[X] Go on the Defensive, block the Ork-Knight's fire and hold it down until the Kratosians' can regroup and bring their own weapons into the fight
-[X] Try to keep it from shooting; do not charge but do keep up the attack.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 40.1
[X] Charge gloriously, impale the monster on your glorious lance

You yell a battle cry. "For Etumar and the Emperor!" And then you set your machine and charge forth with your Power Lance leading. Dirt and blood are sent flying into the air as you turn up the very ground and Ork and human bodies. You sling your Void Shield in front to guard your noble charge.

The Ork-Knight howls with laughter. "HUMIE FOOL! DAKKA BREAK YOU!" A dozen weapons platforms are aimed directly at you, and fire all at once. Your shield is slammed with a deluge of ordinance and just barely holds. The strain on your mind makes you scream in pain.

Your charge doesn't end, and you slam lance-first into the Ork. The sound of crunching metal sounds out and you feel the lance thrust into the Ork-Knight. You feel a mad smile spread on your face. "Fall." You try to not make it sound like a desperate prayer.

The Ork's laughter sounds out, sending fear to your very soul. "HAH! YOU HIT GOOD HUMIE STOMPA! IT NOT MATTA! YOU DIE NOW!!!" The Ork-Knight rears back for a counterattack. You have scant seconds to react. You lance is still impaled in the fake's metal guts.

[] Shoot it point-blank in the face with your battle cannon
[] Yank your lance out and fall back
[] Focus on defense
[] Write-in
[X] Shoot it point-blank in the face with your battle cannon

We're not getting a better opportunity. Our battle cannon uses AP rounds, so giving it a facefull of that should do the job. Our lance might get damaged in the process, but taking out the Stompa is a priority.
[X] Yank your lance out and fall back
-[X] Attempt to flank around the Stompa

I can't imagine the Stompa is in good shape after taking a direct charge from the power lance. Besides, it's matter-disintegrating, so pulling it back out probably isn't that hard. It's better than being literally stuck in melee-range without a melee weapon. The Knight Baron is supposed to be incredibly maneuverable, so let's use that to our advantage.
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Emerald Tide: Chapter 40.2
[X] Shoot it point-blank in the face with your battle cannon

The Ork-Knight readies for the attack. You are faster. The vaunted speed of the Baron Frame allows you to pull off a single maneuver, the last attack this vile Ork will ever face. You slam your cannon directly into the face of the Ork-Knight. The Ork lets out a confused: "WHA-"

You smirk tiredly to yourself and say one word. "Die." You clench your fist and your mind pulls the trigger. There is a boom louder than a dying star. The blast rips apart the Ork-Knight, the creature not even allowed a final death cry as it is annihilated from existence. You let out a breath and run a quick diagnosis. You mount has suffered only minimal damage, with your Power Lance taking the brunt. It isn't ruined and can be fixed with some basic repairs, but you grimace as you see the clearly visible damage the final attack caused on the mighty weapon.

"Princess! Princess Genevive! Are you well?" Sir Vali's voice sounds through the vox. There is legitmate worry in his deep voice and you feel a smile spread on your face.

"I am fine, Sir Vali," you say. "I slew the Ork fake." You add swiftly. "Everything good on your end?"

Vali responds. "Yes, I escorted the General to the center of the camp, he was able to rally our forces to drive out the xenos. Princess Alexandrite is still helping destroy their contraptions. I came as soon as I received word that you were battling a great foe. I apologize for being too late to aid you."

You give a proud noble laugh that feels fake even to you. "Oh, no matter, that creature was nothing more than a fake Knight. It was hardly worthy of any worry." And yet you feel a shudder pass down your spine as you remember the Ork's vile laughter and its roaring voice. No one can ever know, you are a Princess of the Imperium. "Is the battle over, Sir Vali?"

Vali's response takes a second, and you feel a spasm of worry that the man somehow detected your fear. Thankfully, his response quashes your nervousness. "Yes, milady, we are just mopping up the stragglers now."

You hold back an audible sigh of relief. "Excellent. Join me Sir Vali, let's find Princess Alexandrite."

"As you wish, your highness."

[] Help hunt down any remaining Ork Stragglers
[] Move back to the Knight's Berth for repairs
[] Report to General Helios immediately

You give a proud noble laugh that feels fake even to you. "Oh, no matter, that creature was nothing more than a fake Knight. It was hardly worthy of any worry." And yet you feel a shudder pass down your spine as you remember the Ork's vile laughter and its roaring voice. No one can ever know, you are a Princess of the Imperium. "Is the battle over, Sir Vali?"
She got her first experience of the dangers and threats of real war. This is a good learning experience.

[X] Help hunt down any remaining Ork Stragglers
Emerald Tide: Chapter 41
[X] Help hunt down any remaining Ork Stragglers

What remains of the Ork attack is barely worthy of the term stragglers. You link up with Alex after slaying a disorganized band of Orks. Alex's vox comes to you very quickly. "Gene! Oh, Emperor, I'm sorry Gene. I should have been with you! Are you ok!"

You smile at your sister's worry for you. "I am fine, my dear sister. It was nothing I couldn't handle." You are happy Alex can't see your sweat or the lingering fear in your eyes. "My lance is damaged, but it isn't anything that can't be repaired."

Alex's response is soft. "Ok, I don't know what I would do if you were hurt or slain, my dearest sister."

You giggle. "Don't let Ravana hear you call me your dearest, she might get jealous."

Alex laughs as well. "She can handle it."

Newly reunited, your lance takes down much of the remaining Orks in the area. X9-A and a band of Skitarri Rangers join up as well, flushing out hidden Orks. You allow Vali to coordinate with the Lady. In the end, there isn't much you end up doing. Finally, you receive a vox from the General. "Princess, all hostiles have been eliminated. Return to your berth then report to me for further instructions."

You return the call immediately. "Understood, General." You return the Knights to the berth and dismount. O'Donagh and his retinue move in immediately and start fussing over Righteousness. O'Donagh gives a quick diagnosis. "It is still usable, but I would recommend swapping it out for the rest of this campaign. We have other weapon modules, we will go over them when you return from the General's meeting."

You give O'Donagh a quick nod, then consider the meeting.

[] Bring both Alex and Vali
[] Leave Vali
[] Leave Alex
[] Decide to take a quick minute to discuss the weapon modules
[X] Leave Alex
Bring the hero of the hour to the meeting so he can get some recognition for saving the command squad. We can leave Alex behind so we always have one Knight ready to go.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 42
[X] Leave Alex

It pains you to do this after the battle, but it must be done. "Alex, remain here with your mount. Just in case."

If you thought this would upset your sister, you are immediately proven wrong with her bow. "Of course, sister." She moves back to Terras Lightning.

Vali speaks up somewhat awkwardly. "Are you certain, Princess. I would assume you would be more comfortable with your sister than me." You hear some bitterness, but it is mostly covered by genuine curiosity.

You smile. "I trust you completely, Sir Vali, your honor is without peer." You bow to him. "You are the hero this day, without you, we would have all been slain by the Orks. You deserve recognition for this."

Your move proves worth it simply for the opportunity to see Vali blush like a Schola-boy. "You honor me, Your Highness. How could I deny such an offer." He calms swiftly and walks beside you.

X9-A appears from behind a corner and joins you. "Princess Genevive, Sir Vali. It is good to see you," she says in her soft voice.

"A pleasure, X9-A. I hear you conducted yourself quite well in combat," you say. "Sir Vali tells me you fought with valor and skill."

You hold back a giggle as the Admech woman looks over to Vali, who flushes slightly. "I thank you for your praise, though all I did was my function." You think you catch a slight decrease in volume in her voice, though it is tricky to tell.

Sir Vali bows to the woman. "That is all any of us does in battle. Your skill in combat impressed me greatly, milady, its an honor to fight by your side." He clearly means every word.

X9-A moves her face to the side. "You are too kind, Sir Vali. As I said, I only performed my function as assigned by my progenitor." Emperor, reading Admechs is difficult. How are you supposed to gather whether or not there is something between your companion and X9-A if you can't even read her face? No matter, there is time, and you are patient.

At last your strange group arrives at Helios's command tent, miraculously none the worse for wear despite the combat around it. Pythos and Triptocles stand by the entrance, having survived the battle. You return their nods of greeting as your odd group enters.

X9-A moves immediately to Valmanar's side after a quick nod of farewell. You and Vali return it, and you nudge Vali, who only gives you a rather confused look. You roll your eyes at him just before General Helios breaks the silence. "Ah! And here is the hero of the hour." The Kratosian General moves to Vali, holding out his hand. Vali takes it somewhat awkwardly. "You saved my command squad today, Sir Vali, as well as the entire damn fight. If you were a Guardsman under my command I'd slap you with a medal and give you a promotion on the spot."

Vali steadies himself before speaking. "The honor gained from this day is reward enough, General." The man seems awkward about the sudden attention, and you give him a comforting smile. He deserves this praise. The entire command tent, which you realize currently contains not just yourself, Vali, X9-A, and Valmanar, but also Damocles and Lukanos, give Vali a round of applause. The knight takes it with stoic grace, though you can see a faint blush. You smile to yourself as you consider that Vali seems to blush quite often.

At last, Vali's round of praise ends, and Helios speaks up. "Alright, to business." He returns to his position at the front of the tent. "Those damned Orks hit us hard, we've lost a quarter of our armor and have many dead and injured. We still have the force needed to push forward...but we have another problem."

Valmanar speaks up as if on a queue. "Our scanners still detect light seismic activity, we believe that this is caused by more diggers. The epicenter is moving. We believe they are headed directly to Citadel Solannor."

Helios continues. "Currently, we have some forces posted there, under the command of Major Ajax. He is a good man and experienced, but we don't know the exact numbers of the Ork forces moving towards him, and he will have no warning of the attack."

Lukanos speaks up. "Just send one of my guys, boss. We can get there quick enough to warn the Major before the Greenskins show up." He picks casually at the skin between his metal joint and leg. You feel a twinge of disgust. How in the Emperor's name did a man like this get any form of leadership over literally anything?

You are disappointed when instead of telling the Scout Lieutenant off, Helios merely nods. "That is an idea, but it leaves the problem of numbers. If the force proves too overwhelming for Ajax to handle with his current garrison, it won't matter if he has a warning or not."

"There is also the matter that this was not the main force, there are more Orks out there, and we must seek them out," Valmanar says. "Princess Genevive battled a Stompa, if the Orks have one of those contraptions, they are close to something quite big."

You say under your breath. "The Ork said something about a...Mekboss Slugjaw Dakkablud. I...I think that it might be some kind of tribal leader." You shudder, you still can't help but think that perhaps the Ork's mad speech was just a nightmare.

Helios lets out a rather loud oath. "A Mekboss. Well, that is a damn problem. We can't stop now, but I'm not one to leave my men behind without aid. Do you have any suggestion here Princess?"

You are a bit surprised by the question, but General Helios seems genuinely interested in hearing your input. You take a breath and say, "Well General, I believe that we should..."

[] Move all forces to Citadel Solannor
[] Send a single scout to Citadel Solannor
[] Split our forces in half
[] Focus on hunting down the Mekboss with all available resources
[] Write-in
I think the most important thing to focus on is the Ork leadership. Especially if we're looking for a Mekboss. If he could build a functional copy of a Knight, and Valmanar is right in thinking the orks are working on something big... it may be possible they are working on an even bigger gargant, possibly one on the scale of a titan. Such a threat should be derailed or found as soon as possible, hopefully before it is finished. That said...we should at least send a warning to Ajax. I'm thinking that the diggers should only be able to transport infantry and light vehicles at best, and if the seismic activity is light that implies to me that they can't have sent an overwhelming force. If the orks are obliging to normal patterns, they should have sent the larger force wherever they thought the biggest fight would be, which to me would be the army, but this Ork boss has been quite intelligent for a warboss.


[X] Split our forces in half
You hold back a giggle as the Admech woman looks over to Vali, who flushes slightly. "I thank you for your praise, though all I did was my function." You think you catch a slight decrease in volume in her voice, though it is tricky to tell.

Sir Vali bows to the woman. "That is all any of us does in battle. Your skill in combat impressed me greatly, milady, its an honor to fight by your side." He clearly means every word.

X9-A moves her face to the side. "You are too kind, Sir Vali. As I said, I only performed my function as assigned by my progenitor." Emperor, reading Admechs is difficult. How are you supposed to gather whether or not there is something between your companion and X9-A if you can't even read her face? No matter, there is time, and you are patient.
Ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship.

This is not easy decision. The orks are led by a Mekboss, so we can't just bunker up, otherwise they'd have ample amount of time to finish what ever they're building. These strikes by diggers are more than likely just to buy them time to do just that. The city is in dangers, but I'm not enthusiastic about splitting our already depleted forces.