And for comparison's sake:
Current Space Doctrine:
The one that GDI is currently operating under.
Our baseline and needs.
-Security Environment:
What threats are we expecting?
--It has been a while since the Scrin attacked. We have not yet found any signs that the Scrin are around. This means that they either are not around anymore (not likely) or that they do not use the relay network that we use for FTL (if they even use FTL). This means that we need to be highly mobile and prepare for an strike on any of our colonies a any times, even if the colony is supposedly protected by chokepoints in the relay network.
--Single system/system pirates. It is difficult for pirates to gain access to a Relay FTL capable ship. This means that the majority of the hostile attackers will be confined in system. We need to have patrol in every system with a active civilian colony at the minimum.
--We do not know what the hell happened to the creators of the relay. We should be on watch as per the Great Filter Hypothesis (See associated information
here and
here), especially given the fact that SETI efforts that we have funded (in part to look for the Scrin) have not fund where the Scrin are nor any signs of high Kardashev tier civilizations.
-Fiscal Environment:
What resources do we get?
--Our economy is slowly growing. We should help support trade between the colonies and Earth. We should also extend our colonies to create a buffer zone.
What it says on the can.
-Exploration of new relays
-Growth of new colonies along the relay network.
-SETI search for other alien civilization (hostile and/or friendly)
-Colony defense against hostile forces (the necessity is debated by the civilian side of GDI. However, we believe that this is still necessary (
-Service Roles:
What are
we supposed to do? What are our responsibilities?
--Maintain an active force capable of responding to hostile attacks against our capabilities and/or the colonies
--Deter piracy and maintain trade.
--Exploration and preemptive search for hostiles.
What is our concept of operations? In other words, how will we carry out our responsibilities (if we can carry them out)?
-We will maintain our three branches: Reserve, Interstitial, and Exploration. These branches will handle our three main roles.
How are we deployed? Forward to catch all threats and prevent them from getting close? Dispersed to slow down the enemy? Held back to surprise or protect our forces?
--The three branches within our force will have different postures.
--Home: Held back in strategic locations to either replenish losses (from needing to take ships off for maintenance or other wise) or deter attacks (thankfully this is extraordinarily rare.)
--Interstitial: This force conduct our day to day missions of protecting trade. It will be dispersed along the main trade route as well as conducting patrols in border regions.
It is also responsible for deterring/stopping/buying time in case of a serious attack.
--Exploration: This branch is heavily forward deployed and has a different logistical network. It focuses on system recon and opening new relays.
What is our forces made out of?
What things does our force need to do in order to complete our goals?
--System fortification and picket outpost.
--Coms and recon
--Escort duty/screen
--Low levels (rampable if needed) of capital ships (from destroyers to battleships)
-Total force size:
This determines how much of our forces will be available to assign as well as our overall size.
-Home: Some what largish. This force holds some of our dated ships but also hold some of the largest and most advanced ships (in reserve for the Exploration branch and as deterrence(if needed)). The largest ships in this fleet tend to be on indefinite loan to the other branches most of the time (mostly to the Exploration branch),
--Interstitial: Largest branch in terms of numbers. However, this branch does not hold much of the highest tier ships. Also hold the largest support network out of the entire force in order to support it's activity.
--Exploration: Somewhat small in size but holds the most advanced ships that can be sent out.
-Force mix:
How much are we going to put emphasis on our various capabilities?
--The largest number of mobile assets(ships) is in the Interstitial force's patrol ships (destroyers and patrol ships). The Exploration force holds the most cruisers.
The Home fleet handles the most high end capital ships.
-Force location:
Where specifically are we going to put our forces in?
--Home: At the largest colonies, Earth, and strategic garrisons.
--Interstitial: Everywhere in the territories we control
--Exploration: On the boundaries and outside our traditional logistic network.
Logistics, maintenance, recruitment and other things are vital to maintain a force that can accomplish it's missions. How does this occur?
-Personnel Management:
How are we going to recruit the necessary people and keep them? What is our PERSTEMPO (personnel tempo)?
--Global: Task forces tend to cycle between all three commands (Home, Interstitial, Exploration) to become well rounded. There are not that many task forces (say six in total, two for each command).
--Home: Minimal PERSTEMPO except for the forces on loan to other forces and those that are on active alert(akin to US policy of always having 2 fighter at each base ready to scramble). Personnel here mostly focus on training, preparation, and mantience.
--Interstitial: Normal PRESTEMPO. Mostly focused on patrols.
--Exploration: Extended PRESTEMPO due to the distance and demands of this role.
How are vital supplies going to be distributed?
--Home and Interstitial: We make use of preexisting infrastructure and supplement where needed with logistic bases.
--Exploration: What logistics? We bring and create our own logistics network. Later on Home/Interstitial forces make use of the network we leave behind.
-Level of readiness:
How "on alert" will our forces be? How prepared will we be for conflict and how prepared should we be?
--Home: Depends on what the assets are. If it the the reserve section, it is likely that they are at minimal alert. For the "on call" assets, they are ready to respond any time.
--Interstitial: Depends on the general state of the area and intelligence.
--Exploration: Always alert. Failure to be alert can cause mass-cass events.
-Acquisitions Strategy:
How will we get new technology into the force? What is our focus? How quickly do we need new tech/assets in the force and what can be done to meet the demand?
--Imagine the US military acquisitions but more efficient. (Eg. Darpa is a thing)
A/N: Note how the GDI is somewhat paranoid about what is going on (Great Filter Hypothesis, links
here and
here). I would not be surprised to see that some analysts presented the Idea that the Scrin are operating under Dark Forest assumptions and that tiberium did two things for them: remove possibly hostile civilizations (us) and resource extraction. This means that GDI is justifiably paranoid about the universe. However as hinted in this, the relative peace has caused the GDI to semi atrophy:
Instead of continuing the growth of forces, they are focusing more on patrolling the area and have to settle with recon and SETI searches. The home fleet right now is mostly a bunch of second rate screens other craft (albeit still fairly high end) surrounding a core of one to two task forces.
Ouch... typing this out is painful...
Anyways, let me know what you think about this.