There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

@Voikirium, I was wondering, could you give us an idea of what sorts of Strategy Coordination Options there might be?
Asking Republic command to shift from their current strategy to a different one that you can work with better, for example. Or assigning units to Jedi, to buff up certain stats. Or requesting Fighters for transport.

It's basically war turn stuff.
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)
Asking Republic command to shift from their current strategy to a different one that you can work with better, for example. Or assigning units to Jedi, to buff up certain stats. Or requesting Fighters for transport.

It's basically war turn stuff.
Thank you! One other question; should the circumstances arise, does Bastila need to be the Battlemaster in order to be available to apply her Battle Meditation to the Republic's problems, or will she be available regardless?
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)

I expect we will find that destroying these holocrons had consequences we did not expect hopefully any good will outweigh the bad.
Thank you! One other question; should the circumstances arise, does Bastila need to be the Battlemaster in order to be available to apply her Battle Meditation to the Republic's problems, or will she be available regardless?
She may or may not be available, depending on where you assigned her-- if, indeed, you assigned her at all.
She may or may not be available, depending on where you assigned her-- if, indeed, you assigned her at all.
Ah, so it's geographically based, I see. Thanks!

One final question; will there be any difference (based on Combat skill or whatever else) in how well the Battlemaster handles the Order's lightsaber training?

I expect we will find that destroying these holocrons had consequences we did not expect hopefully any good will outweigh the bad.

I suspect it was something of a choice of bad things; either having to deal with annoying an ancient Sith ghost or eventually having to deal with a Dark Jedi. I'm okay with this, but we'll have to keep an eye on it and learn Force Light if we don't already know it.
One final question; will there be any difference (based on Combat skill or whatever else) in how well the Battlemaster handles the Order's lightsaber training?
Nah. You all basically took to lightsabers the same way a fish takes to water-- mostly because you had basically a Dooku tier-before-she-started-eating-people-for-power Jedi Exile in your head throughout your training, or are Juhani/Bastila, who got to learn the old fashioned way.
[x] Bastila: Trained-- and well-- in the ancient art of Battle Meditation, Bastila saved the Republic from almost certain defeat time after time in the Jedi Civil War-- and the common soldiers have not forgotten that. (Reduction in PP Cost for Strategy Coordination options)
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)
For those interested, here are brief notes and links for the holocrons we picked up this turn:

Sar Agorn - A historian of the Jedi's distant past, including the Order's time on Tython. He was alive at the time the Order moved from Tython to Ossus. With the Tython system's coordinates we might be able to find a new hyperspace route there, to replace the ones that collapsed leaving the system lost long ago.
Odan-Urr - Over a thousand years old at the time of his death, Odan-Urr lived through some of the largest conflicts in the Jedi's history. He was also a dedicated scholar, considered perhaps the most significant commentator on the Jedi Code to ever live. He taught meditation and the examination of one's emotions to understand them so they did not control the Jedi. He knew the force techniques of Battle Meditation, Force Sever, and Force Alter.
Nomi Sunrider - Often regarded as one of the greatest Jedi to ever live, Nomi Sunrider lived in a particularly tumultuous time of numerous threats to the Republic a generation ago, including Sith Lords, Dark Jedi, invading Mandalorians, and more, all of which she had a personal hand in defeating. She also rose to serve as the Order's Grandmaster, rebuilding it after constant war had devastated the Jedi. She was a natural adept with Light side applications of the Force, and knew Battle Meditation, Force Sever, and Wall of Light.
Vodo-Siosk Baas - Founder of the Jedi enclave on Dantooine, Baas was an expert combatant and lightsaber artisan, training many Jedi in the combat arts needed to combat the Sith. He himself was known for fighting with nothing more than a wooden staff later in his life, which he used aptly enough that he nearly defeated his fallen student, the formidable combatant Exar Kun, before Kun killed him with a hidden blade. In addition to being a nearly unparalleled master of multiple techniques of force-assisted combat, Baas was familiar with the technique for imbuing his staff with the Force, Force Sever, Wall of Light, Battle Meditation, and Battlemind.
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[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)
[] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)

I figure this will make it harder for Palpatine in the distant future.
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[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)

I figure this will make it harder for Palpatine in the distant future.
Shorter term, we (probably) know there's a Sith empire out in the Unknown Regions somewhere. Revan was aware of it, although it is unclear how much he may have told Bastila about the threat he was leaving to confront it, and Treya told Surik, who hopefully mentioned it at some point before he left to go deal with it. Who knows if it's the canon empire Valkorion created in the SWTOR expansions, or something else here, or when it might stir and invade. We'll need to expand our numbers and get the Order into shape for war as soon as possible just in case.

There is also always the possibility of some Sith spirit possessing someone and trying to restart one of the old Sith empires, possibly by resurrecting themselves first, or of Dark Jedi or untrained Force Sensitives going down that road after they find a Sith holocron and become corrupted by it. Or wander into a Sith tomb, the poor bastards.
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although it is unclear how much he may have told Bastila about the threat he was leaving to confront, and Treya told Surik, who hopefully mentioned it at some point before she left to go deal with it.
Revan told Bastila everything he knew about what he found in the dark places where he walked, but he remembers little of it-- only that it was Sith, and that their fury was endless, and that he had to face them alone.

Surik told all of you, but you have not told anybody yet, because who the hell would believe a bunch of punks with lightsabers when they start ranting about a secret Sith Empire?
Huh; according to Wookiepedia, it's supposed to be really hard to find a hyperspace path into and out of the Unknown Regions thanks to a myriad of navigational hazards, but Illum is there so apparently Jedi did it all the time?

I'm not sure if that's an inconsistency in the canon or if there's some explanation.
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)
Omake: Aftermaths​

Councilor Brianna jolted in her chair as the door to her quarters chimed. Turning away from the terminal she'd been staring at to the door, she hurriedly dabbed both eyes with her sleeve. "Enter!"

Bastila opened the door and stepped inside, softly closing it behind her. She offered Brianna a gentle smile and a concerned look.

"Was there something I can help you with?" Brianna asked.

Bastila shook her head. "Brianna, I could sense your feelings halfway across the compound. I'm here in case you need a friend."

Brianna let slip a slightly shuddering sigh. "Thanks. I is hard."

Bastila nodded and took a seat. "It is."

Brianna looked at the floor. " you ever worry that something awful will happen to your son, and you'll lose yourself? I keep thinking about what happened to my mother, how the old Order would use it as an example of why we shouldn't make connections with others."

A flash of sorrow crossed Bastila's face, and she nodded as she spoke quietly. "I have given the matter much thought. It was very difficult when Revan left. The pain is there still. It is difficult to imagine the pain I would feel if I lost my son as well."

Brianna looked up in surprise. "Do you think the old Order was right?"

Bastila shook her head firmly. "No. It is difficult to imagine the pain of such a loss, but instead of turning away from it I've made myself try. I believe the key to not losing oneself in grief is to find acceptance. To accept and treasure the bonds we make with others for however long they last, and then to let them go with our blessing when their time is over. To see this as the way of the Force. Of life."

Brianna did not respond to that for a long moment. Instead she looked over at the terminal screen she'd been staring at; the Archive file on her mother.

"I think your mother became Darth Treya because she couldn't find that acceptance. She found anger in her grief and wanted to lash out at that which she felt was ultimately responsible. The Force itself."

"Emotion, yet peace," Brianna said, returning her gaze to Bastila. "Passion, yet serenity."

Bastila nodded. "It is right there in the Code. We may feel without losing ourselves. We can love, and accept loss as a price gladly paid for it. We can know grief, and find acceptance. Perhaps it is safer to cut ourselves off from feeling, but that is not truly living. And by denying life, I think we would deny the full beauty and scope of the Force as well. We must live, and prepare as best we can for grief, and when it comes allow those who care for us still to be our comfort and strength. The old Order was at its best when we treated one another as one great family. There is room for family large and small in the Order and in the Code. There always was. I have come to believe we should embrace our connections with others, and grow as people and as Jedi for it. To find the Light in the full scope of life's positive experiences instead of hiding from them all because we fear endings. Prepared and supporting one another, we shall not falter."

Brianna found herself offering a small smile. "The doctrine of Bastila Shan, Jedi Master."

Bastila laughed. "Perhaps."

Brianna looked up and let her thoughts drift, thinking of the future. "You might be on to something."

Bastila quirked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Brianna lowered her gaze again. "The Council hasn't really discussed what we should be teaching the students about attachment. We've been reconsidering other doctrines of the old Order, and with the wave of new recruits coming from Jedi who had families despite the old doctrine, now might be the best time."

Brianna stood. "Will you come with me to speak with Bao-Dur?"

Bastila's smile was genuine as she stood. "Of course."
Oh, by the way, I finally figured out a few options:

(Vote with an O, and only @TaliesinSkye gets to vote on this)

[] Family Friendly: One of the designs you found in that Dantooine sale was a creche wing for the Praxeum--might be useful. (+25 Dantooine/Telos)
[] Wiser Masters: Having Bastila and Brianna arguing for the revised form of the Code has forced those who argue for its traditional form to step up farther in their studies. (+10 Knowledge)
[] The Times, They Are Achanging: The political establishment is happy that you seem to be embracing change. (+15 PP)
Interesting discovery; if the 'stalk-eyed invaders' refers to the Rakata, the vision that Bao-Dur saw was from King Adas, ancient conquerer king of the Sith of Korriban, first to unite the Sith. His was the very first Sith holocron, as the Rakata had taught the Sith how to create them before the two species went to war and the Sith successfully repelled the Rakata, stealing more of their technology in the process. He was a master of early Sith sorcery, which he appears to have used to extend his own lifespan unnaturally. The fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd learned from Adas' holocron and sought to became a conquerer himself after the old Sith King. There aren't any records I can find of his spirit being active; he appears to have predated the Sith tradition of building tombs to contain and preserve spirits. Many students learned from him after his death, but exclusively from his holocron.

[] Family Friendly: One of the designs you found in that Dantooine sale was a creche wing for the Praxeum--might be useful. (+25 Dantooine/Telos)
[] Wiser Masters: Having Bastila and Brianna arguing for the revised form of the Code has forced those who argue for its traditional form to step up farther in their studies. (+10 Knowledge)
[] The Times, They Are Achanging: The political establishment is happy that you seem to be embracing change. (+15 PP)

I'm not sure any of these are standout must haves. The 15 PP and +25 development to Dantooine and Telos both are mechanically of equal value, although I suppose I would lean toward the development since it's guaranteed and would upgrade Telos a stage. On the other hand Ten knowledge would get us 3 more research points to spend, which isn't large but isn't nothing, and Knowledge seems harder to come by than political points.

What do people think?
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My vote would go to either development, or the knowledge bonus, leaning towards knowledge. But go with your gut on this one I'd say; your bonus.
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)

while anti-sith would be a major boon.
having ppl trained who know how to fight and stop jedi when one of them snaps might not be the worst thing ever.
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)
[X] Brianna

Not the likely one to win, but still more capable fighters are still a good thing. Bastilla would also have been great to create a tighter group with more practice on teamwork and strategy on their plate.
So. Question for anyone who knows, in case it was already answered at a point I may have missed. Are people given their position via nomination and then voting? Because if so, I have an Omake in mind.
[X] Atton Rand: Having fought as a Sith-- if a Revanite Sith-- he can help teach common soldiers how to battle them, and what strategy their foot soldiers would wield. (Bonus to anti-Sith, anti-Force Order actions)