How was the experience of the whole thing? Good? Bad? Meh, overhyped?
I was young and can't remember much. I recently rewatched some of Anakin's scenes because I didn't recall his actor being that bad.

Holy shit was I wrong.

Jar Jar didn't really annoy me that much, I was wondering why Yoda being the Jedi master Luke was seeking was such a big secret, and I felt the special effects were terrible. Of course, I didn't know when SW had been made at the time.

Overall, I thought it was good, but still nothing to get terribly excited over.
By the way, anyone felt amused by how they were working to hard to hide Shirou's face. Making him "Mysterious". :grin:
By the way, anyone felt amused by how they were working to hard to hide Shirou's face. Making him "Mysterious". :grin:
I think it was just to keep the focus on Rin, actually, since this episode is meant to be centered on her. Everyone already knows who the ganked guy was.

On a slightly unrelated note, this is what I was expecting when I saw Cuchulainn swing Gae Bolg.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. All I'm seeing is Epic Fail.
I'm saying that I was expecting Lancer to kill himself by accident due to his E rank Luck. The title, which is in mandarin, is making a reference to Lancer's E rank Luck. Note how it's been edited.

I only brought it up because I just finished watching the episode and Lancer swinging his spear brought this to mind.
Just watched the 0th Episode and... they're really turning Rin into a moe-blob, aren't they?
Yeah, I mean its cute and funny, but after a while you start to think, "This Rin is too easy."

Where is the scary, troll smirking, calculating badass lady we hear about? Then again, its only the first episode, so we'll probably see more situation where she shows how good she is. Although managing to run away from Lancer was pretty badass on its own.
Yeah, I mean its cute and funny, but after a while you start to think, "This Rin is too easy."

Where is the scary, troll smirking, calculating badass lady we hear about? Then again, its only the first episode, so we'll probably see more situation where she shows how good she is. Although managing to run away from Lancer was pretty badass on its own.
Eh, we got that in the scene with the infamous Black Panther of Fuyuki. Who is fantastic, but unfortunately irrelevant to the story. :(

Isn't it sad, Kaede-chan?
This looks amazing. I've been saving for a while, and was going to be buying the Great White Book and the Kill La Kill LEs, but now I have to set a few hundred dollars aside to feed the Aniplex demons.

Just watched the 0th Episode and... they're really turning Rin into a moe-blob, aren't they?
Well, her role in the prologue was to have expository speeches, get angry at Archer, blush when Archer charms her, and save Shirou.

So, 4/4 so far.
I think it's easy to put whatever you imagine on top of Rin's behavior because we don't see her face during the VN prologue.

But, I did feel she was just a little less cool and reserved than I'd imagined, too--only in the sense that I'd remembered her being somewhat cooler early on before more of her true personality came out later.

That said, we did see some things that are more contextual. She lies shamelessly and effortlessly to the other girl at lunch, for instance. That was very Rin.
Normally we see Rin from the outside. It's like how everyone at school thinks she's a brilliant and perfect model student, when in reality she's actually a brilliant and lazy slob. That said, the actual real Rin is the one we see in the confrontation with Lancer - 'Archer, you'll get no help from me, show me what you've got', 'I'll sit with you until your time comes'.
I have to say, the Archer Lancer fight tops anything in Fate/Zero and even Kara No Kyoukai.
Heresy. The Lancer/Archer Fight, while brilliant, is not better then the Paradox Spiral Fight Scenes.
I find myself more draw in by this fight however. Not saying that the other fights are bad when they're not but this fight has me rewatching it multiple times.

Also I noticed that Run still have Gilgamesh's catalyst for use in her summoning ritual.

Gilgamesh vs Gilgamesh?
Double post, but I just found this:

Nasu's live comment on UBW Episode 00 said:
Translated by @deepbluejeer
Episode 00: Prologue - Welcome, everyone watching the TV broadcast. The Nico Nico live broadcast starts at 25:00! And the original author, Kinoku Nasu-san, will livetweet the broadcast!
I have coffee prepared in one hand.
How's this for dandyism? With that smile, you can tell that this is the protagonist's reliable tutor.
But after that, this person will die! Being dandy just isn't enough after all!
How's this for Rin's cuteness? It's the best, no matter how you look at it...
And here we have an (falcon-like) expression. Rin Tohsaka. Currently a magician in hiding, right now she's the true star of this show!
Who is this beauty? (Perplexed)
A noble lady's morning now begins~!
And here we have the familiar Tohsaka basement. If this were Dark Souls, there'd be a hidden passage somewhere.
How heartwarming the Tohsaka mansion has become after Tokiomi's death! No matter how you look at it, this is a magician's house.
Ah, but how overgrown this house has become after ten years. Rin must have thought that hiring a gardener was too much of a luxury. But it's okay; in ten minutes, a pro butler will arrive who'll help with not just the garden, but with all kinds of housework!
That said, here's the title screen. Unlimited Blade Works - a special episode centering on Rin - begins softly.
Rin: "...It's too quiet, though."
Nah, it's always been too beautiful, hasn't it?
And you're Cure Ma--, no, Mitzusuri-san! Ayako Mitsuzuri, president of the Archery Club and Rin's partner-in-crime.
Forehead tap!
! (Calm down, all you gentlemen whose love for anime characters is unrequited)
Yup, a perfect mob character underclassman without no suspicious traits whatsoever.
Shinji! An unwavering gentleman through all of Fate's ten years! So perfect~! Embrace me~!
What's with this Shinji guy... he's moving more than he should be! This guy must be a chihuahua! Or more like a breasts kind of guy; what a disappointing man!
//This is either a typo or an untranslatable pun - チワワ→チチワ; チチワ only gives me something about fishing
A strong "No!" from Tohsaka!
Ryuudou Issei (in kanji and hiragana). Student council president. Son of the Ryuudou Temple's head priest.
What a saintly voice for this president though! Can't say I'd expect this dignity from a senior student...
And he shows up: A freshly-made, perfect mob character.
Winter! It's currently winter in the show!
I can't handle this strange sense of distance.
This guy's doing his best paying attention to Rin by greeting her. Like, "You're here so early in the morning. So great of you."
Azaka! That's Azaka, isn't it?!
And Super Himu Time is starting!
Makiji's lunch is overflowing with a maiden's energy that I can't help but laugh (lol)
This black panther's so cute though...
The galge aura is overflowing! But that's okay.
Up front: a perfect student; in private: always lonely. That you have to be both is one of the difficult parts of being from a famous lineage of magicians.
Oh, it's the cast-off skin of a snake that a certain Hero ate!
Hey, the Kaleidostick isn't here.
Let's put off the difficult explanations of Rin's words for later. For now, please leave it vague and just roll with the feeling.
Ah, answering machines, how nostalgic. It's 2004 in the show right now; 2004!
It's me. (lol)
An almost manly way of hanging up without any regrets. This is the height of her Kirei-ignoring powers.
Miniskirt! Kneesocks! The Rin that we know has arrived!
Can't see (won't unravel)
Are spell incantations that important? Well of course they are; it's a ritual. You put in your password in your smartphones, don't you? It's pretty much the same thing.
Why can't we see? (part 2)
So, is everyone ready?
What a suspicious person! (lol)
This stylish suspicious person looks so self-important though...
Everything about this girl is so erotic though.
The reason why this living room is so messed up is because of the shock from this suspicious person being mistakenly summoned above ground.
This is not Mr. Redcoat's fault; it's Ms. Kneesocks's thoughtlessness.
Can't you just say "I'll be in the front lines while you just stay behind me and watch" honestly?
Fitting words from a Servant.
But Archer isn't blameless.
Without second thoughts, Rin is cute!
Rin is cute while contemplating!
Command Spells. Rights to three absolute orders.
In short, a very powerful billing item! You can only use it thrice, but just once will allow almost all impossibilities to happen! But Servants are already way above the Master's level to begin with, so you only leave some for when it's incredibly important to *******; this is fundamental knowledge for the Holy Grail War!
Rin's embarrassed contemplations are also cute!
Will raise you up and let you down: this is the handsome guy's modus operandi. Please be careful.
More precisely, prana is a form of energy for the Servant's activities. It's also an important "keystone" for the contract with a Master to remain active in this world.
Once a Master disappears, the Servant has to use this "keystone" to remain in existence, but will then vanish soon enough.
If the catalyst used for summoning was a relic rather than a concept, the relic can also act as a keystone, and the summoning becomes closer to perfection.
Fate/stay night: The End.
Please look forward to Tohsaka-sensei's next battle.
What a great story!
But the story of the tsundere (obsolete term) continues.
But. Why. Can't. We. See.
So easy! what I thought, but anyone would fall for it if said in Suwabe's voice.
A pleasant before/after: [????] (かーらーのぉ), Royal Copenhagen Teaset! So perfect that Rin. Will. Die.
This is a baton pass to Hollow Ataraxia after.
Rin can see "that guy" from this height because of her eyesight being reinforced by prana. Reinforcing your five senses or your body is one of the basics of the basics of being a magician.
It's not that she doesn't have a wish, but rather she won't wish for anything she can't get with her own efforts, is Rin's pragmatic point of view.
And this wild animal-like simplicity. Like a gazelle running through a savannah, huh.
I'm just reaffirming this, but there's no mistaking Rin as the heroine.
A commonplace scene. No matter how you look at it, this is a scene where a foreigner is being shown the way. A common scene in Asakusa.
The passionate priest whose job is cleverly gathering information. There's such a thing as working too hard.
It's a bit difficult to understand, so I'll supplement: Rin knows how many (formal) magicians there are in Fuyuki City, and that she confirmed beforehand that within the school, no magicians who are also on track to being Masters are within the school.
Within two years, Rin had been managing the school and Fuyuki City, so she's especially unforgiving of "whoever trespassed into the school yesterday". But, well, Rin was absent yesterday, so her opponent must have went "HYAHAHA IT'S MY CHANCE".
Thanks for waiting. Now begins the real thing.
If this suspicious blue guy in tights wasn't a Servant, that would be real trouble.
Who called this guy a not-handsome Lancer? This Lancer's plenty handsome! (delight)
An intense battle scene. I'm so happy I could die.
The battle's mood is a wonderful Chinese martial arts-like swordfight; with that said, Lancer makes use of his incredible speed and plain strength as weapons. This is action where you can tell that with one blow.
The suspicious person loitering within campus ran away. Everyone, please be careful when staying out late at night!
Lancer wastes no time in going out to kill. What very efficient movement.
She didn't think of saving someone because they were dying; she thought of saving them because there's a life to save.
...Her ten years worth of savings for winning the war just went down the drain though!
The reasons why Rin thoughtlessly left the jewel behind are the savings (prana) that Rin left inside the jewel had pretty much vanished, and the regret from using up ten years worth of savings is still spinning in her head. I'm such a moron.
Saber's entry sure has no hesitation!
And here we have the preview. Yup, they've caught everything perfectly!
A wonderful first episode! To the director and all the staff, good job, good job!
Rin's prologue now ends here. The main story begins next episode, so please look forward to it!
I don't mind people who want to actually enjoy something, but I hate people who are barely informed and try to act high and mighty (secondaries, Zero only, Prisma only, etc.) or even worse people who are merely fans of the fanbase and have only skimmed the wiki (tertiaries). Whenever I see someone who wants to get into Type Moon stuff, I usually try to help them and stop them from becoming secondaries. You will not believe the amount of secondaries who oppose watching the prequel AFTER watching the main work or who believe that the Butcher is utterly infallible. Secondaries and tertiaries add nothing to discussion and those who refuse to change their ways should never have their opinions taken seriously and laughed at at every opportunity.
I'm sorry, I can't hear your hypocritical bitchery over the laughter of the non-anime/LN/VN Karna, Cu Chulainn, Alexander the Great, King Arthur, Erzsebet Bathory, Tamamo-no-Mae, Frankenstein's Monster, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Vlad Tepes, Gilles de Rais, Sasaki Kojiro, and Herakles.

The original Gilgamesh invited us over to MST3K the new anime. :D
Eh, it's like . . . expected of Irish heroes or something. Even the kings of the Tuatha de Danann drop like flies.
The Irish kinda operate on the logic that if you didn't have to die to accomplish your final badass feat, it wasn't really that badass.
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I'm trying to make heads or tails out of what you posted but I'm failing pretty hard.