Pandemonious Ivy
Panties, Revolution. Big Drawers. Parachute.
Wow. You're awful, I'll be back.
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth
-[] Expend <15> DE on petitioners (Astrology)
Rituals are locked somewhere behind this action. Do you really think that we are conveniently going to reach anything using just one research action? Unless rituals have become an order of magnitude simpler since AN's quest, I just don't see us getting what you want in a remotely timely manner from this. I'd rather spend the DE elsewhere; maybe even just on churning growth to get our pop modifier up.Rituals are locked behind this action. Rituals that will help us raise Shrine, shunt traits, etc. Primarily the first is what I'm hoping for, but we have to do the action enough to get lucky.
Sorry; you misunderstand. I'm perfectly okay with having the price for Avatar Actions go up because we don't have an Avatar. I'd be perfectly happy if there were locked, even.This is the penalty for the Yahweh Lite. You want all the traits? Have fun spending all the DE trying to use half of them.
We should also be looking for ways to make our current traits Inheritent.
How, though?..
None of the voting options seem to give any hints. Hmmm. Good question.
Rituals. 12 DE. Fire the shotgun into the sky and hope a pellet hits something you can use.
Note to self: Once we're stabilized enough, start spamming Past Reading actions to figure out what the fuck is going on
I doubt it will actually get us out of this mess, so much as make it less likely to happen again.Here. Second Magic got us into this mess. I'm hoping making sure we don't Accidentally everything again by learning more about it will help us get out of this mess.
] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
-[] Expend <16> DE on petitioners (Astrology)
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth
-[] Expend <16> DE on petitioners (Fishing)
[] Inspire Petitioner - Costs: 5 DE
-[] FORMLESS: Drive Petitioner to (Avatar Action). Costs: +15 DE surcharge x2 [40]
[] Moonlight*
-[] In your territory. [15]
[] Study Stars
-[] Read the Past Costs: 12 DE x2 [24]
[] Despise Trait
-[] Despise <Aspect of Humanity>
Here. Second Magic got us into this mess. I'm hoping making sure we don't Accidentally everything again by learning more about it will help us get out of this mess.
Actually, Waves is the better bet, because we need the Innovation from Humanity to unlock Art and Perform.
It gave you Fear 2. You accidentally stumbled into an attribute ritual, done the wrong way, but basically forced through using your second magic engine.
Also, I have completed your character sheet, covering the new demi, monster brood, and spirits you know stuff about!
Getting out of this mess is extraordinarily easy. We simply have to wait until we pick up a level Shrine as our Fearbuy. It isn't hard - there is a 30% chance of it each turn. It should take maybe 3-4 years - during which time we can let our pop recover and get some actual growth going. Plus influence actions count more, so that's good too. And we get a bonus if we "accidentally" despise Aspect of Humanity in the meantime.Here. Second Magic got us into this mess. I'm hoping making sure we don't Accidentally everything again by learning more about it will help us get out of this mess.
Here we go, this quote. Attribute Ritual is how we got fucked. Need to try to find out how to do it properly so we can buy Shrine ranks. Prolly gonna be expensive as all hell.
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Calm Seas.
--[] x5
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Call Fish.
--[] x5
Nah, feel free to go the safe "hope we don't do a ritual on accident again" route. I'm tackling the problem at the root.
Nice! A couple of suggestions, though.
Can you drop this? I want to "accidentally" despise Aspect of Humanity and find out what the bonus does.
This is a limited action; it maxes out at x3.
Maxes out at x2
Thank you. EditedWe got fucked 'cause we were doing the Second Magic without a clue, so Wild Magic triggered and rolled that particular ritual. Ritual knowledge would help, yeah; so would having Omen Reading and Mysticism. We know how to pick up Omen Reading, too... /eyes Aspect of the Raven.
We can only Control Waters 3 times, and only Direct Fish twice - as decreed by the number of asterisks after the action name.
We don't look in the freaking pool is what.We... didn't do the rituals on purpose in the first place? Like? Us accidentally stumbling across them instead of seeking them out is exactly what messed us up?
Nah, feel free to go the safe "hope we don't do a ritual on accident again" route. I'm tackling the problem at the root.
Why waves and not humanity? it also opens skill slots.[] Plan Ritual Fixing
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
-[] Expend <16> DE on petitioners (Astrology)
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth
-[] Expend <16> DE on petitioners (Fishing)
[] Inspire Petitioner - Costs: 5 DE
-[] FORMLESS: Drive Petitioner to (Avatar Action). Costs: +15 DE surcharge x2 [40]
[] Moonlight*
-[] In your territory. [15]
[] Study Stars
-[] Read the Past Costs: 12 DE x2 [24]
[] Despise Trait
-[] Despise <EA- Waves>
This is what it'll look like, for the moment.
Artifact from the fear buy giving fear 5 (looking at the wrong set of dice).On a separate note, @Powerofmind, the Vehemence next turn should be 4*[10 + 8 - 2]/10 = 4*16/10 = 6.4, not 7.2.
Reason I don't want to despise is that being over maxed traits raises our chances of Shrine 3 even further. I'm open to arguments to the contrary though.Can you drop this? I want to "accidentally" despise Aspect of Humanity and find out what the bonus does.
I think Humanity is yucky too, but being over increases chance of Shrine 3. We can get rid of it next turn.I gotta say, I hate the idea of keeping humanity and despising waves. I don't care that it is tiered and thus less likely to be a problem to keep humanity, it is not a fun trait and I don't want to keep it around.
At or above cap all despises give the 'cap bonus', which is that the trait costs 1 Legend to pick back up later, dramatically boosts Shrine upgrade chance, and crowds out new traits on the table. Basically by the time you have at most 2-3 cycled despise traits, you can't get new traits without getting shrine first, which will be roughly 50% or more on the buy table.Can you drop this? I want to "accidentally" despise Aspect of Humanity and find out what the bonus does.