We're probably not going to find anyone in this thread who has no exposure to nasu-verse. Someone make a thread in the chat lounge or something as a call to arms
So any luck with finding sacrifices volunteers to do a In Which I Watch?
So, looking round the internet and it seems that the Rin x Archer shipping has started already.

Seeing the reactions of the people who've only watched the Zero anime when it ends with Rin x Shirou and the revelation of Archer's identity, is probably going to be either hilarious or tragic.
So, looking round the internet and it seems that the Rin x Archer shipping has started already.

Seeing the reactions of the people who've only watched the Zero anime when it ends with Rin x Shirou and the revelation of Archer's identity, is probably going to be either hilarious or tragic.
Why not both? I enjoy watching secondaries being retards. It is fun.
Just got done watching the prologue episode, and whoa. For those of you whose experience of the F/SN franchise thus far has been limited to the anime, this episode is basically a direct, uncut adaptation of the prologue to the actual game, for the first time ever. IIRC, the first F/SN anime skipped over this entirely, and the UBW movie condensed it into a two minute montage. I really should play through the game again... (I only got something like two thirds of the way through the Fate arc last time, it's a very very long read.)
I really should play through the game again... (I only got something like two thirds of the way through the Fate arc last time, it's a very very long read.)
I'd been procrastinating a bit when it came to reading the VN, but then a few days ago I realised that I couldn't watch the anime before I read it. So I acquired Realta Nua, managed to get through Fate, and was reading through UBW last night (up to day 7) when I realised that I still had a week because the first episode was just the prologue.
Dear Lord in Heaven. The new F/S anime starts slower than Zero?

Because I almost gave up on Zero in episode 1, during the "Risei and Tohsaka walk in circles around Kotomine spouting exposition for nine hours straight!" sequence.

Also, Rin x Lancer OTP. All other pairings will be cast into the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
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And thus we see the more toxic elements of the Type-Moon fanbase emerge.
I don't mind people who want to actually enjoy something, but I hate people who are barely informed and try to act high and mighty (secondaries, Zero only, Prisma only, etc.) or even worse people who are merely fans of the fanbase and have only skimmed the wiki (tertiaries). Whenever I see someone who wants to get into Type Moon stuff, I usually try to help them and stop them from becoming secondaries. You will not believe the amount of secondaries who oppose watching the prequel AFTER watching the main work or who believe that the Butcher is utterly infallible. Secondaries and tertiaries add nothing to discussion and those who refuse to change their ways should never have their opinions taken seriously and laughed at at every opportunity.
Mind linking? I'd like to as I anticipate the tears.

I second this
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I don't mind people who want to actually enjoy something, but I hate people who are barely informed and try to act high and mighty (secondaries, Zero only, Prisma only, etc.) or even worse people who are merely fans of the fanbase and have only skimmed the wiki (tertiaries). Whenever I see someone who wants to get into Type Moon stuff, I usually try to help them and stop them from becoming secondaries.
Not everyone wants to read a poorly translated visual novel and might just enjoy the much easier to get into (and better translated) parts of the franchise. Perhaps there are a few people who haven't read the VN and are annoying, but overwhelming the word secondaries is used by people who want to feel superior because they read the VN. Go back to /a/ if you want to whine about secondaries ruining your precious Type-Moon.