[] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said
On one hand the ability to "Nope" a target is really really tempting, but on the other it kinda makes the elimination of Genevieve a existential issue for the other side, and her self defense skills are currently none existent. Also it is kinda early in her career for such a boon.

[X] Gunlance: Plasma Cannon meets Power Lance

Further more Heaven's Fire is a Crusader type Knight-Mech, and excels at punching holes through lines, therefore improving the weapon Genevieve will use to lead the charge through aforementioned hole seems more thematically appropriate.
We have dealt with the Orks so I bet our next big fight will be with an enemy that likes to shot things. I want also to see at some point what happens to one of those discount Tau Titans when we show the blue boys the power and horror of the warp.

[X] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said
Emerald Tide: Epilogue Part 2
[X] Vortex Missile Launcher: It fires Vortex Missiles, 'nough said

As it turns out, the weapon father sent is a back-mounted missile launcher that fires Vortex Missiles. Sadly, such things are difficult to find, limiting you to one load per deployment until you find a better supply. Still, daddy's gift is well received and attached to Righteousness in short order. To everyone's shock, namely, yours and Dolce, Dolce is rewarded for her years of loyal service with the use of an Armiger Warglaive named simply Loyalty. After her repeated claims that this can't be possible, Dolce accepted it, and will now serve as an aid for you during combat.

Though the campaign of Solannor went well enough, you learn that the regiment did lose people. Lukanos's missing hand is obvious, but you stumble across Markos and his tank friends sans Aleksei, and learn the poor man got his brains blown out by a lucky shot. Sophocles still lives and you learn he is as nightmarishly workaholic on the ship as in-combat.

In all, two-hundred men of Kratos died. And you learn from Helios this was actually a great victory. Only a little over a quarter of the regiment died. This is a grand success. Still, you feel much sorrow and join in the impromptu funeral services for many men you never knew.

Life serving the Emperor goes on, and but a week after the Solannor War, Helios announces the regiment is heading to a new war zone. A Hive World known as Hazard has, apparently, birthed a brutal cult that is attempting to take over. Four regiments of the Imperial Guard are rushing over to aid the beleaguered Imperial Governor. War never ends. And you will ever fight with honor.

[Alright! No vote here, but I will come up with an interlude introducing the next conflict soon enough. I think you guys can guess what is coming. Won't be long, I have the thing almost done, and the Quest Proper will restart really quick afterward.]
Interlude 1: Hazard
On the wild, battered highways of Hazard rides a single truck. Two young Road Warriors of Hazard, Paragon Sand and "Cuz" Rourke, are returning from a trip to the churches of the Gun Priests. They come newly equipped with a God Gun.

"Oy, Cuz," Paragon yells out from his place at the wheel. "You've been humping that God Gun since we got it. Come in from the heat why don't ya?"

Rourke calls back. "Heat ain't nothing, old son. Never knew what them Gun Priests were on about with their belief in the God Gun, but now I think I've got a spot of their ol' religion in me." He continues to hold on to the "God Gun", in fact, an old model bolter the two men deadbolted to the truck bed.

Paragon rolls his eyes. Only a day with the Emperor-damned priests and poor Rourke has their rot in his brain. "Cuz, you can feel however you well please, but don't go firing that shit in the air, yeah? Pops will have our hides for tires if we waste them God Bullets."

"I'm in love, son, not stupid," Rourke says. "Though on that, why not take a little detour. There is one of them city catacombs back aways." His voice turns to a smirk. "What do you say, we could hunt down a big fella and bring home a new hood ornament."

"The one we have is finer than fine," Paragon snaps back. "A fancy skull ain't worth a bullet any day." He turns back to the road, determined to ignore his friend's blabber. A camp belonging to their tribe is on the horizon. Just the other day the two men had spent a lovely time in hospitality. What little the branch tribe had was shared with the two young warriors.

The desert dust of Hazard flies in the air as they drive. In this ruined land everything is scarce, and aid is not lent lightly. Rourke suddenly speaks up, "Paragon ol' son. I smell something in the air. I think it is a spot of smoke."

Paragon scowls. More of Rourke's foolishness. He rolls down the window and leans his head out. His nose wrinkles. Smoke. That is never good in this land. Especially with the rumors in the wind. The sound that comes forth only makes things worse. It is a sound men like Paragon and Rourke have only heard rarely. Gunfire.

"Paragon...that's…" Rourke is at a lost for words for once in his life.

Paragon grips the wheel. "Guns. By the Devil Gun. Must be war then." The rumors are true. Agonizeadon Vaugn has been said to be building territory...but Paragon had hoped that the lands of Pops Vanderbilt were too well-defended for such a strike.

"Well then, ol' son," there is a smile in Rourke's voice now. "I don't suppose Pops will complain much if we use the good ol' Godly Gun on some groxhumpin' Agonizeadoners."

Paragon smirks. "No, I reckon Pops won't at that." He slams the pedal to the metal. The engine roars and the truck tears across the land. They crest the highway and behold the tribal settlement. What was once a relay station between the hives, now a home for a hundred humans. Paragon's blood runs cold as he sees what has gone down. Already, Vaugn's cowards have mounted up their bikes and cars and have left nothing but dust clouds to mark their run back. Nothing but the remnants of their work.

Rourke gags in shock. "Emperor and the God Gun and the groxhumping Devil Gun…"

Paragon has to agree. Every single person at the station is dead. Every man, woman, and child. Lain out in the open air like so much trash. It was done fast and cold. Every fighter was slain before they could grab weapons. The noncombatants where dragged out and gunned down one by one. A bullet each. Thrift is ever the grandest virtue of the people of Hazard. Hate burns in Paragon's veins. "We go back to the homestead, Cuz." His voice is now a snarl. "Pops will hear of this, and the Road Warriors will go to war."


Under the surface, where once there was a factory of grand work, lies a monastery. The Monks here devote their time to the Emperor and the God Gun. Kneeled in prayer before an altar depicting the grand moment when the God Emperor gifted his Legions with the holy God Guns of his own artifice, is the Abbot. The Abbot murmurs a prayer, and the gathered five behind him do so as well. Finally, the old man stands. His dirty robes shift as he moves and as he declares his orders, his greasy grey hair shakes with his pronouncement. "My brothers and sisters. I have gathered you here this fine day to give unto you a most holy quest!"

The gathered five say nothing. They continue to pray. The lead one looks up slightly. "Oh Father, what would you demand of the Gun Priests of Hazard?" The voice is cold as ice. Her face is burned with the holy scars of a Priest of her rank. Gun Saint they declare her. One who has been chosen by the very spirits of the guns.

The Abbot swings his hands forward. "Across this land, many of our brothers and sisters have turned from proper worship of the Emperor and the holy will of the Gun." His voice raises to a crescendo. "I have called on you, the finest Gun Priests of the Monastery Tentalus Major to serve my bidding. Thus you will move out and seek out the vile heretics and slay them with impunity. Many have sided with the most heretical tyrant Agonizeadon Vaugn. All must be slain and their relics retrieved."

The Gun Saint nods and bows deeply. Her companions mirror her motion. "Of course, Father." The five Gun Priests stand proud. The Saint bears dual auto-pistols, modified for precise murder. Shotgun, heavy pistol, autogun, and sniper rifle are held by the others in places of pride. "All will be done as you will," the Priests intone as one. "The Heretics will be shot apart by bullet most holy."

The Abbot claps his hands together in prayer. "Then go forth and perform your holy work, oh children of the Gun."

The Priests leave that day. They are borne across the deserts of Hazard on steeds of black metal.


Unknown to the players already on Hazard, other eyes have beheld these events. The growth of Heresy most foul. In a panic, the Lord Governor in his orbital station sends out a terrified signal. Pulling every favor to get any amount of aid. And so, the Emperor's Guard is sent forth to a conflict they may not understand at all.
I'm picking up on Mad Max and A Canticle for Leibowitz with some Dukes of Hazzard sprinkled in?

I'm getting more than a hint of Borderlands meets Mad Max, and I've never even seen Mad Max.
Takes inspiration from a lot of things really. I swear the Dukes of Hazzard references are accidental though. I've never seen the show. What happened is I thought "Hazard" was a cool name for a planet. Then I realized the reference and went "eh, what the hell, I'll run with it"
Of course the week I'm gone there's an explosion of updates.
As it turns out, the weapon father sent is a back-mounted missile launcher that fires Vortex Missiles. Sadly, such things are difficult to find, limiting you to one load per deployment until you find a better supply. Still, daddy's gift is well received and attached to Righteousness in short order.
Other princesses get ponies and castles from their dads, we got massive honking guns for our warmech. It's good to be a princess.
To everyone's shock, namely, yours and Dolce, Dolce is rewarded for her years of loyal service with the use of an Armiger Warglaive named simply Loyalty. After her repeated claims that this can't be possible, Dolce accepted it, and will now serve as an aid for you during combat.
Five Knights in the same group. We're going to be kicking so much ass.
A Hive World known as Hazard has
Sounds more like a name for a Death World.
On the wild, battered highways of Hazard rides a single truck. Two young Road Warriors of Hazard, Paragon Sand and "Cuz" Rourke, are returning from a trip to the churches of the Gun Priests. They come newly equipped with a God Gun.
It's a Mad Max planet.

Mixing our proper Princess with these folks, it is going to be a riot.
The Cults of Hazard: Chapter 1
Blade of Ares enters Hazard-space after nearly a month in the warp. From orbit, Hazard resembles a moldy orange, crisscrossed with veins and massive pits. One in particular spreads over most of the Southern Hemisphere. According to Helios's briefing, Hazard was once a Hive World of great productivity. Now it is a Death World, a brutal land of savage men and great danger. Your destination isn't the surface of the planet, however, it is the massive satellite where the ruling nobles watch over their ancient charge. The ship docks and you learn quickly that only yourself and Helios are allowed on board. Evidently, the nobles are paranoid about outsiders.

You and General Helios walk towards the conference hall. Helios speaks to you calmly. "We are to fight alongside three other regiments. The Castellum Maximus 114th, Lilanti 8th, and the Hazard 96th. I've spoken about them, what do you recall?" Helios's homework involved not just tactics but learning about the Guard forces most active in the sector. You remember the three quite well.

"The Castellum Maximus is a Penal World, and thus its Imperial Guard regiment is a Penal Legion," you say primly. "Little more than cannon fodder, headed by one Colonel Sawaki. The Lilanti 8th specializes in urban conflict. I'm...not sure why they are here, truth be told."

Helios chuckles. "That is because, in the records of the Imperium, Hazard is still labeled a Hive World. As such, the higher-ups made the decision to send a regiment specializing in urban conflict." He keeps calm. As if this isn't a massive disaster.

"Isn't that a problem, General?" You ask politely. "They won't be in their element."

"It is a weak commander who can't use his men in scenarios that don't play to his strengths," Helios answers. "I have fought alongside General Hellgate several times. He is a canny tactician, the Lilanti will be very helpful in the coming fight."

You nod slowly. You aren't fully convinced, but perhaps this "Hellgate" will prove you wrong. "Of course, the Hazarders will be right at home. I don't recall what you said they are like?"

"Fast assault mostly. They are crafty bastards as well. Experts with any vehicle." Helios scowls. "Of course, their effectiveness is offset by inadequate command. The people in charge of the Hazard regiments are nobles from this station, and let me tell you, they aren't worth spit."

You frown. "On my world, the nobles fight the hardest, we learn how to fight from birth and become one with our mounts of war. Both here and on Solannor, it seems like nobles do nothing but hide when trouble comes." It makes you ill to say it, but it seems to be true enough.

Helios nods. "That is the way of things, most nobles in the Imperium are content to preen around and do jack-all. Any command they get is wasted on them. It's why I was so impressed when I met your father and the Imperial Knights." He grins broadly. "Nobles actually worth a shit, and good sorts at that. That's a rare combination."

You smile at the praise. "Thank you, General." The pair of you finally makes it to the conference room. At the same instant, two men appear as well. They are dressed in uniforms that make Helios's look downright plain. Both look up as you approach.

The lead one sneers with distaste. "Well well. If it isn't the upshot helot. Tycho? Was it."

"General Helios to you, Bellhaven. Where's General Hellgate? I'm surprised he lets you outside his watch." The amount of venom in Helios's voice makes you wince. You are suddenly reminded that the man next to you is a cold-blooded killer.

Bellhaven smirks easily. "General Hellgate tragically lost his life against the Eldar Clowns. I am the commander of the Lilanti 8th now." He puffs out his chest as if to show of the rows of medals stapled to his chest.

The look on Helios face turns to shock. "Dead? By the throne, no."

You feel a jolt of sadness. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure he was a great man."

The look on Bellhaven's face goes from sleazy contempt to sudden fake suaveness the instant he looks upon you. "Yes, milady. Hellgate was a great man. Sadly, the Eldar caught him in an ambush he walked right into. He was getting quite old and slow you see, just missed the signs." He smiles and you feel a sick shiver down your spine. "But don't you worry, I am his equal and more. Just you watch me, dear lady."

"I will try," you say icily while resolving to ignore this man as much as possible.

Bellhaven gives a final sneer Helios's way. "Well, I best be off. I have work to do and savages to slaughter. I trust I'll see you on the battlefield, Tycho?" Without waiting for a response, Bellhaven and his silent companion enter the chamber.

You look at Helios and say, "What an unpleasant man."

The look on Helios's face is frightful. He is shaking with rage and his eyes are bloodshot. "That pathetic, preening, little cretin. He killed Hellgate. He must of. Hellgate wouldn't walk into a fucking ambush, the old bastard had instincts like a hawk." He glares at the door like he wants to burn it down. "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to strangle him with my bare hands."

You sigh with theatrical irritation. "Well, if you must, would you please do it after the meeting with the Lord Governor? I believe throttling a man on the tactics table may be grounds for expulsion." You hope a bit of humor works. If Helios has a weakness, it is his temper. You suspect the murder of the Lord Governor on Solannor was caused by pure exasperation at the ruling council.

The tension defuses as Helios gives a dry laugh. "That is true. He won't last long, his kind never does." He finally opens the door and you follow him somewhat cautiously.

You let out your breath. That was intense, and you find yourself wishing you had Alex, Vali, Ravana, and Dolce with you. Support from your allies from Etumar would be much appreciated. You must handle this alone. Helios already told you that he expects you to at least try to add to the discussion. What do you attempt to tell the gathered commanders?

[] We must strike hard and fast
[] Put my Knights at the lead, and we shall win the day
[] Caution is the best way to go if the Hazarders are as clever as they say...
[] Write-in
I'm not sure if I've expressed this already, but I like how you portray the princess. She's as typical a imperial noble as you can get, but she's also got a surprisingly open mind and is willing to adapt to the situation, and seems to consistently treat other people with dignity.

I honestly like her.

[X] Caution is the best way to go if the Hazarders are as clever as they say...

I'd like to get a feel for our foe before we make any bold moves.
[X] Put my Knights at the lead, and we shall win the day

So far Gene's experience has shown her that positive results happen when her and her knights are at the front, so it'd make sense she would continue to propose it. We're not going to convince the other commanders to listen to us either way, so might as well at least show them we're willing and waiting to go to the front and take out these cultists.
[X] We must strike hard and fast

The biggest concerns when dealing with Chaos is their warp sorcery, though since we're dealing with (suspected) Khornites the amount of sorcery should be minimal. That means no major game-changing rituals to disrupt or prevent, with only mass summonings and the like to worry about, so being patient isn't a death sentence. That said, this campaign strikes me more as open warfare, with more emphasis being on armored combat between tanks, knights, and other vehicles. The biggest noteworthy factor is no Hive Cities to actually defend or assault, either of which necessitating patience to besiege or desiege (clever I know).

So with all of that, I see little reason to concede the ...Cultists? Traitors? I don't think we precisely know which yet. There's no reason to concede the momentum of war to the enemy that I can see.
so, mobility is going to be key here, as well as the ability to assault small but heavily fortified zones.
we are going to need to have a hard counter to the mobility of the technicals in desert combat.

In desert combat, armour is key with mobility and firepower, we have relatively good mobility with very high firepower.

[X] Write-in: use our Knights 's mobility and fire power to engage enemy mobile forces at long range and as a assault unit for fortified locations, taking down heavy weapons and strongholds to support infantry
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[X] Write-in: use our Knights 's mobility and fire power to engage enemy mobile forces at long range and as a assault unit for fortified locations, taking down heavy weapons and strongholds to support infantry
[x] We must strike hard and fast

Every second they are allowed to dig in is an hour it will take to dig them out. Don't let them prepare their traps and ambush points, smash through their positions with heavy infantry, let them screen for emplacements and anti armor traps and then slag them with the armor.
[X] Write-in: use our Knights 's mobility and fire power to engage enemy mobile forces at long range and as a assault unit for fortified locations, taking down heavy weapons and strongholds to support infantry