- Location
- Earth
- Pronouns
- He/Him
That seems like something someone else would have pointed out.I figured it was his bright blue hair that everyone was staring at, or that Big Sis had put some kind of electronic marker in his forehead or something.
That seems like something someone else would have pointed out.I figured it was his bright blue hair that everyone was staring at, or that Big Sis had put some kind of electronic marker in his forehead or something.
Edit: hahaha, Private First Class of Platoon 4-1. How did I not recognize it before?
So he deserted not just from his platoon, but from his entire reality?
Ha. I wanted to joke that Silas was an 'Ah! My Goddess' character, and didn't figure out no one is supposed to have strange markings on forehead because everyone has anime hair hanging over their eyes.I figured it was his bright blue hair that everyone was staring at, or that Big Sis had put some kind of electronic marker in his forehead or something.
A foreign girl, and a stalker? Silas spent several years in isolation, when would he get an admirer? And Big Sister (the AI one) would never have allowed a stalker.As for Ami, I assumed she had a crush on him. Although I don't know how she would have gotten it, as he didn't seem to recognize her. A stalker, maybe?
Silas is a student in Class 4-1, together with Yumika, Shinohara and the rest.
Silas is a student in Class 4-1, together with Yumika, Shinohara and the rest.
Private!Silas is a soldier in Platoon 4-1, together with Mika and I am sure at least some of the rest are there.
He (probably) jumped realities, or something to that effect. But he still remembers glimpses of the old one, and it gnaws at him.
Write off the presence of the Council in the dream as a reference to the Student Council, and ignore the (prior) mention of the Flip that Silas doesn't know about anyway. Or discard the fact that this:"Private First Class... So they gave you a rank, huh? Must be some sort of reorganization thing the Council came up recently. I never got a rank…" she puffed her cheeks.
...has chronologically happened before this:"So?" she asked, rotating her head just a cinch. "Command never gets us our food on time, so for the evening rations we ended up with bacon onigiri and liberty eggs. Whatever those are." she rolled her eyes playfully.
Maybe Silas has noticed it subconsciously, and the dream just gave him a hint."H-Hey, Yumika-san," Silas had walked up to her desk.
"Nn?" Yumika asked, quickly swallowing down a bite of… was that onigiri wrapped in slices of bacon? How had he never thought of that before? "What is it?"
Any stalker would need to be a new development. Possibly this-week new, unintentionally taking advantage of Big Sister's reduced Silas not-stalking. If the latter is true...I wouldn't want to be Silas's stalker when Big Sister finishes her tasks.A foreigner girl, and a stalker? Silas spent several years in isolation, when would he get an admirer? And Big Sister (the AI one) would never have allowed a stalker.
"We're splitting!" Yumika announced suddenly. "What's 5,250-en divided by three, again? 2,300-en, or something, right? Here, let me get my wallet… uh…"
"No. Yumika-san. It's 1,750-en." Hana said, bluntly.
"Take this - " She handed him a credit card - " and charge exactly half of what is left. Please."
and ignore the mention of the Flip that Silas doesn't know about anyway
Old Gumboots(?) - A pair of long, black, steel-toed rubber boots that are a smidge too tight to be comfortable, but are well-worn. Unfortunately, there's no space to hide weapons in. (+0.5 COUR when equipped. Can only be worn during cold weather.)
"Yeah…" Hana let out a sigh. "...I have a… really weird effect on emotions. You got lucky; usually, when I feed off insecurity, what comes out isn't so… yeah…"
"How have I not run into you here before?" Hana mused, visibly sinking in her seat. "I mean, this train's not that big… and you're, well…" She briefly glanced in his direction, her gaze hovering over his forehead for a millisecond, before quickly looking away again. "You're very hard to miss. You know what I mean?"
Almost immediately, another student, one with her hair tied up in a net, burst from behind a drapery and pulled her aside, whispering something fiercely into her ear.
For some reason, her eyes seemed to flash over Silas's forehead more than once.
"She's a bitch," Hana said flatly. Silas flinched slightly. That was awfully blunt of her. Hana continued: "She's too loud, too full of herself… way too proud of her artistic abilities. And she really likes projecting herself in the most obnoxious way possible. I have no idea how she and Allen-kun get along…"
For some reason, she seemed to be trying to duck her head underneath her shoulders. She was scowling.
Hana held out her palm to keep him away. The other, she used to cover up her mouth. "I'm… I'm fine… just a little… food poisoning..." Hana wheezed. "But I need to - " she suddenly moved to press her lips to her face with both of her palms. Then she clutched her stomach. "R-Restroom..."
"You're treating me like I'm a celebrity!" Yumika laughed. There was something uncomfortable about her tone of voice.
"I don't know." Yumika shook her head. "I... don't want to think they are. That would mean they're... responsible for all of this... this bullshit, but Ichiro-kun and Ki - and Maeda-san aren't like that. It doesn't make sense for them. Hana-chan, you remember what Maeda-san was like last year, right?"
Hana coughed. Her eyes caught Silas's for a brief moment. "Uh... yeah."
"She's different, too. She's lost a lot of her playfulness. She seems... cold. And efficient. Like a robot.
In an instant, the rage was gone from Hana's face. She cupped her mouth with her two hands, eyes wide. Yumika's eyes were locked with Hana's. Her teeth were bared - in anger or defiance or something else, Silas couldn't tell. The two were like statues - unflinching and frozen in place. Yumika sniffed.
He nodded. "Tickets are 1000-en each. Your balance is not enough. Do you have a credit card account? I can charge that, instead."
"Uh, n-no… Big Sis said those were dangerous and unnecessary..."
To be honest, I interpreted it as Hana having a bit of a crush on Allen.Given their respective personalities, it's not much of a surprise that Hana and Dorima don't get along. What is interesting is that Hana seems particularly bothered by how close Dorima is to Allen. Come to think of it, Hana seems to know a lot about Allen, and Allen didn't approve of Dorima bad mouthing Hana, but when Silas asked Hana if she was friends with Allen, she denied it. I wonder if they used to be friends, but then drifted apart, perhaps because Hana is too much of a wallflower to be a good debate partner.
That's very good for the SELF if true. If we can get organized before the Foundation does, we'll have a much stronger platform to argue from when it comes to getting them to both not contain Shinohara and also to not shoot at us. I still maintain that it might be possible to find a non-violent solution to the problem, if we can bring enough strength to bear and show reasonableness in our requests (I wouldn't be adverse to research being done on Hana, as long as she consented and the testing was ethical. In fact I'd love [LOVE] to have an opportunity to do some testing of our own some point in the future, or just interview Hana on what it's like).Useful to know. We already suspected that the Foundation members had been quantum leaped or something to that effect, but good to have more confirmation. More notably, they only started acting like this within the last year. That also explains why they're so suspicious and disorganized; they haven't actually been here that long, and they're still sorting things out.
I assume it's a reference to some kind of detective pulp thing? I know gumboots are a thing there, and concealed weapons seems like something that would come up often in that sort of story.
Especially not when he doesn't have a metaphorical angel on his shoulder, ready to metaphorically slap his wallet out of his hand when he's about to do something stupid.I'm inclined to agree with Big Sis on this point. So far, Silas doesn't seem to be have much experience with managing his spending money. I'm not sure I trust him with a credit account.
I hate to encourage your type, but it could just be that Hana likes Allen in a non-romantic way. There's nothing weird or wrong about being in the friendzone...which, I'd like to emphasize, applies to Silas, too.To be honest, I interpreted it as Hana having a bit of a crush on Allen.
Which sucks for my ship, but is a believable wrinkle in our (my) plans to get Silas Bakemono Kissu's...
Nothing to do with his spending habits.I'm inclined to agree with Big Sis on this point. So far, Silas doesn't seem to be have much experience with managing his spending money. I'm not sure I trust him with a credit account.
What, Romantics?
Is that what shippers call themselves these days?
'couldn't'"Not aloud, dear Silas. You're in public." Big Sister seemed to be laughing directly into his earlobe. He could tell if her voice was coming from his phone or just from a nearby monitor.
"...just had to make sure I gave a copy to you in a public space. So that your text wouldn't seem too out of place, in case errant eyes started looking looking our way." Yumika winked.
I am now curious under what circumstances Hana has revealed herself to Yumika. The two have a history together, that much is clear."...huh! That's… interesting. Usually, Hana-chan doesn't…" She looked him over, and grinned. "I guess like attracts like, right?"
Yumika hates cold. Yet she dresses lightly, with only a jacket and a skirt. Why? Does she have an image to maintain? Art demands sacrifices?Compared to him, she was dressed lightly for the weather; green jacket with a pink undershirt; a skirt with thick leggings for warmth. Briefly, Silas wondered how she could stand this kind of weather wearing such a thin layer of clothing - even he wouldn't be brave enough to wander outside the snow wearing that.
"...he keeps a lot of files, Sai-kun. Did you know that? I didn't. It peeves me, a little. Anyway… Ichiro-kun, and his friends at the Student Council… they have records. On us."
Silas's eyes widened. He could feel Big Sister in the back of his skull, buzzing with sudden interest.
Missed it. Apparently, Silas was entrusted with the leading role at some point? Can't really discern whether he talks about games or something else, but the italics are indicative of a memory, and Akataiyou doesn't sound like a Merikan location.I'm leading. Legs, forward. Left foot, right foot, like you're marching to battle in Akataiyou, flanked by your loyal officers…
I think he is enjoying it since it comes from you two. Maybe Kuroda is not the only masochist in Drama."Hana-chan, between the two of us, I bet we've had to ask Sai-kun to stop apologizing so many times it's starting to feel like bullying," Yumika giggled. "We're not bullying you, Sai-kun?" A tiny flicker of seriousness flashed in her eyes.
"N-No! Of course not!" Silas laughed. He waved her off.
Shinohara enjoys excessive but genuine praise, while Yumika feels a little uncomfortable at all the fangirling. Maybe being able to taste it makes the experience different?"And you!" the girl turned excitedly to Hana. "Shinohara-senpai! I remember you from Pastel Wish! You were such a badass antagonist! I didn't know the school system allowed depictions of blood on their school plays!"
"They… ah… d-didn't…" Hana blushed, grinning, and looked away. "I mean, it was only paint…"
No, that actually makes a lot of sense. Even if she makes herself sound suspicious, she is perfectly safe, since she herself is clean of any anomalies."I was messing with Ichiro-kun's communications a little bit," Yumika said sheepishly. "And making it obvious. So they could trace it back to me. I also left a journal on my personal computer that makes me look super guilty. I even used some of the descriptors they use to describe what they thought Hana-chan was. 'Paranoia-inducing,' 'intensified stress-response…' that sort of thing."
"Yumika-san, t-that's a horrible idea!" Silas exclaimed.
"He…" Yumika hesitated. "He's… different, now. He seems a lot more serious. And… he thinks he's part of some sort of… secret organization that collects and… locks away… these dangerous things."
"She's different, too. She's lost a lot of her playfulness. She seems... cold. And efficient. Like a robot. She's - Gods, I hate this - she was one of the people who kept heckling with Ichiro-kun to speed up the investigation already. Last week, almost everything she talked to him about was asking for more people or resources or whatever to help her investigate something to do with the movie night, and it was her that suggested they start logging all of us Drama members, and her that pegged you as suspicious early on..."
"...Maeda-san suspected me already?!" Hana shouted, much too loudly. "When?!"
I think we should try to theorise more about it. The personalities of the Student Council members have been altered since the last year. That might have been the Flip. So, are they new people replacing old personalities in their bodies? But... Maeda and Nanami are still besties. How did that happen?"W-What happened with that, then?" Hana asked. "Why didn't they ever try to test me...?"
"I don't know why, but Maeda-san just sort of... seemed to forget about it? I don't know," Yumika repeated, shrugging. "She let it go, and that was that. No tests."
What can you guys make out of this exchange?"You of ALL people should know that not telling people things gets people hurt!"
"I KNOW! I'M SORRY!" Yumika sounded like a cornered mouse. "I JUST DIDN'T WANT YOU TO BE WORRIED!"
Zaelix suggested that it was Yumika who had suffered for it before, but I think that she inadvertantly hurt someone (or possibly herself) with her scheming, and Hana is mad because she is doing it yet again.Soo Hana's pissed at Yumi for basically trying to put it all on herself basically. And Yumi got burnt HARD by someone else doing that for her back in the day.
This is an interesting observation, and not something I would have noticed. But I have to question whether it is true.-Yumika - We know she puts up a front in front of Silas. She keeps it going even when she doesn't need to. This was literally what sabotaged her efforts to explain, she tried and then reflexively segued into being super duper cutesy, which physically sickens Hana from the flavor. This means that she's not going to address the problem while with Silas and does not intend to start.
2.1) FakeYumika is maintained only in front of Silas
And then in the restaurant she tried to avoid saying anything, 'cheerfully' interrupting Silas several times until Hana put a stop to it:"It's nothing serious - it seems like they have records on all the students, for some reason," Yumika said seriously. "But… Hana-chan's… 'profile,' I guess you could call it, it worries me. There are a number of things… oh, Hana-chan is back. Hana-chan!"
Yumika did a complete one-eighty, spinning around with near-military precision. "We were waiting for - omigod, you look adorable! That's a new parka, isn't it? Where did you get that scarf? Ahhh~! You look so mature!"
Now that it has been said, the reason for maintaining a, shall we say, lively personality is gone. I don't know Fake Yumika is there anymore, as her purpose has been served."Yumika-san."
Silas blinked. The room became unbearably quiet; Hana had a weird, peeved expression. "...you're doing the thing you do all the time again."
Yumika looked confused. "What thing?"
"Your too happy-sounding. You're smile is too wide. You keep shifting the position of your feet, like you're never quite comfortable in your seating position, and your finger hasn't stopped tapping the table for at least a minute." Hana clenched a fist. "You taste like red food coloring. You're putting off saying something again, aren't you? Wait - "
I think allowing Mikado to draw anything is a farce in itself. He'd be able to pull out whatever he wanted even if all but one themes were the same. Hell, he'd probably draw something else if all of them were the same, just to prove the point."Grumble grumble," Hana sighed. "Mikado was making a big show about making his random draw in front of everyone, too, to prove he wasn't being unfair. And, when he was done, after we flipped them all over and half of them were the same - "
"'What is this tomfoolery?! My liege! This is an affront to Justice; how dare you insult the fragile peace of this sacred establishment!'" Yumika proclaimed in a reasonable facsimile of Kuroda's voice. "Ahhhh… hah. We didn't win it anyway. Stupid probabilities."
I'm guessing a pocket in roughly the same direction relative to his head as a nearby monitor. Either that, or he forgot which pocket his phone was in.Also, where was his phone that he couldn't determine where the sound was coming from?
Maybe, but Shinohara has aspects of her personality unrelated to her diet.Shinohara enjoys excessive but genuine praise, while Yumika feels a little uncomfortable at all the fangirling. Maybe being able to taste it makes the experience different?![]()
I don't think the Council Foundation would be happy to let people off the hook for messing with their files...No, that actually makes a lot of sense. Even if she makes herself sound suspicious, she is perfectly safe, since she herself is clean of any anomalies.
Unless she isn't, then it's a horrible idea!
I think we should gather more data first. Hypotheses developed before we have a sufficient body of evidence will undul influence our interpretation of said evidence.
As far as we know...Then again, we are talking justice in a club where the Kaichou, the Vice-President, the Vice-President's closest friend and the newly inducted member all engage in corruption, collusion and bribery to some degree, leaving only Kuroda and Shinohara out of their machinations.
I think we should try to theorise more about it. The personalities of the Student Council members have been altered since the last year. That might have been the Flip. So, are they new people replacing old personalities in their bodies? But... Maeda and Nanami are still besties. How did that happen?
Or is it just the atmosphere of paranoia due to something that happened recently that is making everyone distant from each other?
Is Yumika perhaps misinterpreting Maeda's interest in the movie night? Could it have to do something with Nanami manifesting on that night instead? But then, why the test, and pointing out Hana as suspicious, and heckling to speed up the investigation?
But then, why was the test idea dropped? I am not sure I understand the logic guiding Maeda's actions here.
It's easier to explain certain other phenomena with an alternate-world-selves model than a future-selves model.The impression I've been getting is that the "new personalities" are the minds/memories of the Councils future selves, or perhaps of older versions of themselves from another reality.
Isn't it the point of mystery, to let your imagination run wild and form hypotheses (discarding them as new facts become available) in order to predict the conclusion before it is spelled out for you?I think we should gather more data first. Hypotheses developed before we have a sufficient body of evidence will undul influence our interpretation of said evidence.
Clearly she is an infiltrator-class android. Hence the ease of switching emotional states on-demand.I thought it might relate to her acting ability, but now it could be a Yuki-Onna sort of situation? Maybe?
Perhaps this line of thought was dropped once she remembered Nanami and concentrated her efforts there instead?You'd think Maeda would have noticed that her emotions flew off the handle and did weird 180's during that scene, and possibly have begun to suspect something even without the aggravated paranoiac response.
I'm all for trying to figure out mysteries...once we have the data to do so. I enjoy speculation, but to me, speculation without data is like sportsball without a ball: A pointless endeavor where success or failure are arbitrary, and which lacks a component critical to deriving enjoyment from the process.Isn't it the point of mystery, to let your imagination run wild and form hypotheses (discarding them as new facts become available) in order to predict the conclusion before it is spelled out for you?
We are readers, after all, not jury presiding over someone's case.