You are tense, worried, afraid. You do what you can for your people, but you tightly regulate the energy you give out this year, stopping only to see the future and know whether Attrouska will arrive sooner or later. You lose track as you follow the stars to a point of convergence, when... the man who disappeared some years ago returns?
(Hello critical failure guy, how did you like our exploding crit?)
With his canoe weighed down by riches and pleasing scents, he grounds upon the beach, dozens in stupefied awe as he spins a tale of accomplishments you would otherwise have believed impossible. He speaks of seductions of the children of gods themselves, of exhilarating chases and debauched romances. He weaves a tapestry of words describing how he joined in grand campaigns and led daring charges...
And in the quiet of your shrine, in privacy, you raise an eyebrow as he offers incenses, breaks figurines of heathen spirits over your alters, and gifts strange plants for sacrifice. He smirks lightly back, and you know it was all the cleverest lie ever told.
(I mean...the seductions and chances and romances and campaigns might be lies, but he clearly came back with riches and the like...) An excellent lie that grants him his pick of wives, a seat in the higher councils. Perhaps most importantly, he gains your attention as your favorite not-Seski human, and really Seski doesn't count because she's half you and you're not human at all, it's an unfair contest.
(Special follower! ...With no name yet! )
You are, lamentably, unable to take advantage of the situation, as a chill runs up your spine and it is time for you to go.
(Hmm--more weight to the ??? rolls being magic or mysticism, we sensed we needed to go) One last time, you meet with Saiga, asking for a parting gift; a final saga, and to arrange for Saitev to meet with you.
(I like the juxtaposition of "final saga" and "also introduce me when i get back"
)He tells of his final victory over Saitev
(I'd forgotten they had fought at first), and of the Crone's birth
(She is apparently a fairly young usurper...), in his mind the cementing of a good future, but in yours the first clear evidence of his demise. You cannot tell him, blinded by hope as he is.
(Alas, his blind spots stop him from hating the crone just as they stop him from hating us...the irony)
And so you leave, driving mad the tides and waves, scaring off the fish and bottom-crawlers, reveling for the final time in an act you will not perform for many, many months, cut off as you will be from all that makes you
You swim, in the end, the call of the sea too alluring to dirty your feet on land. You look up, and the convergence you had seen is near, nearer than you'd thought. You scan your location among the stars, and see that you are above the pit at the edge of the sunken village.
(Just travelled 40 miles without noticing...Avatar 5 stronk.) You will find something interesting down below. So you dive, swimming down and down and down, and the light pressure of the deep places surrounds you when you see the bottom, coming down at the precipice of the pit.
From up close, the pit is not that wide, though it's depth is still a question you cannot answer. It is as though the earth itself bent and twisted to try to swallow something having incredible weight and force, but ultimately failed. Sense of curiosity and adventure weighing heavily, you kick off from the edge, and swim down.
(You know, in retrospect we really should have known that "meteor impact that killed a civ and reshaped a land" would be a confluence...)
(Into a burning ring of fire?
It is dark...