Also, damn our character needs to turn down the naive bravado and slight conscencion. I can almost feel the annoyance that the other characters have in response. Hopefully with time the bloodlust for 'honor' will wear off along with the naivety.

To be fair, she is practically spouting the propaganda that she has been told her whole life. The Imperium is great, joining the guard is a worthy and honorable things, humanity are the masters of the universe we just need to fight off all the uneducated, stupid, and barbaric aliens, etc.

As for the 'bloodlust for honor', that is very in-character for a knight pilot, especially for the crown princess of the world. Honor means a lot to them. As long as it doesn't get in the way of following orders, i think fine.
>Implying that or proves had been taught falsely and thereby shedding a poor light on the Imperium as a whole

That's an exterminatusin'
Emerald Tide: Chapter 29
[X] Very well, I will speak with General Helios on your behalf.
-[X] But I will not make promises. The general strikes me as a very...willful man.

Your thoughts don't take long. You know the best decision here...the problem is, will Helios. "Very well, Magos, I will relay your request to General Helios."

Valmanar gives a rather stiff bow. "I thank you, Knight-Princess Genevive."

You sigh. "However, I can't promise you anything. General Helios is rather...willful. As you no doubt know."

"Of course." Valmanar replies. "I have seen that man's willfulness first hand."

You give a diplomatic smile. "I am sure he will listen to reason. I believe I will move out to speak with the General shortly. I promise you, I shall speak to him of your request as soon as I can." As you say this, O'Donagh approaches you. You and Alex welcome him with nods.

O'Donagh speaks calmly. "I trust you have completed your conversation then?" He gestures at your Knights. "As I should have mentioned earlier, the Knights are in perfect working order. The damage to them was minimal."

"Thank you, Sacristan," You say. "I trust you are prepared for anything to come from the battle at hand."

"Of course, your highness." O'Donagh states with a bow. You and Alex favor the man with similar bows.

Alex looks towards you. "Sister, we have confirmation of the condition of our mounts. Shall we seek out the General now?"

You nod. "Of course. Shall we move on then." You honor both Tech-Priests with a smile. "I am off to speak with General Helios now. Fare thee well, gentlemen." With this, you and Alex leave in the direction of Helios's command tent. Vali joins you quietly.

Alex murmurs in your ear: "I hope you realize this is going to be a disaster, right sister?"

You giggle gently and whisper back: "Oh, dear sweet Alex, I assure you I am more than capable of convincing a man like Helios to see my way of things."

Alex smirks. "Want to bet? I'll give you my emerald hair tie if you can convince the stubborn bastard."

You widen your eyes in mock scandalization. "Alex! How unladylike." You sniff. "Betting is most dishonorable. Especially with such low odds. I insist on putting up at least three pieces of jewelry for such a thing."

Alex smirks. "Oh dear, I apologize, Sister. Winner's choice perhaps?"

"Naturally." You say huffily. Vali looks on with no comment. He has correctly chosen to not speak up on the matter.

A short time later, your small party reaches the command tent. Helios's two honor guards are standing at attention. To your surprise, the two men seem to be chatting rather casually. They look up as you approach. The one named Triptocles speaks up. "You are the Princess Genevive, yes?" He asks. "May I ask what your purpose is?"

You give your nicest smile. "I am here to speak with the General. I have received an important proposal from an official of this planet."

"His ears only?"

"Indeed," you answer crisply. You don't personally think it matters all that much, but high ranking figures are often picky about this sort of thing...and Helios strikes you as being quite typical in that regard.

Triptocles replies swiftly. "Very well. Sorry to say, Legatus isn't here right now. He is near the main entrance. He is expecting the return of his scouts soon."

Alex shakes her head. "Without his trusty guards?"

Triptocles shrugs. "He told us to remain here, so we did. The bulk of the regiment is there anyway." He continues gruffly. "If you wish to speak with him, he should still be there. Lieutenant Lukanos and his scouts haven't returned yet."

Pithos jumps in suddenly. "The General has been waiting since this morning. Expect him to be most irritated."

You give the man a polite nod. "Thank you for the warning, sir."

At least you know where General Helios is. How do you want to handle this?

[] Be as polite and calm as possible.
[] Get it over quick, approach and declare the intent.
[] Butter him up with small talk, then go in for the kill.
[] Write-in
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[X] Be as polite and calm as possible.

I can't see buttering him up working.

I could be convinced to be direct, but I feel that is less likely to work since we want the General to do something (instead of say asking permission for us to do something) and feels a bit out of character.
[] Butter him up with small talk, then go in for the kill.

My first line of thought was this. The more prideful the person, the more they enjoy their ego being stoked. The more enthralled they are by such flattery, the more liable they are to listen to others.

That said...
General Helios is a good battlefield commander, but he is stubborn as a mule." He takes in your bloody appearance. "He is...also a bit reckless I'm afraid.

He leads the entire regiment, he is the man who meets with officials and dignitaries and leaders...and yet he has no training in speaking to them. No flexibility in his path.

Stubborn, direct, and inflexible. Best to get things out fast before he can set his opinion on us and what we want.

Maybe something along the lines of "We believe it would be best to utilize the combat capable units of the Mechanicus to supplement our forces in the event the PDF is unable to assist in combat operations." I don't feel like mentioning Valmanar will speak much to our case...

[X] Get it over quick, approach and declare the intent.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 30
[X] Get it over quick, approach and declare the intent

You, Alex, and Vali approach the main gate. Just yesterday you rode into the city in triumph. Now a teeming mass of Guardsmen and PDF soldiers mill about, turning the courtyard into a hub of activity. You spot Helios and Ajax right away. They are standing near the center. As you approach, you notice they are having an argument. Probably about the scouts, if Pithos's warning meant anything. You take a deep breath. You know what you must do. "General Helios, a moment please." You declare. Alex gives you a worried look but keeps silent.

Helios ceases his discussion with Ajax and turns around. His eyes are cold. "What do you want, Princess?"

You don't let him intimidate you and give a quick salute. "I have received an offer from a ranking member of the Adeptus Mechanicus on this planet." You decide directly telling him about Valmanar is the wrong move. He'll find out later. Hopefully when he is less bitter. "He offered me his services to the regiment. He also offers a retinue of combat-capable operatives. I believe that they can make proper replacements for any PDF who are unable to accompany us against the Orks."

Helios thinks through the offer. He scowls. Then shrugs. "Very well. Tell the Tech-Priest that his help is appreciated." He points his finger directly in your face. "But he is under your supervision. If anything goes wrong, it's on your head." He turns back towards Ajax. As he does he adds in one final statement. "Tell this Cogboy friend of yours that he would be better served going to the commanding officer to cut his deals, remind him to thank me for my magnanimity when he sees me."

You smile despite your light flush of annoyance. "Of course General. I thank you for your consideration on this matter." You turn away and move with Alex and Vali.

"I am amazed that worked out sister," Alex says.

"He had no right to speak to you that way." Vali snarls. "That ra-"

"Calm thyself, Vali," you say with a gentle smile, "Any dishonor leveled against me will be balanced by the honor we gain against the Orks. Valmanar and his retinue will only add to that honor."

Vali calms a little. "Still..."

Alex speaks up. "Sir Vali, your defense of our family is appreciated, but we best be cautious." She looks around at the busy soldiers. "Any word spoken in public against General Helios may be used to harm us or our reputation."

Vali frowns. "I suppose you are correct." He adds in a conspiratorial whisper. "I suppose I will save my insults for a more private venue."

You laugh softly. "See that you do, Sir Vali." You then give Alex a look. "We also have to settle the little matter of a bet, dear sister."

Alex waves her hand airily. "Three pieces, correct? Take what you will. I know you have had your eye on my emerald tie for some time now."

You give a mock scowl. "Victory isn't sweet if my enemy feels no sorrow over her loss."

Alex smirks. "Oh, I'm your enemy now, dear sister? I am truly hurt."

As you are about to respond to continue your little game, you are interrupted by several loud honks. All around you, every soldier in the courtyard stops what they are doing. Hands go for weapons. There is a moment of tense silence. And then Helios speaks up. "They're here. At ease." Slowly, the gate swings open. The instant they do, a dozen motorbikes drive into the courtyard. Coming up behind them is a large truck. Civilian, rather than Guard or PDF. The lead biker swings of his machine. Even from here you catch the gleam of metal on both his legs. Helios approaches the Scout Leader, Lieutenant Lukanos if you recall correctly.

[] Get closer so you can hear.
[] Get out of here and find Valmanar
[] Try to find someone else (Write-In)
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He points his finger directly in your face. "But he is under your supervision. If anything goes wrong, it's on your head." He turns back towards Ajax. As he does he adds in one final statement. "Tell this Cogboy friend of yours that he would be better served going to the commanding officer to cut his deals, remind him to thank me for my magnanimity when he sees me."
What an ass.
"I am amazed that worked out sister," Alex says.

"He had no right to speak to you that way." Vali snarls. "That ra-"

"Calm thyself, Vali," you say with a gentle smile, "Any dishonor leveled against me will be balanced by the honor we gain against the Orks. Valmanar and his retinue will only add to that honor."

Vali calms a little. "Still..."

Alex speaks up. "Sir Vali, your defense of our family is appreciated, but we best be cautious." She looks around at the busy soldiers. "Any word spoken in public against General Helios may be used to harm us or our reputation."

Vali frowns. "I suppose you are correct." He adds in a conspiratorial whisper. "I suppose I will save my insults for a more private venue."

You laugh softly. "See that you do, Sir Vali." You then give Alex a look. "We also have to settle the little matter of a bet, dear sister."

Alex waves her hand airily. "Three pieces, correct? Take what you will. I know you have had your eye on my emerald tie for some time now."

You give a mock scowl. "Victory isn't sweet if my enemy feels no sorrow over her loss."

Alex smirks. "Oh, I'm your enemy now, dear sister? I am truly hurt."
I really like our main trio.
"They're here. At ease."
The instant they do, dozen motorbikes are driven into the courtyard.

[X] Get closer so you can hear.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 31
[X] Get out of here and find Valmanar

A flicker of interest hits you as you consider whether or not you should get closer. Helios certainly looks rather animated as he harangues the scout leader. You promptly shove down the impulse to spy. It is none of your concern really, and a desire for gossip is a most dishonorable one. You start moving, speaking to your fellow Knights. "Come, we must give Valmanar the good news." Alex and Vali nod and follow you.

You reach your mounts to find quite the crowd. Valmanar is still there, apparently engaged in conversation with O'Donagh and some other Sacristans. He has already brought his retinue. A collection of Tech-Adepts, apprentice Priests, and Servitors. You shudder as you walk by one of the corpse-soldiers. You approach Valmanar with a cold smile. "A bit presumptuous of you, Magos."

Valmanar turns to you with a whir of sound. "Perhaps. But I had faith in your charisma, Knight-Princess. Is my faith rewarded?"

You give a sardonic smile. "General Helios wishes to ask you to thank him for his magnanimity."

Valmanar clicks as he processes this statement. "I see. My aid is welcome then. I will thank the man when I meet him." His voice is flat, you catch no true meaning behind the statement. "I would prefer to stick with the Knights, but I shall follow any orders given."

You smile. "Well, Magos, General Helios has made you my responsibility. I think it will be for the best that you stick with me for now."

The Magos clicks. "Then I am at your service. Unless the General orders otherwise. May our alliance prove fruitful." He performs a strange bow, directly bending at the waist at a 90-degree angle. It is more disturbingly uncanny then anything.

You return the bow with a formal motion. You can't hide a slight smile. This is as great a triumph as anything on the battlefield. This new alliance will lead to great things. "I look forward to working with you, Magos Valmanar."

Alex speaks up suddenly, "I suppose all we need now is actual orders from the top. All we can do now is wait for confirmation."

As if attracted by your sister's words, a Guardsman appears suddenly. He looks somewhat awkwardly around at the small army of Mechanicus forces before approaching you. He gives a quick salute. "Princess Genevive, General Helios requests your presence. We are going to be moving out in 3 hours, and Helios wishes for you to understand your duties for the offensive. Er...the Mechanicus leader should accompany you as well."

You nod. You motion for Alex and Vali to follow. The man shakes his head. "Sorry, ma'am. The General was very clear. Only you and the Mechanicus officer."

Alex scowls. "Why, pray tell?" If looks could kill, the Guardsman would be with the Emperor now.

The man shrinks back at Alex's harsh gaze. "It is an official matter. Lower ranking soldiers can't know all the details of the plan."

"You don't trust us then? You question our honor?" Vali is somehow even more upset then Alex.

The poor man shrinks back in fear. "Look. All I'm doing is relaying orders. That's it. General Helios wants to speak with the ranking officers of this section of the regiment." He moves away. "Meet up is at the command tent." He is already rushing off.

You give Alex and Vali a smile. "You honor me with your protection, my dearest friends, but there was no need to chew the man's head off."

Alex looks at you with a frown. "I don't trust the General, Gene. I sure as hell don't feel comfortable with you being near him without us by your side."

Valmanar states flatly. "I will be with her. I assure you, no harm will befall Knight-Princess Genevive while I am with her."

Alex gives Valmanar a bow of respect. Vali speaks next. "Be that as it may, we have sworn oaths to defend our Crown Princess...on top of Princess Alexandrite's duty to protect her elder sister. This is not something either of us is comfortable with, to put it mildly."

You smile gently. "I can take care of myself." Still, you can't help but feel a little nervous about this upcoming meeting with the General. He has already proven to be an unpredictable and dangerous man. You must approach this with caution.

[] Go as ordered
[] Bring Alex and Vali
[] Tell Alex and Vali that if you aren't back in 30 minutes, to go to the command tent
[] Write-in
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[X] Go as ordered

I'm no military buff, but 30 minutes sounds a bit short for a full briefing, and a trap that waits that long to spring would have ulterior motives. Like catching subversive elements.

Really, I don't believe there's a need to think the General is going to hurt us. Not after everything we've done so far, and not so soon after he granted our request.
[] Tell Alex and Vali that if you aren't back in 2 hours, to go to the command tent. Be polite and courtesy first, but remember to pack a gun.

I wonder about this write-in, is it acceptable?