Emerald Tide: Chapter 45
[X] Alex takes point

With Alex in the lead, you begin your march. On either side, an assortment of tanks ride forth, with a pair of Baneblades on your right and left. Behind ride the troop carriers, Taurox predominantly. Lukanos led his scouts ahead of the main force when the march started. He and his men have yet to return. Suddenly, a voice bursts in through the general vox. "We found them! Should be an hour march at full speed for you guys, be ready." The vox cuts out with the sound of gunfire, screams, and roaring engines. "On second thought, I think we might be bringing them to you. Sorry 'bout that." You can't really bring yourself to be upset about that.

A few minutes later, the gunfire and engines become audible from your position, and Helios orders everyone to form up in a defensive line. Over the horizon, a group of motorcycles appears. And behind them is a host of ramshackle cars and bikes. More vile Ork machines. The Imperial Bikes suddenly cut away and drive in several directions. The instant they are out of the line of fire is when the massacre begins. As it turns out, your Knights don't even need to get involved. The light machines the Orks sent on their chase of Lukanos and his men are easy prey for the heavy cannons of the assorted Leman Russ and Baneblades. The sound of gunfire is deafening for a second, and then there is silence.

The General vox channel comes alive. Helios snaps in. "Report."

Lukanos, his voice strained with exhaustion or pain, replies, "We found their camp. They have two projects. A big fracking tower of some sort and a machine that makes the Princess's pretty little throne look like a kiddy toy."

"A Gargant. Well, that is just wonderful." Helios sounds angry.

"What's a Gargant?" You ask politely.

"Asking questions?" Helios replies. "Good. A Gargant is an Ork-Titan, like how that Stompa you fought was an Ork-Knight. They are about as big and dangerous as the equivalent Titan." He then directs a question to Lukanos. "Lukanos, remember when we fought alongside that Titan Legion on Icthyis? Which Titan would you compare the Gargant too in terms of size?"

A weak chuckle. "How could I forget. That was only my second fight. I lost righty there." His voice seems to waver a little. "Illumination Prime. I remember because one of their officers gave my boys amsec and played cards with us one night. Cool guy. Hope he isn't dead." A weak cough. "I think I need to lie down, that alright boss?"

"Get to a medic, you've done well, Lieutenant." Helios voice is calm. "Illumination Prime...is a Reaver-Class Titan. Princess? This Gargant will be ten terran feet taller than your Knights. It will be a tough fight, but you three should be able to take it if you work together. My Tanks and troops will hold back any tanks or other Ork elements that may destract you."

You radio in an "understood" with Alex and Vali. Alex voxes in on a private channel. "Alright, Gene. We should probably plan this out. It may only be a fake Titan, but it will still be tough."

Vali chimes in with an agreement. You put a lot of thought into your plan and...

[] Alex will engage in close combat, while you and Vali look for an opening with cannon and chainsword
[] We will all jump on it, overwhelming it with raw force
[] Keep out of its range and bombard it with gunfire
[] Write-in
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[X] Alex will engage in close combat, while you and Vali look for an opening with cannon and chainsword
Well, given that we don't have good anti-armor guns I say that long distance is a bust, not to mention that the orks probably have the superior firepower anyway.

Can we ask what weapons he thought he saw on it? If it's dedicated to long range then ganging up would probably be for the best, one each to go for the arms and then smashing it from the rear and close range.

If it has a claw then it's probably best to let Alex engage it and kite it while we look for an opening to destroy the claw. Again, we don't have sufficient anti armor so we will most likely need to kill it in close combat.
Well, given that we don't have good anti-armor guns I say that long distance is a bust, not to mention that the orks probably have the superior firepower anyway.

Can we ask what weapons he thought he saw on it? If it's dedicated to long range then ganging up would probably be for the best, one each to go for the arms and then smashing it from the rear and close range.

If it has a claw then it's probably best to let Alex engage it and kite it while we look for an opening to destroy the claw. Again, we don't have sufficient anti armor so we will most likely need to kill it in close combat.
If you want, you can integrate that into your vote. I have write-in here for a reason
Well, given that we don't have good anti-armor guns I say that long distance is a bust, not to mention that the orks probably have the superior firepower anyway.

Can we ask what weapons he thought he saw on it? If it's dedicated to long range then ganging up would probably be for the best, one each to go for the arms and then smashing it from the rear and close range.

If it has a claw then it's probably best to let Alex engage it and kite it while we look for an opening to destroy the claw. Again, we don't have sufficient anti armor so we will most likely need to kill it in close combat.
Its orks so it more then likely a stupid amount of guns with one maybe two close combat weapons.

That means if its attention is on us one at a time it will annlialte at minimum one of us if it uses all of that dakka, however as seen orks love to get into a good fight, so:

[X] Write-in taunt the gargant into fighting you over the vox or by other means and run it into an ambush with the others and engage in close combat
[X] Write-in taunt the gargant into fighting you over the vox or by other means and run it into an ambush with the others and engage in close combat
[X] Write-in taunt the gargant into fighting you over the vox or by other means and run it into an ambush with the others and engage in close combat
Emerald Tide: Chapter 46
[X] Write-in taunt the gargant into fighting you over the vox or by other means and run it into an ambush with the others and engage in close combat

You move into the gorge steadily. The truth of Lukanos's words is proven immediately. The Orks have established a camp here. Tribal banners with vile imagery swing everywhere and the sounds of Orkish revelry and construction sounds out through what was once a peaceful and beautiful valley. As planned, Righteousness is the one Knight moving into the initial attack. You are flanked by a veritable fleet of Kratosian vehicles. They will fight the minor forces Ork forces while you and the other Knights handle the Gargant. Your heart beats faster and faster as you behold your foe. The thing is the Ork-Knight on a larger scale. Big and red and covered in guns. It stands higher than your Knights. But you will end it.

You saw the tower first. You saw it before you could see the Ork-Camp. It seems to pierce the sky itself. The closer you got to it, the more Vox communication warped to the point that now all you get is static. Messages are sent on paper via Servo-Skull. The single creepiest expression of human technology you have ever seen. There is no time to muse on it as the Orks notice you. There is a howl of excitement and a charge that tears up the dirt. The warriors of Kratos meet the charge with aplomb and the final battle of Solannor is begun in earnest.

You direct your face towards the Gargant and yell through the vox. "Mekboss Slugjaw! Your machine is weak and your power is nothing! Face me or be known as a weakling!" You hope that Orks feel pride. You have to goad the thing to attack you and only you. "Battle me one on one or flee like the cowardly hiding dog you are!"

There is a moment of relative silence, broken by the gunfire all around you. Then the Gargant moves. The Mekboss responds in only one roar: "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!" Your shield is up as it launches a barrage of ordinance at you. Your machine shakes but holds. You smirk. So far so good. Then you flee, keeping your front facing the Gargant. The Baron frame's excellent mobility rewards you immediately as you easily keep ahead of the Gargant's clumsy run. You are able to keep its weapons from drawing a bead on you. "HOLD STILL! COWARD HUMIE!!!"

You laugh broadly. "Oh? Are you so weak you can't handle little me?" You fire several rounds from your cannon. They do little to the Gargant, but they have the desired result, Slugjaw's screams of incoherent rage sound over even the heaviest gunfire.

"WEAK!!!! SMALL!!! DIS IS DA MOTHA OF ALL WAAAAAAAAAAGHS! FIRST CRUSH YOU THEN FINISH DA ORK-TOWA! DA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH WILL CRUS' ALL!!!!!!" The Gargant fires every weapon it has. But you are already several feet away from its aim. More screams of rage issue from the Gargant, and you hear what sounds like a skull being squashed. "OY! STUPID GROTS! AIM PROPA!"

You look to your sensors. The agreed upon point is almost there, two massive boulders. You fire one more time. "This is the day you fall, creature. Your aggression on this planet ends now!" The shell bounces of the Gargant once again.

Slugjaw laughs. "HAH! WEAK!" You rush behind the boulders and then the Gargant is on you. "YOU DIE NOW!!!"

And then you trap is sprung. Terras Lightning and The Defiant spring their attack in the very instant Slugjaw pushes past the boulders. Alex hits first, her power fist ripping through the Gargant's side, tearing into important systems. Then, Vali's Chainsword hits like a thunderbolt, sparks, and metal flying as the blade hacks into the Ork-machine. The Gargant holds firm for a terrible minute, and then it falls on one knee. You hear howls of rage as you approach. "FIRE YOU GROTS! FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!! WHERES DA DAKKA!!!!"

You let a smile spread on your face. "Sorry, Mekboss. There is no more 'dakka' for you." You don't let the creature answer, your chainsword rips through the prone Gargant before it can have a hope of recovering. Slugjaw has time for one more incoherent scream of rage before he's vile machine is stopped forever.

There is a long moment of silence. And then it is broken by a weak, bestial laugh. "HEH. DAT WAS A GOOD ONE...HUMIE STOMPA..." At last, there is silence, but for the continued sounds of warfare. You shiver at the death of your foe. Then you beckon forward with your arm cannon. You may not have vox right now, but that is universal: Move forward. Alex and Vali follow as you move back to the gorge. By the time you arrive, the battle has turned fully in Helios's favor. Most of the Orks are slain and their vehicles are being crushed. You wince as you see evidence of human dead as well.

There is a flurry of static and finally, the vox comes back in. "Princess? I take it the Gargant is destroyed? We are almost finished here as well. Please help mop up any stragglers."

You smile. "Of course General, might I ask what was holding back the communications?"

"That damned tower. Emperor only knows what the Orks were doing with the thing, but it was messing up vox communication. We were able to blast it with a Baneblade cannon, and that weakened it for now. We will get to demolishing it completely after we kill off the remaining Orks."

Mopping up Ork stragglers doesn't take long. At last, every Ork in the gorge is dead and the tower is obliterated with cleverly placed melta charges. You slump in your throne. "It is over at last, then?"

Alex responds. "The worse of it is, at the very least."

"That was honorable work," Vali says. "We conducted ourselves well. The King would be proud."

You laugh. "Daddy will be very proud when he hears of this! This was beautifully done. I thank both of you for such a fine job." Alex and Vali respond with somewhat bemused thanks. The Regiment continues with the necessary work of purging the area. Every inch is flamed down and any trace of Ork presence is blasted from the surface.

Helios comes through the General channel. "Alright. I've received word from Ajax. He and his men were able to hold out, though they are battered. The word from the void battle is that they were given aid by a Space Marine Chapter. Their ship came in and helped take down the Rok."

You flush with excitement as a thrill runs down the spine. Space Marines! The chosen warriors of the Emperor himself! What an honor! "Have the good sirs of the Adeptus Astartes stayed for the celebration?"

A chuckle. "Sadly no. They left the instant the Rok fell and they gathered their men. No one was even able to figure out the Chapter."

You try not to let your sorrow show in your voice. "Oh. A pity." You hear a snort of laughter from Alex and have a sudden urge to yell at her. She never understood.

Helios is at least somewhat understanding. "Don't worry Princess, we will fight alongside Space Marines one of these days. I can assure you, watching them fight is quite the sight."


And so your forces return to Solannor with wild aplomb. Ajax greets Helios with a wild laugh as music plays and flowers fall. Helios was gracious enough to you follow directly behind his command Taurox, ahead of the entire force. The heartfelt cheers of the populace of Citadel Solannor ring throughout the city. Ajax and Helios exchange words and a hug, and then Helios shakes hands with local dignitaries and the head of the local PDF.

Your position of honor continues throughout the celebration. You, Alex, and Vali are hailed as the Heroes of Solannor, the slayers of the leader of the Xenos Horde. Though work remains, as it often does after a campaign against Orks, there is hope in the air throughout the many feasts and parties you attend.

It is after one such party, that Magos Valmanar and X9-A approach your party. You bow to the Magos politely. "I never did apologize to you, Sir."

"What for?" Valmanar questions. "You have been nothing but beneficial for me."

You flush. "I should have listened to you about the Orks. You were right. They are not mere beasts." You bow to the Magos. "Therefore, I apologize for calling you a fool."

The Magos cocks his mostly metal skull to the side. "Your mistake was a common one throughout the Imperium. You learned and survived. That is admirable. Your apology isn't understood, but I accept it. Long has the Mechanicum and Knight Planets been in accord, and I am pleased to continue the tradition with the alliance between the Knights of Etumar and myself." Valmanar gives a very deep bow. X9-A joins in as well.

All three of you bow at this. "You and yours will forevermore be remembered as friends of Etumar and the Royal House of Eriventa." You say in a ritual speech. "We shall never forget you, Magos Valmanar of Solannor."

Valmanar lets out several clicks. "Perhaps a symbol of our relationship is in order?" He gestures to X9-A. "I built X9-A, my progeny, to be a guard of nobles. I can think of no better for her services to be granted to."

You blink in shock. Then you turn to X9-A. "And...this is ok with you, X9-A?"

You swear you see her turn slightly to Vali. "I am fine with such an arrangement."

You give it but a moment of thought.

[] Take X9-A with you
[] Decline to take X9-A

[Ok. That fight with the Gargent was GOING to be much longer, but Alex and Vali rolled really damn well.]
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[X] Take X9-A with you

I honestly question why this is even a vote. I mean, really?

In any case, demolishing that Gargaunt was incredibly satisfying.
[x] Take X9-A with you
yay, that was my first vote post/writeup and it seemed very effective
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Do you mind if i ask what segmentum we are in?
I hoped to find out by the enemys we would be fighting at the start, but orks are literally everywhere, there are probably some still on terra after the beast war in the old buildings that was built over in the aftermath at least some grots, so they do not give much data on where we are.

Also we should think about X9-A coming with us, admech do not give stuff like progeny's over unless they see that they are getting something very valuable in return later on.

Do you mind if i ask what segmentum we are in?
I hoped to find out by the enemys we would be fighting at the start, but orks are literally everywhere, there are probably some still on terra after the beast war in the old buildings that was built over in the aftermath at least some grots, so they do not give much data on where we are.

Also we should think about X9-A coming with us, admech do not give stuff like progeny's over unless they see that they are getting something very valuable in return later on.
We are in Segmentum Solar.
Now that we aren't in immediate combat, maybe we should modify our loadout for the future. The Power Lance was pretty underwhelming this time, since getting stuck, literally, in melee range without another weapon would probably have been a death sentence. I remember one of the Forgeworld Knights had a Power Lance that doubled as a plasma cannon, so maybe we should try to get our hands on one of those so we can switch out the Battle Cannon for something else?