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  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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Hmmm.... Would it be good to send a latter to Sanguinius? To stop Magnus from drifting toward the Eldar, I mean.

Slanesh worlds from Eldrad, it's painfully obvious he wants us to be patsy for his scheme against it.

Magnus is pissed, but he knows he lost some of his credibility in the last Primarchs Council. So, even while shaken and angered by the perceived betrayal, he came to Kesar to give the information knowing perfectly well Kesar would catch on the Xenos interference. Hinting about noticing it and yet letting it be out of gratitude for help Magnus giving us - that's the best option I can think of. But it will still hurt.

Just to be sure, @Daemon Hunter what would the relationship with Magnus be if we took the fall?
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A big part of it is that Solarus would be instantly an Exalted of who he falls to, and one that would be able to make daemonic infused bombs. Imagine a briefcase bomb that causes a full scale daemonic incursion. Corrupted Solarus would make 10 of those a year as his base.

Not gonna lie, that's pretty terrifying. It I'm not saying that my OC proto hero is ohh so powerful or anything. It's just that Solarus has an effective +85 CR over Beltran due to Maluses and Hero boosts. Sadly, anything that really tempts Solarus will make some of our more powerful Psykers fall to Chaos.

Which is....concerning.

"I can not believe that I somehow missed the mandatory notice for my part of the paperwork that's required for this. Is it... not needed?"

Not gonna lie, this made me laugh. Weirdly, Wardens getting annoyed by paperwork is one of my favorite things to write in this Quest, and it's just as fun reading others use that angle.

Ohh, huh. That means that there's 35 Nurgle world's, 9 Slaaneshi, and 6 unknown. Which...means none of them are using their holy number. Unless you count Nuthle having his holy number times Emp's? That's...strange.

So, who wants to bet the rest are like five Khornate and one Tzeentchian?
Known Struggles of Government
K'Thal rested his head upon the cool wood of his desk, and cursed Plan Archon once more. It had succeeded so much that it had looped around into a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Which of course was only compounded by Ulyr removing enlistment restrictions on all branches of the military, which normally wouldn't have resulted in much, but with the hope of the war finally ending it had quickly turned the orderly logistical network of the planet into a twisting verda web.

All of this had since resulted in him, suffering from a never ending headache for the last few weeks, managing everything as everyone seemed to decide that this was the perfect time to go on bar trawls or visit some museum or something. He turned his head a fraction of a degree and glared at the innocent piece of paper that was brought into his sight by the action. For on it was the most recent update where upwards of sixty seven percent of all governmental employees hadn't showed up to work for the last five days in a row, and he just knew that on the other side of his head a similar report on other sectors of the world sat there.

Grumbling to himself he pushed his head off of the nice cool desk to lean back in his chair. Staring at the wood paneled celling didn't help his emotional state either and his chair was digging unpleasantly into his left shoulder to cap it all off. Pushing himself off of his chair, sending it spinning as he did so he stalked over to the window overlooking the world and could see the smoke rising from several impromptu celebrations that had somehow gotten ahold of plasma fireworks, and he just knew that he was going to have run the entire planet through a fine tooth comb to figure out just how the single most expensive celebratory item had gotten into the hands of partiers.

So much work was staring at him in the face, and for the first time he truly understood his friend's nature. If this was the kind of day that was common for Ulyr, it was a wonder that the man could still function let alone be the best Lord General in centuries. Slumping against the window showcasing just how much had been placed before him, and the worst part of this was that he was simply unqualified for this job on every level.

He still had no idea why the hell people had decided to vote him into office. He had thrown his name into the ring on a hangover induce whim. Yet when he had showed up for speeches and debates with the others, he somehow found himself getting ever higher approval numbers from complete nonsense, in fact the further he got from the truth the more people seemed to like him. It was complete insanity, however, now that the simple method of delegating everything to competent advisors and trusting them to keep their departments chugging alone until he left office, he now had an empire falling apart from the inside out.

What was he supposed to do about this? It wasn't like he had many skills or really any at all, except the ability to make people listen to him and some minor training at building simulation programs. He could feel the tide of doubt and despair rising ever higher, as he found himself completely out of his element, yet the only reason he didn't let himself succumb to the feelings rising within was the iron clade determination of Ulyr, who would never let emotional weakness or lack of something hold him back from doing what must be done.

Holding onto that single beacon of hope in the sea of doubt that had engulfed him, he sought any path out from this nightmare with the skills he had. Delegation the most powerful was simply unviable at the moment as everyone was suffering the same as him, he was truly on his own. The only one who wasn't suffering was on another world several days away, and furthermore he was busy with the transportation of seventy five million Narenla to a border world, along with the building of a new ground to space defense grid and other such matters that went over K'Thal's head.

This meant that for the first time ever in his life he couldn't ask for help from another more qualified individual, yet perhaps just perhaps he could actually handle this on his own. Shaking himself to his feet, moving sluggishly towards his desk he took a notepad and a pen, and began writing ideas. Everything was considered, even insanity such as spontaneously becoming a Window, and forcing order through power, or an army of super soldiers land on the world, but interspersed among the insanity lay gems of sanity that could perhaps work.

Hours passed, yet to K'Thal time had ceased to have any meaning, as he refined the one potential plan, yet so much could go wrong that it would be a miracle if it worked. However, in the end he did not have much of a choice, feeling refreshed with a plan in mind even if he could already hear Ulyr berating him for its stupidity, he set about completing it.

Moving with purpose, both to get to his destination faster and to avoid the ever present doubt from creeping back in, he made his way towards an elevator that he had never used in the Governmental Nexus. Manifold feelings erupted within him as he looked at the door emblazoned with the grand circle and five stars all surrounding Earth, that he knew would lead him into the halls that had carried his long ago ancestors to this world.

When he reached the door, he slowly placed his palm upon the locking system, shaking as if he was a steam cloud in the wind as a feeling of sacrilege welled up inside of him as he entered the opening doors. Beyond the doors, lay a normal elevator with only two buttons on its side, nothing to indicate the fact that this was the closest place on the world to sacred.

Pressing the bottom button with a finger shaking so much that it was almost impossible to touch such a small button, K'Thal felt the elevator begin to move downward, towards the Fallen Star, a place where only the lord of the entire empire could enter at will and yet unlike all of his predecessors he had never entered, until today as feelings of inadequacy flooded him whenever he looked at the door. For he had read the biographies of those that had come before him, and held the august position that he did now and each and every single one of them was a visionary or a genius without equal. Each of them had moved the empire forward in a never ending path towards ascension, what could a near alcoholic with some passing skill at talking do to measure up to such people.

With a shudder the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open, revealing a hallway that seemed to bow under the weight of history that existed within this place. As he stepped out of the car and into the musty, still air of a mausoleum yet tinged with the well known scent of metal and electricity. The moment his shaking foot touched the metal plating outside of the elevator, sparks of energy bursted into life as ancient lights flickered on and the low grumble of ancient machinery returned to life.

Moving forward unpleasantly aware of just how wrong it was for someone like him to be here, K'Thal slowly made his way through the massive hall that dwarfed all the vessels he had ever been aboard in his life. When he had been sworn into his current office he had been bound by tradition to travel the borders of their domain, abroad the flagship of the fleet Undying Progress which was the single greatest ship in the region of space. Stretching more than fifteen kilometers from end to end, armored with meters of the best armor possible to forge, further protected with several layers of shielding. Yet this hallway bearing the marks of it being a secondary or perhaps even tertiary corridor was both taller and wider than the largest hallway within Undying Progress. As he walked dwarfed by the simple immensity of the corridor, the celling more than ten meters overhead and the walls stretching more than thirty meters to either side, only now did K'Thal truly understand just how fall they had fallen.

As he walked K'Thal let himself drift in his mind, to quite the feelings of inferiority that threatened to sweep him away under their grasping claws. As his mind drifted, images of what this place could have been all of those centuries ago manifested in his mental eyes, yet they were all tinged with sadness for he knew that no matter what he could envision nothing would truly compare to the wonder of what the truth would have been. Time passed without concern as he walked forward, following the footsteps of those that had come before, passing knowledge and lore down the generations.

A glint of something from the corner of the hallway caught his eye, shaking him lose from the dreams of the past. For the first time since K'Thal had entered this realm, he found himself faced with the chance to deviate from the ancient path that all had followed, yet hope and despair pushed him forward. Drawing a deep breath to still his nerves he left the center of the passageway, to discover what had caught his eyes from the corner. At first all it was was a point of reflecting light, yet as he neared the object began to take shape before revealing itself to be, something that looked akin to a data pad. A gleaming gold and black object with only a few buttons on its surface and a port for some form of connection that he didn't recognize. As his brain slowed by fear and self hatred processed what he was seeing, an emotion last felt more than a decade ago raced through his body. K'Thal felt alive once more, for he could actually trust in his own skills, for he had once been called a prodigy of programming and coding before he had thrown it all away to lose himself in the frailties of life. But now, perhaps he could become more than a fraud holding a position that should have gone to someone much more capable.

Slowly, he picked up the ancient item, ensuring that his limbs didn't shake as he did for he would never dare bring harm to a relic of the ancestors. Long forgotten implants and systems spooled into life as his mind traveled upon forgotten pathways. Code flashed before his eyes as his neurological implants activated without error for the first in so many years, his emotions faded away under the calming influence of the activating systems. As he turned his eyes towards the relic held in his hands, he could tell that it was machined to perfection and was almost certainly impervious to anything he could attempt to do to it. Yet, as his eyes examined the casing they picked apart the port, causing a simulation to jump into life as it began to calculate the means by which to connect to the port.

Designs flashed in front of his eyes, from the most advanced to the most primitive in a never ending progression as the simulation crunched the numbers. Finally, the shifting image faded away to be replaced by a connection system that he recognized as the most sophisticated on the world, used for everything that required near perfect fidelity. Yet, that was only the base as the simulation refined the system with the data harvested from the simple object in his hands. K'Thal watched in silence as something that had long been considered perfect was improved, and yet he knew that their technology simply didn't have the ability to connect to the relic without damaging it. As the simulation dragged on he could feel his implants beginning to overheat, however, pain was a small price to pay to move ever closer to uncovering another ancestor writing and so he held himself back from sending the kill command, until it was the last possible moment.

As his implants settled down into a semi active state, K'Thal found himself engulfed by forgotten memories of the past. Moments where he had been praised for an ingenious solution to a problem that no one else could see, or giving aid to another as more and more memories returned he found a simple thirty five digit passcode for his implants, in particular his memory repository. Grimly he inserted the newly recovered code, and found himself somewhere else.

A room seemingly infinite in size, completely void of all colors and light save for a single pinpoint of light covering his form. Out of the swirling darkness a mirror image of him formed, carrying with it trunks of what could only be forgotten memories and with a smile it stepped into the light. Returning to the real world to find himself on the ground with a pounding headache, K'Thal quickly took stock and immediately realized that everything could be traced back to a single awful night a few years before that hangover. He had gotten arrested for a crime he didn't commit, but the severity of it inverted the normal justice system and as such following the normal protocols for that crime he was reduced. More than half of his intellect sealed away, along with all knowledge of his implants and their use, which was locked in such a way to only break if they were needed to investigate a relic. Pushing himself off the ground, before picking up the data pad and sliding it into one of his larger pockets. He looked around at the corridor he was in and so much more was visible to him, there were clear designs that indicated what had once been there, there was still much beyond him but now it was also much less.

Smiling K'Thal walked the halls of his ancestors unburdened of the chains placed upon him so long ago, he could now appreciate the ship without the creeping sense of inferiority that had so plagued him for years. For it was gone, dust in the wind as the reduction had ended with the work on the data pad, his mind was once more free and once more he could feel his implants activating after so long shut down. Yet, he was more than he had been before being Reduced, K'Thal could clearly recall arrogance as being a mainstay of his nature and that had not returned with the rest. Thus, he made his way to the far end of the hall and stepped inside of the room he had come here to reach.

The room had once been used a completely different purpose, but the few scattered records indicated that it had been repurposed by their ancestors into a communication center, yet now the technology that lay within was simply beyond them in all aspects beyond simple usage. K'Thal hated the fact that he didn't understand how the system worked, to the point that he only knew its effects and how to use it from information passed down, but for this it was simply the only option.

Pressing the power button and twisting a few dials to the proper levels for the infrastructure of the world and its population, the system activated. "People of Yttera, listen to my words and understand. I am a son of the ancestors the same as all upon this world, I understand the desire to celebrate the coming end of the eternal war." Here K'Thal paused for a moment to gather his will and energy.

"But now is not the time to do so. The Military under the Lord General's command has crushed one world and has broken the war in our favor and yet when they return home what will they find? Will they find a world ready to back them to the ends of reality or will they find a world that has forgotten the contract between peace and war.

Will you, the people of this world show your appreciation of the sacrifices made by those that traveled the void, or will you spit upon their sacrifices? I saw plasma fireworks being used, I saw mass strikes as countless workers left their posts, all of this spits upon the victory that was earned this week.

Are we what our enemies say we are? We have all heard their claims of us being careless and cruel creatures of passion, and we are proving them right. Are we sapient or are we sentient, if this is how we act when victory comes our way, we are not ready for ascension! Others should surpass us for they have never broken as this world has.

Our Ancestors never gave up or succumbed to their fate, they fled a world crumbling around them and drifted for countless years within the Void. Yet when they fell upon this world they did not despair, but built a gleaming jewel of a civilization, founded upon the precepts of reason and advancement. And this behavior spits on their example!

The war is not over until the last Voided world lies shattered in space and purged of life, the war is not over until the Narenla are safe behind our borders. Even now our ships still fight in the void regardless of your weakness, do your brethren in the military proud if not for the blood of those that came before.

I am K'Thal Scientist Lord of the Ytterian Technocracy, and I know that our Ancestors would be ashamed of our actions this day. I speak from within the Fallen Star holding a new found Relic of the past. If you hold any respect for the Ancestors return to your duties at once, if you do not then when the military returns I will have them drag you out for Reduction!"

Then with a click that echoed in the room far longer than it should, K'Thal let his throat rest after the thunderous speech he had spoken. Knowing that every single person had heard his words for the technology spoke to the minds directly, somehow altering the auditory parts of the brain to make all hear what was spoken. Yet, more was to be done and so he pushed a button and sent a message to all major leaders of the world commanding them to a meeting in three hours.

Moving much faster on the return trip, K'Thal simply enjoyed being whole once more for the first time in years. The mental shunts and limitations that had been added to his implants eradicated by the foundational protocols that all such implant sets had regarding ancestor relics, freeing him of the Reduction that had been set so long ago. Now free he understood that his feelings of inferiority were born of the unconscious understanding of just how far he had been reduced for a crime he did not commit, yet until now he was unable to even seek justice for how could one go to court if one did not know that they had been punished for a crime.

When he stepped into the elevator to take him back to the normal levels, K'Thal pondered not for the first time if reduction was a just punishment. It had replaced the process of Pacification, once the abuses of the industry had become too well known to the world and the military stepped in to prevent a coup, yet perhaps it was time for a review of the system in regards to reduction as pacification had in the distant past. Drawing himself free of his pondering as the elevator reached the level of his office, he strode out with purpose and marched relentless towards the meeting room.

As he marched, he saw scurrying men and women returning to their posts with expressions of mortification on their faces and in their postures. Inwardly, K'Thal grimaced at the world wide mental breakdown that would no doubt occur from his words, but he couldn't regret them for they were true, yet the harm they would do to the psyche of those under his governance would weigh on him for years to come. With a thought he made sure to leave a note to increase founding to the Peaceful Plazas and their attendants. Perhaps, he mused they could do with a bit of a reduction in the level of strictness regarding the laws in the plazas, give the people of the world a few months or so of having a bit more freedom in designated spots to help bleed away the emotions. Another mental query returned information nearly instantly from the governmental computer network, a small smile danced on his lips as he sent a message to the Overseer of Health's department to build a few new simulations of the past authorizing a bit more access to the archives for more authenticity.

With the guilt temporarily sated he slammed open the massive wooden doors to the meeting room and took his seat to wait for the others to arrive, in two and a half hours. Making sure to present himself with all the weight that he could muster, as he knew just how little the other masters of the world respected him and in fact now that his memories and intellect had returned he wondered if someone had pulled some serious strings for a Reduced to become Scientist Lord.

The doors opened precisely at the right time to admit Nvera Chief Science Officer and the person directly in control of the most prestigious arm of the government entry into the room. Wearing the robes of her office as if she had been born to them, the aged women gave an impression of ancient wisdom in her aged lined face and white hair, even as her eyes remained crystal clear. "Scientist Lord K'Thal, I have answered your summons. I must admit that I am glad that you have finally entered the Ancestor's realm, and broke past the injustice inflicted upon you. I hope now that your mind is restored along with your memories that you will handle the office you hold with the dignity it mandates." She spoke, her voice although aged was still strong and echoed within the room as she took a seat in front of the symbol of science inlaid upon the table.

K'Thal blinked as he processed her words, but then again it wasn't surprising that she had noticed the signs of him being reduced as she was in charge of the department that had invented the process. The next person to enter was the one that K'Thal disliked the most, Varak the Minister of Industry was simply a dislikable individual, abrasive and condescending to nearly everyone and the only reason he still retained the position was due to his nearly legendary skill at logistics and the fact that Ulyr would mutiny if he was replaced with a person lesser in skill. "Hmmp, finally doing your jobs K'Thal, I see. Hopefully, you won't destroy this world with your fumbling." Still grumbling if quieter Varek took the seat in front of the anvil symbol.

The next two people came through the doors at the same time, with Zyrek on the left and Conyi to the right. The two youngest members of the council, only recently elevated to their positions for similar reasons and both tended to work closely with each other. Nodding to him and the others they simply took their seats behind their respective symbols of command, leaving only one chair open for the last member of the council who was now quite a bit late.

Kirat by far the oldest of everyone in the council, entered through the doors several minutes later glaring at K'Thal with undisguised hatred and loathing. "Thank you for giving me the perfect reason to have you executed, K'Thal. I promise you that your death will be highly unpleasant and lengthy, after all what else would fit a person that would make use of Voided technologies to restore that which was lawfully removed. By my authority as Lord of Order, I hereby declare all persons in this room traitors to the Ytterian Technocracy and to be sentenced to Reduction effective immediately." He spoke in his wheezing voice, that was overflowing with sick satisfaction at finally being able to become the emperor that he had always dreamed of being.

K'Thal looked at the others around the table and the back to Kirat and back again, before simply bursting out into laughter, "Kirat, not even you have the authority to level such accusations without a shred of proof, Furthermore did you forget the laws that you watch over? As to implicate the entire ruling council with the single exception of yourself immediately revokes your position and triggers a review of the entire justiciary. As of this moment Kirat you are nothing more than a normal person with no authority in this building, leave before I call the guards to arrest you. Also, really a coup attempt when my best friend is the Lord General and the military loves him?"

Kirat growled and started to shuffle forward, before a small fist slammed into his back sending him crashing to the ground. Reveling a petite women standing behind him wearing the robes of an Office of Order Judge. "Sorry for this, but Kirat has recently suffered a mental breakdown. We have been scrambling to remove his access to the systems for the last few days, but the everything hasn't helped. I am Arula, of the Office of Order Primary Judge of Yttera, I have effectively taken over from Kirat in all regards save for having legal permission to do so, however I am aware of my age and am willing to step aside for another if you so chose, Scientist Lord K'Thal." Arula said as she was efficiently binding Kirat's limbs and body with a length of rope that she had apparently brought with her, when she had realized that he had left.

"Take your seat Lord of Order Arula, once the criminal is safely secured, we have much to discuss today and not enough time to do so." K'Thal ordered, causing all in the room to shift in their seats as they truly began to realize just how different a Reduced and non Reduced were in personality, for before this day K'Thal would never had dared to give an order to anyone, not even his nominal subordinates.

Taking a breath, before realizing it K'Thal leaned forward before beginning to speak to Arula, "It is only due to the insanity gripping the previous Lord of Order, that I am not declaring the entire Office of Order as complicit in a decade long crime of treason, however, I fully expect you to fix his errors. I am referring to the law that states that if a person under the effects of Reduction is ever elected to a high office, and they were never proven guilty or innocent in a trial the punishment is suspended for their term in said office, that and a few other laws that I looked up while waiting for the meeting to start were interesting to discover. However, Kirat is insane and as such subject to the laws that govern insanity, Conyi he is in your care. I hope that you can dig out the truth of his breakdown, treat this as your first test as a member of this council."

Arula slouched in the chair that she had taken, before nodding fast enough to make her entire body shake with fear prominent in her form. Where she was clearly wishing to be anywhere else, Conyi was calm and simply nodded at the given command, before turning towards Zyrek to ask for his assistance in the task.

"Arula, one more thing to do right now, I want a full simulation of Reduction done and the customs surrounding it completed within the year. I feel that we might have strayed from the ideals that our ancestors held dear to them, however even if the punishment itself is just, perhaps the crimes that entail it should be added to the normal list where guilt needs to be established prior to enforcement." K'Thal disliked the way that the newest member of his council flinched at every word he spoke to her, but frankly he had had enough of being walked over with the exception of Ulyr.

Putting her out of his mind he turned to the others, "Nvera, I would like you to work with Conyi and Zyrek in the case that this is a Understandable phenomenon with regards to Kirat, but follow their lead in their expertise, I don't want to have another Incident. Also I would like a review of both Pacification and Reduction methodologies and potential methods to be able to restore full functionality to anyone that suffers either.

Varek, I will not tolerate your personality on this council, either shape up or send a representative. If I have too, I will personally create a new post in the ministry of industry with the sole responsibility of managing military connections, and shove you into it with no hope of leaving it.

Zyrek, once Ulyr returns I would like for the both of you to conduct an investigation into the mutated population. To ensure that there is no one trying to bring the Void to this world, and I frankly don't trust the camera system to the degree that I would need to for that to not be needed every so often.

Conyi, when Ulyr returns I would like for your department to go through everything brought back by his men to ensure that nothing Void tainted can slip through our nets, for this I do not care if its some Narenla artifact, and I will be watching you closely to ensure that you remain in your legal boundaries.

Arula you already have your tasks set for you to complete with all haste possible. However, a more over reaching task for your leadership era is to go over the entire legal system of the Ytterian Technocracy and reformat it back into a sensible, understandable system. I only just realized how bloated and unwieldy it had grown in the last few centuries. Furthermore, you can make this a standing order of your office, that every five centuries the laws must be refined in number without losing coverage.

Now, any questions or issues with your orders?"

Arula shook her head rapidly and all but ran from the room dragging the bound form of Kirat with her. Varek shook his head and slunk out of the room, obviously displeased with the new state of K'Thal and his newfound status of being on thin ice, Conyi left in the wake of the others giving a bow to K'Thal and nodding towards him as she left the room.

Zyrek and Nvera remained behind in their chairs, seemingly undecided on who should speak first, before K'Thal's disbelieving Zyrek pulled out a coin and flipped it once and showed the result to Nvera who smiled. "I don't have any questions, or complaints with your orders, but I and Zyrek do have some problems that need your help. Recently, on one of our frontier worlds, members of our organizations discovered something that induced rapid mutations in all biological life that came within five meters of the object. Following the protocols on the books, we called Conyi in to check the item over to ensure it wasn't Void touched, she and her people concluded that it was simple technology of unknown origin.

As per the restrictions on reverse engineering of alien technology, we would like your permission to begin preliminary investigations into the object with robotic drones. The few reports we have done on the item have revealed that it emits high levels of an unknown radiation, which we expect to be the cause behind the rampant mutations, however without approval we can not do much more than merely blockading it from the general populace.

As for suggestions or questions you have none from my department, we have our budget and I handle the grants. So nothing from my corner." At the end of her report, the stately women simply rested her hands on the table in front of her awaiting his reaction.

K'Thal considered it for a few moments before shaking his head, "I do not trust this object and its nature, even if Conyi has stated that its safe for Void reasons, I feel that with the recent shake up in her department and the loss of a good number of elder figures that it would be safer to leave it on ice for a few years to a couple decades to allow them to reorganize, at which point to have them reevaluate the object and if they claim its safe then begin research. Now, Zyrek what do you wish to ask?"

The only mutant on the council at this moment in time, shrugged his shoulders before pulling out a data pad, "I would suggest that you instead of attaching Lord Ulyr and the military to coming investigation that we instead make use of the Sky Guard. In the communities of those that bear certain differences the general military is tended to be seen with fear and distrust due to their very low rate of inclusion for even the slightest variation, while the Sky Guard on the other hand is a much more representative force in this regard. Furthermore, unlike the general army there isn't a long history of over zealous commanders going to far, when they think they have something. Even if that hasn't happened recently we have long memories regarding this and our particular sub culture is very insular.

Beyond that not much, Chief Nvera already detailed the object that we found and thank you for seeing reason in regards to what should be done with it. However, if you are taking suggestions, I would suggest that it would be prudent to try to force through policies that would further integrate my culture with the general culture on a more complete scale, as certain issues are cropping up as the rate of intermarriage has dropped in recent decades, which is pushing us down a path that history shows is not good for anyone involved." Zyrek finished as he placed the custom data pad on the table revealing his eight fingered hands in the process.

"Very well, attach the Sky Guard and Lord General Ulyr to the investigation, instead of the general army. I would also appreciate if you would work with him in this process to make it as kind to your culture as possible. As for your suggestions, I will attempt to do so, by revealing a few mostly forgotten facts of our ancestors. I thank you for bringing this to my attention, if you have nothing else you are free to leave." K'Thal smiled as they nodded and left, as the door closed behind them, his smiled withered as he just knew that the headache of getting the Ytterian Technocracy back into order was just beginning. 'Yet, our ancestors built the Ytterian Technocracy from the ground up with only a crashed ship and Mastery's Might, the least I can do is keep it running' he thought to himself with a mixture of gallows humor and quiet determination to do better.

Smiling as he took out the data pad from the Fallen Star and gently began tinkering with a simulation to hopefully find a way to connect to the system. As he worked he made sure to upload his improvements to the world wide database for all should be able to build upon all others as it should be and he was finally content for now, tomorrow could wait a while.

Second part of my make chain. A bit shorted and not precisely what I wanted from it, but I feel it gives weight and character to K'Thal so I am happy about it in that regard and helps flesh out the government of the polity. Might end up doing a history report style omake on the history/culture that didn't end up in here.
Hmmm.... Would it be good to send a latter to Sanguinius? To stop Magnus from drifting toward the Eldar, I mean.

Slanesh worlds from Eldrad, it's painfully obvious he wants us to be patsy for his scheme against it.

Magnus is pissed, but he knows he lost some of his credibility in the last Primarchs Council. So, even while shaken and angered by the perceived betrayal, he came to Kesar to give the information knowing perfectly well Kesar would catch on the Xenos interference. Hinting about noticing it and yet letting it be out of gratitude for help Magnus giving us - that's the best option I can think of. But it will still hurt.

Just to be sure, @Daemon Hunter what would the relationship with Magnus be if we took the fall?

If you took the fall, you'd fall down to Disliked or Irritated. I should probably describe further how negative relationships work, but generally the first two steps aren't that bad. You can get to this level with friends then bounce back. Normally that represents a rough patch of your friendship and such. You can also get situations like Angron where you're more of annoyance than a true enemy, and you can improve that if you do some actions. It's when you get to the third stage that things begin to break down. That is labelled as Angered and it generally is represented by wronging someone deeply. Far more than what you did here. It's actually fairly hard to get to this level as it usually requires you to consistently act in a manner opposed to them or going back on a promise that you've made.
If you took the fall, you'd fall down to Disliked or Irritated. I should probably describe further how negative relationships work, but generally the first two steps aren't that bad. You can get to this level with friends then bounce back. Normally that represents a rough patch of your friendship and such. You can also get situations like Angron where you're more of annoyance than a true enemy, and you can improve that if you do some actions. It's when you get to the third stage that things begin to break down. That is labelled as Angered and it generally is represented by wronging someone deeply. Far more than what you did here. It's actually fairly hard to get to this level as it usually requires you to consistently act in a manner opposed to them or going back on a promise that you've made.

It's especially irritating to be regarded as the misguided one in this relationship... but that's Magnus for you. If it was easy to be friends with him, everyone would do it. :V
Word of warning, but @Altered pointed out I had a pretty big plot hole in Year 15 Part 2. The Magnus Kesar social for that part was partially rewritten as a result. Thankfully that seems to be the only part of the quest where an issue popped up.
what was the plot hole?
Magnus had a theory about the Chaos Gods doing a thing, so he mentioned that there was an Archdaemon before. Which makes it weird that he just learned of them, and reacted the way he did.

The Plothole was Magnus confessing to having made a deal with an Archdaemon which sacrificed his eye to save his sons from the flesh change which obviously still occurred. He admitted this to us following the revelation by the Emperor of Chaos Gods aka Archdaemons and the fact that the Emperor didn't want anyone else knowing this. The Emperor also told Leman that if anyone was to actually look for them and find them they would die or he would have to kill them. Ontop of that, Kesar had just gone through Cadia and the debriefing.

Furthermore, the real issue with this is following that confession Magnus actually had tons of actions based into daemonic research while he was unaware of Chaos Gods or Archdaemons as they were called which would have wasted every turn of research he did.

So two issues there that both opened numerous issues. One more solidly in terms of everything that Magnus has done and the other in terms of Kesar just idly sitting there and ignoring that confession and needing to actually ensure Magnus and Emperor met so he could be sure Magnus was actually safe.
Alright, I'm calling the vote here. Looks like taking the blame and hinting at the fact Magnus is hiding something win.

Adhoc vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Jan 9, 2021 at 2:35 AM, finished with 34 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Critical Damage Control
    -[X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
    -[X] Take the blame unto himself. Each of them made a choice, but Kesar made the important one. He chose not to tell Magnus, perhaps that was why Khan and Perturabo didn't either? Share with him just how much Kesar did. *Magnus relationship with Kesar falls 3-4 stages. Relationship with Perturabo and Khan falls by zero to one stage.*
    [X] Do nothing. Each of them made a choice. It's time to accept it. *Magnus' relationships with Kesar, Perturabo, and Khan fall by two stages.*
    [X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
    [X] Plan Suffering Together
    -[X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
    -[X] Do nothing. Each of them made a choice. It's time to accept it. *Magnus' relationships with Kesar, Perturabo, and Khan fall by two stages.*
    [x] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows. As much as he needs to know, it would be hypocritical to press Magnus. Just let him know that Kesar knows there's more to this information. Perhaps he'll share something. *Will inform Perturabo and Khan about Magnus' deception*

Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Jan 7, 2021 at 4:32 AM, finished with 34 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Critical Damage Control
    -[X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
    -[X] Take the blame unto himself. Each of them made a choice, but Kesar made the important one. He chose not to tell Magnus, perhaps that was why Khan and Perturabo didn't either? Share with him just how much Kesar did. *Magnus relationship with Kesar falls 3-4 stages. Relationship with Perturabo and Khan falls by zero to one stage.*
    [X] Do nothing. Each of them made a choice. It's time to accept it. *Magnus' relationships with Kesar, Perturabo, and Khan fall by two stages.*
    [X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
    [X] Plan Suffering Together
    -[X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
    -[X] Do nothing. Each of them made a choice. It's time to accept it. *Magnus' relationships with Kesar, Perturabo, and Khan fall by two stages.*
    [x] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows. As much as he needs to know, it would be hypocritical to press Magnus. Just let him know that Kesar knows there's more to this information. Perhaps he'll share something. *Will inform Perturabo and Khan about Magnus' deception*
Vote has been called already (but your voted plan has already won lol).
A Friend and A Mentor (Must Read)
A Friend and A Mentor

Not many knew this about the Eldar, but they were deeply empathetic beings. Their evolution through the tens of millions of years, either through societal or immaterium related advances, ensured that their species were aware of each other's feelings and emotions. That wasn't to say that they wore their hearts on their sleeves, to use a human saying, but they were generally quite capable of identifying when another was greatly distressed.

The tragedy was that the Eldar people were also a race that enjoyed their privacy and displayed considerable control over their emotional outbursts. Especially after the Fall. To openly display emotions outside of family, friends, and loved ones were considered "rude" and "uncomfortable" to others not part of that individual's inner circle. However, such sentiments had changed as the number of Eldar continued to dwindle. People had no families, no one else to turn to now.

For some, they also found themselves as outsiders. Those that became Corsairs or even pirates working under the Drukhari could find themselves ostracized by family and friends. The price for escaping the confines of the Craftworld or rustic life of an Exodite. Freedom, especially during these uncertain times, came with a heavy price. Still, the Eldar made all attempts to bring their downtrodden and discouraged members back into the fold. Ultimately, the Eldar were still a family. A dysfunctional one, but united by many common desires and ambitions.

Though, sometimes, someone outside will look in for the same reasons...


Morianne found the infamous Black Library to be a rather confusing place, but she assumed that was the point. Her mentors, Landesh and Yral Piaf, seemed to enjoy watching her struggle to make sense of the warp geometry and architecture. The Library was alive in some sense. That much was certain to the Black Angel, and it infuriated her to no end.

"Past the third alcove and...?" She muttered to herself as she tried to make sense of the direction. Morianne learned that she had a rather terrible sense of direction, especially when it came to places like the Library. "Stupid Harlequins and their stupid riddles." Whenever she asked one for anything, the Guardians of the Black Library almost seemed to joke and laugh at her expense. They didn't like the untrained or uninitiated moving about such hallowed halls.

It showed what they all thought of the young Farseer of Ulthwé. 'They still see me as some Exodite bumpkin...' Perhaps that was true, but it didn't help her feel welcomed in this place. Her mentor hadn't exactly been friendly to her, and Yral Piaf acted more like a comedic timing for whenever she screwed up.

She sighed, "I'm either a joke or a burden to someone else."

Her years of training had been hard, and for the life of her, Morianne couldn't help but think she was a terrible Farseer. However, Landesh made it clear that if she didn't control her awakened abilities, she would become a danger to those around her. "...and if I'm not either of those two, then I'm just a walking weapon."

The Black Angel tried not to focus on such dark subjects, opting to find her way towards her destination. But she was still having no real luck. 'If I have to ask for directions again, I think I will actually consider just mind-probing someone...'

As Morianne considered her options, she then felt something approaching her. It was both a feeling of a psychic entity and also a stalking creature in the forest. Morianne felt only annoyance because it was likely another one of Yral Piaf's attempts to "attack" her while her guard was down.

"Yral Piaf, I swear by the gods that I will-"

Rather than hearing the wheezing laughter of the Death Jester, she heard only an animalistic response. "Mrrow." That wasn't what she was expecting, especially from the deep tone of the animal.

Morianne turned to see her stalker was a rather large feline, probably about the size of a Hartaure Night-Lion, staring at her expectantly and with intelligence. It wasn't a Grynix; that much was certain. Perhaps in any other instance, Morianne would've been quite keen to interact with the creature directly. She loved animals, considering they were her only friends aside from her parents growing up. Felines, canines, amphibians, and so on, the Black Angel liked being around them more than people.

But she had an assignment to complete, and Landesh told her not to waste time on such frivolous things. However, the creature was so beautiful, and it had been ages since she interacted with another living thing that either berated or tested her for one thing or another.

'The galaxy won't end if I take ten minutes to enjoy myself...not like I was making any progress getting out of here.'

So with a small smile, Morianne kneeled and tried to gain the creature's attention, "Hello there; I don't recall seeing you around here before. I certainly would enjoy coming here more often if I knew there was an official Black Library animal guardian, especially one as regal as you." Morianne smiled as the creature seemed to enjoy the praise from the Farseer. It clearly understood compliments.

She sighed again before giving a small smile towards the creature, "I don't suppose you happen to know your way around here?"

It stared at her for a few seconds before giving a small roar and standing; it started to walk in a different direction and then roar at her again. The creature wanted Morianne to follow it.

Now, this just amused her to no end, "Hmm, I suppose I can't get any more lost if I follow you." She stood up and then briskly walked over to the creature. "Then again, I've found that most creatures of nature tend to have a better sense of direction. Granted, you are clearly different. You have the aura of a monarch surrounding you. Now, what title do you address yourself under, hmm?" The girlish smile on Morianne's lips betrayed her intentions.

Once again, the creature gave a small roar, "Mrrah!"

"Oh, king of the Black Library?" She laughed now, "Someone thinks highly of themselves."

"Mrrow!" It seemed to roar in disapproval but without any ferocity or malice.

"Not a king, but only a lord? My, how gracious of you." She kept joking even though the creature seemed to understand her japes and teasing. It obviously didn't do much to stop them. "I've learned enough about felines that when they claim something as their own, it might as well be their own little empire."

The creature didn't roar to deny such an assumption. Morianne laughed again, unaware that this was perhaps the first time in ages she had enjoyed herself. She would have to thank this creature's owner when she had the chance.


"Where is that blasted furball...?" Magnus the Red, the Master of Prospero, and the Crimson King, and the second greatest psyker in the galaxy waited anxiously for his pet psycat to return from wherever it wandered off too. Bastet wasn't prone to just randomly leaving his side, even if the Black Library was a fairly familiar place now. That didn't mean it was totally safe. Eldrad warned him that dangerous creatures were constantly stalking its halls, and even those blasted Dark Eldar could sometimes be found roaming about.

It was an unnecessary worry on the already exhausted psyker. These last few months had been...trying, to say the least. Even after talking with his father, Amon, Magnus decided that he needed some otherworldly sage advice from the other creature. He considered "wise" enough to see the bigger picture of things.

The Perfidious Eldar were, as always, a constant puzzle for Magnus to solve. Eldrad, in particular, confused the Psyker King. It was like speaking with the Emperor and Malcador all in one. Yet, he still maintained that befuddling aura of disinterest even though he heard and considered every word uttered by Magnus.

Eldrad did not mislead or give any half-truths, only a vague answer that Magnus must figure out himself. Magnus hated that about Eldrad because his advice was actually helpful, but it was wrapped in some layers. He understood why he was doing it, but it didn't make it any less patronizing to the Crimson King.

And right now, Magnus didn't want to be patronized. He didn't want any of the Eldar telling him riddles or hiding answers from him that are needed right now, less he is driven "mad" by the confusion and grief he felt. Magnus didn't know where he stood with Eldrad exactly, but if great Seer had any respect towards their alliance, he could at least provide him one clear answer to a certain question that had been plaguing his mind since that dreadful meeting with Kesar.

He deserved that much.

As Magnus stewed and fumed over the future meeting with Eldrad, he heard something strange coming from the direction that Bastet took off from and was almost surprised to realize that it was laughter. It was not that unnerving and haughty sound that Cegorach's minions made, but honest, joyful laughter.

'Impossible. Who could find any joy in such a dreary place?' The Black Library wasn't like the halls of Prospero, where one could animated debates and laughter from the lounges areas. Here it was dead silent, like walking inside a church. The Laughing God and his minions were the exceptions to that thought, but they also found amusement in horror and tragedy. They weren't exactly the best judges of comedy, at least from what Magnus observed. Maybe he was also jaded to the point that hearing anyone else expressing any joy reminded him of his utter lack of said emotion.

'Gods, I'm turning in Mortarion.' Eldrad warned him to never give in to despair, claiming that the forces working against humanity and Eldar used such emotions to their advantage...but how could he ignore these thoughts and feelings? He couldn't just turn them off. More importantly, he didn't want to. They were driving him towards something, but Magnus wanted to make sure it was in the right direction and one that his brothers could see as well.

Deciding to take his mind off such things, he decided to investigate the laughter. Maybe he'd see another wonder of the galaxy, an Eldar that didn't look or sound like they were constantly in deep meditation or with sneering contempt on their faces.

He was surprised when it was actually as he expected, even more so when he saw that Bastet trailed next to the laughter's origin. Magnus had seen and learned enough to learn about Eldar physiology, aging, and soul maturity to identify that the female walking next to Bastet was young. It is probably close to 18 or 19 in human years, but considering the concept of age and time was so different from the Aeldari, that descriptor existed only for the Primarchs benefit.

For starters, she had ghostly pale skin and the blackest hair and wearing a white dress. She looked like a character from one of Fulgrims treasured paintings, kneeling next to Bastet and giving the psycat quite a bit of attention.

But what caught Magnus's attention was how the warp seemed to react around this particular Eldar. He rarely had seen passive immaterium manipulation in such a form. Light and shadows danced around her, flickering like insects around a light source, and yet it was almost like her soul was a star as well, but somehow dim?

'How curious...' Eldrad hadn't made any mention of having such a peculiar creature in his midst.

Unaware of the observation, the young woman focused on the purring psycat. "Your coat is so soft. Someone takes good care of it." The Eldar followed up by hugging and burying her face in Bastet mane. Magnus blinked at the rather childish action. Once again, he was surprised to find someone this innocent and pure walking among the blackest of archives. Then again, the shadows and darkness seemed to drift around her almost...lovingly?

"What are you?" Magnus muttered loud enough that the woman seemed to freeze, and Bastet turned her attention back towards her master. Rather than the expected dignified and controlled response, the Eldar seemed flustered as she stood up in surprise. Her eyes widen, and Magnus felt a wave of surprise and shock as she bore witness to him, as if she hadn't sensed him before.

"I could ask the same of you, sir." Her tone was incredulous as she stared at the Primarch. Magnus blinked again; surely she knew who or what he was; the Eldar all knew of the Primarchs, and those within the Black Library knew of the Crimson King.

"Surely you jest with such feigned ignorance."

She looked a tad annoyed now, "Do I look like one of the Harliqueins?" As if trying to fix the situation from getting caught, she cleared her throat and fixed her dress. "As for what I am, I am Eldar. But what are you then?"

"I am one of the Emperor's Primarchs," Magnus answered bluntly.


There was an awkward silence as Magnus processed that response. There was no sneering dismissal or freighted awe. If anything, it sounded like she didn't seem to grasp what he just said. That didn't make sense, though. The Eldar had heard of the Emperors favored generals and weapons.

"Yes, I am Magnus the Red." He put a bit of energy into this display of power, allowing his eyes and skin to glow a crimson light, "Primarch of the Thousand Sons and Master of Prospero." The Primarch didn't try to sound smug or haughty, but right now, he wanted to remind himself of the power and influence he still commanded, even with the most recent demerits of standing among his brothers.

She had a pleasant but confused look on her face. Magnus felt annoyed now. Hells, he might as well have told her that he was made of cheese and could summon chicken wings on his back; he'd have gotten the same response.

"Surely you've heard of me?"

To his dismay, she shook her head, "I haven't, but I've heard of the Primarchs."

"But not me?"

In a very human gesture, she tapped her chin as she concentrated on something, "Well, my master mentioned something about an annoying giant; I think he mentioned a Primarch that had been bothering Master Ulthran for the past few periods." Magnus felt a brief twitch in his warp eye. That was all she heard of him?!

He couldn't believe it. Magnus wasn't so vain as to expect everyone in the galaxy to know his name, but the Black Library inhabitants all knew him now! So that he meet an Eldar wholly ignorant of one of the most powerful individuals in the galaxy was unfathomable. She wasn't even trying to be dismissive or cruel or joking.

He almost felt deflated at such innocent ignorance. 'This isn't doing my ego any favors right now...'

Then she spoke up, "Your power and control, though, it's amazing!" Now there was some awe as if she took the time to examine him. "Does this Prospero train other Primarchs like yourself? Your control is beyond even that of Master Landesh."

Magnus was surprised at how good he felt at hearing such praise and a comparison. This woman, who had no idea of who he was or represented, could still tell at a glance that his control and power over the warp was immense. "Oh, uh, no. I was unique to Prospero."

"Oh, still, I'm quite impressed. It sounds like a great place of learning among humans." Was that...eagerness in her voice? None of the Eldar he had talked to had expressed any interest in waiting to hear about his homeworld.

Bastet decided to spare Magnus from another further embarrassment by approaching and rubbing up against his leg. That, however, got the woman's attention, "Is he your companion?"

"She, and yes." Magnus gently corrected.

"Oh!" Now her face got red again, "I'm so sorry, I assumed you were a male." She sent an apologetic glance toward Bastet, "I guess your title is Queen of the Black Library then."


"What?" Magnus was starting to think that the Harlequins were playing a prank on him again. He idly reached out to sense for any traps or if Cegorach was up to something.

She smiled at Magnus again, "Nothing, just a little joke between new friends." He blinked again at hearing this woman describe Bastet as a new friend, although the creature gave a light roar, and Magnus felt a bit of admonishment directed towards the Eldar.

The Eldar seemed to feel that as well, huffing and sighing before speaking, "Fine, I'll offer some tribute, and then we'll officially be friends." The psycat gave another roar, this time of approval, as the Eldar pulled out what looked to be a rather exotic fruit from her dress and then tossing it towards the psycat, who promptly caught it using some telekinesis before snagging the hovering food with its mouth.

"There we go."

"I...what did I just stumble into now?" Magnus muttered to himself as he tried to collect himself in the face of this development. "Okay, let me try a different approach...who are you?"

"My name is Morianne Lyfae of Craftworld Ulthwé." She curtsied with her dress towards the Primarch. Magnus refused to believe that this Morianne was from the same place as Eldrad. She had neither the control nor discipline nor arrogance or pride of those Eldar. It would be like hearing a happy Death Guard or a grump Salamander; the concept just didn't fit with the background.

She was smiling and laughing and acting human; Magnus couldn't help but think that this was some trick. Especially with that strange power associated with her soul.

"What's her name?" She changed the subject again, almost like a child failing to pay attention, but he suspected that she was intentionally trying to switch his focus.

He looked down at the purring psycat, "Bastet."

"Well, Magnus the Red. It was nice meeting you and Bastet." The genuine smile made him think that he did see a wonder of the galaxy now. "I needed a slight distraction, and Bastet helped from getting lost again..."

"Getting lost?" What sort of Eldar gets lost in their own domain?

"I...Uhm, I have problems moving about the Black Library. I'm not familiar with it." A bashful Eldar as well? Today was a day of firsts. Maybe he'd see a chaste daemonette or a Space Wolf that actually bathed and didn't have some wolf anarchism attached to his name.

"Regardless," She interrupted his thoughts, "I should be able to find my way back to my mentor." Her tone changed. Gone was the playful demeanor, now in its place was almost wistfulness.

Perhaps it was for the best. Magnus needed to focus on the more important things. He had almost forgotten completely over what was troubling him and...

"Wait!" Magnus suddenly called out and stopped himself as he realized how awkward this might have looked.

Morianne stopped and looked surprised at the outburst; even Bastet was confused. "Yes?"

"Well, err..." He almost fumbled his next line, "How about I offer a trade of information." Magnus approached and towered over the smaller female. "I know how to move about these halls, and I can teach you how to do it yourself."

"Really? That would be a great help." Now she gave him a sidelong glance, "But what do you want in return...?"

He crossed his arms, "I want to know what your master has said exactly about me to Eldrad. For all I know, he's spreading lies about me."

Magnus expected Morianne to defend her master, but instead, she nodded, "Oh, he's most certainly doing that and telling Eldrad not to trust you at all."

"Urk?!" He almost choked at hearing that, "Truly?!"

Then she started to laugh, "No! Of course not. I just wanted to see your reaction. But I'll agree to your terms on the condition that I get to ask you some questions as well. Just simple ones."

"Fine, I could use the mental stimulus anyway." Magnus could fish for some additional intel on what the other Farseers were telling Eldrad. Besides, he desperately needed a distraction, and he doubted that Morianne had too many questions for him. There was only so much the Eldar could care to hear about the primitive races.


Magnus had never met an Eldar so ignorant of things, yet also so full of curiosity and questions on subjects not related to anything Eldar.

To her credit, Morianne was just as intelligent as her kin but somehow lacked much of the academic knowledge normally available to them. It wasn't that they didn't try, but they focused on other avenues for her teachings. The way Morianne explained it, she was a budding Farseer and supposedly quite the capable one. However, she did not speak in any riddles or offer vague answers like Eldrad.

She truly was a child compared to her peers, and Magnus found it refreshing. For once, a human (albeit a Primarch) was the fountain of galactic knowledge and wisdom to an Eldar. And Morianne had questions.

Many, many questions...

"So, why are you all red?"

"Why are you a giant?"

"Can you only see out that one eye?"

"Where did you find Bastet?"

"How many psychic tomes have you read?"

"How many books have you read?"

"What's Prospero like? What about your 'Legion'? What about the Human Emperor?"

Magnus learned something else that day; an Eldar, when curious, did not sate their curiosity until every question was answered. He almost had to recall certain lore pieces and knowledge at a few points as the questions increased in complexity. The childish questions soon turned into ones asking him about his feelings on the warp, the ideas of Human-Eldar relations, the wars plaguing the galaxy, and subsequently towards the threat of Chaos.

Morianne wasn't unaware or totally ignorant of such things. If anything, they seemed to be a great concern upon her mind. The few times Magnus sensed her emotional spectrum, the Primarch could sense apprehension, fear, concern, and even anger. There was also a feeling of helplessness and frustration. She did not guard her mind around Magnus, which was dangerous. But it also showed that Morianne trusted him.

Another wonder for the century; a trusting, ignorant, smiling Eldar. Such a being shouldn't exist, yet here stood Morianne. Magnus knew that they would be lost in time, shattered, or ground into oblivion upon the harsh realities of the galaxy. It was almost tragic, but the Crimson King learned that such things could strike just about anywhere, at any time.

Nothing good lasts in this galaxy.

Still, Magnus put those thoughts aside. He didn't need to be bitter or pessimistic around someone that craved knowledge. Besides, he was enjoying himself. Morianne hung onto every answer and easily responded to any of Magnus's questions. Unfortunately, he wished her answered reassured him more than his own.


"They think I'm a threat?" Magnus asked in disbelief, "Do they think me an assassin of some sort?"

Morianne shook her head, "It's not that, Landesh and others think that Master Ulthran would use you for something important, and you'd somehow fail in your task."

The two of them had found an empty nexus point inside one of the Black Libraries section. It amused him to no end that there were lounging areas inside the greatest repository of knowledge. He couldn't begin to imagine an Eldar just sitting down with a cup of tea or recaff while reading a tome of pyromancy as light reading. Then again, Magnus had the same time and time again.

He found himself sitting across from Morianne, the two having spent perhaps an hour or two walking around and talking. Magnus had already explained his tips and tricks for moving about the Library. After that, Morianne took control of the discussion entirely, with the Crimson King only interjecting occasionally with a question.

The topic had finally steered back towards what the other Farseers. had thought of Eldrads alliance with the Primarch. Evidently, it wasn't as well-received as Magnus thought. "I suppose I haven't exactly done much to earn anyone's favor..."

"Not really," Morianne remarked as she played with Bastet. "If anything, they feel as if there shouldn't be any humans inside the Library. Would it help if I said that the Harlequins here enjoy your presence at least?"

"That really doesn't speak positively to me if I am honest." He shouldn't be so discouraged at hearing the other Eldar not wanting his presence in their precious library, but it still stung. 'I suppose I should be used to being outed from any inner circles these days...' Those bitter thoughts were returning.

But then, Morianne's voice gently spoke up, "Are you alright?" Was that genuine concern he heard as well? Magnus looked over and saw the attention on the Eldars face. "Your thoughts turned very...dark for a second."

"Oh, my apologies...I didn't realize you were an empath as well." Magnus put on a happy front. "I suppose I'm just a bit miffed at getting snubbed by your peers."

She shook her head, "I'm not an empath, at least no more than any other Eldar. And you are lying; what I said isn't what caused you to feel this way. Maybe not entirely, anyway."

Magnus tried to wave off her concern, "It's nothing, really. I was just reminded of a rather heated argument I had with one of my brothers. It not of any concern to you."

Morianne looked like she wanted to talk about it, her face displaying an anxiousness to speak. "Really, it's...nothing." Magnus tried to explain things again, even though that was quite the lie. Because what he felt right now wasn't 'nothing'; it was the whole reason he was here in the Black Library today, wasting time with this child because it was the first time in days he didn't spend wallowing in self-pity or remorse.

And it was so apparent that even Morianne picked up on it. 'Is my mental state that obvious?' Perhaps he needed to spend more time in meditation and re-center himself. It was just so hard to focus these past few weeks.

"What was the argument about?" Morianne asked as she pets Bastet.

Magnus was silent for a moment. He had every right to tell her nothing, even to mind her own business, but Magnus also brought this on himself by allowing her to ask all these questions. The Crimson King acted as a teacher, and now his impromptu student asked for a rather personal answer.

"Well," Magnus began as he tried to recall the core issues he had with Kesar and the others, "I suppose it's like this situation with your Farseers. There was a lack of trust and dialogue between my brother and me. I realized where I stood with him and others within our family, and I suppose...well, I suppose I had issues with his reasonings."

"Oh?" Morianne looked up at the red giant, "Such as?"

"He didn't consult me or ask for my help or even considered reaching out to me for a certain endeavor. I had to go to him after the fact, and even then, I felt like I was some outsider trying to barrage into another conversation. But, you have to understand...in context, I have the knowledge and experience that would greatly benefit my brothers and me, more so than anyone else within our family save perhaps the Emperor or Eldrad!"

The Eldar said nothing as she listened to the Primarch.

"...And to hear them say that I was more than likely a risk to that endeavor's security, they lied to me. More importantly, they continue to hide the truth." He shook his head and tried desperately not to think about this, "When it comes to my family, you never know when you are in, but they will make it abundantly clear when you are out. All these little secrets, everyone holding them to their chest, and yet whenever I do anything, and it comes to light, I feel like the villain."

"I can't say that I know that exact feeling." Morianne's voice almost broke Magnus out of his stupor. He almost had forgotten that he was talking to someone while he unloaded all of that upon the young woman. "But I do know the feeling of being kept out of certain truths, of being kept in the dark. It hurts when it comes from the people you love, especially when you are stuck depending on them for answers. My parents were the only people I ever knew before coming to Ulthwé. They were my friends, my confidants, but more often than not, my keepers. You have that same feeling, your family wants to protect you, but they also want you out of the way."

"Yes," Magnus felt that assessment wasn't too inaccurate, "That is what it feels like sometimes. You just want to hear the truth..."

"And be free." Morianne finished with a sad smile, "But sometimes I felt like it was better that I never knew. I think humans have an old saying...ignorance is bliss?"

Now the Primarch snorted in disdain, "Ignorance is bliss, but you are left with no control. Anyone can learn to accept the truth given enough answers, understanding, and context. Your Great Seer tells me that all the time."

"And he likely also advised you that some answers aren't worth discovering." Morianne argued back, "Not all things need to be put forward without considering the implications, the consequences, or another's feelings on the matter."

"Perhaps if there were lives at stake or the information could cause an insurmountable amount of chaos...but this was just about keeping me out of my brothers' inner circle. That explicit lack of trust hurt more than anything." Magnus couldn't believe how much it hurt. He never considered himself an overtly sentimental or emotional creature like Vulkan or Fulgrim or Kesar. But he held many things and people as sacred and in his heart.

"Yes, I suppose it would, especially by someone you care about." Morianne agreed with a small nod, "Still, I can't help but think that sometimes we lie to people to protect them, rather than out of a lack of trust or caring."

"You've never met some of my brothers or the Emperor." He scoffed and then thought of Eldrad, "For all your Great Seers riddles and conundrums, he at least made his intentions clear to me from the start."

The young woman looked a tad conflicted, "He can be somewhat brutally honest."

"Good." Magnus remarked flatly, "Maybe all of us need to be honest with each other, regardless of our feelings or emotions. What's the point otherwise of working together? What has consideration for such things done to any of us?"

"It stopped us from hurting someone we love, I suppose."

Magnus didn't bother responding. He found Morianne's sentimentality to be a tiring thing. It was born out of a childish ignorance of the realities of this galaxy, that people could and should allow for their emotional connections to feed into the decision-making process, that discovery of uncomfortable truths should be replaced with pleasant ignorances, and that individuals close to you be allowed to lie if it meant keeping you "safe" from emotional distress.

The Primarch was beginning to see why the Emperor was who he was now and why he succeeded. He stopped caring about little things and focused on the bigger picture. Yet that felt like a cold and hollow realization. 'What's the point of forming any attachments then?'

Rather than be discouraged by the silence, Morianne spoke up again, "I'm sorry I couldn't offer you any real advice, Magnus."

He sighed, "It's alright. I shouldn't have even said any of those things to you. I told you, it's not..." He was about to say not important, "It's done; let just say that."

"Of course, I shall pry no more then." Morianne was lying, though, because she clearly had more things to say. Magnus, however, wasn't interested in continuing the conversation. He had said far too much to a possible spy pretending to be an innocent girl. It was clear that he needed to handle these thoughts before saying or doing something he'd regret.

The awkward silence lasted for about a few minutes before Magnus made the mistake of trying to change the subject. "You mentioned your parents...are they-"

"They're dead." Morianne remarked softly, "Died during a daemonic incursion on my Exodite. You are looking at the sole survivor of the world of Hartaure." Magnus didn't need to be telepathy to read the negative emotions rolling off her soul. But his ethereal eye did see the darkness of the area around her start to shift and morph into an unnatural geometry of shapes and designs. However, that soon ends and leaves Morianne to focus on the slightly startled psycat.

Magnus had the decency to look embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I should've picked up on that with the wording you used." So they died in a daemonic incursion; how did she survive then? Morianne didn't exactly have the raw power or anti-corruption abilities of an Eternal Warden. Then again, something strange about her began with, and one that still interested Magnus.

"It's alright," Morianne responded softly.

The silence reigned for an uncomfortable amount of time. It did allow Magnus to reflect upon his own choice of words and phrasing. He felt a small bit of guilt over complaining about his brothers when Morianne had nothing left. It wasn't like Magnus hadn't experienced hearing other individuals speak over such losses, but perhaps it spoke poorly of his character when he realized that he became numb to it at some point.

Maybe he was also tired of humanity and found himself gravitating more towards the Eldar. Morianne certainly had been a nice reprieve from just about everything. Perhaps he was feeling guilt and concern towards a stranger who had taken the time to hear his problems without total judgment or dismissal.

But maybe a human moment was needed now.


She didn't look up as her fingers ran through Bastets mane, "Hmm?"

"Would you mind telling me more about your family, perhaps even about your home? In exchange, I can tell you a little more about my father and Prospero."

There was a brief pause from the Eldar, and he almost thought he made another mistake until he felt a brief pang of happiness from the Eldar. "...If you are indeed curious, sure. And I would love to hear more about your homeworld."

Magnus smirked while Morianne smiled.


Eldrad was rarely put into uncomfortable positions. The Greatest Seer could not be caught unaware, nor could his plans be undone by anyone, save the Gods themselves. He was the master of his fate, and now of his entire race. This was not born out of arrogance, but accomplishments and the weight of knowing such a thing. Yet, he was not incapable of missing certain events or failing to consider all possible predeterminations.

He was only mildly surprised when one of his spies found the wandering Crimson King. He told Magnus once never to leave the guest sections, but telling the bookish Primarch not to explore the Black Library was like asking a child not to eat sweets when laid out in front of him. So, Eldrad allowed him to move about. Magnus would not cause any trouble or a disturbance.

But the Crimson King running into the Black Angel caused unnecessary complications, unforeseen developments, and new divergent paths upon the Midnight Heaven prophecy. In only a few seconds, Eldrad Ulthran mentally readjusts a dozen plans to reconcile this disorder in his timeline, and soon everything was back in place.

That still didn't fix the awkwardness of the situation. Magnus was not supposed to have met Morianne. The Lord of Prospero, somehow, stumbled into the prophecy. Eldrad wanted to blame Tzeentch, but he knew it was just the strands of fate changing the game's rules as it always has and will when it came to prophesy.

'Not only does God play dice, but the dice are also loaded.' He remembered hearing that saying from humans thousands of years ago. Sometimes the apes have their own little nuggets of galactic wisdom when they weren't killing each other or inviting destruction via their bumbling into things better left undiscovered.

However, such things were pointless wastes of time and creative thought. His mind drifted and thought up the thousands upon thousands of paths and destinations that awaited. From individuals to entire worlds, everyone was part of a great endeavor designed to save this galaxy from eternal damnation, and more importantly, his people.

That, more than anything, guided him towards certain events. He did not desire to rebuild the Empire of Old. It was lost and for a good reason. Instead, he would rekindle something else for his people: Hope.

Even now, they needed it more than ever. Eldrad and his people now live in the mausoleum of history. They were to inherit the legacy of ghosts if they failed, destined to haunt the ruins of the old empire. He heard the whispers that their people have no present, only a past filled with horror and a future they can only dream of.

Eldrad would not let this future come to pass, even if fate deemed it necessary. Out of all the things he fought against, all the prophecies and apocalypses, the Doom of the Eldar would end by his hands.

But everyone had a role to play, and sacrifices would have to be made.

"Lord Ulthran?" One of his warlocks interrupted his meditation, "The Primarch has arrived."

Eldrad nodded once, not looking at his warlock. "Send him in."

"Begging pardon, but you should know before this meeting. As our agents ushered him away, he and the Black Angel seemed to have been having a rather animated discussion before departing on amicable terms." The warlock sounded quiet, "Lord Landesh was reportedly quite irritated upon hearing of this."

"Yes, I understand." Eldrad knew how that particular argument would go, "I will deal with it in time. Send in the Primarch."

That would be another problem to deal with in due time. Landesh and the others openly questioned his decision to bring in the Crimson King into Eldrads plans. They always argued caution when it came to working with humans. Especially after the debacle with now destroyed Cabal. Not that such criticisms would stop him. Still, Eldrad would heed the Seer Councils' words if he moved in a dangerous direction with the psyker.

Eldrad surrounded himself with the best of his craftworld, but their biases remained apparent in their decision making. Magnus, if he were to join, would need the Great Seers' approval and loyalty. That in itself was asking for much, especially if the Imperium discovered the Eldar making hidden compacts with Imperial organizations. Magnus the Red was only one of Eldrads allies within the Imperium of Man. Not that Magnus needed to know that...

Another minute passed in silent contemplation before Eldrad felt the psychic aura of Magnus increase significantly. The cyclops could be felt in an entire star system, let alone the psychic presence when he entered a room. At the very least, his control allowed for it to not blind psy-sensitive individuals.

Upon entertaining, Eldrad kept his back turned to the warlock and Primarch as they entered his meditative chambers. Eldrad had explained to Magnus that this wasn't done to spite him or act discourteous but rather to offer Eldrad the courtesy to relax his divination channeling. Otherwise, if he looked upon an individual while channeling, he would be swarmed with visions of their future.

It made for an awkward moment sometimes, seeing someone die multiple times in only an instant.

His aide bowed to him, "Magnus the Red." That was all the fanfare anyone got before Eldrad Ulthran. This was not a court of a king or emperor, but a Seer.

"Leave us," Eldrad spoke once to the warlock, who quietly obeyed. He closed the doors to the chamber behind him, leaving two of the most powerful psykers in the galaxy to wait in silence. Eldrad was almost finished with his divinations when Magnus started to speak.

"Thank you for taking the time to meet with me." The Crimson King sounded impatient. He had been waiting for several hours now, almost half a "day" inside the Black Library. "I was hoping for some-"

"Advice?" Eldrad finished the sentence even though he didn't need to be a Seer to know what Magnus the Red wanted from the Great Seer.

"Yes." He answered softly, and Eldrad could almost hear the uncertainty in his voice, "I've unfortunately run out of people to turn to for such things. My father offered some, but a father has biases towards his child. Instead, I will see if the greatest of the Eldar people can offer me some."

The Great Seer said nothing as he finally finished his divinations. He mentally cataloged what he saw in his mind and prepared future orders for his acolytes to relay to field commanders. Eldrad finally turned to look at Magnus; it was time to be the lesson.

And it started with only one sentence.

"I have no words of wisdom for you."

Magnus was taken aback and almost laughed, "You haven't even heard my explanation as to why I sought you out!"

"You confronted your brother, the Daemonsbane, over being denied into a great undertaking. You accused him, your emperor, and those closest to you of faithlessness in your abilities. You harbor feelings of resentment, shame, regret, confusion, and uncertainty." Eldrad stared at Magnus with disapproval but also understanding. "Your soul aches, but you refuse to see why."

Nothing was said, but Eldrad felt the waves of negative emotions rolling off the psyker. He was sure that his guards would've entered the room if he had not sent a subtle "all is well" message via a psychic burst to them.

The Primarch was angry, shocked, and visibly upset, but Magnus calms himself down. Eldrad was certain that if he had not talked to Morianne beforehand, this would've been a lot worse. The Primarch needed to remain calm, less his detractors heard about it and assumed unstable.

It was another layer of the test for Magnus, his ability to remain calm and collected in the face of acquisitions and criticisms.

He was clenching his fists as he spoke through gritted teeth, "My family...my brothers do not trust me. They call me irresponsible, even dangerous. All I asked for was answers and a modicum of confidence in my abilities. They don't...they don't think me capable of helping them without being a risk."

Eldrad shook his head, "The wrong man in the wrong place will never make things right. You should know better."

"How I am the wrong man for this?! They are preparing to strike at the Great Enemy; we both know what powers they can call upon!" He approached the Great Seer, towering over him. "Eldrad, I know things that can help us all!"

"And there will be a time and place for you, but you cannot continue to act as if every time you are barred or discouraged is an act designed squarely against you." Eldrad put a bit of steel into his voice now. "There is no wisdom to be found in alienating yourself from your allies over such petty things."

"Petty?!" The Primarch roared at the Eldar, "My brothers look at me as if I am a monster, my sons run the risk of dying to the Flesh Change, and we stand at the brink of a war against foes only a few understand! Whenever I attempt to learn and understand them, I am discredited and reprimanded, yet when Kesar, Khan, and Perturabo attempt to learn more about this enemy, the Emperor and Sigillite give them praises!"

Eldrad scoffed at the Primarch, "Is that what this is all about? The lack of praise and understanding from those around you. If you came to me for such things, to hear empty platitudes and sympathy, I underestimated your maturity."

The next part of the lesson began as Eldrad instantly created a psychic shield around his mind and soul as he was bombarded by the Crimson Kings considerable warp energies. Such power and ferocity rolled off him like water in a raging river. Magnus the Red was furious, but Eldrad knew enough that it wasn't directed towards him.

"How dare you!" Magnus yelled at Eldrad, "You think I do all this for attention and praise?! I am not some simpering lapdog like Leman or an egotistical narcissist like Fulgrim or Horus! I could do more for humanity if I were given a chance, the opportunity to learn about the Warp! I can teach my brothers, all of us, that we do not need to fear the unknown! That with logic and understanding and trust, we can elevate ourselves out of this nightmare, but no one wants to listen, no one is willing to try because they see only the negatives! They are all cowards, intentionally cloaking themselves in cloaks of ignorance because they refuse to stay in the cold realities when given enough time, the sun will rise upon us all!"

Eldrad shook his head at hearing the tirade from Magnus. The Primarch had his heart in the right place, but he still refuses to accept that the harsh lessons of the warp did not temper his vision of knowledge and understanding, and trust. Even after all he suffered, Magnus maintained that all could be enlightened, even if it came at certain costs.

He waited for Magnus to calm down before speaking, "Your idealism is admirable, but also dangerous." Eldrad remarked quietly, "But sometimes you have to accept that some people aren't prepared or capable of understanding. That trusting them to make the right decision might not be possible. Sometimes...ignorance is the better option until they are ready."

Magnus was stunned to hear that from Eldrad, "How...can you believe that? You of all people know that we can't hide from what awaits us!"

"I am more than aware, Crimson King." Eldrad grimaced as he prepared to make a point. "But when we care about someone deeply, even those we just met or have known for centuries, our biases interfere. When burdened with knowledge and forced to make a decision, we will always hesitate for fear of ruining a strand of love and companionship. It's difficult, even impossible, when you are forced to contend with the idea of ending such a treasure, especially in such dark times."

"Not every truth can ruin someone." Magnus huffed slightly, "I believe that people can understand, that if you explain things and show them not to fear the unknown, to embrace it, we can stop the ruination that such things can bring upon ourselves and others."

It was time now. "Then let me put that to the test."

Magnus looked startled, "What? What do you mean?"

"I am going to give you what you want: trust. I am placing my trust in you with a secret, a prophecy related to my people. This knowledge is in the hands of four people, including me. You will be the fifth if you choose to accept it."

Now the Primarch was stunned, "You...you are serious? Yes, I will gladly take upon this honor!" Eldrad grimaced at Magnus and his obsession with forbidden or hidden knowledge. It was too dangerous, and he hoped this lesson would help guide him further down the path of temperance and caution when faced with such traps.

"You are too quick to accept. Your eagerness to learn is both a virtue and a curse; never forget that." Eldrad lied; he did give Magnus one piece of advice. The Great Seer would just chalk it up to part of the lesson. "In any case, what I am about to tell you is the full prophecy, one related to a certain girl you met already."

"Morianne?" The Crimson King looked confused, "I figured she was part of something. She's an anomaly if I've ever seen one. She is part of this prophecy then?"

"Correct." Eldrad summoned forth his powers and began to weave the tale. "When I am finished, you will learn of a great secret and will need to live with it. Unlike your Emperor, I will not censor you. You will be free to do with it as you wish. I will give you what was denied your brother, the freedom to choose, the freedom to trust in others with knowledge."

The Great Seer stared at Magnus, "And when you are burdened with it, I can only hope you understand."


Eldrad did not just explain Midnight Heaven. He showed Magnus all possible avenues and paths of its conclusion. It took the better part of six hours to explain and provide context. Eldrad told the Primarch what was expected of the Eldar, humanity, and, more importantly, Morianne.

The Master of Prospero was horrified at what he saw in the visions. Not just of the threats or the destructions or deaths...but the fate of Morianne. Eldrad did not spare him from the worse parts. If anything, he took exceptional lengths to show Magnus those particular visions.

However, when he explained the penultimate fate, the successful end of Midnight Heaven, Magnus had enough.

"Unbelievable!" The disgust on his face was palpable, "You would allow for one of your people to go through such things?"

Eldrad took the remark in stride, "I've sent millions of them to die so that billions may live."

"There is a difference between sending someone to die in a war and prolonging...whatever I just saw." He shook his head and closed his eyes, "By the Stars, what a cruel joke to play upon someone undeserving." Magnus looked at Eldrad, the revulsion in his eyes evident, "And yet you seek to keep this from her?"

"Yes. Morianne isn't ready; mayhaps, she will never be ready. But she will do her duty, just like you and I will when the time comes."

"This is just callous, Eldrad. Even the moments of happiness showed me only loss and loneliness, directly linked with Lion? And why him?! Do you know what he is like?"

Eldrad knew what all the Primarchs were like, all their dreams, fears, and vices. Lion El'Johnson was not a cruel Primarch, but he was unflinching and distant. A general and lord, but not a man who would enjoy the presence of Morianne, let alone love. Eldrad, however, could only hope that things could change, that something akin to romantic attachments, if not at least a good working relationship, could blossom given enough time.

For both their sakes, the Black Angel and the Dark Lion had to join forces in more ways than one.

"Yes. I am aware." Eldrad said nothing more on that particular subject, but Magnus wasn't finished. Not that he could just drop the subject now.

The psykers mind was aghast and upset over what he had just seen. Not only for the implications of what this prophecy met in the grand scheme of things but to hear it happen to a young woman he had only met...it might have been touching in another time. It showed that the Crimson King, a Primarch of the Imperium, could empathize with another's plight, even if it was an alien.

Then again, human males always found themselves gravitating towards acts of heroism and valor whenever the plight of a female was in question. That was just Eldrads opinion on that particular matter.

"You are sending one of your own to become...a gift. A tool for his own ambitions."

Eldrad almost laughed, almost. "This from a man that gleamed into the warp for hidden knowledge? Perhaps she will be nothing more than a tool, but what difference does it make, hmm? If it means the galaxy's betterment, what is another wasted life among the hundreds of trillions? What's another flicker of light being expended if it means the flames of hope are kept burning?"

Magnus looked unwillingly to believe such words, "I refuse to believe that you are so cruel, so quick discard someone like her...all for a prophecy! You can't tell me you put stock in this in for a brief moment of hope!"

Eldrad sneered and then finally laughed, "Your race has done exactly that for thousands of years! Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring galaxy that will save us, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary, we pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts."

He looked at Magnus with eyes clouded by thousands of years of exhaustion from regret, doubts, and sacrifice, "I will do anything to save my people, short of damnation in any capacity or form. If I have to send someone like Morianne off, watch this galaxy tear her soul apart, and end with her becoming some Mon'Keighs toy, then so be it. Because there are worse fates, Magnus. So. Much. Worse..."

"You can't mean this..."

"You've seen what happens if this fails. How many worlds will burn, how many trillions of your people will die? And what about the lost knowledge? How much is one life worth compared to all of that? Your Imperium has sacrificed just as much to get one STC! Let alone the chance to get a complete Constructor because it stands to reason that it will benefit more in the end. And if you think that way, fine, I completely understand. In time, Morianne will understand as well."

Gods, Eldrad felt old now. Hearing him say such things reminded him just how much was riding on his actions. Things would only get harder soon. More killing, more death, and he would be the one helping to orchestrate it.

Magnus had enough, though. "You can't seriously be considering any of this...she might as well be a child in your civilization's eyes."

"She is a child, but one who serves a purpose and that we cannot ignore. This is her fate, which she will learn fully in due time."

"You've told her nothing about this?! She has to know, Eldrad!"

All the man did was a gesture towards the doors, "You are free to tell her the whole truth. I will not stop you. If you truly trust her, that with enough context and understanding, she can handle this, then I wish you the best."

The Primarch sneered at the Great Seer, "DO NOT attempt to make this about what I've done or said! You think to use this information to prove a point or teach me some lesson?! Was this all a setup by you?!"

"The Crimson King was never supposed to meet the Black Angel." Eldrad retorted with heat in his voice, "The fates did this, not me. I'm only giving you a choice that just so happens to prove a point. You can either tell her the truth and hope that it doesn't break her, or withhold this information until she is better prepared to handle it."

Magnus paused and stared before he realized the parable of this situation and started to laugh bitterly, "Oh, I see now! I'm Kesar, and Morianne is me! And you must be the Emperor telling me not to tell 'me' because I'm not ready, I'm not to be trusted, and I am unprepared! You certainly fit the role, Eldrad, both of you have such bloody arrogance and an antiquated notion of wisdom!"

"Unlike your Emperor, I am giving you the freedom to choose what to say. I won't stop you but know this; you are like Morianne in that you weren't prepared for what was to come."

"I was prepared, and this is not the same situation." He glowered at Eldrad, "I've known from the start what threats lie inside the warp; I know what to expect."

"Do you? Do you really?" Eldrad closed his eyes and shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I've given you ample enough warning now. Heed it, or don't."

"I will tell her." Magnus threatened, "She deserves to know."

"Then go!" The door to his chambers opened via his psychic commands, "Go! Tell her everything, and I hope that she will understand, for both our sakes." He turned from the Crimson King and sat down, preparing to mediate again.

Rather than leave, Magnus spoke up, "I'm serious. You can't tell me you won't stop me from leaking important strategic information to her?"

"I trust you, Magnus, to make whatever decision. Whether it is the right or wrong one will be up to you to decide.."

Those words seemed to stun the Primarch. Eldrad was putting an insurmountable amount of faith into the human psyker in regards to whatever he did. Perhaps this was all still part of the lesson, but even Eldrad wasn't so sure anymore. He had lost himself in the argument for a moment, forgetting that everything he did was for the betterment of all. But to hear Magnus accuse him of cruelty and callousness...it stung because it was true.

Morianne would suffer, and her reward was only the chance of love with a warlord of the Imperium.

"Fine." Magnus spoke up quietly, "I'll go...and I'll consider your words, both in regards to my situation and this one."

Eldrad said nothing. The lesson was over. There were no more words to be said. It was time to get back to work. There were plots to create, enemies to undermine, and fates to weave.

He can only hope now that he made the right decision. No amount of divination would show him if he were right or wrong. It was now in the hands of Magnus and Morianne. He was powerless in this situation, and such irony was not lost on him.


Magnus had seen a lot of terrible things in his time. Something about what he saw, though, rattled him far more than he had expected. It was not the brutality nor the destruction that disturbed, but its sole focus came back to one person. That everything that could or would happen depending on the actions of a woman that Magnus had met only hours ago.

'A single death is a tragedy, but a million deaths is but a statistic.' Horus claimed to have heard the Emperor mutter that once, regarding the death of their brother Lorgar. Even with his distant nature, the Emperor still had some affection for his dead 'child,' and Magnus could understand why.

Lorgar had the spirit that Magnus and his brother lacked, and he somehow had the ability to get all of the brothers actually to tolerate each other for more than a moment. He had been one of the few who enjoyed hearing Magnus talk about his books and discoveries, even adding to the discussion. Lorgar cared about his family once.

And Magnus watched as the man he truly loved a brother and turned into something profane, wretched, monstrous, and pathetic. To hear it from Konrad, their brother died, begging for forgiveness. And Magnus found himself unable to find any upon asking himself if he would've given his brother a chance.

His brother died alone. No one could save him then. Perhaps no one could've saved even before that point.

Now though? Magnus had the chance to do some good for someone else. To hell with Eldrad and his warnings. Magnus would not another pure soul fall into the darkness of apathy and despair. His own soul would not allow him.

Wasting no time, Magnus allowed for his psychic awareness to stretch over the Black Library, searching for Morianne. He felt the curious glance of the Laughing God, who promptly started laughing in his mind, mocking the Crimson King as the Eldar God realized what Magnus was about to do.

Upon scanning and finding Morianne, Magnus summoned the Black Library's causeways and teleported towards her general position within a second. He arrived in another section of the library, this one looking to be a lot more active as several Eldar scholars acted as if a daemon just appeared near them. He ignored their shocks of surprise and fear, even after they started to back or run away. He would likely get a dressing down by some of the Harlequins later, but he didn't care.

Magnus felt this drive; he didn't know whether it was to prove a point, gain absolution, or do the right thing. Perhaps he'd never truly know. Whatever the reason, the Crimson King would not be stopped.

And no one did try to stop him. He walked for only a few minutes until he heard the familiar voice.

"Look for the Ali letters, but ignore the Qun ones. Huh, he was right; that does help quite a bit." She was muttering aloud the instructions that he gave her for moving about the Black Library. Magnus almost felt a moment of pride that Morianne took it to heart.

As soon as he came into view, Morianne senses his presence and perks up, "Magnus?" She turned and did indeed see the Primarch. "Oh, you're back!" She was smiling at him and even sounded a bit overjoyed at his sudden arrival. He was about to answer her when he remembered one of the visions.

"Useless woman." The voice of Lion El'Johnson remarked softly to the kneeling Morianne. Her head bowed as she refused to look at the Lord of Caliban. "You ask me for my help, and yet that is all I've given you, but what has my legion received in return? Dead sons and wasted time. This alliance, our so-called marriage, will never amount to anything. I hold myself jointly responsible, but I will hold you accountable as well."

"Magnus?" Morianne now had a look of concern, "You...are you okay? Your soul just went a burning red for a second. I didn't even need to use my second sight." The so-called Black Angel looked uncertain as she spoke up next, "Did your meeting with Lord Ulthran not going as planned?"

The Crimson King stood there and tried to think up what to say. He came to her for a reason, to tell her the truth of the Midnight Heaven prophecy and what was expected of her. "I just...well, I needed to..."

"Yes...?" She smiled and tilted her head the same way Bastet would when she was confused. 'Damn it all. just say something!' His mind screamed at him. He was going to do it. It didn't matter how long it would take him, but Magnus would not let Morianne remain ignorant of the trials that awaited her.

"There are reasons why Father forbids it, some I agree with, some I don't. The one I do agree with him on is that it is dangerous, even for us." Softening his voice, Kesar tried to convey how serious he was. "Especially for us, Magnus."

"I didn't want to hurt you."

Magnus now did stand in Kesar's place at their last meeting, and as Magnus stared down at Morianne, he realized that he didn't want to hurt his friend. That perhaps no matter how he explained it, all he would do was plant the seeds of doubt and despair in a young soul. Yes, she would be strengthened and prepared, but at what cost? Was that knowledge worth sharing at the cost of snuffing out the spark of hope and curiosity in front of him?

"Magnus, helllllooo!" She was waving her arms at him and chuckling, "You are really absentminded right now."

Then, he made his choice. "I was...just wondering if you'd like to keep in touch."

"Keep in touch? Is that a human turn of phrase?"

He blinked before realizing his choice of words, "I mean, did you want to maintain a correspondence? I can't be in the Black Library constantly, but I do believe I could see about us getting letters sent back-"

"I would love to!" Morianne sounded far more excited and overjoyed at Magnus's suggestion. She must have realized that and cleared her throat, "What I mean to say is that I would enjoy that, yes."

He couldn't help it, but he smirked, "Right, I'm sure that cheer was just a mild response for an Eldar."

"Don't mock me." She huffed and looked away before quietly speaking, "Magnus, thank you. This...I really appreciate it, more than you realize."

"Morianne," Magnus felt like he had to say something, "The meeting with Eldrad. He told me somethings about Midnight Heaven and you...I need to explain it so that you have a chance to understand before it's too late."

She held up her right hand, "Please...just-I don't want to know." The look of apprehension in her eyes was evident, "I don't think I'm ready to hear it."

"But if you give me a chance, I can explain it if you want."

"And I believe you, but Magnus, I'm scared to learn." She turned away from him, embarrassed, "I know you don't like people being willfully ignorant, especially coming from an Eldar...but please, let me have these moments of peace. Soon they will be the only memories I have of them."

"But you can't...I can help you." Nothing was stopping him from telling her what he had seen, warn her of what was to come. But like Kesar must have felt, knowing that the person he was trying convince wasn't ready or prepared, Magnus likewise didn't think Morianne was ready for the truth. No amount of explaining, convincing, or context would help her. Only time and experience, with all the scars that came with it, would help her.

Her hands reached forward and grabbed his large right hand, "That you being here, talking to me, has already helped me. More than you can imagine. I know you want to do the right thing, but...trust me, alright?"

'Is this really the individual that deserves all the things I saw?' Magnus had seen so much evil in the galaxy. Here he was now, with someone that believed in the good of others, literally holding his hand, and knowing that it would be taken away in the end. Why did she deserve this when all that evil would continue to exist?

For a moment, his argument with Kesar seemed so petty compared to this. This wasn't the same thing, not even close to being on the same level, but Magnus didn't really care then and there. Both moments weren't about being willfully ignorant, lacking trust, or failing to understand something.

Magnus didn't want to feel alone anymore. Perhaps he was still alone now, but right now, he was here for Morianne's sake.

And that somehow made the pain he felt in his soul not ache as much.

"Alright." Magnus finally spoke again, "I won't say anything or indicate otherwise. If you want to learn and understand on your own terms, I can't exactly stop you. Besides, I'd be a hypocrite otherwise."

"Well, thank you for your confidence in me."

"However," Magnus remarked flatly, "With that in mind, I feel an obligation also to help you. So, while I can't say anything about this prophecy connected to you...I can help offer advice and help in other aspects."

Morianne raised a thin eyebrow at him, "Was that an offer of tutelage, Magnus the Red?"

"Hardly, I don't have the time to take on a student...but I can find time to help a friend." He pulled his hand away from her, "Barring Eldrad, kicking me out of this little alliance, I can still offer some guidance in the ways of the warp."

"Magnus, that is generous of you. But you just writing and talking to me is more than enough."

"Nonsense!" Magnus smiled at Morianne, "You are talking to one of the greatest teachers and psykers in the galaxy! I dare say I can be of much better assistance to you than Eldrad or Landesh. Given enough time, I dare say I can help you become of the greatest Seers your race has ever produced."

"...your confidence in me is certainly heartwarming, but perhaps a tad misplaced." She smiled all the same, "Still...I can use all the help I can get, and especially from an eager teacher such as yourself."

"Wise choice." The Primarch smirked in victory.

The Black Angel sniffed in feigned, elegant disdain, "We'll see." Magnus lost his smirk and glared at Morianne as she laughed. Magnus smiled back at the display, as it allowed for the dark visions of what might come to fade away.

However, Morianne paused and then realized something, "Magnus, where is Bastet?"

He blinked as he realized that he left the psycat alone and without feeding her for the past few hours, "Er, oh dear." The Primarch had a new worry now...a very angry and hungry Bastet waiting for him.

Morianne offered to help placate the creature, and Magnus found himself accepting the help. It was another well-needed distraction, and Magnus felt that both he and the Black Angel needed a friend more than anything now.


"Your gambit worked."

Eldrad did not look back towards his compatriot. Landesh appeared only a moment ago, and his words removed a weight upon his shoulders. Magnus had done the right thing. He passed the last test. There would be no more detractors among the other Seers now. If he put his faith and trust in the psyker with one of their biggest secrets, and he kept it safe. Morianne was unaware, willfully yes, but the dangers of her interactions with the Crimson King had been replaced with only boons now.

Visions of future alliances, of training and teachings, of the Black Angel soaring upon crimson-colored wings ensured a better outcome for all now.

Still, Eldrad was concerned, "It was unnecessary." He kept looking towards the future, "He should have never met with her. Complications will arise."

"Between him and his brother. The Crimson King will not take too kindly to the Lion's treatment of Morianne."

"No," Eldrad muttered darkly, "No, he won't." A friendship born of mutual loneliness, shattered by the demands of fate and another. How foolish of the Great Seer to assume that he could still control such outcomes. Love and scorn, truth and lies, duty, and freedom. Such words rolled around in the visions. Would Magnus start a feud with a brother over that of a friendship with an alien? Perhaps not now...but given enough time and battles won and lost, of shared stories and tears, a man will do whatever he feels necessary to protect a woman he "loved."

Had they only ensured more sorrow for Morianne in the long run? Eldrad couldn't bring himself to focus on these possibilities. Still too much at stake, and Morianne was only one soul among one prophecy in a great game whose terrible trials and horrors would only grow to encompass the galaxy.

Eldrad put his trust in Magnus the Red, and the Primarch kept it...not knowing that he was being used as another pawn in the wars to come and whose path now tied him to the cruelties forced upon another. But much was given to him, and much was expected as well.

Magnus the Red had gained a friend in Morianne, and now a mentor in Eldrad, but the cost would only be known in the coming decades.

Such was the price one paid for the truth. The introspective, the knowledge, and the realities would offer no comfort or hope...but at least it would give way to purpose and perhaps something more.


@Daemon Hunter There you go.
January 9th Omake Rewards

Alright, Omakes. First up is a rather lovely omake of the conversation between Guilliman and Ferrus. I really enjoyed it, and it fit the quest perfectly, so I wound up putting it in the main threadmarks. It really was a fun tale, and I really enjoyed Ferrus in this. You showed a different side to him, and the entire conversation felt impactful. As for your reward:

[] A Gift From Ultramar - Not a Trait. Revealed if Chosen.
[] Dueling Fates - Revealed if Chosen
[] A Gorgon's Clash - Revealed if Chosen

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick: The Accidental Metamorphosis of a Space Marine into a Diplomat and Spy Now With Even More Crazy Decisions (A Great Crusade Quest as a Space Marine of one of the Censured Legions)

Alright, next up we have Baldur and the origin of the Ballad of Baldur. I will say that this was a very fun omake to read. The commentary on Oriacarius was great, and it fluffed out quite a bit of his actions over the year. I really enjoyed the description of Typhon in particular for the subtle details involved. The action choices of the omake were also quite interesting as they led to me altering some stuff. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Baldur's rolls while the Maelstrom is ongoing (If he doesn't enter, +10% to his effect outside the Maelstrom)
[] Ballad of Baldur - Not Revealed if Chosen. Not a trait.

Alright, next up we have a wonderful omake about the Squats. I really do like this type of framing device for the omake where it jumps between perspectives. It feels like it greatly adds to it. More specifically though, this world has a lot of stuff about it that I like. It's mysterious enough for me to mess around with, and it comes with a nice way to have Dorn and the Squats encounter each other. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Dorn's initial negotiations with the Squats
[] +10 to ???

Merry christmas everyone! and happy new years!

Alright, next up is the Rune of Gold, and a Christmas story wrapped into one. I will say I loved the little jokes involved in this omake, such as the idea of Emps loving gold because he had an argument a long time ago about it being the best metal. The Emperor's hug of doom was hilarious as well, and it was just such a lovely omake. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to the Rune of Gold's rolls when researched
[] -1 year to the Rune of Gold's research time when researched

The Great Barriered Reef.

Alright, then we have the Reef from the Mitu, and you can thank TG for the idea. He came up with the idea of a warp domain for them, and I ran with it because it was a great idea and gave the oppurtunity for some cool scenes. I really did like this omake in particular as it really helped to flesh out the entire domain when I wrote it. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] -10 to ???
[] GM reveals current status of the Reef

Up next we have a fun little Malal Christmas carol. I enjoyed reading this, as it was rather peaceful. I will say that Malal is always a fun character, just because of him hating everyone. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Malal's current plans against the Imperium are revealed
[] Malal's current strength and forces revealed

You Just Had To Be There

Alright, then we have a rather fun look at the events surrounding Aleph, this time from the perspective of malcador getting the footnotes of what occurred. Let me just say that that entire battle was something else to write. It was really over the top and grandiose with stupid amounts of explosives. Although Solarus would argue they were merely barely enough. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Malcador gains an extra action in Year 30
[] The Twins gain an extra action in Year 30

Alright, last omake reward for today. Here we have the Bloodthirster that took over the Reef. It was actually quite interesting what he got from it as it did lead to him becoming an Honored Daemon due to the gains of it. Moreover, I did enjoy the further fleshing out of the Reef battle, and it was a lot of fun seeing how to tie it in. I wound up taking a fair bit of inspiration from this omake. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Kho'Astrom Year 30 actions revealed
[] -10 to Kho'Astrom's rolls should he appear during the Maelstrom War
[V] A Gift From Ultramar - Not a Trait. Revealed if Chosen.

Let's see what we can get from this. It might not be a trait, but maybe something to give us insight into what Guiliman is thinking.

[V] +10 to Dorn's initial negotiations with the Squats

Alpharius and Majestic are putting stock in Dorn giving a good first impression.
Yayifications, omake rewards!
Alright, then we have the Reef from the Mitu, and you can thank TG for the idea. He came up with the idea of a warp domain for them, and I ran with it because it was a great idea and gave the oppurtunity for some cool scenes. I really did like this omake in particular as it really helped to flesh out the entire domain when I wrote it. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] -10 to ???
[] GM reveals current status of the Reef
I'm glad that you liked the idea and went with it, I just had the thought of it after considering the Mitu's Warp technological capabilities and the fact that it's noted in canon that the Mitu homeworld's location was unknown and various worlds of theirs were destroyed.

Anyways, for the reward I'll pick, I'll go with the third option, GM reveals current status of the Reef, as that seems most fitting and oh gosh I just gotta know.
Alright, last omake reward for today. Here we have the Bloodthirster that took over the Reef. It was actually quite interesting what he got from it as it did lead to him becoming an Honored Daemon due to the gains of it. Moreover, I did enjoy the further fleshing out of the Reef battle, and it was a lot of fun seeing how to tie it in. I wound up taking a fair bit of inspiration from this omake. As for your reward:

[] +5 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Kho'Astrom Year 30 actions revealed
[] -10 to Kho'Astrom's rolls should he appear during the Maelstrom War
I'm glad that you liked this one too, Daemon! Glad this idea worked out so well, and yeah I just had to omake this lovely Bloodthirster after seeing them nearly get a chance at fighting the Wardens.

As for what I'll pick, I'll take the second option, 'Kho'Astrom Year 30 actions revealed, as that is what I'm interested in most.
Up next we have a fun little Malal Christmas carol. I enjoyed reading this, as it was rather peaceful. I will say that Malal is always a fun character, just because of him hating everyone. As for your reward:

Hehehe, Not quite a christmas carol but based on the Song "When you're evil." but am happy you liked it. as for the reward, spill on Malal's plans mah man.

[X] Malal's current plans against the Imperium are revealed

Alright, then we have a rather fun look at the events surrounding Aleph, this time from the perspective of malcador getting the footnotes of what occurred. Let me just say that that entire battle was something else to write. It was really over the top and grandiose with stupid amounts of explosives. Although Solarus would argue they were merely barely enough. As for your reward:

Yeah, this was a fun homage for the end of Behemoth part 3, cause if there was ever a situation that merited it, it was Aleph. as for the reward, while it'd be good to give Mal the action the Ritual war lost him, i feel like giving the Twins max chances to fuck with the Garden is the best bet.

[X] The Twins gain an extra action in Year 30
[X] +10 to the Rune of Gold's rolls when researched

rune of gold being 5 year research is fine for a turn, having it give a +10 to the roll is awesome...wonder what this means...
[V] A Gift From Ultramar - Not a Trait. Revealed if Chosen.

Let's see what we can get from this. It might not be a trait, but maybe something to give us insight into what Guiliman is thinking.

[V] +10 to Dorn's initial negotiations with the Squats

Alpharius and Majestic are putting stock in Dorn giving a good first impression.

A Gift From Ultramar - When Vulkan asked for support, very little came forward openly. But there were three that came silently. They were Angron, Corvus, and Guilliman. And it's the latter that's proven the most useful. Little bits of help here and there, administrative advice and new proposals. It was a distant relationship, but ever so helpful. And so, when the Emperor suggested to Guilliman that he transfer his upcoming compliances to Vulkan, the Master of Maccrage instead transfered them to Corvus. It was a much more difficult process, in part because of a lack of support from his father, but it was certainly feasible. *Guilliman Cuts Down Actions to Transfer Some of His Worlds to Corvus by Half*

Anyways, for the reward I'll pick, I'll go with the third option, GM reveals current status of the Reef, as that seems most fitting and oh gosh I just gotta know.

The Reef is currently moderately damaged followed by a fierce battle with a group of Orks led by a Warlord. It has a -40 as a result which will reduce by 20 every year.

As for what I'll pick, I'll take the second option, 'Kho'Astrom Year 30 actions revealed, as that is what I'm interested in most.

Kho'Astrom went after an Ork Warlord that had been besieging several Khornate daemonworlds and had overrun one. He proceeded to spend eight days tearing through their army before barely managing to take their skull. This has allowed a mass influx of Khornates into the Blood and Thunder War and led to him getting a roll for Exaltation.

[X] Malal's current plans against the Imperium are revealed

He's going to be trying to gain cultists within a few underhives. Specifically the ones where people have been disappearing due to the Dark Eldar making deals with some planetary governors. He doesn't know why they're disappearing, only that he can ruin both their day and the Imperiums.
well....shit...looks like those deals are going to ruin some people's days when they come to light as it fucks up the imperium and the goveners...malcador is going to have some heads on quite a few spikes soon enough.

this is bad for us as well...
So we have a 2 year limit before that malus is removed....
What does the malus mean again?
Year 30 Part 2 The Cyclops' Departure
[X] Plan Critical Damage Control
-[X] Let it go, but let him know Kesar knows.
-[X] Take the blame unto himself. Each of them made a choice, but Kesar made the important one. He chose not to tell Magnus, perhaps that was why Khan and Perturabo didn't either? Share with him just how much Kesar did. *Magnus relationship with Kesar falls 3-4 stages. Relationship with Perturabo and Khan falls by zero to one stage.*

Looking over the data Magnus had given him, Kesar couldn't help but appreciate how thorough it was. Everything he could have asked for was present, and it would make the upcoming battles much more manageable. On another day, he would have loved this visit. Today, all the information just felt hollow. It had cost him too much to obtain it. Turning his attention back to the Cyclops, the Primarch hesitated before deciding not to press on how he obtained this information. "Magnus, thank you for this. Maybe one day, you'll tell me how this was found." Holding up his hand, Kesar prevented his brother's protests. "I know brother, that you didn't divine this, but I won't press on this. It … would be hypocritical of me to do so."

Magnus visibly grimaced, to which Kesar quirked into a slight smile. Under his breath, the Cyclops murmured, "of course he saw through it." A faint smile appeared on Magnus' face, one which quickly disappeared as he spoke in a voice Kesar was meant to hear. "In that case Kesar, I'll be taking my leave."

As his brother turned to leave, Kesar didn't hesitate to stop him. "Magnus, wait." The Cyclop's head turned towards him, and Kesar seemed to struggle to pick out the right words. "Would you like to know why Perturabo and Jagathai didn't say anything to you?"

Magnus' head turned away from Kesar, and for a moment, his expression was hidden from the Daemonsbane. "I know what you're doing Kesar." There was a pause, as Magnus considered what to say. "It's just like you to take all the blame upon yourself."

"I wouldn't be myself if I didn't." At Kesar's words, Magnus turned around, his face carefully schooled into a neutral expression. "But … there's truth to it. You see … I was the first one to learn of the Archdaemons. Jagathai only discovered them last year. And Perturabo, he isn't the type to share."

"He really is a rather solitary individual." Magnus was briefly lost in nostalgia as he recalled some of his cherished moments with the Lord of Iron. "It … might have been premature of me to blame them for this."

"And in the future Magnus, I'll argue for you more." Kesar briefly thought of what could have happened if he had argued for Magnus' inclusion to the Emperor, before understanding that would have been a hard no. "But you must understand that I need something to work with. Promises and proof that you'll take more care when it comes to the warp."

A look of irritation flashed across the Cyclops' face before he ground out his response. "I will have and have always been careful when it comes to the warp."

For a moment, Kesar was tempted to respond by referencing the Flesh Change. Strangling that impulse, the Primarch instead changed the subject. "If you insist Magnus, I'll drop it. But please brother, don't blame Jagathai or Perturabo for this."

Sighing, Magnus looked at Kesar before pinching his nose. "Fine, let's just start over. I can't stay mad at you." Letting his hand fall to his side, the Cyclops continued to speak. "I apologize for some of what I said Kesar. You … didn't deserve that."

The Daemonsbane waved off his brother's words. "You were emotional Magnus. I can't say that I appreciated it, but I can understand why you said what you did. Just don't do it again."

"Next time we meet Kesar, hopefully both of us will walk away happier." Glancing towards the hangar's entrance to the Vigilance, Magnus smiled as Bastet walked through the doors, her posture betraying amusement. "At least someone here had fun."

Bastet walked up to the Cyclops, and nuzzled his hand, to which Magnus began scratching the spot under her neck. A low purr rumbled through the hangar, causing small smiles on Kesar and Magnus. "Perhaps next time, I can spend a bit more time with her."

*Magnus-Kesar Relationship Falls to Neutral*
*Magnus-Perturabo Relationship Remains at Friends*
*Magnus-Khan Relationship Remains at Good Friends*

While Kesar and Magnus were having their conversation, one of the Warden companies was in the middle of training. The third company had made massive leaps in their teamwork and skill, and it was for this reason that the Lord of Iron had chosen every Sergeant within the company to lead a kill team. It had elevated Maticus' prominence within the Legion to another level, which had resulted in a fair few changes to the Warden's training doctrine.

At the moment, Maticus was instructing one of the kill teams through the tried and tested method of taking them all on by himself. Over the last year, he'd been having this on a near daily basis with the Legion, and it had become something of a competition among the Wardens. Ever since Doom Slayer entered the arena with the third captain, Maticus' reputation among the Legion had grown dramatically.

That duel had been drastically one sided as opposed to their previously even spars. Rather than a back and forth engagement that lasted hours, Maticus demolished Doom Slayer in the first two rounds, with the second taking a mere five minutes where the third captain was clearly in charge the entire fight. The one point that Maticus lost was in the third round, where the Doom Slayer displayed his signature style of aggression to an extreme and managed to finally land a blow. Then the third captain one the fourth round with ease, leading to the Wardens bursting into cheers at the showing.

Since that day, Maticus made it a habit to regularly duel his brothers. It was hilariously one sided. The next week, entire squads were entering the arena with him, and thus far the record within the arena rested at 48 seconds before the last Astartes was struck by the 3rd Captain. That particular squad was a part of the third company. In fact, of the ten squads within it, they made up seven of the top ten times against Maticus.

This time, the duel was in a more private location as it was taking place just after marksmanship training. Over the last year, the third company had improved by leaps and bounds thanks to Maticus' training. Now, they were the predominant company within the Wardens, even rivaling the Khalsa in terms of prestige.

Arrayed against Maticus were ten Astartes with one Sergeant. Rolling his shoulders, the third captain glanced at their formation and made his initial plans. He'd have to dodge the initial training rounds before feinting towards the Sergeant and turning to take down the Astartes that would try and flank him. After that, he'd have to see as he wasn't good enough to predict the duel that far. Yet.

The duel began, and a clock began to tick. Two Astartes fired their training rounds at Maticus, who dove to the left, before feinting towards the Sergeant. Just as he planned, he then twisted and struck one of the Astartes with the flat of his blade before twisting to avoid the Sergeant's own blade. Grabbing the Sergeant's arm with his own, he yanked the Astartes into his knee before being forced back by the two Astartes with rifles. Calmly, he unholstered his own pistol and fired two rounds, both of which landed on the foreheads of the two Astartes. Before he could fire again, the Sergeant had recovered and he dove towards Maticus, trying to lock blades and create a distraction for his brothers.

In fairness, it did force the 3rd Captain to take a moment to deal with him. This time by sweeping his leg and turning into a block for the 4th Astartes strike. Adjusting his blade, Maticus knocked the Astartes off balance before calmly tapping their neck with it. No sense in being rougher than needed. A 5th, 6th, and 7th Astartes charged him simultaneously, and he was briefly forced into a series of dodges, blocks, and parries. But a few seconds later, he spotted an opening and was able to maneuver into a two on one engagement. Barely a second later both Astartes were downed and the next followed a moment later.

Three Astartes were left, the Sergeant and two others. To their credit, they were operating as a unit and they charged Maticus in a formation they had practiced for months. It allowed the Sergeant to focus on his attacks while the other two Astartes defended him and harassed Maticus. It had never been enough before, and it wasn't enough now. Eventually, the 3rd Captain created his opening through a cleaving strike that forced the Sergeant to flinch back for not even an eye blink. It was enough for a kick to force the Astartes on the left back and a strike with the hilt to force the one on the right back. Maticus' blade struck the Sergeant on the forehead before he twisted and tagged the 8th Astartes who was trying to roll to a safer location. Then the 3rd Captain took out his pistol once more and fired on the last Astartes.

Breathing hard, the Sergeant looked over at the timekeeper. "How long was that?"

The serf checked the timer once more before explaining. "58 seconds, I believe that's a new record."

The entire squad cheered as Maticus quirked a smile. "I expect that number to reach 90 seconds before we are deployed." Groans were his response, as the third captain chuckled. "It's not as hard as you think. Focus on your grouping and teamwork some more and you can manage it. At the start, you were still grouping up. Instead what you should have done was begin attacking and defending in tandem while suppressing my movements. The back rank rifles were a good idea, but you need to engage me to disrupt my own return shots."

The first Astartes to go down rubbed his bruised chest where Maticus had struck him. "Can you two safely fire when he's moving that fast?"

The two riflemen of the squad looked at each other before a hesitant nod came from one of them. Then the other spoke for both of them. "Maybe? We couldn't keep up suppression fire, but I think if we were within fifty meters we could fire the occasional shot at him."

The last Astartes to be downed spoke up next. "I think it's time to try those pistol firing grids we were thinking of. I know it's difficult to even begin training, but that may let us corner him into one part of the arena."

Letting his brothers continue discussing, Maticus wandered towards the side of the arena, stretching for what he was certain would be a second duel. As he did, the Captain paused at what he saw. "When did you get here?" Recognizing the creature as Magnus' pet, Maticus leaned down so that he was at eye level with the psycat. "You seem a bit too intelligent to get lost."

Bastet purred as she almost seemed to smile. Then her face bumped into Maticus' who proceeded to laugh. "Care to join the proceedings? My brothers would love to meet you."

Her head tilted as she seemed to consider the matter. Deigning to grace the Astartes with her presence, Bastet silently walked forward and Maticus followed along. The third company was more than happy to meet her, even if they were careful to give her space. No one wanted to annoy Magnus' pet after all. It was fairly simple to do after Bastet made her decision to stick with Maticus, something which seemed to amuse the 3rd Captain.

Bastet proved difficult to handle for anyone that wasn't Maticus, in large part due to her tendency to try and snack on metal. Which made their armor a tempting snack for her. However, Maticus proved himself quick enough to feed her some strips of armor patches rather than having his own armor nibbled upon. Bastet for her part proved to rather enjoy being hand fed by the third captain, which resulted in Maticus spending far less time dueling than expected.

Once he was out of armor patches, Bastet nuzzled his arm, as if asking for more. "Sorry girl, but that's all I can give for the day." Undeterred, the psycat meowed aggressively, demanding more treats. "I'm serious, we need the rest for training." Another meow was the answer. "Alright, I can go send someone down to the armory and get some more if you want. But no more than ten patches. I doubt Primarch Magnus wants you snacking too much."

Nuzzling Maticus' face in thanks, Bastet proceeded to bound out of the room towards the armory. The 3rd Captain looked at her then back to his company. "I'll make sure she doesn't get lost. While I'm gone, break off into groups of two and conduct spars." Sprinting after her, Maticus was quickly surprised at her speed. He found himself barely keeping up with what was clearly a jog from the psycat.

As Bastet ran through the halls, several serfs found themselves mentally influenced by her telepathy to get out of the way, which resulted in empty halls. This let her run unimpeded, something she enjoyed to do. Briefly looking behind, she saw Maticus following at a sprint. Then she proceeded to slow down enough for his pace to turn into a jog of his own. "Thanks for slowing down. I'm not sure if I could have kept up for the five kilometers."

An amused sound came from Bastet as the two of them traveled to the armory, where a rather confused serf dispensed the armor patches and watched a psycat be fed by the 3rd Captain. This was followed by a lengthy session where Maticus scratched a particular spot behind the crystals of her ears which caused a number of content purring sounds. The serf present was unashamed to say that they had taken pictures with the 3rd Captain's permission.

Eventually however, Bastet had to leave, for Magnus himself couldn't stay forever. Giving Maticus one last nuzzle, she proceeded to lightly lick his cheek before sprinting down the halls towards the hangar bay. The third captain looked at the serf, then at the camera in their hands. "Will I need to worry about those pictures leaking?"

With a smile, the serf responded cheerfully. "Perhaps, I know that your brothers will be interested in it."

Maticus sighed good naturedly. "As long as I get those pictures as well."

After his meeting with the Cyclops, Kesar spent a few days working on some projects before meeting with his Legion in full.

Pick 4 for the next update. All of them will be done, but order does matter here.
[] Oriacarius - The First Captain has been managing his duties masterfully, it would be worthwhile to check in on him.
[] Maticus - Over the last year, Maticus has made a name for himself as a duelist, perhaps with the support of his company, a duel with Kesar may be possible?
[] Solarus - The eccentric Astartes has locked himself within the forge for the past year. Making masterful explosives for use in the ritual. It would be good to meet with him.
[] Doom Slayer - The Astartes has been working with his own kill team over the last year. There have been quite a few difficulties due to his combat style, but they have managed to narrow down one of them. It may be good to properly discuss matters with one of his more damaged sons.
[] Baldur - The Legion's main diplomat, Kesar has been considering if he should be a part of the Maelstrom Crusade or if he would be better served outside of it. It would be worth getting his opinion.
[] Librarians - With the warp as dangerous as it is, the Librarians have been preparing their minds and souls with increasing fervor. Visiting them would be good.
[] Apothecaries - Stockpiles of medical supplies are now a frequent site within the apotecarians. It would be good to visit the ones in charge of preventing casualties.
[] The Forge - Day in and day out the forge works as techmarines continue to build all the spare parts they can. The break they have means it'll be good to learn how they have been doing.
[] Dreadnoughts - As always, the Dreadnoughts continue to rest. But with the Maelstrom upcoming, they seem to have been awakening. Talking with them would be good for their soul.

Magnus-Kesar (DC30): 47
Magnus-Khan (DC40): 58
Magnus-Pert (DC30): 35

Maticus' Dueling: 95 + 65 (Maticus) = 160
3rd Company Kill Team: 3 + 35 (Skill) = 38
Voting is open