Tiberium Storm (A Mass Effect and Command and Conquer AU Xover)

Do you guys want Turn 1 to take place at 2112 or 2152 like in canon?

  • 2112

    Votes: 44 93.6%
  • 2152

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well there was that third alien race from Tiberian Sun that carried the Tacitus. Maybe one of their ships crashed here? Not carrying a Tacitus obviously.

Though maybe that should be a nat100 roll.
Wasn't that the Scrin? I remember that the Tacitus mentioned a civil war so the rebel faction could have been the one who sent the Tacitus to Earth while the Loyalist want to harvest Earth.
Wasn't that the Scrin? I remember that the Tacitus mentioned a civil war so the rebel faction could have been the one who sent the Tacitus to Earth while the Loyalist want to harvest Earth.

If I remember the dev comments right the Tacitus was ethier going to be the soul prison of a Martian general (something like soul killer from cyberpunk) who sacrificed himself so the primitive humans of earth would have a chance. The other one was as you said Scrin rebels who rejected the heavy use of tib by their race and tried to help others.
It will be a crashed Asari ship with a surviving occupant and we get a peaceful First Contact with the Citadel. :V
Don't mind me, just rolling for a random event.

Edit: ... Welp, now I gotta think of something beneficial.

Finding crashed spaceship that wasn't detected ealrier could work. Maybe small landslide happened and revealed it.

Discovering local animal or plant that's very useful to us also works.

And finally, meeting intelligent life. Maybe it wasn't living underground and that's why no one noticed it ? Or maybe we will be dealing primitive civilization.

Ultimately choice is yours.
I feel like introducing local intelligent life this early would be a major headache to include and I highly doubt I can implement them very well other than that they are there and would be useless for anything other than trading for food.
Other option is we get a lot of Construction Materials for some reason.

Maybe GDI decided to send us some or something like that.
They already packed to the limit on the way to Shanxi so I don't think that would make sense as I can't explain that away.

Maybe some kind of system error which has them mistakingly send the resources to us. Not that they would know that so while it would benefit us it would likely annoy someone when it was discovered mostly to do with having to fix the issue and I doubt a colony would complain when they don't know about it. Though I do like Argenten's idea as that would also be quite helpful.
What about a crashed deep space probe From another race? It could have been an exploration mission to the other side of the relay that was abandone maybe from around the time of the Rachni wars or Krogan Rebellion Or was one that got sent off for deep space exploration like Voyager.

edit: that or we have something that speeds up our reserch.
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What about a crashed deep space probe From another race? It could have been an exploration mission to the other side of the relay that was abandone maybe from around the time of the Rachni wars or Krogan Rebellion Or was one that got sent off for deep space exploration like Voyager.

edit: that or we have something that speeds up our reserch.
That Mass Relay was off and there had been no mention of the Citadel Races having the ability to turn one off other than blowing it up. And your research already takes 1 Turn and I can't make it instant without a really good explanation.
That Mass Relay was off and there had been no mention of the Citadel Races having the ability to turn one off other than blowing it up. And your research already takes 1 Turn and I can't make it instant without a really good explanation.


what about finding a native animal that could easily be domesticated and fit for human consumption with a minimum of effort by the colonist would help with early food production and would be a big thing since then a large portion of livestock or its genetic material doesn't have to be shipped in.
Maybe a large supply of ezo to mine. That would be very useful.
I'll only do that when you natcrit on the prospecting rolls to keep it challenging.
what about finding a native animal that could easily be domesticated and fit for human consumption with a minimum of effort by the colonist would help with early food production and would be a big thing since then a large portion of livestock or its genetic material doesn't have to be shipped in.
I did made 2 possible domesticateble animals in the next update. A Shanxi Mountain Goat and Mountain Deer. Chances are there are more animals in the surrounding areas that I'll reveal next chapter.
Either the tunnels already existing making expansion cheap and easy or finding animal/plants that have great bio-research/medical properties (future advanced medi-gel) that would give Sirta a very good reason to be interested in us.
Eva Files: Project Gaia & Project Artemis
Omake coming up thanks fo to the author for writing this quest and also beating and approval

EVA Files:

EVA Files: Project Gaia and Project Artemis

Shortly after the end of the First Tiberium War, GDI faced a real crisis in that Earth's Flora and Fauna were dwindling at an alarming rate due to Tiberium infestation and mutation with many more in danger of the same fate. In response, GDI alongside the Mobius Foundation headed by Sydney Mobius, Rhine Labs, and Reblossom Biotechnical Limited began Project Gaia and Project Artemis with the goal of collecting and cataloging as many seeds and genetic samples as possible to preserve as many of the Earth's flora and fauna as possible.

The process was made difficult by both the remnants of Nod at the time as well as the various militias and warlords that has taken root due to the breakdown of society as well as the various mutant animal and human population. Many of the people who undertook this effort were injured or killed as they worked to acquire as many of Earth flora and fauna species genetic samples as they could it is estimated that through their efforts many of the Earth's natives species were saved. However, it's estimated that around five to ten percent of the flora and fauna that originally inhabited the Earth were unrecoverable through efforts to collect possible samples from natural history museums and other such institutes is still ongoing even to this day by the Mobius Foundation and Rhine Labs.

These samples were locked in secure vaults with one located in Iceland, another in Antarctica, and the last in orbit onboard the GDSS Philadelphia. These vaults were kept secure throughout the Second Tiberium War and the Firestorm Crisis, due to being of low priority targets to the Brotherhood of Nod and CABALS Forces proved to be vital in the development of the Blue Zones allowing for many native Earth species to be reintroduced.

However, a major blow was delivered to the project with the loss of the GDSS Philadelphia in the opening hours of the Third Tiberium War. With one of the three major vaults destroyed much to the horror of the then project head Doctor Olivia Saria. The loss of such a major vault was a blow to the project and efforts were made to look into setting up another alternative site for a new vault as well as increasing security for the others. Unfortunately, with the ongoing war and eventual Scrin Invasion it was delayed. A new space based vault was eventually launched with the GDSS Ark that functioned as both a Vault and a doomsday ark. In the aftermath of the 3rd Tiberium war, with the failure of GDI's Tiberium Reclamation and Containment methods, some thought was given that the Ark would be a memorial of mankind sitting over a blasted world.

However, with the end of the Ascension Conflict and the activation of the TCN Project Artemis and Gaia have begun the painstaking process of trying to rebuild Earth's badly damaged ecosystem. The initial plan is to focus on the Blue Zones and the Yellow Zones that are under the direct control and protection of GDI and work in reintroducing species once native to the area has begun. Nevertheless this has run into issues due to the extensive damage Tiberium has done to the soil, leaving it a barren wasteland where nothing would grow. GDI, the Mobius Foundation, and Rhine Labs continue to fund the efforts in the restoration of the Earth, with the goal of healing the scars left behind by Tiberium. Their efforts have lead to great strides being made in the biosciences including the field of genetic engineering as they work to restore the earth's biosphere.

One knock-on effect of the Projects is that it has given GDI and humanity practical terraforming experience which has allowed them, through genetic engineering, to adapt some native earth species to human colonies which have aided in feeding the colonies and given them valuable insights in how to restore the Earth.
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You already had a great haul and having a 2nd one kind of cheapens the original. I'm considering having Vanguard Enterprises coming in early, but still need time to think about it.

How about a crashed Rachni Bioship?

It could be from before the Rachni & Citadel Wars, launched before the Race was corrupted.

If it has a Queen Egg, we can gain an Allied Race with Biotech Specialisation!

Alternatively a local Species of Non Sapient life, which has interesting biological features and or defenses.

Or a Subterranean Cave System that has a functional Ecosystem with Bioluminescence, so it has it's own lighting, oxygen, flora and fauna etc?
How about a crashed Rachni Bioship?

It could be from before the Rachni & Citadel Wars, launched before the Race was corrupted.

If it has a Queen Egg, we can gain an Allied Race with Biotech Specialisation!

Alternatively a local Species of Non Sapient life, which has interesting biological features and or defenses.

Or a Subterranean Cave System that has a functional Ecosystem with Bioluminescence, so it has it's own lighting, oxygen, flora and fauna etc?
Of you get 98+ on the Event roll I'll probably do that.

For native species, you'll need a 80-90+ on the Hunting roll to find anything interesting.

For the cave ecosystem, I'll probably need a 85+ on the exploration roll. Since Earth caves don't have bioluminesense ecosystems due having to be ultra efficient or else they starve, the bioluminsense wildlife will need an energy source to bioluminese
Lithosynthesis(using minerals to fuel processes similar to respiration and photosynthesis), a process similar to this, and perhaps there is a hidden nutrient flow?
Also some of this: reality check - How might kinetosynthesizing "plants" look? - Worldbuilding Stack Exchange
If I recall, Litho is low energy because it takes a lot to break down minerals and what you get in return is just enough to sustain moss or micro organisms. I don't think there is any mineral compound that can be a great source of energy for carbon based life. Not sure about silica based life so there is a bit of wiggle room there.
For the various other life forms, it looks like it would be relatively simple and not very active. Not very useful for a space faring GDI.