The Morrsley Village Experiment

Alright now. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chapter 4 of "Rosen picks one of you to bully for all of D1 before he gets moblynched!" Featuring today's questions:

1) Considering the game is as small as it is, just how important do you believe the lynch to be here (i.e, do you think it's primary tool, or do you believe there could be something else at play in relation to team balancing)?
2) What do you think the "null" cutscene mentioned in the first post is?
3) Judging by the early accusations that have gone on in the thread so far, would you say that certain accusation patterns thus far can be attributed to team play (I'm mainly looking at the suspicion cast on Hybrid, and the votes placed on Nictis here)?

My responses:

1) I'm normally of the mindset that in a smaller game like this, the lynch probably isn't actually as important as we make it out to be, and there is some other game mechanic that will be at play to give us another tool to find scum. This isn't to say that lynching is unimportant, but I think it's something to keep in mind as we progress.

2) Personally I don't think it's anything TOO serious, but I would rather not find out what it is if we don't have to.

3) Right now I'm not really okay with either of the examples I gave out, mainly because we're in a much smaller game where hammer is active, and we're literally right at the beginning of the game to be able to just throw shit around willy nilly. That being said, I think it's obvious that Nictis has added setup information that was able to answer Shadell's #2 that probably shouldn't have leaked out so easily. In terms of Hybrid, I don't particularly see anything wrong with what he said? I think being lynch happy is sub-optimal for Town, but it's not really a suspicious mindset imo.
I just realized that I never really answered my own question for 3 whoops.

I don't think either of these examples are team play right now, mostly just people trying to jump-start the thread.
@Shadell You're really going hard on Nictis there.

The goal of the day is, to some extent, information gathering and putting pressure on anyone that looks a bit suspicious. I have no clue on Nictis' alignment atm, but they're the only one that's admitted much of anything yet, and it's been nowhere near long enough to start prodding anyone for inactivity or overall reads on the situation.

At the same time, as Nictis pointed out, playing now, that is investigating and applying pressure, creates a record that'll be useful later. I don't have much any read on Nictis yet, but I have nothing on anyone else at all really.
The goal of the day is, to some extent, information gathering and putting pressure on anyone that looks a bit suspicious. I have no clue on Nictis' alignment atm, but they're the only one that's admitted much of anything yet, and it's been nowhere near long enough to start prodding anyone for inactivity or overall reads on the situation.

At the same time, as Nictis pointed out, playing now, that is investigating and applying pressure, creates a record that'll be useful later. I don't have much any read on Nictis yet, but I have nothing on anyone else at all really.
Do you think Nictis' leaking his possession of that knowledge is AI in any way?
What part is this in response to


Hint for you, everything that anyone says at anytime is suspicious so just work from there

So trust no one? Got it!

The goal of the day is, to some extent, information gathering and putting pressure on anyone that looks a bit suspicious. I have no clue on Nictis' alignment atm, but they're the only one that's admitted much of anything yet, and it's been nowhere near long enough to start prodding anyone for inactivity or overall reads on the situation.

At the same time, as Nictis pointed out, playing now, that is investigating and applying pressure, creates a record that'll be useful later. I don't have much any read on Nictis yet, but I have nothing on anyone else at all really.

I see.
1) Considering the game is as small as it is, just how important do you believe the lynch to be here (i.e, do you think it's primary tool, or do you believe there could be something else at play in relation to team balancing)?
2) What do you think the "null" cutscene mentioned in the first post is?
3) Judging by the early accusations that have gone on in the thread so far, would you say that certain accusation patterns thus far can be attributed to team play (I'm mainly looking at the suspicion cast on Hybrid, and the votes placed on Nictis here)?
1) Just as important as it always is. Unless if you're of the mind that a smaller setup means it's more likely for someone to be able to target multiple people each night.... It's still the main way we try to find traitors.
2) Would rather not spoil it if I'm right.
3) I'm gonna hold off on this one. Remain impartial and all that :V
It's hard to stay in character to a list, but I'll try my best dood!

The Lynch is still our best way of finding any traitors, a smaller setup means little dood!
I don't know about null but I don't think it matters much, so let's leave it as a surprise dood?!
My team tries to throw me dood, I don't know any of these people dood!
Im just gonna pass out standing up in the middle of this town square and check up on you all when I inevitably fall over. See ya for now
*raises hand* So, a question: would everyone be down with revealing what flavor of ice cream they got?
I don't think it's wise right now since we don't really know if it's important or not. If it becomes clear that it's unimportant then we have no reason not to but this early on I think it's wise for everyone to keep that card at their chest.
I don't think it's important, but it might be vital to someone you won't like dood.
Fair enough. In that case, I'm not really sure what we can do today to make any sort of meaningful progress. We have no information from any 'information gathering' roles as might exist within a scenario like this, and we have no incriminating evidence like a murdered person to try and build off of.

So I'mma prolly stay quiet and observe unless yall specifically adress me now. Laters.
Fair enough. In that case, I'm not really sure what we can do today to make any sort of meaningful progress. We have no information from any 'information gathering' roles as might exist within a scenario like this, and we have no incriminating evidence like a murdered person to try and build off of.

So I'mma prolly stay quiet and observe unless yall specifically adress me now. Laters.
Vote, build suspicion, act outraged. Ask questions, act like a spotlight, ask hypotheticals. Things like that dood.

Mafia is remarkably friendly... until it's not dood.

Right now we're in the random votes stage dood, that means that votes are going to have flimsy reasoning until we find better reasoning dood.

Or maybe not flimsy reasoning, maybe no reasoning. Maybe even good reasoning, just not much that's solid dood.