[X] What do you wish me to do for you?

We're Knights. We learn the objective first, and the reasoning second(if the objective does not align with honor anyways)
Emerald Tide: Chapter 27
[X] What do you believe the Orks are doing?

"Alright, Magos Valmanar, what do you believe the Orks are planning?" You try to keep the amusement out of your voice. Really, such silliness from a being that is supposed to be pure reason and logic.

Valmanar lets out several odd clicking noises. "We in the Adeptus Mechanicus operate by the Holy Laws of the Omnissaiah. His form is paramount." He gestures at your silent mounts. "Your Knights are grand examples of the true beauty of the Machine-God. To meddle in the form of the machine is high heresy."

Alex speaks up politely but firmly. "What is your point, Magos?" She crosses her arms in annoyance.

Valmanar lets out another strange click. "The Orks do not follow any form. They have no law or sense of respect for Machine-Spirits. Their technology is by all appearances unworkable. Cobbled together from garbage and scrap. It should not function, and yet it does in mockery to the Omnissaiah." Several whirs and clicks. It is starting to grate on your nerves. "Them stealing specific kinds of our machinery: vox and other communication technology. It is most worrying."

You frown. "You think they have something specific in mind for the communication technology?" That...that's absurd. There is no possible way. "Forgive me, Magos, but that doesn't seem possible. Surely as you said, they will just cobble it together to form their ramshackle tanks."

Several whirs and clicks are your initial response. And then: "Perhaps. I will admit that that is a possibility. However, I believe the reports are too specific. The Orks are after something that they can only gain by utilizing communication technology."

You sigh with some irritation. "And you remain unsure what, exactly?"

"Correct. More data is needed."

You nod. You have to think this through. How should you respond to Valmanar?

[] Ask him why such an expert on Ork technology is regulated to a pointless little Agri-World like Solannor.
[] What would you have me do?
[] I am not interested in whatever request you have Magos, begone and find somewhere safe to hide.
[] What is with all the clicking?
[] Write-in
[X] What would you have me do?

Let's' humor him some more I mean orks planning is just a ludicrous fantasy anyway :V
One of the most dangerous things in the galaxy is an ork with an actual plan.

[X] What would you have me do?
Why would orks need communication tech? They have Shoutaz for that. :V

[X] What would you have me do?
[X] Ask him why such an expert on Ork technology is regulated to a pointless little Agri-World like Solannor.
[X] Ask him why such an expert on Ork technology is regulated to a pointless little Agri-World like Solannor.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 28
[X] What would you have me do?

"So, Magos, what exactly do you wish me to do?"

Valmanar clicks several times and then answers. "I wish for you to speak with your commanding officer, General Helios. I want you to convince him to take me along as a representative of the people of Solannor in the coming combat operations."

Alex frowns. "Wouldn't that be whoever is in charge of the PDF?" She crosses her arms. "Way I see it, the Planet's military arm is better served aiding in the defense of the planet then the head of the Mechanicus here." You keep your agreement hidden. Alex has a fair point.

Valmanar shakes his head. "Hardly. The PDF has been decimated in the invasion. They simply don't have the numbers to properly join on your armored hunt." He clicks several times in contemplation. "I find it most likely that the PDF will stay in the Citadel with a detachment of Kratosians, to defend from potential Ork attacks."

You nod. "I suppose. And what, Magos, do you offer in service here?"

Valmanar doesn't even need to think for that. "I have much expertise in Ork technology and thinking. I am also quite skilled at repair." He gives a few quick clicks. "I also offer my retinue. Tech-Adepts and Servators rigged for combat operations. Far more useful than a few squads of weakened PDF troopers, I assure you."

You and Alex catch each other's eyes. It is true, Tech-Priests of the Mechanicum are strong allies. Valmanar, though clearly eccentric and misinformed, could very well prove useful. There is only one thing bothering you now. "Tell me, why come to me and not General Helios himself?" You ask, trying to keep the suspicion out of your voice.

Valmanar doesn't even hesitate to answer. "Prior interaction with General Helios proved...unpleasant. My reputation with him on a personal level is quite shaken." He clicks and whirs again. "With you, however, I feel it should be quite strong. Long have the Mechanicum and Knight Worlds been in accord, and Etumar is a famed realm among the Adeptus Mechanicum." With his monotone, it is impossible to tell if the Magos is serious or mocking you. "I assumed you would treat me more fairly, as befits a woman of your stature."

You smile politely. You consider his words and flattery carefully. Then you give him your response to his request.

[] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
[] No, I will not speak with General Helios.
[] I will speak with him, but you must accompany me.
[] I still wish to know why such an expert is relegated here.
[] Write-in

[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.
[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.
[X] I will speak with him, but you must accompany me.
-[X] He seems a willful man. I doubt he will agree if it was just I alone making the argument.
[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.

[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.
[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.
[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.

Hopefully we'll succeed. Having an expert with his Mechanicus retinue would be very useful. And the general is bit of a douche and full of himself.
This cog-boy knows what he's talking about. Orks loot weaponry, the fact that they are something other than weaponry in high amounts IS worrying.

Also, damn our character needs to turn down the naive bravado and slight conscencion. I can almost feel the annoyance that the other characters have in response. Hopefully with time the bloodlust for 'honor' will wear off along with the naivety.

[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.
[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.