You mean these fanon non existant things of non existance?
When the bell rang at last, Snape held them back. "You will each write an essay, to be handed in to me, on the ways you recognize and kill werewolves. I want two rolls of parchment on the subject, and I want them by Monday morning."
(PoA pg 172/129)
[Remus Lupin]"He assigned that essay hoping someone would realize what my symptoms meant..."
(PoA pg 346/253)
I guess this random example (found 'cause I am not wasting time trawling through the books to type up some more, even though another obvious one is when Snape calls roll for the first time in first year) is also from fanon then. Dang, fanon is getting fancy since it looks like the real book!
As far as we know Snape got good results as a teacher through a combination of being good at Potions and fear as a motivational tool. In fact paradoxically the ones most hurt by his favoritism were the Slytherins since they were less incentivized to learn.
Also yes this is relevant since it will prevent nonsensical plans to oust Snape or make him stop being mean, like thousands of bad fanfics, when we should be focusing on the big picture.
Lastly remember we are at neutral relations with Snape. Let's avoid gratuitous shenanigans that would get us back in his bad books.
While I don't remember seeing any information on whether he got good results or not, I am just basing my belief on current teaching standards as well as a bit of psychology. With fear as a motivational tool, I would hate the subject as much as the teacher using it. And remember, these are young children.
True, I have to agree with you on those grounds since I have seen too many bad fanfics that used those cliches. Still, getting an oath from Dumbledore not to inform others about this without our permission would have been a requirement.
It just seems that the books reveal the worst of Snape while the movie does more to show him in a more humane light. This is a perfect example:
These are the things I care about in this selection:
[X] Meet with Hermione to study
[X] Meet with Madam Bones and Susan
-[X] Optional: Tell Madam Bones about your Gamer Power(Takes 1 additional time slot, special event)[Edit: Only if you can get an oath that she wont inform anyone else of this without your permission.]
[X] Have Moody remove Dudley's Tail(+relationship with Dudley, -amusement from Dudley having a pig's tail)
[X] Train with Mad-Eye Moody(Increase to defense, and potential of increase to physical stats)
[X] Write a letter to Neville