Ok, got a sorta-omake for you
@Daemon Hunter as a prompt for new research opportunity(s).
Think of it as half-O-make
basic premise is that kesar wants to take the opportunity to try to study the less-tainted instances of technology to see when the mimetic effect spreads.
So he proposes that the less-corrupted instances of tech be placed on a void-station with plenty of contingency's in-place which if you could make it including the following major-
contingency's and fail-safes (but not exclusive to):
(1): the station has explosives set throughout the entire thing, set to explode if any one of dozens of detonators go off: better the station be lost then fallen.
(2): the station is custom built with multiple sections sealed from each-other starting from the inside-out. the tainted materials are stored on the very middle and any attempts to remove them from said location sets of detonators. This allows us to do (3).
(3): only the DUMBEST of our scientists are sent into the middle, this means that when they fall that they cannot trick the scientists in the outer rings. Their job is to do nothing more then to make in-depth-notes about everything about the tech. the results will then be burned
without study. The next outer ring will then study the behavior of the inner scientists and make notes of their behavior and changes (should include in-depth interviews, scans and study's into every inner-member. their results is cataloged and placed in a drive that instantly destroys itself if anyone attempts to access it without authority.
(4): the third and final outer ring is security, they are instructed to prioritize the containment of both the middle and inner rings before anything else.
(5): the station has no way to leave in general, instead, ships will dock with it and leave a capsule that is sealed from the pilot-seat entirely. The only way to leave is when a ship that does not have a de-tachable capsule comes by which is only during randomly set times. the people leaving are then thoroughly interviewed and scanned after leaving as well.
(6): all persons on the station have volunteered and have acknowledged that their lives are forfeit under pretty much any conditions at all. especially the inner-ring inhabitants who will in all likelihood spend their lives there. (soft-plans to perhaps one day use high-level taint-detection runes to see if they can safely leave). This means the inner-habitat has living space for the inner-ring inhabitants.
(6b): Due to the stress involved with this job many will find themselves stressed out, so included in each ring of the station is also psychiatrists (I would have said priests...but this is 30K not 40k) that will work with only persons of that ring.
(7): and of course, some non-FTL ships are in the surrounding area of a star system with no inhabitable planets or celestial bodies ready to act as yet another layer of destructive potential.
(8): If the station fails to pulse a certain Morse-code (so no actual information is included) every now and then. the station is assumed corrupted.
(9): a different station is used as a additional go-between for when occasional FTL-capable ships enter the system to drop supplys off and exchange crew/scientists.
(10): the middle ring scientists will use this set-up to enact the procedure I out-lined in: {
The Lost Primarch Quest | Page 77 : search with ctrl-f = "memetic hazard" )
} to perform hopefully safe research on the corruptive items in the inner ring.
(11): none of the resulting research, conclusions, ideas or information of any kind is allowed to be placed on the same leaving ship at the same time and is then only collected for study by well-trusted persons which for now only includes kesar (and emps presumably.)
The idea for this is to prompt for research into the corruptible nature of various objects which of course is most notably chaos-tainted objects. For now it will only accept low-tainted objects. Eventually as we get better runes we can perhaps attempt to study more tainted objects. So the idea is to create a warp-corruption study research tree with this lab which has something like +25 DC (due to how much information is destroyed regularly) and double years for its research-items (at least for now) that will let us learn when/where/how chaos spreads. ALSO, on rolls that fail bad enough, (maybe for <10), not only does a year go un-productive. but a few years of progress is lost and on crit-fail the station has to also be re-built. This will strongly require us to have plenty of research buffs for even the simpler-level researches. These researchs will be called "dangerous" researches.
These researches that I'm prompting for will give things like:
(1): bonus's for research relating to slowing/preventing/stopping chaos corruption.
(2): research in to daemons.
(3): certain researches into warp in general (ones which might require a more universal knowledge, thus requiring knowledge of how the warp has spawned chaos).
(4): understanding souls.
(5): finding weapons that specialize against warp-beasts of any kind.
(6): behavior of certain types of chaos and daemons
I'm guessing we would have to ask emps for this, so if this is the case can I roll for if he gives us permission to set this up?
write-in request could be something like:
"You have ordered me and my legion to be the force that is sent against daemons and all fowl beasts of the warp, an order I plan to fulfill to the best of my ability. But to truly do our best against them we must understand at the least of how the most dangerous of their tools can harm us-their corruptible nature-. Allow me to perform research into this with our without your over-sight or any additional safety's you demand of me in regards to it and I believe it will help enormously in the long run.