The Morrsley Village Experiment

Do you mind if I make a single sentence to try and showcase why I'm pushing this?

I can say with 90% certainty that if Rosen survives today, you'll be alive tomorrow.
Here's what I was looking for. That doesn't seem like even scum could promise now that I think about it, given there was an SK running about. This was specifrically to Shadell.
IJW is not answering that because...

But has made that issue quite clear with the later post of...

Not to mention that the last game quite explicitly said that the game would end as soon as anyone met their win condition, but in this game that is not stated.

As for the certainty of roleblocking stopping the kill... Mate, it's worked that way in, to the best of my recall, every other game I've played in. And I'm sorry that I'm trying to get this game over with, considering that it's already solved and has been nothing but numbers since Day 2. I haven't been having fun, and I've been putting in the effort to win this out of principle. I'd rather we get this over with so I can go play a better game.

Literally claimed this Day 1, and all my actions are known and confirmed. But now is the time to doubt.

Sure. If anyone wants to try to counter claim me now, like Hybrid tried to do, feel free.

... First off, I guaranteed that one of Shadell or Hobo would survive. I was betting on it being Shadell because killing Shadell before Hobo is a nigh-guaranteed death sentence that they only got away with because Hobo tried to gamble on wine instead of guaranteeing that the noose slipped tighter by making sure that Shadell either gunsmithed someone or that whoever killed them got caught.

It's not like I made it the obvious course of action for those two or anything...

And Chop already confirmed that I blocked them yesterday.

Then why did you... Agh.

If you flip as Town, I'm going to be really annoyed with either you or IJW. You for confirming something you didn't see (Or lying about it now), or IJW for deciding that Vanillas don't get notified of roleblock.

I don't care much as to which one of the two we lynch, it's either ChopShop having some way to bypass my roleblock, which will be really annoying, Raptor having just generally slid under the radar, or meso pulling one hell of a long play. I don't think it's meso and am only really contemplating it since Shadell died visiting him, so we need to lynch one of those two.

So. Can we hurry it up please? I'd honestly rather be doing something else.

Preview Edit: Alright, recognized basic issue. It's not meso because if he was a Vet then both Shadell and Hobo would have died. Unless if it works like in Magical Mafia which... I wouldn't be surprised by at this point.
I'm not sure you're right about how the game works. (Again.) And I don't like the rushing or the attempts to Lynch OneStop when the evidence suggests they couldn't be the killer.

But in the interest of hurrying things along:
[X] Lynch Nictis
Here's what I was looking for. That doesn't seem like even scum could promise now that I think about it, given there was an SK running about. This was specifrically to Shadell.

I'm not sure you're right about how the game works. (Again.) And I don't like the rushing or the attempts to Lynch OneStop when the evidence suggests they couldn't be the killer.

But in the interest of hurrying things along:
[X] Lynch Nictis
"I can say with 90% certainty"

Following all the other posts where I repeatedly say that having me roleblock the scum will stop a kill, you know, how things work in almost every situation, I just...

Agh. Fuck it. I'm staring at this post and I am really fucking annoyed with other shit and coming into the thread and reading your blatant hypocrisy and misreading is not helping.

I don't care at this point. Kill me, then kill one of them. Hope you get the right one, because if you get the wrong one you lose. I just want to drop this fucking mess of a game and get onto the next one where there won't be a single point of actual social gameplay.
I don't care at this point. Kill me, then kill one of them. Hope you get the right one, because if you get the wrong one you lose. I just want to drop this fucking mess of a game and get onto the next one where there won't be a single point of actual social gameplay.
... To straighten this out, I'm talking about this game only having a single point of social deduction and gameplay. That was Hybrid.

As is you're calling me out for the reasoning being that I want to get out of this game that I've stopped having fun with halfway through Day 1. Plenty of other reasons that you could be trying to call me out here. "But I need the non-Test Subjects dead!" would be one. "Chop says you're lying!" would be another, it'd even be in fitting with how this usually goes with you. "But the roleblock didn't stop the kill last night!" would be another, it'd be hypocritical considering that you've been arguing that maybe they just have a limited amount of "Fuck you roleblocker" abilities, but it'd be a fair point!

There are plenty of things that would be good reasons to kill me here. I'm really fucking annoyed that "Is not enjoying game, wants game to end" is the one you're going with.

I'm annoyed with other shit at the moment, and it's bleeding over pretty heavily. But yeah.

Kill me because it's your literal fucking win condition, not because I'm trying to get this shit over with.
"I can say with 90% certainty"

Following all the other posts where I repeatedly say that having me roleblock the scum will stop a kill, you know, how things work in almost every situation, I just...

Agh. Fuck it. I'm staring at this post and I am really fucking annoyed with other shit and coming into the thread and reading your blatant hypocrisy and misreading is not helping.

I don't care at this point. Kill me, then kill one of them. Hope you get the right one, because if you get the wrong one you lose. I just want to drop this fucking mess of a game and get onto the next one where there won't be a single point of actual social gameplay.
I guess I didn't convey it well, but I was conceding my point about your promise was not as strong as I remembered it.
... To straighten this out, I'm talking about this game only having a single point of social deduction and gameplay. That was Hybrid.

As is you're calling me out for the reasoning being that I want to get out of this game that I've stopped having fun with halfway through Day 1. Plenty of other reasons that you could be trying to call me out here. "But I need the non-Test Subjects dead!" would be one. "Chop says you're lying!" would be another, it'd even be in fitting with how this usually goes with you. "But the roleblock didn't stop the kill last night!" would be another, it'd be hypocritical considering that you've been arguing that maybe they just have a limited amount of "Fuck you roleblocker" abilities, but it'd be a fair point!

There are plenty of things that would be good reasons to kill me here. I'm really fucking annoyed that "Is not enjoying game, wants game to end" is the one you're going with.

I'm annoyed with other shit at the moment, and it's bleeding over pretty heavily. But yeah.

Kill me because it's your literal fucking win condition, not because I'm trying to get this shit over with.
You seemed like you didn't want to engage so I didn't bother with the back and forth I would normally want to do. I wasn't trying to be an ass, I'd like to get to the end of the game, too.

Needing the non-test subjects dead is my reason for voting for you. I'm not sure you're right about how the game works, and I don't think anything IJW has said rules out the idea that the game is over when the last killing role dies.

I mentioned my worries about my inability to confirm your roleblocking as part of the discussion of the response to IH mentioning you acting scummy. Which I think he is right about, whether you are scum or not. Pushing for a fast lynch and discouraging discussion rubs me the wrong way.

If you want me to null my vote and discuss this I am happy to do so, but lynching you is where I am leaning right now. And so if we just want to hurry, I'm going to lay my cards on the table.
If you need me to clarify why I was saying that Shadell would almost certainly survive in that situation, I can! Again!

And again! And Again! Because that's what I fucking did then, and if I really need to hammer that in some more, I can!

I'll give you a quick hint though: The answer is "Watcher" and "Kill order," because if Hobo was Watching Shadell that night then the scum would have been caught and killed. Which is a risk that the scum should not have been willing to take!
I guess I didn't convey it well, but I was conceding my point about your promise was not as strong as I remembered it.

You seemed like you didn't want to engage so I didn't bother with the back and forth I would normally want to do. I wasn't trying to be an ass, I'd like to get to the end of the game, too.

Needing the non-test subjects dead is my reason for voting for you. I'm not sure you're right about how the game works, and I don't think anything IJW has said rules out the idea that the game is over when the last killing role dies.

I mentioned my worries about my inability to confirm your roleblocking as part of the discussion of the response to IH mentioning you acting scummy. Which I think he is right about, whether you are scum or not. Pushing for a fast lynch and discouraging discussion rubs me the wrong way.

If you want me to null my vote and discuss this I am happy to do so, but lynching you is where I am leaning right now. And so if we just want to hurry, I'm going to lay my cards on the table.
I'll happily discuss things! I'll also happily die so I can stop having to repeat myself!
To be honest, I haven't felt one hundred percent comfortable with anybodies claims. Obviously I think one of Raptor or OneStop is probably lying.

But I am not sure if you've actually roleblocked anybody.

And I can't even guarantee IH is a watcher. Admittedly, the decision to ice -Rosen is hard to justify as a scum move, but clearly it would have worked as one, given it put him completely beyond suspicion.
If you need me to clarify why I was saying that Shadell would almost certainly survive in that situation, I can! Again!

And again! And Again! Because that's what I fucking did then, and if I really need to hammer that in some more, I can!

I'll give you a quick hint though: The answer is "Watcher" and "Kill order," because if Hobo was Watching Shadell that night then the scum would have been caught and killed. Which is a risk that the scum should not have been willing to take!
Like I said, it wasn't as strong a proimise as I remembered, and I conceded that point.

That said, the fact the scum had strong man kills available (and are apparently still killing despite being blocked) and we completely failed to understand the pink killers win condition, guesses about what the scum would have to do at that point in the game were likely totally wrong.
Maybe it is text based communication deceiving me, but you seem pretty pissed that I voted to lynch you.

But I think I've been pretty upfront about that being on the table and only accelerated things because you wanted to hurry.

[X] Null Nictis
Maybe it is text based communication deceiving me, but you seem pretty pissed that I voted to lynch you.

But I think I've been pretty upfront about that being on the table and only accelerated things because you wanted to hurry.

[X] Null Nictis
It's not that you voted to lynch me, but that the straw that broke the back was apparently that I wasn't having fun. Despite it being obvious throughout the game that I haven't been.

This game has been down to just numbers for a while, and it's not enjoyable. I'm fine with you voting me, I'm fine with dying here. I don't like that the reasoning is that there's apparently still stuff to "Discuss" at this point and that me wanting to end things is bad.


Honestly, fuck it. I think it's time for me to demonstrate what I mean by it being down to numbers. @I just write stick around for a bit, alright?
Let me back up here.

My win condition is straightfoarward. Only my team can be left alive. I even checked that "Test Subjects" was in blue, because otherwise it might be refering to the control group as well, rather than the team. But it is blue.

It's possible we don't have to kill you. If @InterstellarHobo is right about how the game is laid out, that might be the case. But we don't know that for sure. And this game has been odd enough, and enough hints have been dropped about things not being straightforward that the game working like would be expected doesn't seem like something we can count on.

Separately, I am also worried that @OneStopChopShop has claimed not to have received notice of being roleblocked on either of the last two nights. Normally, I'd write that off. It's what I'd claim if I were scum. But two separate flavors of kill have gotten through since then. So one of a few things has to be happening. OneStop isn't the killer. You aren't actually roleblocking them. Or they have unlimited strongman kills (which make both of our roles jokes).

I think the first is most likely. But you seemed to want to rush to get the vote over with, and you picked the candidate most of us suspected strongly last day. But that really seems off, because by evidence you of all people should be most able to confirm, OneStop can't be the killer if this game is running by any reasonable rules.

Even wanting the game to end as soon as possible, a mislynch isn't a good idea. Which makes me think either you aren't roleblocking them and thuis don't have that information, you know he's not the scum and it doesn't matter to your "actual" wincon, or you just didn't think about it.

The problem is that that last one doesn't really hold up. You said you had "no idea how the scum team works" but Raptor being the last scum would fit with all the available facts. So that you still went with OneStop really bugs me.

So that is the rules based and social deductiony reasons for my worrying about you.
I was about to write up a post explaining how the order of things have been set to go, but I realized that I am really not in the mood to bother.

@I just write I am requesting a modkill. I am sick of this game, and it's not worth it even on principle at this point for me.
Sorry for offloading on you @mesonoxian.
You didn't. I just felt bad for making you feel worse.

I was about to write up a post explaining how the order of things have been set to go, but I realized that I am really not in the mood to bother.

@I just write I am requesting a modkill. I am sick of this game, and it's not worth it even on principle at this point for me.
I have to admit that while I am enjoying the game, I think we've reached the point where waiting 48 hours to get back together and quickly make a lynch vote feels a bit superfluous.
Let me back up here.

My win condition is straightfoarward. Only my team can be left alive. I even checked that "Test Subjects" was in blue, because otherwise it might be refering to the control group as well, rather than the team. But it is blue.

It's possible we don't have to kill you. If @InterstellarHobo is right about how the game is laid out, that might be the case. But we don't know that for sure. And this game has been odd enough, and enough hints have been dropped about things not being straightforward that the game working like would be expected doesn't seem like something we can count on.

Separately, I am also worried that @OneStopChopShop has claimed not to have received notice of being roleblocked on either of the last two nights. Normally, I'd write that off. It's what I'd claim if I were scum. But two separate flavors of kill have gotten through since then. So one of a few things has to be happening. OneStop isn't the killer. You aren't actually roleblocking them. Or they have unlimited strongman kills (which make both of our roles jokes).

I think the first is most likely. But you seemed to want to rush to get the vote over with, and you picked the candidate most of us suspected strongly last day. But that really seems off, because by evidence you of all people should be most able to confirm, OneStop can't be the killer if this game is running by any reasonable rules.

Even wanting the game to end as soon as possible, a mislynch isn't a good idea. Which makes me think either you aren't roleblocking them and thuis don't have that information, you know he's not the scum and it doesn't matter to your "actual" wincon, or you just didn't think about it.

The problem is that that last one doesn't really hold up. You said you had "no idea how the scum team works" but Raptor being the last scum would fit with all the available facts. So that you still went with OneStop really bugs me.

So that is the rules based and social deductiony reasons for my worrying about you.
Also: This is good. Especially the bit about not going after Raptor, because that was part of the plan. I just needed him to survive the Day as a scapegoat tomorrow.
I will say, if you're telling the truth and this game isn't totally cuckoo bananas, OneStop can't
Also: This is good. Especially the bit about not going after Raptor, because that was part of the plan. I just needed him to survive the Day as a scapegoat tomorrow.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!
@I just write

My plan at this point would be lynch @Nictis, and if that didn't end the game, lynch @RaptorusMaximus and then I guess if that wasn't it, lose.

I don't know if everybody else would be on board endorsing that as our plan for the next two days, but if they are, maybe we could fast forward a bit?
Game End
I have about a 33% chance of winning. I just don't think that continuing to play when every time I look at the thread I get agitated is worth it.
Fair enough.

Nictis has been Shot By The Guards. They were the Independent Variable Roleblocker.

The game is over, as the Test Subjects have won.

Official post-mortem will be coming in the morning as I am on a tightly regulated sleep schedule.
So wait, you were a roleblocker? Were you blocking OneStop and he just wasn't seeing it, or were you not bothering?
I prepared a bit of a criticism post during Day 3 for... just about everyone here really. Should I just drop it now?