The first geomancers were Old Ones who practiced their art long before the human race existed. Imperial Scholars know little about them, but they know the Cognoscynths were the first humans who sought to master this Discipline. The first human geomancers gave the name of "dragon lines" to the world's great rivers of Conceptual Energies. Accustomed to thinking of their craft as one that shifted the dragons themselves, the early geomancers coined a cautionary proverb: "Touch the dragon and it may turn over, but no one wishes the dragon to wake."
The pre-human geomancers did not wish to disturb the world too much. They aimed for harmony. In time, they learned how to build in harmony with the unnerving wildness of Leylines and pacify their overflowing energies. Thus, they created the first manses, though their stone circles hardly resembled the polished edifices to come. The discovery of the sheer power contained in each building was swift. Soon, geomancers built buildings as an end in itself. It didn't take long for ambitious geomancers to prod the Leylines for power, but they quickly discovered that ill-considered geomantic alteration could cause terrifying environmental catastrophes. To prevent such catastrophes strict laws regulated Leyline Alignment and Building construction. To Build a Psychical Architecture from a plot of land, its geomantic potential must first be determined. Most places are of normal potential —they're aligned with several elements, their natural Essence isn't monopolized by anything nearby, and they aren't especially well-positioned. Some, however, are more likely spots: they might have mountains that could reflect and embody certain Concepts or rivers that could circulate around it. These are aligned with one primary element, have a positive potential rating and can be forged into Buildings right away.
Most geomancers never realign Leylines. Indeed, some of them call it 'violent, unnatural tampering with World'. Many geomancers, however, alter them, and not just with Building construction. The aspect of a Leyline can be shifted, perhaps for a certain resource or to better serve a purpose, or an existing Leyline can be strengthened. Altering a Leyline involves subtler processes than the massive labors involved in their creation. The geomantic engineer has her labor force perform chants and rituals, as well as small-scale works such as building large granite walls or moving trees. A single person with the necessary Abilities can design such Buildings. However, a single person cannot usually build a manse. Constructing such an occult edifice requires a labor force. A prudent manse-builder also recruits a team of experts to deal with the various complications and difficulties that arise when a large construction project intersects with arcane forces. Cuts in the supply of construction materials can doom a construction project. A professional supply manager and comptroller can make sure everything and everyone reaches the building site on time and—just as important—everyone gets paid.
A building should be made from materials that harmonize with its aspect. For instance, a Fire-aspected Building must be made principally from materials that owe their origin to fire, or are associated with fire, such as lava rock, glass or forged metal. A Wood-aspected building should be made, obviously, of wood or at least contain lots of wood.
The most important part of the manse is its Garbhagriha or "Womb Chamber", where Conceptual Energies converges and crystallizes into Hearthstone. Despite its name, the Garbhagriha isn't always a room: for instance, the "Garbhagriha" of a manse that consists of stone pillars might consist of a large stone block with two intersecting shafts carved through it. In every case, however, the geometry of the Garbhagriha clearly converges on the spot where the hearthstone forms. Some architects rely exclusively on geometry and perspective to create the focus of a Garbhagriha. More often, though, architects use ornament to direct Conceptual Energies The simplest way is just to carve lines or chevrons pointing at the focus. Artwork can also define the focus; such as statues that all point toward the hearthstone, or murals whose composition draws the eye in that direction. Artwork also helps shape the powers of the resulting hearthstone. The structure and architectural ornament of the entire Building help tune the Conceptual Energies to a particular goal, but the ornament in the Garbhagriha always gives a strong suggestion of the hearthstone's power.
Changing the geomancy or the Building design in the middle of Building construction carries special risks, though. A failed geomantic engineering also causes conceptual energies to accumulate beyond safety Limits. Sufficient physical force can still damage them. Other Buildings are physically fragile or need constant maintenance to preserve their power. Worst of all, Buildings can come under geomantic attack: damaging select small portions of them can derange their energies, causing far greater physical damage or even sparking Essence build-up. The Garbhagriha is always a geomantic stress point. Any attack on the building in this spot multiplies the levels of damage by five. For this reason, Garbhagriha are usually strongly built and carefully guarded.
[X] Plan Kesar's Domain
-[X] Spend some of your political capital with the Adeptus Mechanicus and declare Hearth IV part of your personal domain, and given dispensation to continue pursuing their theories and not having to accept the Emperor as the Omnissiah. They will give the following "concessions" for this special dispensation:
--[X] They will have inspections every ten years by the Fabricator General of Mars for tech heresy, and any concerns must be brought up to Kesar before any accusations may be levied. (Kesar guarantees protection, so long as they aren't doing anything like unauthorized AI research)
--[X] They must provide copies of their STCs and other technological knowledge to the Adeptus Mechanicus of Mars, and provide assistance with building up the worlds that Kesar brings into compliance. (they would be doing this anyways)
-[X] Reassure the leaders of Hearth that the Emperor doesn't actually care if they worship him, and probably would prefer they didn't given the Imperial Truth, and that the Fabricator General is also someone you suspect would like to see reforms in that direction take place.
After analyzing the political situation on Hearth, Kesar decided to do the following. He would invite the world into his personal domain and allow it to continue their beliefs as long as they consented to inspections by Kelbor-Hal every decade and gave up all STCs and technological knowledge. Providing production was a given anyways. Following this, Kesar sent the proposal to Hearth and began negotiations.
Kesar did not expect the process to go quickly. Hearth IV was a massive production powerhouse with billions of people as well. Additionally, once the Mechanicus heard what Kesar was allowing, they sent numerous complaints. Nothing was actually insulting, and no one acted against him, but Kesar could tell that his reputation had fallen. Then again, this just meant that he was just well respected as opposed to exalted. After all, what use was political capital if it was not expended?
Additionally, Kelbor-Hal himself decided to visit once he received Kesar's message. The Fabricator General of Mars was rather pleased with Kesar's decision to allow the planet to not worship the Emperor. Additionally, when he learned that Kesar was taking the world into his personal domain, he was very pleased. He mentioned that this would mean the Mechanicus would grumble less, since the world was not under the supervision of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Moreover, the presence of Kelbor would certainly make it easier to assuage the fears of the Hearthians.
Following this, the negotiations with Hearth began in earnest. When they learned of Kesar's offer and met with Kelbor, they were ecstatic. All of their issues were taken care of, so they were glad to join the Imperium. They did so with rapid speed, sometimes sending multiple copies of paperwork in case one set was missed. Kesar got the feeling that they were worried the offer would be modified or withdrawn.
Nevertheless, the Hearthians quickly integrated with Kesar's domain, and were pleased to give up their secrets. The main bonus was a set of economic forecasting devices that could boost production by a full 2.5%. This had been implemented and was already making a tangible difference in production. However, this also raised a question. Kesar did have several advantages over his brothers, but should he share it? To this end, he decided to
[] Share his knowledge
[] Hoard his knowledge
[] Write-in
Meanwhile, events on Valhalla were proceeding as well. It seems that there was a near revival of various cultural careers, but this fizzled out unexpectedly. It seems that there were a series of religious debates over the developing Valhallan religion. It seems that this year, the religion developed some more. The first two major developments were rather easy to deal with and were nearly unanimous.
The first was the idea that all of mankind was equal. This was rather easy to create since it was practiced nearly everywhere. As such, it was implemented into the religion rather easily.
The second covered the idea of moderation. It essentially amounted to make sure that you pursue justice and not vengeance. The main area this stemmed from was the punishment for desertion. When the average soldier sees a Greater Daemon, there is an instinctual urge to flee. Should they be given the same punishment as a soldier that refuses to fight normal cultists? This idea led to the idea of pursuing justice, not vengeance.
The main religious debate this year covered what exactly the Emperor was. The debate over whether or not the Emperor was a God raged for months. Both sides came up with theological arguments on who he was, but there was an argument that gained traction. When the Emperor first arrived on Valhalla, the soldiers had an instinctual belief that he was the savior of mankind. When the old Valhallan honor guard entered the discussions arguing that the Emperor was indeed a God, the argument shifted towards that belief. However, this contradicted the Imperial Truth, which the Emperor had endorsed. As a result, the debate was upended when this was brought up. With this new piece of information, the debate shifted again to, if the Emperor was not a God, then what was he? After more debates, they came up with a new solution. The Emperor was an Enlightened human from before even the Dark Age. He has grown with human struggles and now stands as the first human to walk the path of ascensions. Since then, there have been others, but they are far weaker. Pleased, the Valhallans officially declared this to be their findings on who the Emperor was.
The Emperor himself had no reaction, but the same could not be said for Lorgar who was not pleased. He sent a message to Valhalla saying that this was blasphemy against the Emperor of Man. He argued that their findings brought the Emperor down to the level of normal men, which was unacceptable and disgraceful. Valhalla promptly replied by saying that this was in line with the Imperial Truth which stated there were no gods. Therefore, the Emperor must be an ascended human. Lorgar did not take this well. He withdrew the Word Bearers from Lave V, before sending a message to Kesar demanding a meeting.
Leaving Lave V was a mistake. Lorgar had yet to damage the Orkish infrastructure, and the conflict created the prime opening for a Warboss. This was filled by Warboss Cyber Ork, who was one of Warboss Metal Brain's tactical advisors. Needless to say, this was extremely dangerous, especially since Cyber Ork immediately began to form a Waagh. While it would seem to be the domain of the Eternal Wardens, the Dark Angels had decided to deal with the issue since they felt they were more qualified to deal with it. The Salamanders also pledged their assistance so that the Eternal Wardens could continue to build up their numbers for their new mission.
So far, there were indications that the campaign would be bloody, and the Lion was not pleased with the Lorgar's behavior. Additionally, Lorgar has sent many messages to the Eternal Wardens demanding a meeting with Kesar after the Primarch dealt with the Xenos.
Speaking of the Xenos, Kesar arrived in the system where a diplomatic Xeno vessel was meeting with the Eternal Wardens that were sent here. When the Primarch arrived, he first ordered Scafrir to board his vessel and give the reports on what had transpired. When the Master of Scouts was onboard, Kesar spoke, "Scafrir, how have these Xenos behaved thus far?"
Briefly reviewing his notes, Scafrir began, looking rather pleased and confused. "Well Lord Primarch, they are extremely friendly. They seem to harbor extreme hate for the denizens of the warp, and they were pleased to hear that the Eternal Wardens despise daemons just as much."
Holding up a hand, Kesar realized he needed some clarification. "Could you elaborate on that last point?"
"Of course, Lord Primarch. When we first met, I saw that they had a series of artworks which displayed artistic interpretations of daemons being killed. As such, I opened the talks by saying the Eternal Wardens, bane of all daemons, wish to discuss future conflicts with the neverborn. They were very amenable after that."
Nodding to himself, Kesar was pleased. While they were Xenos, they were not allied with the creatures of the warp. Then again, some of his brothers would not be pleased. "What exactly do the Ruoult want from the Imperium? I do not believe that they want nothing."
When Kesar finished the sentence, he noticed Scafrir stood slightly straighter. Slightly worried, he motioned for the Master of Scouts to continue. "Well, they … want to join the Imperium."
"They do realize it's called the Imperium of Man. That tends to scare off most Xenos."
Rubbing his head sheepishly, Scafrir clarified. "Well, I may have just called us the Imperium. It's what everyone calls it anyways."
After hearing this, Kesar decided to clarify some details. "So, in conclusion, we have a group that is fiercely anti-daemon that was fighting a corrupted Xeno empire. Said group rescued millions of humans after they were abducted."
"That is correct."
"So, you managed to make negotiations go so well that they want to join the Imperium OF MAN and acknowledge my father as the Emperor."
"Yes, Lord Primarch."
"Well, it appears that I must make a decision." Thinking to himself, Kesar came up with three possible options.
The first involved simply declaring war and attempting to purge the Xeno. However, this empire was not hostile and wanted to join the Imperium. Additionally, there were indicators that they had a strong military culture along with a high number of psykers. Any conflict with them would be long and bloody.
The second option was to integrate them into the Imperium. This would cause issues. Much of the Imperium was xenophobic, and this would result in tensions between the worlds of the Imperium. However, they could prove to be useful to the Imperium in the future.
The third option involved bringing them into Kesar's personal domain. They seemed to have a rather well-developed network of 100 worlds. Sadly, Kesar did not have any economic details on their production levels, but it seemed to be unusually high. This would increase the productivity of his domain, but he would have to deal with the xenophobia himself. Additionally, many of his brothers would not take it well.
In the end, Kesar decided to
[] Purge the Xeno
[] Integrate into the Imperium
[] Absorb into Kesar's domain
[] Write-in
Mechanicus Reaction: 14 + 40 (Relation) – 20 (Disagree) – 10 (Religious Issues) = 24
Kelbor-Hal Reaction: 43 + 20 (Relation) + 20 (No forced Conversion) + 20 (Into your domain) = 103
Hearth IV Reaction: 82 + 20 (Wants to join) + 20 (No forced conversion) – 10 (Inspections) + 10 (Kelbor-Hal) + 20 (Mechanicus Reaction) = 142
Hearth IV Compliance Rate: 87 + 20 (Wants to join) + 20 (No forced conversion) + 10 (Kelbor-Hal Relation) – 10 (Mechanicus Reaction) = 127
Hearth IV Compliance Quality: 94 + 20 (Wants to join) + 20 (No forced conversion) + 10 (Kelbor-Hal Relation) + 20 (Spy Networks) = 164
Hearth IV Compliance Concessions: 62 + 20 (Wants to join) + 20 (No forced conversion) + 10 (Kelbor-Hal Relation) + 20 (Low Mechanicus Reaction) = 132
The Iron Lord was hard at work within his personal workshop, his tools placed in mathematical order around the work bench, within perfect reach of his rapidly moving hands, the silence of the place broken only by the hissing of welders and soldering implements as he constructed the two devices lying before him.
Perturabo was a logical man, that much was evident to all who met him. He was precise in his actions, in his deeds his mind calculating trillions of possible outcomes to attain the most positive result.
That was why he had decided on creating these items after he had left his brother on the station, to ensure peak performance from a crucial asset to the Great Crusade.
He had heard of his brother Vulkan crafting a set of armor to replace the one that Kesar had filled with the recording of his sons names. An inefficient practice, but he reasoned that the morale benefits of the act must have measured as more critical within his brother's mind.
But, that still left an obvious hole in his brother's abilities, his ranged equipment. Of course, Kessar had firearms, bolters, plasma guns and more, crafted to the highest standards of the Mechanicus and sized for a Primarch. Serviceable weapons, but little more for one such as them.
Kesar needed something superior if he was to reach maximum combat efficiency and he was in the best position to provide.
Kesar's use of a two-handed blade was taken into account so the weapons were intended to be mounted upon the gauntlets of the armor he wore, while the guns were meant to have separate purposes.
One was an enhanced version of a device the Mechanicus knew well, a Neutron Laser. One of the most powerful weapons in their keeping, which could carve through Ceramite and Adamantium, overload machines, while having the optimal advantages of conventional las guns, a vast number of shots and no need to reload so long as its power pack remained undamaged.
The second was far more complex, and far smaller, a minuscule tube in truth, but filled with psychoactive circuitry. In effect, it was a teleporter, for projectiles.
He had studied his brother's style of engagement in the past, his blitzkrieg manner of striking foes. How he struck at their heart to minimize damage to their infrastructure and facilities and people. It was efficient, reminiscent of the strategies he had employed during wars on Olympus. Perhaps he should return to those strategies of his youth? Experiment to locate superior tactics.
Thus a weapon to suit such a strategy. Specially made ammo would be propelled down the tube at immense speed, and then it would be teleported from the gun into an enemy selected for it.
It was the kind of weapon only the most skilled would be able to effectively use, but in the hands of one then it would be an instrument of impossible expeditious elimination.
A single shot into the heart could do much to change the course of a war. Across a battlefield, across a war, a single shot could make the difference between life and death and this...arrow, this Sagitta. It will serve his brother well as was its function.
Enough that it may make a difference when it most counted. Tsun tsun brother trying to prove he just cares about efficiency when really he's concerned about what our lack of good gunz might do.
The Ruoult race has a strong belief that creatures of pure light watch over them in their Celestial Plains. These are described as beings of vast knowledge and intellect, embodying wisdom and valor alike. The Ruoult also believe that their souls are ethereal flames which burn as intensively as the Ruoult who bears it. When a Ruoult dies, then it is believed that his flames are extinguished and it turns to spiritual smoke which transcends to the Celestial Plains to serve the spirits for a time, only to be sent back later to the mortal realm, reincarnated in new flesh. In addition, the souls of those who lived with cowardice and shame are instead brought to the Dark Realms after their deaths, to be tortured and punished by Evil Spirits, until the Great Spirits say otherwise. Ruoults make many references of Evil Spirits being jealous of the Great Spirits and war breaking out between them, ones so vast and glorious it is beyond their wildest imagination. It is not known if these Great Spirits are real, but the powers Ruoult psykers use is very real. They are usually flashes of blinding light, bright white flames or some form of manipulation of the natural world.
The concept of Daemons is not foreign to Ruoult. Ever since ancient times, they had spoken of creatures that live beyond the Celestial Plains of the Great Spirits, which wish for nothing but to overthrow the Great Spirits and instill chaos and madness into the mortal world. Ruoults often associate these beings with the spawns of Chaos. Ruoults have deep seeded hate and detest to Daemons of all kinds and to those who would willingly bow down to them. Ever since the 30th Millennium, the Ruoults have started encountering more and more of the vile forces of Chaos and their mortal followers. It is the wish of their Augurs that to enforce order in the Galaxy, and the forces of Chaos are therefore their one true enemy.
Ruoults seem to possess a degree of defense against the taint of Chaos, but that does not make them fully immune. There were cases where Ruoults fell to Daemonic madness or when an Augur was possessed by a creature of the Warp. Such individuals are regarded as the worst of traitors who would abandon the path the Great Spirits granted to them, throwing away wisdom and valor for madness and personal ambition. Fortunately, such Ruoults are very rare, and the vast majority of the Ruoults populace would go out of their way to smite down any fiend, slave or minion of the Daemons. Their hate is so pure and so great that a Ruoult warrior would not hesitate to lash out at a Greater Daemon without regret. This behavior had cost them many lives over the ages, but such rash actions have swayed many Warp Storms that ravaged the worlds of the Ruoult Empire and had kept its people from corruption.
It is not a rarity for Ruoults to aspire psychic individuals. These "Augurs" are given distinct tasks within the Empire. Some are tasked to divine what is happening within the Spiritual Realm, others are given the job of acting as Spiritual Advisors. These individuals are hailed across the Empire, for it is said that they gain their powers from the Great Spirits themselves. Ruoult Augurs are believed to be able to draw their powers and wisdom from the very essence of the universe. However, to reach these levels, a Ruoult is put through rigorous training and strict disciplinary tests. Many will find themselves strained beyond the limits of their sanity and be put to death before they could do any harm to others. Those that do survive the trials and spire to become sanctified Augurs of the Ruoult Empire, who are praised and respected. Some Augurs even become Clanguards, but are forced to keep their powers in check and stay in line. These "warrior augurs" will usually feel an urge to harness more knowledge, and will spend their times in meditation, communing with the Great Spirits.
Through decades of fighting and loyal service, a warrior augur may be given the chance to become a Warseer. A Warseer is a very powerful Ruoult with a high level of psychic energies coursing through his veins. The Warseer acts as the spiritual adviser to the commanding Clanchief. But the Warseer does not concern himself with complex battle plans or the secrets of technology; it is the sacred lore of sorcery that falls within the Warseer's duty. It is his obligation to the spirit that grants him power.
A Warseer outside of battle will tutor the lesser Augurs and do his best to guide them towards enlightenment and revelation of the soul. He will direct the Ruoult ships through the raging storms of the Warp and fight of the Daemonic threats beyond the mortal realms. He will also preach about the Great Spirits to his fellow warriors and keep their faith strong. In battle, however, a Warseer can assume command of his Clanguards and reinforce their fighting spirits. His wrath is great when invoked, for he can bring down lightning from the heavens and set the very sky ablaze with holy fire. To trifle with a Warseer is a grave mistake only a bare few can hope to survive.
In many Clans that revere the Great Spirits as divinity, the Augurs are seen as tokens of their good will. These Clans may produce a large number of Warseers to guide their Clans through the path of righteousness. A Warseer which serves such a Clan may hope to become a Clanchief himself. These Spiritual Warlords are known to utilize powerful sorcery to impress their followers and destroy their opponents. Their wisdom is vast and their minds are keen. A Spiritual Warlord is seen as a prophet of the Spirits, and a herald of their will. The words of a Spiritual Warlord are holy and his orders are unquestionable.
It is very common for a Spiritual Warlord to declare holy crusades against whatever creature dares blaspheme the name of the Ruoult Empire. The Clanguards that follow such a Warlord believe themselves to be just and true in purpose. When a Spiritual Warlord is called to fight, he will not deny. Using his vast power and magical lore, he can rain down the fury of the Great Spirits upon his enemies, burn them to cinder and scatter their ashes upon the wind. All Ruoult revere or even worship their Spiritual Warlords as priors to the holy word and the one true path of holiness. The augurs gather far and wide just to get a glimpse of such a leader.
All Ruoults believe in the Great Spirits as beings of gestalt nature, holy bearers of wisdom and valor. Eternal Wardens also told the Ruoults about the Emperor of Mankind who sits upon the Golden Throne of Terra. At first, the Ruoults were interested in hearing about him but were generally unsure of what he is supposed to be. They did respect him as the ultimate ruler of Mankind and the Imperium. All that changed, when they found out that guiding light of the Astronomican is produced by Emperor himself. After returning home, some Ruoults were sure that the Emperor was, in fact, a Great Spirit that made himself manifest in Human flesh. This belief has spread quickly, and it would not take long before the majority of the Ruoult Empire to start praising the Emperor and send praise to him, as a truly divine power. After hearing this Emperor commented that the Imperial Truth only applicable to Humanity, and he does not care about Xeno Superstition. He also proclaimed this only prove his point that humans are superior and only race worthy to inherit Galaxy.
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1st Training: Runic Names, Power through Unbreakable Bonds
1st Training: Runic Names, Power through Unbreakable Bonds
As First Company stood at attention, waiting for the the First Captain to begin the training they couldn't help but wonder what it was. What was it that the Primarch had chosen to put them through? Whatever it was, came the resolute agreement that each Eternal Warden could feel in the heart of the others. They'd more then be ready for the training and the tasks.
"Alright Marines," Thule said as he looked upon his men, seeing that each one was truly ready to begin the training. Each one ready to put it all on the line. Too bad, he thought. What they're prepared for has yet to come, but once we get to Valhalla, all the gloves are off and it would be higher risk. Smiling, he spoke, "Let training begin! Grab your armor, grab your weapons, get the carving kits out and don't forget the etching ones either. We'll begin training with a little remedial."
With a quick salute, the Space Marines hopped to it, cleaning up fallen items left from their tasks. From there they grabbed everything listed, trying to form an idea of what was about to come. Something extensive, something to do with their armor. With their weapons. With their brothers and runes.
Minutes later, the Astartes stood before him once more. All of the necessary equipment gathered, all of them raring to go - to train, to be put once more into the meat grinder for Kesar's and humanity's sake. "Good, you're ready. Now, to start training off I'd like you to perform weapon and armor checks, make sure everything has been treated right, make sure nothing is currently out of place. Make the machine spirits happy, or else I make the mechanicus happy by giving them a new servitor."
Smiling at what they knew to be a joke, First Company did as ordered with a simple,"Sir, yes sir." as a response. Each marine poured over their equipment, carefully and delicately performing basic Rites of Maintence as they checked for any type of damage, making sure their armor and weapons where up to task. Inch by inch, the transhumans painstakingly inspected the weapons and armor. It was not a particularly fast task, but they would do it all the same regardless of how long it took.
"Good," barked Thule as he looked on at his men, watching them complete the given task properly. "That was an inspiration," he said, proud of First Company's competence and surprising speed. "I'm sure the Mechanicus would love to have each and every one of you... Now back to training." And with that, the Captain began his questioning. "Let's begin with a simple question: what is the best weapon in our arsenal to be used against Daemons? Aside from you ugly bastards of course."
Laughter filled the air at the Captain's words, and with it First Company knew their Captain was back - the stresses, the losses hadn't broken him and if he could stand strong, so would they. "Captain," called out a Seargent. "Our greatest weapon is you. For who else can be the devastator we need, with your mouth all shall cower in fear."
Glaring at the seargent in good humor, Thule only had one response. "Achilles, you're stuck doing an extra hour of maintence and you get treasure the fact we'll soon be bonding when we spend our extra two hour a day personal training routine." Sighing about mouthy fuckers, Thule looked at First Company once more and could only ask, "Anyone else. not named Practice Dummy want to take a gander?"
Somewhat cautiously, another voice called out answering the question. "Sir, it'd be the Runes Primarch Kesar taught us, specifically the Rune of Banishment."
Smiling, Thule responded. "Seems you can think, keep that up and you'll soon find yourself taking Achilles place as Seargent." With the jokes done, the Captain chose to continue his lecture ensuring his Marines would have this down by the time they got to Valhalla. "Yes, our Runes are one of greatest strengths, a true weapon of versatility. Hence why we'll be going over the Runes of Banishment and Reinforcement. Together these runes and what I'm about to say, should strengthen us."
Silence filled the air as the Space Marines of First Company waited for the rest of Thule's words. All standing at attention, ready to do as he said whenever he said.
"Alright," came the rest of the lecture. "Before we start working on these runes, I've got a few more things to ask." Looking at the Astartes feeling proud of his troops, Thule asked what needed to be asked? "Where does the tradition of carving the names of the fallen into our armor and remembering them for who they were come from? What affects does it have?"
"Sir, the Rite of the Lost comes from Primarch Kesar's love of us, so utterly showcased in his Sword of the Lost and Remembrance Armor. The effects are that our armor is somewhat strengthed and that our performance is increased, no matter how little it may be."
"Good answer Achilles," Said Thule, smiling even though he was saddened by the memories of the lost. "Seems you might just earn back your freedom." Feeling proud, Thule spoke on. "Alright First Company, Primarch Kesar has come up with another method of improving our performance and it begins with utilizing these runes. By the time we're done with this part of training, our combat viability against Daemons should be much better then before."
"Now," Thule spoke as the men listened in, each unwilling to miss the explanation that was to follow. Each ready to do as said. "Upon our weapons - the guns and their ammunition, the swords, the gauntlets, whatever we use as a weapon you shall engrave those Lost. Those who fell to the daemons, their names shall be placed upon the weapons in such a way that it forms the rune of Banishment so our brothers might strike with us from the grave against the creatures that dared to corrupt their souls. Not only shall we remember these brothers, but we shall let them fight alongside us in name and spirit as we sally forth against the beings that would harm them."
The Space Marines saluted the Captain, simply saying solemnly, "Yes sir," as they took a moment to remember the Lost. A novel idea that had yet to cross their minds, but now that it'd brought to their attention the idea was ingenious. For not only would the Eternal Wardens remember those they had Lost, but they would carry them forth into battle and allow them to fight on once more, standing just as tall as their brothers would.
"As for the Rune of Reinforcement," he stated. "We shall be taking the names of those fallen in battle and affixing them upon our armor in such a way they form the rune. Allowing those fallen to gird us in their strength and protect us from those who would do us harm. They shall live on once more, protecting brothers like they so dearly desired. Their wishes shall go fulfilled, and not a single brother will be left alone. Their names forming an unbreakable bond and rune upon our equipment."
"But Captain," began one of the Tech-Marines. "The Machine-Spirits, they..."
"The Machine-Spirits have and will be handled," interrupted Thule. "We know they are already amenable or else we would have no Rite of the Lost, and with our Brothers working together through these Runes to make the Machine-Spirits stronger it is a foregone conclusion that this is acceptable. To assure you though, Primarch Kesar has worked closely with several Mechanicus members including the Fabricator General of Mars to ensure that this shall work. Now, let us begin the effigies to our brothers."
The intention here is that like how the names of the fallen being etched into the armor and vehicles strengthened it, these names being etched into the armor and coming together to form these runic shapes would further compound the strength of both the rune and the warp effect. For now our Space Marines not only carry forth their brothers onto the field remembering them, they carry them onto the field allowing them to serve and protect alongside them, allowing them a chance to strike forth from beyond the grave at those who would harm their brothers - at those who had corrupted them and now tried to do the same to their brothers. Everyone will go carrying the strength of not one Astartes, but of thousands of their brothers - while their attacks are amplified by the fury of thousands of brothers.
The first records of Ruoult history begin some 100,000 years ago (around 60,000-70,000 B.C.). The earliest fossilized remains of Ruoult ancestry were from this era. It is believed that the planet Muliv was once a tropic paradise, over a thousand centuries ago, but some form of a global catastrophe had swept across the entire world. The planet was enveloped in a deep dark perpetual winter and night. The thick snow had grasped the planet in an Ice Age, and the frosty clouds had blocked out the sun, not to be seen for thousands of years. This had killed off most of the planet's vegetation, and soon followed the many creatures that once roamed freely. This loss of flora had made the overall oxygen levels drop notably, thus the extermination continued.
Meanwhile, the continental plates grinded against one another, not only ravaging Muliv with earthquakes but unleashed tons of a trace-gas which was lying dormant beneath the planet's surface, named Zethane. This trace-gas is usually harmless, but unleashed in vast quantities and with the lack of Oxygen (due to insufficient photosynthesis) has only increased the extinction rates. To survive, the creatures of Muliv had to adapt. They not only became stronger, vicious and merciless. This age is known as Nak'Drahk'Mar, the Age of Eternal Ice. This is due to the fact that Nak'Drahk'Mar was, in fact, an Ice Age, lasting from around 70,000 B.C. to 50,000 B.C. The permanent frost that had started to settle made the very continents freeze over, so the Ruoult ancestry, which were no more than mere pack animals at the time, only learning how to walk up-right, were able to cross between continents on long journeys which would last for multiple seasons. By the time Nak'Drahk'Mar ended, the early Ruoult race had spread across the entire planet of Muliv.
The time period between 50,000 B.C. and M10 is known as Nak'Zapal by the Ruoults also known as the Age of Barbarism. Around 80,000 years ago, in 40,000 B.C. the Ruoult had started to evolve beyond mere animals and began inventing fire, the wheel, some degree of language, tools, weapons, clothing, and shelter made out of the bones and hides of animals they had slain and most notably, organization. Ruoult had formed into more than just mere packs, but tribes which mutually trusted one another. Some were nomads, wandering the lands, others had inhabited caves and started making cave paintings of not only people and animals but the odd structures named Xenofacts. These Xenofacts are massive spires pulsating with odd energies. They would emit a faint glow, thus attracting the early Ruoult ancestry to them, while most of the animals were frightened of them and stayed clear of the Xenofacts. The Ruoults had associated the Xenofacts with shelter, depicting them as holy blessings, and soil upon which they were placed as sacred.
Later through the age, at the time of the Dark Age of Technology at M10, the Ruoult had begun to slowly develop further from the Stone Age and started finding ways to tame the animals which lurked in the growths of the jungles and rain forests which swamped the dry soil of Muliv. In addition, they had started to make permanent residences in the forests, producing tree houses, connected to each other by robust bridges and ladders. Most trees on Muliv could reach the height of as much as 500 feet tall, so the Ruoults had a lot of space to work with. But most notably of all inventions, the Ruoults started to produce metal. The tools and weapons they produced had improved in quality. The Ruoults began to find it rather easier to live in the world with these new inventions and started to create civilization on the world of Muliv.
The three continents of the planet Muliv are divided by two massive oceans, Friel'Hanz at the North and Gorrax'Hanz at the South. Lying on these oceans are three massive continents, Xiel'Jak in the Centre where the two oceans meet, Wopo'Jak at the North-West and Armik'Jak in the South-East. Between these continents are a multitude of islands and waters filled with all manner of creature. In addition, the constant storms that ravage the surface of Muliv might be softened by the thick foliage of tall trees on land, but nothing would shield you if you went out to sea, therefore there was very little nautical development for the Ruoult race at the time.
On the three continents, different types of Ruoult evolved, one for each continent. These three types of ethnicity would be referenced as ''Races'' or "Variants" by the majority of the Ruoult race. On Armik'Jak were the Hroag, tall, slender and quite industrious. On Wopo'Jak were the Trarl, skittish, fast and quick thinkers with a way with words. And on Xiel'Jak came the Rarzg, large, muscular, well-built and ferocious. The three races didn't make contact with one another and were separated by the ocean, for the time being.
When the Nak'Zapal ended at M11, the Age of Unification started as well, or Nak'Rieug in the Ruoult tongue. The first nations arose in the centre continent Xiel'Jak, where the young nations would rely on their soldiers to lead wars of conquest in an attempt to destroy the others. Many battles have been waged, many cities have been burned, many lives have been taken, and none have survived the sands of time, all of them were long forgotten as fragments of history one should not ponder on for long.
For a thousand years, the first Ruoult nations have been rising and falling, each trying to become the world power, each convinced it was chosen to rule the world and many who had tried to reach the heavens, have fallen quickly and drowned in the blood of their own people and in the rubble of their nations.
The advancement of Ruoult civilization might have been descried as savage and crude. Unlike most races which would have concentrated more on advancing culturally, through architecture, literature or science, the Ruoult only advanced in one thing, warfare. Through the centuries they had inhabited Muliv, the Ruoult preferred the use of cold weapons such as swords, axes, spears, halberds, and shields. The Ruoult nations of ancient times always strove to best one another in the art of war. They would usually march through the thick jungle foliage in rank-and-file formations, crushing anything in their path, making their way straight to the frontlines.
The Ruoult had also tamed many creatures as not just beasts of burden, but mounts of war as well. Among these are the Kher, large canine carnivores with thick hairy hides, and Soln, massive armored behemoths which could bring large weaponry to bear such as catapults or giant crossbows. But the most notable were the Dwa'Tag, a form of giant insect breed with three legs and a pair of scythes as arms to cut their prey apart. The Dwa'Tag came in many species, from ones as small as cattle to ones as large as battle tanks; hence they were a preferred choice to tame.
Infantry, cavalry and warmachines alike strode through the marshes and grasslands of Muliv for centuries. When Ruoult fought, they would send in the cavalry first, to perform a devastating charge, and then lines of infantry would hammer directly at the enemy while any artillery or the like would strike at the opponent's flanks. Ruoult had also developed psykers (known as "Augurs") from an "early age" and were able to utilize these "spiritual leaders" extensively in war. Such battles would be awe-inspiring and terrifying at the same time, with arcs of lightning crackling ahead or sudden bursts of warp-fire ravaging the battlefields being a common phenomenon.
However, since M11, the wars the Ruoults fought were seemingly fruitless and none could ever get the upper hand against the other, there would always be new kingdoms raised, and new empires forged, or new Tribes uncovered, and thus the senseless wars would go on end for eternity, if it was not for one Woman…
In a single small Kingdom of Gaan'Lak, a young royal would become Kral (literally "big woman", equivalent of "chieftain" or "Empress") after her mother passed away. The young woman would turn her entire Kingdom to war and her work would give birth to an Empire. Her name was Kau'Reigh, and she decided that it was time for someone to bring order to this chaotic world. She along her Royal Guard would lead the wars from the frontlines, and Kau'Reigh would have conquered many other nations.
Kau'Reigh had started her "Reign of Conquest" at the age of 13 and would have become a veteran of a thousand battles by the time she was 100. However, ever since she was born, she had visions of glory, marching her armies across the continent of Xiel'Jak, and bringing order to all Ruoults with an iron gauntlet. Kau'Reigh would lead the Gaan'Lak Kingdom, and let it expand as it devoured the lesser nations. But it is not just the Ruoults from outside her realm that were her threat, for Kau'Reigh had to put down coups and strangle rebellions as well, instilling complete control over her subordinates. Over the years, many assassination attempts were made, but all had faltered and the ones responsible, as well as anyone related to them would be executed with no chance of forgiveness. Kau'Reigh believed her cause to be true and those who said otherwise would have been crushed, pummelled, strung up or worse. Not many official records of Kau'Reigh herself had survived, but it is believed she was born somewhere at the end of M11, and that she possessed some degree of psychic power, thus presenting herself as a divine being to the other Ruoults.
Kau'Reigh's conquests lasted for 200 years, and this time was called "The Warring States Period". By M12 the Gaan'Lak Kingdom had unified all other Ruoults in Xiel'Jak, thus gaining control over the entire continent. Because sea travel was nearly impossible for Ruoults at the time due to the horrid storms that ravaged the planet constantly, the Ruoults on Xiel'Jak came to believe that the continent was the entire world and that there was nothing beyond the oceans. So when Kau'Reigh came to conquer Xiel'Jak, her people believed she had conquered the entire world and all there is in it.
After doing so, Kau'Reigh and her personal adviser Drakah'Jes'Ik had decided to reform the Ruoult race entirely. Firstly, Kau'Reigh declared herself "The First Sovereign Empress of Gaan'Lak" or simply "The First Empress" and reformed the Gaan'Lak Kingdom into a mighty Empire. She first took it as a duty to find and burn all traces of the former nations, thusly deleting them from history entirely. This meant burning of books, tearing down structures and even butchering scribes and scholars.
Next, she took out all other languages except one, an adapted version of the one used by the Gaan'Lak, which had several changes and improvements, which made it easy for all Ruoults to speak it. She named the language "Drakah" in honor of her most trusted servant who helped create it. With the last traces of former nations gone, and leaving only her Empire to reign supreme, Kau'Reigh had become a somewhat docile individual, spending hours and even days on end within her private quarters. Nobody knew for certain what she did inside, and none would dare ask, because her Royal Guards stood vigilant over her Glorious Empirical Palace at all times. She instead led from the shadows and allowed Drakah'Jes'Ik to take care of all public and official businesses.
At the middle of M12, Kau'Reigh remerged from her quarters for the first time in centuries and she brought with her a hefty tome of a thousand pages. She named it the No'He'Khum, the Holy Code of Honour, and she had written down within it a detailed and explicit set of rules and scenarios a Ruoult must adhere to live honorably and die with pride. Shortly after the No'He'Khum was accepted inside the whole Empire, Kau'Reigh had went back to her quarters, where she died of natural causes, but not before delivering one more thing to her people, plans for sturdy ships and vessels, which would take the Ruoults beyond the oceans, and towards new lands to conquer in the name of honour.
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2nd Training: Apprentices to the Witch Hunters, learning from the teat of wisdom
2nd Training: Apprentices to the Witch Hunters, learning from the teat of wisdom
Standing out as gigantic black spots against the white of the ground and the flurries raining down upon them, stood a Company of Eternal Wardens. Armor covered in white speckles from the little bits of snow that stuck to them, the Space Marines made for an interesting statue like sight.
"Alright First Company," Came the Captain's voice somehow carrying over the roar of the blizzard they stood in. "Now that we're finally here on Valhalla and enjoying the lovely frigid weather, let's talk about the rest of the training you'll be experiencing."
And thought the weather was loud and awful, each member of the company heard the Captain as clear as could be. Nothing would stop them from fulfilling the wishes of their father, and the only way they could honor their brothers, by ensuring no more fell.
"Behind me," Thule began, waving his hand to the mass of people all dressed in black standing behind him. "Are the most important forces on this planet, excluding the Pyskers and us. These mighty fine gentlemen, all standing ready are known as the Valhallan Witch Hunters and they shall be your instructors for the foreseeable future." Looking over the Astartes, Thule continued on. "It's from these folks that you shall be educated, from them that you learn how to hunt the corrupt, the tainted, the cultist. You shall not disobey them, but rather learn from them for they have much to teach you. Behind me are the most important forces on this planet, outside of us and Pyskers. By the end of this particular section of training, you are expected to familiarize yourself with the behavior of the cultist and memorize their methodology, you shall be capable of tracking them down and uprooting them."
"Sir, yes sir" was the response, one telling of the willingness to learn to adapt, to overcome. They would learn, they would improve and never again would they ignore the trappings of a cult, never again would they allow a world to be overrun if they could have stopped it earlier.
Smirking in amusement, Thule continued on. "Uh-huh, see to it you don't." Smiling at his brothers, he said some of his last words. "Now, one last thing. According to the locals we came in on Yuletide, a holiday involving gift-giving and the Primarch couldn't avoid participating, so he's giving you sorry bastards a gift. It's straight from his own brain, we call it Kesar Dorlin's Chaos and Warpspawn Primer. Everyone of you gets one, and inside of this exists some very need to know information. Make sure you study it and do the Primarch proud."
As he turned to leave, Thule heard the resounding shouts of his troops. "For those we Cherish, thy will shall be done." One of the clearest statements of the willingness to do what was necessary for those they Cherished. For their brothers, for their father, for Humanity and for the Imperium.
With a wave of his hand, the Captain disappeared into the blizzard somehow disappearing from sight despite his titantic size and the color of his armor. Having been abandoned by their Captain, First Company turned to the Witch Hunters and knelt. Displaying their subordination. Looking up, they asked as one, "What would you have us do?"
And so began the apprenticing of the Eternal Wardens.
So, I can't rightly figure out how to have First Company go about Cultist hunting, but essentially that's what this Omake is. The Eternal Wardens having their Space Marines sent to be trained by the Witch Hunters and learn how to identify cultists and their methods and figure out corruption among the populace. If I ever get an idea for it, I'll come back here and edit that in, but for now I'll say it's finished.
After her death, Kau'Reigh left many descendants, but not one of them would be chosen to be an Empress in her stead. On her deathbed, Kau'Reigh had clearly stated that the one who shall be Empress must be chosen by the Great Spirits themselves. Thusly Kau'Reigh's favored servant Drakah'Jes'Ik had taken it upon himself to commune with the Spirits and find out who the next Empress must be. Drakah'Jes'Ik was declared a temporary Monarch, and he had spent all of his time in deep meditation, trying to contact the so-called Great Spirits and find out who must lead them. Eventually, Drakah'Jes'Ik received his answer and proclaimed that Warlord Kael'Haar of the Gaan'Lak army to become Empress. After the warrior and the temporary leader met, Drakah'Jes'Ik and a group of lower Augurs had performed a special ritual within their private confines. The Royal Guard stayed to watch, because the details of this ritual were supposed to be secret to all. When Kael'Haar emerged, she had the symbol of the Empire tattooed on her left shoulder. Thus she was officially proclaimed the Second Empress of Gaan'Lak.
Kael'Haar took a look at the detailed blueprints her former, Kau'Reigh, had left. They seemed to have potential and with them, the Ruoults might be able to do what was once unthinkable. Kael'Haar had spent the next century or so gathering resources and putting the designs to practice. She had constructed a massive armada of over a thousand ships. She was sure that they were going to work, and so she had lead her fleets in person, and thus the Ruoults had set sail to the wild oceans. The Southern Ocean Gorrax'Hanz was first to have held Ruoult ships.
The surface of Muliv was as stormy and savage as it ever was, and the loud thundering and flashes of lightning were not just a show. The hard rain and hail had hammered against the hulls of the ships and strong winds alone could raise massive tidal waves which would sink many of the sturdiest galleys. Not to mention the various monsters that lurked in the depths, too horrific and terrifying to even mention. But against all odds, the Ruoults were able to find lands outside of Xiel'Jak, and not just lonely chains of islands that peeked out at seemingly random places, but also a whole new continent, one that is twice, or even thrice as large as Xiel'Jak, the Central Continent. It was then that the Gaan'Lak Empire first set foot on Armik'Jak, the South-Eastern Continent. However, they were not the first Virions either. At the end of M13, the Age of Unification had ended and a new age had started, Nak'Xetrek, the Age of Exploration.
During the voyages Kael'Haar and her Armada undertook, she had encountered lesser Ruoult clans, tribes and feudal kingdoms on small isolated islands, also vying for power like the Ruoults at Xiel'Jak once did. The rule of the Empire and the teachings of the No'He'Khum would be spread to all Ruoults and a series of small conquests would begin to bring all these Ruoults into the fold of the Great Empire of Gaan'Lak. Things would change once the Ruoult Empire took its first steps on Armik'Jak, a whole new continent, which was larger and more spacious than their home. It was then that the Rarzg Ruoults had their first official encounter with the Hroag Ruoults. Albeit there were Rarzg and Hroag and even mixtures on islands between the two continents, there weren't made any mentions regarding this, and it was once the Empire descended upon "the new land" that they finally took notice of this great genetic difference.
While the Rarzg Ruoults are about 8 or 9 feet tall, with great thick muscular body structure, harder skeleton frame, and accented ferocity and viciousness, the Hroag were about 7 feet tall, somewhat thinner and lighter than the Rarzg, but also quicker and possessed a degree of higher dexterity. In addition, the Hroag were more level-headed and rational than the impulse and easy to anger Rarzg. This had allowed the Hroag to somewhat advance technologically and scientifically, discovering new knowledge and wisdom, but most notably, it was their weapons that were advanced. While a single Rarzg could take a single Hroag in one-on-one combat, the Hroag did possess one other advantage, gunpowder. The Hroag had many types of rifles, pistols, and even cannons, which belched fire and spewed iron, thus annihilating anything standing in their path.
Kael'Haar took notice of this and started a new conquest. This one would last for 2000 years, and it would take nearly all of the Empirical forces to destroy the lesser Hroag Nations. But even if the Hroag were splintered into Kingdoms, Empires, Federations and other forms of civilization, they did see the Empirical Ruoults as a great threat, and many temporary alliances had been formed among the Hroag, which would actually put a halt to Empirical advances on many occasions. But try as they might, over years of war, the Hroag would be gathered into the fold of the Gaan'Lak Empire, and the continent of Armik'Jak fell to Empirical rule. It was not just the Hroag Ruoults that became part of the Empire, but the innovative gunpowder weapons as well, which would become part of standard Ruoult weaponry and armament in future conflicts.
At M15, Kael'Haar had turned her fleets north, to the Friel'Hanz Ocean. Although many lesser isle chains were discovered and brought to the rule of the Empire, the Ruoults would come to discover one more continent, the North-Western Wopo'Jak. Eventually, the fleets discovered all they could, and a ground-breaking discovery was made. The Ruoults found out that the world they live on is a round sphere, a planet, and with Hroag skills of astronomy and other fields of science, they had found out more about the cosmos in general. Living for a full 2000 years, Kael'Haar died of old age, and another grouping of Ruoult Augurs would come to try and find a new Empress. Meanwhile, the Ruoult armies conquered more and more of Wopo'Jak, bringing the Trarl Ruoults into the fold. The Trarl are some 6 or 7 feet tall, skinny, comparable in muscle structure to Hroag and had a darker skin tone. But the Trarls true strength was in their minds, and they could be the one thing the impulsive Rarzg or the energetic Hroag could rarely be, patient. Over years of meditation, the Ruoult Royal Augurs had decided to choose Ta'Nak, a Trarl from conquered parts of Wopo'Jak as the Third Ruoult Empress.