There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

So I have the basics of Mechanics up, namely terms.

I will add more later, but I wanted to have something functional done before Spring Break so I would not forget to do it.

So far I've only explained terms I've already used; if you want a broader explanation of one, feel free to ask.
[X] Reclaim the Dantooine Enclave. Your order consists of six people, maybe seven if you can pin Bastila down at some point, and at a really hard stretch eight, if you manage to find the Padawan who the General spoke to earlier. You do not need all the space of a whole Temple yet, and in some ways you think standing in the Outer Rim will be good for you. And it will make it easier for this rebuilt order to locate Force sensitives from the Outer Rim. (Vigilance requirements for the Outer Rim reduced, bonus to recruitment)

Just six people, less political pressure, cheaper, bonus to recruitment. We could move later I am sure.
Vote will be called in five hours(ish).

On another note, fair warning-- I'm going home for Spring Break on Friday, which means a four hour road trip, so there might not be any updates that day. (If so, I'll try and update an extra time over the weekend.
[X] Reclaim the Coruscant Temple. The most important site to the modern Jedi Order, a bastion of the order-- plus you've always wanted to have an entire floor to yourself. Standing in the Core Worlds, all the galaxy will know, soon enough, that the order is reborn-- and all will be well.(Vigilance requirements for Core Worlds reduced, bonus to engagement)
There is no Passion
"Dantooine. Things are settled in the Core-- but there are dark forces in the Rim, dark forces indeed. The Mandalorians are still there, and that alone I think justifies some attention."
You barely heard threed words from any of the Jedi Masters that the Exile gathered together-- and that consisted mostly of the statement of "you are not," whispered by Vrook around the time you claimed to be a Jedi to some of the Militia in those uncertain days before the mercenary attack.

Still, if nothing else, they were damn good craftsmen. You saw the sorry state the enclave was in before they arrived-- you watched the holos of Malak's guns burning the Enclave, raining death on the world below. You saw the brutality of their occupation. The carnage they unleashed, the lives they stole.

To have rebuilt it in a scarce few weeks, in secret, without the aid of the outside world? Indeed, they did know the Force.

Admittedly, it was still not fully healed. Even now there are Republic hired workers and civilians from Khoonda helping restore the ruined halls, trim the overgrown grass.

But the masters in their...something, ensured one thing was fully restored.

The Council Chamber looks as Meetra once described it. The darkly plushed seats, simple things--essentially metallic squares sunk into the stone, upholstered in black, looking into-- though not down, due to some trick of the geometry-- the circular courtyard.

You take your seats, and simply rest for a moment. Allow the thoughts to swirl inside, let your mind leap from top--

"The Outer Rim's all gone to hell." Atton breaks the silence. "Scavengers are picking through the old enclaves. Nobody thinks we exist anymore, slaver trash thinks it's open season and whatever's left of the last Great Crusade has gotten cocky, thinking the Jedi are all destroyed. I say some of us go down there, and let'em know we're still kicking."

Alright then, who needs to think anyway.

"Everyone with a connection to Dantooine is aware we are still here." Brianna's voice interrupts Atton and his wildly more and more detailed plots to ruin everybody's day. "The Mid-Rim, meanwhile, still faces pirate problems from before the Mandalorian wars, Czerka is still trying to conquer Kashyyk despite everything, and the Hutts and the Exchange are readying up for battle-- one which might engulf whole worlds, if we do not stop it."

"And what of the Core Worlds, also?" Mical cuts through, too.

"What of them?"

"Sith aligned rebels on Sittana have disappeared, which may be either good news or terrible news. Further, as Atton said, someone is stealing Jedi artifacts, even from this sector-- Coruscant's black market seem to be smuggling them out of the temple."

"Alright, alright. First and foremost, we need to show the flag-- let everyone know that we are back, and we're about sick of people stealing our history..."

Craft a deployment plan!
Available Jedi:
Grandmaster Bao Dur (Combat 5, Wisdom 3, Skill 4, Diplomacy 5 Vigilance 2)
Councilor Atton Rand (Combat 4, Wisdom 3, Skill 3, Diplomacy 3, Vigilance 4)
Councilor Mira (Combat 3, Wisdom 4, Skill 4, Diplomacy 3, Vigilance 4)
Councilor Visas Marr (Combat 5, Wisdom 3, Skill 3, Diplomacy 1, Vigilance 4)
Councilor Brianna (Combat 5, Wisdom 4, Skill 1, Diplomacy 4, vigilance 1)
Councilor Mical (Combat 3, Wisdom 5, Skill 2, Diplomacy 4, Vigilance 2)

Deployment Zones:

The Outer Rim: A sparsely populated collection of agri worlds, you don't see too much trouble coming here, if it weren't for the Mandalorians. On the other hand, this is likely to be where the majority of your apprentices come from for the time being, so perhaps those more in tune with the Force would be a wise plan.
([] Assign Jedi to patrol, needs 4 Vigilance)

The Mid-Rim: Wealthier than the Outer Rim, but without the commiserate military force, a surprising amount of Jedi patrols have always been focused here, being pirate bait and all. This is likely where combat, if it takes place, will take place. Sending some real muscle out here would be a wise plan.
([] Assign Jedi to patrol, needs 6 Vigilance)

The Core: To be honest, this likely the safest part of the Galaxy. You'd be surprised if anything more threatening than a few gangsters show up here anytime soon, and not very threatening ones either. Still, whatever does happen here, the entire galaxy knows about it, so if you just want to fly the flag, so to speak, this would be a good place for it.
([] Assign Jedi to patrol, needs 2 vigilance)
Fuller explanation of stats coming soon, but to be clear:
Wisdom: Force Stuff.
Skills: Mundane stuff, like Computer Skill.
Combat: Lightsaber skills, other personal battles, warfare a distant second.
Diplomacy: How diplomatic are you?
Vigilance: Discovering Missions, and response to them.
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lets say bao and mical in the core
anton and mira in the outer rim and briana and visas in the mid ? that sound like a plan??

i`m very willing to switch things around??
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[X] Plan Ace in the Hole:

Core worlds: Mira and Brianna
Mira gives the tracking expertise needed and between the two of them their force ability should be enough to slip through the cracks while keeping anyone from blowing up our funding.

Midrim: Marr and Mical
Marr can throw down with anyone and Mical brings a critical diplomatic tack to the table. There isn't much tracking to be done here, so we can afford relatively unskilled members on this. And I like the potential good cop bad cop dynamic from it.

Outer Rim: Atton Rand

Leaving Atton Rand alone isn't the best idea, but we need to keep Bao-Dur holding down the fort imo and Atton is skilled enough in enough areas to cover himself.
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Plan Ace in the Hole:

Core worlds: Mira and Brianna
Mira gives the tracking expertise needed and between the two of them their force ability should be enough to slip through the cracks while keeping anyone from blowing up our funding.

Midrim: Marr and Mical
Marr can throw down with anyone and Mical brings a critical diplomatic tack to the table. There isn't much tracking to be done here, so we can afford relatively unskilled members on this. And I like the potential good cop bad cop dynamic from it.

Outer Rim: Atton Rand

Leaving Atton Rand alone isn't the best idea, but we need to keep Bao-Dur holding down the fort imo and Atton is skilled enough in enough areas to cover himself.
Can you turn this into a vote?
[X] Plan Ace in the Hole

Atton's going to have the easiest time working alone. Worst-case, he's not afraid to "tactically retreat".
Edited in a tech tree to the front page with the absolute basics.

To be clear, this is not all there will ever be, this is just the "known unknowns", so to speak.
There is no Chaos (Mission Report 3950 Q1)
"Read em and weep, ladies." He puts down the final card, and for the third time, Pazaak is his. He rakes in the credits, even as his competition scowls. It's only the scarcely enforced rules of this dingy, dirty little cantina that has kept them, so far, from lunging at him with a vibroblade, and only their own, stupid, pride that keeps them coming and getting their ass handed to them.

There's three of them, women. One has a lion with a man's face scrawled on her cheap leather, the other has horns crudely attached to her helmet, and the third was just big.

"You must be cheating."

He shuffles in his seat and tries not to laugh. Imagine the gall...

"Just lucky, I think." Atton shifts in his seat.

"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." The big one has a sour, sour look on her face.

The cantina they're in is a small, almost intimate affair-- capable of holding, perhaps, fifty people. The floors are hard wood, soaked in alcohol; it smells of smoke, desperation, and sweat in there. Only one pazaak table, which he happens to have been dominating so far-- and without the Force, even, at that. "In your experience as...?"

"Freighter captain, when discretion is required."

"With all the credits you've been tossing down, I take it business is good."

"Oh yeah, real good. Without the Jedi around, people in my line of work have a pretty good time of it."

"Yeah that makes sense. I imagine plenty of people find it easier these days, without them around. Bounty hunter, smugglers, slavers..."

And there it is. The bomb is dropped, and no-one notices a metal cylinder being palmed in a gloved hand.

"Alright, you figured us out. And what are you gonna do about it, lawman?" The Big One talks first.

His purple blade springs to life, and the whole room goes quiet as the Galaxy shakes-- along with the table, flung with the force, landing a solid ten feet away, near the bar proper. "I'm demanding your immediate surrender. I'm hoping you're stupid enough not to offer it."

Lamely, stupidly, she pulls out her vibrosword from its hilt-- but before she can do a thing Atton's carved her hand off. She's howeling, grabbing the stump, and he is already moving, charging the lion lady, fluid like all those holocrons Meetra made him watch of the basics of Makashi. She bats at his saber, and he can tell that she has military training-- Echani, maybe?-- but no natural affinity for it. Compared to-- hell, even the Sith mooks on Onderon she's bad, never mind Sion-- she's mediocre, at best, and so he comes from the right, she blocks, he feints from the top with a single hand cut, and then twirling his saber he carves through her hip.

The third has gotten over the existential shock of Jedi out of nowhere and has grabbed her chair. She tosses it, but he grabs it with the Force and the smashes it on her.

It was fifteen seconds of hyper-violence--

There's a shot, and Atton is already whirling around. He needn't, though-- one of the people he had dismissed is clutching her chest, meanwhile a kid maybe eighteen at most is holding the blaster, from half the room away.

From the shackles still on his wrist, Atton guesses that the boy was once...merchandise... and that things have just gotten much more complicated in an entirely different way.
Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira, the Core)
Hey, me and Brianna have received word about some kind of something between some Mandalorians and local security forces. A lot of people are going to die if we do nothing, so we're heading out.

Write you soon.

Mission 2 (Visas Marr and Mical, Mid-Rim)
We located a small pirate base, after speaking with some locals-- seems a number of Sith soldiers went warlord after Revan killed Malak. We must assume, given some of the damage we have observed, that there was a Sith Lord among them.

Report will be in once we have dealt with them. Visas and I have also alerted local authorities, to be on the safe side.

Mission 3 (Atton Rand, Outer Rim)
100 people missing.

Nobody knows how, just that the victims have seemingly no connection. Seemingly.


Except, of course, for a small series of freighter. Whose visits just so happen to match up with the disappearances.

I am, of course, certain that this in no way has any connection at all.

I'm going to catch a ride with local security forces, see if I can't cut them off-- I know where they're going.

Mission 1 (Brianna and Mira)
We have good news. Mira has made contact with the Mandalorians, meanwhile I have begun speaking with the authorities-- this is the situation, as far as we can tell:

A band of Mandalorian veterans from clan Wren who went pirate after the Wars are trying to join up with Canderous on Dxun; apparently, they've grown tired of the outlaw life. However, local security forces on one of the planets, Galdara, are heavily populated by Republic veterans from the Mandalorian Wars, who saw the Mandalorian convoy stopping to resupply and misinterpreted it.

They are fairly evenly matched-- the Mandalorians have a small number of barques, but the security forces have the weight in numbers-- even that many freighters will weigh down the Mandalorians. The likliest outcome would be an absolute slaughter-- so far, Mira and I have maintained the tenous stalemate, but something more permanent must be done, and soon, before these idiots kill each other.
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical)
Neither good nor bad news to report, only oddities-- we traced a number of illicit supply shipments to a camp we located on Ebra, but found no-one present.

Most of the supplies had been taken-- only a small room sealed with some kind of droid intelligence was not open and ransacked.
Mission 3 (Atton, Outer Rim)
I found them. They can't be too bright-- tried to hide on Sullust.

Fortunately, they're also pretty bad at figuring out how to cover their trail on planet as well-- credits were transferred from an account attached to the ship to a cantina near the space port. Figure I'll send in my last report once I'm done with them.
Mission 1 (Mira and Briana, Core)
Well, good news-- we managed to calm these idiots down.

I spoke to the leader of the Mandalorians in front of all her soldiers, and that seemed to convince her to listen and turn off her guns--seems they were impressed by my command of Mando'a.

The Security Forces tried to do what we were afraid of when the Mando's guns went off, but before they could Brianna, on the lead ship, knocked out the captain and worked through the chain of command until they called the whole thing off. Brutal, but effective.

After that, the Mandalorians and the Security Forces managed a deal-- the Mandalorians gave back everything they stole, and in return the Security Forces let them pass.

To thank us, one of the security officers gave us a journal from her son-- a Jedi killed during the Mandalorian Wars. It has a few things we might find...interesting.

(+5 Knowledge, +15 PP)
Mission 2 (Visas and Mical, Mid-Rim)
We managed to open the door using some of Visas' passcodes, and in so doing found a few things.

There was a girl there, who we thought was the Sith's former apprentice-- no.

She was one of the soldiers, and goes by the name of Breda. She began having what she thought were hallucinations. After some time, she determined that it was, indeed a Force ghost.

We have not managed to determine who the Ghost was in life, but in any case that is of limited importance. More importantly, the Sith eventually found out and was determined to make the soldier her apprentice through pain and force.

Eventually the two battled, and Breda emerged triumphant with the aid of the Ghost. Too weak to fight through her former comrades, she entered into a healing trance, until we found her; she does not know what happened to the soldiers.

Also inside the room when we opened it were a number of lightsaber training manuals, which should be helpful.
(+10 Knowledge, +1 Initiate)
Mission 3 (Atton, Outer Rim)
I found slavers, and I beat them-- most are now in prison.

But Bao, I also found a Force Sensitive. One of the victims they brought with them to the Cantina to sell-- as we fought, he pulled the blaster from one of the slavers and shot her dead.

He's the son of some minor richer in the Rim, a merchant and freighter-- stolen to teach his father a lesson.

He wants to become a Jedi, and he's more than old enough to choose-- but I have this sinking feeling things are about to get complicated when his father finds out.

Still, the whole damn galaxy oughta know that we're back now.
(+15 PP, +1 Initiate)
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It's nice to read the mission logs. They remind me of the ones from To Boldly Go.

I know it's already mentioned that this quest is inspired by that one, but my comment still stands. The tone, the style, they're there.
very interested too see how this will work out as a story.
still 2 hopefully new ppl to train up and some what i think is political power and that sounds all good.

still early days thou so random slavers died and some remenant sith doing unknown things and the core being a mess.
ya sounds about "normal" for day to day jedi