Er...the Mechanicus leader should accompany you as well."
You smile gently. "I can take care of myself." Still, you can't help but feel a little nervous about this upcoming meeting with the General. He has already proven to be an unpredictable and dangerous man.
A bit unhinged and full of his own kool-aid.

[X] Tell Alex and Vali that if you aren't back in 2 hours, to go to the command tent. Be polite and courtesy first, but remember to pack a gun.
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[X] Tell Alex and Vali that if you aren't back in 2 hours, to go to the command tent. Be polite and courtesy first, but remember to pack a gun.
[X] Tell Alex and Vali that if you aren't back in 2 hours, to go to the command tent. Be polite and courtesy first, but remember to pack a gun.
Hey guys, sorry about the wait here. Just want to let you know that I'm having trouble with my Internet at the new place. Should get it back up and running soon, will update as soon as possible.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 32
[X] Tell Alex and Vali that if you aren't back in 2 hours, to go to the command tent. Be polite and courtesy first, but remember to pack a gun.

You take a deep breath as you and Valmanar approach the command tent. You put a hand on the hilt of your laspistol. It is comforting, but you suspect Valmanar will be better protection in the long run. You told Alex and Vali to wait for 2 hours, then move in if you haven't returned. You give a smile as you approach, Pithos and Triptocles coming into view. "Gentlemen, myself and Magos Valmanar are here to meet General Helios, as ordered."

The honor guards say nothing as they move to allow you entrance. When you enter you find that the tent is full of men. Helios himself stands at the head of the table, examining a holomap of Solannor rather intently. On either side stand Damocles and Ajax. The rangy figure of Commissar Pepper is just visable, as he seems to be trying to shrink into the background. A slightly overweight man in a PDF uniform is also in attendance, apparently the sole representative of the planet of Solannor. Finally, a young man lurks in the corner, he is wearing a round helm with goat horns garishly painted on. Both his legs are mechanical from the knees down. He is, irritatingly enough, the only one who acknowledges your entrance. He tips his helm and gives you a smirk. You give him a scowl in return for his insolence. The legless man chuckles in response before growing quiet once again.

"I am here as ordered General Helios." You announce proudly. "I also bring with me Magos..."

"Valmanar. I bring my expertise and not insignificant retinue to the cause of battling the Orks. Thank you for your magnamity" Valmanar clicks out. You manage to hide your distaste at the added thanks.

If Helios recognizes Valmanar, he doesn't show it. "Excellent. Your aid is welcome. I trust you are willing to stick alongside Princess Genevive's command? I've already modified it given your prescence."

"Of course." Valmanar replies. You suspect this will be something to work out between the two of you later.

Helios continues. "Princess, I am assigning you the all-important vanguard position. You will spear head our forces in our assault on the gathered Orks here." He gestures at a point far to the west. "To this end, I've assigned a set of five Leman Russ and 5 Tauroxs to your command. As well as our Scout Corp under Leutenant Lukanos." At this, the legless knave gives you a rather too enthusiastic wave. You pointedly ignore him. "You are already acquainted with two of the vehicle commanders, Theseus and Sophocles. You shall meet the rest shortly. We move out at local noon." Everyone nods and salutes. You suppose everyone else has their orders already. Local noon...the battle at last begins. There is only little you can do now:

[] Speak with Valmanar
[] Speak with Lukanos
[] Speak with Helios
[] Return to your Knights and report back to Alex and Vali
[X] Return to your Knights and report back to Alex and Vali

So we don't get a crash in while our ill thought instructions go through
Yeah...I knew we weren't going to dressed down or executed. This guy is a General, and polite or not, he's not going to execute somebody who hasn't done much else than lead the charge to the city and then bring the Planetary Governor to him.

[X] Return to your Knights and report back to Alex and Vali

I just don't see a reason to bother the General or anybody else while they're planning.
Finally, a young man lurks in the corner, he is wearing a round helm with goat horns garishly painted on. Both his legs are mechanical from the knees down. He is, irritatingly enough, the only one who acknowledges your entrance. He tips his helm and gives you a smirk. You give him a scowl in return for his insolence. The legless man chuckles in response before growing quiet once again.
Now who are you?

[X] Return to your Knights and report back to Alex and Vali
[X] Speak with Valmanar

The Adept's forces are going to be fighting alongside us, so we should at least talk with him to determine exactly what we'll have with us and what vox frequencies and all that we'll be using to coordinate. Hell, maybe he has some additional weapons that could be put into our Knight frames (not likely but you never know).
Emerald Tide: Chapter 33
[X] Return to your Knights and report back to Alex and Vali

You and Valmanar return to the Knights' berth with an hour to spare. Vali is near the Knights proper, keeping himself distracted with sword practice. Alex is pacing, as she often does when nervous you recall with a smile. As you approach she looks up. "Sister? Everything went fine then?" She stands at attention.

You give a jovial laugh. "It did indeed, darling. We are to be the vanguard against the Orks. I am to command us and a contingent of vehicles." You give an awkward nod to Valmanar. "As well as Magos Valmanar. Though I suspect he desires more autonomy."

Valmanar gives an almost imperceptible shake of his mostly metal skull. "I am fine with your command, Knight-Princess. My combat experience is minimal."

"As is ours," Alex says with a smile, "perhaps it would be best if we communicate to make up for such a lack."

You nod crisply. "That works fine. Though it is but a vanguard posistion. Simple enough to command."

Valmanar nods as well. "A sharing of data between us seems hopeful." A series of clicks and whirs. "I have called over my progeny. She commands my Skitarii-troops. Sharing data with her is also advisible."

At this, a figure in deep red robes and a heavy gas mask approachs. It gives a quick salute. The voice that comes out is surprisingly soft and gentle. "You called, Magos."

"I did," Valmanar turns and gestures for an introduction, "This is X9-A. My progeny and commander of my personal forces. If any combat data is to be shared, alert her as well as myself."

You and Alex bow politely. "A pleasure, X9-A. I am Crown Princess Genevive of Etumar, and this is my sister Princess Alexandrite. We are most pleased to be working with you."

X9-A returns the bow somewhat awkwardly. "I am as well." She turns back to Valmanar. "Will that be all, Magos? I intend to perform one last diagnostic on the Servitors."

Valmanar looks to you questionly. You nod. "Yes, that will be all, X9-A. If I wish to speak with you more, I will approach you."

X9-A bows again and leaves. Valmanar looks to you as she vanishes. "Does she meet you standards, Knight-Princess? I am most proud of her."

You smile politely. "I'm sure she is most skilled, Magos."

[] Speak with Vali
[] Speak with Alex
[] Continue speaking with Valmanar
[] Speak with X9-A
[] Prepare your Knight for war and await the rest of your combat group
[] Timeskip to Battle
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[X] Prepare your Knight for war and await the rest of your combat group

Let's just be professional here
Emerald Tide: Chapter 34
[x] Prepare your Knight for war and await the rest of your combat group

After your meet-up with your companions and your introduction to X9-A, you decide to give your mount the final preparations and ready yourself for the combat that should be coming about soon enough. Luckily, O'Donagh and his team have been working diligently. Your mount is fully prepared for war. The structural weaknesses have been buffered out and the paint has been reapplied. As well, your weapons are fully supplied, something that O'Donagh dryly notes is less common then your highness would think. Quite the dry wit on old O'Donagh. In the end, you sit inside your mount's throne ensuring the vox line between yourself, Alex, Vali, and the Mechanicum squadron is intact.

Shortly after this testing, the armor arrives. As the five Leman Russes and five Tauroxes enter, you get a blurt of vox chat. "Good morning, Princess." Theseus drawls. "Glad to be working with you."

You smile to yourself. "I am pleased to have you with my detachment, Honored-Captain."

Sophocles sends a quick but polite greeting. The man sounds weary, you suspect he didn't get much sleep after his work at the medical tent. The rest give you typical greetings and cold platitudes. There are varying degrees of respect given. One of the Taurox drivers gives a gruff "Morning, ma'am" apparently forgetting to switch off his vox you hear him snap "No Markos, you damn idiot, I didn't tell her 'bout you. Princess has damn better things to have in her head."

You switch of the vox yourself before you start giggling uncontrollably. It is good to have at least some familiar names in your group. As the detachment of motorbikes carrying the scout corp drive in, you receive a message from Alex. "Quite the force we have here, sister."

You return the message with a smile. "Indeed, dear sister, with this, we will flush out and slay the Orks in no time!"

Three days later you and your forces, with much of the Kratosian Regiment behind you, have been moving across the field lands of Solannor with no Orks in sight. In fact, the only warriors to have run into any Orks have been the scout forces, who like clockwork always seem to come across a couple stragglers with every deployment. In fact, Lukanos and his band of freaks should be tuning in now. You scratch with irritation at your plug. Constant marching is hell on your mind. The machine spirit of Righteousness is going wild with impatience. Lukanos's jovial voice drilling through you vox doesn't help. "Hello, Princess. You will be happy to know there has been a change."

You hold back a cheer. "You have found where the Ork's are massing Scout Commander?"

"Eh? Hell no. Drove for hours. Didn't find a single Ork. That's the change. No stragglers."

You manage to hold back a most unladylike groan. "I see. So be it." You slump in your throne. You take several deep breaths. After the glorious slaughter at Citadel Solannor, this is intolerable. A pack of peasant scouts has received more honor than you.

Alex comes through the vox. "Sister? What has happened."

You scowl. "It seems Commander Lukanos has run out of luck. No straggling Orks. I'm beginning to suspect we've slain the lot of them already."

Alex seems to be thinking. "I'm not sure of that, sister. General Helios wouldn't have us wasting time chasing shadows. Remember, Valmanar says they may be up to something."

You nod glumly. Though you somehow doubt Valmanar is correct in his claim that the Orks are plotting things out like actual thinking creatures, it is clear that you are being given the run around here. What do you feel should be done now?

[] Call for a meeting among the chief commanders to work through the information you have
[] Take a rest. You're exhausted
[] Keep moving
[] Write-in
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[X] Take a rest. You're exhausted.

We don't have much information to talk about. Better to let everyone take a break before deciding on the next move.
I have a bad feeling about this.

[X] Call for a meeting among the chief commanders to work through the information you have