[X] Move to the front

I personally think Genevive is inexperienced enough not to prioritize herself overmuch as a tactical asset, especially when worried about her Knights. Rushing to the front seems fitting.
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Good thing we left Vali behind. I was a bit worried he would see that as a slight, but being cautious worked.
You bow. "Of...of course General." It seems absurd. Surely it isn't that dangerous. At this thought, the ground starts shaking in earnest. Soon it becomes impossible to stand as you are forced to grab the table for balance. Alex and Helios are in similar straits, but Valmanar doesn't budge. Then you hear two things. An explosion and a roar. A roar filled with nothing but bloodlust and rage.

Welcome to the wider universe, Genevive, where there is nothing but war, and laughter of the thirsting gods.
Out of the corner of your perception, you note X9-A decapitating one of the vile xenos with a flick of a glowing sword. What a woman.
X9-A's voice comes through the vox. "It will explode. Fall back for safety, Sir Vali."

You respond, "No, Milady X9-A, you fall back. I shall cover you." Chivalry demands no less.

Her voice shows no emotion. "Understood, Sir Vali."
I ship it.

[X] Stay in the center
Emerald Tide: Chapter 37
[X] Stay in the center

Your group starts moving immediately, with you and Alex in the middle. It gals you to put so many people at risk for your own safety, but you reluctantly admit that your worth is in your Knights, and your best chance to survive is to not expose yourself to undue harm. You hear shots and screams. With a howl, the lines around you suddenly buckle. The stench of blood and death fills the air along with the sound of gunfire. Helios's voice rings out: "HOLD THE LINE! PUSH THEM BACK!"

You can't see the Orks as of yet, but you can hear them. Screaming their primitive warcries as they chop deep into the front line of your forces. You and Alex draw your laspistols, even to you this feels a futile gesture. You look over at Alex, despite yourself, you must show fear. Alex has a cold look in her eye. She nods sadly and the two of you prepare for inevitable combat. Suddenly, a cry rings out. The sound of ordinance rings out much louder, and joy rings through your heart as Verlithian the Defiant appears overhead, slaying Orks with impunity. The squad lets out a ragged cheer as they are relieved. Vali's voice rings through the auspex speakers: "Princess Genevive? I pray you yet live. I came for you as soon as I could."

You give a hollow laugh and answer through the vox: "I live, Sir Vali, and I hunger for the blood of Orks. As does Righteousness, I'm sure."

Vali's return call is relieved. "Thank the Emperor. You and Princess Alexandrite's mounts stand ready at the berth. Lady X9-A and her retinue stand guard. I shall escort you there."

You give a sage nod. "Lead on, Sir Vali."

[] Continue in the center of the squad's remnant
[] Get as close as possible to Sir Vali
[] Write-in

[Sorry for the wait here guys, the last few weeks of my summer job ended up draining a lot of my energy. The update schedule should be a lot more regular now!]
[X] Continue in the center of the squad's remnant

Getting close Vali should be an automatic no-go. He needs to focus on fighting off the orcs, not worry about possibly stepping on us.
Suddenly, a cry rings out. The sound of ordinance rings out much louder, and joy rings through your heart as Verlithian the Defiant appears overhead, slaying Orks with impunity. The squad lets out a ragged cheer as they are relieved. Vali's voice rings through the auspex speakers: "Princess Genevive? I pray you yet live. I came for you as soon as I could."
Vali! You're proving your worth splendidly!

[X] Continue in the center of the squad's remnant
Emerald Tide: Chapter 38
[X] Continue in the center of the squad's remnant

Despite Vali's heroic entrance, the force surrounding you has diminished. As you charge to the Knight's berth, you leave the corpses of loyal Guardsmen and even a few Admech troops in your wake. Helios's presence, you suspect, is the one thing holding your desperate group together. "MOVE YOU PIG FUCKERS! OR I WILL CUT OPEN YOU BELLIES AND EAT YOUR YELLOW GUTS!" You do wish the man would be less foul about it.

The burst of gunfire continues around you. You can't help but close your eyes. This is combat direct and brutal. You hear a blast near your ear and spot Alex firing her pistol over the shoulders of the gathered men. She smiles at your slightly shamed face. "Don't worry sister, there is no shame in not fighting with the rest. We are here to protect you until we reach our Knights. Vali and I have the close combat training, not you." You still feel a spike of shame. You are a warrior raised by warriors, and right now you are too frightened to even draw your gun.

Vali is making a grand showcase of the power of a Knight Paladin frame. Any enemy vehicle is torn to shreds immediately, and no heavy weapon is allowed to be brought to bear. Suddenly, a massive Ork forces its way through the line. You scream in terror as its massive maw opens wide, ax in the air to cleave your skull. Suddenly, there is a loud crack and the monster falls. The bike scouts have joined the fray. To your immediate annoyance, it was Lukanos who saved your life. "'ello, Princess. Good day for a fight, aye?" By the time you manage to form a retort, the cocky scout commander is already gone, and the line is refilled with soldiers.

At long last, you reach the berth. X9-A greets you immediately with a blurb of vox chatter. "Princess Genevive, Princess Alexandrite, your mounts stand ready."

It is Sir Vali who responds. "Thank you, Lady X9-A. We of the Houses of Etumar will see your service graciously rewarded."

You can't help but giggle to yourself. Lady X9-A is it, Sir Vali? Alex raises an eyebrow at you with an amused smile, then leans over. "His presumptive attitude would be irritating if it wasn't quite so charming." You reply with an appropriate giggle.

O'Donagh ruses over. He briefs you swiftly on the condition of the Knights. (Optimal, as it turns out). He gives a quick praise for the work of X9-A and her forces in guarding the berth while he and his Sacristans performed the rites and optimization necessary for full combat. And so, at long last, you and Alex are in your mounts and ready for combat. Time to decide where and how to use the power of the glorious metal steeds.

[] Move to support the tanks
[] Move to the perimeter to ensure that no reinforcement comes from outside the camp
[] Stay put and await orders from General Helios
[] Write-in
Staying and waiting is a no-go. It shows a lack of leadership and initiative, and a willingness to submit to another authority even under dire circumstances but I repeat myself. Besides, if the General had orders for us he'd have told us before we got in the Knights, or voxed us immediately afterwards. As a matter of fact he can still do the second if he needs us. As for enemy reinforcements... I'm sure an actual ground force would have been detected and called out before this point, and the main force used diggers to infiltrate the camp so only stragglers would be outside of it...

[X] Hunt and Destroy any major concentrations of Ork forces in or around the camp
[X] Have Alex move to the perimeter to ensure that no reinforcement comes from outside the camp while you move to support the tanks. Vali will stay exterminating any major concentrations of Ork forces in or around the camp.

We have three Knights. Lets put them to good use.
[X] Order Vali to stay with General Helios and escourt him and his detachment to wherever it is they are heading to next, before moving to support the tanks. Order Alex to search and destroy any orc digger machines, before engaging any major orc concentrations throughout the camp. We shall move to the perimeter and engage any additional orc assault from the outside while imperial forces are in disarray.

The camp is too crowded for all three of us to stay together, and this would be the perfect time for an assault from the outside.

Edit: great minds think alike it seems.
[X] Order Vali to stay with General Helios and escourt him and his detachment to wherever it is they are heading to next, before moving to support the tanks. Order Alex to search and destroy any orc digger machines, before engaging any major orc concentrations throughout the camp. We shall move to the perimeter and engage any additional orc assault from the outside while imperial forces are in disarray.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 39
[X] Order Vali to stay with General Helios and escort him and his detachment to wherever it is they are heading to next, before moving to support the tanks. Order Alex to search and destroy any orc digger machines, before engaging any major orc concentrations throughout the camp. We shall move to the perimeter and engage any additional ork assault from the outside while imperial forces are in disarray.

You let out a breath as you link to your mount's spirit. Then you start calling orders to your fellow Knights. "Sir Vali, stay with General Helios and his detachment to where they are heading next, then move to support the tanks. Alex, search and destroy any more of those diggers, then engage any concentrations of Orks within the camp." You let out a breath. "I'm going to move to the perimeter of the camp and engage any Ork assaults from outside."

Vali responds immediately. "Understood, your highness." The Defiant stomps over to the side, giving a salute to the General with its chainsword arm.

Alex's response comes after a moment of vox silence. "Ok, I will. Be careful Gene, ok." The worry is evident, clearly, she is uncomfortable with splitting up.

You smile to yourself. All will be well. "I will sister. Fight well. The honor will be ours this day."

Terras Lightning shifts into a slight bow. Before moving away. You feel a sudden spasm of fear, but crush it down. The Orks are weak, and you are in your glorious mount, they stand no chance. You move RIghteousness towards the perimeter. According to the vox traffic, it seems the deadliest area of fighting in that regard is on the north side. And so that is where you arrive, to see a mix of Guardsmen and tanks holding the line against a rampaging mass of Orks. You come in proudly with a burst of stubber fire. Hundreds of Orks are shredded immediately. You are greeted by the wild cheers of the men. "Your timing is perfect, Princess." The ranking officer, a man you don't recognize from voice alone, blurts through the vox.

You continue to fight on, blasting apart an Ork tank with a blast from your cannon, before continuing to shred approaching Ork ground troops with your mounted stubber. "Thank you, Commander. These creatures stand no chance before the might of the Imperium. Fight on with honor and we shall seize the day!"

The response comes in: "Of course, Milady. MEN! You heard the Princess! It is time to seize the da-" And then everything goes wrong in an instant. A bang louder than a thousand stubbers sounds out, and an entire formation of men explodes in a shower of blood and gore. Horror burns through your mind, and you suddenly stop dead. Righteousness's spirit is screaming in your mind. Finally, you look up at the approaching hostile. Your mouth is dry with fear.

The Ork machine approaching is no mere tank. It is a Knight. A twisted parody of a Knight. Giant and ramshackle and strangely rotund, it is painted bright, bloody, red. It is also bristling with a dozen weapon batteries, seemingly slapped on at random. Finally, the fear leaves your voice and you scream through your vox amplifiers. "You...vile monster! How dare you insult the Knights of the Imperium with you vile fakery!" The machine keeps moving, you swing up your void shield to block its crude gunfire. "For this insult and the men you have slaughtered this day, prepare to die before the glorious lance of I, Crown Princess Genevive!"

The Ork-Knight stops. You smirk, you scared the vile thing. And then you hear it. Crude, bestial laughter. Horror starts to run down your spine. No...no that isn't possible...the Orks are animals, it can't be laughing...it can't. You illusions are shattered as a voice, more roar then speech, rings out in crude but understandable Gothic. "NO!!!!!!!" Your heart skips several beats and you have to take several breaths. "HUMIES DIE DIS' DAY! HUMIES WEAK! HUMIES FALL BEFORE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!" The Ork-Knight continues its unstoppable steps. "DIS' IS DA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH OF MEKBOSS SLUGJAW DAKKABLUD! YOS HUMIES DIE! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You take several breathes and burn down your fear with righteous hate. "No. No! I will stop you here and now!" With that, despite your growing terror, you move your Knight forward.

[] Go on the Defensive, block the Ork-Knight's fire and hold it down until the Kratosians can regroup and bring their own weapons into the fight
[] Charge gloriously, impale the monster on your glorious lance
[] Hang back and open fire from a range
[] Write-in

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[X] Charge gloriously, impale the monster on your glorious lance

I can see all of these choices going wrong, but I don't want to give the Ork-Knight the initiative.
[X] Go on the Defensive, block the Ork-Knight's fire and hold it down until the Kratosians' can regroup and bring their own weapons into the fight
-[X] Try to keep it from shooting; do not charge but do keep up the attack.

This thing is a ranged combatant, it seems. Charging right in will probably result in it shotgun-blasting its weapons right into us. Hanging back will let it fire a fusillade at us. Soaking up its fire and tying it up in melee feels like the strongest option.
[X] Charge gloriously, impale the monster on your glorious lance

Its right where it wants to be. Move it to our terms ASAP or we're even more fucked.
[X] Move and attack the monster from its flanks, keep its attention on you and not the Kratosians. There must be a blind spot in its twisted construction, FIND IT

It may be a copy of a Knight, but it is just that: a copy. We should be far more agile than it and be able to run circles around it. As long as we can keep its attention on us, and hit it with both lance and cannon at its back and sides, the Kratosians and our companions should be able to arrive in time to help us out.
The Ork-Knight stops. You smirk, you scared the vile thing. And then you hear it. Crude, bestial laughter. Horror starts to run down your spine. No...no that isn't possible...the Orks are animals, it can't be laughing...it can't. You illusions are shattered as a voice, more roar then speech, rings out in crude but understandable Gothic. "NO!!!!!!!" Your heart skips several beats and you have to take several breaths. "HUMIES DIE DIS' DAY! HUMIES WEAK! HUMIES FALL BEFORE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!" The Ork-Knight continues its unstoppable steps. "DIS' IS DA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH OF MEKBOSS SLUGJAW DAKKABLUD! YOS HUMIES DIE! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wow, she didn't really know much about orks.

Genevive's Stats:
+5 Knightly Dueling
+5 Knightly Munitions
+3 Defense
+4 Social Skills
Good thing we have the stats for fighting Knights with Knights.

[X] Move and attack the monster from its flanks, keep its attention on you and not the Kratosians. There must be a blind spot in its twisted construction, FIND IT