[] An instrument
Perform - We got Trickery but nothing else. Easy to unlock.
[] A weapon
Melee/Ranged - We're bad at this. Will still be bad.
[] A beautiful thing
Art - We want this(for shrine upgrades and rituals), but have none of it and some trouble finding it.
[] Through the windy canyon, where blood drips from the stones and eternal malice echoes from the other side.
Death aspect, Earth aspect. Harzivan the Destroyer
Note that Death aspects may make it harder to have children, being opposed to life.
[] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.
Life aspect. Harzivan the Lifebringer, Mr Impregnated the whole village at one go.
We've been working on this with the babymaking.
[] Through the thicket, where trees are blackened with leaves of obsidian.
Plant/Obsidian aspect. Glasslands Maker
Mildly antitheical elements to us(we're Water, in an environment with sparse plantlife, and no natural obsidian save for Harvest Moon
[X] A beautiful thing
[X] Through the hill-places, where strange figures live in excess and pleasure.
Huh, I wonder where everyone's survival instincts went?
Saying hi worked on Saiga!