I don't understand the Waindrich backstory. We're the heir of the planet's royal family and the future High-Queen, right? Why would we marry or adopt into a lesser house?

That would essentially nullify either our claim to the throne or our ancestral house's. I feel like this backstory would only work with the third-born.
I don't understand the Waindrich backstory. We're the heir of the planet's royal family and the future High-Queen, right? Why would we marry or adopt into a lesser house?

That would essentially nullify either our claim to the throne or our ancestral house's. I feel like this backstory would only work with the third-born.
Could always vote for mine since that one also has a baron pattern knight.

Edit: or we can work on a compromise: how can we combine the two write-ins so that it makes sense?
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I don't understand the Waindrich backstory. We're the heir of the planet's royal family and the future High-Queen, right? Why would we marry or adopt into a lesser house?

That would essentially nullify either our claim to the throne or our ancestral house's. I feel like this backstory would only work with the third-born.
Nah, it'd mean a lesser house now has the future heir adopted into it. It was done, as mentioned, as a sign of gratitude to them. This, obviously, is a massive boost for them - and it cheeses off the other Houses quite a bit. Which was part of the point.

As for "wouldn't it nullify our claim on the throne/the royal house"? Not necessarily. It could be that the ruler being part of a House makes that House the royal house (which isn't the case yet; we're only the current heir apparent). Or even that there isn't one, and it has more to do with which House has favor with the nobility. The politics on knight worlds vary quite a bit.
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Hmm, think I'll just go with this.

[X] Bag of Bones
I'd avoided anything like the Baron mainly due to how absurdly good it is and my general preference is to avoid going for the arguable strongest option; even so, the story Bag of Bones has presented for both it and the house is pretty compelling and I'd be happy enough to see it.
On the subject of marrying a lesser family, this is exactly how you get high fantasy war of the roses antics.

Which is an issue when the Woodvilles now have giant mechas.
Inserted tally

Going to call it in a bit, seems pretty clear though.
Adhoc vote count started by MysticKnightJoe on Dec 7, 2017 at 8:11 AM, finished with 20 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] House Eriventa
    [X] House Eriventa holds prestige matched by only the greatest of the Knight Houses. Located in Segmentum Solar within sub-sector Edalas it's Knights have in its long history fought in Crusade after Crusade from the time of the Great Crusade earning great amounts of honour and wealth. However, the deeds of the ancestors of this great house have had consequences for their descendants; with its closeness to Holy Terra and its legendary past, this house's knights have been called away to fight the Imperium's enemies with less and less frequency with the justification that such a great house will be needed if Holy Terra ever found itself under threat. Now upon the house's homeworld, only a few have been off-world in centuries and the greatness of the Imperium that it fought for, left to only myth and legend; a great house in name but not in deeds with lesser houses clawing to take away its "underserved" prominence. With the formation of the Great Rift the call to arms has been sounded and this great house has been called upon to face the Imperium's foes. Will it match the deeds of its ancestors or will it crumble in the face of its foes both within and without?
    -[X] Heraldry: A gold Aquila atop a knights helm flanked by a flaming sword and bolter.
    -[X] motto: For Emperor and Imperium, We live and die in Glory.
    [X] Gold and Purple
    [X] Baron Pattern: An ancient and rare design custom made for House Eriventa that was rebuilt and given new life when you were discovered to be its pilot. Everyone who has piloted this Knight has been immortalized in legend with only its earliest pilots fading into the murkiness of history. You are its first pilot in two thousand years; Do not disappoint.
    [X] House Highmarch - An ancient house once known for its glorious service. They are historically defenders of the Segmentum Solar, but recent setbacks and losses in the past Millennium resulted in a collapse of the House's authority and prestige. They now work hard to embark on Crusades and Expeditions which could impress rivals and allies alike, and restore glory and honour to House Highmarch. They have a particular hatred of Xenos, specifically the Orks who were responsible for House Highmarch's loss of standing.
    [X] House Motto: "Providence Guides Us, Loyalty Defines Us."
    [X] House Heraldry: Dancing Golden Unicorn with Eagle's Wings
    [X] Green and White
    [X] Cerastus Knight-Atrapos
    [X] BOB
House and Knight Decided!
[X] House Eriventa
[X] House Eriventa holds prestige matched by only the greatest of the Knight Houses. Located in Segmentum Solar within sub-sector Edalas it's Knights have in its long history fought in Crusade after Crusade from the time of the Great Crusade earning great amounts of honour and wealth. However, the deeds of the ancestors of this great house have had consequences for their descendants; with its closeness to Holy Terra and its legendary past, this house's knights have been called away to fight the Imperium's enemies with less and less frequency with the justification that such a great house will be needed if Holy Terra ever found itself under threat. Now upon the house's homeworld, only a few have been off-world in centuries and the greatness of the Imperium that it fought for, left to only myth and legend; a great house in name but not in deeds with lesser houses clawing to take away its "underserved" prominence. With the formation of the Great Rift the call to arms has been sounded and this great house has been called upon to face the Imperium's foes. Will it match the deeds of its ancestors or will it crumble in the face of its foes both within and without?
-[X] Heraldry: A gold Aquila atop a knights helm flanked by a flaming sword and bolter.
-[X] motto: For Emperor and Imperium, We live and die in Glory.
[X] Gold and Purple
[X] Baron Pattern: An ancient and rare design custom made for House Eriventa that was rebuilt and given new life when you were discovered to be its pilot. Everyone who has piloted this Knight has been immortalized in legend with only its earliest pilots fading into the murkiness of history. You are its first pilot in two thousand years; Do not disappoint.

Vote Locked! The winner is House Eriventa! For Emperor and Imperium, We live and die in Glory! We also have decided our Knight Chasis: The Baron Pattern. This pattern is tough as all hell, and allows for a good range of customization. For now, we have the basic gear for the Baron: A Power Lance, which allows us to charge enemies down, and a Battle Canon, which is the basic Leman Russ tank weapon, good for destroying infantry formations and Light-to-Medium Vehicles. Over the course of the quest, we will get more weaponry to use and customize.

Genevive's Stats:
+5 Knightly Dueling
+5 Knightly Munitions
+3 Defense
+4 Social Skills
Baron Knight Chasis
Combat Weapon: Power Lance: Grants the ability to do a Charge attack.
Combat Weapon: Battle Canon: Area of effect, armor piercing.

Quick note about the stats, we have a 3d6 base roll, and the skill increases add extra dice. For example, when we do a Social Roll, we roll 7d6. Hope that makes sense, I welcome any critiques to anything I decide. Expect a proper story update within the next day or so!
Are these the only types of skills in this quest?
They are what we are currently able to know due to our background, but more skills will be available as we learn more about the wider universe. For example, if we work or train with Guardsmen who know how to handle explosives, we can also learn about explosives.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 1
You are Princess Genevieve Holystone Mi Eriventa III, crown Princess of the world of Etumar and heir apparent to the noble house of Eriventa. Your father is King Uriel Bladecrown Eriventa XV, one of the greatest Knightly defenders of Segmentum Solar. Your family has in recent centuries been stagnant, the High Lords of Terra not wanting to risk one of their most famous and powerful Knightly Families. Aside from a few battles deemed important enough by the High Lords of Terra, your father has seen little combat in his fifty years. But then, the 13th Black Crusade happened. Cadia fell and Terra was attacked by the forces of Chaos. Your father led his family to Terra's defense, as ancient honor dictates. But he was too late, the battle was over. This was a moment of intense dishonor for King Uriel and the house of Eriventa, especially when the returned Primarch, Roboute Guilliman, gave King Uriel a short but brutal reprimand.

"I remember House Eriventa," Guilliman had said, "Your ancestors fought well in the Great Crusade. You were good warriors, bold and strong." Your father almost wept as he recalled Guilliman's grim look of disapproval, "If you have even a fraction of that strength, it behooves you now to improve yourself and your house." Even though you weren't present for Guilliman's speech, you feel the sting of his words.

But from such dishonor, comes great opportunity, for Uriel has taken Guilliman's critique to heart. Now, with the Empire in shambles, is the time for House Eriventa and the World of Etumar to regain its honor and prestige. Your father has made the decision - you and your sister, Alexandrite, along with a knight named Sir Vali (a man attached to a dishonored house, you note with some distaste) are going to be attached to a regiment of Kratosians. The Kratos Armored Seventh is headed up by one Brigadier General Tycho Helios, an up and coming Regimental Commander who happens to be a friend of your father's. Your Knights have already been loaded into the cargo hold of the Kratosian cruiser Blade of Ares along with a small team of Sacristans. General Helios sent a transport for you and your companions, promising to meet you when you disembark.

Transport Ship: Argo's Hull

Any excitement you felt upon seeing the beautiful bronze ship touch down on the surface of your homeworld, the first proper Imperium ship you've seen in your life, dies the instant you step in. The interior of the ship reveals the truth: the ship is old, smells like a mixture of sweat and urine, and seems to have been crudely repaired a thousand times. Already you feel unclean, your beautiful golden dress, the one that received so many complements at the last ball you attended, feels like it is attracting the stench and filth. Your hair suddenly feels sodden, the fashionable golden drills seeming to loosen.

"You going to sit down, Gene?" Alex says dryly, "General Helios won't like it if we are late." You and Alex share some similarities, gold hair and bright green eyes. But your dispositions are quite different, with you holding on to all proper ways of behavior, and Alex only putting up a slight veneer. You'd blame her being sent to join the newly famous house, House Waindrich, for training, but she has always been odd to you.

"I…I will not…" you say with a dignified snort, "This thing is disgusting, if I set down, my dress will get dirty."

There is a rather irritated groan from the cockpit, the pilot clearly wants to leave as much as Alex.

Sir Vali hasn't said a word, but now he raises, and with an elegant flourish, sets his handkerchief on the filthy seat, "May this aid you, your highness," he says somewhat flatly. Sir Vali is dark-haired and powerfully built, but has an odd tendency to fade into the background. Often, it feels like he wishes to avoid drawing attention to anything aside from noble actions.

You smile daintily at such a wonderful display of chivalry, "Why, thank you, kind Sir Vali, I see rumors of your house's failings are greatly exaggerated." You laugh brightly, as Alex rolls her eyes in irritation, and Sir Vali returns to his seat. You sit delicately, the handkerchief doing a fair job of keeping your dress clean. The straps that keep you in are also quite filthy, but required for the escape from Etumar's atmosphere. You buckle yourself in, trying to keep them from touching your dress too much. After this bout of drama, the pilot is finally free to do his job, lifting the ship off the planet. For a moment, there is pressure beyond what you have ever experienced, and then, you are in the Void of space.

Alex's smile is infectious, and excitement burns through your veins. Finally, you are off-world, about to see the glorious Imperium of Man!

The pilot speaks up, "We should be coming up on the Blade soon," you hear the smile in his voice, "You should watch for it, first time seeing an Imperial Battleship is memorable." Alex and Vali move to the window. You follow, trying to remain as elegant as possible while doing so. Not because the lower gravity is treacherous, certainly not, but because as the Crown-Princess, you must be elegant in all things. But when you see the massive war ship, Blade of Ares, you let out a very inelegant gasp of amazement. The ship is massive. It is larger than the biggest city on Etumar by far. The same bronze shade as Argo's Hull, Blade of Ares is a pure warship. Weapons cover every inch of its massive bulk, and the thought occurs to you that you have no idea where your transport could possibly enter. It seems that the pilot knows where to go, however, and soon the smaller ship is swallowed into the Blade's hanger. Slowly, your thoughts turn to your upcoming meeting with the Kratosian General Tycho Helios. How will you initially respond to him?

[] General Helios is now your commanding officer, you must treat him with the same amount of honor and respect as a high-ranking knight.

[] Immediately start complaining about the filthy transport, how dare he send such a vile thing to carry someone as important as you.

[] You find yourself unable to contain your excitement, question General Helios about as much as you can think of!

[] Write-in
[x] Immediately start complaining about the filthy transport, how dare he send such a vile thing to carry someone as important as you.
"You going to sit down, Gene?" Alex says dryly, "General Helios won't like it if we are late." You and Alex share some similarities, gold hair and bright green eyes. But your dispositions are quite different, with you holding on to all proper ways of behavior, and Alex only putting up a slight veneer. You'd blame her being sent to join the newly famous house, House Waindrich, for training, but she has always been odd to you.

"I…I will not…" you say with a dignified snort, "This thing is disgusting, if I set down, my dress will get dirty."

There is a rather irritated groan from the cockpit, the pilot clearly wants to leave as much as Alex.

Sir Vali hasn't said a word, but now he raises, and with an elegant flourish, sets his handkerchief on the filthy seat, "May this aid you, your highness," he says somewhat flatly. Sir Vali is dark-haired and powerfully built, but has an odd tendency to fade into the background. Often, it feels like he wishes to avoid drawing attention to anything aside from noble actions.

You smile daintily at such a wonderful display of chivalry, "Why, thank you, kind Sir Vali, I see rumors of your house's failings are greatly exaggerated." You laugh brightly, as Alex rolls her eyes in irritation, and Sir Vali returns to his seat. You sit delicately, the handkerchief doing a fair job of keeping your dress clean. The straps that keep you in are also quite filthy, but required for the escape from Etumar's atmosphere. You buckle yourself in, trying to keep them from touching your dress too much. After this bout of drama, the pilot is finally free to do his job, lifting the ship off the planet. For a moment, there is pressure beyond what you have ever experienced, and then, you are in the Void of space.
Well, seems like we'll be an interesting little group.
Alex's smile is infectious, and excitement burns through your veins. Finally, you are off-world, about to see the glorious Imperium of Man!
Yeah, might want to peter down those expectations a little bit.

[X] General Helios is now your commanding officer, you must treat him with the same amount of honor and respect as a high-ranking knight.

We are a lady and a knight, which means our manners and actions must reflect that.
[x] Immediately start complaining about the filthy transport, how dare he send such a vile thing to carry someone as important as you.

- havent played arrogant human before. arrogant elf, arrogant dwarf, arrogant orc? But human?
- havent played arrogant human before. arrogant elf, arrogant dwarf, arrogant orc? But human?
Wrong person to complain to.

He's a close personal friend to the king and a imperial general. With our upbringing, we should at least know that such a person is at least as important as the king and would be highly inappropriate to complain to about transport, especially on our first mission.
[X] General Helios is now your commanding officer, you must treat him with the same amount of honor and respect as a high-ranking knight.
[X] General Helios is now your commanding officer, you must treat him with the same amount of honor and respect as a high-ranking knight.
[X] General Helios is now your commanding officer, you must treat him with the same amount of honor and respect as a high-ranking knight.
[X] General Helios is now your commanding officer, you must treat him with the same amount of honor and respect as a high-ranking knight.