Emerald Tide: Chapter 19
[X] Go outside and talk with Alex for a bit, try and get your bearings together.

You and Alex walk out of the council chambers. The Guardsmen and Vali seem to be off somewhere, probably disposing of the Lord Governor's corpse. With no eyes on you, you are finally allowed to show your true emotions. You slump against the wall. "Oh, Emperor. It's everywhere." The blood is starting to dry.

Alex scowls with disgust. "The General is a dishonorable thug. I can't believe father vouched for him."

You take a strand of your elegantly done hair, now rank with blood and loosening out of its drills. You shudder. You have to take several breaths before finally calming. "We...we have to stay strong. For now, we are duty-bound to this regiment."

Alex says, "Right. Of course. Long as we don't piss off Helios, we should be fine. Got to make sure that he doesn't decide shooting us in the head is necessary."

You smile. There is one thing you have faith in. "Oh, Alex. All we have to do is make ourselves essential. Remember, we are Knights. We control the most powerful weapons he has." You shiver as something falls out of your hair. A bit of brain or skull. You don't care to look to find out. "O...O'Donagh and his Sacristans are under our control, not his. Vali is here to serve as a bodyguard. As long as we keep fighting and show honor and strength, we will gain respect." You give Alex a smile.

Alex puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We can handle that, I think."

You clap your own hand on your sister's shoulder, a full smile on your face. The council doors suddenly open. Helios storms past you with not even a look your way. Shortly after, Ajax walks out, giving you a polite smile.

[] Talk to Ajax
[] Find Markos and Vali
[] Try to go after Helios
[] Return to camp and get a shower and rest
[] Write-in
[X] Talk to Ajax

He can hopefully give us info if anything important happened there. Afterwards, shower and clean dress.
[X] Return to camp and get a shower and rest

Can't be prim and proper without being clean and tidy. It just doesn't work.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 20
[X] Talk to Ajax

You return Major Ajax's smile as you approach him. Alex follows close behind you. "Major Ajax. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened in there?"

Ajax sighs with irritation. "A whole bunch of damn fool idiocy." He gestures for you to follow him. You and he walk down the hallway as he speaks. "General Helios is following common Kratosian Philosophy here. When a crisis is threatening safety, and the current government is unable to properly respond to it; one man is supposed to take over all operations until the crisis is averted." He gives a bitter grunt. "It seems that the council of Solannor is resistant to this idea."

Alex nods. "I can see why. They must be grateful for our aid, but suddenly being taken over by a bunch of off-worlders, even temporarily? It must not gel well with what they want."

Ajax replies grimly. "Aye. We've done this before, but usually, the ruling government is more shattered. In this case, it is mostly intact. General Helios is a good battlefield commander, but he is stubborn as a mule." He takes in your bloody appearance. "He is...also a bit reckless I'm afraid. Apologizes for the mess, both of you ok?"

You sniff. "We are perfectly fine, Major. Merely soaked in blood and displeased." You then add with an edge of distaste. "I thought that the Lord Governor was to be tried by the Commissariat. Not simply slaughtered in cold blood." You look at Ajax pointedly.

He nods gruffly. "That's how I would have done it personally. Like I said, Helios is reckless and stubborn. He killed the Lord Governor to prove a point, to shock the Council into seeing things his way." He snorts in distaste. "Turns out he did the opposite. We are currently on very shaky ground with the Council."

You blink in surprise. "I...we saved their capital. We are here to save their entire world. How does someone piss away all goodwill they could possibly have for us." You are honestly amazed. How could one man be so undiplomatic? He leads the entire regiment, he is the man who meets with officials and dignitaries and leaders...and yet he has no training in speaking to them. No flexibility in his path. "With all due respect, Major, this is absurd." Alex nods in agreement.

"Look. I've known Helios for a long time. He has a way of going about things. Usually, it works out. That is why he is the General and me and Damocles are his right and left hands." He thinks for a second. "If it makes you feel any better, this doesn't have anything to do with you really. All you have to think about is piloting your Knight. That's it. Leave the politics to us. I'll talk with Helios and make sure he stays off your ass."

"So be it. Keep in mind, Major, myself and Alex are trained in the Political arts. If you or General Helios proves incapable of such intricacies, speak with us."

Ajax chuckles dryly, you suspect he noted the implied insult but doesn't care much about it. "I'll keep that in mind."

You and Alex give the Major a bow before moving on your way. You now have much to think about.

[] Try to find out what happened to the Governor's corpse
[] Go back to the camp and shower and rest
[] Return to the council chambers
[] Go back to camp and talk to O'Donagh
[] Write-in
You blink in surprise. "I...we saved their capital. We are here to save their entire world. How does someone piss away all goodwill they could possibly have for us." You are honestly amazed. How could one man be so undiplomatic? He leads the entire regiment, he is the man who meets with officials and dignitaries and leaders...and yet he has no training in speaking to them. No flexibility in his path.
Welcome to the Imperium.

[X] Go back to the camp and shower and rest
[X] Go back to the camp and shower and rest

>being undiplomatic isn't working
>people wanting to engage in diplomacy while still covered in blood.

We have a strength here, it is currently addled, let's fix that.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 21
[X] Go back to the camp and shower and rest

You let out a sigh of pleasure as at long last the blood is washed off your body. The ride back had been awkward and somber. Vali had already returned, as had Markos and his men. None of you felt like talking and drove back to camp in silence. Now, you and Alex are in your personal combat tent. A spacious affair equipped with three beds for each of the Princesses of Etumar, separated by curtains to give some privacy. Luckily, it also comes with three field shadows, allowing both you and Alex to get clean at the same time. It is hardly the best bath you've had, you'd prefer a longer affair, soaking in fragrant bubbles while having your hair and nails cleaned by maids. But right now, you're just happy to finally get the blood off.

You and Alex emerge and swiftly put on new clothing. Alex simply pulls on a new armored uniform. You choose to take some time. Not only do you equip an armored gown that works as a flight suit and a regal outfit, you also put on new jewelry. Several rings and a necklace, as well as your own personal invention, a pair of golden piercings that fit into the implants on either side of your temple. The current model gently slopes across your cheeks, giving your face delicate lines of gold. At last, you are ready.

Alex gives a dry chuckle as you move into the tent's common room. "About time, Gene. Did you try and do your hair back up?"

You snort. "Of course not, I need Dolce's help to do that, and she won't be planetside for a little while. I only did enough that I look presentable."

"I suppose that is a reasonable concern." Alex grows serious. "So. What are we going to do about the political situation here."

"For now...I don't know. All we can do is our work as Knights and save this world." You smile brightly. "And if that involves wooing the populace to our side through acts of nobility and respect, what can I say."

[] Check on your Knight
[] Try to help with Refugees
[] Return to the Council Chambers
[] Write-in