[X] Call for a meeting among the chief commanders to work through the information you have
-[X] If there is no immediate action: build a roster for the unit to alternate between resting and being on duty
-[X] IF there is some shit demanding immediate response - take a short break, sleep/eat/shower/whatever with a small group on guard, then do the shit.
We don't have much information to talk about. Better to let everyone take a break before deciding on the next move.

Uhhh You guys are aware of how Ork's operate right?

The moment we let down our guard is the moment the Ork Kommandos slit our throats.

The Ork's have been exhibiting planning and coordination which means that Kommandos will definitely be around and a bunch of knights are a prime target for them.

Even if you have to stay awake all night, you never let your guard down in Ork territory.
Uhhh You guys are aware of how Ork's operate right?

The moment we let down our guard is the moment the Ork Kommandos slit our throats.

The Ork's have been exhibiting planning and coordination which means that Kommandos will definitely be around and a bunch of knights are a prime target for them.

Even if you have to stay awake all night, you never let your guard down in Ork territory.

That's not what this vote is about. The only way to avoid an ambush IF the orks are planning one, is to turn around and head back to Helios. Stopping to talk to our commanders is not going to reduce the chance of us being ambushed anymore than letting our soldiers take a break.

Plus, it's not like we're going to stop in the middle of no where and every single soldier in our taskforce is going to fall asleep. A fortified camp will be established, sentries will be posted and rotated, and the mechanicus troops who don't biologically need sleep will be running around. Hell judging by how he's acted so far, it wouldn't surprise me if Vali stayed in his Knight and patrolled the entire time as well.

Our force has been traveling for 3 days straight, our men and women need to rest if they're going to defeat the orks, not stand around waiting while we talk fruitlessly with our commanders.
That's not what this vote is about. The only way to avoid an ambush IF the orks are planning one, is to turn around and head back to Helios. Stopping to talk to our commanders is not going to reduce the chance of us being ambushed anymore than letting our soldiers take a break.

Plus, it's not like we're going to stop in the middle of no where and every single soldier in our taskforce is going to fall asleep. A fortified camp will be established, sentries will be posted and rotated, and the mechanicus troops who don't biologically need sleep will be running around. Hell judging by how he's acted so far, it wouldn't surprise me if Vali stayed in his Knight and patrolled the entire time as well.

Our force has been traveling for 3 days straight, our men and women need to rest if they're going to defeat the orks, not stand around waiting while we talk fruitlessly with our commanders.
Take a rest does mean we will set a fortified position, but it will also mean we will focus on refreshing ourselves above all else. Should note it hasn't been three straight days, we have taken breaks.
That's not what this vote is about. The only way to avoid an ambush IF the orks are planning one, is to turn around and head back to Helios. Stopping to talk to our commanders is not going to reduce the chance of us being ambushed anymore than letting our soldiers take a break.
It will decide how ready we are for the ambush.

We know the Ork's have been acting clever so we can't take the chances to set up a base as that takes time to set up and an Ork force in the thousands could pop out of nowhere at anytime.

Thats what Kommandos are known for and I bet the Ork's know exactly where we are.
Plus, it's not like we're going to stop in the middle of no where and every single soldier in our taskforce is going to fall asleep. A fortified camp will be established, sentries will be posted and rotated, and the mechanicus troops who don't biologically need sleep will be running around. Hell judging by how he's acted so far, it wouldn't surprise me if Vali stayed in his Knight and patrolled the entire time as well.
There is no safe area in Ork territory.

Tunnels filled with squigs, diggers, landmines, tellyportas and all sorts of horrific monsters can pop out of the ground at a moments notice and all of it could have been prepared merely hours beforehand.

Never underestimate the Orks.
[X] Call for a meeting among the chief commanders to work through the information you have

No Orks means Kommandos, it ALWAYS means Kommandos. If the Orks aren't suicidally charging you 24/7 that means they're planning something, and an Ork with a plan is a very VERY bad thing.

Well then, how about this:

[X] Turn around and head back to General Helios, using vox yo communicate with your commanders about the situation without having to stop and gather the leadership all together in a single, exposed area.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 35
[X] Call for a meeting among the chief commanders to work through the information you have

You let out a final sigh as you come to a decision. This has been far too long, it is time to contact the General. You activate the vox from within your Knight, sending out a call to the main forces. "General. We have been marching for three days and have found nothing. I feel that we should call a meeting between commanders, this route isn't working."

Helios's response comes swiftly and coldly. "Fall back to the main forces. We are setting up an operating base. Watch your back, it is always a bad sign when Orks aren't simply rampaging at the front."

"Understood." You reply crisply. You turn the vox to a full channel to all your forces. "All soldiers of the vanguard. We are to fall back to the main forces operating tent. Move at top speed." A chorus of affirmatives comes in response, and your forces turn around smoothly.


You reach the forward operating base after two more hours of marching. You are immediately impressed by the speed at which the Kratosians have built their fortifications. Your forces enter and your Knights enter berth. You vox General Helios once again. "General, Princess Eriventa reporting from the front."

"Come to my command tent and report in person. We have much to discuss." Helios responds. It remains impossible to glean any meaning from his tone.

You nod reflexively. "Understood." You, Alex, and Vali emerge from your mounts and set down once again in a hopefully temporary berth.

"Another meeting huh?" Vali grunts. "At least he isn't making you ditch your guard."

Alex nods in agreement. "I suspect the General is as irritated as the rest of us. This can hardly be typical of Orks."

"It isn't." Valmanar's flat voice intrudes. "Orks are suicidal creatures. Their desire for combat would cause them to slam themselves against our front until they or we are dead." A loud whirr comes from within. "Unless they have a plan of some sort."

You snort. "Perhaps their dumb animal brains comprehend fear. They understand the Emperor's Vengence is coming down upon them and have thus fled."

"Orks feel no fear." Valmanar states. His voice is cold and brokers no argument. Therefore you opt to not give.

Alex shakes her head. "Regardless. Something needs to change here. It has been too long without any combat for my comfort."

"Agreed." Vali nods.

"It will work out in the end," you say. "We will find out what is going on and stomp out the Xenos once and for all."

[] Leave someone at the Knight-berth (Write-in who)
[] Go to the meeting alone
[] Write-in

[X] Leave someone at the Knight-berth (Write-in who)
-[X] Vali

I trust him to take better care of our knights than anyone else.
"It isn't." Valmanar's flat voice intrudes. "Orks are suicidal creatures. Their desire for combat would cause them to slam themselves against our front until they or we are dead." A loud whirr comes from within. "Unless they have a plan of some sort."
Possibly too busy building biggest, loudest Stompa they can in secret.

[X] Leave someone at the Knight-berth (Write-in who)
-[X] Vali
Emerald Tide: Chapter 36
[X] Leave someone at the Knight-berth (Write-in who)
-[X] Vali

As the three of you emerge from your mounts you give Vali an order. "Sir Vali, please remain with your mount here."

Vali looks like he is about to protest but only says, "Very well, your highness." He hangs back to the berth, along with a mix of guardsmen and mechanicum forces. Valmanar joins you as you and Alex move to the command tent. The camp is a hub of activity as men move work on a multitude of tasks. All to keep the fortification defensible.

The command tent is, as ever, guarded by Pythos and Triptocles. They give you a polite nod as you enter. Helios is alone at the head of the table. "No Orks then?" He asks bluntly.

"No, General." You answer, "Just random stragglers."

The man scowls. "Damn. What the hell are they up to..."

Valmanar interjects with cold efficiency. "If I may, General, it is probable that they are building up an offensive." A series of clicks sounds out from his robe. "The data from similar engagements suggest that the Orks would use this time to build up more of their war machines."

"So, we can expect more of those tanks then?" Helios asks.

"Yes. And worse," Valmanar says. "The Orks have rampaged across this planet for sufficient time to gather the necessary resources to create more deadly contraptions."

Alex speaks up. "The tanks went down easily enough."

"There will be more." Helios grunts gruffly. "More of those tanks and worse besides. This isn't my first war against the Orks. I know of what Valmanar speaks. This...holding back is outside my experience with them."

The tent grows silent. Any attempt at bravado feels foolish at this moment. You are about to speak up when the tent flap is suddenly ripped open. Pithos yells out. "Oy, Tech-Priest, don't just barge in..."

Said Tech-Priest is about as frightened looking as any heavily augmented human can look. His voice certainly conveys all the horror his body is incapable of. "Magos Valmanar!!! Seismic activity has spiked!!! It is as your data claimed! The Orks are coming from underground!!!!"

Valmanar's reaction is immediate and sudden. "General, move all your men to their machines as swiftly as they are able. We are about to be hit hard. Our fortifications are useless now. We can only rely on our weaponry to keep us alive."

You expect Helios to argue, to counter Valmanar's insubordinate order. Instead, he shocks you by immediately grabbing the vox machine. He yells out across the general channel. "EVERYONE. Get to your weapons now, we are about to be hit." He then turns to you and Alex. "Get to your Knights, now, Princesses. You will have the Priests and a few squads of guard to get you there." He stands up, grabbing his bolt pistol and blade as he does. "As well as myself and my personal honor guard. If this is as the Tech-Priests claim, we are going to need the Knights as soon as possible."

You bow. "Of...of course General." It seems absurd. Surely it isn't that dangerous. At this thought, the ground starts shaking in earnest. Soon it becomes impossible to stand as you are forced to grab the table for balance. Alex and Helios are in similar straits, but Valmanar doesn't budge. Then you hear two things. An explosion and a roar. A roar filled with nothing but bloodlust and rage.


Your blood runs cold. Everyone is already moving. Even General Helios is white with fear. You barely notice as you and everyone else burst out of the tent, revealing a mixed bag of guard and skitarii, all armed and ready. Pithos and Triptocles are in the lead with the General's personal guard, Power Lances at the ready. You don't see any Orks, but you spot a billowing pillar of smoke. It is exactly where the Knights are berthed.

You are Sir Vali, Knight of Etumar, and current principle retainer to Crown Princess Genevive. Currently, you lounge in the throne of your machine. Despite your vows, you can't help but feel a slight bitterness about being left here. A bitterness that you suppress with blunt force. This is not a matter of trust. Of course, Princess Genevive favors her sister over a man like you, little more than a hired thug she met a scant week ago. You have an order, and honor demands you follow it.

A vox call comes in, from the Admech woman, X9-A. "Sir Vali, seismic activity has spiked considerably. Soon the ground will shake palpably. Then the Orks will emerge in their machines of war. Please prepare for combat immediately."

You blink awkwardly at this. "Milady, are you cert-" The ground starts shaking. You immediately switch to combat readiness. "Understood, Milady." Around you the Admech troops shift into combat positions. The ground continues to shake. Then the earth bursts open like a pimple. A giant drill plows out. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH"

You are already firing as the first Orks burst out. You spot the heavy weapons squad immediately. Did...did they know of the Knights? No. Impossible. Simple chance, nothing more. Regardless, the heavy weapons squad is the first one you blast to shreds with your stubber. The instant you slay them, more Orks swarm out of the machine. An impossible amount of them. The Admechs are already heavily engaged. And yet they do not break. Out of the corner of your perception, you note X9-A decapitating one of the vile xenos with a flick of a glowing sword. What a woman. Your stubber continues to fire as the Orks rush out. Dozens are shredded to bits. Still they rush on, and still, the Mechanicum troops fight on. Then you aim your cannon. You clench your fist and with a boom the drill-transport shakes. It does not break. You scowl. "In the name of the Emperor and the planet of Etumar, by the peerless honor of Crown Princess Genevive, YOU WILL FALL YOU XENOS FILTH!!!!" You fire again and again. You fire until the mental strain causes your hand to ache. After five hits the drill finally collapses, splitting in twain and falling over.

X9-A's voice comes through the vox. "It will explode. Fall back for safety, Sir Vali."

You respond, "No, Milady X9-A, you fall back. I shall cover you." Chivalry demands no less.

Her voice shows no emotion. "Understood, Sir Vali."

As the Admechs begin to fall back, you do as you promised, strafing the Orks and preventing them from getting a proper angle on the retreating forces. They make it back just in time. The drill explodes in a burst of flame. The rest of the Orks die with it. Through the fire you stand firm. If your mount falls through this, if you fall through this, you never had any right to call yourself a Knight. At last, the fire fades. You still stand. You run a quick scan. Your mount is unharmed. Singed, but unharmed. The Admechs return.

Once again X9-A hails you. "Are you alright Sir Vali? You Knight seems to have suffered minimal damage."

"I am fine, what of the Princesses' mounts?" You ask.

"They are fine. When they return, they will be able to fight at 100% effectiveness."

You nod. You don't physically relax, but your mental strain lessens. You succeeded.

"Please prepare for more combat, Sir Vali. Further Ork attacks are inevitable."

You smirk grimly. Then you steel yourself. Verlithian the Defiant responds with pride. There is more honor to be had this day.

You are Crown Princess Genevive. You watch in horror as more smoke raises from across the camp. Already you can hear the sound of gunfire, the screams of dying men and howls of the xenos that have invaded this planet. You have a force of soldiers surrounding you, as well as General Helios himself. What do you do?

[] Stay in the center
[] Get in the back of the force
[] Move to the front
[] Write-in
[X] Stay in the center

Outside a grenade that's the safest place we can be and a general of the Imperium has a large chance of being an exceptional combatant.
[X] Stay in the center

Our skillset and value lies in using our Knight not firefights. The Center is the 'safest' we can get.
[X] Stay in the center

Purely for the fact that Helios believes our knights will be the key to victory. Putting ourselves in needless danger at the front or rear will be something he will chide us for later, if we all survive.