(DC is indeed 60 like Veekie and i assumed. )
DC is 80. Double moonlight saved your bacon. I pass bonuses from Moonlight down first.
(...So there's a penalty here, maybe even from pop mod? Enough to take a 14 down below zero but not below -20, so maybe popmod*2?)
Nope, it was just 2 below the pass threshold, moderate fail.
(No clue how this one works...)
This was the one that ate your pop mod as a strong penalty.
Also, with the astrology roll boosted up 2 successes by the bonuses you originally missed, do we know anything new in character?
Not particularly. Future reading is
more accurate closer to the point of the event, but they becomes fuzzy
too close just like it can too far away, it's like having one eye that can only see exactly a minute into the future, actions you take spontaneously fuck up the reading, and while it
helps judge what may happen two minutes into the future, it's
best at telling you what will happen in 1 minute, barring
yourself. Omen reading, conversely, is an eye that sees in the present, with the full suite of a super-computer-grade 'physics' engine, it tells you what will happen if you do X, to a fair degree of accuracy.
Can you clarify or is this something we need to actually go out and explore to figure out?
EDIT: Whoops. Confluences are
generally ambrosia condenser based. They are the product of
highly specialized rituals, or, more rarely, natural events. They are effectively major planetary ley-line catchers, and they take advantage of peculiar mechanics of magic, typically to form ambrosia based on a particular type.