[X] Try to help with Refugees

Lets start wooing that public opinion.
Alright. We have gotten deadlocked several times. From now on, I'm going to set up a time-limit for each vote. If we are tied at that time, I'll choose between the tied options at random. Sorry for the confusion. Also, I am declaring this current vote locked. We are going to help some refugees. Expect an update soon.
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Emerald Tide: Chapter 22
[X] Try to help with Refugees

Your mission into the Refugee camps of Solannor at first seems to go well. Stories of the mighty war machines that led the vanguard of the Imperial Guard attack have spread far, and most of the common citizenship of Solannor respond to you and your fellow Knights with awe and deep respect. Many are the person who swoons at your feet, and you return kind gestures with smiles and gentle touches upon their brows. Many react with almost religious awe, perhaps viewing you as a symbol of the Emperor's wrath. But, you see the suffering around you, the starving and the weak. You wonder whether your desire to give hope is any help at all. Some of your worries are assuaged by the looks of awe on the peoples' faces as you move through the camps. An old woman, weeping profusely, declares. "Emperor bless you, Princess Genevive."

More voices add to the declaration and you are surrounded by praises and blessings in short order. You smile and wave gently and gently stroke the brows of children. Alex and Vali follow closely behind, getting far less attention. That won't do. You are all Knights of Honor after all. "Not just me," you declare. "My dear sister, Princess Alexandrite, works alongside me in all things. And good Sir Vali is a man of great honor and valor. What's more, the brave men of Kratos who fought alongside us deserve much praise." Alex and Vali get quite a bit more attention after this. Alex flushes awkwardly, unused to such attention from the common folk. Vali seems stunned giving you a look of confusion as you share the honor. You note some mutters of anger when you mention the regiment, however. It seems that rumors of General Helios's attempt at tyranny have spread. The Knights of Etumar are viewed with more love then the Astra Militarum of Kratos.

Eventually, you reach your destination. The improvised field hospital for the civilians wounded by the Ork raids. The group of citizens now following you stop short with you. The screams of the wounded seem to counter the aura of hope and nobility you are trying to give off. One man who has been following you with unique devotion speaks swiftly. "Milady...are you certain of this path."

You grace the man with a smile. "Goodman, I am here to spread hope. The people injured in that tent deserve hope most of all." You walk into the tent as the man bows with tears streaming down his face. As expected, the inside of the tent is a miserable sight. Many of the wounded can't help but scream in agony and the stench of blood and bile fills the room. Two medically trained soldiers, one from the local PDF and the other a Kratosian approach.

"Good evening, Princess." The Kratosian says gruffly. "I am Lieutenant Sophocles. I drive a Taurox and serve as a medical officer. May I ask why you are here?"

You give a polite bow. "I was hoping that I might be able to lend aid. My sister, Princess Alexandrite, is a healer of no small skill." She is. Practical Alex always insisted on learning useful skills outside of Knights and politics. In hindsight, it seems that she was correct to do so. "Sir Vali has some training in field medicine. Unless I misremember?"

Sir Vali gives a grim nod. "I'm hardly an expert, your Highness, but I can help."

"And you, Princess?" Sophocles asks.

"I'm afraid I am not trained like my fellow Knights. But I am willing to do as you wish to aid the injured."

Sophocles lets out an exhausted sigh. "I am in no shape to refuse your aid. I thank you." He gestures at the wounded. "I'm swamped here. Most of our healers are focusing on the injuries our regiment and the PDF sustained. I see the logic in it, we need all our men fighting fit for the push against the Orks. But we have far more wounded here, and most won't live through the night."

You nod sadly. "What would you have us do."

"Your two companions have medical training?" He replies. "I want them working here. Two extra medics will do us a world of good."

Alex and Vali bow politely. You bow as well. "And myself?"

"If I had time, I'd try and get you trained up a bit," Sophocles says. "Sadly, I don't have time. Pity that. It isn't often I get to train Royalty." He gives a weak laugh.

"Another time perhaps."

"Of course. For now, you can help me with the camp. Do some odd jobs, fetch me water and supplies when I need them. I'm sure you can do that well enough." He gives a sudden thought. "Alternatively, I could have you run back to camp. You can try and convince some officer or another to send more medics. Bit of a longshot I'm afraid, but might be worth it."

Alex speaks up. "We will get to it then." She and Vali move off with the PDF Medic. Leaving you to make a choice.

[] Work as an assistant to Sophocles
[] Go back to camp to fetch aid
[] Write-In

[Time limit on the vote is tomorrow at 10 AM EST.]
[X] Go back to camp to fetch aid

We can do more good by organizing helpers than by playing gofer. We are an officer, so we ought to be able to drum up some people, even if we only get some gofers. We could set up a suply point, get some food or tea cooked, get others to clean stuff or prepare ways to sterilize medical suplies. Or setting up a triage station.

Even if we don't get people with medical knowledge, sorting people by how badly they injured ought be feasible for people with minimal first aid knowledge.
It is good to be a princess.

[X] Work as an assistant to Sophocles
[X] Go back to camp to fetch aid

Well, we've just shown that we're pretty charismatic, and nothing really should stop us (beyond the story advancing, of course) from rendering aid, ourselves, after gathering a load of peasants to help, too. Heck, it'd be even better for our image to do so.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 23
[X] Go back to camp to fetch aid

You give but a moments thought, before giving a nod. "Alright. I'll fetch some aid."

"Right. Try and convince the people outside to come in and help first."

"I'm not sure if any of them have medical experience," You say.

"Doesn't matter. Anyone can lend some aid here," Sophocles says. "Big priority is the Regiment of course. I know for a fact most of the lazy bastards are playing cards or loafing around." He scowls. "If they wanted to fuck around, they shouldn't have joined the Emperor's Military the damn sods."

You give him what you hope is a comforting smile. "Well, I'm sure they will leap at the opportunity to aid you and the people of Solannor."

"Do what you can. Whatever you can get will be greatly appreciated." Sophocles doesn't wait for your response, he is already rushing back into the medical pavilion.

You move out and are immediately greeted by a sizable amount of Solannor's population. The apparent ring-leader, the same man who followed you with such singular devotion, approaches. "Milady, are you ok? Where are your companions?"

"They are aiding the injured, I am returning to the regimental camp to gather more aid. You should gather as many people as you can, and go to the aid of Lieutenant Sophocles, he will give you work that will save many of your fellows."

Murmers raise from the crowd. The man stammers out a weak reply. "We don't trust Sophocles milady. These off-worlders...they are a pack of thugs. Not like you at all."

"No. They are very much like me. We are all members of the God-Emperor's Army, here to free your world from the Scourge of the Xenos." Your voice is loud, carrying to the whole crowd. "Lieutenant Sophocles is devoting his time to helping the people of Solannor, and you should as well."

There is a long moment of silence. At last, the leader speaks. "You are correct. We will lend what we can." The group is organized quickly, most of them move into the tent to report to Sophocles, two remain to escort you back to camp. The trip back is faster than the way here, uninterrupted by any distraction. When you reach the edge of the Kratosian camp, you tell the two men to return. They comply somewhat reluctantly.

It turns out Sophocles was incorrect, most of the soldiers are doing important work. You need to find men who aren't doing anything with their time. At last, you find a group of Guardsmen playing cards. Five men, one of whom you actually recognize. "Lieutenant Markos, greetings."

The young man looks up in surprise and to you amusement flushes. He at least should be easy to convince. "Oh...uh...Princess Gen-er, Eriventa." He gives a clumsy sitting salute. "Hello."

"Princess Genevive is fine." You smile gently. "I actually have a favor to ask you, gentlemen."

"What is the favor, Ma'am." A man in a more ornate uniform asks.

"Lieutenant Sophocles desires as much aid as he can get at the civilians' medical pavilion."

One of the men gives a bemused chuckle. "That idiot. Wasting his leave every time. Thought he'd give it up after the Eldar on Zelontos. Shit that happened to the civvies there...let me tell you..."

The man next to him gives him a glare. "I'm trying to forget that shit, Titus. So quit it, you'll make the Princess lose her lunch and me lose my mind."

Titus snorts. "You'd of lost your mind then and there if you were going to lose it, Alexei."

Markos starts to stand up. "I'm going to help Sophocles, he's always treated me right."

The apparent commander gets up as well. "I'll help as well then. Octavius is a damn cheater, anyway."

The man named Octavius turns red with rage. "I don't cheat!" He slams his hand on the table. An entire set of cards fall out of his sleeve. You are hardly familiar with commoner's card games, but you are fairly sure they are all high-value. You expect rage from everyone involved. You are surprised when everyone responds with peals of laughter. He defends himself half-heartedly. "I was counter-cheating dammit!"

Titus chuckles. "Well, the game is a bust anyway. If the boss is going, so am I."

With some grumbles, the other men get up as well. Apparently, having their commander decide to aid you is all that was needed to convince the rest. The commander gives a jaunty salute. "I'm Honored-Captain Theseus, ma'am."

You give him a polite smile. "I'm glad for your help, sirs. Now, let us go." The five Guardsmen follow you out of the camp with varying levels of willingness. You feel a little bad for interrupting their break, but their aid is needed.

[] Ask about the Eldar on Zelontos
[] Ask about their roles in the Guard
[] Just keep your mouth shut
[] Write-in

[Oh yeah, time limit is set tomorrow at 1 PM EST.]
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Success. Hooray!

[X] Ask about their roles in the Guard
[X] Ask about the Eldar on Zelontos

>Thinking we'll lose our lunch over some dark eldar hedonism second-hand

We just had brains blasted all over us, I think we can take it.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 24
[X] Ask about their roles in the Guard

Your impromptu guard escort leads you through the empty streets. It is growing cold as night falls. You give the men a polite smile. "So. If you don't mind me asking, what do you fine gentlemen do for the Imperial Guard?"

Markos gives you an easy smile. "Well, ma'am, you know me a bit. I command a group of shock troopers. We drive around in a troop carrier and gun bastards down." He seems to puff up a little. "I'm the youngest Lieutenant in the Regiment. I was promoted after the campaign on Zelontos."

Octavius snorts. "Don't inflate yourself kid, you'll pop." He gives you grin. "Don't get taken in by the punk Princess, he only got promoted because the old Lieutenant got shredded by an Eldar. Same shit happened with Damocles and that prick Lukanos." He continues gruffly. "As for me, I'm a gunner in our Leman Russ."

Markos scowls at Octavius. Theseus speaks up rather calmly. "Now Octavius. There was no reason to be so rude to the lad. Markos may be green, but he has served with distinction." He gives a rather thin smile. "You should also be cautious about what you say about Major Damocles. The man outranks us all."

Octavius snorts. "Fair enough I reckon."

"As for me, I am the commander of the Leman Russ Pluto's Bark. Octavius, as he said, is my gunner. Titus is the driver. Alexi runs the Vox," Theseus says.

"Were you in the battle at the gate?" You ask.

"We were. Didn't do that much honestly, we were placed in the rear guard." Theseus answers. At last, your group reaches the medical tent. As you enter in, you're greeted by Sophocles.

"Ah, Princess. The commoners you convinced to aid me have been a great help." He notes the soldiers. "I see you found some willing regiment fighters. I'll give you jobs you can do then."

[] Help with logistics
[] Help keep the patients comfortable
[] Try and help with the medical procedure
[] Politely inform Sophocles that you are exhausted from the long day and will be returning to camp to sleep for the battle tomorrow
[] Write-in

[No matter what, I am going to move the action to the next day. This will just determine what we ended up doing before we went to bed for the night.]
Ok. We are a Crown Princess with a +4 Social.

So, I'm thinking [] Help with logistics or [] Help keep the patients comfortable.
We don't have any medical skill so [] Try and help with the medical procedure is the worst option in my opinion.
[] Politely inform Sophocles that you are exhausted from the long day and will be returning to camp to sleep for the battle tomorrow also works.

[X] Help keep the patients comfortable