The Morrsley Village Experiment

Really? That doesn't make any sense to me. The whole have no opinions, speak no words, let's not try day 1 thing seems to be a classic scum move.

I've been saying lots of things in here. I get that you want to gather more information by reading people and getting them to talk, but how does my attitude suggest that I may be scum?
I've been saying lots of things in here. I get that you want to gather more information by reading people and getting them to talk, but how does my attitude suggest that I may be scum?
I'm saying that I'm not scum... you said my having scum reads was scummy and I said not having any reads/not really trying was way more scummy. I didn't say that you were doing it.
I will have you know that I'm still warming up to the game here. Your multiple scum reads do have me a tad concerned though.
About that multiple scum reads: While you raise a point that it might be a strategy to lead investigations on lots of other people, as Rosen said having multiple scum reads is rather normal. Even in case you were right on your one scum read and them getting killed, you would have to start over at null again. There are often more than one scum.

In addition, I think to remember ondine mentioning those reads to be tentative?
Early on it's rather hard to get really solid reads. Those would have scum to make a major slip, which sadly isn't the common case. ;)
So you go with what feels slightly off for whatever reason.

Guess I don't have much more to say here. So
[X] Null
ItzNarcotic answered on my question and I'm not really sure how to move on from there right now :whistle:
If it yields information, then why would you find it annoying? It feels like you're trying to say "people trying to gather information early is bad" here and I'm not really a fan of it.

I haven't seen much information being gathered, more a lot of idle speculation and random finger pointing.

And it more comes from 'I have a 12 hour workday where I can't check the thread and having 3 pages of (to my view) nothingburger chatter that I feel obligated to read through is a bit annoying' place than being opposed to information gathering. Cause from where I'm sitting, there isn't really any information gathering going on, cause I highly doubt anyone playing this is dumb enough to actually put out incriminating data on the first day if they are a mafia-equivalent or some other outnumbered 'evil' role.

Or maybe I'm just bad. This is the first time I've ever played a game like this after all., one thing we could speculate on, is how many 'evil' roles there actually are in this. Normal games of Mafia generally have slightly more than 50% of population as 'town' aligned right? With 2 or 3 non-town factions or roles. So assuming that pattern holds, then 8 or 9 of us are probably 'Town' equivalents right?
13 players is where I would assume a 3-person scum team, with the possibility of a hostile third-party role in the mix.

Also I don't particularly find the bigger developments that have happened so far to be all that random? You have the Nictis interactions which stemmed largely from a disconnect in understanding, and the Shadell pressure now that's based on him apparently not knowing whether Town is the only faction in the game or not (which personally if they were I don't necessarily think that they would be aware of that? Just a thought there). I think the interactions that come out of these are rather important pieces of information that we'll be able to use as the game progresses.
About that multiple scum reads: While you raise a point that it might be a strategy to lead investigations on lots of other people, as Rosen said having multiple scum reads is rather normal. Even in case you were right on your one scum read and them getting killed, you would have to start over at null again. There are often more than one scum.

In addition, I think to remember ondine mentioning those reads to be tentative?
Early on it's rather hard to get really solid reads. Those would have scum to make a major slip, which sadly isn't the common case. ;)
So you go with what feels slightly off for whatever reason.

Guess I don't have much more to say here. So
[X] Null
ItzNarcotic answered on my question and I'm not really sure how to move on from there right now :whistle:

Yeah, probably best for me to just chill right now. Don't want to be making any rookie mistakes.
Who is a newbie this game? I guess that impacts my reads.
Yep, 4. I played in Game of Crowns (Mason, lost), Storm Trooper Mafia (Vanilla Townie, lost), Archfiend's Eternal Game (Possessed Dwarf, lost) and this one.
So it's the blind leading the blind mostly! Good to know!
Who the fuck is this "he?"
Sorry about that, I'll correct from here on dood!
You might want to add that detail to your SV profile though dood!
Nictis, you're jumping on me because you claimed something horribly poorly/vaguely and I was confused by it.

Additionally, I haven't actually voted you.
I'm jumping on you because I felt like I had explained it well enough beforehand and that you were far too aggressive about it dood!
Shadell had realized what I was saying without me needing to come out and actually claim it, and Hobo had pointed out the same dood!
But you kept pressuring me on it and being overly skeptical, despite acknowledging that it was the easiest explanation dood!
And you don't have to be voting me to be scum dood!
In fact, holding back from voting me is only more suspicious to me dood!

To @ondine: I passed out for most of today dood! I've got to say though, I'm Town Reading Shadell dood!
Shadell seems to be placing far too much importance on what is said to be memes, and I don't like how they immediately tried to grind info out of me and was stating that I was claiming something I wasn't dood.
But they let it go when they realized what I meant, and it honestly matches previous behavior dood!
And most importantly... Someone being Town does not mean that someone else is Scum dood!
Particularly since yours and Hobo's argument is based on rolecard info, meanwhile we're told everyone's is unique dood!
Particularly since yours and Hobo's argument is based on rolecard info, meanwhile we're told everyone's is unique dood!
I probably just missed something, but where were we told the role cards were all different? It looks like the only definitely unique thing is the ice cream flavors.
Yeah, I know what I said. My question was Mesonexonian's. Why do you believe that rolecards are unique?