The Smallest of Dragons, The Loudest of Roars (An ASOIAF Valyrian Adventure Quest)

Done! I'm not much of a romantic, but I think it is acceptable. If both of you want any changes feel free to tell me so.
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[X] Plan: Magical Girls and Dragon Racing
-[X]No: I can't…
--[X]This isn't the right time, I'm not ready for this... I care for you more than anything else in this wretched world, and I don't want to ruin what we already have because of a rash decision, I hope you can understand that this isn't about what you or I want, because I do love you, but about the responsibilty we have towards ourselves to do this when we are both ready and of the right mind to decide.
-[X]Masters and Apprentices: Rhaerya's grandmother is coming over… She's very cross that she is now living with you, instead of her.
-[X]Swords and Sorcery: You see the new Valyrian blade… and realize something… it can be even better.
-[X]A Drunk Dragon: You never realized a Dragon could get drunk… Now you know… and are very disappointed.
-[X]A Scaly Conundrum: You have a Dragon Scale on your hand… a mark from your dragons bond with you… You need to know if it had ever happened before.
-[X]How to Train Your Dragon:Rhaerya needs to learn that scaly beast that is cute, is dangerous and needs to be taught with respect and discipline. Hopefully before it kills her.
-[X]Choose a Hobby: You wish to have a hobby, something to take the edge off of all the stress. (Write in below of what that hobby is)
--[X]Dragon Racing!

@Mr. Sandman, I think your Plan is the best so far.

EDIT: Changed my Vote.
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We can learn magic on our own. The Valaryians were known to build things with Dragon fire, or ordinary fire. Magic is common in Valaryia. There should be something to teach the PC about the architecture techniques of old Valyria, or somebody who can be paid off to teach about it.

Wrestling is not going to be the thing to improve personal combat and social skill, as we got nobody around except Rhaeyra to wrestle with.

If you really want to exploit the hobby pick for power, then you should think about taking up Valyrian Blacksmithing as a hobby. The PC has access to a Valyrian blacksmith that can make valyrian steel. You gain muscle growth, stamina, social interaction, and magic lessons from that.

I think clothing styles as a hobby, or even architecture would be better than wrestling. Study of clothing styles can allow the PC to recognize armor styles, how expensive someone is, how much a person cares about their appearance, and if valyrian clothes mean anything. Clothing design as the hobby may be the better phrase, as that way you can acquire knowledge about clothing styles, how to design your own clothes, and possibly gain some understanding of clothing in Valyria.
Wrestling was very common and popular in Hellenic civilizations, which Valyria is based on, so I'd assume there are places where we can go and do it. Since it is a popular sport that requires more than one person, it would be a good hobby to socialize, I'm sure there are places we could go and meet other people. Also, the point of a hobby is to unwind, Valyrian Steel Smithing seems more of an occupation that would take a lot of time, and wouldn't lend itself for us to go out and meet many people to befriend. Same problem with most crafting hobbies. I guess we could do public speeches (rhetoric), but that would be too much for our shy protagonist I think. Idk, I just think it would be a good hobby for us.
Wrestling was very common and popular in Hellenic civilizations, which Valyria is based on, so I'd assume there are places where we can go and do it. Since it is a popular sport that requires more than one person, it would be a good hobby to socialize, I'm sure there are places we could go and meet other people. Also, the point of a hobby is to unwind, Valyrian Steel Smithing seems more of an occupation that would take a lot of time, and wouldn't lend itself for us to go out and meet many people to befriend. Same problem with most crafting hobbies. I guess we could do public speeches (rhetoric), but that would be too much for our shy protagonist I think. Idk, I just think it would be a good hobby for us.
Don't forget dragon racing my friend. People love that, cause it's like air shows and nascar... with fire breathing dragons.
[X] Plan: Almost Everything Else
-[X]Yes: Always… Stay with me.

-[X]Masters and Apprentices: Rhaerya's grandmother is coming over… She's very cross that she is now living with you, instead of her.
-[X]Swords and Sorcery: You see the new Valyrian blade… and realize something… it can be even better.
-[X]A Drunk Dragon: You never realized a Dragon could get drunk… Now you know… and are very disappointed.
-[X]THe Legion and the Senate: Why does the Legion want revenge on the Senate? And why did your father try to give it to them?
-[X]How to Train Your Dragon:Rhaerya needs to learn that scaly beast that is cute, is dangerous and needs to be taught with respect and discipline. Hopefully before it kills her.
-[X]Visiting Home: Your Home is empty… but the memories there are enough to make you… reminisce about better times.

Wrestling was very common and popular in Hellenic civilizations, which Valyria is based on, so I'd assume there are places where we can go and do it. Since it is a popular sport that requires more than one person, it would be a good hobby to socialize, I'm sure there are places we could go and meet other people. Also, the point of a hobby is to unwind, Valyrian Steel Smithing seems more of an occupation that would take a lot of time, and wouldn't lend itself for us to go out and meet many people to befriend. Same problem with most crafting hobbies. I guess we could do public speeches (rhetoric), but that would be too much for our shy protagonist I think. Idk, I just think it would be a good hobby for us.
That still doesn't mesh well with the whole social recluse personality. The PC does not give me the vibe of someone who would choose wrestling to socialize, but to beat his grief up. As a blacksmith the PC would have to talk with his master at least, and customers. We would have someone guaranteed to watch the PC's behavior, whereas wrestling leaves the PC on their own, or with Rheynas.
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