I want my Chibi Caster whereismychibicaster?!

I'm okay with not having an Ilya route because that's what Chaos Theory is for.

And god, we're barely into the run of the anime, and we're having fierce debate like this... as expected of Nasuverse fanbase, I suppose.

For me Heaven's Feel is the best route, because Sakura ties everything together. Without her the things I love about Rin don't exist, the stuff that makes me look at Shirou as something more then shonnen fight-man doesn't happen. Hell, without Sakura, we never get the Mind of Steel ending, AKA Rin kills everyone (that ending goes on like Shirou's going to kill everyone, but Rin's always been far more capable then him, I can't see him coming out on top with no Servant.)

Also, Heaven's Feel is the only Route where Shirou actually takes his goal of limiting casualties seriously in the beginning.
I guess it's just a difference in priorities then. For me HF!Shirou explores who he is, rather then what he follows. I don't have a strong desire for Shirou to be the hero, because I feel he's probably a more positive influence if he lives longer, because he is very good at supporting people. His compulsive need to sacrifice himself for the greater good is noble, but will end with him destroying himself.
Realta Nua objects to that. And Shirou is not alone in UBW too, there are people who supports him.
I mean I'm someone who values those who support the people around them since they're a bit rarer then the hero who can fight good to make things better. I always picture HF!Shirou managing the house while Sakura performs her duties as Guardian of Fuyuki and Rin goes and becomes an awesome mage of doom. He provides the space they need to not break.

Her endurance is also fueled by hope, which is not just in Shirou, but Rin as well. She hopes those people around her will save her, because she doesn't feel capable of doing it herself. That doesn't mean she doesn't do anything to fix her situation or make her own situation known. One of the big things she's doing to improve her situation is just hanging out at Shirou's, because it gives her a safe space. It isn't much but from her perspective that's all she can manage.
She has hope... that is that other people will fix her situation for her. Okay, I have hope that my teacher will give me nice score, but surprisingly, I need to actually take actions to realize that hope. It's just pointless self-pity and begging for sympathy when you say you have hope but not prove it with actions.

She could also get a safe space if she had tried to socialize better with others, or try to develop herself more as a person. Rather than cultivating the safe space by herself, it feels more like she's latching like a parasite into Shirou really.
Sakura is all about the right choices that hurt her though. Sakura's biggest problem is her feeling of powerlessness over her situation, her sense of self-worth is so absurdly low, and as you said that drives a lot of her decisions. The problem is that whole thought process warps her, so she see's herself as helpless to do anything. Yet despite that, she manages resistance. She refuses to take the role of Master because she doesn't want to harm her family (Non-blood actually care about her family), she ultimately makes a level of effort to make Rin and Shirou kill her(though Rider puts a stop to any attempt except Mind of Steel).
So she belief that there's nothing she could do nothing so she decides to do nothing and accept the situation, just waiting others' help or for the hopelessness to end. Right, I definitely admire her. I should just keep to myself and not try to rebel against my fate, even when it's better to just go big or go home with my situation.

You know what that reminds me? The Glass Prison which I quoted above. A major part of the second part of the song is that it has to be the person himself that takes the first and the last step, others can only support behind him. The next part in the Twelve-Step Suite even acknowledge that the narrator had a shitty life yet it still blames the immaturity and self-centeredness of the narrator.

...my god, Sakura's story really could fit the Twelve-Step Suite. No, seriously, look at it. It's just missing the part where the character tries to piece back their life by themselves though not without the help others. It really should have focused more on her than Shirou, the focus on Shirou instead of her just didn't do it justice.
HF is more human in that it forces Shirou to come to terms with what his ideals actually mean, and what he needs to be able to do to live up to them. The answer for him is no, it doesn't mean that that is the universal answer, hell, Saber already did.
My definition of 'being humane' isn't giving up, instead it would be that we are not perfect, but we can definitely do better. Humans are weak, but they can also become strong. Humans are flawed, but they have the potential to grow. Humans are selfish, but they can still do goods in spite of it. To me, humanity is best represented by potential, and the struggle to reach a better future. It's neutral, there are both good and bad, it's just a matter of perspective. And we definitely didn't get this far by wallowing in our weakness.

Perhaps it's because of this difference in view that HF doesn't feel great to me. I mean, compared to the previous routes this one just feels... pathetic? It would have been great if Shirou was actually shown the result of him choosing to save Sakura, but that plot thread aren't touched anymore after the Playground scene. We never even get to see any real consequence of his choice.

At least we could see how Shirou's belief puts him at odds with those important to him even if it is what draws them close to him at first in the other routes, but in HF that was done with in the Playground scene, so there should have been a replacement for it.
I think it's also important to note that overall the story doesn't really seem to believe it's own Ally of Justice thing, because the plots progressively dismiss it. It's a nice ideal, but to be able to live up to it, you need to become something like Kiritsugu or Archer, always doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. It is a ideal that can very easily slide towards self-destructive and inhumane behaviour. That doesn't mean it's not an ideal to strive towards, but that not everyone is capable of being Saber.
Something which I definitely do not agree, because from what I see, there are a lot of people who are Ally of Justice, who are trying to do good. The series portrayed it in a very narrow manner, like "Save one person you love or save 100 person you don't know," when in reality the situation are never that simple.

Taken in the context of the real world, it's definitely possible to pursue it. It just that you probably won't be able to do it if you are alone. As they said, an uncoordinated good will lose to a complex/coordinated evil; both Kiritsugu and Archer had always been alone, that's why they keep on failing. UBW Shirou was definitely not alone though, and Fate Shirou has the memories of Saber that supports him at the very least. It'll still be hard, sure, but there is no such thing as an excellent result without great effort.

Basically yeah, I agree that the story didn't believe that ideology, but it does so by giving us a narrow perspective, thus making it feels like the story is trying to force its believe to us by making up lies. So I rejected its reality, and takes it in my context of what I understand about the world.
I won't try and say Sakura is a perfectly written character, but I think you're applying the wrong lens to her. She is a interesting and deep character, but she is quieter then Illya and has less screen-time then Rin and Saber. Despite this we actually know quite a lot about her.

We know she values Shirou, she adores him because she see's him as this bright spot which can give her solace from what's bothering her. She hates how she feels like she isn't worthy of his kindness, she loves that he gives it anyway. She makes effort to make him happy. Her relationship with Rin is interesting as well, both loving her for the family she is desperate for and hating her for the abandonment she feels, frustrated that Rin never made the effort to actually reach out, yet aware that Rin does in fact care enough to stalk her. Or her relationship with Rider, who see in one another kindred spirits, Rider desperate to protect her from the worst of it.

I think even if she isn't an ideal to strive for, she is still an interesting person who is doing well in the situation she's in.
Sorry, but I think it's hard to change my lens for her. It's just a fundamental difference in how we both see and evaluate a person and a character. For me it's always how much I can relate to the character and how admirable they are, and I very much value actions and growth. Sakura didn't really fight in her condition, and she didn't really have much growth as a person and as a character, so I'm very meh about her.

At least with how she is used as a character in the story, anyway.
For me Heaven's Feel is the best route, because Sakura ties everything together. Without her the things I love about Rin don't exist, the stuff that makes me look at Shirou as something more then shonnen fight-man doesn't happen. Hell, without Sakura, we never get the Mind of Steel ending, AKA Rin kills everyone (that ending goes on like Shirou's going to kill everyone, but Rin's always been far more capable then him, I can't see him coming out on top with no Servant.)
The thing I love about Rin the most is how contradictory she is, how she's always vulnerable and weak when it counts. Her characterization prior to HF barely has a tie to Sakura, it's more tied to her father and how alone she is more than anything.

And I still don't understand this thing about 'shounen' stuff. Shirou's character is very much reliant on his determination and willpower, true, but a lot of character outside of shounen genre have heavy focus on their determination and willpower. His issues (survivor guilt and confirmation bias) aren't exactly something out of shounen. His way of fighting is basically exploiting the rules and using his power with some creativity/imagination, something that is more seinen than shounen. He never really has any Nakama and Power of Love thing, though the story does seem to point out that he needs other people to function, but that's basic human nature. What's exactly shounen about him???

I never liked Mind of Steel. It's basically Shirou regressing into Kiritsugu and Archer, which the story has previously warned not to become.
Also, Heaven's Feel is the only Route where Shirou actually takes his goal of limiting casualties seriously in the beginning.
Heaven's Feel is also the only route where Shirou gave up his ideals.[/QUOTE]
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In regards to HF Shirou choosing to become a family man instead of an "Ally of Justice"...

I believe I'll quote Druss the Legend on this subject.

"Of course you want to be a warrior. All boys do...it's why so many of them die before their time. But we're not that important...not really. Consider. The farmer tills the land and grows the crops that feed a city. Within the city's walls, children play, poets and artists create lasting works of beauty, and philosophers and priests bring learning to the people. And then comes the warrior, with a burning brand and a shining sword. He kills the farmer, sets fire to the crops, breaks open the city walls, rapes the wives and daughters, and sows hatred like a seed. When he comes, there are only two choices. Flee...or send for men like me."

"But you are a great warrior, and you aren't a raper or a murderer!"

"I make no excuses for what I am, lad. I wasn't strong enough to be a farmer."

-White Wolf, by David Gemmell
I wonder, what will come after the Fate/Stay Night is finished?

I am pretty sure what Nasuverse will continue to keep getting stuff animated - the question is, what is going be next once they are finished with Stay Night routes?

Ataraxia? Apocrypha? Extra? Tsukihime?
Maybe a story about the Five Magicians?

That's not a great characterization, in fact, that's a waste. Sakura could still exist, but she should have written better, with more diverse and deeper characterization.
How could she be written better?
Please let it be MahoYo.

I've already suggested following the Twelve-Step Suite. Though I've also said somewhere else that it could basically be done to every character that had any sort of deep problems

You mean Mahou Tsukai no Yoru?

I mean, a story including all five would need to be written before it got animated. And some of them are currently long dead.
I meant all five of them. Yes, it would need to be written first. Odds are some of them aren't going to be in the modern era. Like, the First Magician during the Age of Gods. Or the story of the last Third Magician before he died and his magic was lost. It would be nice to see Zelretch's beginning, and a story with him in modern times. A story of Aoko after she became the Fifth Magaician and started adventuring around the world. A story maybe about the Fourth Magician that takes place a few hundred years from now. Stuff like that would be pretty cool.
In regards to HF Shirou choosing to become a family man instead of an "Ally of Justice"...

I believe I'll quote Druss the Legend on this subject.

"Of course you want to be a warrior. All boys do...it's why so many of them die before their time. But we're not that important...not really. Consider. The farmer tills the land and grows the crops that feed a city. Within the city's walls, children play, poets and artists create lasting works of beauty, and philosophers and priests bring learning to the people. And then comes the warrior, with a burning brand and a shining sword. He kills the farmer, sets fire to the crops, breaks open the city walls, rapes the wives and daughters, and sows hatred like a seed. When he comes, there are only two choices. Flee...or send for men like me."

"But you are a great warrior, and you aren't a raper or a murderer!"

"I make no excuses for what I am, lad. I wasn't strong enough to be a farmer."

-White Wolf, by David Gemmell

Uh, I don't get what you're trying to say. Elaborate please?
I meant all five of them. Yes, it would need to be written first. Odds are some of them aren't going to be in the modern era. Like, the First Magician during the Age of Gods. Or the story of the last Third Magician before he died and his magic was lost. It would be nice to see Zelretch's beginning, and a story with him in modern times. A story of Aoko after she became the Fifth Magaician and started adventuring around the world. A story maybe about the Fourth Magician that takes place a few hundred years from now. Stuff like that would be pretty cool.

I recall Nasu saying something about requiring a budget that would make Mahouyo cry if he was going to do the fight between Zelretch and Crimson Moon justice.

And any story about Zel's past would be obligated to show that.