The Morrsley Village Experiment

So I'm curious- who finds it plausible that there might be only town faction?

As we don't know how if there are scum factions, how many there might be, or whether survivors exist, so I'd be a little more leery of openly claiming town than you seem to be doing here.

Of course, if any scum would like to confirm that they exist, I'm sure everyone would be incredibly grateful for the assistance!
To clarify, anyone who answers that question with "I think there's only town" is implicitly claiming to be town, and the question itself reads a bit like fishing.

If there's exactly one scum faction who knows each other and everyone else is town, this is fine, but my impression is that games here tend to be a bit more complicated, and we know the set-up has some trick going on here, bastard or not.

If there's a scum faction that wants town (and not, say, other scum who they don't automatically know, jesters, or unrelated survivors) dead ASAP, you're painting a target on yourself. With little info on the set-up, that kind of open claim seems like it carries a lot of risks until we have a better sense of the composition.

I'm not entirely sure there's presently any scum though, as I don't think anything in the rules has stated that.
Why do people keep accusing Nictis of cheating? I mean look.

Putting aside the game, cause honestly I think he's a little sus. Why do people keep accusing him of cheating? It's offensive. I don't like it. No one here is cheating.

No one has? Like I'm curious as to where you pulled this maan.

Not liking Bigs push but I see it as trying to find something to grasp at. *Looks at player list again* Oh right, the only Vets in this game are Me, Nictis, and by technicality Rosen. Hmm
Also, my question is: what is the experiment?

Anyone know anything about what we are a part of? Are we being tested? What's going on? And does it have to do with ice cream?

Should we be eating the ice cream we received?
It's obviously: How far are people willing to go to get their favorite ice cream? Will they steal from others? Will they murder them? Make knowingly false accusations? Burn down a whole rebuilt ghost town? Send a 6 digit number of dollars to a swiss bank account (click here for additional info)?

Alright now. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chapter 4 of "Rosen picks one of you to bully for all of D1 before he gets moblynched!" Featuring today's questions:

1) Considering the game is as small as it is, just how important do you believe the lynch to be here (i.e, do you think it's primary tool, or do you believe there could be something else at play in relation to team balancing)?
2) What do you think the "null" cutscene mentioned in the first post is?
3) Judging by the early accusations that have gone on in the thread so far, would you say that certain accusation patterns thus far can be attributed to team play (I'm mainly looking at the suspicion cast on Hybrid, and the votes placed on Nictis here)?
That got surprisingly very little response yet. For now you seem rather safe -Rosen, there isn't an angry mob outside. ;)
Starts to sell pitchforks and torches

Being serious:
1) I think lynching is the main weapon here, as mostly always. There are probably some power roles for info gathering or the like but especially early on they aren't of much definitive use.
2) 75% shit and giggles 10% "Now you have done it. You really disappoint me. I'm taking all of your ice cream" 15% Maybe really something massive, like changing game mechanics or collective game over as the guards shoot everyone.
3) Don't think so. It seems all rather normal for now. Someone throws around some shade, another one jumps on the waggon.

Hmmm, for personal effort/content...

[x] Lynch ItzNarcotic

@ItzNarcotic, what do you think about the ice cream? Is it important for the game or just a nice gimmick?
No one has? Like I'm curious as to where you pulled this maan.

Not liking Bigs push but I see it as trying to find something to grasp at. *Looks at player list again* Oh right, the only Vets in this game are Me, Nictis, and by technicality Rosen. Hmm
See my next post? Also, Dem debate had me a little drunk and quick to jump at shadows.

Also, you've been on and liked some posts. Where you at, @mesonoxian ? Talk to ussss and for good measure:

[X] lynch mesonoxian
More or less same as ondine just before this post. ItzNarcotic posted once, claiming to catch up and hasn't posted since.
So I just picked someone from the list of people who haven't posted much yet and try to get them talking.

I see. He could probably be busy at the moment, but that does not make him 100% free of suspicion.
Sorry, I was going to post earlier, but I had to deal with some RL stuff that abruptly came up.

ItzNarcotic, what do you think about the ice cream? Is it important for the game or just a nice gimmick?
I don't think it has any relevance right now, but that's moreso because nothing has really happened yet and we don't have any conclusive information to really go off of.

I presume the ice cream will have some sort of relevance later, but right now it seems to be what it's described as on the tin: Flavor.

Alright now. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chapter 4 of "Rosen picks one of you to bully for all of D1 before he gets moblynched!" Featuring today's questions:

1) Considering the game is as small as it is, just how important do you believe the lynch to be here (i.e, do you think it's primary tool, or do you believe there could be something else at play in relation to team balancing)?
2) What do you think the "null" cutscene mentioned in the first post is?
3) Judging by the early accusations that have gone on in the thread so far, would you say that certain accusation patterns thus far can be attributed to team play (I'm mainly looking at the suspicion cast on Hybrid, and the votes placed on Nictis here)?
1) I'd consider the lynch in this game to have the same power as other lynches in previous games. It's mainly the weapon of Town, but can be discretely used by Scum if Town aren't careful, especially with Hammer in play. There's probably Power roles, but it's not certain which ones are in the game.

2) It's probably some sort of game mechanic, although I'm not sure as to what kind of game mechanic it could be. It may as well be anything, with the vague description given in the rules.

3) Eh, I don't necessarily think teamplay is happening at the moment. It seems like people are just trying to get information out of eachother, but that hasn't really led to, well, anything super conclusive. Basically, normal beginning D1 stuff.
As much as I would like to believe that, it wouldn't be a Mafia game without someone trying to kill everyone else.

Speaking of which, you trying to calm the mood?
Doesn't seem like trying to calm the mood at all. I thought we had already had this debate already.
Look, it's D1. It's not a good idea for town to null right off the bat and give up the only advantage we usually have. Why are we retreading this again?
The fact that you're still stuck on it doesn't make me want to trust you @InterstellarHobo
@Nictis lost a bet, huh dood? :lol:

I am curious about the null lynch scene, but not enough to waste a day without other considerations.
Sorry for being absent. I had to be up getting ready for work at 4:30 this morning, and I went to be early cause I have been sick all week. And since then I have been driving or in places without WiFi most of the time. I've finally gotten caught up now.
IH asking if there's only Town feels like something scum would say really early on to get implicit Town cred. Thoughts?