[X] Plan Let's think it through
-[X] Check our stuff to see if there is anything like flare, smoke bomb... to mark the position. If yes, use it/them on the Space Marine
-[X] If we have enough time, match it with our map, providing location grid
-[X] If we have nothing and no time, set up a meta on a path/building and lure the Marine into that position (via using volunteer baits). Then set off the charge
I'd just ask the QM if they guys have a flare on their hands, although I rather doubt it - if it was an option it'd have been raised by someone. Seeing as they're activly being chased by the evil supersoldier, they almost certainly don't have time.

As for the last option, it's not terrible, although it'd probably be simpler to just use the suggested plan. The Astartes clearly sees the men as nothing more than irritants, I'd bet it tank the melta out of pride and then laugh at the puny mortals' last-ditch attempt at hurting it.
Wow...I didn't quite expect Gene was so innocent to not know about Chaos Marines. I mean it makes some sense with the whole sheltered princess thing...but wouldn't she know the general knowledge of the Horus Heresy? Like the fact the whole thing was caused by half of the Primarchs and half the Legions falling to Chaos? That kind of seems like an important thing that most people would know, let alone the crown princess of a planet.

Actually, the more I think about it, her father would have to have been almost comically lax in her teachings concerning history if Gene wasn't aware of even one of the most basic facts of arguably the second or third most important event in the Imperium's history.
Wow...I didn't quite expect Gene was so innocent to not know about Chaos Marines. I mean it makes some sense with the whole sheltered princess thing...but wouldn't she know the general knowledge of the Horus Heresy? Like the fact the whole thing was caused by half of the Primarchs and half the Legions falling to Chaos? That kind of seems like an important thing that most people would know, let alone the crown princess of a planet.

Actually, the more I think about it, her father would have to have been almost comically lax in her teachings concerning history if Gene wasn't aware of even one of the most basic facts of arguably the second or third most important event in the Imperium's history.
She knows about it, but like most people in the Imperium believes it ended with the destruction of all traitorous elements. As for her father...we will meet him in the quest proper. Keep in mind, his earliest introduction in the beginning was being told off for his laxity. I have a plan.
She knows about it, but like most people in the Imperium believes it ended with the destruction of all traitorous elements. As for her father...we will meet him in the quest proper. Keep in mind, his earliest introduction in the beginning was being told off for his laxity. I have a plan.

Ah, I see. I had originally just thought that Rouburte was being harsh to the guy, but it might just be that he's incompetent. Or worse...
Astartes are tough, but have no chance against Knights.
The problem here being that he almost certainly knows that and isn't a moron. You have no idea he'll follow the soldiers out of the place, and if he sees through the simple ploy we're shit out of luck. At the very least, a lot more than one person is going to die.
The problem here being that he almost certainly knows that and isn't a moron. You have no idea he'll follow the soldiers out of the place, and if he sees through the simple ploy we're shit out of luck. At the very least, a lot more than one person is going to die.
...Yes. I know that.
[X] Use someone as bait, set melta charges on the roof directly above them, when the Marine kills them, set off the charges, which will hopefully give just enough of an idea of where it is to give Princess Genevive proper aim

... retreating could work, but even if it does, it risks the lives of everybody down there. As cruel as it is to say, this plan, if it works, would save the most lives. May the Emperor protect.
The Cults of Hazard: Chapter 42
[X] Use someone as bait, set melta charges on the roof directly above them, when the Marine kills them, set off the charges, which will hopefully give just enough of an idea of where it is to give Princess Genevive proper aim

The instant the order comes from your mouth, your forces already move. The clump of feet and the sound of bolter fire rings out as you rush to set the charges. Balancing on each other, the charges are slapped on the ceiling and hidden with wall hangings.

"Pray it doesn't notice them," you say grimly. No one responds as it goes without saying. No one wants to talk about what comes next. Someone will have to die.

You speak into the vox to the Princess again, "Ma'am, there will be a massive explosion on our position soon. When it goes off, that is where the Traitor Astartes is. Fire with extreme prejudice at that moment."

The Princess's responds in her soft voice, "Very well, Commander." Lovely woman, but naive. Hopefully, she'll grow further after this.

You start to move to the middle of the set explosives. "It was an honor serving with you all," you say. "May the Emperor protect you all..." As you turn to address your men, something slams into your stomach. You slump as you are stunned. Lieutenant Eyebright smiles sadly. You croak out, "Eyebright...why?"

Eyebright pats your shoulder. "Well Commander, it just ain't your time," he says calmly. You feel yourself being picked up. Eyebright salutes grimly as he is handed the detonator. "Ave Imperator."

"Eyebright!" You croak out. "Damn you, you bastard." You are carried away as the remaining forces start to flee. Eyebright stands alone.

A second later, the Marine thunders to Eyebright's position. It storms forward. Eyebright opens fire, lasgun blazing, making as good a show of holding the line as he can. For a second, you think that it won't work. The Marine will figure it out. But then, the Marine is on Eyebright. Grabbing the Lieutenant by the throat, the Chaos Marine makes a show of lifting him up. You hear what it says even from here, "Every last one of you will fall. Regardless of what happens now. Cease struggling."

Eyebright doesn't say a thing. He pulls the trigger, and the ceiling explodes and falls apart in a torrent of flame. Vaugn snaps up immediately, his post-human instincts affording him that at least.

In the instant a section of the Devil Gun explodes, you swing your weapons on it. Your mount thrums with joy as you fire the Lascannon into the new hole. Following that is even more ordinance, all striking in the same area.

What results is an entire section of the scavenged Ordinatus is now a smoking wreck. An entire slab of metal melts off to plummet to the sand below. You vox to Redglove, "Commander, is the target destroyed?"

You had watched as the ceiling had exploded and the beam of pure light blasted through. A Godhammer Lascannon is designed to destroy heavy-armored tanks. Neither Eyebright or Vaugn stood a chance. All that remains of the Chaos Astartes known as Agonizedon Vaugn is a charred slab of ceramite. All that remains of Lieutenant Eyebright is ashes and a hot pain in your chest.

Trying to keep the tears out of your voice, you respond to the Princess's call, "Yes ma'am, the monster is dead." You find yourself slumping to the ground as all calms. You only slightly notice Iron Sight wrapping her arms around you.

At Redglove's statement, you slump in your throne. "It is over at last then, Gene?" Alex asks softly.

"It is, Throne be praised," you respond. All around you, the people seem to come to the same realization. Celebration rings out all around. With this, you open your voxcasters, "People of Hazard! This day is won! You who once survived the dangers of the Devil Gun have survived again! May this be a new day in Hazard's history!" The cheers grow stronger. You smile happily.

The War for Hazard is virtually over.

[No vote, since that marks the end of the fight. Next up will be an epilogue tieing up the loose ends, which will then be followed by a set-up for the next arc! I hope everyone enjoyed The Cults of Hazard!]
The Cults of Hazard: Epilogue
It takes a full week to gather all the survivors of the disaster on Hazard. General Helios, Colonel Luna, and Colonel Sawaki are alive. The Lilanti 8th has three survivors: The three remaining men from the Lilanti Diggers 3rd company. You learn the entire regiment is to be disbanded. Commissar Inatani and Private Lang vanished after the final battle. They are presumed dead.

You, Alex, Vali, Ravana, and Dolce stand in the command center of the Blade of Ares. General Helios enters. He grins when he sees you. It is offset with a level of bitterness. "We are at quarter-strength now. Haven't lost so many men since the Cabal of the Severed Throat on Velontos." He steps to the table. "I'm glad to know you survived. Same with the rest. It is going to be tough until we can return to Kratos and rebuild."

You smile sadly. "I'm sorry to hear so General. I wish things could have been different. I wish fewer people had had to die." You remember the report Commander Redglove had given. You hid your tears when you learned of Lieutenant Eyebright's death. You let them go when you saw where he had died.

"We all do," Colonel Luna enters the room, her arm is still bandaged from fighting on the planet. You smile at her in greeting. She smiles back. "I'm staying on the planet until we can settle everything down."

"I shall return to Castillum Maximus," Colonel Sawaki says as he enters. "I need to receive more men for the Penal Legion."

You try not to think about that too hard. The idea of a Penal Legion still disgusts you. Still, you smile. "Colonel, I must thank you for the aid of Commissar Inatani and Private Lang from your regiment. They were good men and excellent soldiers."

Sawaki looks startled. His cold face shows actual emotion for a fraction of a second. "That isn't possible, your highness."

"Why not?" you ask.

"Because Commissar Masato Inatani was a woman."

There is a moment of silence. Alex breaks it. "Then who the hell was the man we fought with?"

Sawaki looks at Alex. "I don't know."

A shudder runs through the room. Helios clears his throat. "Well. We can worry about that another time." You are grateful. For now, you have no wish to think of such a strange subject. Helios grins broadly. "I have word that a sizeable fleet is coming in. I look forward to telling them that we had this, don't you?"

You smile weakly. "Right. General." And yet something worries you. From the looks Alex and Ravana give you, they feel much the same.

"If the Princess was a bit less naive and kind, you would have killed me, you realize that," Lang snaps.

"Just playing the part," 'Inatani' responds coldly. The two men sit in a stealth ship. The machine has been a back-up escape route in case things get awkward during a mission. Like almost getting caught pretending to be a Commissar. "She is almost out of stasis, then we can contact the Baroness. Inform her that they are on the move."

"You're dodging the subject," Lang grumbles. He sullenly leans away from the other man. "You played it too far you bloody bastard."

"I didn't kill a single Guardsman on that planet."

Lang doesn't respond. He is still sulking when the third figure enters. A woman, apparently in her later 60s, with empty eye sockets. The Astropath snorts when she sees the two agents. "What's with him?"

"He shouldn't complain," the false Commissar says. "He got a pretty woman to bat her eyes at him and now is complaining about me putting a gun to his head. I knew the Princess would get me to stand down. Too gentle and loving to do otherwise." No emotion enters his voice.

"Of course," the Astropath responds. She moves on immediately. "What do you wish me to send to the Baroness?"

The Agent looks at the still sulking Lang. Then he turns back to her. "The Purge is on the move."

You shake Malachi's hand with a smile. You got leave to say farewell to your Hazarder allies. Twin Trigger, Father Malachi, Iron Sight, Long Barrel, and Paragon Sand. You shook each one's hand several times. You realize that you will miss them.

"Happy trails, Princess," Sand says with a smile.

"Happy trails, Paragon Sand," you respond. You lean close and plant a kiss on his cheek. The man turns red. His friend Rourke immediately starts making fun of him as you move away.

Malachi bows deeply to you. "The planet of Hazard will forever be in your debt, Gun-Princess. It is with great sorrow that we bare you farewell."

You return the bow. "Might I ask where Saint Paragon is? I would assume he would be with you."

Malachi shakes his head. "No. He wishes to go out and aid the general Imperium. He managed to convince the Ecclesiarchy to let him travel with the Kratosian Armored 7th." He smiles thinly. "Apparently, he had a vision from the Emperor himself that he had to travel with you. Only makes sense, seeing as you were the one who woke him up in the first place."

You nod with a smile. You had been bombarded with questions by the Ecclesiarchal retinue that arrived yourself. You can't help but suspect that your status as a Princess made them be less aggressive.

Twin Trigger bows as well, her fellow Gun Saints mirroring the action. That is all they do. But you smile gently at them nonetheless. And then you leave. With a final "farewell" you leave your friends from Hazard behind at last.

"Hell of a girl," Rourke says as he watches the sky, leaning on the Bolter.


"Hell of a fight too."


Rourke chuckles blithely. "Shit son, you're still hung up, aren't you."

Paragon Sand sits up at the wheel. He chuckles softly. "Nah, I figured there was no hope there. Just a beautiful girl with a nice smile." He looks out at the open road. "Listen. The Devil Gun was real, wasn't it? So who says there isn't stuff just as weird on this planet."

"Stands to reason I figure," Rourke says.

Paragon Sand grins. "And we are unconnected to any Cult, but have the backing of all."

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying, is I think it is time we went on a little adventure," Sand slams the pedal. The car moves forward. The Road Warriors of Hazard drive into the sunset.

Saint Paragon looks up as you enter his room, Alex and Ravana by your side. "Hey! Good to see you."

You smile gently. The man still wears that silly hat, the rest of his clothing is new at the very least. "I hear you had a vision."

He walks up to you with a grin. "What can I say. Saint stuff. Very mysterious." He winks broadly. You giggle to yourself.

Alex smirks. "Finally figured it out, then?"

"Haven't got a clue," Paragon answers bluntly. Ravana lets out an audible groan at that. "First step is practice I think. And for that, I'm going to need to use my new powers as much as possible."

"And you decided to stick with me?" You ask, letting a coy smile spread on your face.

"I have my reasons," the Saint responds. He attempts to sound cryptic is ruined by the grin on his face.

Ravana scowls. "Well, we shall all be watching you closely." She looks between you and Paragon. Her voice gets a touch colder. "Very. Very. Closely."

You shoot Ravana a scandalized look as Paragon and Alex laugh brightly. You join in a second later. For a moment at least, everything seems wonderful.

Thousands of Lightyears away, a ship hangs in the void. The ship is old. The ship is rotting down to its very soul. Within, one of its corrupted denizens storms into the command center. The Chaos Space Marine, long ago a member of a long forgotten Chapter of Raven Guard Origin, looks around the room. All he sees is two lurking figures in ancient Terminator Plate, looming by an empty command throne. Also in attendance is a hideously corrupted bloat of a Chaos Sorcerer. The Sorcerer looks up coldly. "Ah. Knowledge Seeker. What news do you bring?"

"Nothing for your ears, Monster Maker," Knowledge Seeker responds coldly. He glares bitterly at the Sorcerer. "Only The Death Walker himself will hear this."

Monster Maker shows no signs of anger, he only gestures at the throne. "Well, as you can see, Death Walker isn't here at the moment." What might have once been a sneer spreads on the corrupted being's face. "You may tell it to me, wretch."

Knowledge Seeker's hand moves to his bolter. He glares at the sorcerer viciously. "No."

A clang rings out across the room. Both Marines feel something force them down. Slammed to their knees by absolute force, the pair don't even have a moment to protest. He enters the room an instant later. Half-a-head taller than even the Terminator-armored warriors who are his elite guard, the Death Walker is a horrifying figure. His voice rings out like a bell. "It hurts me deeply to see such pointless fighting between fellow members of the Purge." The Champion stomps to his throne. He sits on it, looking on his minions with cold dismay. "Such rivalries and petty backstabbing have no place in this Warband. Not since I took it over and opened it to all who share in my vision."

"It was the wretch Knowledge Seeker," Monster Maker snarls. "He was about to draw his weapon."

"He lies!" Knowledge Seeker shrieks. "He-"

"Silence." Death Walker demands. The room falls utterly quiet. "You had a report for me, Knowledge Seeker. What is it?"

The two feuding warriors are freed from the psychic hold. Knowledge Seeker promptly falls to his knees again before Death Walker. "Master. I regret to inform you that our operation on Hazard failed. Our brother rose an army and awoke the Devil Gun, but he was stopped. By actions of an Imperial Knight and a minion of the Corpse Emperor."

The Death Walker chuckles. It fills the room like a funeral song. "It matters not. What comes next will end all life in the sector as planned. One failure doesn't change that."

"Of course, master," Monster Maker declares excitedly. "Once we achieve our plans, all will be ready. Hazard will die with all the rest, just a touch later than expected."

A cold smile spreads on Death Walker's blunt features. "As will all life, before the Purge."
Last edited:
So Paragon is a psyker of sort. Princess is getting used to the horrors of war. Chaos is looming over the edge of our vision.

What will happen next? Some yuri stuff?
A second later, the Marine thunders to Eyebright's position. It storms forward. Eyebright opens fire, lasgun blazing, making as good a show of holding the line as he can. For a second, you think that it won't work. The Marine will figure it out. But then, the Marine is on Eyebright. Grabbing the Lieutenant by the throat, the Chaos Marine makes a show of lifting him up. You hear what it says even from here, "Every last one of you will fall. Regardless of what happens now. Cease struggling."
Your overconfidence is your weakness.
You try not to think about that too hard. The idea of a Penal Legion still disgusts you. Still, you smile. "Colonel, I must thank you for the aid of Commissar Inatani and Private Lang from your regiment. They were good men and excellent soldiers."

Sawaki looks startled. His cold face shows actual emotion for a fraction of a second. "That isn't possible, your highness."

"Why not?" you ask.

"Because Commissar Masato Inatani was a woman."
"If the Princess was a bit less naive and kind, you would have killed me, you realize that," Lang snaps.

"Just playing the part," 'Inatani' responds coldly. The two men sit in a stealth ship. The machine has been a back-up escape route in case things get awkward during a mission. Like almost getting caught pretending to be a Commissar. "She is almost out of stasis, then we can contact the Baroness. Inform her that they are on the move."

"You're dodging the subject," Lang grumbles. He sullenly leans away from the other man. "You played it too far you bloody bastard."

"I didn't kill a single Guardsman on that planet."

Lang doesn't respond. He is still sulking when the third figure enters. A woman, apparently in her later 60s, with empty eye sockets. The Astropath snorts when she sees the two agents. "What's with him?"

"He shouldn't complain," the false Commissar says. "He got a pretty woman to bat her eyes at him and now is complaining about me putting a gun to his head. I knew the Princess would get me to stand down. Too gentle and loving to do otherwise." No emotion enters his voice.

"Of course," the Astropath responds. She moves on immediately. "What do you wish me to send to the Baroness?"

The Agent looks at the still sulking Lang. Then he turns back to her. "The Purge is on the move."
Inquisition members, I'd guess.
"Happy trails, Paragon Sand," you respond. You lean close and plant a kiss on his cheek. The man turns red. His friend Rourke immediately starts making fun of him as you move away.
"And you decided to stick with me?" You ask, letting a coy smile spread on your face.

"I have my reasons," the Saint responds. He attempts to sound cryptic is ruined by the grin on his face.

Ravana scowls. "Well, we shall all be watching you closely." She looks between you and Paragon. Her voice gets a touch colder. "Very. Very. Closely."
Fine. Spoilsport.
A clang rings out across the room. Both Marines feel something force them down. Slammed to their knees by absolute force, the pair don't even have a moment to protest. He enters the room an instant later. Half-a-head taller than even the Terminator-armored warriors who are his elite guard, the Death Walker is a horrifying figure. His voice rings out like a bell. "It hurts me deeply to see such pointless fighting between fellow members of the Purge." The Champion stomps to his throne. He sits on it, looking on his minions with cold dismay. "Such rivalries and petty backstabbing have no place in this Warband. Not since I took it over and opened it to all who share in my vision."
And the big bad makes his appearance.
So Paragon is a psyker of sort. Princess is getting used to the horrors of war. Chaos is looming over the edge of our vision.

What will happen next? Some yuri stuff?
While it is Warp related it is probably more along the lines that Paragon is an official Saint of the Emperor thus giving him power regardless of his lack of zealotry back before he became a figure of legend, and more importantly he was probably only mostly dead unlike pretty much every other Saint.

So regardless of whether it was the Emperor actually performing a miracle by raising the dead, Righteousness of Soul being ancient enough to do something with machinery in the temple, or something else the situation is pretty much someone with powers of a Living Saint who needs to acquire the faith necessary to use them.
Interlude 2: Lernaea
Lernaea is a rotting pustil of a planet. It has one liveable hive: Blighttown. Even there the poisonous smog permeates every level but the very top. The people of Lernaea practically grow up in hazsuits. PDF and Guard are specialists in hazardous environments.

The Astra Telepatica set on Blighttown is on the Law Level. Even such high up, poisonous swamp gas often slips in. Usually, only a few guards are posted at the place, ensuring no entry. Now a small army of PDF troopers encircles the building, heavy weapons in heavy attendance.

"Nothing," Private Gashin mutters angrily. He grips his lasgun to himself. "We should be out looking for those xenos dogs, not screwing around with the Psykers."

His fellow PDF, Private Galeria, doesn't look up from her post on the mounted lascannon. Her voice is muffled by her mask. "The Colonel ordered us to guard the Astra Telepatica. So that is where we work."

Gashin scowls behind his gas mask. "It isn't like we are going to use them. Nobody is going to use them. This is..." his voice trails off as he feels a sudden sharp pain in his upper chest. Slowly, weakly he turns his head. And finds himself face-to-face with a grinning white skull. The alien places a long thin finger to its false mouth in a mock motion of silence, then rips its blade from Gashin. Gashin slumps to the ground. The last thing he sees before darkness claims him is the alien looping silently to Galeria. He opens his mouth to scream, but no sound comes out, and the alien lops of the woman's head with a single stroke.

With the lascannon disabled, the force of Eldar makes their move. A mix of Harlequins and Dark Eldar falls onto the assembled PDF like the claws of a great hawk. The skirmish lasts barely a second. The PDF isn't even able to fire a shot.

Slowly, the band of Eldar turns to the Astropath's lodging. A powerful figure in dark green armor riddled with spikes steps forward. Sheaving a massive blade as long again as the Eldar is tall, Ilorvitan Hatewhisper speaks in a voice like silk, "To business then."

The Eldar slip into the building. An hour later, a patrol finds every soul within slaughtered. More than simply slain, the Astropaths were cut to bits, tortured to death. Lernaea is now cut off from the general Imperium...or so it seems.
Dark Eldar, damn. They're annoying opponents. But this Cabal having the aid of the Harlequins in this, now that is interesting.
The Void Laughs: Chapter 1
Three weeks after the war on Hazard, you and Lance spend most of your time practicing in the massive deck that serves as your Knight's berth. With so many Kratosian vehicles destroyed, the place seems quite empty. What little was salvaged from the battlefields is in the midst of repair by the retinue of tech-priests aboard the ship, and the berth smells permanently of incense and metal.

Still, your Knights are able to take up a single corner of the room, with plenty of space for your own business. The loss of so many warriors and machines fills you with sorrow. Three weeks. Another five until you reach Kratos and start to rebuild the Regiment. The Kratosians are bittersweet on the matter, happy for a rare chance to return home, but still stricken by the loss of so many. And then, something unexpected occurs. It begins normally enough, with yourself and your Lance called to meet with General Helios and the officers to discuss something. You naturally obey.

General Helios looks up as you enter the room. Major Ajax manages a weak grin behind his thick beard, though it seems weak. Something is on his mind. Major Damocles is slumped in his chair, the circles under his eyes have grown darker, and the man looks disheveled and hideous. "Your Highness," Helios says calmly. Something is floating under his voice. "We have received a most strange call. From a planet called Lernaea."

"Some form of distress call?" You ask calmly.

"Of a sort," Helios supplies begrudgingly. "According to our Astropath it was very choppy. Not much got through."

"But enough did," Damocles speaks up. He looks up, his sallow features cruel in the light. "They're on Lernaea."

"Who are they?" Alex asks. Her eyes find yours, worry evident in them.

"The Cabal of the Severed Throat," Helios snarls. "Our foes on the planet of Velontos. The ones who slaughtered so many of us." He clenches his fist with rage. "They are on Lernaea doing Emperor knows what. And I want to wring every last one of their filthy alien necks."

You shiver. You know that Helios means every word of it. Ajax's voice is gentle, calming, "General, we simply don't have the numbers to face them. It was a bloodbath on Velontos, and we are barely a quarter what we had back then."

Helios snaps at his right-hand coldly. "They lost their leader in the fight, I blew out Archon Valindor's head myself. We will only have to deal with whatever rabble they can gather under whatever leader fought to the top." Helios turns to the table. "We move to Lernaea. Inform Captain Picos. We will have our vengeance on the Cabal."

"Sir," Ajax manages to get out. "The message was jumbled. According to the Astropath, fear and agony were laced within it. For all we know, Lernaea could already have fallen. This could be a trap." He looks to you, desperation in his eyes. With Damocles unresponsive, back to his strange state, you seem to be the only one who may speak sense into General Helios.

[] General Helios is a stubborn man, there is no point to attempt to convince him of a path he has set for himself. All you can do is go to Lernaea and fight as well as you can
[] Try to convince General Helios that this course is madness. Everyone will die if we attempt this
[] Agree with Helios. Honor must be restored to the Regiment
[] Write-in
[X] General Helios is a stubborn man, there is no point to attempt to convince him of a path he has set for himself. All you can do is go to Lernaea and fight as well as you can
[X] This is obviously a trap. There's also no way we're letting the fuckers get away with this, and certainly not convincing the General to do so, but we can at the very least prepare for the inevitable shitshow that's about to ensue. Do your best to convince Helios to call some form of reinforcements or help, and in general, formulate a plan that isn't heedlessly flinging ourselves into a slaughter.
[X] Try to convince General Helios that this course is madness. Everyone will die if we attempt this.

He's letting his emotions make decisions for him, he's clearly unfit to command the regiment at this time.
[X] This is obviously a trap. There's also no way we're letting the fuckers get away with this, and certainly not convincing the General to do so, but we can at the very least prepare for the inevitable shitshow that's about to ensue. Do your best to convince Helios to call some form of reinforcements or help, and in general, formulate a plan that isn't heedlessly flinging ourselves into a slaughter.
[X] This is obviously a trap. There's also no way we're letting the fuckers get away with this, and certainly not convincing the General to do so, but we can at the very least prepare for the inevitable shitshow that's about to ensue. Do your best to convince Helios to call some form of reinforcements or help, and in general, formulate a plan that isn't heedlessly flinging ourselves into a slaughter.