[X] Check out the salvage

Maybe we'll get lucky.
The Cults of Hazard: Chapter 9
[X] Check out the salvage

You step up to the massive pile of metal and plastic that compose the Merchant's salvage selling operation. The Tech-Priest, a man in his middle 60s, looks up lazily from under the brim of his hat. He speaks around his iho stick. "Looking for anything in particular, Princess?"

You give the man, Colby, a polite smile. "We are trying to find weapons. Would you happen to have any?"

The old man chuckles easily. "Everyone on this planet is looking for weapons. We have plenty. Piles of them. The trick is to get them running again." He takes a long drag on his stick. "Lucky for you, I happen to be good at that."

You nod somewhat awkwardly. "I...see. And where are they in this pile?"

"I can't rightly remember," Colby says. "You have working eyes and decent hands. I reckon you can find something easy enough."

You feel a jolt of anger for a fraction of a second. Then you cool down just as quick, somewhat guiltily. You can't expect an old man to do heavy lifting after all. You step forward to start searching, but Dolce and X9-A move past you. Dolce gives you a quick look. "Allow us, your highness." You start to protest, but Dolce always was stubborn about these things, and it is best to allow her to do as she wills. You awkwardly move to stand near Colby, who offers you an iho stick that you firmly but politely decline.

Dolce and X9-A's search is remarkably short. Dolce lets out a cry of excitement. "Milady, I have found something." She emerges carrying a pistol that is basically a solid block of metal. It takes you a second, but you suddenly recognize it. A Bolt Pistol. Very much like the weapon Helios carries.

X9-A emerges next, lugging an oversized chainsword. Not even close to something you can use. X9-A seems to have little trouble with it, though it is practically a Zweihander for the slender woman. "This weapon was made for an Astartes," she says with some amazement.

You look at the weapon with newly found amazement. A weapon wielded by one of the Emperor's greatest warriors. A hero's blade. You turn to Colby curiously. "Where do you even find such artifacts, Magos?"

Colby chuckles easily. "Please, your highness, I ain't no Magos, just a humble finder and rebuilder. As for those weapons? They've been on this planet since the wars in the mists of time. Long ago, this planet was ruled by an alien force, but then the God-Emperor's son arrived. He was the Dragon, and he brought with him fire and bullets. The fight was long and tough, and many of the Dragon's sons fell in the conflict. Many of their weapons were lost where they fell, to be found millennia later by folk like yours truly. Never thought I'd find anyone able to swing around that old thing. You can have it, for a fair price, of course."

X9-A gives you a look that somehow manages to be simultaneously pleading and stoic. You smile to yourself and turn to Colby. "The bolt pistol and the chainsword then. How much do you want for them?"

Hildegard cuts in suddenly. "Five crates of your nutrient pills and ten tubs of water."

Colby gives her a look. "Now hold up, Hildy, I don't cut in when you are doing business."

"I don't have people pay with iho sticks or bits of metal, Colby," Hildegard states coldly. "We need practical things right now. Times are tough with the Hell-Crack and Agonizeadon's butchers on the horizon."

Colby shrugs. "Alright then, that is the price."

You are a little surprised by the price here. But then again, you suppose they wouldn't have much use for money, and bartering for life-saving goods must be important here. "Deal. I shall speak with Colonel Luna as soon as I am able, you may hold the weapons as collateral until I get the payment."

Colby shakes his head. Despite Hildegard's glare, he says his piece. "Nah, I trust you lot. A Knight-Princess, her loyal maid, and a proper servant of the Machine-God? If you folk don't hold to your word and honor, I might as well give up and go on to greener pastures."

You bow. "Your trust will not be betrayed, Goodman Colby. I swear on my honor you will receive your just payment and more."

"No need for that," Colby says. "What you've offered is plenty."

"Consider it a tip, for good services rendered."

Colby starts to think. "Don't feel right. I have one more thing. Like the big ol' chainblade, I haven't found anyone who is able to use it. But maybe that big Iron God of yours can wield it proper." The old man stands up and starts to move towards a fourth groundcar. One that hasn't even been opened.

Hildegard seems surprised. "Colby? You sure about this? Your family has been trucking that thing around since forever. Do you really want to give it up now?"

"You are right, Hildy. These are dangerous times. Way I see it, this nice lady is going to be fighting things far more dangerous than anything we can imagine. I think she will have need of something like this, provided she can even use it."

Hildegard ends her complaints and the five of you move to the car. Slowly, with calm reverence, Colby opens the back. Inside is a weapon. X9-A recognizes it immediately. "That is a Godhammer Pattern Lascannon, used by the Adeptus Astartes on their mighty battle tanks."

You shudder with amazement. A hero's weapon. Your heart quickens. "Will it work? On Righteousness, that is?"

X9-A nods. "It should. The Knight Baron has very adaptable modules. If you equip it, it will serve you quite well."

It isn't even a question that you want it...but should you have it equiped now or merely store it?

[] Equip the Lascannon now
[] Don't equip it
[] Decide to decline the offer of the weapon
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[X] Equip the Lascannon now

We still have the ... Battle Cannon equipped, which I think is the standard weapon of Leman Russ, so upgrading to a Lascannon is a good upgrade, that does sacrifice the Area-of-Effect but I think it's worth it.

Also @MysticKnightJoe could I suggest a loadout page for the Knights? So we know who pilots what, and what kind of weapons they each have?
Also @MysticKnightJoe could I suggest a loadout page for the Knights? So we know who pilots what, and what kind of weapons they each have?

Yeah, that is a fair idea, I'll get right on that!

EDIT: Almost put something up, but I didn't like it much, I should have something much better put together in a day or so.
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Dolce and X9-A's search is remarkably short. Dolce lets out a cry of excitement. "Milady, I have found something." She emerges carrying a pistol that is basically a solid block of metal. It takes you a second, but you suddenly recognize it. A Bolt Pistol. Very much like the weapon Helios carries.

X9-A emerges next, lugging an oversized chainsword. Not even close to something you can use. X9-A seems to have little trouble with it, though it is practically a Zweihander for the slender woman. "This weapon was made for an Astartes," she says with some amazement.

Hildegard ends her complaints and the five of you move to the car. Slowly, with calm reverence, Colby opens the back. Inside is a weapon. X9-A recognizes it immediately. "That is a Godhammer Pattern Lascannon, used by the Adeptus Astartes on their mighty battle tanks."
Damn, those are some nice finds.

[X] Equip the Lascannon now
[X] Equip the Lascannon now

I want to learn more about Havoc's past now. I want to know just which legion brought Havoc into the Imperium, though I'd go with the Salamanders if I had to guess.
Knights Loadout
Weapons: Power Lance, Vortex Missile Launcher, Lascannon. With Battle Cannon as backup. Melee Backup: Chainsword.

Chainsword, Thunderstrike Gauntlet.

Chainsword, Rapid-Fire Battle Canon.

Gatling Cannon, Thermal Cannon, Heavy Flamer.

Thermal Spear, Chain-Cleaver.

We also all have Heavy Stubbers.
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The Cults of Hazard: Chapter 10
[X] Equip the Lascannon now

You manage to keep your raw excitement out of your voice. "Goodman Colby. If you don't mind, take this fine weapon to my berth in the middle of the war camp. There you shall meet a Tech-Priest named O'Donagh. Tell him Princess Genevive told him to swap out the Battle Cannon for the Lascannon." You remember something else. "Tell him I owe you 20 crates of nutripills and 30 kegs of water."

Colby rubs his neck awkwardly. "That wasn't the deal."

You shrug with a smile. "Well, it is what I've decided to pay you. I suggest you take it." You leave it at that and eventually, after a rather significant look from Hildegard, Colby shrugs, tips his hat, and moves to the truck. Shortly after, the ancient groundcar drives of towards the camp, leaving you alone with Hildegard.

Hildegard speaks up after a moment, "Anything else you need Princess?"

You consider her question for a minute, turning to Dolce and X9-A for advice. Neither are exactly forthcoming. So you make a quick decision. "No, I believe we are quite alright, fair thee we-"

Just as you are about to complete your farewell to Hildegard, you hear the growl of engines. A second later, X9-A is in front of you, her new chainsword gripped in both hands. Steadily, a swarm of groundcars appears over the horizon. "Is it Vaugn's men?" X9-A's voice is cold. There is no fear. "Run Princess, Dolce, if need be, I shall sell my life."

Hildegard looks up and scowls in irritation. "Oh, don't worry. It is just Paragon and his band. They might showboat a bit, but will probably want to join up."

X9-A barely calms, but you note her stance relaxes at least a little. Paragon Sand's Warband continue their approach.

[] Meet with Paragon now
[] Move back to camp
[] Just watch and observe for now
[] Write-in
[X] Meet with Paragon now

We specced into diplomacy at the beginning, and seeing as we're liked or at least held neutrally by pretty much everyone, it's probably paid off. Still, this seems like another good opportunity to flex those muscles, and it'll give the Princess the chance to learn how the locals think.
My first instinct is to meet with him as soon as possible, but presenting a unified front, at least alongside the General, isn't too bad of an ideal. That said...the General isn't the most social person...not to mention the other commanders are, 1) a blowhard, 2) part of the nobility Paragon Sands hates.

Hmmm. Well, our job is to liaison with Sands, so the sooner the better. The fact we can avoid the more annoying aspects of the commanders, or at least head them/their negative influences off seems worth it to me.

[X] Meet with Paragon now
[X] Just watch and observe for now

Hildegard said he wants to show off a bit, so let's let him do just that. It might look bad on us if we move to immediately talk with him before he gets his alpha-male display out of the way. Also, we might learn something about him by watching first.