There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Strategic coordination 3946 BBY Q3
Strategic Coordination

The ship extends into the distance, massive weapon culminating in a prow-mounted exit port. Sensor modules feed gunners the most up to the date information possible. Massive coolant chambers regulate internal temperature, keep the necessary equipment from overheating until it explodes.

It looks like a giant blaster, to be honest.

You are Bao-Dur, and you are currently staring down not just the Chancellor; but also Admiral Onasi; the Minister of War, Val Diraz; and a plethora of other, minor figures, watching as Mira delivers the report of a lifetime.

"This is the Obelisk of Iarna class cruiser. It is the pride of the Azil fleet, their greatest achievement. They have three, the only vessels in the fleet with sustained killcounts against Czerka forces."

Another image, showing the smooth, Imperial born lines of the Czerka vessels. "This is the Interdictor Class cruiser of the Czerka Corporation. Stolen after the defeat of Darth Revan. They had twelve, according to information gathered by the Star Corp. A single one managed to decimate an entire Azil flotilla. As of the last record, three had been destroyed by sacrificing entire fleets.

What I am saying is that they need our help. Your help."

Good news wars with bad news in your mind.

The good news, of course, is that in the Republic proper Czerka forces have simply...evaporated. Mercenaries turn on employers, corporate animals flee to the safety of prison and turn informants; those who continue to resist are all caught up, pinned down, and torn apart by a mix of the Republic's military, the militia, law enforcement; and the Jedi.

(+30 PP, +5 Engagement)

The bad news is that the Czerka forces attempting to conquer the Azil have gone fully piratical, and are ignoring stand down orders as is from the Board of Directors.

Supreme Chancellor Dara sticks her fingers to her chin and begins to think. "Admiral Onasi. Minister Diraz. If we send them aid, what can we send without risking rebuilding efforts?"

"I can produce a big enough force to deal with anything they can pull now that the Sith's dealt with, madam Chancellor."

The Minister looks thoughtful. "I have a few regiments and division to toss around, but it might slow down rebuilding. And of course, I'd need a way to get them there."

"Don't you worry about that." A blue skinned Twi'lek speaks up for the first time. "I gotcha covered."

The Chancellor nods, once. "Thank you, everyone. But I need to speak in private, now, with the Master Jedi."

They funnel out, leaving only the Council and her. A show of faith.

"Master Dur. The negotiation ability of the Jedi is legendary, matched only by their skill at war. I'm hoping having so many ships all at once will scare the Mercenaries into surrender; if not then overwhelming force to minimize casualties. I hate to have to ask for so much from your Order again, but your aid might be the difference between life and death for many. Can you offer anything?"


[]Yes: (Write-In assets to be deployed. Masters and knights cannot be outnumbered by Padawans. Cannot send Initiates)
Short update.

Moratorium for four (4) hours.
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I'd say we send either Brianna, Mical, or both with both Consular knights and enough padawans to hit the limit.
[X] Yes: Councilor Brianna, x2 Jedi Consular, x3 Padawan

Brianna has the tied second-highest Diplomacy of our council, tied with Mical and exceeded by Bao-Dur. The reason it's neither of those is that Mical doesn't have high Combat for in case it comes to battle, and I don't want to send our Grandmaster off to an unknown bit of the Galaxy. The Consulars are also for diplomacy, and the Padawans are there to learn and maybe help.
[X] Yes: Councilor Brianna, Councilor Mical, x2 Jedi Consular, x3 Padawan, Padawan Atris
Better to not stint on what may be the last battle of this conflict. With both Brianna and Mical, we have a good Diplomacy team, and Atris is there if it comes to a battle. All told, we'll be sending a team with a combined 21 Diplomacy, 20 Combat, and 25 Wisdom scores. They should be able to handle most things.
We should send Bastila; we might need Battle Meditation, as this is exactly the sort of situation it was intended for. Bao-Dur is our best diplomat, and I'm not too concerned with sending him off. He'll have a whole fleet to protect him, after all, and one with Battle Meditation besides.

[X] Yes: Grandmaster Bao-Dur, Councilor Bastila, x2 Padawan
[X] Yes: Councilor Brianna, Councilor Mical, x2 Jedi Consular, x3 Padawan, Padawan Atris

To end war you must send a force capable of ending your enemies, be that by making them friends or fallen.
[X] Yes: Councilor Brianna, Councilor Mical, x2 Jedi Consular, x3 Padawan, Padawan Atris
The ship extends into the distance, massive weapon culminating in a prow-mounted exit port. Sensor modules feed gunners the most up to the date information possible. Massive coolant chambers regulate internal temperature, keep the necessary equipment from overheating until it explodes.

It looks like a giant blaster, to be honest.
*Darksaber intensifies*
Another image, showing the smooth, Imperial born lines of the Czerka vessels. "This is the Interdictor Class cruiser of the Czerka Corporation. Stolen after the defeat of Darth Revan. They had twelve, according to information gathered by the Star Corp. A single one managed to decimate an entire Azil flotilla. As of the last record, three had been destroyed by sacrificing entire fleets.
Damn, really shows how badly Azil are outnumbered tech whys.
The good news, of course, is that in the Republic proper Czerka forces have simply...evaporated. Mercenaries turn on employers, corporate animals flee to the safety of prison and turn informants; those who continue to resist are all caught up, pinned down, and torn apart by a mix of the Republic's military, the militia, law enforcement; and the Jedi.
Seems like Czerka is on their last leg.
Supreme Chancellor Dara stick her fingers to her chin and begins to think.
"Don't you worry about that." A blue skinned Twi'lek speaks up for the first time. "I gotcha covered."
Hey, Mission.

[X] Yes: Councilor Brianna, Councilor Mical, x2 Jedi Consular, x3 Padawan, Padawan Atris
[X] Yes: Councilor Brianna, Councilor Mical, x2 Jedi Consular, x3 Padawan, Padawan Atris
Hey so.

Two things:

Firstly, update is coming along.

Secondly, as far as Canon species go, I am thinking a sort of Schrodinger's cat applies, where canon timelines and so on work until and unless I think of something that, bluntly, I prefer (or the thread comes up with a take that gets majority approval). So, you know, Dathomiri witches, Mon Calamari, and so on may or may not appear in game if I think of something.
Secondly, as far as Canon species go, I am thinking a sort of Schrodinger's cat applies, where canon timelines and so on work until and unless I think of something that, bluntly, I prefer (or the thread comes up with a take that gets majority approval). So, you know, Dathomiri witches, Mon Calamari, and so on may or may not appear in game if I think of something.
But Mon Calamari have already made contact with the Republic, in 4166 BBY.
Mission Report 3946 BBY Q4
Dozens of cruisers are streaking in from disparate sectors as Admiral Onasi makes the call. Fighters are called up, docked, and await travel as the fleet gathers. It will take a week for them all to arrive; a week you do not have, if you are to reassert peace and prosperity in the Republic with any alacrity.

"Master Bao-Dur!" Pivoting on your heel, you see Mical and Brianna leading up the Jedi team; and next to them is Zez. They wear a mix of Dantooine and Coruscant robes as they get ready to part, an interesting visual effect.

Zez steps before you, clad in his simple brown robes, and bows; you follow suit.

"Master! It will be odd to work without you, you know."

"I do not doubt you are fit for the task, Zez. Keep Atris honest, won't you?" She gives you a sharp look, but considering she almost killed a whole planet through her arrogance and tried to kill a friend, you don't particularly care.

"Yes, Master. Try not to let Atton blow himself up, won't you?"


"Of course."

He turns away, but before they all walk off, he looks back over his shoulder. "May the Force, be with you."

"And with you."

And like that the two of you are parted.
Mission 1 (Knight Kador Shirot, Padawan Sorda, The Core)
-Knight Kador-

We might not need to destroy the Czerka shipyards anymore, but they sure do still need to be secured before somebody takes them back over. To that end, myself and the fighter squadrons I have put together will be sortieing out to, well, secure them.
Mission 2 (Knight Breda Sunguard, Master Juhani, 1 Padawan, Mid-Rim)
-Master Juhani-

As the Republic, essentially, disassembles Czerka's infrastructure, it is gathering plenty of good and useful material and goods that could be turned to the Enclaves and Praxeums which we are now constructing.

In particular, there is a small hydrostation originally used for a hidden Czerka base in the Kahless Asteroid Field. It should be quite useful for the inhabitants of Ossus.
Mission 3 (Bao-Dur, Bastila, 2 Padawans)
-Grandmaster Bao-Dur-

It occurred to me, as I finished recording the last information in my task log, that rather than I angsting over whether or not to restore the planet to its pre-nova status, asking the native Ysanna what they wish would be the better option.

After all, if I and the other Jedi have some claim through shared status to the world, then theirs is the greater as heirs to the Jedi who first lived, breathed, and and ultimately, were trapped here.

To that end I will be traveling to each of the Ysanna settlements, built in the old Arcologies, to establish holotransmitters so that a vote and debate may be held.
Mission 4 (Three Jedi Guardians, Colonies)
-Knight Varna Allar-

Right, log, log, log...

With Czerka's forces in the area falling apart apace, there isn't much to talk about really. Which is good because we're still getting settled in.

However, we have received reports of a Jedi vessel from, at best estimate, the Mandalorian Wars. I have taken the liberty of chartering a small freighter so that we can go check it out.
Mission 1 (Knight Kador Shirot, Padawan Sorda, The Core)
-Knight Kador-

I'm not exactly a fancy flier, but nobody really wants to meddle about with a whole squadron of Republic fighters. The Shipyards are likely either going to the local planetary governments (Alderaan has mentioned interest) or else they will be melted down for the raw resources. Either way, a fitting end.
(+10 PP)
Mission 2 (Knight Breda Sunguard, Master Juhani, 2 Padawan, Mid-Rim)
-Master Juhani-

We are not the only ones attempting to acquire this Czerka material. A number of corporations and colonial ventures are also envious of the abandoned infrastructure; the Republic, of course, is more interested in tossing up Czerka's body on a silver platter to fatten up loyal businesses and make sure they never get back up than it is rewarding the Jedi, but I do still think we can win this little war of word and credit.

In any case, that is what we are going to try.
Mission 3 (Bao-Dur, Bastila, 2 Padawans)
-Grandmaster Bao-Dur-

I have rebuffed seventeen offered adoptions, three proposed marriages, and a number of small predators, with the help of Bastila and our Padawans, who are meeting the matter with all the dignity I could ever expect of Jedi.

I have two of the three transmitters prepared; now to finish the last.
Mission 4 (Two Jedi Guardians, Colonies)
-Knight Varna Allar-

That's no Mandalorian War vessel.

From a distance it looked, perhaps, like so, but in truth it is a far more old vessel, at least dating back to the Great Sith War if not further. Its ancient, almost bulbous construction has clearly seen better days, but then so has the Order.

It was, however, a Jedi vessel; of that, there can be no doubt. I sense something powerful aboard, something mighty.

I'm going aboard, and you [Sounds of boots on metal] are coming with me.
Mission 2 (Knight Breda Sunguard, Master Juhani, 1 Padawan, Mid-Rim)
-Master Juhani-

Dipping into my portion of the credits earned by Revan and his party as we won the Dark Wars, we managed to grab the Hyrdrostation, as well as a number of power converters and blueprints that should be helpful on Dantooine, Telos, and Ossus.
(+15 On all facilities)
Mission 3 (Bao-Dur, Bastila, 2 Padawans)
-Grandmaster Bao-Dur-
They're ugly, but they work. The people of Ossus will be holding a referendum to decide its fate, whether to bear the scars of Exar Kun or to return to the pre-Kun era.
Mission 4 (Two Jedi Guardians, Colonies)
-Knight Varna Allar-

There were all manner of traps and tricks on the station, but in the end, following the Force (and taking a few blows) we managed to find the captain's quarters.

It was the flagship of Master Val Benwill, an old Jedi Master, during the Great Hyperspace War. A Jedi Sentinel, we found a number of relics among his things, as well as journals, recordings, and so on; more importantly, we found a holocron.

When I opened it, I discovered it belonged to Master Garon Jard.

Naturally, I have informed the Telos facility to prepare to maintain it.
(+25 Knowledge, Holocron of Garon Jard)