The Morrsley Village Experiment

I'll just repeat my counterarguments:

1. Uncertainty:
We don't know if Nictis is right about how kills work.
We don't know if Nictis is being honest about their role.
Either or both might be true, but I don't think we should count on either.

2. The Plan is badly flawed:
Let's presume -Rosen is one of the killers, Nictis is telling the truth about everything, and is right about the game:

If -Rosen is the mafia killer, presumably the kills would stop while he is roleblocked. But that is ultimately not in the interests of the SK, who could just whack Nictis. At which point we are back to two night kills, but down a roleblocker.

If -Rosen is the SK, roleblocking him instead of lynching him accomplishes nothing.

3. Loss of information
If we don't lynch -Rosen, we don't see how he flips. If he flips town we have good reason to be suspicious of IH. If he flips with a killing role, that gives us good reason to suspect Shadell.
Conversely, if -Rosen flips scum killer, that pretty much confirms there roles and makes their alignment much more likely to be town.

With Nictis' plan, we just don't get any of that information.
If the SK kills me, they're not killing Town and quite frankly it saves you a lynch later. So that's a point in favor of my plan.
Rosen has already confirmed that Shadell was not lying.
ItzNarcotic has already confirmed that there is a roleblocker, and nobody is counter claiming me.

Killing Rosen actively makes me more dangerous to the other killer, and so makes me more likely to be killed. And you continue to insist that lynching anyone else is guaranteed to hit Town.

If Rosen is the Serial Killer, roleblocking him still roleblocks him. Meaning it still stops the kill, unless if we're working with Town of Salem logic in which case he kills me, and even then that is to Town's advantage.

Meso, your points here are bad and ignoring things that are known.
If your argument is that they'll go back to killing two people a night when I die, then you're ignoring that I'd still be stopping the kill tonight. Meanwhile lynching Rosen has them kill two people tonight.
If the SK kills me, they're not killing Town and quite frankly it saves you a lynch later. So that's a point in favor of my plan.
Rosen has already confirmed that Shadell was not lying.
ItzNarcotic has already confirmed that there is a roleblocker, and nobody is counter claiming me.

Killing Rosen actively makes me more dangerous to the other killer, and so makes me more likely to be killed. And you continue to insist that lynching anyone else is guaranteed to hit Town.

If Rosen is the Serial Killer, roleblocking him still roleblocks him. Meaning it still stops the kill, unless if we're working with Town of Salem logic in which case he kills me, and even then that is to Town's advantage.

Meso, your points here are bad and ignoring things that are known.
Roleblocking the SK stops the kill. So does lynching them, and it doesn't involve relying on the good will of a third party to do so.

If your argument is that they'll go back to killing two people a night when I die, then you're ignoring that I'd still be stopping the kill tonight. Meanwhile lynching Rosen has them kill two people tonight.
You assume so. But it is quite possible the SKs kill takes priority in which case it does nothing.

And you seem to have misconstrued my concerns. My point wasn't that the SK getting you would be tragic for town. (No offense) It is that this is such an obviously bad deal from the perspective you've claimed to be working from (you die as the only member of your faction to prevent a single nightkill for a separate team) that I don't think that can be all there is to this plan.

My point was that even if we assumed you were right and honest, this plan is terrible for you and only very slightly beneficial for us. Which means I suspect you're getting something else out of it. And without knowing what that something else might be, I am extremely reluctant to leave scum alive on your say so for such a minimal benefit. (That being a 25% chance of stopping a single nightkill, assuming you are right and telling the truth.)
Also, I'll note you seem to have pretty much ignored the other elements of my criticism. We still don't know if you're right. We still don't know if you're scum. And we still learn nothing from lynching whichever low post count rando we might settle on today.
Personally believe this is a bit bold and rather overconfident in that -Rosen is absolutely the IV. Killer. I trust you have confidence in your own plan, I don't however, sorry My dood.
We know that Rosen is a killer, and one that was acting last night. We don't know if he was IV or Pink. Either way, he's getting roleblocked.
For what it is worth I didn't mean to throw shade at @Nictis . This is a game where lying is a perfectly reasonable, even mandatory strategy for some teams. I don't intend to impugn his credibility or character. Just that it is entirely believable to me that making up a role and convincing town to rely on it is the kind of strategy a skilled player could get away with.

In Game of Crowns, Nictis invented a role, and then lied about the nature of the role he made up, in such a way that based on secret information, town "figured out" the fictitious role he made up, and I at least totally bought it. If it weren't for Evenstar's well honed paranoia and a lucky nightkill by a different scum team we'd have lost the game right then and there.

I guess what I am saying is that I hope my paranoia with regards to Nictis should be seen as a tribute to his abilities, and not any sort of animosity outside the game.
Your paranoia towards me and my claims is good and appreciated. Shading is a term more meant for casting doubt on someone without any actual in game reason. Something like "Nictis tends to lie about his role" would be casting shade if there isn't any reason in particular to think that I am lying in the given scenario. The hard part is just in figuring out what is done with honest intent and what is just meant to plant doubt.

Now to hit refresh and see what's been said since my break.
This is a weird sort of day, from my experience, anyway, because we identified our probable lynch very close to start of day, and they just stopped participating, so the normal pushback and arguing as the lynchee tries to wriggle off the hook or bargain isn't happening.
Roleblocking the SK stops the kill. So does lynching them, and it doesn't involve relying on the good will of a third party to do so.
And if Rosen isn't the SK then you'll be letting scum kill more people. Meanwhile if Rosen is the SK then we'll have proof of it tomorrow, and can merrily go on lynching him then.

You assume so. But it is quite possible the SKs kill takes priority in which case it does nothing.
I'm assuming this based on every previous game I've seen, and my win condition. There is an assumption, but it's one that I have been given no reason whatsoever to doubt.

And you seem to have misconstrued my concerns. My point wasn't that the SK getting you would be tragic for town. (No offense) It is that this is such an obviously bad deal from the perspective you've claimed to be working from (you die as the only member of your faction to prevent a single nightkill for a separate team) that I don't think that can be all there is to this plan.
Except that I've explained that I'm not in danger here, and how this is directly helping me win. And you're ignoring that.

The scum aren't going to kill me because they either won't be capable or can't afford to. With the exception of one situation that goes against everything that I've seen of Forum Mafia, I'm not losing here.

My point was that even if we assumed you were right and honest, this plan is terrible for you and only very slightly beneficial for us. Which means I suspect you're getting something else out of it. And without knowing what that something else might be, I am extremely reluctant to leave scum alive on your say so for such a minimal benefit. (That being a 25% chance of stopping a single nightkill, assuming you are right and telling the truth.)
So fake probability is your reasoning? Do I need to start saying this every game now?

Mafia is a Social Game. There is more to it than numbers. Instead of just handwaving things as assumptions how about you try to find a reasoning where I reveal as Roleblocker and put myself on the lynch line if I don't stop Town from getting killed as being bad? What ulterior motive can I have for trying to save the known Town?
I'm feeling confident in the Rosen Lynch, so I won't change unless the next 30 minutes are weird.

That said, I don't imagine I'll live till tomorrow (though it's possible), so I'd like to suggest that Cyri remains suspect over the reasons stated and that Hybrid looks increasingly like they just jumping on every likely wagon immediately, which is worth more scrutiny.

A lot of players have skated by pretty hard on barely engaging, so people (myself included if alive) may want to make a priority of pushing more people to take the stage tomorrow.
I'm feeling confident in the Rosen Lynch, so I won't change unless the next 30 minutes are weird.

That said, I don't imagine I'll live till tomorrow (though it's possible), so I'd like to suggest that Cyri remains suspect over the reasons stated and that Hybrid looks increasingly like they just jumping on every likely wagon immediately, which is worth more scrutiny.

A lot of players have skated by pretty hard on barely engaging, so people (myself included if alive) may want to make a priority of pushing more people to take the stage tomorrow.
Do you mind if I make a single sentence to try and showcase why I'm pushing this?

I can say with 90% certainty that if Rosen survives today, you'll be alive tomorrow.
And if Rosen isn't the SK then you'll be letting scum kill more people. Meanwhile if Rosen is the SK then we'll have proof of it tomorrow, and can merrily go on lynching him then.

I'm assuming this based on every previous game I've seen, and my win condition. There is an assumption, but it's one that I have been given no reason whatsoever to doubt.

Except that I've explained that I'm not in danger here, and how this is directly helping me win. And you're ignoring that.

The scum aren't going to kill me because they either won't be capable or can't afford to. With the exception of one situation that goes against everything that I've seen of Forum Mafia, I'm not losing here.

So fake probability is your reasoning? Do I need to start saying this every game now?

Mafia is a Social Game. There is more to it than numbers. Instead of just handwaving things as assumptions how about you try to find a reasoning where I reveal as Roleblocker and put myself on the lynch line if I don't stop Town from getting killed as being bad? What ulterior motive can I have for trying to save the known Town?
You've done nothing to explain how this directly helps you win. You've claimed it will save a townie, but that does nothing to directly complete your goals.

Your argument is that the scum can't "waste time" killing you, or won't be able to. That's simply wrong. If Rosen is the SK, your offer to roleblock does nothing to benefit town. If Rosen isn't the SK, the SK has every reason to kill you and would have to do so anyway.

I have been unsure if you were lying about your role or not, but I had been leaning towards not. But now I'm not so sure. Because you are doing a lot of insulting and misrepresenting without actually engaging my points.

You are asking us to believe a third party player is going to put their ass on the line for town. ("But I won't be in danger, because the SK won't target me, even though that would be by far the most reasonable person to target"). That ain't happening.

You've spent a ton of time arguing for this maneuver, despite the fact it benefits town, and you can't explain how it helps you achieve your ill-defined wincon. You keep ignoring the very real possibility that Rosen is the SK. You've resulted to insulting and misrepresenting arguments to keep pushing this idea.

You are going to a ton of effort to keep Rosen alive and I don't think for a second it is because you are worried about town power roles.
I'm feeling confident in the Rosen Lynch, so I won't change unless the next 30 minutes are weird.

That said, I don't imagine I'll live till tomorrow (though it's possible), so I'd like to suggest that Cyri remains suspect over the reasons stated and that Hybrid looks increasingly like they just jumping on every likely wagon immediately, which is worth more scrutiny.

A lot of players have skated by pretty hard on barely engaging, so people (myself included if alive) may want to make a priority of pushing more people to take the stage tomorrow.
Pretty sure the EoD is about 24 hours from now, unless we decide to hammer.
Well, it's unfortunate that you don't intent to come back, but such is life. Do keep in mind that this game has been something of a shitshow.

As for your claim, don't worry about it. In this case not only is the claim you made the 'default', so you don't make yourself a target for no reason, but also enough power roles are open that you are probably not going to worsen things by leaking information.
Honestly, I'd recommend giving it another go. This goes to all the new players by the way, if you're seeing this.

This is definitely outside the norm of how these games tend to go, usually there's more of a focus on the actual gameplay and social aspect, and so there's more stuff to engage with. This game just had broken code really quickly and we're left with not much to actually do.

There are... Issues in this game, both in the setup and how it's been played so far, and I am sorry that nobody here really got to enjoy the game.

Thanks guys. I'll...think about it. But I don't think I'm really cut out for this type of game. I mean...what useful data have I contributed so far? The social/reading thing isn't a strong suit of mine.

@RaptorusMaximus Hey, mind giving us some reads on who you think is what role out of this group of people:

Well...tbh, I haven't really been paying attention to them. I've been kinda caught up in Nictis' debate with...basically everyone.
@Nictis I am tired of trying to argue this with you. You keep repeating the same few points and ignoring the flaws in them. You keep getting angry that town isn't anxious to let scum live on the word of a third party that they can and will contain them. I'm keeping my vote on -Rosen. I recommend we lynch them before EoD.
@Nictis, the core problem isn't that I don't think your plan is workable though I worry you're making a number of assumptions here. The problem is that I remain unconvinced you're on my side.

Like, this doesn't actually help you much if true. The roleblock claim is plausible at this point, but you know town wants you dead, and still haven't given a defensible win condition that puts this in your best interests.

Because I think it got lost in all the back and forth about examining Nictis' claimed motives and the viability of their plan if his assumptions were correct, I wanted to restate the reason I think those assumptions might not be correct:

Backups inherit powers that are lost on death. IE: Cop or Doctor.
A Mafia is defined as a group that has a kill that needs the Town dead.
A scum Backup is meant to keep other powers in play, so that if we were to lynch a Mafia Transporter for example, the Mafia doesn't lose that power.

The only situation where a Mafia loses the ability to kill when their killer dies is in a game that is very poorly constructed, and the only example I know of is Crystal Watcher's Magical Mafia.

A backup is not going to exist in a two person Mafia because at that point it is easier on both the GM and the Mafia to have the power that would be inherited just be a factional ability that either member can use.
Here is the biggest logical jump I see. It starts out with an explanation of how Backups work, which is fine and good. And the goes on to explain that mafia don't lose their nightkill when their leader dies. Also fine and also good. But somehow between the two, we are supposed to take the conclusion that a scum back up must necessarily inherit the nightkill, and not , for example, the powers of a scum rolecop or transporter.

The setup thoughts is based on a couple things, Shadell being an Experimental Gunsmith and that being how it worked in IJW's last game being the main factors.
And here is the rest of the evidence. That the GM used something similar in a previous game, and a role name.

From which we are to derive that there is one scum killer at a time, that only passes down the ability to kill when they die.

So this would have to be accurate before we consider that Rosen might be mafia or SK, and before we consider what other motives might be in play.
You've done nothing to explain how this directly helps you win. You've claimed it will save a townie, but that does nothing to directly complete your goals.

Your argument is that the scum can't "waste time" killing you, or won't be able to. That's simply wrong. If Rosen is the SK, your offer to roleblock does nothing to benefit town. If Rosen isn't the SK, the SK has every reason to kill you and would have to do so anyway.
My offer of roleblocking will put them on lockdown while we narrow the noose on the rest of the scum by removing the people that they can hide behind, and by keeping the gunsmith alive.

The SK can't afford to be killing me because it needs to be killing out the people that will catch it. ie: The claimed Watcher and Gunsmith.

We do not know if Rosen is the SK or not, if Rosen is the SK then there's no benefit to this over lynching Rosen because either way it will remove the kill, but if Rosen is not the SK then killing Rosen allows the scum to kill more people. The point that I've raised repeatedly about this is that we'll know which one Rosen is after tonight because one of the kills will be missing. If Rosen is the SK then we can kill him then and I'll go back to trying to find the Independent Variable killer.

Your plan is taking a 50/50 chance of being more beneficial, if Rosen is the Serial Killer then your plan is the better one, because it will remove the kill and allow me to focus on blocking someone else. If Rosen is not the Serial Killer, then your plan allows both of the Investigatives to die tonight unless if I get lucky and block the new killer.

My plan guarantees that one of the Investigatives survives and lowers the amount of people that the killer can hide among. If Rosen is blocked and is Independent, then we can focus on lynching the Serial Killer, who we will know is not Narcotic or whoever else that Shadell investigates. Or Shadell will find the killer and we'll lynch him then. The other possibility is that Rosen is blocked and is the Serial Killer, and then we lynch him and things go back to what is basically your plan.
I have been unsure if you were lying about your role or not, but I had been leaning towards not. But now I'm not so sure. Because you are doing a lot of insulting and misrepresenting without actually engaging my points.
... Are we seriously having this bullshit about me not engaging again?

You can't both complain about me responding to your stuff and say that I'm not engaging.
You are asking us to believe a third party player is going to put their ass on the line for town. ("But I won't be in danger, because the SK won't target me, even though that would be by far the most reasonable person to target"). That ain't happening.
Except that I'm not the most reasonable person for the SK to target, and I've said this multiple times. I've also not said that I'm doing this for Town, but that it works for Town's benefit.

We'll have to agree to disagree on who the SK is going to kill, because I'm pretty sure that the SK can't afford to waste time killing me while I'm locked up blocking Rosen. There's bigger threats.
You've spent a ton of time arguing for this maneuver, despite the fact it benefits town, and you can't explain how it helps you achieve your ill-defined wincon. You keep ignoring the very real possibility that Rosen is the SK. You've resulted to insulting and misrepresenting arguments to keep pushing this idea.
I've given you my goddamn wincon so many times now, and you've figured it out yourself, but you can't see how me getting a kill locked and trying to lynch the other killer isn't going to help my win con?

The killing has to stop. I am a roleblocker. I can stop kills, but there are multiple killers. Rosen is a known killer.

I have not been ignoring the possibility of Rosen being a Serial Killer, I've mentioned it many times now.
You are going to a ton of effort to keep Rosen alive and I don't think for a second it is because you are worried about town power roles.
If Shadell and Hobo die, I lose a way to find the people I need lynched. I'll be lynching near blindly among a group of unknowns that we've let stay at a large size. I'll probably still win in that scenario, but I find the plan where less people I know are Town die to be better.

I'm going to be playing 7 Days in a bit, but I suppose I'll go quote hunting my own posts to show why you're irritating at this point Meso.
I'm going to be playing 7 Days in a bit, but I suppose I'll go quote hunting my own posts to show why you're irritating at this point Meso.
Actually, no. I'm going to leave now. Meso is claiming that I'm ignoring stuff I've already addressed, and making accusations that I'm sticking to the same points as if I need to come up with new reasons for a plan that already works. I'm not going to start just making up shit because Meso says that me sticking to what I know to be a bad thing.

Call it misrepresentation if you want Meso, I'm calling it the way I'm reading it.
Also, this post has been bugging me:
We can lynch Rosen, I'm fine with that. I just think that we'd be better served by letting Rosen live long enough that I can stop a night kill.
Two things about it bug me. First off, notice the difference between the low key, noncommittal way the notion of keeping Rosen alive is floated here, compared to the last few posts, where opposition to this plan can only be the result of scummy intentions to "unchain" the nightkill or is trying to "get townies killed". Clearly Nictis thought it would be easier to get this accepted if he didn't push to hard at first, but it is clearly actually much more important to him than this post lets on.

Secondly, note the phrasing "long enough that I can stop a night kill". Not keep them roleblocked indefinitely to protect power roles, or anything like that. Just "block a night kill". The singular phrasing makes me think that there is something other going on, that blocking a night kill is important in its own right.
My offer of roleblocking will put them on lockdown while we narrow the noose on the rest of the scum by removing the people that they can hide behind, and by keeping the gunsmith alive.

The SK can't afford to be killing me because it needs to be killing out the people that will catch it. ie: The claimed Watcher and Gunsmith.
So you'll be keeping the gunsmith safe. But you'll be safe because the SK will be killing the gunsmith? That makes zero sense. Killing you means there will be two night kills again, making it much easier for the SK to achieve their goals. And why would they target the gunsmith, who is likely to be being watched, when they could kill you, and let the other mafia take the risk?

If you are safe because the SK is killing the gunsmith, the gunsmith isn't safe. If you are getting killed instead of the gunsmith, we have to ask why you would do this, which brings up the question of your motives again.
Actually, no. I'm going to leave now. Meso is claiming that I'm ignoring stuff I've already addressed, and making accusations that I'm sticking to the same points as if I need to come up with new reasons for a plan that already works. I'm not going to start just making up shit because Meso says that me sticking to what I know to be a bad thing.

Call it misrepresentation if you want Meso, I'm calling it the way I'm reading it.
I mean your plan is bad and involves letting scum live, but there is nothing I can do to keep you from pushing it. I can just criticize when I think there are bad ideas and weak arguments being pushed.

I'm sorry if you find this irritating. I'm having fun. If I weren't I wouldn't be playing.
Oh, and the "people they can hide behind" are townies we might have lynched instead of Rosen.
Two things about it bug me. First off, notice the difference between the low key, noncommittal way the notion of keeping Rosen alive is floated here, compared to the last few posts, where opposition to this plan can only be the result of scummy intentions to "unchain" the nightkill or is trying to "get townies killed". Clearly Nictis thought it would be easier to get this accepted if he didn't push to hard at first, but it is clearly actually much more important to him than this post lets on.
Read the key in frustration. You've been arguing that we should lynch Rosen because my plan is bad, because...
1: Nictis is lying about his role and we don't know that he'll even block Rosen.
2: We don't actually know that Rosen is a killer.
3: We would have to "Waste a lynch" on Nictis if he didn't follow through.
4: Not lynching scum on Day 2 is throwing away the game
5: Lynching anyone else is guaranteed to mislynch.

I've been getting frustrated because the reasoning you've given at that point had been consistently bad and dismissing everything as just assumptions, and splitting between casting doubt on me and calling me town-sided.
Secondly, note the phrasing "long enough that I can stop a night kill". Not keep them roleblocked indefinitely to protect power roles, or anything like that. Just "block a night kill". The singular phrasing makes me think that there is something other going on, that blocking a night kill is important in its own right.
Are you ignoring that that was specifically referring to us lynching Rosen tomorrow, and was a follow up on trying to explain to you that one scum kill is better than two scum kills, and me trying to point out that we could lynch Rosen at any later point but roleblocking him tonight would save Town?
So you'll be keeping the gunsmith safe. But you'll be safe because the SK will be killing the gunsmith? That makes zero sense. Killing you means there will be two night kills again, making it much easier for the SK to achieve their goals. And why would they target the gunsmith, who is likely to be being watched, when they could kill you, and let the other mafia take the risk?
The SK can't kill the Gunsmith, because the Watcher still exists. The SK can't afford to keep the Gunsmith around, and killing me gives the Gunsmith two nights to find them.

There's a necessary order to things at this point, the Watcher has to die before the Gunsmith can die. And I'd be roleblocking one of the kills, meaning that they can't take the risk.

Alright, new plan.

Give me a list of questions, that way I can answer them all and you can't ignore that I've already explained these things.
Oh, and the "people they can hide behind" are townies we might have lynched instead of Rosen.
Meso. If we lynch Rosen now, and Rosen is Mafia, then the Scum get to kill two people.

The "People they can hide behind" is a group that they are a part of.

Ignoring you and Narcotic here, the people in this group is Hybrid, Cyricubed, Raptor, and Chop.

If we lynch in that group today, then one will be investigated by Shadell and one will be lynched. That knocks it down to two people, if the killer isn't caught.

If we lynch Rosen today, then all four will be alive tomorrow, and none of them will be investigated. One will be roleblocked, but that still leaves three.

We have to lynch in that group either way, the difference is in how many Town get killed tonight.

Maybe lynching Hybrid or Cyricubed, or whoever we lynch today won't hit Scum. Maybe we'll hit Town. Maybe we'll hit Scum.

But the Scum aren't going to hit Scum. The Scum are going to hit Town.
I win when the killing stops. Paraphrased.
There are most likely multiple killing sources. Heavy implication.
I do not know if I need to be alive or not to win. Speculation and confusion.

The issue is this. Town has gone out and described, in pretty exact detail, the town win condition. We have, in fact, had a dozen pages of dialogue about the town win condition, but you're not allowed to state what yours is without adopting a riddle?
Read the key in frustration. You've been arguing that we should lynch Rosen because my plan is bad, because...
1: Nictis is lying about his role and we don't know that he'll even block Rosen.
2: We don't actually know that Rosen is a killer.
3: We would have to "Waste a lynch" on Nictis if he didn't follow through.
4: Not lynching scum on Day 2 is throwing away the game
5: Lynching anyone else is guaranteed to mislynch.

I've been getting frustrated because the reasoning you've given at that point had been consistently bad and dismissing everything as just assumptions, and splitting between casting doubt on me and calling me town-sided.

Are you ignoring that that was specifically referring to us lynching Rosen tomorrow, and was a follow up on trying to explain to you that one scum kill is better than two scum kills, and me trying to point out that we could lynch Rosen at any later point but roleblocking him tonight would save Town?

The SK can't kill the Gunsmith, because the Watcher still exists. The SK can't afford to keep the Gunsmith around, and killing me gives the Gunsmith two nights to find them.

There's a necessary order to things at this point, the Watcher has to die before the Gunsmith can die. And I'd be roleblocking one of the kills, meaning that they can't take the risk.

Alright, new plan.

Give me a list of questions, that way I can answer them all and you can't ignore that I've already explained these things.
1. That's still true. I just don't believe your claim. I don't think it makes sense.

2. That's still true. We don't know if there is only a single kill capable scum or not.

3. This is also true. Your reassurance is that we could lynch you if there is another night kill. But that means that if your plan fails for any reason other than you being scum, we'll have wasted a day killing you. so this plan could backfire on all of us even if you aren't malicious.

4. This is a misrepresentation. I said agreeing to this plan could cost us the game. Remember, there were only 13 players. Now we're down to ten, presumably 7 town and 3 scum. If we mislynch and you don't follow through on your plan, (whether because you mean to betray us or because you missed a scum ruleblocker or jailer or you are wrong about the set up) then we are at seven, 4 town and 3 scum. At that point, one town player voting another (a real possibility with new players) leaves us open to a scum backed hammer.

5. This is a misrepresentation. I said we're likely to mislynch. And I still think we are. Right now the top lynch picks are some low content new players a Cyri, with strong disagreement about whether any of them have seemed scummy or not.

If lynching Rosen today is so obviously antitown and destined to kill town power roles, why were you so willing to lynch Rosen tomorrow, when surely the same issues apply. why wouldn't the SK just have targeted me or you or Cyri and leave the town PRs alone until Night 3 when we'd have lynched Rosen. That is why it worried me. This went from a "hey, maybe this we be cool if we did this for a night" to "why do you want town PRs to be lynched!?!?!" when you encountered resistance.

And here is the problem with your notion that you won't be targeted because they have to kill the Gunsmith: Let's say you are right about everything and honest about your intentions, and your plan works. You suggest the SK absolutely must try to kill one of the Town PRs tonight. I don't think that's so. Let's say they do. They'd want to kill the watcher first. Of course, they likely have any investigative or protective roles that exist on them, but let's ignore that and presume it works. Then, assuming they survive, they'd kill Shadell the next night. So your plan, if it works like you expect, buys Shadell one night to do investigation.

But here's an alternate plan. The SK kills you. Let's again assume you're right and your roleblock works for the night and stops a kill. The next night there are two night kills. They kill Shadell and IH. Except this way, the the scum are back to two night kills. So this route nets them three kills over the two nights, and reduces the chances of getting blocked by protectives or spotted by watchers. (Since the mafia are taking half the risk).

So it just makes more sense for the SK to kill you. That's why I don't think you are being sincere. Both of these scenarios work out better for town if you are right about how the game works and don't screw us. But because the most likely way for this to play out gets you killed for the benefit of one fewer night kills and one extra day of gunsmithing just seems like an extremely bad deal, I find it very unlikely your offer is sincere.

I actually think Rosen as SK makes a lot of sense. It would explain the loss of interest in the game upon being cornered. If you have no team mates who can argue on your behalf or who you can coordinate with, there is little reason to stay invested. Whereas someone with teammates is more likely to stick around to help set them up. If that is the case, there is a significant chance he might be a Strongman. At which point your plan lets the scum kill both PRs when a lynch would save one of them.

Sure, that's just a guess, but it is a guess where there is no reliance on a third party player, and if I am wrong, we've still lynched scum.