There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

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The Great Jedi Purge has come and gone, Darth Traya has been slain, and it now falls to you to pick up the pieces and rebuild the Jedi Order.
There is no Emotion


#1 Voltaire Hater
Ruritania Illinois
There is no Emotion, There is Peace.

The Senate Tower, 3950 BBY
Coruscant is...loud. That is the first thing to strike you. It's not new, per se-- anybody within fifty parsecs of Courscant knows it's too damn loud.

But this is a new sort of loud. The sort you feel in your bones, your teeth, your... well, things a lot deeper than that, in any case.

After all, last time you were on Coruscant, you didn't have time to see the sights-- you hardly visited the victory walk, where they hold the broken basilisk droids of the Mandalorian Wars; you didn't visit the Manalow Mile; hell, you didn't even check the Senate's visitor center.

For another thing, you weren't a Jedi at that point.

Now, well.

Now, you're meeting with the Supreme Chancellor. Seems they've caught wind-- finally-- that someone has been running around with a lightsaber, and the ability to use it; or that the Enclave on Dantooine has been, not repaired, exactly, but reinhabited, excavated, painstakingly. Well, not just one somebody. Multiple somebodies. You. The Lost Jedi. The first of a new Order, after the Triumverate-- the Civil War-- the Dark Times. Six months ago, you, the Exile Meetra Surik, and the rest of her companions defeated the remnants of the Sith-- and she trained, taught you, in the ways of the Jedi.

Now, it seems that it is time for you, the new Grandmaster, to prove that you are worthy of those teachings; and meeting with the Chancellor seems a good start.

You've been meditating in the waiting room for ten minutes-- a simple thing, really, a rectangle, metal floored, covered plush rugs, with a fine desk near the door to his office proper. The secretary droid is just a cheap protocol unit, all battered and beat to hell-- seems the war was harder than anybody thought; or perhaps she's just a damn cheapskate.

Finally, a grating voice emanates from the tin can telling you to go in. The twitch in your leg at being stared down finally stops and you head in, nice new boots beating on carpet as you do.

The door, made of some thick metal, opens with a gentle push. The office is nice enough-- simple, a bit generic, really you could see it on reasonably posh world, but by that same token not so generic or simple that it does not fit the position to which it is attached.

And finally, you lay eyes on the Supreme Chancellor herself. A middle-aged Bothan woman, her eyes are kind, and circled by rings that speak of too little sleep, and too much caff. Fur?...whatever, is a sort of hayish yellow, and she is wearing a simple worker's clothes.

She rises from the only really expensive item-- expensive by "Galactic Politician" standards, anyway-- the desk, carved of wood, inlaid with gold, a script you don't speak. She clasps her hand around yours, and you the two of you shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Jedi. I had feared that I might be the first Supreme Chancellor who had to work without the Jedi."

"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about that, Chancellor. We are... a stubborn bunch."

"Indeed, Master...?"

It's at that point you realize you never actually told her your name.


"Ah, please forgive me. I am Master--

[] "Atton Rand." From Revan's personal butcher squad to Grandmaster of the Jedi Order-- you were surprised too, but it seemed everyone wanted to avoid a situation like the Mandalorian Wars, where so many grew so furious at the Jedi that they would declare war. Under your watch, the Jedi are going to be a proactive force-- you are going to meet the Dark Side head on, confront it, face it. No more Mandalorian Wars-- no doubt you'll make your own mistakes, perhaps even have the opposite problem and end up going to war when you shouldn't, but you'll burn that bridge when you get to it. Reduction in required vigilance per Sector.

[] "Mira. Just...Mira." To put it simply, the Order needs recruits, and everybody else knew it, and they also knew you were good at finding people before you were carried by the Force. You will recruit more people to the Jedi Order than anybody else, because you will know how to find them, how to talk them, and so on. There is the slight problem of Hanharr and his Life Debt, and how he will almost certainly not stop hunting you, but eh. That's life. But anyway, yeah. You are excellent at finding your target-- it's just that in this case, you're recruiting them instead of turning them in for profit. Under your watch, the Order will grow like a weed. Recruit more Jedi per year.

[] "Mical." The Order once had facilities ranging from Dantooine to Ossus, from Coruscant to Telos. Now it has been reduced, bluntly, to six of you sharing an apartment on Dantooine. This, obviously, cannot stand. If nothing else, you think Atton is going to kill you one of these days if you don't. However, you were raised in the order-- you were taught plenty of secrets, including where many of the Jedi Enclaves and Academies. Under you, the Order will reclaim many of those lost facilities. Starting bonus to Enclave process.

[] "Brianna." Formerly the Last of the Handmaidens, now a Jedi Historian, after Atris' final confrontation with Meetra, she left-- where, you know not. She left you her knowledge, the many Holocrons she had taken, and where she thought more might be hidden. Under you, the Order will reclaim the light of knowledge, and brighten the dark places of the galaxy. The others thought that sounded like a pretty good idea. Bonus to Knowledge.

[] "Bao-Dur." You killed a planet, once. Every moment of your life, since then, has been atoning for that-- in so much as you can still claim to be alive. Telos, Taris, Dantooine-- all those worlds which need to recover after the Wars-- you have walked among them, helped rebuild them. The people know you, and they know what you will do. The others thought the Order needed that focus. Under you, the Order will help the Galaxy rebuild, and the Galaxy will love you for it. Bonus to PP.

[] "Visas-Marr." You have stood against the darkness since the moment Surik spared your life-- but you will never forget it. You see it, you will always see it, have seen it since Nihilus took everything from you. You will not repeat the mistakes of Jedi past-- the Dark Places will not be dark to you. And those who turn to the Dark Side will not be allowed, in secret, to plan their wicked deeds. Under you, the Order will burn away the darkness. Bonus to discovering Dark Jedi plots.

Welcome to There is No Emotion, a Jedi Order Quest taking place a few months after the end of KOTOR 2. Heavily inspired by @OneirosTheWriter and his quest, To Boldly Go, your task will be to help lead the Jedi Order after the disastrous Great Jedi Purge.

As you begin, the order has been reduced to 6-- maybe 7-- people, demanding more recruitment; your headquarters are all filled with squatters, and unfortunately HK went with Meetra; and the Republic is torn between gratitude and fury that you keep tossing the Galaxy into chaos but also saving it. You would therefore be advised to accrue Engagement, elsewise your reputation with the broader Republic will suffer.

That is the broadest, simplest term possible for the moment. I'll be putting up a more detailed mechanics post after class, but right now I'd like to keep this simple to start, so for now, simply choose your newest Grandmaster.
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There is no Ignorance
"I am Master Bao-Dur."

You hear her breath hitch, and you already know to expect after-- 'Shadow maker', 'world killer', murderer. It tends to be all that the core--

"The Savior of Telos?" And the wind is out of your sails and your fury, the anger of ten noxious years, dies in a moment and a weight you have been carrying for decades, which has been your companion even since before the general found you, since the training began and you made the first step on the Jedi path and away from wrath, does not dissipate but it shifts, it moves, distributes itself to places where you are strong rather than still rubbing against the places which are weak.

"Yes. That Bao-Dur."

"Well. It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Jedi. But I am afraid I have mixed news." She folds her hands in front of her, shadowing her eyes. "To be blunt, the Senate has conflicted feelings about the order at this point. On the one hand, of course, Revan saved us--twice. From the Mandalorians, and from Malak. And so did the Exile, from what Admiral Onasi told me.

On the other hand, Malak and the Sith were born from Revan and his teachings-- and the Exile carried out crimes for him, was his hatchetman, and that rubbed off on her. And of course, there are plenty in the Senate who see the lack of Jedi as an opportunity to grow our own military.

I want to work with the Jedi. I want things never again to fall to the point that they did in the Mandalorian Wars-- I want the Republic to have her protectors, and I want those protectors to be as strong as possible. But I cannot help nearly as much as I would like.

As a show of good faith however, I can help you reclaim one headquarters or another.

The Temple on Coruscant has become a squatter town, residents having fled there-- still remembering the good the Jedi did, they head there for protection. It would take time to rehouse them, clothe them, feed them, move them-- and money, too, plenty of credits which are in distressingly short supply at the moment. But it would be a symbol, I think, to the rest of the Galaxy if you were to reclaim that place.

On the other hand, the Enclave at Dantooine would not require nearly so much effort. Really, all we'd need to do is buy off the Salvagers, and then get to work actually rebuilding. The people of Dantooine might need a little coaxing, but after all you did to save their hides, I think we can convince them."

[] Reclaim the Coruscant Temple. The most important site to the modern Jedi Order, a bastion of the order-- plus you've always wanted to have an entire floor to yourself. Standing in the Core Worlds, all the galaxy will know, soon enough, that the order is reborn-- and all will be well.(Vigilance requirements for Core Worlds reduced, bonus to engagement)

[] Reclaim the Dantooine Enclave. Your order consists of six people, maybe seven if you can pin Bastila down at some point, and at a really hard stretch eight, if you manage to find the Padawan who the General spoke to earlier. You do not need all the space of a whole Temple yet, and in some ways you think standing in the Outer Rim will be good for you. And it will make it easier for this rebuilt order to locate Force sensitives from the Outer Rim. (Vigilance requirements for the Outer Rim reduced, bonus to recruitment)
Sorry this is a bit late.

Going to edit out the Hanharr thing and add in a mechanics post under the OP while this vote is going on.
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There is no Passion
"Dantooine. Things are settled in the Core-- but there are dark forces in the Rim, dark forces indeed. The Mandalorians are still there, and that alone I think justifies some attention."
You barely heard threed words from any of the Jedi Masters that the Exile gathered together-- and that consisted mostly of the statement of "you are not," whispered by Vrook around the time you claimed to be a Jedi to some of the Militia in those uncertain days before the mercenary attack.

Still, if nothing else, they were damn good craftsmen. You saw the sorry state the enclave was in before they arrived-- you watched the holos of Malak's guns burning the Enclave, raining death on the world below. You saw the brutality of their occupation. The carnage they unleashed, the lives they stole.

To have rebuilt it in a scarce few weeks, in secret, without the aid of the outside world? Indeed, they did know the Force.

Admittedly, it was still not fully healed. Even now there are Republic hired workers and civilians from Khoonda helping restore the ruined halls, trim the overgrown grass.

But the masters in their...something, ensured one thing was fully restored.

The Council Chamber looks as Meetra once described it. The darkly plushed seats, simple things--essentially metallic squares sunk into the stone, upholstered in black, looking into-- though not down, due to some trick of the geometry-- the circular courtyard.

You take your seats, and simply rest for a moment. Allow the thoughts to swirl inside, let your mind leap from top--

"The Outer Rim's all gone to hell." Atton breaks the silence. "Scavengers are picking through the old enclaves. Nobody thinks we exist anymore, slaver trash thinks it's open season and whatever's left of the last Great Crusade has gotten cocky, thinking the Jedi are all destroyed. I say some of us go down there, and let'em know we're still kicking."

Alright then, who needs to think anyway.

"Everyone with a connection to Dantooine is aware we are still here." Brianna's voice interrupts Atton and his wildly more and more detailed plots to ruin everybody's day. "The Mid-Rim, meanwhile, still faces pirate problems from before the Mandalorian wars, Czerka is still trying to conquer Kashyyk despite everything, and the Hutts and the Exchange are readying up for battle-- one which might engulf whole worlds, if we do not stop it."

"And what of the Core Worlds, also?" Mical cuts through, too.

"What of them?"

"Sith aligned rebels on Sittana have disappeared, which may be either good news or terrible news. Further, as Atton said, someone is stealing Jedi artifacts, even from this sector-- Coruscant's black market seem to be smuggling them out of the temple."

"Alright, alright. First and foremost, we need to show the flag-- let everyone know that we are back, and we're about sick of people stealing our history..."

Craft a deployment plan!
Available Jedi:
Grandmaster Bao Dur (Combat 5, Wisdom 3, Skill 4, Diplomacy 5 Vigilance 2)
Councilor Atton Rand (Combat 4, Wisdom 3, Skill 3, Diplomacy 3, Vigilance 4)
Councilor Mira (Combat 3, Wisdom 4, Skill 4, Diplomacy 3, Vigilance 4)
Councilor Visas Marr (Combat 5, Wisdom 3, Skill 3, Diplomacy 1, Vigilance 4)
Councilor Brianna (Combat 5, Wisdom 4, Skill 1, Diplomacy 4, vigilance 1)
Councilor Mical (Combat 3, Wisdom 5, Skill 2, Diplomacy 4, Vigilance 2)

Deployment Zones:

The Outer Rim: A sparsely populated collection of agri worlds, you don't see too much trouble coming here, if it weren't for the Mandalorians. On the other hand, this is likely to be where the majority of your apprentices come from for the time being, so perhaps those more in tune with the Force would be a wise plan.
([] Assign Jedi to patrol, needs 4 Vigilance)

The Mid-Rim: Wealthier than the Outer Rim, but without the commiserate military force, a surprising amount of Jedi patrols have always been focused here, being pirate bait and all. This is likely where combat, if it takes place, will take place. Sending some real muscle out here would be a wise plan.
([] Assign Jedi to patrol, needs 6 Vigilance)

The Core: To be honest, this likely the safest part of the Galaxy. You'd be surprised if anything more threatening than a few gangsters show up here anytime soon, and not very threatening ones either. Still, whatever does happen here, the entire galaxy knows about it, so if you just want to fly the flag, so to speak, this would be a good place for it.
([] Assign Jedi to patrol, needs 2 vigilance)
Fuller explanation of stats coming soon, but to be clear:
Wisdom: Force Stuff.
Skills: Mundane stuff, like Computer Skill.
Combat: Lightsaber skills, other personal battles, warfare a distant second.
Diplomacy: How diplomatic are you?
Vigilance: Discovering Missions, and response to them.
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There is no Chaos (Mission Report 3950 Q1)
"Read em and weep, ladies." He puts down the final card, and for the third time, Pazaak is his. He rakes in the credits, even as his competition scowls. It's only the scarcely enforced rules of this dingy, dirty little cantina that has kept them, so far, from lunging at him with a vibroblade, and only their own, stupid, pride that keeps them coming and getting their ass handed to them.

There's three of them, women. One has a lion with a man's face scrawled on her cheap leather, the other has horns crudely attached to her helmet, and the third was just big.

"You must be cheating."

He shuffles in his seat and tries not to laugh. Imagine the gall...

"Just lucky, I think." Atton shifts in his seat.

"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." The big one has a sour, sour look on her face.

The cantina they're in is a small, almost intimate affair-- capable of holding, perhaps, fifty people. The floors are hard wood, soaked in alcohol; it smells of smoke, desperation, and sweat in there. Only one pazaak table, which he happens to have been dominating so far-- and without the Force, even, at that. "In your experience as...?"

"Freighter captain, when discretion is required."

"With all the credits you've been tossing down, I take it business is good."

"Oh yeah, real good. Without the Jedi around, people in my line of work have a pretty good time of it."

"Yeah that makes sense. I imagine plenty of people find it easier these days, without them around. Bounty hunter, smugglers, slavers..."

And there it is. The bomb is dropped, and no-one notices a metal cylinder being palmed in a gloved hand.

"Alright, you figured us out. And what are you gonna do about it, lawman?" The Big One talks first.

His purple blade springs to life, and the whole room goes quiet as the Galaxy shakes-- along with the table, flung with the force, landing a solid ten feet away, near the bar proper. "I'm demanding your immediate surrender. I'm hoping you're stupid enough not to offer it."

Lamely, stupidly, she pulls out her vibrosword from its hilt-- but before she can do a thing Atton's carved her hand off. She's howeling, grabbing the stump, and he is already moving, charging the lion lady, fluid like all those holocrons Meetra made him watch of the basics of Makashi. She bats at his saber, and he can tell that she has military training-- Echani, maybe?-- but no natural affinity for it. Compared to-- hell, even the Sith mooks on Onderon she's bad, never mind Sion-- she's mediocre, at best, and so he comes from the right, she blocks, he feints from the top with a single hand cut, and then twirling his saber he carves through her hip.

The third has gotten over the existential shock of Jedi out of nowhere and has grabbed her chair. She tosses it, but he grabs it with the Force and the smashes it on her.

It was fifteen seconds of hyper-violence--

There's a shot, and Atton is already whirling around. He needn't, though-- one of the people he had dismissed is clutching her chest, meanwhile a kid maybe eighteen at most is holding the blaster, from half the room away.

From the shackles still on his wrist, Atton guesses that the boy was once...merchandise... and that things have just gotten much more complicated in an entirely different way.
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, the Core)
Hey, me and Brianna have received word about some kind of something between some Mandalorians and local security forces. A lot of people are going to die if we do nothing, so we're heading out.

Write you soon.

Mission 2 (Visas Marr and Mical, Mid-Rim)
We located a small pirate base, after speaking with some locals-- seems a number of Sith soldiers went warlord after Revan killed Malak. We must assume, given some of the damage we have observed, that there was a Sith Lord among them.

Report will be in once we have dealt with them. Visas and I have also alerted local authorities, to be on the safe side.

Mission 3 (Atton Rand, Outer Rim)
100 people missing.

Nobody knows how, just that the victims have seemingly no connection. Seemingly.


Except, of course, for a small series of freighter. Whose visits just so happen to match up with the disappearances.

I am, of course, certain that this in no way has any connection at all.

I'm going to catch a ride with local security forces, see if I can't cut them off-- I know where they're going.

Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira)
We have good news. Mira has made contact with the Mandalorians, meanwhile I have begun speaking with the authorities-- this is the situation, as far as we can tell:

A band of Mandalorian veterans from clan Wren who went pirate after the Wars are trying to join up with Canderous on Dxun; apparently, they've grown tired of the outlaw life. However, local security forces on one of the planets, Galdara, are heavily populated by Republic veterans from the Mandalorian Wars, who saw the Mandalorian convoy stopping to resupply and misinterpreted it.

They are fairly evenly matched-- the Mandalorians have a small number of barques, but the security forces have the weight in numbers-- even that many freighters will weigh down the Mandalorians. The likliest outcome would be an absolute slaughter-- so far, Mira and I have maintained the tenous stalemate, but something more permanent must be done, and soon, before these idiots kill each other.
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical)
Neither good nor bad news to report, only oddities-- we traced a number of illicit supply shipments to a camp we located on Ebra, but found no-one present.

Most of the supplies had been taken-- only a small room sealed with some kind of droid intelligence was not open and ransacked.
Mission 3 (Atton, Outer Rim)
I found them. They can't be too bright-- tried to hide on Sullust.

Fortunately, they're also pretty bad at figuring out how to cover their trail on planet as well-- credits were transferred from an account attached to the ship to a cantina near the space port. Figure I'll send in my last report once I'm done with them.
Mission 1 (Mira and Briana, Core)
Well, good news-- we managed to calm these idiots down.

I spoke to the leader of the Mandalorians in front of all her soldiers, and that seemed to convince her to listen and turn off her guns--seems they were impressed by my command of Mando'a.

The Security Forces tried to do what we were afraid of when the Mando's guns went off, but before they could Brianna, on the lead ship, knocked out the captain and worked through the chain of command until they called the whole thing off. Brutal, but effective.

After that, the Mandalorians and the Security Forces managed a deal-- the Mandalorians gave back everything they stole, and in return the Security Forces let them pass.

To thank us, one of the security officers gave us a journal from her son-- a Jedi killed during the Mandalorian Wars. It has a few things we might find...interesting.

(+5 Knowledge, +15 PP)
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical, Mid-Rim)
We managed to open the door using some of Visas' passcodes, and in so doing found a few things.

There was a girl there, who we thought was the Sith's former apprentice-- no.

She was one of the soldiers, and goes by the name of Breda. She began having what she thought were hallucinations. After some time, she determined that it was, indeed a Force ghost.

We have not managed to determine who the Ghost was in life, but in any case that is of limited importance. More importantly, the Sith eventually found out and was determined to make the soldier her apprentice through pain and force.

Eventually the two battled, and Breda emerged triumphant with the aid of the Ghost. Too weak to fight through her former comrades, she entered into a healing trance, until we found her; she does not know what happened to the soldiers.

Also inside the room when we opened it were a number of lightsaber training manuals, which should be helpful.
(+10 Knowledge, +1 Initiate)
Mission 3 (Atton, Outer Rim)
I found slavers, and I beat them-- most are now in prison.

But Bao, I also found a Force Sensitive. One of the victims they brought with them to the Cantina to sell-- as we fought, he pulled the blaster from one of the slavers and shot her dead.

He's the son of some minor richer in the Rim, a merchant and freighter-- stolen to teach his father a lesson.

He wants to become a Jedi, and he's more than old enough to choose-- but I have this sinking feeling things are about to get complicated when his father finds out.

Still, the whole damn galaxy oughta know that we're back now.
(+15 PP, +1 Initiate)
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There is no Chaos (Mission Report 3950 Q2)
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, Core)
On our way back to Dantooine for the Council Meeting, we received transmissions from a decrepit Sith frigate. Ignoring, for the moment, the very good question of "how did Sith get so close to the core in the first place?", it looks like nobody's there.

Which is the surest sign that somebody is on the thing, and wants us to think otherwise.

Brianna and I will board the ship-- but in case we fail, I'll be having the captain we hitched a ride with have all his cannons pointed at it.

Mission 2 (Visas and Mical, Mid-Rim)
Ourselves and our new initiate were traveling aboard a Republic cruiser when we came across a derelict, unknown vessel. It does not match any known vessels from any of the major States in the galaxy, which is not historically a great sign.

We will board and investigate, and report our findings.
Mission 3 (Atton Rand+Initiate, Outer Rim)
So I've been asking the kid questions. If he knew anything about more slavers, or what their plans were.

Schuttas thought they could have a little meeting right beneath our noses- turns out they're planning on dropping off some cargo on Dantooine. I'd say some farmer doesn't want to pay fair wages. At all.

But, I've been wrong before-- so just in case, feel free to, you know, meet me at the coordinates?
Mission 4 (Bao-Dur)
The Republic workers and I have been trying to open one of the sealed doors on the first level-- something has it jammed shut.

We think this might be the old sparring grounds.
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira)
I was, as usual, correct. We entered the ship, and immediately Brianna and I both felt something.

At a guess, I'd say deserters from after Malak betrayed Revan. In any case, Brianna and I have come up with a plan-- you remember what Visas had us do on Dxun, right?
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical)
We entered the ship only to immediately be set upon by droids. Big ones.

We felt nothing organic on the vessel-- or perhaps, more fairly, we felt the screaming lack of life thereof. Whatever species once crewed this vessel, they were all dead-- and at a guess, I'd say the droids did it.

We're going to cut our way through to what seems to be a records room of some sort.
Mission 3 (Atton Rand)
Welp, I did not realize you could get anymore Isolated in Dantooine. Somehow, these scumbags managed it.

They're meeting in some chunk of plain, three hours from the nearest settlement. They're planning a bazaar, or some kind of messed "industry meeting". They're going to trade tips, merchandise, make a few connections, then go on back to being the worst scum in the galaxy.
Mission 4 (Bao-Dur)
I think I found the corrupted power pack-- just need to replace it, and we should be good.

It's odd, though-- something seems to be drawing much more power than it should. I don't like it-- feels like I'm missing something.
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, Core)
I was correct, there were Sith.

Keyword:Were. I imagine they expected we'd pull a Jedi, come in lightsaber hot and slowly, methodically cut them down. Now, to be fair, we could have, and it probably even would have worked. Hell, Brianna could have done it on her own, probably.

But why make their lives easier and our lives harder? So instead, I snuck into their computer control room, and activated the Foothold Protocol.

Like I said, I imagine they were ready to fight two Jedi. Decidedly less ready for their own droids and turrets to fire on them, and definitely not ready for both at the same time, never mind that I also set off as many power conduits as I could.

So by three, four hours later, the ship was ours. We made our way to the captain's quarters, and found his journal, along with a few Jedi relics no doubt smuggled out of the Temple on Coruscant.

Seems his plan was simple enough. The stuff he stole, it was all to find and train Force sensitives. He was going to kidnap those kids, knock over some as yet unindustrialized worlds on the Outer Rim, and begin building a new Sith Empire until he was ready to march with an army of Dark Lords at his back.

Unfortunately for him, we showed up, and were not impressed by this "Darth Dioltas".

We've claimed the stolen relics, and the crew was just happy they didn't have to fight. They're going to pour over the ship's charts, see if there's any other logs of some other missing Sith vessels, then destroy it after taking nearly everything of value.

On another note, I claimed a freighter from the Hangar, the least edgy looking one I could find. No more hitching rides from Onasi and friends.
(+15 PP, +5 Knowledge)
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical+Initiate)
This, I suspect, for the moment will remain one of those terrible mysteries which haunt the galaxy.

I do feel confident in saying, at least, that that paranoid notion which so many of us now have-- of this being Sith, true Sith-- is not true, unless their skin turned green at some point.

In any we managed to cut down the droids and found the records room.

Most of it was worthless-- they don't seem to like the Force very much, though. They tend to gravitate between what I can only describe as "offended at the idea there is something beyond matter and this moment" and "afraid of what the Jedi or Sith can do", along with a very bad understanding of what balance in the Force actually means.

On a more practical note, they had scans of a number of Jedi worlds-- Ossus, Jedha, and Ilum, especially-- along with a number of looted artifacts.
(+5 Knowledge)
Mission 3 (Atton Rand+Initiate, Outer Rim)
They might have been stupid enough to try and fight me. They might have been stupid enough to try and fight me and the kid, who went into this even more trigger happy than I was.

They were not, for the most part, stupid enough to try and fight me and the kid and the militia, which was also very eager to not have this filth on their planet anymore. Those who surrendered are currently being held in the local jail, and a converted warehouse.

Those who did not are currently one with the Force.

We freed hundreds of slaves, who are currently being taken to therapy and, eventually, home.

There was one thing that you might find interesting-- they had a number of star charts and maps stolen from the enclave, with the location of undeveloped and underdeveloped worlds with secret Jedi caches-- you know, supplies for those long voyages, a number of them on Dantooine. I'll head and grab what I can before I check back in.
(Reward: +10 PP, +10 Dantooine Progress)
Mission 4 (Bao Dur)
The Sith left a trap for any Jedi who dared return to the Enclave-- a dozen sabotaged training droids, equipped with fully functional lightsabers and the combat ability to match. If I hadn't been there, it would have been a blood bath.

But I was, and so it wasn't. I managed to cut them down, and reclaim the room.

Beyond the spacious area in general, it seems this was also used for lightsaber construction-- there are piles of all the basic parts for one, and a small crystal growing station. Yellow, blue, and green crystals-- basics, but it should be safer for new students than having to go into the Crystal Cave until we can deal with the Kinrath.
(+50 Dantooine progress)
Alright, research post up tomorrow, and today I'm going to edit in a state of the order post on the front page.
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There is Knowledge (Research Q1 3950)
The six of you have gathered once more in the council chamber, both to introduce you to the new initiates and to offer a report on one of the more important things you are doing right now--

Finding lost knowledge. A small connection of artifacts, journals, and holocrons sits before you, taunting you. It'll take weeks to sort through them, catalogue them, and transform their contents into something useful. And this is barely a droplet compared to the absolute ocean you'll need to refill-- you, and those who follow in your footsteps.

In some ways, it remind you of your work on Telos-- less Carrnacks, though.

Cracking open the one of the journals, you begin to read...
25 Knowledge-> 5 Points of Research to be distributed as desired, IE yes you may concentrate them on one technology.

Available research:
Training Doctrines- The methods by which you train new Jedi-- how and to what purpose.
Many Students, One Teacher (0/5)- There aren't enough of you for you to teach only one student each. For the moment, at least, you need to be training multiples. (Bonus to recruitment Quantity)
One Student, One Teacher (0/5)- One Master, one Padawan. One to offer wisdom, the other to seek it. (Bonus to stats for new student)

Combat- While a Jedi's first recourse should be words, this is a dangerous galaxy-- the capacity to defend yourself is vital.
Force Combat I (0/5)- The Force is not a weapon, but it may be used in the defense of yourself and of others. (Jedi Consulars may use Wisdom bonus in Combat checks against mundane opponents)
Form 7 (0/10)- While only the most martial Jedi could hope to use it, Juyo is one of the more useful Saber forms-- if, perhaps, dangerous. (Bonus to Combat for Guardians, Weaponmasters)

Infrastructure- Recruitment, lost or abandoned Temple Worlds such as Ossus or Jedha, and other miscellany representing your Order's most important resources.
Recruitment (0/5)- The most basic forms of detection of Force sensitivity-- Force Sight, the few holocrons you have left, etc. (gain consistent recruitment stream)
Ossus (0/15)- Examine the world of Ossus, determine if it is now safe for habitation, and reclaim the Temple. (Open Ossus to Enclave process)
There is no Chaos (Mission Report 3950 Q3)
[x] Plan: Measures in moderation:
-[x] One Student, One Teacher (2/5)- One Master, one Padawan. One to offer wisdom, the other to seek it. (Bonus to stats for new student)
-[x] Recruitment (3/5)- The most basic forms of detection of Force sensitivity-- Force Sight, the few holocrons you have left, etc. (gain consistent recruitment stream)
The boy stands before you. He is young, and he is scarred, and he is emaciated, but there is fire in his eyes, the fire of a Jedi you knew long ago, who gave everything to march for freedom-- a woman, who saw injustice and fought it; who could not forgive herself then, but in the end found peace through the forgiveness of others. He is dressed in simple fashion-- a simple tan tunic and brown pants.

"Kador Shirot." Brianna's voice cuts through the nearly empty chamber. "Your family is wealthy. You could live a life of ease and of luxury-- run back to Axxila, safety, and peace. Instead, I am told you would claim the life of a Jedi-- of responsibility, and sacrifice, and few pleasures. Why?"

"If you had seen what those animals did, you would not ask me 'why would I dedicate my life to fighting that?' You would instead ask 'how can so many not fight?'"

"Very well, Kador. Please wait, while we deliberate."

He bows at the waist and heads out.

"I like him."

"Of course you do Atton, he's like--"


A woman's voice interrupts you. How did she get in here without any of you noticing, you're smarter than that--

And then you feel it. Her power-- she is...powerful, indeed, for one untrained-- already the Force within her is leaping out, running around, stretching and spreading-- and all of this, only learned through what she has seen from Visas and Mical, and the lessons they had given her in their traveling.

She is no Jedi yet, but she will be, in time-- or perhaps, something far worse, if you fail her. Many battles in that one's future.

"Masters, I feel I must apologize." She folds her hands behind her back and looks you both in the eyes as she does. "I was weak. Uncertain. I allowed the hearsay of others to turn me from the right path, and served the enemy. I cannot apologize for that in words, but only by honoring the teachings you would give me-- if you would have me."

"We do not seek that you honor our teachings, soldier." Visas speaks "We ask that you live them."


"Yes." You get from your seat, deliberation over, speaking for the first time. "You and Kador alike-- you will be Jedi, this I promise you." You step towards her, and clasp her shoulder. "All here wage battle with their pasts, Breda Sunguard. For now, I would ask that you and Kador follow current arrangements-- travel with the masters who discovered you, learn from them, and you will need fear nothing."
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, Core)
We almost missed it-- it is...difficult to hear, to trace, to track through the Force in this place-- the thrum of life drowning itself out. It was like a single voice among a chorus.

But Mira has heard it. Something stirs in the core, and we will find it-- and dispatch it, if necessary.
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical, Mid-Rim)
We have...nothing. Nothing has happened recently.
Mission 3 (Atton Rand, Outer Rim)
I could not tell you what, except "something stupid", or when except "soon", or who except "probably not great people", but both my gut and the Force are screaming at me that something is going to happen out here soon. Even the kid can feel it!

Seems I need to make preparation.
Mission 4
One of the workers found something-- a computer console, hidden in the room where we found Mical. Seems it's connected to a separate, hidden mainframe, one which only the masters had access to.

One slight problem: it seems it's designed to self destruct if the proper security codes are not entered; and at a guess, I'd say Kreia killed the last three people who knew it.

Seems like I'm going to have to do something weird.
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, Core)
Steering, guided by the Force, we made our way through the stars, cutting through hyperlanes, leaping again and again. I do not know that we stopped for more than mere minutes on each world as we moved, inexorably, towards our destination, not knowing what would lie at the end of the path.

In the end we arrived at the world of Nulkata IV, a young Echani colony-- it reminds me, greatly, of Dantooine in climate. We arrived near an abandoned lake, where we saw what looked like a shrine. Examining it, we found there was Holocron laid on it, though we do not know from what Jedi or who they are.

It has not opened, nor revealed it secrets yet. I am meditating on it, while Mira keeps watch; we will switch, if I cannot open it.
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical, Mid-Rim)
We have decided to take this opportunity to train Breda-- we spoke to the Captain, and he agreed to clear out one of the storage rooms for us to spar in, so as to practice with her. It is unfortunate that she has not yet built her saber, so as to gain more fully from the experience, but it is the most we can do at the moment.
Mission 3 (Atton Rand, Outer Rim)
[Blaster fire periodically punctuates the recording]
"- And tell his deadbeat dad that if he wants the kid so damn much he should have not let- ow, damn it- those slaving filth get him in the first place!"
[A growing whistling noise disrupts the recording]
"Oh, you gotta be fuckin' me-"
[Explosion, transmission ends]
Mission 4 (Bao-Dur)
Like I thought, I'm gonna have to do something weird.

I'm writing up a program which should essentially sever the console from the mainframe temporarily, let me brute force the code without letting it successfully transmit the self destruct.

The process is really simple, actually I just needed to--

Now that I think about it, it was the kind of mouthful that might be better served by writing it down, rather than diction. Still, I'll make sure to include the process for later Jedi in my files.
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, Core)
The holocron has finally activated revealing its maker: Arren Kae. For the first time in my life, I have seen the face of mother...knowingly, anyway.

It should be a boon to the order as we rebuild. There is much knowledge of the Old Order there-- I doubt it will run fallow any time soon.

I am sorry for the brevity of my report, but... I need time to think.
(+20 Knowledge burst, gain Holocron of Arren Kae(can be permanently studied when a Jedi Historian is appointed))
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical, Mid-Rim)
She learns quickly, this initiate of ours.

That is to say, she arrived to sparring today holding a lightsaber, ready to try and cross blades. It is an...adequate thing-- far from perfection, certainly, but for a first effort? Impressive.

I do not foresee, in any case, her failing out of the order for lack of talent. I have given her the title of Padawan-- a full member of our Order.
(Breda Sunguard becomes Jedi Padawan (All Stats currently 1))
Mission 3 (Atton Rand)
So I survived. They did not.

The Bounty Hunters, I mean. The kid is fine.

So, they tried to kidnap the kid-- apparently he managed to slip away after mind-tricking the stupid one, except I didn't know that, so I blocked their way to their ship. I tried to lean on my lightsaber to convince them to stand down, but the stupid one started shooting, and I couldn't very well run into the crowded port so I was sort of stuck there, batting bolts back, until one of them tried to shoot me with a rocket.

I leaped out of the way, so it hit the ship. Ten minutes later, my ears stopped ringing and bits of flaming starship stopped falling down on us-- it's a really good thing I wore my cloak today. I got up, and the kid had a blaster pointed at both of them.

Miraculously nobody died, and we convinced the Hunters to admit they were working for the Hutts, and we found out a few things as well.

See, turns out Kador's dad? Less "Moderately successful, pretty damn shady merchant" and more "very successful Exchange leader." Seems the Hutts have figured out that after Goto's lead, the Exchange seems to be making significant fraction of its money by either directly stealing from the Hutts, or muscling them out of rackets. They haven't stopped after his destruction because, while they don't give a damn for rebuilding the Republic, Goto's plan is making them all money hand over fist and why mess with a good thing?

Because that's what the galaxy needs-- a gang war between Hutts and Exchange, which almost dragged us into it.

Before you get too mad at the kid, seems he didn't know either.

There is a little bit of good news, at least-- seems they worked with Sith during the Jedi Civil War, and had a few Jedi artifacts as trophies; and they were wanted on Coruscant in connection with some big shot Admiral's kid, so we're at least making some friends.

Even if I do need to replace my cloak.
(+10 PP, +5 Knowledge)
Mission 4 (Bao-Dur)
It is an ugly, barely functional kludged together thing I have done, but it worked well enough. We now have access to the secret archives--most importantly, a number of blueprints of the Enclave as well as proposed expansions, dating back before the Mandalorian Wars.

They also included something I think might end up being helpful- a list of the families of Jedi from Dantooine-- you know, parents, grandparents, siblings, nieces and nephews, that sort of thing. That should help when we're looking for Initiates.
(+40 Dantooine, +1 Progress to recruitment)
There is no Chaos (Mission Report 3950 Q4)
Mission 1 (Mira and Brianna, Core)
Brianna has been so worked up about the Holocron that it's distracting all of the crew-- and me, for that matter.
(Failed response)
Mission 2 (Visas, Mical and Breda, Mid-Rim)
The Republic warship Vigilance has sent out a distress call, and we are in range to respond.

How unfortunate for the Vigilance and her crew that we and Admiral Onasi alike know of no such vessel in the Republic Navy. That we do know that a Foray-Class disappeared from Onderon at about the same time frame when Vaklu was plotting with the Sith to overthrow his cousin. Perhaps most importantly for them, how unfortunate that Mical and I can hear them, and they have nothing worth listening to.

Admiral Onasi is preparing the Marines and the gunships to reclaim the vessel-- apparently, though, if we weren't here, the plan would have been to blow it to hell.
Mission 3 (Atton Rand, Outer Rim)
I didn't discover anything in my patrol, but I was in the neighborhood, so I decided to help out around Khoonda. Turns out the mercenaries left plenty of unexploded munitions lying about. You know, mines, traps, nonsense like that. Figured I would deal with it before somebody loses a leg or something.

Kid's a little frustrated, but it is how it is.
Mission 4 (Bao-Dur)
The scavengers are preparing to head off-world; seems they've finally figured out that we aren't leaving, and they don't get to steal anymore. The whispers I've heard suggest they're running off to Korriban, to act like locusts there instead of here.

Before they do, I want to make a run on their supplies-- buy back what I can.
Mission 2 (Visas, Mical, and Breda, Mid-Rim)
Surprise, surprise, as we expected it wasn't a Republic crew. One of the old Sith Lords from Malak's time-- how many more are there?-- gone pirate. He saw a chance to add a Hammerhead to his fleet and leaped on it. Unfortunately for him, we were there. Visas infiltrated the Hangar, and opened it for us-- and so we and a company of Republic soldiers made our way in. Fighting has proven one-sided so far-- the only place we're having trouble is the bridge, where the Sith is waiting for us.

We're going to cut our way in and reclaim the ship.
Mission 3 (Atton Rand, Dantooine)
Pure Pazaak! I've managed to disarm most of the mines-- no more raining Iriaz bits every five seconds cause they wander a bit too far from the herd. Some of the farmers gave me some things they bought off the scavengers-- most of it's worthless, but there were a few datatapes and journals with old lesson plans.

Also, the kid got his last Lightsaber part-- ironically enough, from one of the mines. He constructed it already.

I figure it's pretty damn unlikely he'll manage to get kicked out for incompetence at this point, so I figure it's fair enough to call him Padawan.

(+20 Dantooine, +5 Knowledge, Kador Shirot advances to Padawan)
Mission 4 (Bao-Dur)
I managed to buy off all the old supplies from Ralon, who managed one last big score before they left-- they managed to break into the Master's Chambers. Codes from Master Tokare and Vrook alone would have justified it-- we should have absolute access to the Old Enclave now, instead of having to finagle about with chipping through the doors or picking the locks. There were also a few journals with training tips-- including an account from the Master who trained Meetra, funnily enough--and part of a set of Hyperspace coordinates. Nothing usable so far, but I have this funny feeling that more parts of it will fall into place; or maybe raw time will allow us to extrapolate it.
(+50 Dantooine, +10 Knowledge)
Mission 2 (Visas Marr, Mical, Mid-Rim)
The Sith was more dangerous than we expected- he almost managed to disarm me!

I mean he about hacked through my elbow. If Visas hadn't been there, he would have. But she was here, and we won, and he lost.

Admiral Onasi would have preferred slightly less clean up, but in the end better a little cleanup than his option if we hadn't shown up-- namely, just blowing it all to hell. Bonus, turns out our Sith had a bit of a Jedi collection
(+15 PP, +5 Knowledge)
Sorry this is a little short, just not very inspired right now, I suppose.
There Is Serenity (Negotiations 3950)
From the earliest eras, the Jedi have been sworn to the Republic-- since Haune Tiar first toured the fledgling Republic, and saw that it could be a bastion of peace, of freedom, of righteousness. But too, the Republic has been sworn to you-- the two of you, Jedi and Republic, have grown together, spiraling in unison, like two trees whose trunks have grown together near each other.

So long as you remember and fulfill your oaths, the Republic will aid you.

The six of you are once again convened on Dantooine, to argue, speak, and make the case for what ought to be done-- one part, trading on your good name; the other part, trading on what you all have done.

You have pretty well shown that the Jedi are returned, the old title reclaimed. You met that mark already, through your deeds-- through the Core, the Mid-Rim, and the Outer Rim alike, they tell of the revenge of the Jedi, how you fell on slavers and Sith and pirates alike-- colonists and soldiers spread stories of you.

Engagement Milestone: 5
Engagement: 19
+20 PP for meeting Milestone, +15 for Bao-Dur, +80 For Mission Results
Available PP: 115

  • Reclaim Coruscant Temple (250 PP)
  • Recruitment Drive-- Recruit 2d5 Initiates (30 PP)
  • Introduce a new Battlemaster, to coordinate with the Republic Army and Navy in case of War (40 PP)
  • Introduce a new Jedi Caretaker of Knowledge (40 PP)
  • Request Republic aid rebuilding Dantooine. (20 PP)
  • Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
  • Request Republic aid to locate Missing Jedi (0/3 Burnt) (30 PP)
  • Search the Telos Academy (50 PP)
This is a bit short-- I just wanted to keep things nice and simple for this first Negotiations post
Negotiation Results
Request Republic aid rebuilding Dantooine

The Republic is still reeling from many of the wounds dealt to it at the hands of the Sith, and it seems, to start, that there will be no aid to you, except perhaps for a few convicts released on early work release. Too much is being funneled to Telos, to Rodia, and to Axxila, ravaged by Revan's Empire, for them to offer any aid at the moment.

But then Admiral Onasi remembers something, which the chaos of the past five decades had obliterated from the recollection of all the other Republic brass-- there are a number of supply depots, pre-dating the Sith War, which contain the spare reactors for old ships, anywhere from shuttles to cruisers. Most are no longer fit for combat, or for newer, more power hungry designs-- but they function perfectly well as the new power generators for the low intensity demands of these small, Dantooine settlements-- and for the Praxeum, allowing you to begin real construction on the already planned expansions of Masters Zhar, which will greatly transform the shape of the old Enclave.
[x] Request Republic aid to locate Missing Jedi (0/3 Burnt) *3

It seems, in many ways, that Katarr truly was the last, gasping breath of the Old Order. Nearly every Jedi was called there-- studious Master Dorak, gentle Master Tokare, wise Master Zhar-- all slain when Nihlus spoke, and every living thing died. Of those few Jedi who survived, Vrook, Zez-Kai Ell, and Kavar were slaughtered at Traya's hand; Lonna Vash...died; and Atris presented herself to you in those chaotic times after Meetra left all of you behind to discover what had come onto Revan-- and you had exiled her, to learn the same lessons as Meetra once had; and perhaps, to learn the same lessons.

Of those few who neither traveled to Katarr, nor were discovered in your travels, the news is scarcely better. Republic records have revealed plenty to you: Dustil Onasi was killed by Bounty Hunters looking to collect before Meetra returned to the Galaxy. Yuthura Ban had been last seen on Nal Hutta, leading a slave uprising against the Sith-backed masters of that world; Vima Sunrider personally slew an army of Sith, protecting the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Republic records and agents have confirmed these, as well.

But there are those whose fate is in question. The traveling companions of Revan have not been seen since the defeat of Malak, except for Bastila's brief visit to Telos when Nihlus attacked. Juhani has disappeared entirely, and the only trace of Jolee Bindo in all the galaxy recently is that you found his robes on Korriban, which is not the most heartening sign.

But, the Republic has opened certain records to you-- and among them, something caught your eye. A number of lightsaber parts have been shipped to the world of Talravin-- of course, under disingenuous names, but long before you were a Jedi you were an engineer, and you know damn well that Tokana brand--

Right, not important. What is important is that they were all headed to the same place-- the capital city of Pujarest. You hardly need the Force to figure out what that means-- but it does help.
Mira let you borrow her freighter, one of those fancy new swept-winged Burkada Models-- on the condition that you bring it back undamaged.

Atton is tapping his fingers on the arm rest, looking down at the oval, open topped starport--a sure sign that something is on his mind, and not just how uncomfortable he finds the robes he's wearing.

"Something the matter?"

"For some particular reason, I'm not crazy on running to a woman who decided she'd let the galaxy burn."

"Atton, there aren't enough of us to not seek out as many Jedi as possible."

"Is she one of us? Really? Ignoring the fact that she's one of Atris' stock, and believe me, that's ignoring a lot, I can't imagine you or me, or Visas or Mical, or Brianna or Mira sitting out the war, at least not once the Mandalorians really got into it."
Talravin is a funny world, actually. Unlike so many planets, it's profited from the wars-- a foundry world, credits went there in droves as PSFs rapidly transformed into an army, and bought all the weapons they could find. Big blasters, small blasters, armor, shields-- anything an infantryman could need. Most of your kit in the Mandalorian Wars came from Talravin, in fact.

Anyway, plenty of refugees ran here-- but unlike Nar Shadda, where government-- at best-- is an affair of local crime lords, the government here saw an opportunity; and so did plenty of real estate companies.

Ideally, you are never made a refugee-- but if you must be, here is where you will first run. It's still not great, but you will receive food, paying work, and most importantly, housing.

For instance, the housing you're looking at right now. An apartment building, three stories high-- hugging the ground. A low, mundane thing, it does not seem right that this place, which so many wander by, should home Jedi.

And yet it does.

It seems Bastila Shan has hidden here.

"I think they're starting to figure us out." Atton looks around. "I'm getting some looks-- not all of them friendly. We should probably get inside."

The two of you enter, pushing open the door to a small lobby where a red-skinned Twi'Lek sits, reading a cheap magazine, and doesn't even look up. "What can I do for you two?"

"We're, uh, looking for a buddy of ours from before the War. Woman, human, Coruscanti accent, kind of short?"

Atton pulls on your sleeve and you turn around to see Bastila, in a relatively normal black tunic and white wool leggings. And then she starts running away.

"Never mind, I think we found her!"

You are a blur, weaving through parties and around people, pushing where you have to. She is fast, as well, and constantly slamming doors shut, but you and Atton have a system worked out-- he blows open the door, traveling a bit more slowly behind you, while you keep your eye on the prize.

The halls are short, and soon enough you've made your way to the deserted top floor. She's running and running-- and then all of a sudden she's turning around, her lightsaber springing to life in her hands even from out of nowhere two blue blades come flying at you, eating the distance in seconds. You slide under hers on the tile floor, even as Atton is knocking the others out of the air. You turn on your lightsaber and manage to block the follow up strikes.

And so the four of you, now, are left sitting in the hall, panting.

"We're Jedi. We're here to talk."
The apartment is small-- a kitchen, split off from a living room, leading into a bedroom, though the view is spectacular-- you can see out to the edge of the city and beyond, the Culthor mountains cutting the sky jagged.

You and Atton are awkwardly standing in said living room. There's a boy-- a Padawan? In any case, he's staring at your arm wide-eyed.

"He's my son. Not Force sensitive."

The Cathar-- Juhani-- and Bastila are both sitting at the small kitchen. Juhani is regarding you with a look that could kill, meanwhile Bastila is slowly drinking tea, which smells wonderful from where you are.

"I wondered when you would seek me out. I imagine you must be wondering what I was doing as the Sith were hunting us like animals."

Well, it all starts about three years before Meetra's return. The Purge had just begun-- our already too low numbers were being nibbled at, towards the edges. At this point I was coordinating, warning, telling Jedi where things seemed to be worse and recovering from labor. But things seemed slowly to fall apart, despite my best efforts, despite the warnings, despite everything.

Then, just before the meeting on Katarr, I received a distress call from Juhani, broadcasting from Donoran, a small world off the beaten trail. I went there, and found her battered, bruised and broken-- but victorious-- over no less than a dozen Sith."

"They had appeared from nowhere," the Cathar says, breaking her silence, "all shadows and darkness becoming men in an instant. They fell on me with a fury-- but I was all together their superior."

"I took her to safety, tended to her wounds-- and received reports that the delegation on Katarr had been destroyed. She was wounded, and I had a son to take care of-- it seemed wiser, to me, to lay low, and wait for whatever was left of the Council to send out the call for the counter-attack.

Except only it never came-- or at least, not soon enough. I did not realize the full gravity of all that came to pass until Nihlus attacked Telos-- and by then it was much, much too late to contribute. So I spoke to Carth, then returned here, where I have been helping her heal ever since.

But now, I think it is time we return. The galaxy has need of us. I will report to Dantooine for assignment within the month, I promise."

You make to go, but Atton interrupts before you can, "they say he traveled with three Jedi. What happened to Jolee Bindo?"

Bastila closes her eyes, breathes deep, and then exhales. "He died as befits a Jedi-- defending the weak."
Gain Jedi Knights Bastila Shan and Juhani!

Gain 40 Knowledge from their more traditional training and access to old Jedi Secrets!