Emerald Tide: Chapter 25
[X] Help keep the patients comfortable

The rest of the night proves hectic. Sophocles works you like a dog. One moment you are fetching towels and tea for patients, the next your are telling dying civilians legends of Etumar in an attempt to calm them down before their inevitable demise. It is ultimately the most unrewarding endeavor you have ever been involved in. You are almost relieved when Sophocles finally approaches with Alex and Vali.

"Right. You lot seem like your done," Sophocles says. "Thanks for your aid, get some rest. General Helios would have my head if I worked you any longer."

You give him a weak nod. "Did...did we really change anything for the better here?"

Sophocles shrugs. "Pretty sure fewer people died with your help. So yeah, you guys helped plenty in my book."

You don't feel very convinced, but nod regardless. "Very well. Thank you for your service, Lieutenant Sophocles." As Sophocles moves back into the tent, you and your companions walk out. All three of you are exhausted. It has been a long day.

Alex gives you a weak smile. "Well. We did what we can. Let's get some rest." Alex can barely get the words out. Her hands are coated in blood and she looks like she is going to keel over at any moment.

Vali makes a barely noticeable nod. The man is trying to put on a stoic face, but can clearly barely stand.

You equal them all in raw exhaustion. But you are the Crown Princess. You aren't supposed to show weakness. So you laugh bright and loud. "This exhaustion is noble, companions! We have done the Emperor's work this day!" You take their hands and start moving towards camp. "Tonight, we rest, so that tomorrow we can continue on!" By the time you arrive at your tents, you are barely aware of anything. Vali leaves at one point, probably ambling into his personal tent. You and Alex slump into your own tent. You wash up and then collapse into bed.


"Mistress. Mistress. Wake up, Mistress." A soft voice moves you gently out of dreamland. A gentle hand slowly guides you into a sitting position. You struggle to stay asleep. Ultimately you fail. You slowly become aware of your surroundings. A young woman wearing a maid's outfit stands by your bedside. "Good morning Mistress."

"Good morning, Dolce." You slur in your still exhausted state. Dolce is your maid-in-waiting. She has been for the past decade. She is well known for being a dependable sort, despite her relatively young age. You slowly pull yourself out of bed. You let out a long yawn. "It feels far too early, Dolce."

Dolce is already fetching your combat gown. "Apologies, Mistress. We are operating on a combat schedule." She lays it out on the bed. "That means an earlier awakening."

You groan. "I know that Dolce! Doesn't mean I have to like it." You remove your sleeping clothes and put on your gown. "Did you arrive on the resupply shuttle?"

Dolce nods. "I did. It was unpleasant." She is fetching your personal arms and adornments as she speaks. "I actually arrived last night. You didn't notice me when you stumbled in." She has a faint smile on, but you still feel immediately shamed.

"I am sorry I was unable to greet you," You stammer. "It had been a long day of much labor and duties."

Dolce giggles. "Oh, don't worry on my account. Your philanthropic duties left you quite weary." She smirks as she hands you your effects. "Besides, it was most charming seeing you holding Princess Alexandrite's hand."

Alex chooses this moment to enter your room. She speaks up casually. "No need to be so formal, Dolce, you're practically family."

Dolce flushes. "I would not dream to be so prideful to view myself as family to such as you." She shuffles a little in embarrassment. "Pray don't flatter me so."

You laugh and chime in. "Oh, but you are family, Dolce. Practically the fourth Eriventa sister in all but name and title."

Dolce covers her now crimson cheeks. The poor woman can barely stand it. "Oh...oh dear."

Alex smiles. "Well. I think that is enough of that." She goes serious. "We have work to do Gene. Helios's scouts are expected here soon. No matter what, we have to be ready to move out."

You nod. Time to choose what to do first.

[] Check up with your Knights
[] Speak with Helios
[] Find Vali
[] Write-in
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[x] Speak with Helios

The Tech-priests are good enough in keeping up with our Knights. So leave the techno-jumbo to them and the intelligence/killing xenos to us.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 26
[X] Check up with your Knights

You and Alex approach the area where you Knights are being kept. Dolce is back at the tent, working on your bloodstained outfits. You meet up with Vali immediately. He gives a bow. "Your Highness."

You return the bow with a smile. "Sir Vali. How are you this morning?"

"Fair, your Highness," he replies. "I came to check up on Verlithian. We...have a visitor." He gestures behind him. "Apparently, he has been here since last night."

Alex says, "Wait. Did he sleep here?" Her confusion is audible.

Vali chuckles blithely. "I don't think his sort sleep, Princess Alexandrite."

"His...sort?" Alex asks. "You aren't making sense Sir Vali."

You give him a polite smile. "Perhaps you should explain, Sir?"

Sir Vali flushes. "Right. Sorry. He is just right by the Knights. He was talking with O'Donagh last I left him. It's that Tech-Priest from the council."

You scowl. "What does he want then?" The Tech-Priest...one of the suspects for trying to salvage the Space Hulk. What could he possibly want from you?

"He refused to tell me anything." Vali grunts. "Wants to talk to you. O'Donagh says he has been here all night."

The three of you walk up to on the clearing. True to Vali's word, the Tech-Adept Valmanar is with O'Donagh. The two Tech-Priests seem to be engaged in an odd form of communication. As you approach, all you can hear is a series of clicks and whirs. O'Donagh notices your approach and moves into a deep bow. Valmanar notes this and turns to face you. "Knight-Princess Eriventa." His voice isn't as mechanical as you would expect, in fact, it has a certain deep timber to it. "I have been awaiting your presence for quite some time."

You give a polite diplomat's smile. "I apologize for keeping you waiting. I hope you don't feel like I wasted your time."

The Priest is unreadable. An odd whirring noise comes from the depths of his red cloak before he replies. "Not at all. I have never seen anything as perfect as your mounts, Knight-Princess. I and your Sacristan have been in communication since last night. It has been most illuminating."

You feel pride pound in your soul. You press it down as swiftly as it rises. Valmanar is a potential traitor. His strange flattery will get him nothing. "I thank you for your kind words, Magos." That is the correct address, near as you recall. "I feel like it is improper to keep you waiting. What is it you wish to speak of with me?"

Valmanar speaks immediately. "I wish to speak of the Ork's plots. Their gathering of machinery." His eyes flicker eerily in the morning light. "I believe they are plotting something."

You give a broad laugh. "Oh my, Magos Valmanar, surely you give the Orks too much credit. They are simply beasts. They have no capacity for thought or planning."

Somehow you can tell that Valmanar is agitated. "No. No. That is false. Orks are more dangerous then you think Knight-Princess Genevive. I..." There is a flicker of hesitation. "I have studied records of battles against them. I am convinced that the Orks have a form of dangerous intellect beneath their brutish facade."

You scowl. "You almost sound like you admire them."

"No. No. They sicken me." The Adept hisses out like a steam engine. "More then you can imagine, Knight-Princess. Their very technology is the greatest heresy against the Omnissiah in this Galaxy."

You nod calmly. Alright. Valmanar at the very least takes this seriously. You have an opportunity to question him. What do you ask?

[] What do you believe the Orks are doing?
[] Why do you think the Orks are smarter then they let on?
[] What do you think Ork technology does?
[] What do you wish me to do for you?
[] Write-in
You give a broad laugh. "Oh my, Magos Valmanar, surely you give the Orks too much credit. They are simply beasts. They have no capacity for thought or planning."
Normal attitude of those who haven't fought against orks for long. Hopefully we learn better soon before something bad happens.

[X] What do you believe the Orks are doing?