It's just not substantial commitment though, it's the bare minimum from an explicit distance from a proponent who objected to even having a local consistent presence that wasn't striking out from Republic territory on the grounds that Jedi might be at risk like personal safety has ever been a higher priority for Jedi than defending the innocent.
I would be down for a less heavy plan, if we actually had an alternative that wasn't fundamentally dragging its fingernails against the decision to get involved.
If it's go all in or do everything remote, then I pick all in because it doesn't treat the conflict like 3rd party chess pieces like the other option.
'Sustainable commitment' is great if we just want the Hutts out of the Republic and fuck everyone else, but it won't solve the problem - it'll just mean we don't have to look at it and can forget about it. The speech to get involved that actually won the last vote was very much not about that, and if nothing else is a concern to you, limpwristedly swatting flies from our impregnable safe zone without being there with the people we claim to help is not great optics off the back of our chosen speech.
If you want a better middle point, put a compromise forward please, but at the moment I just see an alternative to remove the fangs completely from what the last vote was about.
Again, I think you're being very uncharitable. The bare minimum is a couple of light investments or something. We're not being remote by getting hands-on with the Hutts, we just aren't extending into their territory when we're still vulnerable. It's not just "personal safety", it's the fact that we're still a weak organisation and throwing ourselves heavily into the fray against the Hutts is a significant threat to our ability to project power in our current state.
If we take a significant setback in such a vulnerable state, we could lose a lot of the gains we've reclaimed, and thereby be less able to save others in the longer run. Plus what I was saying before about spreading ourselves thin being a recipe for courting failure. Being sustainable isn't purely good for throwing the Hutts out and ignoring the problem, that and the 'limpwristedly swatting flies' comment are distinctly unfair takes.
I'm not going to exhaustively respond to every point you make that I disagree with beyond the above, but here's a general statement on it: I think you're undervaluing the other plan because you aren't getting out of your own head, so something moderate looks toothlessly conservative. The fact that Sustainable Commitment is a nontrivial investment of manpower targeted at withering the Hutts' reach, and thus their ability to contest the Republic's measures against them along with their external revenue streams, isn't something you seem to be acknowledging. In my view, the same goes for a lot of the arguments being made, though I'll say that that's purely from my perspective and I'm aware that you almost certainly feel as though you are addressing them sufficiently.
I feel like if numbered more than about 150 people not counting Initiates, and about 100 not counting Padawans as well, there would be more support for what you're saying. Because you're absolutely right that ideally we'd strike deep into the Hutts' infrastructure, since that's going after them where it hurts most. I disagree that attacking their reaches into the Republic is treating symptoms, since we're still launching attacks on them, but the broad point is correct. That isn't the contest, however. The contest is around the fact that a lot of people see us as too vulnerable to directly go after the Hutts. Nothing you've said has directly addressed in a particularly convincing way to the people you're trying to persuade, and I think that's the root issue in this disagreement, though it doesn't just extend to you.
In effect, the two 'sides' have different estimates of our strength. Your 'side' sees our strength as great enough to challenge the Hutts on their turf, and thus doing so is the responsible and virtuous path that should be taken to head off Clone War-era Jedi ivory tower intellectualism and detachment from the people. The other 'side' thinks that we don't have the power to go on the Hutts' turf and fuck their shit up, and thus doing so is reckless and exposing ourself to too much risk for such a vulnerable organisation. I think that's where the disconnect lies. People are just talking past each other. There's not a clean solution to it, either. The only way to find out how we match up to the Hutts is, well, "fuck around and find out".
In the spirit of compromise, but also in the spirit of my dispassionate hatred of balancing numbers, I'm going to make a plan that incorporates a venture into Hutt territory by modifying Sustainable Commitment to flip over from sniping their illicit operations in Republic space to helping retrofit the Republic fleet. Given that the assumption is operations inside Hutt space are more impactful than the equivalent operations outside Hutt space, that will be more impactful. Further, it will directly involve coordination with the rebels, as you desire. Finally, it's the one that most directly focuses on building up the rebels' combat strength, which means that if/when we get options to rejigger our priorities, we can swap from attacking their moneymaking tendrils and modes of applying force on the Republic in response to its sanctions to directly supporting the rebels in battle by fighting side by side with them when the time is ripe to press battle. I will also retain my vote for Sustainable Commitment, however, as I feel this may be too late for another option to make a splash, and if it comes down to it I still prefer Sustainable Commitment to the alternatives.
In defence of diplomacy externally instead of internally, I don't think the time is ripe to fish for defections yet; I also don't think we have the ability to exert the pressure to make it viable, which is reflected in this plan. Furthermore, securing support for the rebels in Republic space is achieving a secondary goal of raising the Republic's enthusiasm for backing the rebels and fucking off the Hutts, which may enable more bold moves from both us and the Republic in due course.
[X] Plan Eyes Forward
-[X] Destroy Hutt Affiliated Physical Infrastructure, such as warehouses, freighters, etc. (Requires investment of Combat)
-[X] Heavy (You will hit very hardened targets, such as mercenary barracks (AT LEAST 45 Combat))
-[X] 16 Jedi Guardians (80 Combat)
-[X] Offer Technical Support to Rebel Ships (Requires investment of Skill)
-[X] Heavy (You will help redesign the Rebel Fleet from its Hutt Origin (AT LEAST 45 Skill))
-[X] Mira, 1 Watchman, 15 Jedi Sentinels, 17 Padawans) (71 Skill)
-[X] Try and funnel support to the Rebels (Requires Investment of Diplomacy)
-[X] Medium (The Mid-Rim, far, though not far enough, from the Hutts, though considerably wealthier than the nearby (AT LEAST 30 Diplomacy))
-[X] Grandmaster Bao-Dur, 7 Consulars, 8 Padawans (48 Diplomacy)
In all, it shapes out as a plan looking towards bulding long-term advantages against the Hutts, playing on the advantage of plucky rebels over heavy-hitters: avoidance, time, and support. The core ideas are:
1) Bolstering the Republic's will to fight, or at least throw further support behind the rebels.
2) Curtailing the Hutts' ability to do anything about 1.
3) Building the rebels' strength for the future, when we can shift towards more directly supporting them in conjunction with them being more able to stand up to the Hutts in battle.
[X] Plan Sustainable Commitment