Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

I'll note that the main bullshit that Harzivan pulled was in fact not in melee; it was in elemental control. The turning point of that war was Harzivan getting Inferno and proceeding to baptize his enemies in flame; there weren't really even skill checks involved.
Well, Harzivan WAS in fact insanely focused on Influence and Awe.

Awe was the actual problem. It kicked off all the rest of the problems by allowing him to earn more Legend per year than anyone else does in three years. At maximum Awe Arete, he was earning Legend faster than he could spend it, which meant he had a new action to use every year, with associated First Time bonus, which when used with his Awe, meant that every trait effectively bought the next trait immediately.
Okay. In that case, perhaps my point shouldn't be that skills are too weak but they are too expensive, at least if you buy them directly. Perhaps skills should only cost 1/2 a legend to acquire? Or maybe, spirits should be able to spend 1 legend per year on buying skills for "free", without needing to spend any time on it?
Uh...the issue IS that sleeping for skills is only done if you wanted to trade Active Time for Total Time. Spend a year asleep to save the 3-4 years you'd normally need to roll the skill to upgrade it 'naturally'. So you spend a year asleep to get it in one year, versus spending 3-4 years getting it anyway.

Generally speaking, unless you have a quest, the only reason to sleep for a skill is to pick up the first rank(because lucking into that first rank is a pain), so that you can grind the skill action.
--[X] First task, build a shrine to Gaerig in your village, In return, we will bless your villagers.
--[X] Second task, we require 'prey'. Tell us of where to hunt and where to avoid dangers and we will offer you knowledge of the future in return.
--[X] Third and Final task, we require him to h-hold hands. In return we will present him with a magical coat of armor and accept his proposal
Don't worry I'm working on it. Also do you have any suggestions for tasks?

Looking at these...

Exchange Shrines -> Stop killing off villagers in most ways. Still tricky, but less deathy.

Craft us a string of pearls, as blue as the sky. (Yes, blue pearls are a thing. They're also only found on the inside of the shells of sea snails, and you can't figure out which one has them.) -> We'll read the stars for him when we're doing our own augers. Fortune telling can get pretty good benefits.

Bestow this necklace on us at low tide, in the center of our holy place. (Remember how it's basically a pointy death maze? Not so dangerous when the water's out, but if he can't navigate it in time then it won't be out.) -> We'll garb each other in our gifts and exchange our vows of marriage. Saiga gets SuperSaigan armor, we get a string of blue pearls taken from the bottom of the sea, and our bond is created in a Holy Place.

This look good?
(bold added for emphasis)
Uh...the issue IS that sleeping for skills is only done if you wanted to trade Active Time for Total Time. Spend a year asleep to save the 3-4 years you'd normally need to roll the skill to upgrade it 'naturally'. So you spend a year asleep to get it in one year, versus spending 3-4 years getting it anyway.

Generally speaking, unless you have a quest, the only reason to sleep for a skill is to pick up the first rank(because lucking into that first rank is a pain), so that you can grind the skill action.
That is the part that I find objectionable; I don't like items in the store having an overpriced price tag. Up till now, I was assuming that the store price was supposed to reflect the true value of the item. If we turn the paradigm on its head and say that no, a skill isn't actually worth 1 legend despite the price tag, and you'd never willingly buy one for that price using sleep time, then the current setup makes a lot more sense. In that case, 10 in a skill wasn't something you paid 10 Legend for (i.e. the equivalent of about three attribute upgrades for us right now), but rather it is just something you got over time. In that paradigm, advancing to 10 in a skill doesn't mean that it is a focus that you invested lots of effort in; it just means that it is a skill you unlocked and then used often enough to get a "journeyman" level of experience in. You only count as being on the path to actual mastery once you've gotten the Excellency and whatnot.

I actually like that a lot; this resolves the problems I've been having with the system without causing the ruckus that @Powerofmind was worried about.

My main concern with this is that the ticket price is absolutely inaccurate. If skills are honestly worth only a fraction of a legend, then pricing them at 1 legend means that you simply can't buy skills are a reasonable price. Furthermore, as a fear spirit, if you roll a skill upgrade, that is something of a waste of a Fear Buy. These problems are both fixed by making it 1 legend for +2 in a skill. @veekie, @Powerofmind - is there any reason that this would be a bad suggestion?
Speed limits mostly. Small Legend costs means that you could unlock Excellencies very early on, when at 1 Legend, either they sat out the game to unlock it early while you could get there 'naturally' in about a half century of existence.
@chocolote12 @Edkose @Fumbles @lioli @ninjafish @Omegahugger @PrimalShadow @Raising Kittens @tricholysis @Van Ropen @Void Stalker

This is the current reiteration of the plan with of course the last two tasks as not serious and open to suggestions.

@Ephemeral_Dreamer @Ian Drash @fasquardon @Seventeen This would be almost the same thing as your plan as it includes no immediate marriage, and proposes conditions for Gaerig's hand in marriage. Sorry to have bothered you so but we want to ensure that at least there is no immediate marriage.

Second task: I agree with the assertion that it should be looking for "acceptable targets".

Third task: Make our people the greatest across the land.

See, the third task is for a dual purpose: 1. It's a 'solid' goal he can go for and doesn't seem likely to put him off. We want greatness. He can provide it, or so he thinks. Not that bad. 2. It's something that we, as a trickster spirit, can judge and deem it wanting. We can say "How can they be the greatest when X" or "They can't be the greatest because Y" or something along those lines. Might not work forever, but it could, theoretically. Plus it gives us a bit of leeway as far as him courting us, because he'll have a lot of his focus on improving the people.

Oh, found a third good reason for it: He can focus on the domestics and making sure our population is actually taken care of, which we likely won't be doing too much of. He'll handle the home, we'll be exploring and creating sea monsters 'n shit.

It's great.
Third task: Make our people the greatest across the land.

See, the third task is for a dual purpose: 1. It's a 'solid' goal he can go for and doesn't seem likely to put him off. We want greatness. He can provide it, or so he thinks. Not that bad. 2. It's something that we, as a trickster spirit, can judge and deem it wanting. We can say "How can they be the greatest when X" or "They can't be the greatest because Y" or something along those lines. Might not work forever, but it could, theoretically. Plus it gives us a bit of leeway as far as him courting us, because he'll have a lot of his focus on improving the people.
"How can we be the greatest when there's a wicked Fear Spirit who wrecks our boats like a child playing with twigs!?"
"... Dear, that's you doing that."
"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"I'll make our village great again!"
What is the current tally?

[X] Plan No Husbando (yet)

Vote Tally : Original - Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age | Page 159 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That you would spare only those who would have an attractive young man or young woman of their blood serve you well each year as a mark of proper respect.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village where you choose, before you would marry him, so that you may meet more often.
No. of Votes: 19
Plan: ◈Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?

Ando Owen
Pandemonious Ivy
The Laurent
[X] Plan No Husbando (yet)
[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[X] Give something else instead of either condition (can upset Saiga regardless of what is offered if it doesn't include easing up on his fishers).
-[X] We will bless some of his people to make up for this year, as soon as we have a shrine in his village
[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
-[X] A shrine to us in his village
-[X] Information about the island, especially any nearby villages and spirits; we need to know more before we make such a commitment.
No. of Votes: 16
Plan: ◈No Husbando (yet)

Abby Normal
Ian Drash
Raising Kittens
Van Ropen
Void Stalker
[X] Plan Test the Husband
[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[X] We will leave his people alone for a year and a day as thanks for his gift
[X] Afterwards we will let those of his people in peace who are willing to send the most beautiful of their blood to attend us each year as a mark of proper respect.
[X] However he has not proven that he is worthy of our hand If he wants our hand he has to do three things for us to prove that he is capable (not sure yet what kind of chalenges to give him but having to do some imposible tasks is kind of standard for this kind of thing)
[X] Either way we are willing to have our people build him a shrine in our village if he is willing to have his own people do the same.
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈Test the Husband

[X] Plan Not-getting-that-many-votes
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine in his village, equal in grandeur to his own.
--[X] Offer to allow him to construct a shrine in your own village, so that no matter what, you will always be near each other
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈Not-getting-that-many-votes

Rungni Khazadson
[X] Plan The Witch and The Huntsman
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests and offers.
--[X] He becomes our champion.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village
-[X] Offers to sweeten the deal.
--[X] Allow him to construct a shrine in your own village
--[X] we become his Queen.
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈The Witch and The Huntsman

[X] Plan Buggy
-[X] Accept his second condition
-[X] Accept his first condition
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Buggy

[X] Plan Not Quite
[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
-[X] Saiga hasn't proven himself yet, to even be considered for marriage, but as a show of good will you're willing to set up a shrine for him with your people as long as he can do the same for you.
-[X] You are willing to spare his people your wrath only if he's willing to find people deserving of it. He must have some enemies...
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Not Quite

--[X] That you would spare only those who would have an attractive young man and young woman of their close blood serve you well each year as a mark of proper respect.
No. of Votes: 1
-[X] ...On the condition that he becomes the wife."
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 45

We only need three more votes to tie! Tell your friends:D
[X] Plan WeddingsMean Shared Assets right?
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can bedifficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce toSaiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That you would spare only those who would have anattractive young man or young woman of their blood serve you well each year as amark of proper respect.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village where you choose, before you would marry him, so that you may meetmore often.

Plan change sorry @Sightsear
Plan No Husbando is asking for really a lot in exchange for so little.

We'd be giving up far more years of sowing terror compared to Wedding Means Shared assets.

Also, seems I changed my vote by accident. Fixing that.

[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assetsright?
Last edited:
We only need three more votes to tie! Tell your friends:D
Huh, I get a different result. (even accounting for the vote-shifts)
Vote Tally : Original - Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age | Page 159 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Plan No Husbando (yet)
[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[X] Give something else instead of either condition (can upset Saiga regardless of what is offered if it doesn't include easing up on his fishers).
-[X] We will bless some of his people to make up for this year, as soon as we have a shrine in his village
[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
-[X] A shrine to us in his village
-[X] Information about the island, especially any nearby villages and spirits; we need to know more before we make such a commitment.
No. of Votes: 17
Plan: ◈No Husbando (yet)

Abby Normal
Captain Spatula
Ian Drash
Pandemonious Ivy
Raising Kittens
Van Ropen
Void Stalker

[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That you would spare only those who would have an attractive young man or young woman of their blood serve you well each year as a mark of proper respect.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village where you choose, before you would marry him, so that you may meet more often.
No. of Votes: 16
Plan: ◈Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?

Ando Owen
Rungni Khazadson

[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That you would spare only those who would have an attractive young man or young woman of their blood serve you well each year as a mark of proper respect.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village where you choose, before you would marry him, so that you may meet more often.
-[X] ...On the condition that he becomes the wife.
No. of Votes: 4
The Laurent

[X] Plan Test the Husband
[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[X] We will leave his people alone for a year and a day as thanks for his gift
[X] Afterwards we will let those of his people in peace who are willing to send the most beautiful of their blood to attend us each year as a mark of proper respect.
[X] However he has not proven that he is worthy of our hand If he wants our hand he has to do three things for us to prove that he is capable (not sure yet what kind of chalenges to give him but having to do some imposible tasks is kind of standard for this kind of thing)
[X] Either way we are willing to have our people build him a shrine in our village if he is willing to have his own people do the same.
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈Test the Husband


[X] Plan Not-getting-that-many-votes
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine in his village, equal in grandeur to his own.
--[X] Offer to allow him to construct a shrine in your own village, so that no matter what, you will always be near each other
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Not-getting-that-many-votes


[X] Plan The Witch and The Huntsman
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests and offers.
--[X] He becomes our champion.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village
-[X] Offers to sweeten the deal.
--[X] Allow him to construct a shrine in your own village
--[X] we become his Queen.
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈The Witch and The Huntsman


[X] Plan Buggy
-[X] Accept his second condition
-[X] Accept his first condition
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Buggy


[X] Plan Not Quite
[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
-[X] Saiga hasn't proven himself yet, to even be considered for marriage, but as a show of good will you're willing to set up a shrine for him with your people as long as he can do the same for you.
-[X] You are willing to spare his people your wrath only if he's willing to find people deserving of it. He must have some enemies...
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Not Quite


-[X] ...On the condition that he becomes the wife."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] winning bachelor vote
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 46
Plan No Husbando is asking for really a lot in exchange for so little.

We'd be giving up far more years of sowing terror compared to Wedding Means Shared assets.

Also, seems I changed my vote by accident. Fixing that.

[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assetsright?
What do you mean we would giving up far more years? Neither plan has stated how long we would stop for. 1-3 years seems the estimate but nothung concrete.
What do you mean we would giving up far more years? Neither plan has stated how long we would stop for. 1-3 years seems the estimate but nothung concrete.
It's give and take.

What we offer and get needs to be about equal, if somewhat biased to us.
Dude, the plan was literally named "Not getting that many votes"

Frankly, I was astounded when you voted for my plan in the first place! It was a delight, and god speed to you, good sir.
You might want to tactically vote in favor of a leading plan..
You might want to tactically vote in favor of a leading plan..
I already am! I'm tactically voting for an independent, and thereby avoiding the cut-throat horse-trading nit-picking vote-wrangling that is currently occurring. While sipping a margarita. I'm equally cool with either vote (that is to say, not quite sold, and the bank is closed, so I cannot withdraw any more $hits to give).

Carry on, you glorious bastards!
If we offer to let him build a shrine in our village, and don't hold out for ours being of equal opulence to his own, it would probably be a fairly easy trade. Course, neither plan openly states that, so I remain firmly bleh on them both.
Actually, we might just need to win an opposed roll if he doesn't straight up agree with us.
Might be, though I'd note that if it's fundamentally opposed to his nature he might very well be compelled to fight it out if we fail the "let him down" roll.

Probably not on the wedding, granted. That's safe-ish.
But if we outright refuse to spare his people we're going to have to move fast.

Still sniggering at Saiga's fruitless chase, and then outracing him to our Holy Place by simply hitching a ride under his carcanoe.
[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That you would spare only those who would have an attractive young man or young woman of their blood serve you well each year as a mark of proper respect.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village where you choose, before you would marry him, so that you may meet more often.
Since it looks like my plan has no chance of winning I'm going to switch my vote.
I believe we shouldn't give in to easily marrying him the moment he ask seems weak so voting for
[X] Plan No Husbando (yet)