Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

To be honest, that argument already worked on me for the bandwagon write-in during the Bleach quest where we stabbed ourselves in the heart to obtain ULTIMATE POWER.

It... Didn't work so well then, so I'm reluctant to run with it now.

That's only because your intent was suicide. If you had just been explicit about accepting it into your heart rather than literally voting for it to go wrong in the worst possible way...
Watch Gaerig roll 100 100's and break the fourth wall, becoming the god of This universe.
If you rolled a 100 on my system it would already be pants-shitting stupid, and is slightly better than all of those 9's at once. 100 sets of 100's is so improbable I would be forced to reset the quest entirely. There would literally be nothing I could give that would logically extend from that series of events.
Not drunk, personally. All I can say in my defense. And dunno about others.

Hey, i've already covered my lack of drinking in this thread...and its kind of sad that its come up twice in like 2 days X-)
Well then I'm stumped, because the only excuses I can think of for these ideas having such strong traction is that you guys are currently inebriated, to a degree most would call wasted.
To be honest, that argument already worked on me for the bandwagon write-in during the Bleach quest where we stabbed ourselves in the heart to obtain ULTIMATE POWER.

It... Didn't work so well then, so I'm reluctant to run with it now.

Listen to the sane one. Just because AN setting dice love to present the exception to the 'eating an energy field larger than one's head' rule doesn't mean every situation can have that as a possible result.
Well then I'm stumped, because the only excuses I can think of for these ideas having such strong traction is that you guys are currently inebriated, to a degree most would wasted.
It's my Stand. It activated yesterday and the effects are only now beginning to propagate.

It'll wear off in a few hours to days, though, so don't worry about it being permanent.
Uh... I mean, yes. But it would probably have had some elements in common with the tree experience, except instead of splinters you die, badly.

Are you guys just collectively drunk af right now?

Well no, I have my second shift soon (split shifts! Fuck yeah!) And if I go to work even the slightest bit drunk I'll get fired. Doesn't mean I can't have stupid ideas, hence the 'mug it for its job' thing but still.
On one hand, we bang the God machine.
On the other, we destroy / fuck the universe and wipe ourselves from existence.



Or, you know, we could just leave.
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Well then I'm stumped, because the only excuses I can think of for these ideas having such strong traction is that you guys are currently inebriated, to a degree most would call wasted.
There's a substantial subset of regular voters(I think about 4-5 in absolute terms of unique posters), with a distinctly "Fuck it YOLO, we never get to do anything fun" approach, with about twice as many open to being caught up in the mood.

Although I have to say this for those voting for my questions: The intent is NOT to explode, but we have an INCREDIBLY rare glimpse at the machinery behind the universe. I'd like to at least ask to the tune of "what the fuck is going on" considering said machinery is somewhat aware, before we leave.
Consequence free, probably not, but I think Gaerig is inquisitive enough and the questions not blatantly dangerous enough that it's worth a shot.
Plaything of the Primal Ones
[X] Enter the doorway.

Obediently, you wander through the doorway within the machine. The stars vanish, the lights fade. You are surrounded by total darkness. You turn, and before you is a grand sphere, so massive as to dwarf all things. It emanates a tone, and you are drawn suddenly to it with great speed, the surface growing larger and larger until you, paradoxically, gently touch against it. You step upon it, and the sound you make echos out into nothing forever, reacts with the amber you're standing on. Tiny sparks, bursts of light, the stone beneath your feet becoming gold and silver and water and obsidian and spreading so fast.

The tones change. You are bombarded by chastisement, fury, terror as the sphere opens like a maw beneath you, and you tumble in. The suddenness of your fall, and the chaos about you as the precious metals and stones fall with you, leaves you unable to tell what is happening as you descend. Your fall is endless.

<Curious Furious>

<Intrigued Incensed>

<Incorrect! Improper!>

<Interesting. Abnormal>

Around you coils a number of spheres, patterned, organized, yet also chaotic, disjointed in their motions. You can only hear them speak because the chaotic ones ping off of one another, striking others and producing tones that you can recognize. The organized spheres make geometric patterns, twist in rings and move perfectly, not even straying as they are struck by the rest.

The ordered ones close in upon you, and you lose yourself...

You appear in a place you do not recognize, a thousand screaming voices begging for attention, in hunger. You appear upon a plain of yellowing grass and beneath your toes is impossibly fertile earth. The sun beats with dreadful heat above you. A figure approaches, at once like you, and unlike you. In the same moment, from the same being, you feel both kinship and paralyzing terror.

[] Hide!
[] Greet!
[] Run!
A figure approaches, at once like you, and unlike you. In the same moment, from the same being, you feel both kinship and paralyzing terror.

He is coming *giggles madly*

"But Omegahugger, we can't do all 3 at once!"
Shut up, Harzivan could've done it!

"But Omegahugger, we totally can do all 3 at once!"

[P] unearth a bush to hide yourself by holding it in front of your face, while running towards the new guy in order to greet him! :lol:rofl::lol:rofl::lol

After all there is no way that could go wrong :p