Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian
[x] A beautiful thing

While I'm certainly in favor of getting [Sing], and I'm against dropping [Spirit of Humanity], I'd rather Gaerig not invest in tool use personally. It feels off. So, not the weapon or instrument.

Haven't decided between excess or obsidian yet; anyone have any arguments one way or the other?
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[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.

On reflection, Seski will already be the performer to our voice. Better go with art.
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[X] A beautiful thing

[X] Through the windy canyon, where blood drips from the stones and eternal malice echoes from the other side.
Excellent! We know how to get out! Now, the next question becomes:

How do we Fuck It Up? ... What? Of course we're going to Fuck It Up! Who do you think we are!?!

Certainly not non-min-maxing competents, that's for sure!
[X] A weapon
[X] Through the windy canyon, where blood drips from the stones and eternal malice echoes from the other side.

My instincts still beg for destruction.
[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.
[X] A beautiful thing

Let's become the face that can launch a thousand ships. And lure them into the cold embrace of the depths.

[X] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.

Sounds like the best fit, but I am not sure what the obisdian thicket represents.
[] An instrument
Perform - We got Trickery but nothing else. Easy to unlock.

[] A weapon
Melee/Ranged - We're bad at this. Will still be bad.

[] A beautiful thing
Art - We want this(for shrine upgrades and rituals), but have none of it and some trouble finding it.

[] Through the windy canyon, where blood drips from the stones and eternal malice echoes from the other side.
Death aspect, Earth aspect. Harzivan the Destroyer
Note that Death aspects may make it harder to have children, being opposed to life.

[] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.
Life aspect. Harzivan the Lifebringer, Mr Impregnated the whole village at one go.
We've been working on this with the babymaking.

[] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.
Plant/Obsidian aspect. Glasslands Maker
Mildly antitheical elements to us(we're Water, in an environment with sparse plantlife, and no natural obsidian save for Harvest Moon

[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.

Huh, I wonder where everyone's survival instincts went? :whistle:
Saying hi worked on Saiga!
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Haven't decided between excess or obsidian yet; anyone have any arguments one way or the other?

I'm going for obsidian because I like the mental picture more, that and if we incorporate it we could be the Black Sea or the dark moon which are cool titles/ideas if slightly over dramatic.

...just do whatever feels right. That's just as good a reason as any.
I'm going for obsidian because I like the mental picture more, that and if we incorporate it we could be the Black Sea or the dark moon which are cool titles/ideas if slightly over dramatic.

...just do whatever feels right. That's just as good a reason as any.
All roads lead to Rome, here. While the choices you take have some effect on your overall reward, you're still going to get a pretty damn good reward regardless. This is a good stance to take, since most of what you're doing is just fun and fluff.
[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.
[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.

Because Sheperd-dog God lived in the hills, and he was the best god before Gaerig.
[] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.
Plant/Obsidian aspect. Glasslands Maker
Mildly antitheical elements to us(we're Water, in an environment with sparse plantlife, and no natural obsidian save for Harvest Moon
Seems a bit the odd man out among the other options. Everything else has some connection to what we have done or expressed interest in, but this seems to have no connection.
Unless it is the chimera option and the weird plants just are an allegory for Harzivan's ability to crossbreed with stuff in defiance of all logic or basic mechanical possibility of getting a plant pregnant with a chunk of rock.
Seems a bit the odd man out among the other options. Everything else has some connection to what we have done or expressed interest in, but this seems to have no connection.
Unless it is the chimera option and the weird plants just are an allegory for Harzivan's ability to crossbreed with stuff in defiance of all logic or basic mechanical possibility of getting a plant pregnant with a chunk of rock.
This is Harzivan-land. Nothing here is tied to Gaerig.
Oh hi! ....Super-global god. (Multi-global? Multi-dimensional?) Interesting to talk to you. Pity that we'll probably never see you again.

[X] An instrument
Perform, please. Something we can use and then pass along to Seski, and our other descendants, as a useful heirloom.

[] A weapon
While I'm sure Gaerig will be capable of using this to defend herself, I would rather her instruments of violence and destruction be elemental attacks, as befitting her Elemental spirit nature. Could make for a useful gift to Saiga, I guess.

[] A beautiful thing
Art! Probably. Useful to enhance the figurines Saiga make, and as a Legend generator. I don't care for the Magic side of this though.

[] Through the windy canyon, where blood drips from the stones and eternal malice echoes from the other side.
The windy canyon! Fear spirits, though all the ones we knew of were Animals. And the gateway to goat-god. (But Harzi's connection to him was nothing but Death, unfortunately).

[X] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.
Not Sirivam's herders and hills, I don't think. The people in the hills beyond them, that we basically never pursued or interacted with? But this sounds like the path that would lead to more children, so.

[] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.
The obsidian tree-monsters from that buried god up north? Has the lake, and the swamp.
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Seemed a bit as if you picked the options in some correspondence to Gaerig. The whole place gives the feeling of "This is not how it is, but how you can comprehend it.".
Each direction pulls a number of parallels from certain periods of the Great One's legend, tied to iconic locations associated with them.

Each tool represents a unique way Gaerig would go about solving the challenges and obstacles that each direction would put to her (and each tool type is different depending on the path you take), and while she can 'fail' the challenges put to her, the failures are narrative, not dice-oriented, and from a completely objective perspective could be preferable to success.