One problem with that. We are on the coast, and we can't exactly travel very far just yet. Those mines are on the most interior part of Virginia, meaning they are out of our reach.
Guys I have been re-reading this Awesome quest and I remembered that managing to complete both Planting Crops and Three sisters at the same time gave us the awesome synergy of the Four Sisters
I am pretty sure that we would need an OOC question to check (so up to @Chimeraguard or @Hunter531 if they consider a good question), but It would be interesting to know what would happen if we manage to finish the three different Shepards of Corpses actions approximately at the same time... We could get nothing out of this, several Death Dices, or maybe a single ultra-powerful Death Dice
[] Shepherds for Corpses [Death Singing]
As the Lord once did, shepherds shall go into the wilds and sing the song of Hope. they shall walk to the place where the broken dead lie, souls in tatters and broken bodies. they shall sing, and bring them back, to become a new flock. For such is the duty of a Shepherds. Earn a Dead Dice
Where will the shepherds go? -[] Bones Hives [Shepherds][27/150] : Broken bones and souls, long separated from the greater whole, crawl upon the ground like insects in this place. They gather, numberless, and become the many-in-one, souls united into a fragile, primal mind. We shall go to the hives and convince some of the broken united to follow kinder ways.
-[] The Trophies [Shepherds] [0/150] : The remnants of a grand beast's hunts lie gathered in this place, trophies with souls forever bound to them, for the glory of a peerless hunter, and the pain of its prey. We shall go amongst the trophies and convince them to seek freedom from their chains.
-[] Drowned Coves [Shepherds][0/150] : Bloated corpses spit out by the waves lie in this underground cove, body and soul filled and rotted away by water. They mindlessly slither on the rocky ground like gigantic pale snakes, leaving behind them murky water. We shall go where rock and water touch and give back humanity to those in need.
I am pretty sure that we would need an OOC question to check (so up to @Chimeraguard or @Hunter531 if they consider a good question), but It would be interesting to know what would happen if we manage to finish the three different Shepards of Corpses actions approximately at the same time... We could get nothing out of this, several Death Dices, or maybe a single ultra-powerful Death Dice
There may be benefits, but I don't think we can afford to obtain them. Remember, we need to complete at least one Shepards of Corpses action by the end of next year. We'd need to dump a lot of Death Speaking dice into Shepards of Corpses to get all three done by that deadline, and said dice are simply too useful elsewhere to do that.
There may be benefits, but I don't think we can afford to obtain them. Remember, we need to complete at least one Shepards of Corpses action by the end of next year. We'd need to dump a lot of Death Speaking dice into Shepards of Corpses to get all three done by that deadline, and said dice are simply too useful elsewhere to do that.
Really? I didn´t know we had a deadline, I didn´t see any deadline when we picked the mandate nor in the "mandate box" on each turn...
It may still be interesting to know more about this action though, because it seems pretty obvious that each Shepard of Corpses option is going to unlock a different type of dice, so if we can only get one type of undead we may want to know what we are getting from each option so that we can make an informed decision before we are too committed on any of the options...
In the post-Turn 8 thread mark, the Freed Ambassador said they'd like their old Mandates done by the end of next year if possible.
Also, I don't think the option to do Shepherds for Corpses will go away once we finish one of them. The other dead will still exist and we can still sing to them. It's just that the Mandate itself only requires one, and we may find ourselves with other things we'd prefer using Death-Singing dice on.
Really? I didn´t know we had a deadline, I didn´t see any deadline when we picked the mandate nor in the "mandate box" on each turn...
It may still be interesting to know more about this action though, because it seems pretty obvious that each Shepard of Corpses option is going to unlock a different type of dice, so if we can only get one type of undead we may want to know what we are getting from each option so that we can make an informed decision before we are too committed on any of the options...
We got told after last Winter that the Freed wanted their current Mandates (including that one) done by that time. I also don't think learning more about the possible dice we get is worth the OOC question. The sources of the Dead Die are quite different, but we have no actual evidence that the mechanical differences are anything but narrative. There's a lot more valuable information we can ask for.
In the post-Turn 8 thread mark, the Freed Ambassador said they'd like their old Mandates done by the end of next year if possible.
Also, I don't think the option to do Shepherds for Corpses will go away once we finish one of them. The other dead will still exist and we can still sing to them. It's just that the Mandate itself only requires one.
We got told after last Winter that the Freed wanted their current Mandates (including that one) done by that time. I also don't think learning more about the possible dice we get is worth the OOC question. The sources of the Dead Die are quite different, but we have no actual evidence that the mechanical differences are anything but narrative. There's a lot more valuable information we can ask for.
And yeah, there are probably much more important things to ask for, but seeing how much work has saved us and how much more food we are producing thanks to the four sisters I thought that asking for more of the effect of other possible synergies could be a good investment
[X] Plan Gentle Encouragement and Meetings
-[X][Trader] Strongarm David, he has 20 sailors, we have a militia and guns pointed at him from above. He should lower his prices.
-[X][Huntsman] Make him tour the walls and inspect the Militia
-[X][Colonists] Make them visit Union and their kin before they make a choice.
--[X] Have their kin help ease them into the changes that have occurred in Union, though keep the supernatural stuff hidden for now. Introduce them to members of the Winter Walkers and Unchained that they have befriended, who have helped them, etc. The more explicitly supernatural aspects of Union can be introduced gradually, and after they have been reassured that their families haven't sold their souls to demons. However much Winter has changed us, we are still their kin, and they are still ours.
-[X][Scholar] Invite him and drag him before Sara and Failure. They shall know what to do with him.
--[X] The Silent Blades should not be present. To avoid...misunderstandings.
Through the eyes of the spirits, see what lure beyond words and lies
David Strongarm was smiling. He had spent his life smiling, since he had left his burning hometown near the Scottish border.
Smiling, dealing and conning, raising from a nobody left to die in a ditch to a man of wealth and acceptable respectability.
He had smiled when he had joined the expeditions plans of a bunch of desperate nobles and merchants, seeking to earn wealth and a marriage with a petty noble lady for his help.
He had smiled when no words had come for two years of the expedition, and the justice of the Kings had fallen on most of the expedition's sponsors. Worse, he was left to deal with the creditors of the expedition, and their hired thugs.
He had smiled when he had desperately convinced the King's agents of the worth of the colony in the New World, and left with his last ship, his last goods and his last loyal crew.
Now, his smile was a little less forced, as he negotiated with the half-savages survivors of the expeditions and the other folks they had gathered.
Buy the furs they had gathered for what he had left, make a good profit, and earn a stay of execution from his debtors…
Yes, he had noticed the brows of the other side furrowing, and hands turning into fist, but it was not the first time he had earned his keep from the unwillings…
Then, the tall Moor acting like a noble (worth a good price to the Portugeses, he thought) raised his fist, and from the tree above, David could hear ruffles, and see the canons of muskets poking out, turned toward him.
His smile grew thin again.
The old man, with his merchant clothes patched with leather and a cross of bones on a necklace of beads, spoke again.
"My friend, I know you need to earn your bread, like all of us, but we are but poor christians souls besieged by the servants of the Devil. Would you really try to deprive the brave soldiers of the Lord above us of what they need to keep the force of Hell away ?"
Try, meaning they could simply take. Lower your prices or else. Something he had already heard from many of his less…scrupulous partners.
No, no, no, without enough profits, he would be cut to pieces and thrown into the Thames by his creditors !
Breath, David, breath, he thought. He could lower his prices, if he could prepare a few good lies…
Dangerous seas, dangerous lands, filled with savages…yes, and only him could easily reach those waters and convince the savage to treads with civilized, christians souls.
If he had enough to present to the creditors, and could convince enough of this, he would be saved !
Smile and keep talking, David, as always…
David Strongarm has lowered his prices.
Here what he want and what he offer, with a value in points :
David's Goods :
1 Unit of Gunpowder (max 4) : 1
1 Unit of Tools (max 2, can be used as Mediocre Steel) : 1
1 Unit of Muskets (max 1) : 2
1 Unit of Fabric (max 3) : 1
A few cats from the ships : 1
Carrying messenger back to the Dual Monarchy : 1 (Free is the messengers are "exotics")
Union's Good :
Remaining coins and precious jewelry from Johnstown : 1
1 Unit of furs and leather (1 in stocks) : 1
1 Unit of beavers furs (2 in stocks) : 2
Trophies from savages beasts (remaining Husks and a few trophies from the Vermin, nothing of actual values for Union) : 1
[][Trader] Trade with David
-[] Goods bought
-[] Goods sold
[][Trader] Don't trade with him
[][Trader] Write-in
Jean Bladworth was a lucid man, as his forefathers before him.
One that understood that salvation could only come from following the orders of the King, chosen by God.
One that understood that these still following the old ways and old loyalties could not be trusted, for they were ready to destroy each other at any moment.
There were those amongst his fellow Anglois who did not understand that they were the only ones truly loyal to a higher ideal, the King. French, English, Irish, it did not matter, all savage dogs that needed to be watched over by good, loyal Anglois,and put down when they bit their masters.
Those that were too weak to understand this truth let innocents be murdered, like in Ireland, like in Yorkshire, like in Southern France. Weakness meant more forest filled with hanged men and women. More children thrown in the wells.
God, would he one day forget their faces ?
No, good Anglois to beat, to put down, to raise soldiers from the less savages, and, with a little luck, slowly convert them into new Anglois.
But how to reign in people far from the Kings and without Anglois to rule them ?
In this little town filled with various savages, Jean had found the answer : fear.
A constant fear that forced the dogs to work together, to act as one, to raise soldiers and build walls.
Yes, Jean was certain of it, as he toured strong walls and a coordinated militia in Union, and even was presented with a cannon crew doing good work loading and firing it, despite beings made of peasants and savages that barely spoke one of the King's tongues.
They even had begun to plant a hedge to concentrate invaders into killzones and protect their crops !
Jean had heard plans in the King's court of Rouan, to disturb the treasure fleet filling the Spanish coffers with gold, and ensure they would not have the resources to easily deal with the growing conflict in the Holy Roman Empire, giving the King the freedom to act.
Give those people a charter to act as they wished as long as they supported the King's corsairs, and as long as the people of "Union" kept living in fear, all would be well.
And back in the Dual Monarchy, if fear could be spread, if people could be persuaded that without the King, they and their families would be condemned…it would make for loyal subjects and soldiers for the King's army, and perhaps, new Anglois.
Jean Bladworth will give a report to the Crown of Union as a well-defended town too far to be controlled, best used as a base from which to send expeditions against Spanish holdings.
Union has given ideas to Jean.
Jonathan Smith watched as his fellows were eating the food given to them by the strange folks of Union, good wheat bread with a strange stew made from what was called "maize".
He remembered when his brother left with his family for the New World, telling him even the desperate needed a shepherd. French who had lost their lands and belongings in the fight between the followers of the Pope and the Protestants. English crushed by their lords, desperate for any wealth to fill their coffers.
People from all over the Dual Monarchy, desperate for a life, knowing that all that awaited them was to be shipped to Ireland, to work until they starved.
The people that had traveled with him were of the same sort, sadly so abundant in the Dual Monarchy, no matter if they had kin or not in the New World.
With this simple, filling meal, Union had unknowingly earned their loyalties. There were a few grumbles, of childrens now raised by the strange dark folks of the town, of weddings with people that were almost pagans.
But before a filled stomach ? Those were nothing, and so most had decided to stay, offering to their new saviors the seeds they had taken with them and a few chickens smuggled far from the sight of the greedy ship captain. All they had.
But still, Jonathan was full of fear.
He had met his niece again, his last remaining family, and cried with her when she told him she was his only family left.
It had felt good to see a familiar face again, but terrifying to see how much she had changed. Her eyes were now strangely pale, and her voice had grown stronger, lower, and resonated in a strange way.
The people of Union were good people, the first to offer a full meal to hungry people in years, despite all their queerness, but Jonathan wondered, how deep did this queerness go ?
1 Die of Unhardened Colonists obtained.
Current view of Union : weird but good people (offered food), better than starving at home. It can't be that dangerous right ? And they can't be that odd…
They have brought with them smuggled chickens, and seeds (most importantly barley and flax)
No notable skills or potential, beyond surviving extreme poverty.
Alexandre de Montfaucon remembered when he had for the first time seen demons, in the little town of the Massif Central ruled by his father, when the people had begun to die from the strange plague, and the madness had begun.
He remembered screaming, his father carrying him, a door being sealed.
He remembered the fever, how he felt like he was burning in the fire of Hell, as he desperately tried to not answer the voices whispering in his head.
He remembered walking out in the halls of his father's fortified manor, only to see the bubons-covered creatures walking in them, and the strange things of smoke and pains inhabiting them.
He remembered when the masked men had come, and burned the creatures, before crying him to the monastery.
He was 8 at the time, now, 20 years later, he was seeing demons again.
When the monks that had cared and healed him, teached him of the curse that now dirted his soul, send by demons, and how to control and use it for the good of others christians souls, how he could still find Heavens through good work, had come to send him in an expedition to the New World, he did not think much of it.
He knew of the stories of monsters and gold, but for him, it was just another mission for the Merciful Brothers of Lazarus caring for him and others cursed souls, another way to ensure the King would not destroy the monks that had teached him how to read and helped him become learned, like so many others orders before.
But this place…this place was far worse than all the stories. At all times there was the sound of dead spirits, and a constant pressure, the presence of an evil far worse than even the one he had experienced in his village, so long ago.
When they had come to shore, he had seen the abandoned colony, and saw the dead that inhabited it, the black walls and twisting streets unseen by others, still pure souls.
He had seen of the wildlans of this place where twisted, touched by the powers beyond.
And this town, this Union !
Everything is touched by unnatural powers, the trees, the walls, the crops ! Spirits floating without care above the streets, a warrior with the ghost of his father watching over him ! A Moor sorcerer like in the books of the monastery, and, worse of all, the woman, Sara !
A soul, vast, stretching beyond her body, and resonating with power, like the beat of a great drum. Spirits, floating and connected to her, whispering. A cold, a power, like nothing he had seen before. A necromancer, like the sorcerers that once had raised armies during the Black Death.
But they were not evil. They had interrogated him, watched him, but they had not tried to harm him, or take his soul. The people of this town, as strange as they were, where still free, and, despite using all the training he had received, he could not see the marks of evils upon them, or at least no more than in any soul (for as the Good Book says, we are all sinners).
In many ways, this place reminded him of the Monastery, full of souls touched by the beyond, but uncorrupted by the force of Hell.
Has Father Francis once said to him "There is what Lucifer forces upon the innocents, and what he can only offer".
The Brothers could help those people, and this New World held many souls to heal.
Alexandre de Montfaucon revealed as a Soul Leper, one awakened to the supernatural by the touch of evil power.
Alexandre is an agent of the Merciful Brothers of Lazarus, a branch of the Order of Lazarus specialized in caring for those affected by cursed and afflictions born of the supernatural, and kept in the service of the King (contrary to many holy orders that were destroyed and their properties confiscated in the Dual Monarchy).
He has been sent by the Merciful Brothers as a supernatural scout in the New World, for both the King and the Brothers.
He has seen the supernatural in Union, and more or less thinks everyone in town is a Soul Leper like him and that Satan is strong in those lands.
He thinks the Brothers can help Union, and would like to send a letter back and remain in Union to do a full report on the supernatural.
[][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back.
Unlock Hero : Alexandre de Montfaucon (1 Knowledge Die, affinity for the supernatural)
[][Leper] Send him back to Europe (Alexandre will do his report to the Brothers)
[][Leper] Write-in
12 hour moratorium. You are free to ask questions to the various characters (Alexandre, Jean, David, Jonathan), I will answer in characters.
You now know most of the power-players that can affect Union.
[X] Plan Trophyless Powder Purchasing
-[X][Trade] Trade With David
--[X] Goods Bought: Cats (1 point), 3x Gunpowder (3 points), 1x Fabric (1 point)
--[X] Goods Sold: 1x Coins and Jewelry (1 point), 2x Beaver Furs (4 points),
-[X] Ask David to spread the word that we are willing to trade, especially for livestock, seeds, salt, and gunpowder.
[X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back. Ask that the letter he sends back to ask the lepers to not tell the king about how bad supernatual is within the union area of the new world for fear of drawing attention.
[X] Plan Powder Purchasing
-[X][Trade] Trade With David
--[X] Goods Bought: Cats (1 point), 4x Gunpowder (4 points), 1x Fabric (1 point)
--[X] Goods Sold: 1x Coins and Jewelry (1 point), 2x Beaver Furs (4 points), 1x Trophies (1 point)
-[X] Ask David to spread the word that we are willing to trade, especially for livestock, seeds, salt, and gunpowder.
[X]Plan: Large trade
-[X][Trade] Trade With David
-[X] Goods bought
--[X]A few cats from the ships : 1
--[X] 3 Unit of Gunpowder (max 4) : 1
--[X] 1 Unit of Fabric (max 3) : 1
--[X] Carrying messenger back to the Dual Monarchy : 1 (Free is the messengers are "exotics")
---[X] Total : 6
-[X] Goods sold
--[X] Remaining coins and precious jewelry from Johnstown : 1
--[X] 1 Unit of furs and leather (1 in stocks) : 1
--[X] 2 Unit of beavers furs (2 in stocks) : 2
---[X] tell the trader these come from the lands of hostile tribes to reduce the odds of a lot of hunters showing up
[]Plan: Beware the new world but bring cats
-[][Trader] Trade with David
-[] Goods bought
-- A few cats from the ships : 1
-- 2 Unit of Gunpowder (max 4) : 1
-[] Goods sold
-- Remaining coins and precious jewelry from Johnstown : 1
-- 1 Unit of furs and leather (1 in stocks) : 1
-- Trophies from savages beasts (remaining Husks and a few trophies from the Vermin, nothing of actual values for Union) : 1
You could do this, yes.
The issue is that you do not precisely know when another ship will come to shore.
Or when you will have the capacity to send someone back to Europe.
David Strongarm was smiling. He had spent his life smiling, since he had left his burning hometown near the Scottish border.
Smiling, dealing and conning, raising from a nobody left to die in a ditch to a man of wealth and acceptable respectability.
He had smiled when he had joined the expeditions plans of a bunch of desperate nobles and merchants, seeking to earn wealth and a marriage with a petty noble lady for his help.
He had smiled when no words had come for two years of the expedition, and the justice of the Kings had fallen on most of the expedition's sponsors. Worse, he was left to deal with the creditors of the expedition, and their hired thugs.
He had smiled when he had desperately convinced the King's agents of the worth of the colony in the New World, and left with his last ship, his last goods and his last loyal crew.
man this dude sucks like he had a ahrd life and all but man he sucks just keep on smilin I guess and yah he part of the creditors that tried to get this colony going. Hopefully we never see him again. Also he was the one to bring the hunters here! grrrrr do not like this guy
No, no, no, without enough profits, he would be cut to pieces and thrown into the Thames by his creditors !
Breath, David, breath, he thought. He could lower his prices, if he could prepare a few good lies…
Dangerous seas, dangerous lands, filled with savages…yes, and only him could easily reach those waters and convince the savage to treads with civilized, christians souls.
If he had enough to present to the creditors, and could convince enough of this, he would be saved !
Smile and keep talking, David, as always…
Jean Bladworth was a lucid man, as his forefathers before him.
One that understood that salvation could only come from following the orders of the King, chosen by God.
One that understood that these still following the old ways and old loyalties could not be trusted, for they were ready to destroy each other at any moment.
There were those amongst his fellow Anglois who did not understand that they were the only ones truly loyal to a higher ideal, the King. French, English, Irish, it did not matter, all savage dogs that needed to be watched over by good, loyal Anglois,and put down when they bit their masters.
Those that were too weak to understand this truth let innocents be murdered, like in Ireland, like in Yorkshire, like in Southern France. Weakness meant more forest filled with hanged men and women. More children thrown in the wells.
God, would he one day forget their faces ?
No, good Anglois to beat, to put down, to raise soldiers from the less savages, and, with a little luck, slowly convert them into new Anglois.
But how to reign in people far from the Kings and without Anglois to rule them ?
In this little town filled with various savages, Jean had found the answer : fear.
A constant fear that forced the dogs to work together, to act as one, to raise soldiers and build walls.
Yes, Jean was certain of it, as he toured strong walls and a coordinated militia in Union, and even was presented with a cannon crew doing good work loading and firing it, despite beings made of peasants and savages that barely spoke one of the King's tongues.
They even had begun to plant a hedge to concentrate invaders into killzones and protect their crops !
I am 99% sure jean was already full onboard the fear train before hand but it sucks to see we have refrocned it for him that fear is the anser for everything. at least we impressed him
Jean had heard plans in the King's court of Rouan, to disturb the treasure fleet filling the Spanish coffers with gold, and ensure they would not have the resources to easily deal with the growing conflict in the Holy Roman Empire, giving the King the freedom to act.
Give those people a charter to act as they wished as long as they supported the King's corsairs, and as long as the people of "Union" kept living in fear, all would be well.
And back in the Dual Monarchy, if fear could be spread, if people could be persuaded that without the King, they and their families would be condemned…it would make for loyal subjects and soldiers for the King's army, and perhaps, new Anglois.
hmmm not as bad as I thought it be? I doubt we will actuall have the king corasir stay in the town since we are so far inland and they are on ship likely we will just need to give them a fair amount food, maybe some other stuff to support there expedtions desen't seem to bad . anyway the dual Monarchy in for a real bad time this dude about to go murdering and toturing everyone...hopefully it falls soon
Jonathan Smith watched as his fellows were eating the food given to them by the strange folks of Union, good wheat bread with a strange stew made from what was called "maize".
He remembered when his brother left with his family for the New World, telling him even the desperate needed a shepherd. French who had lost their lands and belongings in the fight between the followers of the Pope and the Protestants. English crushed by their lords, desperate for any wealth to fill their coffers.
People from all over the Dual Monarchy, desperate for a life, knowing that all that awaited them was to be shipped to Ireland, to work until they starved.
intresnting some new lore here people are being shipped to ireland to work until they starve something similar actually happened like this otl no not just the english but the viking too they had large slave planation like stuff there as well so we are seein g history repeat again this time though the colonzation of ireland seem much more intesntive than last time and less of a colonzaiton and more of slave planation...reminds me of a hati from the short descepriton of it
The people that had traveled with him were of the same sort, sadly so abundant in the Dual Monarchy, no matter if they had kin or not in the New World.
With this simple, filling meal, Union had unknowingly earned their loyalties. There were a few grumbles, of childrens now raised by the strange dark folks of the town, of weddings with people that were almost pagans.
But before a filled stomach ? Those were nothing, and so most had decided to stay, offering to their new saviors the seeds they had taken with them and a few chickens smuggled far from the sight of the greedy ship captain. All they had.
YOOOO lfgggg these guy are awesome we got fucking chickennnnns again and seed fanastic stuff! Also hopefully we can smoooth the racism/xenophobia out of them
He had met his niece again, his last remaining family, and cried with her when she told him she was his only family left.
It had felt good to see a familiar face again, but terrifying to see how much she had changed. Her eyes were now strangely pale, and her voice had grown stronger, lower, and resonated in a strange way.
The people of Union were good people, the first to offer a full meal to hungry people in years, despite all their queerness, but Jonathan wondered, how deep did this queerness go ?
1 Die of Unhardened Colonists obtained.
Current view of Union : weird but good people (offered food), better than starving at home. It can't be that dangerous right ? And they can't be that odd…
They have brought with them smuggled chickens, and seeds (most importantly barley and flax)
No notable skills or potential, beyond surviving extreme poverty.
man u know shit bad in the dual monchary when everyone starving to death and the union is better off than the dual monchary...wonder how long it left for this world
lfggggg glad and barel!!! this is gonna help so much with food next year.
Alexandre de Montfaucon remembered when he had for the first time seen demons, in the little town of the Massif Central ruled by his father, when the people had begun to die from the strange plague, and the madness had begun.
He remembered screaming, his father carrying him, a door being sealed.
He remembered the fever, how he felt like he was burning in the fire of Hell, as he desperately tried to not answer the voices whispering in his head.
He remembered walking out in the halls of his father's fortified manor, only to see the bubons-covered creatures walking in them, and the strange things of smoke and pains inhabiting them.
He remembered when the masked men had come, and burned the creatures, before crying him to the monastery.
oh no poor guy this sounds awful espically as super young kid the town screaming, eveyrone dying looks like he was one of the few to surive. Intresnting he can see the spirits imangie. Uh smoke...wonder if there connection between winter and the plagues cycle. Maybe the black plague in this world is supernatural and worse than otl
oh medival plague doctors also got a supernatural role too neat and can see them too
He was 8 at the time, now, 20 years later, he was seeing demons again.
When the monks that had cared and healed him, teached him of the curse that now dirted his soul, send by demons, and how to control and use it for the good of others christians souls, how he could still find Heavens through good work, had come to send him in an expedition to the New World, he did not think much of it.
nice to see the monks didn't do the classic u are cursed forever and are going to die in hell type thing. Also wonder if ti was really a curse or just a natural ability he had. at least he in a safe place with others
He knew of the stories of monsters and gold, but for him, it was just another mission for the Merciful Brothers of Lazarus caring for him and others cursed souls, another way to ensure the King would not destroy the monks that had teached him how to read and helped him become learned, like so many others orders before.
oh the poor monks having to work for the terrible king so that everything they hold dear is not destroyed wonder how many terrible bargains have been made with the king to keep them alive.
But this place…this place was far worse than all the stories. At all times there was the sound of dead spirits, and a constant pressure, the presence of an evil far worse than even the one he had experienced in his village, so long ago.
When they had come to shore, he had seen the abandoned colony, and saw the dead that inhabited it, the black walls and twisting streets unseen by others, still pure souls.
yah that about right the union is not a nice place though...wonder if the pressure is not winter but king but the king not evil we think so it prob winter yah. glad he thinks the union is cool
Everything is touched by unnatural powers, the trees, the walls, the crops ! Spirits floating without care above the streets, a warrior with the ghost of his father watching over him ! A Mor sorcerer like in the books of the monastery, and, worse of all, the woman, Sara !
A soul, vast, stretching beyond her body, and resonating with power, like the beat of a great drum. Spirits, floating and connected to her, whispering. A cold, a power, like nothing he had seen before. A necromancer, like the sorcerers that once had raised armies during the Black Death.
honestly this is kind of awesome to see I love how supern atural spooky our place has become spirits wandering around, cool ass warrior ghost, it just awesome and I love it. Also awesome to see how powerful sara is
But they were not evil. They had interrogated him, watched him, but they had not tried to harm him, or take his soul. The people of this town, as strange as they were, where still free, and, despite using all the training he had received, he could not see the marks of evils upon them, or at least no more than in any soul (for as the Good Book says, we are all sinners).
In many ways, this place reminded him of the Monastery, full of souls touched by the beyond, but uncorrupted by the force of Hell.
Has Father Francis once said to him "There is what Lucifer forces upon the innocents, and what he can only offer".
The Brothers could help those people, and this New World held many souls to heal.
Alexandre is an agent of the Merciful Brothers of Lazarus, a branch of the Order of Lazarus specialized in caring for those affected by cursed and afflictions born of the supernatural, and kept in the service of the King (contrary to many holy orders that were destroyed and their properties confiscated in the Dual Monarchy).
He has been sent by the Merciful Brothers as a supernatural scout in the New World, for both the King and the Brothers.
He has seen the supernatural in Union, and more or less thinks everyone in town is a Soul Leeper like him and that Satan is strong in those lands.
He thinks the Brothers can help Union, and would like to send a letter back and remain in Union to do a full report on the supernatural.
[][Leeper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back.
Unlock Hero : Alexandre de Montfaucon (1 Knowledge Die, affinity for the supernatural)
[][Leeper] Send him back to Europe (Alexandre will do his report to the Brothers)
hmmm this is prob gonna be our most impormant decsion this voot cause while this dude is obviously chill as hell and getting support from a holy order would be great...we must remmebr they are in service of the king and report to him to keep there order from being destroyed like so many other. He been explcity sent as a supernatural scout...we know word of the supernatural will cause a flood to the union and north america which we very very much do not want...
I think we keep him here and try to convert him to the union side so when he reports back he can give a report that present it as a very angoures land but not something that cause a supernatural rush. also another dice woul be great
[]Plan: Larger trade
-[][Trader] Trade with David
-[] Goods bought
--[]A few cats from the ships : 1
--[] 2 Unit of Gunpowder (max 4) : 1
--[] 1 Unit of Fabric (max 3) : 1
--[] Carrying messenger back to the Dual Monarchy : 1 (Free is the messengers are "exotics")
-[] Goods sold
--[] Remaining coins and precious jewelry from Johnstown : 1
--[] 1 Unit of furs and leather (1 in stocks) : 1 --[] 1 Unit of beavers furs (2 in stocks) : 2 ---[] tell the trader these come from the lands of hostile tribes to reduce the odds of a lot of hunters showing up
--[] Trophies from savages beasts (remaining Husks and a few trophies from the Vermin, nothing of actual values for Union) : 1
-[][Leeper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the next ship leaves to create a full report
Selling the beaver furs is a risk but we want the trader to return in the future so we can trade with him again
okay I don't think it as bad as it appears and I speak as the one who was very agains tthe winning plan exactly due to that. these are cosaier who are on a ship and we are far inland. Likely they are just gonna stay by there ship or only go to shore a bit to camp not truck all the way inland to stay in the union town sure we gonna have give them supplies but it not too bad.
@OldShadow is my thinking right they aren't actually gonna camp in town or anything?
Jean Bladworth will give a report to the Crown of Union as a well-defended town too far to be controlled, best used as a base from which to send expeditions against Spanish holdings.
I think is for the best that Alexander stay in union so he can see the full extension of the magical and supernatural, isnt like he is a full inquitionist
these are supernatual we should not sell them and let him them to the old world
okay I don't think it as bad as it appears and I speak as the one who was very agains tthe winning plan exactly due to that. these are cosaier who are on a ship and we are far inland. Likely they are just gonna stay by there ship or only go to shore a bit to camp not truck all the way inland to stay in the union town sure we gonna have give them supplies but it not too bad.
@OldShadow is my thinking right they aren't actually gonna camp in town or anything?
Okay, so in terms of trading, we can afford to give our regular furs, one of the beaver furs, and the Husks. We might have a use for the Husks as feeding the Razorweeds, but that costs a die.
So, in terms of what we want to buy, the cats are pretty obvious as mundane vermin control. After that, it's a question of whether we want fabric more, or gunpowder more.
Cats in the Middle Ages were generally disapproved of, regarded as, at best, useful pests and, at worst, agents of Satan, owing to the medieval Church and its association of the cat with evil. Prior...
If this is correct, then at this point in time the general religious consensus in Europe is that cats are an intrinsically evil animal, whose very presence endangers the soul.
This attitude didn't fully end until the Age of Enlightenment/Victoria Era, though it seems to have started to change with the Protestant Reformation.
Though, it also didn't stop people from owning cats because they were too useful for vermin control.
And we're in a similar spot where regardless of what people say, cats are too useful for us to not take them.
I think is for the best that Alexander stay in union so he can see the full extension of the magical and supernatural, isnt like he is a full inquitionist
yah the longer he stays with the more we can turn him to the union side and so when he returns to give a report it can be one more favorable to our ends
tbc I mispelled corsairs as cosaier my b. Okay this isn't bad they just want to buy supplys and have safe water to make repairs so they gonna stay away from the spoookiness of the union since it so far inland, not freeded but we can just call it a cursed site or something