Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Spirit of Mischief: 1
Spirit of the Sea: 2
Aspect of Humanity: 3
CE - Water: 4
EA - Sea: 5
EA - Stars: 6
EA - Night: 7
EM - Moon: 8
FM - Silver Moon: 9
GA - Nox Arcana: 10
Capricious One: 11
Random Known Trait: 12

Rolled 10, 9, 2, 8, 11, 2: Lesser Spirit of the Sea, EM - Moon, FM - Silver Moon, GA - Nox Arcana, Capricious One
Evens (F) and Odds (M) rolled: 1

So basically she gave birth to her male clone?
Can I just mention that we just birthed a mini-me, since nobody is remarking on it? (EDIT: Except @Captain Spatula, who :ninja:ed me)

They've got:
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (water - our origin)
Moon (grants action to boost water/astrology/trickery, causes weird)
Silver Moon (grants actions to strongly alter Astrology Actions)
Capricious One (just like mommy)
Nox Arcana (our freaking ascension).

Isn't it great that we went for this instead of Minor Spirit of the Sea + Classical Element - Water + 1x random?
Demand Appeasement
Fear rolled 4 (6 -> 14)
Moderate Failure (...So there's a penalty here, maybe even from pop mod? Enough to take a 14 down below zero but not below -20, so maybe popmod*2?)
Punishment damage rolled 10 (45 +- ???)
-1 Population Modifier (No clue how this one works...)
Punishment damage is a Lure roll
45+18(Trickery) = 63, Good Success
So unbuffed Lures do:
Minor Success - Negligible damage, we kill a few dudes who aren't important in the grand scheme of things.
Per success above Minor - +1 damage.

Ow, my heart. It's always sad when your children grow beyond you... We need to involve her in more stuff. Teach her astrology? Omen reading?
Seski likes her music and she likes playing with amber. Give her more amber and see what she makes of it?
Here is how I read it.
The Stars say that if we leave and give the Crone time to prepare countermeasures, we are going to have a bad time.
The Omens say that if we follow the Crone to her shrine and don't put her down before she can do anything, we are going to have a bad time.

The remaining choice is to stick around and wreak her shit - but this comes with risks of its own.
The possibilities here are basically threefold. First, the Crone simply can't stand us killing her population, and comes out to fight us. If that happens, she loses - but I wouldn't count on this outcome.
The second option is that the Crone grits her teeth and does nothing. In that case, we've basically got the "retreat... for now" option, but with this village wreaked as a bonus.
The third option is that while we are wrecking things, the Crone pulls out a makeshift ritual of some sort and confronts us with it. That... could be bad. Hopefully, this won't happen, since the stars/omens haven't suggested it. But it might.
Actually, since we activated Nox, the Crone's Mysticism is suffering a major debuff. If we're not in her shrine, I don't think she CAN succeed at the ritual after the Tier gap. If we're in her shrine, then...going to need to math this.
Can I just mention that we just birthed a mini-me, since nobody is remarking on it? (EDIT: Except @Captain Spatula, who :ninja:ed me)

They've got:
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (water - our origin)
Moon (grants action to boost water/astrology/trickery, causes weird)
Silver Moon (grants actions to strongly alter Astrology Actions)
Capricious One (just like mommy)
Nox Arcana (our freaking ascension).

Isn't it great that we went for this instead of Minor Spirit of the Sea + Classical Element - Water + 1x random?

Was going to say man. Just 2 posts above you :p.
(DC is indeed 60 like Veekie and i assumed. )
DC is 80. Double moonlight saved your bacon. I pass bonuses from Moonlight down first.
(...So there's a penalty here, maybe even from pop mod? Enough to take a 14 down below zero but not below -20, so maybe popmod*2?)
Nope, it was just 2 below the pass threshold, moderate fail.
(No clue how this one works...)
This was the one that ate your pop mod as a strong penalty.
Also, with the astrology roll boosted up 2 successes by the bonuses you originally missed, do we know anything new in character?
Not particularly. Future reading is more accurate closer to the point of the event, but they becomes fuzzy too close just like it can too far away, it's like having one eye that can only see exactly a minute into the future, actions you take spontaneously fuck up the reading, and while it helps judge what may happen two minutes into the future, it's best at telling you what will happen in 1 minute, barring yourself. Omen reading, conversely, is an eye that sees in the present, with the full suite of a super-computer-grade 'physics' engine, it tells you what will happen if you do X, to a fair degree of accuracy.
Can you clarify or is this something we need to actually go out and explore to figure out?
EDIT: Whoops. Confluences are generally ambrosia condenser based. They are the product of highly specialized rituals, or, more rarely, natural events. They are effectively major planetary ley-line catchers, and they take advantage of peculiar mechanics of magic, typically to form ambrosia based on a particular type.
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Speaking of the kid, that isn't enough water traits to make him able to live underwater is it?

@Powerofmind this has probably been brought up and I'm being dumb, but how are you handling ascension for Demi-spirits/gods born from fear spirits? I've forgotten most of the ascension mechanics from AA but didn't they need like half the parents total legend or something?
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Punishment damage is a Lure roll
45+18(Trickery) = 63, Good Success
So unbuffed Lures do:
Minor Success - Negligible damage, we kill a few dudes who aren't important in the grand scheme of things.
Per success above Minor - +1 damage.

Oh, i forgot we had 3 lures in the plan, thought we'd just had the two--though according to PoM thats not how that roll worked :p
DC is 80. Double moonlight saved your bacon. I pass bonuses from Moonlight down first.
Ooh yeah, forgot that would apply there
Nope, it was just 2 below the pass threshold, moderate fail.
...Demand appeasement is harder than i thought
This was the one that ate your pop mod as a strong penalty.
Ahh--so we just barely stayed above negative rolls...
Not particularly. Future reading is more accurate closer to the point of the event, but they becomes fuzzy too close just like it can too far away, it's like having one eye that can only see exactly a minute into the future, actions you take spontaneously fuck up the reading, and while it helps judge what may happen two minutes into the future, it's best at telling you what will happen in 1 minute, barring yourself. Omen reading, conversely, is an eye that sees in the present, with the full suite of a super-computer-grade 'physics' engine, it tells you what will happen if you do X, to a fair degree of accuracy.
That makes sense. Astrology is about the movement of celestial bodies - great patterns, but ones that are largely fixed, not flexible. In contrast, Omen Reading is all about superstitions and the like. If you break a mirror, seven years of bad luck. If you follow the Crone into her Shrine, you are going to face grave danger. That sort of stuff.
@Powerofmind this has probably been brought up and I'm being dumb, but how are you handling ascension for Demi-spirits/gods born from fear spirits? I've forgotten most of the ascension mechanics from AA but didn't they need like half the total legend or something?
They need to acquire your spent legend in personal legend in their natural lifetime to ascend with Ur-spawn.
...Hey look guys! Turns out demand appeasement is absolutely terrible when we're so low on pop! Who knew?
Well you did roll a 4. You were actually forced to do serious punishments, that's just what happens. You basically can't lose all of your pop-mod on an appeasement check, though. It gets progressively harder since I read the strong penalty from the difference between your current and 'death point' pop mods, so the less you have, the less damage the initial failure punishment does.
...Hey look guys! Turns out demand appeasement is absolutely terrible when we're so low on pop! Who knew?
Powerofmind definitely. Probably Abby as well.

I mean, its not terrible, its just risky...which is why my plan was to do blessings the same turn we demanded appeasement--though even then i didn't know
1. That the DC was 60
2. That we took current pop mod as a strong modifier on "How much does your reaction to them fucking up, fuck them up"--And then this post shows up right before i hit post:

Well you did roll a 4. You were actually forced to do serious punishments, that's just what happens. You basically can't lose all of your pop-mod on an appeasement check, though. It gets progressively harder since I read the strong penalty from the difference between your current and 'death point' pop mods, so the less you have, the less damage the initial failure punishment does.
Ohh, so its not "+ <Current pop mod> Strong", its "+ [<Pop mod minimum> - <current pop mod>] Strong...interesting.
Well you did roll a 4. You were actually forced to do serious punishments, that's just what happens. You basically can't lose all of your pop-mod on an appeasement check, though. It gets progressively harder since I read the strong penalty from the difference between your current and 'death point' pop mods, so the less you have, the less damage the initial failure punishment does.
Any damage when we're this low is bad though.
DC is 80. Double moonlight saved your bacon. I pass bonuses from Moonlight down first.
Woah, that's one ball I did NOT catch. Good thing we made it from Moonlight.
EDIT: Whoops. Confluences are generally ambrosia condenser based. They are the product of highly specialized rituals, or, more rarely, natural events. They are effectively major planetary ley-line catchers, and they take advantage of peculiar mechanics of magic, typically to form ambrosia based on a particular type.
Hmm, so finding one is basically:
-Find a past ritual site from a fallen civ
-Look for a natural energetic event.

No, you will not have to recast, that was just a sort of 'She won't really do it' game of chicken. Technically, everybody lost.
Ah, basically Appeasement always works, the Fear roll is to see whether they need to get punished first?
Another question
-[X] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 40 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
Do we know if this is a roll penalty, and how big the penalty is at our current Minor Success roll?