Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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Pretty much.

My concern is the theme of 'that which does not kill me will regret not finishing the job' is one of the hallmarks of the setting. Add to that the Mitu were an immensely potent race/force that was pure Psyker and Chaos devoted to the point it took more than 2 primarchs to wear them down and even then they got their licks in too.

SO! With that in mind, the "Starve them out" option cuts them off but also cuts US off from them, we won't be able to observe them or prevent them from getting away, they could go anywhere, and each time something chaos gets away it cheats to become a major threat again faster than it has a right to be, plus they're also a psyker race and that'll make it even worse.

Ori is perhaps the best person outside of Doomslayer to go in and finish the job.
[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.

Just to see how the QM would describe a warp realm.
[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.
Same resaon as earlier said in the thread.
Hey guys? Can we afford to slow our snowballing growth a little to get Arbelis built back up? Right now I think they count as barely better then tribal tech level but getting them up to a really high standard of living would be nice to read about. Getting their infrastructure up to date and returned to a state of self sufficiency in one year after the compliance would be amazing to read about. That and likely create some die hard level loyalty.
We can't even afford actions to improve our own planet... what makes you think we'll be able to improve this one? Best we can do is fluff sending stuff there to speed it up. But we can't exactly take any actions at all to improve the planet. We have to many plates we're trying to keep spinning and balanced. Maelstorm ritual, Witch Hunters, Night Watch, Primarch issues, our own research that we dropped, the Rune Planet, etc... Also Gehenna station.

Arbelis is going to be built up over time in the background by the Mechanicum and Maticus to a certain extent. While Kesar is simply too busy to actually pay attention to the planet, there's other groups that do have the time for it, and Maticus is one of them. While his help will be far more limited than Kesar's would be, he'll still have an impact and will speed up Arbelis' rebuilding by a good amount.

[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.

I think there is reason/motivation to take it on the basis of it being training for the Maelstrom, is that correct @Daemon Hunter ? Cause otherwise yeah I have to question why we would be going there at all or Ori remotely considering doing so.

Pretty much. Oriacarius expects this may be good training. If it wasn't for the ritual, then he wouldn't even consider it.

Speaking of: in regards to the Mitu situation...why don't we just bomb it? Like, it should be relatively easy to shoot a few torpedoes through the entrance, and thus wipe out the for without needing to risk them potentially coming back out of the Warp to wreck havoc or vengeance against the Imperium.

A fairly good point. It'd fit Oriacarius to chuck some torpedoes in first before closing the portal. If that options wins I'll be sure to have him do that.
Arbelis is going to be built up over time in the background by the Mechanicum and Maticus to a certain extent. While Kesar is simply too busy to actually pay attention to the planet, there's other groups that do have the time for it, and Maticus is one of them. While his help will be far more limited than Kesar's would be, he'll still have an impact and will speed up Arbelis' rebuilding by a good amount.

...At this point I'm convinced you're giving me omake ideas to spite me as a form of revenge for all the rewards you are having to give me, IM ON TO YOUR GAME DAMMIT!

Pretty much. Oriacarius expects this may be good training. If it wasn't for the ritual, then he wouldn't even consider it.
Called it! And yeah, with that in mind, let's crush the choas anemones of doom
While his help will be far more limited than Kesar's would be, he'll still have an impact and will speed up Arbelis' rebuilding by a good amount.
Well "Famed Captain of the Legiones Astartes" is above the vast majority of Imperial leaders and a sizable percentage of Mechanicum priests in terms of influence. If he just asked for a planet to own he can get one.
Well "Famed Captain of the Legiones Astartes" is above the vast majority of Imperial leaders and a sizable percentage of Mechanicum priests in terms of influence. If he just asked for a planet to own he can get one.
He's not just a famous Astartes, he's Kesar Dorlin's, and First Captain.

Kesar has only been active for a few decades, or less, but he really gets around, and Kesar treats him often like they speak with their own voice, commanding half his Legion or more while he's elsewhere, and doing it so well that even an elitist like Lion thinks he's exceptional.
Alright, so I'm going to be closing the vote here. Seems like you guys have chosen to go into the Reef. I honestly expected you guys to not charge in, but I did have plans in place for if you did. I will say this though, it's going to be a brutal fight for Oriacarius, but the rewards that come from it might make it worth it. Overall, I'd say that you guys went with the choice that was more painful in the short term, but overall better in the long run. That being said, the number of losses depend on the rolls to come. Those rolls though will have to wait for some time as I put together the modifiers and such. Normally I'd have the rolls then close the vote, but as things are, the vote is really close, so that's not quite viable.

[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.

This vote seems to note show up in the vote tally. I think it's due to Omake reward choices. It brings the tally to 11-10.

Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Dec 25, 2020 at 6:00 AM, finished with 47 posts and 21 votes.
Last edited:
When You're Chaos (non canon)
When You're Chaos

Malal coasted through the Warp, in a fey mood for once. Nurgle was in panic mode, Tzeentch plotting the sabotage of others as always, Khorne was on a binge, and Slaanesh was *still* jonesing for that fix they kept getting cucked out of, and not in the way they liked the perv. Still, Malal felt like he could indulge and decided to sing. Nobody could hear him in his little corner of the Warp, but that was okay, he'd enjoy it himself as he did his own conniving to twist the knickers of the other beings of Chaos.

When Ol' Tzeentchie is too busy
And Khorne's a bit too much
They call on me by name you see
For my special touch

To the Slaaneshi, I'm Miss Fortune
To the Nuglites, I'm Sir Prize
But call me by any name
Anywaaaaaay it's all the same~

I'm the fly in their soup
I'm the pebble in their shoe
I'm the pea beneath their bed
I'm a bump on every head

I'm the peel on which they slip
I'm a pin in every hip
I'm the thorn in their side
Makes them wriggle and writhe

And it's so easy when you're Chaos
This is the life you see
The Daemons tip their hats to me
I do it all because I'm Chaos
And I do it all for free
Their tears are all the pay I'll ever need

While there's cultist to make sad
While there's power to be had
While there's spirts left to pick
While there's grannies left to trip down the stairs

I'll be there
I'll be waiting 'round the corner
It's a game, I'm glad I'm in it
'Cause there's one born every minute

And it's so easy when you're Chaos
This is the life you see
The Daemons tip their hats to me
I do it all because I'm Chaos
And I do it all for free
Their tears are all the pay I'll ever need

I pledge my allegiance tooooo all things dark
And I promise on my damned soul
To do as I cajole, The Chaos Gods
Has never seen a Being quite like me
Not only does his job but does it happily

I'm the fear that keeps them awake
I'm the shadows on the wall
I'm the monsters they forget
I'm the nightmare in their skull
I'm a dagger in their back
An extra turn upon the rack
I'm the quivering of their heart
A stabbing pain, a sudden start

And it's so easy when you're Chaos
This is the life you see
The Daemons tip their hats to me
I do it all because I'm Chaos
And I do it all for free
Their tears are all the pay I'll ever need
And I do it all for free
Their tears are all the pay I'll ever need
And I do it all for free
Their tears are all the pay I'll ever need

But it gets so lonely, being Chaos
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're Chaos
I'm lying though my teeth
Their tears are all the company I need


Little silly i came up with during a conversation, figure out of any being this would fit malal, as he is actively furking over *all* the chaos god where he can.

based on this song
Alright, here are the rolls, so Oriacarius does in fact succeed masterfully at getting past the major defenses at the Great Barrier's entrance. It's a masterful display of contingency preparation and skill, and a lot of seemingly nonsensical orders that come in handy. Once he gets past the Great Barrier and reaches the actual Reef though, there's a lot of difficulty in actually advancing further. The defenses are like nothing he has seen before, and physics seems to struggle in this new area. It's still fairly real, but the pseudo-warp like behavior of the place is clearly making the battle difficult. Combined with near-impossible defenses made of flesh and writhing with power, around 5k Astartes are lost. Then comes the warp rift to this place beginning to destabilize thanks to the amount of firepower thrown around by both sides. This results in a mad scramble by the Storm Seers to restabilize the rift, and they wind up barely succeeding by the skin of their teeth. Now Oriacarius has a choice to withdraw, or push for more. (Note that even if I didn't use the omake bonuses, your Astartes would still have been able to retreat. It just would have been harder as the Mitu would also have attempted to break out as you did). Also, you guys are getting a Legion trait out of this. It'll reduce warp terrain maluses by a tenth, and you can thank Oriacarius for that. Also, a brief preview of the choices in the next update. If you guys leave, the White Scars have figured out enough about this place to destabilize it and while Oriacarius does expect an attempted breakout, he expects it to be able to be dealt with. If you guys try to push further, then it may destabilize once more, but you also might be able to upgrade the warp terrain trait.

Through the Great Barrier: 5 29 23 97 + 20 (Astartes) + 76 (Legion Combat) + 30 (Anti-Psyker) + 60 (Titans) + 10 (Imperator) + 20 (Oriacarius) - 50 (Pseudo-Warp) + 1 (Attacking Defenses) + 5 (Blitz) + 5 (Outnumbered) + 5 (Attacking) = 279
Creatures of Nightmares: 18 + 100 (Warptech) + 80 (Defenses) + 20 (Desperation) + 30 (Homeground) + 20 (Numbers) + 10 (Killing Zone) - 20 (Pseudo-Warp) = 258

Reef Stability: 74

And into the Reef: 61 + 20 (Astartes) + 76 (Legion Combat) + 30 (Anti-Psyker) + 60 (Titans) + 10 (Imperator) + 20 (Oriacarius) - 50 (Pseudo-Warp) + 1 (Attacking Defenses) + 5 (Outnumbered) = 238
The Mitu's Demise: 38 + 100 (Warptech) + 80 (Defenses) + 20 (Desperation) + 30 (Homeground) - 20 (Pseudo-Warp) + 20 (Numbers) = 268

Reef Stability: 18
Restabilizing the Rift: 3 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Stormseers) + 25 (Omakes) = 68
The Mitu Stabilization: 51 - 10 (Damage) = 41
Hmmm...this seems like a very convincing reason to stay, to move the removal of malus by more then 10%...
Getting some Pacific vibes from this whole event. History shows that the losses the US Marines faced during the early campaigns against Japan were brutal, but they also created the necessary experience and knowledge for the eventual campaigns that ensured a lot of successful operations.
Getting some Pacific vibes from this whole event. History shows that the losses the US Marines faced during the early campaigns against Japan were brutal, but they also created the necessary experience and knowledge for the eventual campaigns that ensured a lot of successful operations.
Pretty much, this is in a very real way our Iwo Jima and I do *NOT* make that claim lightly. If it weren't for Ori, it *would* have been an Iwo Jima parallel.
For reference, you guys did get rather lucky with the rolls in this update. Discounting the stability of the place, Oriacarius' command skills were in the top 0.5% of what was expected from him. It's safe to say that this was one of his best showings to date. It's also why the trait reduces the malus by 10% rather than 5%.
So I have a number of questions:
  1. How badly can potential casualties impact the preparation for the ritual?
  2. How much could we reduce the malus for warp terrain if we continue?
  3. Is there any risk of losing Oriacarius if the Reef collapses?
So I have a number of questions:
  1. How badly can potential casualties impact the preparation for the ritual?
  2. How much could we reduce the malus for warp terrain if we continue?
  3. Is there any risk of losing Oriacarius if the Reef collapses?

1. Casualties don't directly impact preparation due to the decisions you made a few updates ago to leave the Legion crusading while you prepare. That being said, less Astartes during the ritual will hurt.
2. That's unknown. In character Oriacarius would expect up to around 15% if they get decently lucky.
3. Around a 0.2% chance he gets put into a situation where I'd have a survival roll for it. I'd say he odds are the same as back to back nat 1s. Edit. This assumes the rift is collapsing.
jesus christ our sons are getting EXCELLENT at negating warp penalties...one day we may be able to get it down to 50% of warp maleus...of course doing so will immensly help the legions out when we start a training program...even if it only gets them to half our status, can you imagine the iron warriors building defenses in the warp because they figure out half of the madness in it? (well, not really...its just they don't give two fucks about the warp being the warp and enforce a iron will on MAKING THE GROUND BE THERE TO BE SHOVELED DAMMIT!)
It might be, but we have not only a solid foothold we can pull back from if need be, but our Stormseers got incredible experience on how to handle this and can at will set the pocket dimension to collapse so the Mitu can't hold up and escape later. Every percent we knock off that malus is worth it considering how much we'll be in the warp during the ritual war and how much we might be able to spread it.
It might be, but we have not only a solid foothold we can pull back from if need be, but our Stormseers got incredible experience on how to handle this and can at will set the pocket dimension to collapse so the Mitu can't hold up and escape later. Every percent we knock off that malus is worth it considering how much we'll be in the warp during the ritual war and how much we might be able to spread it.
Yeah, I know.... It's just that I'm an worrywart. Now, I feel like a Mario player who's worried about surprise Bowser appearance in a Bonus Stage.
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