Try to survive the Winter: A planquest in Fantasy Colonial America

Oldshadow didn't state outright that there are new colonists, but given that not indicating how to deal with them is a big mistake, it doesn't take a genius to figure out the implications.

As for the possibility of hero dice, I'm not saying that they're going to be at the Prince's or Failure's level, but I think someone as skilled as Sara back in Turn 1 is definitely possible.
he didn't say it was a big mistake just that they improvise cause of course the first ship to europe after telling them things are shit is gonna ask about potential new colonist
It'll be pretty difficult to see our religious rituals as Satan worship when we're openly praising God and his saints during the whole thing. The biggest danger with the traders is if they walk in partway through and thus go in without the proper context.

As for them not being a hero character, you yourself have pointed out that detecting the supernatural is a rare skill. As such, it's not unreasonable to expect that someone possessing said power has a better-than-even chance of being a hero character.

Most aspects of Union will attract negative reactions, no matter what you do, but not enough to break contact or bring violence.

Do not invite the visitors to anything religious in Union. This is the time where one can the most easily see and hear the dead.

Hide the Blades, hide obviously supernatural stuff. Most people can't detect spirits, especially if they do not speak to you. Seeing the Blades would cause panic and potentially provoke a conflict.
if it was siimpyl as them staying the whole time and praising god it wouldn't be so simple and sure they have better chance but no chance

I think you're missing my point. The most prominent path to supernatural power in Europe is through Theurgy, calling upon God's power. Therefore, if someone from Europe has a supernatural power, they probably got it through that method. Such a person would be very useful for unlocking Faith actions, and might even help us out with theology if we're lucky. A priest was merely the first such person who came to my mind.
we don't know that though? this is just speculation that given old shadows comment on the rarity of priest with powers and there only being a few supernaturla powers may not be at all

That's why I want to be careful about who we do accept. Being openly selective should stem the tide somewhat. We have one hell of an excuse too, we don't want anyone we don't think can survive the Winter. Also, we know that there's multiple factions involved, so it's likely that the Captain isn't the one outfitting the colonists.
if we don't do our best to make the old world look terrible and then say they can't come here then after all the effort they went through they will go elsewhere. Also if the captain is deserpate it likely other parties onboard are too since the captain isn't being paied well

It's a matter of scale. We have WoG that this expedition was financed by a group of nobles and merchants who were trying to save their behinds by claiming a bunch of land for King and Country. The idea was to set up a town first, then send wave after wave of migrants to conquer as much countryside as possible. Seeing as this is the first European contact we've had since then, and their poor position prior to this, I don't think they are in good shape. Verge of bankruptcy is a far more likely scenario, assuming they're still around at all.
they were in a poor poltiical postion not a poor econcminic one
Not really. The colony business is a dangerous one. Death is only to be expected, which would rather lower the heat such a death would bring. Or we could just have him be haunted day and night to ensure he doesn't do anything we don't want him to do.
when they are impormant offical that likely would outright refuse to go out town or anything it raise some eyebrows and prob sending more/more experince one
Looks at how many early colonies were founded as a result of religious turmoil in Europe. I don't think increased instability versus otl will serve as a retardant for colonization efforts. If anything, I suspect that it will accelerate matters in that regard, what with significantly more people who have very little to lose by joining/sponsoring a colony.
still need actually money and backer to succesufly finaaice a colony or anything which would out balance that and likely mean that evenn without interfence more colonies being founded would go just like real life

Speak for yourself. If a New England colony opens one of the multitude of Pandora's boxes North America provides we'll still have to deal with the consequences. It's just we will have a whole lot less of an ability to stop matters before they reach that point.
it have late game consquues or something that this quest might never ever reach or have to think about
he didn't say it was a big mistake just that they improvise cause of course the first ship to europe after telling them things are shit is gonna ask about potential new colonist
Still, we know that there are multiple interest groups onboard. Aside from trade, the only other thing to do around these parts is settle down. So yeah, we can be reasonably confident that some aboard the ship are looking to stay.
if it was siimpyl as them staying the whole time and praising god it wouldn't be so simple and sure they have better chance but no chance
Fair point, but we've still got a fair few things going for us. We can lay groundwork over time to make the newcomers more accepting of our quirks. The inability of said guests to contact the Old World without a ship passing by (which should be quite rare) helps as well. The fact that we can probably keep things covert until Winter hits (at which time everyone has much bigger problems to worry about) helps even more.
we don't know that though? this is just speculation that given old shadows comment on the rarity of priest with powers and there only being a few supernaturla powers may not be at all
This isn't certain, no denying that. It's quite possible that said person got their powers after escaping a Fey realm or something of that nature. However, Christianity is not noted for its tolerance of rivals, especially in this era. So yeah, I think it's fair to suspect that said individual got their supernatural sensitivity through piety. It's not guaranteed mind you, I'm not adjusting my Turn 8 plans for Faith actions or the like, but when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras.
if we don't do our best to make the old world look terrible and then say they can't come here then after all the effort they went through they will go elsewhere. Also if the captain is deserpate it likely other parties onboard are too since the captain isn't being paied well
That "elsewhere" is what I'm worried about. The consequences may take a while to come about (although I think 13 years to the next settlement is ridiculously optimistic), but the consequences are severe enough that it's not something we can just ignore.

As for those onboard, of course they are desperate. You don't settle the New World unless you are desperate, as demonstrated by the starting options. However, being desperate doesn't necessarily mean they are poorly equipped. They could just prefer to spend their limited resources on survival equipment rather than paying a lot to the captain doing the transporting.
they were in a poor poltiical postion not a poor econcminic one
The two are pretty closely correlated though. Throw in the fact that a single Fluyt can't hold all that many people, the 3 year delay and the apparent rush Johnstown's backers were in to claim as much clay as possible in 5-10 years, and we can reasonably assume that said company did not do well after Johnstown went bust.
when they are impormant offical that likely would outright refuse to go out town or anything it raise some eyebrows and prob sending more/more experince one
There's a phrase for people who won't leave Union without an armed escort. They're called "sane".
still need actually money and backer to succesufly finaaice a colony or anything which would out balance that and likely mean that evenn without interfence more colonies being founded would go just like real life
The Dual Monarchy is not what you would describe as stable, true. However, the area being a powder keg isn't enough to stop folks from making money. Once said powder keg explodes is another matter, but for now, finding folks to finance a colony out of patriotism, religion, or just needing to be on another continent after a political disaster shouldn't be that much more difficult than otl.

Also, from a Doylist perspective, rival colonies are an interesting enough narrative hook that I can't see Oldshadow waiting forty more turns to deploy them.
Nice, even if, of course, I cannot say how canon this omake is.
Do you have another question ?
At some point probably, but I'll save it until the next update pops.

still need actually money and backer to succesufly finaaice a colony or anything which would out balance that and likely mean that evenn without interfence more colonies being founded would go just like real life
On the other hand of this, if we can get in a position that we are able to accept and assimilate colonists, we could get a steady push of immigrants. Joining an existing colony is a lot easier of a sell than founding your own, especially with how even more difficult it is for a new colony to survive.

Granted, the making sure we can assimilate colonists instead of being sidelined by the sheer number of new arrivals is the important part.

it have late game consquues or something that this quest might never ever reach or have to think about
I'm not so sure. The locations of where the Vikings likely landed and so where Vinland was settled are very far north, much further north than New England. If Winter could still rouse their dead to attack us, then a fallen New England colony could also have its victims turned into attackers against us in short order.

And in the CYOA this Quest is partially based off of, one of the threats in Winter is literally "former people from other failed colonies who have sold out to Winter."
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@Chimeraguard Just a suggestion for a future OOC question if you don´t mind (obviously for after this miniturn, I think most OOC questions would be better used for helping with this particular endeavor)...

I think that before Unleashing Fire this summer we should know its risks and how to minimize them, because if it goes well we could double tap it, get another mandate done by the end of summer, and get extra help this winter... But fire being fire and with our allies being trees this could backfire spectacularly...
-[-] Unleash Fire
In Summer, when the heat is high, and the woods dry…
Well, that's something I'd like to see the description for Unleash Fire first. I can definitely see the risks, but I imagine that our people would actually know about those risks since they're pretty logical ones.

Though I'm honestly not sure if we can spare the dice for Unleash Fire. Hopefully it requires pretty low progress. But we're not exactly short on wood after Joining the Battles, and the Sun-Loving Woods already have a solid advantage in the war for the rest of the year until Winter. So it may be best to dedicate our dice elsewhere next turn. We still have a lot of stuff that needs doing, especially with regards to setting up for our work next year.
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An examination of the Vile and Treacherous Undead Sworn to the Unholy Heretics of Union
It seems my ever-fickle muse liked my previous annotated omake, and wants me to write another. This time it's excerpts from a (translated) Spanish bestiary of rather dubious quality being annotated by a relatively contemporary Union author. It is obviously written after Union has grown significantly in both strength and infamy. No idea what reward I want though.
An examination of the Vile and Treacherous Undead Sworn to the Unholy Heretics of Union.[1]
By Fernando Alvarez
Annotations by Grace Algon
The Black Fleet of Deadport
The necromancers of Union are not satisfied with merely compelling the dead on land. Those souls unfortunate enough to die at sea near Union territory are doomed to be press-ganged by the Black Fleet[2]. Said undead have long preyed upon New Spain in search of new souls to sacrifice[3].

I can personally attest to their villainy. My father was a pious man, beloved by the community[4]. He kindly opened his home to many souls from Savage Africa, and offered food, shelter, and salvation in exchange for some good honest labor[5]. However said generosity of spirit attracted the attention of the Black Fleet. They came upon us in the dead of night. Through bound spirits, defenses had been observed and sabotaged[6]. I managed by some miracle to flee, and when I returned with help, my father was dead and the cowards had fled to Port Royal with their cargo of souls. I've no doubt that the Dual Monarchy whoresons who run the place welcomed them with open arms[7].

As such, it is with great pleasure that I shall now explain how to avoid the attention of the Black Fleet. The trick is to remember that, while their combat and maritime skills remain intact, the bound dead lack the intelligence they had in life. As such all one needs to do is to fool the magic guiding them. A skeletal figurehead at sea or some dead slaves hung along the coast on land should avoid casual examination. If the Black Fleet is specifically targeting you though then one must place their faith in the Lord Above. Pray to Him to protect you, and, should your faith be true, He will hide you from their sight [8]. That's how my older brother survived.
The unholy acts of Union were not without consequences. Many souls of New Spain were horrified by what they heard and vowed to set things right[10]. In retaliation the vile necromancers of Union slew them and bound their souls[11]. They maintain the lethal skills they held in life, but they have one weakness. The foul necromancers unintentionally imbued upon those poor souls the dark sorcerers' own greed. As such the simple throwing of a coin can distract one long enough to escape or deal a telling blow[12]. What the witches of Union use the gold to buy I shudder to imagine[13].

[1] Mr. Alvarez obviously doesn't believe in the importance of brevity in terms of Titles.
[2] Despite what this moron believes, the Union Navy is an entirely volunteer organization, be the sailors alive or dead.
[3] Odd way to describe liberating slaves.
[4] His old man was also one of the most infamously brutal and cruel slave owners in Hispaniola, which is no small feat.
[5] I feel distinctly ill.
[6] The use of spirits for reconnaissance and sabotage is actually fairly rare. I'm not an expert on the subject, but apparently the sea water screws with the range enough that the Black Ship has to stay too close for comfort to compensate. Far easier to bribe someone to weaken the defenses. Gold fever makes it depressingly easy to pay a trusted friend or family member to betray the target. I wonder how Fernando would react if he discovered that his older brother was responsible for sabotaging the alarm bells.
[7] "Welcome" is a stretch. Port Royal is probably the greatest hive of scum and villainy in the New World. As such, while they'll tolerate anyone if the price is right, but the closest thing you'll get to a welcome is a prostitute stabbing you in a dark alley.
[8] So that's why so many captured slave ships have been sporting skeletal figureheads lately. It says something about the self-righteousness of slavers that they think God will protect them despite them committing and/or encouraging just about all the Seven Deadly Sins.
[9] Why are these guys even here in the undead section? Goldthirsters are very much alive, and you don't need to be a Mourner to figure that out. Just shoot or stab one, and watch the blood flow. Don't touch the blood though, it's exceedingly cursed, especially in older goldthirsters.
[10] In other words, some conquistadors discovered how valuable Union's resources were and decided to invade.
[11] This is blatant propaganda. Sure, we killed quite a few of these would-be conquerors, but those did not become goldthirsters. What actually happened was that the survivors were caught unawares by Winter and forced to swear allegiance in order to survive.
[12] Wow, Fernandez actually gives accurate survival advice here. You can distract a Goldthirster long enough by throwing them a coin, as their Gold Fever has only grown worse over time. Of course, Goldthirsters can detect gold from quite some distance away, so you'd better run quickly or go for the kill.
[13] Goldthirsters actually eat gold, with cursed gold being particularly favored. Said gold is tainted if it's not already and entered into the goldthirster's bloodstream. It's what makes said blood so dangerous.
I will note that long-ass titles for books and pamphlets was the norm pretty much everywhere in this period. You got lots of stuff with titles that look like something from a light novel.
I mean If we are not trying to Burn the Lesser Pit this year we should have enough dice for that...
I'm confident that we can. I'm significantly less confident that we should. There's a lot that needs doing next turn, and I'm not sure supporting the Voices is a good move given their dominant position and our lack of need for wood rn. Personally, I'd rather use the Burn the Lesser Pit dice to make a big push towards getting our domestic gunpowder supply up and running.
I will note that long-ass titles for books and pamphlets was the norm pretty much everywhere in this period. You got lots of stuff with titles that look like something from a light novel.
I am actually aware of that, but I just couldn't resist the cheap shot.
This reminds me, how are the eskimo and other artic tribes dealing with Winter? Are they so used to it that Winter just considers them part of the family?
I mean, I'm not sure that Winter, the actual entity, really extends all the way to the North Pole? It sounds like dangerous paranormal hot spots and 'cool spots' tend to be at least sort of limited to regions. Something a few hundred kilometers across.

It's entirely possible that the winters up in the equivalent of OTL Maine are relatively normal compared to what we're dealing with.
It seems my ever-fickle muse liked my previous annotated omake, and wants me to write another. This time it's excerpts from a (translated) Spanish bestiary of rather dubious quality being annotated by a relatively contemporary Union author. It is obviously written after Union has grown significantly in both strength and infamy. No idea what reward I want though.
An examination of the Vile and Treacherous Undead Sworn to the Unholy Heretics of Union.[1]
By Fernando Alvarez
Annotations by Grace Algon
The Black Fleet of Deadport
The necromancers of Union are not satisfied with merely compelling the dead on land. Those souls unfortunate enough to die at sea near Union territory are doomed to be press-ganged by the Black Fleet[2]. Said undead have long preyed upon New Spain in search of new souls to sacrifice[3].

I can personally attest to their villainy. My father was a pious man, beloved by the community[4]. He kindly opened his home to many souls from Savage Africa, and offered food, shelter, and salvation in exchange for some good honest labor[5]. However said generosity of spirit attracted the attention of the Black Fleet. They came upon us in the dead of night. Through bound spirits, defenses had been observed and sabotaged[6]. I managed by some miracle to flee, and when I returned with help, my father was dead and the cowards had fled to Port Royal with their cargo of souls. I've no doubt that the Dual Monarchy whoresons who run the place welcomed them with open arms[7].

As such, it is with great pleasure that I shall now explain how to avoid the attention of the Black Fleet. The trick is to remember that, while their combat and maritime skills remain intact, the bound dead lack the intelligence they had in life. As such all one needs to do is to fool the magic guiding them. A skeletal figurehead at sea or some dead slaves hung along the coast on land should avoid casual examination. If the Black Fleet is specifically targeting you though then one must place their faith in the Lord Above. Pray to Him to protect you, and, should your faith be true, He will hide you from their sight [8]. That's how my older brother survived.
The unholy acts of Union were not without consequences. Many souls of New Spain were horrified by what they heard and vowed to set things right[10]. In retaliation the vile necromancers of Union slew them and bound their souls[11]. They maintain the lethal skills they held in life, but they have one weakness. The foul necromancers unintentionally imbued upon those poor souls the dark sorcerers' own greed. As such the simple throwing of a coin can distract one long enough to escape or deal a telling blow[12]. What the witches of Union use the gold to buy I shudder to imagine[13].

[1] Mr. Alvarez obviously doesn't believe in the importance of brevity in terms of Titles.
[2] Despite what this moron believes, the Union Navy is an entirely volunteer organization, be the sailors alive or dead.
[3] Odd way to describe liberating slaves.
[4] His old man was also one of the most infamously brutal and cruel slave owners in Hispaniola, which is no small feat.
[5] I feel distinctly ill.
[6] The use of spirits for reconnaissance and sabotage is actually fairly rare. I'm not an expert on the subject, but apparently the sea water screws with the range enough that the Black Ship has to stay too close for comfort to compensate. Far easier to bribe someone to weaken the defenses. Gold fever makes it depressingly easy to pay a trusted friend or family member to betray the target. I wonder how Fernando would react if he discovered that his older brother was responsible for sabotaging the alarm bells.
[7] "Welcome" is a stretch. Port Royal is probably the greatest hive of scum and villainy in the New World. As such, while they'll tolerate anyone if the price is right, but the closest thing you'll get to a welcome is a prostitute stabbing you in a dark alley.
[8] So that's why so many captured slave ships have been sporting skeletal figureheads lately. It says something about the self-righteousness of slavers that they think God will protect them despite them committing and/or encouraging just about all the Seven Deadly Sins.
[9] Why are these guys even here in the undead section? Goldthirsters are very much alive, and you don't need to be a Mourner to figure that out. Just shoot or stab one, and watch the blood flow. Don't touch the blood though, it's exceedingly cursed, especially in older goldthirsters.
[10] In other words, some conquistadors discovered how valuable Union's resources were and decided to invade.
[11] This is blatant propaganda. Sure, we killed quite a few of these would-be conquerors, but those did not become goldthirsters. What actually happened was that the survivors were caught unawares by Winter and forced to swear allegiance in order to survive.
[12] Wow, Fernandez actually gives accurate survival advice here. You can distract a Goldthirster long enough by throwing them a coin, as their Gold Fever has only grown worse over time. Of course, Goldthirsters can detect gold from quite some distance away, so you'd better run quickly or go for the kill.
[13] Goldthirsters actually eat gold, with cursed gold being particularly favored. Said gold is tainted if it's not already and entered into the goldthirster's bloodstream. It's what makes said blood so dangerous.
Fine omake.

I could completely see some factions in Spain using enemies factions as scapegoats for the Gold Fever.
"It is not because of gold, it is because of indigenous corruption/Union's dark arts/Protestants heresy".

Do you have a question or do you want a bonus ?
I'm confident that we can. I'm significantly less confident that we should. There's a lot that needs doing next turn, and I'm not sure supporting the Voices is a good move given their dominant position and our lack of need for wood rn. Personally, I'd rather use the Burn the Lesser Pit dice to make a big push towards getting our domestic gunpowder supply up and running.
Well, IIRC the Gunpowder actions can only be done with Craft points and we can only put an extra dice on that... I agree that setting a proper local source of gunpowder ASAP is essential but we are severely limited on how much we can advance per turn and unfortunately, we can only throw an extra dice per turn to speed things up.

Plus if we end up trading with the colonists we are likely to get as much gunpowder as we can buy, and that is going to reduce significantly our urgency for getting the gunpowder thing going.
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I mean, I'm not sure that Winter, the actual entity, really extends all the way to the North Pole? It sounds like dangerous paranormal hot spots and 'cool spots' tend to be at least sort of limited to regions. Something a few hundred kilometers across.
Considering that shadow only replied with "spoilers", something is going on up there. Probably nothing good.
Well, IIRC the Gunpowder actions can only be done with Craft points and we can only put an extra dice on that... I agree that setting a proper local source of gunpowder ASAP is essential but we are severely limited on how much we can advance per turn and unfortunately, we can only throw an extra dice per turn to speed things up.

Plus if we end up trading with the colonists we are likely to get as much gunpowder as we can buy, and that is going to reduce significantly our urgency for getting the gunpowder thing going.
There's the Sulfur Paths, but I see your point. I still think we have higher priority projects available though.
You can technically keep a question on hold, and let´s be honest depending on what we discover about what is going on in the next update it would be pretty useful to have an OOC question prepared to use...
I actually already have one ready to go, but I suppose a second one won't go amiss. Assuming the changing of my answer is alright with @OldShadow of course.
Well, IIRC the Gunpowder actions can only be done with Craft points and we can only put an extra dice on that... I agree that setting a proper local source of gunpowder ASAP is essential but we are severely limited on how much we can advance per turn and unfortunately, we can only throw an extra dice per turn to speed things up.

Plus if we end up trading with the colonists we are likely to get as much gunpowder as we can buy, and that is going to reduce significantly our urgency for getting the gunpowder thing going.
Actually, there's a bunch of projects we are supposed to do with dice to set up the Gunpowder industry to reduce the amount of dice and craft points spent on making it.
[] Set-up a Gunpowder workshop [0/50]
If we want to more easily produce gunpowder, we will need a workshop, well protected, with massive mortar and pestle to crush and mix all the gunpowder. Let's send a few people to make rough ones from local stone, and build replacement for the apothecary mortars we are currently using.
Gain Primitive Gunpowder Workshop, reducing needed Craft for Produce Serpentine Powder by 1. Unlock new projects to enhance the workshop.

[] Set-up Charcoal Burning[0/50]

Setting-up a major charcoal burning operation would provide fuel to the people, and stop the need to produce charcoal in separate bach each time we need to make gunpowder….
Gain Charcoal, -Wood and +Fuel per turn, produce enough charcoal for one production of gunpowder per turn, helping to reduce the number of dice needed for gathering during powder production. Help quality of local steel.

[] Saltpeter caves Trails [0/75]

The saltpeter gathering spots are mostly caves, many filled with bats and quite hard to reach. By setting-up some trails, we could make the gathering simpler for our people.
Reduce the number of dice needed for gathering during powder production, Saltpeter more available.
Plus aforementioned Sulfur Paths to acquire the resources to do it with as well. I personally want to at least do charcoal burning next turn, now that we've got more wood than we know what to do with.
Actually, there's a bunch of projects we are supposed to do with dice to set up the Gunpowder industry to reduce the amount of dice and craft points spent on making it.
Are you sure that we can use regular dice on this?... If so I am stand corrected
There's the Sulfur Paths, but I see your point. I still think we have higher priority projects available though.
Well, first let´s see how this mini-turn finishes, we may even get a couple of extra colonist dice and we don´t know the DC fo burning the forest

But finishing up the mandate this year would be pretty great, not only giving us a great advantage for winter but also freeing up a mandate slot that can be used for relatively straightforward mandates that can be cashed in quickly like [] A Gift for a Gift or [] Dead Mariners on the waves again.
Are you sure that we can use regular dice on this?... If so I am stand corrected
Positive. Things that cost Craft specifically single out how much Craft they cost. This is a project with a required amount of Progress, which always uses dice.

Furthermore, some of those projects were colored red when we first got them on Turn 7, which means they specifically needed Colonist Dice before (I presume) Steel in the Soul caused knowledge to be shared between the groups within Union.
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Actually, there's a bunch of projects we are supposed to do with dice to set up the Gunpowder industry to reduce the amount of dice and craft points spent on making it.
What do you think about using the Silent Blades for some of this stuff? Maybe put one die on Sulfur Paths, the other on Razorweed Traps or something. Ideally, I'd put both of those dice on Hedge Building, Phase 2, but that might be too much for them since we want Sara to recover. As for why I want that action, it should hopefully help our fields and even if it doesn't, we still have that big Raid to worry about. Big Razorweed Hedges that have had time to grow should be pretty helpful in that regard.
But finishing up the mandate this year would be pretty great, not only giving us a great advantage for winter but also freeing up a mandate slot that can be used for relatively straightforward mandates that can be cashed in quickly like [] A Gift for a Gift or [] Dead Mariners on the waves again.
Um, I don't think completing Unleash Fire will finish our mandate? We agreed to do four War in the Wilds actions, but we have only done one since then. Admittedly we did a few before meeting the Voices, but those shouldn't count imo since they predate the mandate.
Um, I don't think completing Unleash Fire will finish our mandate? We agreed to do four War in the Wilds actions, but we have only done one since then. Admittedly we did a few before meeting the Voices, but those shouldn't count imo since they predate the mandate.
To be fair, if one of our actions kicks an unusual amount of ass, I can plausibly imagine a situation where we get the credit by only taking THREE actions. The good-guy trees are more concerned with the results than with the amount of effort the hairless apes put into getting it.