No one had, thank you. And same rules as last roll apply. Best of the first five, barring a natural 1 or 100 in those five. So others can roll to try and beat that.
Rolling five times is kind of odd. It's like you want us to succeed, or something. Or is it because we're not yet in school yet and Gaia has decided we get easy mode for now?
http://[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4835096/
1d100+10→[91,10] = (101)
Now that MP is being discussed I have a few questions. Since there is no MP or magical exhaustion or anything similar in HP canon, is Harry the only one using a MP system? Is it something unique to him as the Gamer or are all other wizards going to use MP now?
There has to be something to counter The Gamer bullshit advantages...
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