Do you guys want Turn 1 to take place at 2112 or 2152 like in canon?

  • 2112

    Votes: 44 93.6%
  • 2152

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
50$ that one or more of the habitats have a suspicious amount of storage of raw materials and manufacturing combined with an inactive Orion pulse drive. Probably one of these.
$50 that that by itself is not enough to hide from reapers.(Nuclear detonations are a massive signal. Combine with the most advanced FTL and limited destinations, and the poor arks are dead.)
$50 that right now they are being refitted with ME FTL engines and that one Doctor Ryder is researching his Zero-Static Charge FTL engine.

Can you kill a Reaper by infecting it with active Tiberium?
Probably a Last Resort Fuck You! plan to the Mecha!Squids.
Can you kill a Reaper by infecting it with active Tiberium?
Yes. However, you now have a viral grey goo that can not be controlled in space. I hope that would be the final FU from humanity, else you fucked up.(reclamation of reaper stuff on earth is a separate matter. That would be the same as GDI asteroid mining on earth(lob at select area and let the tiberium process it))
Tiberium mining turns even the stone into tiberium so asteroid mining should use tiberium get 100% resource return and asteroids being smaller then a planet they wont reach the final stage like they would on a planet.

Edit: If I remember tiberium once broken down can be arranged into whatever structure or thing you can make into said item.
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Thing GDI would have electromagnetic plasma shields for just regular space flight? protection from harmful radiation and maybe even laser technology, as I figure GDI would test this sort of thing against their own weapons, maybe not a ion cannon level of protection, as the shield would break up from such a focused shot, but also ion cannons tend to be able to shoot from orbit to the ground so its understandable that such shields wont protect from it, not unless they are heavily modified and given more power to protect from.

Edit: Just thought of another use for this shield, it gets rid of static buildup, thus extending the range of the ship to infinity and their storage of ezzo and food.
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Cave Vote
Just a heads up, having trouble with Writer's block so the update is a bit delayed for a few days. As an apology I'll let you guys pick what you want for the Cave Results.

[ ] +20 Underground Space
[ ] +15 Underground Space & +1 Interesting Cave Biome
[ ] +6 Underground Space & +1 Thermal Vent

Also SV didn't notify me that you guys posted anything here so I am also sorry I didn't reply for a while.

On the subject of Tib against Reapers, Tiberium has a hard time converting forged metals like tank armor into Tiberium. I think the Codex mention that Indoctrination involves nano-technology too so I don't think converting Reapers into Tib will be effective as guys think it would be. If it was in Liquid-T Bomb form, I think it can kill a couple of Reapers if they get caught in the blast.

For the Tib mining, I think only metals and minerals get absorbed, regular rocks gets leeched of their minerals but still stay rocks if I'm not wrong. So, Asteroid mining a metallic asteroid would probably result in 60-70%Tib.

@cageorks love the map.

@zac1, I need to go shopping for groceries in a bit but I'll read your posts on the space station and the force field later today.
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[X] +20 Underground Space

I think the starting point needs to be big, its going to be where we build our base and stage the whole turian first contact war at, so it needs to be big, and that way we can stuff everything needed in there, protect us from orbital bombardment, and I hope, to use our digging vehicles to ambush and if we can before the invasion build bases around the valley.

Dont we have enough thermal vents? this is a small colony after all we really going to need all that power?
Dont we have enough thermal vents? this is a small colony after all we really going to need all that power?
You are going to need to power those City-wide shields somehow. Also this would be your 1st Thermal Vent and you can build a Geothermal Plant in 1 turn rather than the 2 it would take by having a Tunneler artificially make a hole several kms deep to get to optimal hot rock that won't cool from Geothermal operations for several decades.
[X] +15 Underground Space & +1 Interesting Cave Biome

I like the idea of this personally the most, though I'll take the Thermal Vent over even more space. We can relatively easily gain more space by getting even more diggers. But getting using things in those spaces? Much harder.

What sort of things could we see in the Interesting Cave Biome anyway?
What sort of things could we see in the Interesting Cave Biome anyway?
Fantasy-ish Cave ecosystem. Small cave dwellers that feed on lichen or moss. And a variety of carnivorous Cave critters that eat smaller one critters. The largest is about the size of a lobster. You'll need to research those critters individually and it depends on the roll how beneficial they would be with a 40DC to something mildly beneficial, an 80DC for a good benefit, and a 95DC for a Crit discovery.

@zac1, The forcefield post looks good so consider it canon and in use.
The O'Neill cylinder have a few problems in its design, the 1st is that a lot of important stuff is concentrated at the tip of the station and not nestled under several meters of armor or non-critical sections. Any attacking fleet can see the Radiators and the satellite dish and figure that, that looked important and concentrate their fire on that. Yes there are shields but better to have redundancies than rely on 1 system. 2nd problem, the huge af windows are unnecessary, an artificial holographic sky is good enough. 3rd, the food modules being outside the station, I remember reading that GDI used anti-grav from the Sandstorm propulsion and in the C&C3 Philadelphia cinematic you can see people walking inside the station through the windows so artificial gravity is something GDI can make without needing to use centripetal force. I think the TibWar2 era space station already have artificial grav too.

The idea of having space colonies is fine, but there is the opportunity cost of building a space colony, when those resources could be used to colonizing a planet. Colonizing a planet is much easier and cheaper than creating a space colony from scratch along with not needing to worry about a population limit due to how small a Space Station is in comparison to a planet. GDI will have Space Stations but they are mostly ports, refueling stations, and GDI Navy Bases, not for civilian habitation. Civilian Space Stations do exist but they need to have a permit to build a station there along with having it inspected by GDI Engineers so that it is up to space station building code. Thus only the extremely wealthy and large corporations can afford their own Space Stations.
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The O'Neill cylinder have a few problems in its design, the 1st is that a lot of important stuff is concentrated at the tip of the station and not nestled under several meters of armor or non-critical sections. Any attacking fleet can see the Radiators and the satellite dish and figure that, that looked important and concentrate their fire on that. Yes there are shields but better to have redundancies than rely on 1 system. 2nd problem, the huge af windows are unnecessary, an artificial holographic sky is good enough. 3rd, the food modules being outside the station, I remember reading that GDI used anti-grav from the Sandstorm propulsion and in the C&C3 Philadelphia cinematic you can see people walking inside the station through the windows so artificial gravity is something GDI can make without needing to use centripetal force. I think the TibWar2 era space station already have artificial grav too.

The idea of having space colonies is fine, but there is the opportunity cost of building a space colony, when those resources could be used to colonizing a planet. Colonizing a planet is much easier and cheaper than creating a space colony from scratch along with not needing to worry about a population limit due to how small a Space Station is in comparison to a planet. GDI will have Space Stations but they are mostly ports, refueling stations, and GDI Navy Bases, not for civilian habitation. Civilian Space Stations do exist but they need to have a permit to build a station there along with having it inspected by GDI Engineers so that it is up to space station building code. Thus only the extremely wealthy and large corporations can afford their own Space Stations.
Hm if not O'Neil cylinders how about something like Citadel from EVE Online?

These massive stations are capable of supporting our space industry, landing on a planet is hard, and taking off it even harder, even if we got the technology its the difference between having to go to the next town over to gas up and walking the rest of the way to a gas station and back to your car with jerry cans to fueling your car at a local gas station just up the road and a five minute drive.

These massive stations capable of docking ships, being a hub of industry from asteroid miners in the system, they can be near the source of important goods such as asteroids or a FTL highway to support ships fuel needs in a safe maner as the station would have their own GDI personal navy. (licensed ships from GDI that they are allowed to construct in limited number to protect their territory)

This is something I figure GDI would had constructed for their budding navy. As their small number means having to exploit every resource they can get, and after awhile these stations start to form from the raw materials they get, and the fact they need to have these ships constructed in space.

It should be standard practice once GDI started getting off the ground and colonizing other worlds, build a massive station hub and wait till more profit forms.

Heck shanxi should have one just being built now, how else do we sell our metals to GDI? open communications and have a ship fly over so we can fill its hold? talk about inefficient. Nah likely a space station somewhere in the solar system is about gathering resources and wont say no to extra.

Edit: forgot to have video.
Heck shanxi should have one just being built now, how else do we sell our metals to GDI? open communications and have a ship fly over so we can fill its hold? talk about inefficient. Nah likely a space station somewhere in the solar system is about gathering resources and wont say no to extra
Good point, alright, by the end of Year 2 (Turn 5) you'll get a Proto-Station. It's basically a Space MCV that unfolds into a Space Station or at least the embryo of a Space Station. Just feed it several hundred ingots of metals and it's crew will handle the rest. It will use a Space Elevator to get goods into orbit and you can sell your ingots there. I'll also start adding Ingot quotas for you to fill from GDI HighCom. If you exceed their quotas, they'll give you more Points to spend on your future army, the more points you have the more toys you get to play with when the Turians invade. Since I now need to add this in, expect further delays.
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Good point, alright, by the end of Year 2 (Turn 5) you'll get a Proto-Station. It's basically a Space MCV that unfolds into a Space Station or at least the embryo of a Space Station. Just feed it several hundred ingots of metals and it's crew will handle the rest. It will use a Space Elevator to get goods into orbit and you can sell your ingots there. I'll also start adding Ingot quotas for you to fill from GDI HighCom. If you exceed their quotas, they'll give you more Points to spend on your future army, the more points you have the more toys you get to play with when the Turians invade. Since I now need to add this in, expect further delays.
Ooh this is awesome it gives us something to do with the resources beyond just sell them or use them ourselves.
You know, to make asteroid mining more profitable as well as efficient for the colony, GDI should do some cluster searching and establish orbital asteroid around planets or just crash them into moons, for mining when the colony reaches orbital standards.

Edit: I just found this video, so I figure it be interesting to take some advice in it.

Edit2: After some thought is earth a major hub of industry? Asteroid Clusters that form into massive nations capable of producing raw materials in bulk across the solar system?

Even more thought into this line lead to me thinking that the planets currently being colonized are test beds of a sort to recreate such a massive system of industry while also spreading mankind across worlds in case the scrin return to earth. With a real invasion army, not what amounted to a mining company with escorts.

Edit3: Another video on the subject but its more limited to what we can do right now, not what GDI is now capable of.

Since the Sol system has tons of resources in terms of asteroid mining we just need to tap it, well by we I mean GDI we got our own system to work off let GDI do what it does while we work on our own slice.
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