Oh boy, never sure where Helios brand of negotiations go.

[X] Very well sir
The Void Laughs: Chapter 24
[X] Very well sir

You steady your nerves and respond calmly. "Very well, sir."

"I don't do this lightly," Helios says gruffly. "I feel sick thinking it. But we are in unfamiliar territory right now. We need to figure this out with any leads we have. We will meet in an hour, once I get to your position."

You respond with a weary affirmative. Really, it isn't a sure thing. The Eldar has popped randomly in your head under his own prerogative. If might not be possible for him to really know.

"Well, well, didn't expect that." you almost groan as a familiar voice rings in your mind. "I will fetch my master to meet yours then." The voice fades away. You shiver.

You and Helios are alone in his Taurox. You managed to convince your Lance to not come. X9-A is waiting outside. Helios speaks calmly. "You understand, this is heresy of high order. This cannot go outside this machine."

As you nod, a new voice rings out. "Oh my. So dramatic." A figure emerges, much like Thelwin. The woman-alien is dressed in bright colors and wearing a mask with a wide mad grin. The sound of delicate ringing bells greets her entrance. The clown bows deeply. "I am the Great Harlequin of the Sorrowful Blade, Nalikia Bellsounder." Thelwin ghosts in beside his master.

"I am General Tycho Helios of the Kratosian Armored Seventh," Helios says, keeping his voice calm.

"And I know of Princess Genevive of Etumar," Nalikia says before you can similarly introduce yourself. The Harlequin slumps into a seat, swinging her long legs across the next-most seat. "You have fallen into a bad fate, haven't you?"

"Enough riddles, xenos," you start.

"Nalikia, please," Nalikia interrupts.

"Nalikia. What do you want, what is happening?"

Nalikia considers for a long second. She cocks her head and more bells ring. Finally, she declares, "This planet has been taken over by a grave force. A ruinous force."

"Chaos," Helios growls. "Are you certain of this?"

Nalikia holds up her hand. "I swear on Cegorach, Ynnead, and even your own Gilt-Emperor if you wish." The first two names mean nothing to you. "If that seems like a mock, I'll also swear on..." a short muse. "My life, I suppose."

"How?" Helios asks.

"How what? How did Chaos get a foot-hold? How am I the most fascinating being you have ever witnessed? How? How? How?" The alien springs to her feet. "How! We came with our 'allies' the Severed Throat to retrieve the bounty of this world. And we found death." She nods to Thelwin. "Fetch him, please, Thelwin."

Thelwin nods and fades out of sight. "Enough of these games," you snap. All of this is beginning to give you a headache.

"I play no game," Nalikia hisses. "And this will prove my sincerity."

Thelwin returns. Beside him is a stooped figure. A human, you realize with a start. Several strange tubes burst out of his skin. Slowly, weakly, the man holds up an Inquisitorial Rosette. "I am Inquisitor Salazar Beck. The last survivor of the Ordo Toxicus." the man lets out a hacking cough. "Kept...kept alive by xenos technology to insure that my slayers are brought to Imperial Justice." You and Helios look on in a moment of shock.

[] What happened?
[] How do we know this man is really an Inqusistor?
[] Write-in

[Stack up as many questions as you want!]
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[X] Verify the Rosette by whatever means.
[X] What happened?
[X] Where's the Chaos force presence?
[X] What do you know of the Chaos force objective?
... Oh fuck.

All the questions people;

[X] Verify the Rosette by whatever means.
[X] What happened?
[X] Where's the Chaos force presence?
[X] What do you know of the Chaos force objective?
[X] Verify the Rosette by whatever means.
[X] What happened?
[X] Where's the Chaos force presence?
[X] What do you know of the Chaos force objective?
Nalikia considers for a long second. She cocks her head and more bells ring. Finally, she declares, "This planet has been taken over by a grave force. A ruinous force."

"Chaos," Helios growls. "Are you certain of this?"

Nalikia holds up her hand. "I swear on Cegorach, Ynnead, and even your own Gilt-Emperor if you wish." The first two names mean nothing to you. "If that seems like a mock, I'll also swear on..." a short muse. "My life, I suppose."
Guess it was Chaos after all.

[X] Verify the Rosette by whatever means.
[X] What happened?
[X] Where's the Chaos force presence?
[X] What do you know of the Chaos force objective?
The Void Laughs: Chapter 25
[X] Verify the Rosette by whatever means.
[X] What happened?
[X] Where's the Chaos force presence?
[X] What do you know of the Chaos force objective?

"Prove it," Helios finally says. His eyes don't leave Beck.

Beck gives a weak nod. He flips his rosette over. "This is gene-locked to me and me alone," he says. He taps the rosette and a holo of the Inquisitorial emblem emerges.

"Damn," Helios snarls. "You are indeed an Inquisitor."

"What happened?" you whisper out.

Nalikia chuckles coldly. Beck ignores her and says, "We ran a facility where we watched this planet and ensured that nothing got off-planet. We also ran a research facility experimenting with new Virus Bombs, poisons, and the ilk." the man lets out a shuddering breath. "That was what drew them. The Traitor Astartes."

Your heart pounds in your throat. Throne. They are really real then. Thelwin seems to look to you curiously. Nalikia's mask seems to loom with a larger grin. "Of course they are real, girl. So sheltered. You dustlings so blind to the boogiemen that lurk behind the veneer of civility."

"That is necessary," Beck croaks out. "Necessary." The Inquisitor stumbles weakly on his words.

"Continue please," Helios interrupts blessedly.

"They wore light-green armor and were led by a powerful Psyker," Beck whispers. "They tore through our forces, even our Holy Warriors recruited from the local Frogmen tribes. They stole the poisons and viruses and prototypes and ripped their way back out. I was shot through the belly and kept alive thanks to my redundant organs. Barely."

"A day later we came led by the Severed Throat for much the same reason," Nalikia says. She chuckles coldly. "Valindor and Lojon were quite livid when they learned what happened." Helios looks up suddenly, something she said clearly catching his attention. He shakes his head bitterly as he chooses not to speak of it.

"Where is the Chaos presence," you say. But your blood is running cold. It is starting to set in slowly.

"Everywhere," Beck snarls in agony. "The entire city of Blighttown has been taken over by a cult dedicated to wiping out all life in the universe. A cult that the psyker Traitor Marine known as The Death Walker created."

"What is their objective?" Helios asks. His voice is cold, desperate to hold on to any composure. You can barely speak anymore from your shell of fear.

"The Death Walker left this world once he retrieved the weapons," Thelwin answers. "But he promised to return when he gets here on his pilgrimage of death. Right now the Chaos-corrupted humans are holding this world in trust for him." Beck nods in cold agreement. Nalikia steeples her slender fingers and watches carefully.

"We sent a mixed force of my Harlequins and Dark Eldar, led by Ilorvitan Hatewhisper, to Blightown to somehow gain contact with outside Imperial Forces," Nalikia says. She looks between you. "We have you, but we have lost contact with both Ilorvitan and your Lieutenant Markos in Blighttown."

"So he is dead then?" Helios asks. He sounds exhausted. You suddenly start to feel very ill.

"Dead or outside my reach somehow," Thelwin says.

"The Dark Eldar are allies in this as well?" you ask. You shudder to say it. Bile rises in your throat.

"For now," Nalikia says. "So long as the target of Valindor's wrath is The Death Walker." She flounces back into the seat. "For now, continue to these coordinates." she rattles off a series of numbers that you recognize from your training as general purpose Imperial coordinates. "I would suggest trying to find a way to remove the Lernaean forces already attached to you like a cancer. Valindor claims he has something that will make that task easier."

"I want nothing from Valindor," Helios snarls suddenly.

Nalikia laughs brightly. It rings through the car like the bells that seem to follow her everywhere. "Oh, it is far too late for that, General."

"I...I hate this as much as you," Beck snarls. "But The Death Walker takes priority. Over any foe in this sector. You must stop the traitors here and find some way to inform the greater Imperium of his plans. That is an Inquisitorial direct order, Helios." The dying man hacks into his mouth pathetically. You feel pity for him at that moment.

"Fine," Helios grates out. "As soon as we can, we will slay the traitors with us, then move to your position." He turns to you. "We will then siege and destroy Blighttown with extreme prejudice." You nod mutely. Speaking is beyond you at this point.

"Very well," Nalikia declares with great pomp. The three figures fade away. "Best to get this done quickly."

Once the three vanish, Helios lets out a roar of rage and punches the wall of the vehicle. It actually dents slightly. He screams an oath again. You let out several calming breaths. It works, somewhat. "General. I suggest we do this swiftly." your voice still shakes.

"Get back to your Lance," Helios snarls out. You don't hesitate in leaving from the vehicle.

X9-A is still waiting outside. She bows stiffly and says, "I trust we are changing our targets then?" her voice is the very picture of emotionless calm.

"You know," you whisper softly. X9-A shrugs and nods apologetically. Apparently, her ears are stronger adapted then you thought. "Are you sickened by this choice, X9-A?" you stammer out.

"No," X9-A states bluntly. "It seems necessary to me. If these Lernaeans are traitors and part of something larger, that needs to be taken into priority. I will protect you if the Eldar prove to have ulterior motives." You embrace the woman immediately. She returns it awkwardly after a second. For a moment you weep bitterly. Then the pair of you leave.

As you move far from the vehicle, X9-A suddenly stops. "We aren't alone..." She reaches for her power sword, carefully tipping it out just slightly. Her arm touches you, ready to shove you to the ground.

There is a light thud and a scream of agony. A figure emerges, hands up. "Good hearing. Though I wouldn't worry so much, already killed him. Weak hunters you mon-keigh are." Private Ulmak swaggers forward, her movements suddenly unearthly smooth. She appears to be unarmed. You still feel a squirm of raw terror at the creature's presence.

[] What are you?
[] Are you here to kill me?
[] Why?
[] Write-in
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"The Sword, inverted," Juno says calmly. "Signifies a threat from unexpected directions."

Well, this was certainly a threat from an unexpected direction. But it makes sense. I can't believe the question of who sent the distress signal was never asked. In the prologue chapter nobody even knew the comm station was under attack, so how could the PDF send a distress call before the Dark Eldar took over? But if the Dark Eldar were the ones to send the distress signal, it also explains why the local government was stonewalling us and even dismissing the existence of the Dark Eldar. If they knew the Comm station had been taken over, or at the least that the guards for it had been killed (which they should have), they should have been far less dismissive of a threat as severe as the Severed Throats.

As for questions, it's most likely she killed a Learnian spy who was trying to eavesdrop on our conversation with General Helios. I mean, it's almost obvious, if only to an outside observer like us. We were just told that the Dark Eldar are our allies. Though Gene herself would likely be suspicious still.

I'd like to ask her if she's a dark eldar or a harlequin, determining her hard allegiance. Because one is more of an enemy of humanity than the other, and will likely determine how likely we are to fight her in this arc.
[X] Who are you? What are you?
[X] Who or what was that scream just now?
[X] Why are you here? What do you want?
[X] Who are you? What are you?
[X] Who or what was that scream just now?
[X] Why are you here? What do you want?

Oops! That's what I get for trying to be clever. The intent was that Ulmak's entire being was obscured. Seems like I messed up in that regard. She is actually a female Eldar though, should make that clear.
Even if it wasn't it'd be hard to tell anyways. Unless the Eldar is dressed like a BDSM star.
"Everywhere," Beck snarls in agony. "The entire city of Blighttown has been taken over by a cult dedicated to wiping out all life in the universe. A cult that the psyker Traitor Marine known as The Death Walker created."
That is bad.
led by Ilorvitan Hatewhipser
I believe you mean Hatewhisper.
There is a light thud and a scream of agony. A figure emerges, hands up. "Good hearing. Though I wouldn't worry so much, already killed him. Weak hunters you mon-keigh are." Private Ulmak swaggers forward, her movements suddenly unearthly smooth. She appears to be unarmed. You still feel a squirm of raw terror at the creature's presence.
No surprise that there was more to her than meets the eye.

[X] Who are you? What are you?
[X] Who or what was that scream just now?
[X] Why are you here? What do you want?
The Void Laughs: Chapter 26
[X] Who are you? What are you?
[X] Who or what was that scream just now?
[X] Why are you here? What do you want?

"Who are you?" you ask, voice shaking. "What are you?" X9-A shifts in front of you, hand still firmly on her blade.

'Ulmak' tips her head to the side, seeming to sway slightly. "Me? I am the one you call The Silent. A foolish name granted by fools, but it shall do. I am a proud citizen of Commorragh." That last name means nothing to you. X9-A seems to step in closer to you, watching the xenos carefully.

"Who or what was that scream just now?" you ask next. Staying calm is the best option here. You have X9-A with you and The Silent is unarmed.

The Silent cackles nastily. "Oh? That? That was a Lernaean. Sneaking around. So I killed him. Left my knife in another one back there, so I used my hands." her hands, still above her head, clench and unclench absently. X9-A's sword slides ever so slightly out of its sheath.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" you rush out.

"Well. While you were busy clumsily fighting that Hydra, I killed the real Private Ulmak, dumped his body in the swamp and put on his smelly hazsuit," The Silent says this like she is reciting a basic chore. "As for the why and what? I was sent by Archon Valindor to damage the Lernaeans until we can properly convince you that the Ruinous Powers have taken hold. Personally, I think we should have left a long time ago. Hunting mon-keigh is barely a challenge or a pleasure."

"You have." The admittance of it curdles your guts. But it is the truth. "Currently, we are working with you xenos to destroy the cult on this world."

The Silent sniffs. "Well, try not to sound so pleased about it." She puts down her hands and turns to walk away. "Ilorvitan should be working with whatever ragged remnant you left in Blighttown right now. They should be most happy they get to see his perfection in person."

"Ilorvitan is dead," you say before you can stop yourself. That is what Nalikia and Thelwin implied anyway. It was the wrong thing to say.

The Silent is on you before you or X9-A have a chance to react. Her hand closes around your throat and lifts you into the air. Her voice is a mad hiss. "You lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Ilorvitan would not be slain by a pack of mon-keigh dogs."

X9-A's sword is out an instant later. The Silent notes this and lets you go. You cough in pain. You manage to get out, "Thelwin says he has lost contact with both Ilorvitan and Lieutenant Markos from our own forces. He suspects they are slain. Or out of his reach."

"It is the latter," The Silent declares. She returns to a casual pose as if she hadn't just been starting to strangle you. "If Ilorvitan isn't able to be contacted by the Shadowseer, it is because he doesn't wish to be contacted. Your Markos is definitely dead though. An Incubi like Ilorvitan will survive anywhere." You can hear the sick smile in her voice as she continues. "A pathetic human soldier like Markos will die. It was pure luck he survived so long on Velontos. The fact he is dead now fills me with such joy. Perhaps Ilorvitan slew him. When we see each other again he will regale me with stories of how he sliced the hated boy in twain." The Eldar shudders as if musing on a pleasant experience with a lover instead of deriving joy from a murder. It slowly sets in that for her, it may very well be the same thing.

X9-A's blade is fully out now. Her voice is cold. "Return to your Master and leave us now, creature. Or I will slice you in twain and leave Ilorvitan to muse on that." you struggle to your feet. Realizing going for your pistol is futile, you instead choose to stand unbowed and defiant before the xenos creature.

The Silent is already leaving. "Not worth the effort. Valindor was very specific that I'm not to kill any Kratosians or allies." as she fades into the brackish mist, you hear one more word from her. "Yet."

You shudder out a breath as the creature leaves. X9-A sheaves her sword. "I'm sorry, your highness. I should have slain her the instant she laid her hands on you. I didn't want to ruin this tentative alliance." She seems to slump a little as if expecting a reprimand.

"I'm fine, X9-A," you respond gently. "You did the right thing." You shiver a little. The first time you have faced a xenos on foot, and you could do nothing. And it is made even worse by the deal you have cut with the creatures. You set your shoulders, refusing to allow this to get you down.

[] Go to the Lernaean side of the camp
[] Return to your mounts and stay put
[] Report what just happened to Helios
[] Write-in
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