This Bites! (One Piece SI)

Well, you're savvier than several, sir.

I've actually seen this trick... 6? Other times? 5? Eh, point is while for some this is original, I've sadly experienced it myself enough times that I am naturally suspicious at chapters that are atypical then usual in just about any way. This chapter was shorter and didn't cover the number of scene's that your group of authors normally covers. Anyways didn't want to ruin any fun you might have had since that is literally what generates your own interest for writing this amazing story that rivals the original source. :grin:

I shouldn't have even posted that little comment even. I was a bit stressed I guess at the time. Sorry.:(
I've actually seen this trick... 6? Other times? 5? Eh, point is while for some this is original, I've sadly experienced it myself enough times that I am naturally suspicious at chapters that are atypical then usual in just about any way. This chapter was shorter and didn't cover the number of scene's that your group of authors normally covers. Anyways didn't want to ruin any fun you might have had since that is literally what generates your own interest for writing this amazing story that rivals the original source. :grin:

I shouldn't have even posted that little comment even. I was a bit stressed I guess at the time. Sorry.:(

Oh, no, no problem at all.
Were Nami's breasts that big in the story by that point?
I swear I'm not perving on her, it is for academic purposes I assure you.
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It was as if every fan-boy in the universe cried out in joy...then were silenced as they passed out from nosebleeds.
That's an awesome picture, and it's exactly how I interpreted the scene in my head.

Rayleigh makes the Admirals run scared.

Nnnnot exactly, I'd say. I mean, yes, they're wary of him, yes, but the Admirals don't run away from potential threats like the First Mate of the Oro Jackson. They treat him like what he is; a powerful foe worthy of respect (if not in ideology, at least in martial skills).

I mean, Kizaru crossed blades with him willingly. He wasn't going "ERMAGERD, IT'S RAYLEIGH! RUN!", he was going "Oh hey, it's *Rayleigh*... I guess I better get serious if I wanna get out of this alive."
I mean, Kizaru crossed blades with him willingly. He wasn't going "ERMAGERD, IT'S RAYLEIGH! RUN!", he was going "Oh hey, it's *Rayleigh*... I guess I better get serious if I wanna get out of this alive."
To be fair, Kizaru is perhaps one of the most laid back guys in One Piece. His reaction to getting Benn Beckman announcing himself as pointing a gun a few feet from his head knowing full well that he was a haki user was to basically drawl "oh noooo..."

The man just doesn't react to anything that gets thrown at him.
To be fair, Kizaru is perhaps one of the most laid back guys in One Piece. His reaction to getting Benn Beckman announcing himself as pointing a gun a few feet from his head knowing full well that he was a haki user was to basically drawl "oh noooo..."

The man just doesn't react to anything that gets thrown at him.

True, which makes me even more curious as to where the "The Admirals are afraid of Rayleigh" thing came from.
To be fair, Kizaru is perhaps one of the most laid back guys in One Piece. His reaction to getting Benn Beckman announcing himself as pointing a gun a few feet from his head knowing full well that he was a haki user was to basically drawl "oh noooo..."

The man just doesn't react to anything that gets thrown at him.
The dude has the literally fastest speed ever, you try not looking at the world like it is made of freezing molasses :D
The dude has the literally fastest speed ever, you try not looking at the world like it is made of freezing molasses :D

Humour aside, he can certainly *move* at light speed (or at least extremely fast), but he can't really react at light speed, nor does he seem to "live" in light speed from what we've seen thus far. Otherwise, he wouldn't lose a fight, like... ever. I mean, if that was the case he could probably personally kill the entirety of the One Piece cast (including all minor and major background characters) in less than an hour.

I mean, why bother swordfighting with Rayleigh if he could just move at light speed and slice Rayleigh up into two hundred slices. Why be worried about Ben Beckmann shooting him if he could just yawn and slowly edge away and out of the bullet's path?

I mean, unless Kizaru is seriously keeping the true range of his powers secret and just messing with people fun for shits and giggles (which I admit *could* be possible), he's *just* an Admiral and not the undisputed emperor of the world for a reason.

He's fast, and powerful, but he ain't no Quicksilver. Although, that *would* be awesome...
Humour aside, he can certainly *move* at light speed (or at least extremely fast), but he can't really react at light speed, nor does he seem to "live" in light speed from what we've seen thus far. Otherwise, he wouldn't lose a fight, like... ever. I mean, if that was the case he could probably personally kill the entirety of the One Piece cast (including all minor and major background characters) in less than an hour.

I mean, why bother swordfighting with Rayleigh if he could just move at light speed and slice Rayleigh up into two hundred slices. Why be worried about Ben Beckmann shooting him if he could just yawn and slowly edge away and out of the bullet's path?

I mean, unless Kizaru is seriously keeping the true range of his powers secret and just messing with people fun for shits and giggles (which I admit *could* be possible), he's *just* an Admiral and not the undisputed emperor of the world for a reason.

He's fast, and powerful, but he ain't no Quicksilver. Although, that *would* be awesome...
I think a really telling bit is during his fight with the Supernova's and he goes after Apoo. In that point, he pauses and aims his light beam before travelling. This makes me think you are entirely right at him not being able to react at light speed but it goes further in that when even in his pure element state he cannot react at all. If he turns into pure light without aiming at a solid object to stop himself, the second he takes to turn back could leave him stranded over the ocean. It is a pretty interesting weakness really.
I think a really telling bit is during his fight with the Supernova's and he goes after Apoo. In that point, he pauses and aims his light beam before travelling. This makes me think you are entirely right at him not being able to react at light speed but it goes further in that when even in his pure element state he cannot react at all. If he turns into pure light without aiming at a solid object to stop himself, the second he takes to turn back could leave him stranded over the ocean. It is a pretty interesting weakness really.
Then again, if he reacts fast enough he can just shoot himself into the sky to reacquire his position, or bounce off the ocean because water can reflect light at the right angles.
Then again, if he reacts fast enough he can just shoot himself into the sky to reacquire his position, or bounce off the ocean because water can reflect light at the right angles.
Yeah he can do that, but I imagine it is a little hard to get back in the fight when you are around 300,000,000 metres away from it. That's the sort of distance where even a few degrees off will result in him missing his destination. It's probably why he doesn't just flash to wherever he needs to go.
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To be fair, Kizaru is perhaps one of the most laid back guys in One Piece. His reaction to getting Benn Beckman announcing himself as pointing a gun a few feet from his head knowing full well that he was a haki user was to basically drawl "oh noooo..."

The man just doesn't react to anything that gets thrown at him.

Well he's basically got this going on, while being less of a good person:
Then again, if he reacts fast enough he can just shoot himself into the sky to reacquire his position, or bounce off the ocean because water can reflect light at the right angles.

What I've noticed about One Piece, is that while most devil fruit users ignore the laws of physics, they never really make use of the existing ones.

Humour aside, he can certainly *move* at light speed (or at least extremely fast), but he can't really react at light speed, nor does he seem to "live" in light speed from what we've seen thus far.

(I haven't read One Piece in a while, so correct me if I'm wrong.) I've never really considered Kizaru's powers to be light related. To me his powers seem to be more along the lines of energy. Think about it. He can move extremely fast, but not even close to the speed of light. He can make explosions with his attacks, which-don't quote me on this- are supposedly light based. Now if you consider that his powers could be energy-based instead of light-based, some things start making sense. His speed for one, and the nature of his attacks. ( I just can't seem to reconcile that light could cause explosions like that, lasers, sure, but explosions? Then again, it's One Piece.) While energy travels very fast, light is even faster. If Kizaru's powers really do allow him to travel at the speed of light, then, like Promenius said, he would be pretty much unbeatable.

If the speculation is applied to this video, then some of the things make sense. Like the pirate who shot him making it even a step away before Kizaru appeared.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong though.
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