Now that we aren't in immediate combat, maybe we should modify our loadout for the future. The Power Lance was pretty underwhelming this time, since getting stuck, literally, in melee range without another weapon would probably have been a death sentence. I remember one of the Forgeworld Knights had a Power Lance that doubled as a plasma cannon, so maybe we should try to get our hands on one of those so we can switch out the Battle Cannon for something else?
That is indeed something to think about. Next update is the last, and we will get a vote for the reward.
Now that we aren't in immediate combat, maybe we should modify our loadout for the future. The Power Lance was pretty underwhelming this time, since getting stuck, literally, in melee range without another weapon would probably have been a death sentence. I remember one of the Forgeworld Knights had a Power Lance that doubled as a plasma cannon, so maybe we should try to get our hands on one of those so we can switch out the Battle Cannon for something else?
with what forge world to build that weapon?
Hmm, what weapons are considered 'rare' for a Knight House of our stature?
We are a Crown Princess of a world famous for being one of the first lines of defense for Holy Terra, in an Elite Custom frame with no equal in the Galaxy. Skies the limit, aside from legendary weapons. I have a set-up planned for next update for a new weapon get as well.
[X] Take X9-A with you
-[X] Sir Vali, would you mind bringing her up to speed?
-[X] Get popcorn and drink for us and Alex, and some snack for the Magos. After letting the Magos grilling Vali, that is
Emerald Tide: Epilogue
[X] Take X9-A with you

You smile brightly. "It would be an honor to take X9-A with us." Alex and Vali nod their agreement.

"Excellent," Valmanar says. "I am pleased this worked out nicely." His hand reaches out and you grasp it. It is as metallic as anything else on the Tech-Priest.

X9-A as typical shows very little emotion. "Very well. I shall go fetch my things." She rushes away rather quickly. You smile to yourself. Quite the puzzle, Lady X9-A.


That evening it is time to return to Blade of Ares. The people of Solannor put on one final parade for you as you enter the transports. You spot Damocles, looking somewhat better as he stands in the command center of his Baneblade. Ajax gives you a wink and a wave from his place of honor on a moving Hydra. Evidently, the man earned a special level of respect and love from the citizens. You are somewhat pleased to see Lukanos is still alive. He gives you a thumbs up with a new mechanical arm. General Helios himself rides in the center of the parade giving the occasional wave but mostly looking decidedly grim. The very picture of an Imperial Guard General, truth be told.

At long last, the three Knights enter the transport. Righteousness of Soul, Terras Lightning Trapped-in-Diamond, and Verlithian the Defiant are showered in petals as you leave the Citadel. Truly the people of this world won't forget the honor of the Knights of Etumar for a long time. You flush with pride. This first campaign proved a great success.

But finally, you are bundled back into the transport and brought back to the ship. Honor and parades are replaced with inventory taking and preparation for the next campaign. Helios explains that though they have received no orders, it is but a matter of time before they are called to a new world and a new bloodstained theater of combat. During this conversation, you reveal the Lord Governor's claim of political manipulations causing the Ork assault. Helios's response is chilling: "That doesn't matter Gene. It never mattered. If we investigated it instead of going after the Orks, the Orks would have slaughtered us. After slaying the Orks, the people don't give a fuck about an investigation, they just want to go back to their lives. Nothing comes of it. That man would have been blamed and executed no matter what, I gave his death meaning by using it to galvanize those mewling fools on the council...Magos Valmanar notwithstanding, of course." You're not sure if you agree with Helios's approximation...but he is correct, the war for Solannor is over. Time to move on.

X9-A integrates well with your group. She gets along well with O'Donagh and Dolce and aids in both of their work when need be. You and Alex keep a close eye on her interactions with Vali but have gotten no confirmation of romantic entanglement as of yet. Pity, but it makes for a fun hobby.

A big shock comes three days after the end of the conflict on Solannor. An Imperial Ship enters the system, sending out a signal that gives its name: Honor of Kings. A ship from Etumar. It carries gifts for the Crown Princess and her companions. Thus, Helios happily allows it to latch on and give its machinery.

You walk towards the bay where Honor of Kings sent its new machines. Alex and Vali walk alongside you. "What do you suppose they sent us, Alex?"

Alex smirks easily. "Nothing too exciting I'm sure. Some new weapons and maybe some new attendants, nothing more."

"Now, sister, try not to sound so miserable about it," a delicate voice rings out through the bay. A young woman approaches. Slender and frail with a shock of blood-red hair. "I am no mere attendant, I assure you."

Your heart beats faster and you grab the woman in a tight hug before you can consider decorum. "Ravana! Sister Ravana! Oh, it is so good to see you!"

Ravana pats you gently on the back. "'tis grand to see you as well, Gene." She looks up towards Alex. "You as well Alex."

Alex gives a somewhat tight nod. "A pleasure, Ravana."

Sir Vali gives a polite bow. "Second Princess Ravana Pureheart Eriventa. It is an honor to meet you at last."

Ravana, still wrapped in your hug, eyes Vali up and down somewhat awkwardly. "And um...who are you again, sir?"

Vali flushes. "Sir Vali of House Verlithus, at your service."

"Ah yes, the sinner house," Ravana says. "I expect that you are better than your uncle?"

"He is," Alex speaks before Vali can. "He proved as much on the battlefield and in his personal conduct."

Ravana nods. "Oh, very well, sister. I trust your judgment." She gives Vali a faint smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Sir Vali."

You laugh. "Oh, dear Ravana, wait until you hear of our glorious fight! It has been such an excellent time!" Mostly anyway. But getting past adversity is part of being a Knight!

"I look forward to it, dear sister," Ravana says. "But first, to business. Father has sent me here to reinforce your Knight forces with my Crusader Heaven's Fire. As well, well...I suppose we should wait until we can fetch our favorite maid before we reveal the rest."

"Dolce? What does Dolce have to do with this?" You ask with some worry. "She has been nothing but wonderful from the moment she was assigned to my side." All the way back when you were five years and she was eight.

"Oh that is the idea," Ravana says. "She is to be rewarded, with the highest honor possible of a Servant of a Knightly House. But as I said, the details will be shared with her once we can fetch her."

Alex chuckles. "Oh, I think I know what is happening here! Gene, Dolce is to receive an Arm-"

"Don't ruin it!" Ravana interrupts. "Honestly, it is no fun without the surprise." She gives Alex a somewhat false glare. Then returns to speaking with you. "And, of course, father has sent a new weapon from his personal armory for your use, Genevive!"

You clap your hands together. "Oh, thank you! I look forward to seeing it!"

[] Gunlance: Plasma Cannon meets Power Lance
[] Volcano Canon: Big Fucking Laser Gun that Melts Armor Good
[] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said
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[X] Gunlance: Plasma Cannon meets Power Lance

The volcano canon is awesome and has enough punch to tear through titans, but it fails against even simple void shields. Better to give Gene back the weapon she has trained all her life to fight with, with a little extra oomf
[X] Gunlance: Plasma Cannon meets Power Lance

i would go for the missiles, but a power weapons is great and the Plasma Cannon is a large plus to it.
Question, is the Vortex Launcher mounted on the back of the Knight or is it another arm weapon? Also, vortex weapons are RIDICULOUSLY powerful and rare, so, for gameplay purposes, do we essentially have an unlimited supply of them or do we get one loadout per deployment or something else?
Question, is the Vortex Launcher mounted on the back of the Knight or is it another arm weapon? Also, vortex weapons are RIDICULOUSLY powerful and rare, so, for gameplay purposes, do we essentially have an unlimited supply of them or do we get one loadout per deployment or something else?
On the back. One loadout per deployment seems fair to me.
[X] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said
I want that lance, but this is probably too good to pass up, especially since it uses a hardpoint we don't have any other alternatives for right now. Even if it only has a few shots per campaign, the ability to basically make any problem go away is probably more valuable than a plasma cannon/freeing up our other arm for another weapon.
[X] Gunlance: Plasma Cannon meets Power Lance

The volcano cannon is nice but I fear it would make us a bit too specialized in bit unit hunting.

Then again, given that we now have a crusader with us that might be ok, preferable even if we are glory hungry.

I still choose the lance since I want to impale something and then discharge inside of it.

Might want to consider changing our second weapon to more focus on titan hunting
[X] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said

Now that I know it'll be mounted on our back rather than taking up an arm, I'm more inclined to go for the vortex rather than the lance right now.
[X] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said

Now that I know it'll be mounted on our back rather than taking up an arm, I'm more inclined to go for the vortex rather than the lance right now.
Having a "fuck it, table flip" opportunity each deployment DOES seem appealing.

But I think my inner anime still wants the funlance.