The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Investigate the Sea?

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    Votes: 593 80.4%
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There's probably several variants using different ingredients that do much the same thing, and there's probably some already on-world in various hospitals or facilities.

Although now that's a thought for something to get from the Forge World - recipes for assorted drugs and chemical compounds from the Magos Biologis.
Will we every tame any of the more iconic wild life because I for some reason see the next invasion being dealt with by unleaseing train War-Phase-tigers and our rough rider riding Tyrant Lizard and Thundabeasts. I also see our air force being reinforced with trained Psyrodactyls.
Will we every tame any of the more iconic wild life because I for some reason see the next invasion being dealt with by unleaseing train War-Phase-tigers and our rough rider riding Tyrant Lizard and Thundabeasts. I also see our air force being reinforced with trained Psyrodactyls.
Oh, we're sure to be invaded again *much* sooner than that. Maybe by the fourth or the fifth, though.
Turn Eleven Results
Turn Eleven Results
The Troll attacks in Avernus' Spine continue at a steady rate this year.
The Azure Islands have another calm year.
A rise in the number of Carniflowers in Lindon kill many, including two entire regiments at Hollin.
The Everglades remain calm for another year.
The Tyrant Lizards kill another regiment in Nurn.
While the Helljackals continue to plague Babylon True Grit comes under attack by Titan Scorpions.

Rebuilding- General Drago advisers you to recruit new units and replenish the losses suffered in the recent battles. This will fill the growing holes in your line of battle left by the recent battle, the predations of the wildlife and the constant population growth. General Drago considers this to be of very high priority.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 273 800 Thrones, 112 300 Material, 10 150 Promethium. Upkeep: 15 520 Thrones, 7 628 Material, 5 460 Promethium. Reward: Replenishes all regiments to full size, raises 71 PDF Infantry Regiments, 4 Light Infantry Regiments, 12 PDF Light Infantry Regiments, 1 Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 13 PDF Mechanized Infantry Regiments, 12 PDF Heavy Infantry Regiments, 2 Armour Regiments, 9 PDF Armour Regiments, 5 Rough Rider Regiments, 44 PDF Rough Rider Regiments, 9 Drop Infantry Regiments and 1 Black Iron Regiment.

This year the training of the Imperial Guardsmen from last years intake finished. Twenty-two new regiments and seventy thousand other new guardsmen were enlisted. This includes over a regiment that is destined for the Black Irons and was recruited from soldiers who are both skilled and have nothing to lose, like the original Black Irons. General Drago informs you that between this recruitment and the constant recruitment that he is currently setting up it is unlikely that Avernus will need to recruit more ground forces for the next decade.

Constant Recruitment- Given the constant casualties that Avernus inflicts on your soldiers General Drago proposes setting a system where the boot camps and Officers Academy are both constantly training new men to allow for casualties to be quickly replaced without too much of an administrative load. The increase in time between recruitment and being assigned to a regiment would increase recruitment costs slightly but the ability to replenish losses without oversight would be worth it. This project will take several years so General Drago only considers it to be of high priority.
Time: 3 years. Cost: 305 000 Thrones, 30 500 Material, 30 500 Metal, 7 100 Promethium. Upkeep: 30 500 Thrones, 1 525 Material, 1 525 Metal, 710 Promethium. Reward: automatically replace casualties at 10% increase in recruitment cost.
Locked Two out of Three turns completed

This year General Drago and his staff continued to reorganize the Avernus Officers Academy and boot camps. The training facilities were expended slightly to deal with the greater demand expected under the new system. General Drago is slightly behind schedule but still expects to finish by the end of next year.

Air Superiority- Given how poorly the Avernus Air Force preformed in the recent invasion General Drago proposes having the entire first class of pilots, all one thousand of them, trained to be fighter pilots. This will give you fifty new fighter wings which should be sufficient to cover Avernus.
Time: 3 years. Cost: 106 500 Thrones, 3 550 Material, 4 260 Promethium. Upkeep: 10 650 Thrones, 355 Material, Promethium 2 130. Reward: 50 Fighter Wings

The first class of the Avernus Flight School started this year and consists entirely of prospective fighter pilots. The pilot cadets are currently training mostly in classroom conditions and only occasionally in the air but that will change soon. As the first crop of pilots began training a thousand Lightning Fighters entered production in Dis for when the pilots graduate. The Lightning Fighters have been completed and are in storage in the military hanger in the Dis spaceport.

The plague in Dis grew causing a population drop of 3.96% this year.
As the plague grew in Dis it cleared up in Avernus' Spine allowing for a population growth of 3.45%.
The period of calm allowed the population of the Azure Islands to boom by 7.28%.
The plague also cleared up in Lindon where the population grew by 5.09%.
The calm in Everglades allowed population growth of 6.08% to occur.
Elysium population growth increased to 4.15% this year
Aridia's population grew by a mere 2.75% this year.

Disease Research and Treatment Institutes: Avernus- Avernus has many different infectious diseases and plagues that are communicable with humans and the normal hospitals can not cope with the number that are sometimes infected. Henry proposes to set up one ore more Institutes in each city that is wholly dedicated to researching and treating infectious diseases and plagues. This extensive proposal is to build these institutes in every city in Avernus over the next three years. Henry considers this to be of medium priority.
Time: 3 years. Cost: 3 900 500 Thrones, 82 005 Material, 32 802 Metal, 2 734 Promethium. Upkeep: 218 680 Thrones per year, 8 200 Material per year, 1 640 Metal per year, 1 367 Promethium per year. Reward: Disease Research Institutes is added to each hospital in Avernus, +1% population growth, lowers effect of plagues.
Locked Two out of Three turns completed

The Disease Research and Treatment Institute buildings were completed throughout Avernus as Magos Biologis Saren continues to train the doctors that will staff them. This year the general staff of the institutes began training in the Hospitals of Avernus so they will be ready by the time the institutes open.

Expand Factories:Avernus- A far more extreme plan to increase manufacturing capacity that Henry proposes is to enlarge all the factories on Avernus. This would increase manufacturing capacity by 40% and would no longer use up most of Avernus' metal supplies. Henry considers this to be of high priority.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 210 870 Thrones, 41 349 Material, 41 349 Metal, 8 435 Promethium. Upkeep: 21 087 Thrones per year, 2 109 Metal per year, 1 230 Promethium per year. Reward: Medium factories in Avernus', +72 000 Production Capacity ,+100% base production capacity an increase of +50%, allows construction of Macharius Heavy Tanks, Lightning Fighters, Marauder Bombers, Dropships and Cargo Shuttles.
One out of Two turns completed

Over most of inhabited Avernus a series of large factories have begun to be erected this year. Currently the general structures have been completed and the manufacturing equipment has begun fabrication at the current factories. Henry informs you that due to some delays in manufacturing the factories are well behind schedule but will still be completed on time.

Commercial District: Dis and Linden- Henry has plans to build an entire district focusing on commerce in every city on Avernus. While it would be far to expensive to do that right now he does have plans to build these commerce districts in Dis and Lindon, which produce almost half of your tax earning at the moment. This project would increase total Thrones income by a third and over double your currant profit. Henry considers this to be of low priority.
Time: 2 Years. Cost:674 500 Thrones, 134 900 Material, 134 900 Metal, 26 980 Promethium. Upkeep: 6 745 Material per year, 6 745 Metal per year, 3 373 Promethium per year. Reward: Commercial Districts in all cities in Dis and Linden, +200% tax income increase of +100%
One out of Two turns completed

Henry has spent the year clearing the districts around the commercial centers in Dis and Linden so that his commercial districts can be built. One the areas where clear he began to build the commercial districts and greatly increase the amount of public transport leading to the districts. While this was happening he has been making contact with the companies of Avernus and negotiating for them to move into the new commerce districts.

Despite the Impact of Lord Klovis-Ultan's advertisement campaign, the level of tourism continued to fall this year as most of those who wished to see Avernus have already visited.
5(base)x2(building)x16(luxuries)x1.1(victory)x2(add campaign)x(d100+5)(speech)x(d100+5)(speech)+638 364 (carryover from last year)
=352x(d100+5)x(d100+5)+ 638 364 (carryover from last year)=352x27x32+638 364=942 492 Thrones

Neighbors- Lord Klovis-Ultan informs you that now that Avernus is securely established it is time to establish contact with the other worlds of the Sub-Sector. This would give you a far better idea of the resources and needs of the local planets as well as what dangers there are in the area.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 21 300 Thrones, 71 Promethium. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: gain contact with nearby Imperial Worlds
Roll d100=64+14(diplomacy)+10(astropathic relay)=88

Lord Klovis-Ultan successfully made contact with the nearby Imperial Worlds and has prepared a brief overview of the more important world for you.

Deliver STC to Mechanicus- Now that Magos Explorator Tranth has completed another two partial STC templates he could trade them to Atlas.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 14 200. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Trade with Mechanicus
Roll d100=51+14(diplomacy)+10(astropathic relay)=75

Magos Explorator Tranth and Lord Klovis-Ultan made contact with Atlas again in the hopes of selling them the two recently completed STCs.

This year under a thousand Outer Circle Cultists were located, all in The Fens, while the amount of Inner Circle Cultists located went up by almost 50%. Arbitrator Oakheart believe that the increase in the number of Inner Circle Cultists found is a result of the Ordo Malleus team and not of a massive rise in the number of Inner Circle Cultists, which she believe is rising more gradually. In better new only a dozen cities had cultists located in them, which Arbitrator Oakheart believe are the only cities with any active cults.

Cult Activity Periphery Cultists Found Inner Circle Cultists Found
Avernus Prime    
Avernus' Spine   1,234
The Azure Islands   1,258
Lindon   1,864
Everglades 906 140
Elysium   2,224
Aridia   3,324
Avernus Total 906 10,045
Nine psykers were located this year of which two were Chaos worshipesr. The Chaos worshipers, a sixteen year old Epsilon-level in Gormec and his six year old sister were easily killed by Deacon Aurilians Witch Hunters. The remaining psykers ranged in included one eight year old Gamma-level, three Epsilon-levels ranging from eight to eleven and three Zeta-levels ranging from nine to fifteen.

Forensics: Avernus- Arbitrator Oakheart wishes to add a forensics department to each Law enforcement stations as well as further increase the number of Law Enforcement Officers. If this is carried out it will make it easier to catch cultists and criminals and fr easier to catch the more elusive Inner Circle Cultists. This is Arbitrator Oakheart's proposal to add forensics departments all over Avernus.
Time: 3 years. Cost: 399 700 Thrones, 3 997 Material, 3 997 Metal, 596 Promethium. Upkeep: 39 970Thrones per year, 1 999 Materials per year, 1 999 Metal per year. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Trained and equipped forensic departments and more Law Enforcement Officers in all cities, +5% to detect cultists and psykers and an additional +10% to detect inner circle cultists, +1 Civilian Morale.
Locked Two out of Three turns completed

The new forensic departments in Avernus have been completed and those who will work in them have begun to be trained. The new Law Enforcement Officers that come with this expansion have recently finished training and are now on the beat.

Infiltrators: Avernus- Arbitrator Oakheart wishes to improve her spy network by training dedicated infiltrators who can infiltrate potential cults and seek out the inner circle who are giving the orders. This plan is to train infiltrators all over Avernus simultaneously which will take longer to have any but will have them all in place sooner then rolling them out piecemeal.
Time: 4 years. Cost: 994 375 Thrones, 9 944 Material, 995 Promethium. Upkeep:99 438 Thrones per year, 492 Material per year Chance of Success: 50%, rolled separately for each region. Reward: Trained infiltrators all over Avernus, +5% to detect cultists and an additional +10% to detect inner circle cultists.
One out of Four turns completed

Arbitrator Oakheart has spent much of the year moving through Avernus and searching out those who will make good infiltrators, both among her current informants and elsewhere. She has found candidates in Lindon, Avernus' Spine and Everglades and has directed them to the more experienced infiltrators in Dis and Aridia for basic training.

Cultist Hunt: Lindon and Elysium- The increase in number of cultists found in Lindon and Elysium worries Arbitrator Oakheart enough that she wants to investigate personally. If she does there will be a significant increase in how many cultists are found but it will take up a large potion of her time over the next year.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 7 100 Thrones. Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: add half the margin of success to all attempts to find cultists in Lindon and Elysium this year
Roll d100=42+11 (intrigue)=53

You personally oversaw the hunt for cultists in Lindon and Eysium this year. You were relativity successful and believe that around a thousand more cultists were caught then would otherwise have been caught. Lorian was the only city in Lindon free of cultists while Garden Grove was the only city in Elysium untainted by worshipers of Chaos.

Detailed Survey (Sirens)- Now that Magos Biologis Saren has completed his preliminary survey of the Sirens he wants to spend the next couple of years giving them a more detailed examination. He hopes to be able to discover how the Sirens feed, and how often they need to, as well as as much about their social structure as he can.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 91 500 Thrones, 4 575 Material, 4 575 Metal, 2 130 Promethium. Chance of Success: unknown. Reward: Discover more about Sirens, including details about their feeding and social structure.
Roll d100=32+9(learning)+20(building)=61 Success

Magos Biologis Saren has completed a more detailed examination of the Sirens and has given you an overview of his results. He informs you that Sirens normally eat fish and other meat but occasionally need to feed their psychic powers by consuming a soul. From what he can gather the more powerful a Siren's psychic powers are the more souls they need to eat but also the less often they need to eat souls. Human souls, being far more powerful then the normal animal souls that they consume are far more potent and less are needed to sate their hunger.
Magos Biologis Saren has discovered that Siren's gather in groups of between fifty and three hundred, called courts, around each Siren Lady. These courts each have their territory and the members are spread throughout this territory, which may overlap with the territory of several other courts. The Sirens within a court are linked with a telepathic bond which allows them to communicate and only Siren Ladies can form connections with other Sirens. There are some Sirens who for some reason are not a member of any court and these Sirens seem to be constantly trying to drain souls and are responsible for many of the attacks on humans.

Explore Ruins-Now that he has finally gained entrance to the ruins under Gamma-4 Magos Explorator Tranth plans to continue to search them for STC fragments and archeotech, which he estimate will take one or two more years.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 7 100 Thrones, 710 Material, 305 Metal, 71 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain ancient tech from the ruins under Gamma-4
Roll d100=87+12(learning)+20(building)=119 Success Ruins totally explored

This year Magos Explorator Tranth finished exploring the ruins under Gamma-4 and discovered a final partial STC template. The template is of a alloy that while no stronger then the currently known alloys is capable of a very minor level of self-repair, making it far less likely to wear out. If completed this STC Template would allow you to quarter the Material upkeep cost of anything that it is made out of it.

Virus-Bombs- Magos Explorator Tranth and Magos Biologis Saren are willing to work together to improve the countermeasures against the Life-eater Fungus which failed at the Bayou so recently.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 71 000 Thrones, 14 200 Material, 28 400 Metal, 1 420 Promethium. Chance of Success: 40%. Reward: Find out better way to deal with Life-eater Fungus.
One out of Two turns completed

Magos Explorator Tranth and Magos Biologis Saren spent much of this year going over information from the fall of both Limberlost and The Bayou as well as everything that they could find out about the Life-eater Fungus. They hope that with this information they will be able to design a far more effective defense against the Life-eater Fungus, making it remain reasonable to live in the Everglades.

Priest Training: Signs of Heresy- Now that he has a Cathedral to work from, Deacon Aurilian wishes to provide specialized training to his priests to be able to recognize the signs of heresy in his flock and be able direct the Law Enforcement Officers to investigate them. If this training is completed more cultists will be detected.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 34 978 Thrones Reward: trains priests to spot the signs of heresy, +5% to detecting cultists.

Deacon Aurilian and Sub-Deacon Lin spent much time this year teaching the priests of Avernus how to best spot the signs of heresy in their flock. They hope that with this training that the priest will be able to act as a tool for finding Chaos cults as well as encourage people away from joining them. The training went well with both Deacon Aurilian and Sub-Deacon Lin teaching their own very different styles of recognizing heresy to the priests.

Educational Assistance: Civilian- The Imperial Church runs quite possibly the largest educational institutions in the galaxy and has many expert educators. Sub-Deacon Lin proposes assigning many of them to aid in the schools and universities of Avernus. These priests would fulfill several rolls as well as teaching such as councilor and aiding with administration which would allow for an easy expansion of the schools and universities.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 341 000 Thrones, 8 750 Material, 8 750 Metal, 875 Promethium. Upkeep: 34 100 Thrones, 438 Material, 438 Metal, 44 Promethium. Reward: Ecclesiarchy starts to aid in schools and universities, +50% to effect of education institutes.

Sub-Deacon Lin has spent much of this year determining where he should send the educational experts of the Imperial Church. Several months ago the final expert was placed in his new institute and has begun teaching. Deacon Lin informs you that it will take another year for the priests to integrate with their colleagues and begin having a major impact on the quality of education provided but both he and Henry, who has been aiding him in this project, believe that the results will be great.

Personal attention: Cultist Hunt: Lindon and Elysium- You are highly capable of military command, administration, and intrigue and are capable of managing a project in any of those fields. Just one though, as you don't have that much free time.
Time: as project. Cost: free. Reward: get one extra Adeptus Munitorum, Adeptus Administratum or Adeptus Arbites action with your characteristic bonus.

You personally led the hunt for Chaos Cultists in Lindon and Elysium this year to a moderate degree of success.

Gubernatorial Palace: Expansion- Caroline and Lord Klovis-Ultan are both trying to convince you to expand your Palace for prestige reasons. They claim that your current palace is too small for the governor of a planet as important as Avernus is becoming and others will take you more seriously if you expanded it. You are personally more interested in the idea of adding in incredibly heavy defenses and communications as well as a dedicated training area and a wing set aside for administering you personal projects. This design would still have several area that are not in use and can be easily modified.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 210 000 Thrones, 71 000 Material, 71 000 Metal, 7 100 Promethium. Upkeep: 10 500 Thrones, 30 500 Material, 30 500 Metal, 1 575 Promethium. Reward: Larger and better defended palace, +5 to all personal action.

This year work crews have begun to enlarge your palace under the directions of Caroline. The shape of the new palace has formed and is both majestic and strong, making no effort to disguise the Palace nature as a fortress. Caroline informs your that work is well ahead of schedule and should finish mid next year.

Investigate Arbitrator Oakheart- You can request that your Inquisitorial contact provide some of Arbitrator Oakheart's background. You are unlikely to succeed but this is still the best way to find out her history.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 14 200 Thrones. Chance of Success: 20% Reward: Character sheet on Arbitrator Oakheart's.
Roll d100=36+1(diplomacy)=37 Fail

Inquisitor Vahn has not yet responded to your attempts to gain information on the background of Arbitrator Oakheart.

Courtly Manners- You can undergo etiquette training and learn how to negotiate more effectively.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: +1 Diplomacy
Roll d100=5 Fail

Your attempt to learn the manners of the nobility this year was an abject failure. Between the constant demands on your time and the to the point, professional, manner you have developed on Avernus you have little success learning the nuances of diplomacy.

Year Income Thrones Material Metal Promethuim
Starting 4,863,176 272,725 1,365,518 178,130
Gross Income -941,294 144,915 -161,979 19,418
Remaining 3,921,882 417,640 1,203,539 197,548
Last edited:
Imperial Trust Systems
Imperial Trust Systems: Turn 141
Last updated: End of Turn 141

You are currently part of The Imperial Trust, which contains three Sub-Sectors

Imperium Trust
Petty Imperium Confederacy
Rulers: High Council
Capital: Midgard
Size: 37 Worlds
Estimated Population: 3.9 trillion
Military: 570 billion Guard, 2.6 trillion Militia, 1,500 Super Heavy Squadrons, 25,000 Space Marines
Economy: 41,209 kCredits
Fleet: 2 Dreadnoughts, 5 Command Battleships, 150 Battleships, 25,300 Capital Ships, 57,000 Escorts
Known Relations: Dragon'st Nest (Allies), Empire of Ashes (Allies), Orks (War), Chaos (War)
Debts: 1 Honourbound Favor, 2 Major Favors and 2 Minor Favors owed by the Empire of Ashes (Galactic Power), 2 Honourbound Favors owed by the Imperium Secondus (Galactic Power),
The Core Worlds
Rulers: High Council
Capital: Midgard
Size: 10 Worlds
Estimated Population: 1.6 trillion
Military: 180 billion Guard, 1.1 trillion Militia, 1,500 Super Heavy Squadrons, 25,000 Space Marines
Turn last updated: 141

AsgardKnight WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-2,256,952,398-700,189,000-253,458,900-119,702,500-216,880-1,334
Trade Levy
1 navTotal129,925,151,75350,782,567,613-2,635,176,79414,376,225,05775,176,473432,445167,165
0.41End Total5,102,475,137,2002,864,651,362,480-18,161,650,829790,104,530,7942,950,998,7299,685,8888,713,760

Knight World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Population: See Above
Governor: Lord Marshall Hrothgar

Morale: Excellent(13)
Ground Defenses: 6.5
Orbital Defences: 50 Defence Stations

Military: Strong
Military Specialty: Knight-Titans
Militia: Avernite
Fleet: Weak
Navigators: 1,464
Current Trade ships: 24 Merchantmen, 1 Mass Conveyors

Embassy Established
Spy Network Established
Church Re-established
Turn last updated: 131

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)
Knight Maniple (Grenadiers+)250(150)
Men At Arms Regiments (LI) (PDF)150(100)
Aesir Peregrine Wing (Guard)130(80)
Aesir Hercules Wing (Guard)130(80)
Guardians of Valhalla (Grenadiers)228(198)
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade58(8)
Orbital Defence35
Military Size/Percent of population5,073,366,711

Asgard is a Knight World and forms the center of the Asgard sub-sector. It is ruled by the lesser Knight House Aesir, which has a long history going back to the Dark Age of Technology and swore allegiance to the Imperium during the Great Crusade. The resources of Asgard are traded to the Tech-Priests of Atlas in return for technology. Asgard has massive amounts on mineral wealth and is one of the main exporters of metal among the Nine Worlds, in part because the serf of Asgard are better educated them most serfs and are able to operate heavy machinery.

The history of the Aesir goes back into the Dark Age of Technology when they were the fourth of the Nine Worlds to be colonized, after Niflheim, Helheim and Muspelheim. During the Age of Strife they were one of the few worlds to maintain a continues history and culture like many of the other Knight Worlds and they were quick to rejoin the Imperium when the Great Crusade reached the Nine Worlds. In the time of the Imperium the Aesir earned the reputation of a skilled and loyal Knight House but a large combination of factors led to the Imperium greatly underestimating their numbers. The main factors in this estimation is the sheer number of Freeblade Knights who hail from Asgard and the connection that these Freeblades maintain with the Aesir, the fact that they never deployed more then a single Branches force to a single theater outside of their Sub-Sector and that when asked how large their House is they always answered how large the branch of which they are a member of is rather then how large the Aesir as a whole are. This was increased by the fact that the Aesir have always viewed the protection of the Nine Worlds as their main duty and have often deployed against threats to the Nine Worlds with no support from outside the Sub-Sector, not really needing any. At the fall of the Imperium they had over fourteen hundred Knights, four hundred of whom were outside the Nine Worlds at the end, mostly a Freeblades.

The Aesir are one of the least formal and most progressive of the Knights Houses in the Imperium a fact often attributed to the fact that they have always had their own patterns of Knights which they have been using since the formation of Asgard. They are also among the most individualistic and activity encourage their members to spend a decade or more as a Freeblade in order to prove their worth. This has led to the Aesir being one of the most individualistic of the Knight Houses with each Knight and Noble House having a large degree of independence but conversely the Aesir are highly loyal to those who have proven themselves such as their Marshalls.

The Knight House of the Aesir is divided into twelve lesser branches each of which themselves are divided into different noble families of varying levels. You have been adopted into the House of Borr, the Royal House from which Lord Marshal Sigurd hails. The Royal Houses are those houses who can field over twenty-five maniples of Knights and there are currently twenty Royal Houses. Below the Royal Houses are the Ducal Houses who can each potentially field at least ten maniples of knights, next are the Baronial Houses who can field five maniples and last are the Knightly Houses who can field at least one Knight. The other two categories of noble House on Asgard are the Noble Houses which are the minor nobility who can't field any Knights for any reason and the Honorary Marshals who are those who have earned high position for great deeds or wisdom and are counted among the upper Nobility whether or not they can currently field any Knights. There are currently six Honorary Marshals of Asgard including you and these consist of the commander of the one elite infantry force among the Aesir, the air force, the army, the navy and the chief diplomat. Each of the Marshall is given an Earldom, either for their lifetime or in perpetuity and there are currently twenty-two Earls among the Aesir, being considered to be between the barons and the Dukes in the noble hierarchy. Given that the rank of a house is determined by how many Knights it can field at any given time it is quite common for houses position in society to change and less empathizes is put on current noble title then in many Knightly Houses.

The one exception to this is the title of Marshall which is given to the leader of each of the branches of the Aesir and is chosen after a challenge of wit, skill, leadership and might that pits potential candidates against each other. Any Marshall can be challenged by one of the Knights n a yearly event with the position of Marshall going to the victor. Given that the incumbent has a significant advantage it is rare for a Marshall to lose his position this way until he has reached an extreme age, or as is far more likely died in combat. Those who have lost the position of Marshall in a challenge are given the title of Elder and are often the main advisers to their successors. The Lord Marshall is the leader of the Aesir and can be challenged by the current Marshalls to a far more equal contest.

Lord Marshall Sigurd is a rather fierce man in his late middle age with several scars from the many battles that he has fought in. He has led one of the most individualistic and barbaric (for knights) Knight Houses with great success for over twenty years and is expected to continue leading them for many more years. Unlike many knights, he does not let his pride rule him, a trait that has served him well in his time as Lord Marshall. He is master at both war and peace, being a Knight with few equals, having killed several Scout Titans single-handedly as well as the Banelord-Class Warlord Titan Fafnir and having led his Knights to several victories that few others could match. His control over his pride has aided him in his peacetime activities and he has proven to be a skilled administrator and an adept diplomat, having improved several relationships that were on the verge of failing when he ascended to Lord Marshall.

Lord Klovis-Ultan had made contact with Lord Marshall Sigurd of Asgard 29 years after founding and gifted him the Knight Errant Mk II STC for the Aesir. In return the Asgard have sworn eternal brotherhood to Avernus and you personally have been given the honorary title of Marshall and been adopted by Sigurd as an Oath Brother, making you one of the higher ranked members of the Aesir.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Asgard. "There is a level of unrest among the thralls, but the nobles, never having been devout worshippers of the Emperor, have had few problems with the Emperor's death. Even the thralls are unlikely to cause any major problems due to the fact that obedience to the nobles is stressed far more than Emperor worship in their culture. The main worry that the nobles have is that Asgard no longer has a supplier of Knights. They hope that Avernus will be able to replace Atlas in that position."

In the century since the founding of the Imperial Trust there have been several major changes to Asgard. The first of which is that as a result of the massive increase in the number of Knight-Titans available to the planet the number of Knights a house must field to gain a title have increased five-fold, though even with this change the number of Princes, Dukes and Barons on Asgard has increased significantly. The other change is that Lord-Marshal Sigurd has severly increased both the level of education and the rights of the Thralls as part of his move towards a more industrial rather then agrarian society. This has faced opposition from among the Aesir leading to dozens of challenges for his position, which have all failed utterly. The more subtle opposition has been largely ineffective due to Lord-Marshal SIgurds strong level of popular support and the rising level of prosperity on Asgard.
Turn last updated: 141

AlfheimAgri WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-1,481,030,500-465,085,000-137,228,500-31,482,500-39,326-458
1/49Trade Levy
0.41End Total21,405,036,302,8662,023,572,163,351743,499,895,4484,177,404,941,7341,260,071,49921,226,50818,431,087
Agri World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Population: See Above
Governor: King Zaren

Morale: Very Good (10)
Ground Defenses: 6
Orbital Defences: 50 Defence Stations

Military: Medium
Military Specialty: Armour
Militia: Avernite
Fleet: Weak
Navigators: 556
Current Trade ships: 29 Merchantmen, 1 Mass Conveyors

Embassy Established
Spy Network Established
Church Re-established
Turn last updated: 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Royal Guard Regiment (Grenadier)316(266)91,439
Infantry Regiment (Guard)166(116)54,864
Light Infantry Regiment (Guard)166(116)109,727
Armour Regiment (Guard)176(126)274,318
PDF Infantry Regiment (PDF)166(116)342,897
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade64(14)767,919
Bomber Wing (Air)120(70)10,000
Fighter Wing (Air)120(70)50,000
Orbital Defence35
Military Size/Percent of population11,991,910,5838.74%

Alfheim is the breadbasket of the Asgard sub-sector and is, like many Agri Worlds, relatively calm and peaceful. The Imperial Governor of Haven is a hereditary position and is held by the current King. Most of the food production of Haven goes to the industrial world of Svartalfheim and the Hive World of Midgard.

Unlike many of the Nine Worlds Alfheim did not contain any surprises for Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan when he did a more in-depth investigation. As far as he can tell it is a rather ordinary Agri-World if one with more industry, particularly advanced industry, then usual. The Goverment is a combination of elected majors for the town and hereditary nobles for the cities and regions with a royal family. The nobles of Alfheim are rather comfortable in their positions of power and rarely abuse them, a fact that combined with the paradisaical nature of Alfheim has led to Alfheim being traditionally peaceful. Despite this Alfheim has a large, well trained military,, though that is a recent development with the army quarupling in size under the rule of King Zaren. This is mostly a result of a deal which includes military training for Alfheim by the Midgardian Iron Guard in exchange for a discount on food exported to Midgard.

Lord Klovis-Ultan informs you that King Zaren is very a skilled administrator who understands the importance of duty, unlike his predecessor King Trascroft, whom Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan had assassinated for incompetence 29 years after the founding of Avernus.
King Zaren is very thankful for you sending thirty regiments of Infantry to aid in the training of his PDF, which has fallen to deplorable levels under his predecessor.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Alfheim. "Due to a quick reaction to your message, the population was not as affected by the Emperor's death as many, but there is a lot of worry about the defences of Alfheim, especially with the recent attack. The main worry on Alfheim is defence and they are currently reaching out to the military forces of the sub-sector, Avernus included, for support.

In the first hundred and thirty years of the Imperial Trust Alfheim changed greatly,with its cities expanding and becoming more industrial even as King Zaren worked to build up the military and defences of Alfheim. Part of this project has been following the Avernite concept of a militia, including the guard level equipment and the massive amount of training. One of the more controversial choices that he made in this time was selling the northern continent of Eregion to the Adeptus Mechanicus. However this deal has been one of the driving forces behind how quickly Alfheim's economy has grown, with some even classifying it as an civilized world, though the majority of the economy is still tied up in its agriculture.

As far as internal politocs is concerned King Zaren has spent his time in officer greatly reducing the role and powers of the nobility replacing them with a mix of Administratum Adepts, soldiers and elected representatives. While this has faced much opposition he has always been able to keep a lid on it due to a combination of his unopposed right to rule and the support of Midgard, and the massive armies that Midgard keeps on Alfheim to protect it.
Turn last updated: 141

VanaheimCivilized WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-683,331,194,150-108,042,445,080-56,565,554,480-47,471,323,21615,040,46430,276-9,658
28/28 MassTrade Levy
23/23 tranTotal341,033,853,83677,682,380,918-162,086,841,232-29,504,418,005-15,408,295-56,975378,477
0.52End Total9,769,240,875,831204,157,111,5333,354,868,350,58362,317,142,228490,406,2541,028,12233,426,208

Civilized World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Population: See above
Governor: Governor Bertil Mikaelsson

Morale: Good (7)
Ground Defenses:6
Orbital Defences: 500 Defence Stations

Military: Very Strong
Military Specialty: Void and Landing
Militia: Cadian, Air
Fleet: Strong
Fleet Flagship: Genghis Class Command Battleship Gungnir
Navigators: 6,702
Current Trade ships: 23 Merchantmen, 28 Mass Conveyors

Embassy Established
Spy Network Established
Church Re-established
Turn last updated: 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Vanir Drop Infantry (Grenadier)293(243)26,803
Drop Infantry Regiments (Guard)198(148)67,007
Void Infantry Regiment (Guard)198(148)67,007
PDF Drop Infantry Regiments (PDF)168(118)268,028
PDF Void Infantry (PDF)168(118)268,028
PDF Siege Infantry Brigade (PDF)158(108)26,803
Fighter Regiment (Air)192(142)120,000
Bomber Regiment (Air)192(142)60,000
Armed Cargo Regiment (Air)192(142)120,000
Militia Air Regiment72(22)1,475,397
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade68(18)1,475,397
Orbital Defence70
Military Size/Percent of population19,316,455,8257.21%

Vanaheim is a civilized world whose population verges on reaching Hive World levels. It is the main Imperial Naval base in the Asgard sub-sector. The ruling class of Vanaheim, the Vanir, make up the officers of the local fleet and have a reputation for tactical acumen. The industries of Vanaheim are mostly devoted to meeting its own needs and those of the local Navy. Its Imperial Guard regiments specialize in boarding and landing actions. Vanaheim has long been in competition with Asgard for the position of leading world of the Asgard sub-sector, but it is usually relegated to second place.

Vanaheim is a world that would be considered a paradise compared to many Imperial Worlds, with almost the entirety of its industry happening in massive orbital factories and asteroid belts allowing Vanaheim's strong environment protection regulation to keep Vanaheim mostly unspoiled. Despite half of the population living in orbital habitats of some form they are generally well off with far less underhivers and other poor groups.

The Vanir, Vanaheim's ruling class, are unusually numerous for a noble class and number over one and a half billion, around five percent of the population. They are the descendants of the original settler of Vanaheim and are one of the oldest noble houses in the Imperium and have a long and often troubled relationship with the Aesir. The lowest Vanir have only a few privileges over the rest of the citizens of Vanaheim which include the right to live in the Vanir only regions, where there is free housing, as well as free entry into the most prestigious military and Naval Academies on Vanaheim and a sizable stipend. Above the basic Vanir are various levels of noble house each of which has one or more seats in the All-Thing, the ruling body of Vanaheim. Counted among the Vanir on Vanaheim if not in the Imperium is the Navigator House Norn, a minor Navigator House which provides most of the Navigators in the Nine Worlds. The most unusual features about the Norns, as they are commonly known, is that only female members of the house gain the Third Eye and that they tend to be gifted in Divination.

While Vanaheim is run by a Governor there are major limits to what he can do without support from the All Thing, Vanaheim's parliament. The All Thing consists of over a thousand members, at least one from each noble house, and is responsible for changing laws as well as choosing and dismissing the Governor. Due to this the Governor of Vanaheim rules only as long as he maintain the support of the All Thing.

The Vanir have a strong martial culture with one of the main ways to gain respect being to serve in the Vanir Drop Troopers or Naval detachments, including the Air Wings. This militaristic attitude is very viable in Vanaheim's orbital infrastructure which is all armed and armored, even those portions that are not primarily military.
Lord Klovis-Ultan established contact with Vanaheim at the same time as with Asgard, so as not to offend either. This was not necessarily required as he discovered that relations between the two have improved in recent years, with both Lord Marshall Sigurd of Asgard and Governor Olaf of Vanaheim working to improve relations. Governor Olaf spent a period as a junior Admiral in the Sector Fleet before retiring to enter the politics of Vanaheim. He quickly proved to be a master politician, skilled in both intrigue and diplomacy, and used that talent to become Governor when the previous Governor Johannes died. Since becoming Governor, he has proven to be a barely competent administrator but has remained popular despite this.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Vanaheim. "It is currently undergoing serious unrest due to not preparing the populace for the end. Currently, the the planet is being kept under control with the combined efforts of the Vanir and a pair of Inquisitors who were on Vanaheim at the end. Vanaheim currently does not have enough transport capacity to keep enough resources coming in to keep its fleet fully maintained but it does have twenty years worth of stockpiles and will soon lay down a dozen new Mass Conveyors which will be enough for Vanaheim to start aiding other worlds in their freight needs.

Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan spent a few years gathering information on how Vanaheim has changed over the time since the founding of the Imperial Trust. The biggest change is the massive increase in Vanaheim's orbital infrastructure. As well as Vanaheim's shipyards and orbital defences having grown tenfold the number of orbital cities has over doubled. Now around two thirds of the population of Vanaheim lives in the orbital cities protected by a set of orbital defences an order of magnitude more powerful then any others in the Imperial Trust. Culture wise Vanaheim has become the centre of the conservative movement in the Imperial Trust, though the conservatives in no way dominate the political debate, and by the standards of the Imperium would be considered wildly progressive. In large part this conservatism is a result of the growth in influence of the Navy, which has always been one of the most conservatives forces in Vanaheim due to its preference for time proven tactics and modes of thought.
Turn last updated: 141

JotunheimMining WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic Material'Food
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-1,482,130,500-465,295,000-137,329,500-31,497,500-39,328-458
0/4 TransTrade Levy
960End Total27,688,800,725,0921,446,771,939,5958,240,097,354,0842,154,131,331,1901,522,766,80940,646,1387,881,269

Mining World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Population: See above
Governor: Governor Garp
Technology Level: 18

Morale: Excellent (13)
Ground Defenses: 6
Orbital Defences: 50 Defence Stations

Military: Medium
Military Specialty: Jotun
Militia: Cadian
Fleet: Weak
Current Trade ships: 4 Merchantmen

Embassy Established
Basic Spy Network Established
Church Re-established
Turn last updated: 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Power Armoured Jotun Regiment (Grenadier)517(467)6,230
Jotun Regiment (Guard)272(222)87,220
PDF Jotun Regiment (PDF)257(207)436,098
Infantry Regiment (Guard)203(153)37,214
PDF Infantry Regiment (PDF)173(123)186,068
Bomber Wing (Air)110(60)20,000
Fighter Wing (Air)110(60)50,000
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade78(28)301,472
Militia Jotun Brigade146(96)452,208
Orbital Defence40
Military Size/Percent of population11,401,575,2418.17%

Jotunheim is one of the three major mining worlds in the Asgard sub-sector and is one of the main sources of promethium. Jotunheim is a highly mountainous, heavy gravity world with a large population of Ogryns who are used to make up a large portion of the mining forces and military. The human military forces of Jotunheim specialize in the use of Sentinels and have several pure Sentinel regiments. Governor of Jotunheim is a hereditary position as on many other worlds, and the current governor is expected to die and pass the position to his son soon.

Jotunheim is ruled by a hereditary Governor who has absolute power over the planet. Below the Governor are the leaders of the one hundred and twenty regions of Jotunheim. These leaders are a mix of Jotun Elders, elected and oligarchical councilors and minor nobles, though in recent times large numbers of the nobles and councilors have been killed. The first cause for this is Governor Lufey, whose paranoia led him to believe that many of the more powerful regional leaders were plotting against him leading him to kill them and thier families. The second cause for death was the civil war, which killed half of the population of Jotunheim with those in power suffering the most.

The history of Jotunheim stretches back to the Dark Age of Technology when the Jotun were engineered to colonize the planet. The Jotun are a variant of Ogryns which are significantly smarter then most Ogryns, with the average Jotun being smarter then most Bone'eads and the smarter Jotun having the mental capacity of an average human. Interestingly enough Jotun device no benefit from the Biochemical Ogryn Neural Enhancement procedure leading many to believe that they have a naturally occurring version of it. The Jotun are the backbone of both the military of Jotunheim and is mining indestry, with their below human intelligence being more then made up for by their massive strength and endurance. Before recent events Ogryns made up thirteen percent of the population of Jotunheim but in recent events this has increased to fifty-three percent. While this seems like a massive increase in the population it is mostly a result of the human population plummeting from around 600 million to 250 million. The Jotun suffered far less casualties in the Civil war due to a combination of mostly living in isolated areas and having a far lower portion of their population turn to Chaos.

You have successfully made contact with Jotunheim and have personally visited Governor Lufey, who rules Jotunheim with an iron fist. In most ways Governor Lufey is one of the best Governors that you have seen, being a master General, a skilled warrior and diplomat as well as a master of the shadows. However, not only is Governor Lufey one of the worst administrators you have ever seen, he is too paranoid to let anyone else run Jotunheim. This has resulted in Jotunheim being mismanaged terribly and there have been several rebellions early in his reign, which were put down with enough savagery and efficiency that there have been no more rebellions for the last thirty years. Governor Lufey seems to have taken a severe dislike to the rise of both you and Avernus and sees it as a threat to his power and influence.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Jotunheim. "The message you sent triggered a heart attack on the previous Governor of Jotunheim and a flurry of fighting for leadership. This was resolved just minutes before the death of the Emperor. Due to the lack of preparation and the instability of a regime change there is severe unrest on Jotunheim and Governor Garp is asking for support in holding his world together. To make matters worse, the ships currently at Jotunheim are not nearly sufficient to supply Jotunheim with the necessary food and manufactured goods."
Turn last updated: 141

MidgardHive WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-118,032,263,438-18,438,645,000-8,780,129,500-8,409,627,5003,835,0708,157
79/79 transTrade Levy
41/41 massTotal1,208,238,000,74289,162,643,274-76,205,175,159-17,597,449,46924,854,06629,083-53,260
0.36End Total63,590,907,651,3234,572,162,293,6332,809,849,266,4551,047,048,942,2381,585,319,3454,664,0376,024,996

Hive World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat

Governor: Governor General Aelfric

Morale: Excellent(10)
Ground Defenses: 6
Orbital Defences: 150 Defence Stations

Military: Very Strong
Military Specialty: Mechanised Infantry and Artillery
Militia: Cadian
Fleet: Medium
Navigators: 1,116
Current Trade ships: 79 Merchantmen, 1 Mass Conveyor

Embassy Established
Spy Network Established
Church Re-established

Turn last updated: 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Chosen Mechanised Infantry (Grenadier)344(294)205,350
Iron Guard Mechanised Infantry (Guard)244(194)718,725
Iron Guard Armour (Guard)234(184)102,675
Iron Guard Light Infantry regiments (Guard)234(184)102,675
Iron Guard Artillery (Guard)244(194)71,873
Iron Guard AA (Guard)234(184)20,535
Iron Guard Sentinels (Guard)234(184)10,268
PDF Infantry Regiment (PDF)204(154)1,732,641
PDF Heavy Infantry Regiment (PDF)204(154)577,547
PDF Light Infantry Regiment (PDF)204(154)577,547
PDF Armour (PDF)204(154)433,160
PDF Mechanised Infantry Regiment (PDF)214(164)2,310,188
PDF Artillery (PDF)150(100)144,387
Fighter Wing (Air)120(70)100,000
Bomber Wing (Air)120(70)40,000
Cargo Wing (Air)120(70)30,000
Iron Guard Siege Infantry (Guard)234(184)1760
PDF Siege Infantry (PDF)204(154)8,800
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade94(44)3,105,827
Orbital Defence50
Military Size/Percent of population103,660,340,41615.63%

Midgard is the only Hive World in the Asgard sub-sector and is also the main recruiting world. Unlike many Hive Worlds, Midgard has a strong military tradition and all youths compete to enter the Imperial Guard Tithe. Many of the Midgardians who do not end up in the military are instead tasked with working in the great weapon and vehicle manufactoriums which supply the Midgardian Iron Guard Regments and their elite Chosen Grenadiers. Midgard is ruled by the senior military officer, which is currently General Aelfric of the 89th​ Midgardian Iron Guard Regiment.

While Midgard's records do not go back that far from what you can gather Midgard was one of the last of the Nine Worlds to be settled and was the hub of the Nine Worlds from its founding. This has continued as while Midgard has never been the strongest or most advanced of the Nine Worlds it is usually its support that determines whether Asgard or Vanaheim is the dominate power in the Sub-Sector.

Midgard consists of one hundred and seven Hives, once once hundred and ten, divided into seven different provinces. There are two separate pillars of governance that rule over Midgard of which the military is currently dominate, and has been for the last eight hundred years. How it is decided whether the Nobility or Military dominates Midgard is hard for an outsider to determine but it seems to be mostly based on the level of warfare Midgard is currently engaged with.

The first system of Government for Midgard is the military, with each Hive having a Marshal in command of the military assets, each province a General and a Lord-General commanding the entire military with the aid of the Military Council consisting of the, currently nine, Generals of Midgard. In periods in which the military is dominate each General has the authority to command the noble with whom he is paired while in periods when the nobility is dominate the reverse is true. In the periods where neither group dominates they are considered equals each with control over their own aspects of society.

The second system of Government is the Nobility, with each Hive being commanded by a Earl, or Baron if the Hive is weak, each province an Duke and the King having command of the entire civil half of Midgard. In times where the military is in control like now the Royal Court, consisting of the King and Dukes, commands the civilian portions of the planet under the authority of the Military Council. One interesting historical note is that Midgard's Nobility is descended from a branch of the Aesir who lost the ability to become Knights and migrated to Midgard over ten thousand years ago.

Lord Klovis-Ultan informs you that Governor General Aelfric is an elderly and highly experienced General who has in effect retired to his home world of Midgard. He is a moderately good governor with a good work ethic and organizational abilities but lacks a strong understanding of the economic issues that he must deal with. General Aelfric was a highly respected General for over a century and earned a reputation as one of the best combat commanders that Midgard has produced in recent times.

Governor General Aelfric has become a friend and somewhat of a mentor to you.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Midgard. "Midgard has had several riots but the Governor General and his troops have been able to keep them under control thanks to your warning. The main concern on Midgard is the sheer amount of food and raw materials it must import to keep running and the fact that in current conditions the fleet it once used is severely insufficient. There is a five year buffer that can be extended further by the amount imported but current conditions will have Midgard begin starving within a decade."

After the death of Garkill Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan spent a few years gathing information on how Midgard has changed over the time since the founding of the Imperial Trust. The biggest initial change is that Governor-General Aelfric has managed to eliminate both the Underhives and the mutants in remote areas, via a mix of education and annihilation. This combined with the newly available technology has led to a golden age in Midgard, where prosperity has reached unheard of levels, even as the population gets over more militarised. The most obvious signs of the increased level of militarisation is that the entire population has been enrolled in the militia which is being equipped to a similar level as yours and the expansion of the military to twelve percent of the population. Between the expanded pool of better educated recruits and some improvements to their training regime Governor-General Aelfric has even trained the PDF to the point where they are better then the Avernite militia, though not by much.
had changed over the years.

He also mentions that Midgard's position in the center of the Imperial Trust and massive workforce of increasingly skilled workers has allowed it to turn into an economic powerhouse and one of the the richest of the Nine Worlds.
Turn last updated: 141

SvartalfheimIndustrial WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-1,390,471,500-443,135,000-126,276,000-28,630,000-39,479-420
4/4 TransTrade Levy
0.42End Total13,971,948,275,893915,522,870,985318,450,352,110166,319,282,9475,218,999,82714,480,7446,361,406

Industrial World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Governor: First Artisan Granalf

Morale: Very Good (9)
Ground Defenses: 7
Orbital Defences: 50 Defence Stations

Military: Strong
Military Specialty: Power Armoured Infantry
Militia: Cadian
Fleet: Weak
Navigators: 706
Current Trade ships: 24 Merchantmen

Embassy Established
Very Basic Spy Network Established
Church Re-established

Turn last updated: 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Svartalf Guard374(274)1,174
Svartalfar Elite Heavy Infantry309(234)42,613
Svartalfar Regular Heavy Infantry219(164)66,853
Svartalfar Defence219(164)1,174
Svartalfar PDF Heavy Infantry184(134)547,328
Fighter Wing100(50)23,473
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade74(24)751,918
Orbital Defence40
Military Size/Percent of population9,460,470,6206.91%

Svartalfheim is a mountainous planet where the hardy, black skinned locals mine metals and then feed them into their factories. While Svartalfheim factories are the source of most of the manufactured goods in the Asgard sub-sector, it is for the work of its Artisans that Svartalfheim is known. The Artisans of Svartalfheim have close connections with the Adeptus Mechanicus and are famed for their abilities in crafting weapons of a level that few others can produce. These weapons are the most valuable of Svartalfheim's exports despite the fact that each weapons is the result of years of work by an Artisan. Svartalfheim is ruled by the greatest of its Artisans as decided by a once per fifty years contest of skill called The Proving.

After conducting a more in-depth examination of Svartalfheim Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan was able to tell you more about how the system of government works. One of the first things that he found is that while the majority of the cities of Svartalfheim are run by the Planetary Government each of the Guilds has at least one, and up to twenty cities that are their private fiefs. These cities are where the majority of the more senior members of the Guilds reside and are in many ways separate stats, with only some of the laws and regulations of the Planetary Government applying. In fact is it ownership of one of these cities that separates a Guild from a collection of Artisans, and if a Guild loses all of its home cities then it also loses its status as a Guild and everything that come with that. Currently there are one hundred and twenty-six Artisan Cities on Svartalfheim and three hundred and seventy-four independent, or normal cities. The Independent Cities usually have members of at least a dozen guilds working in them and provide the main local market for the goods that the guilds produce. They are directly run by the Administratum of Svartalfheim, though their ultimate allegiance lies with the current First Artisan.

The Artisans of Svartalfheim are divided into five major and several dozen minor Guilds each of which controls an area of Svartalfheim and compete with the others over their quality of craftsmanship. In fact several times throughout history there has been a competition over who can create the best item, usually weapon for some great hero, often among the Aesir or Vanir and this competitions have resulted in most of the great relics of the Nine Worlds, though the weapons and armor of the Champion of Muspelheim come from a different source. One of the more interesting customs of the Artisans Guilds that you have found is that each Artisan makes a artifact for the Svartalfar Guard, Svartalfheim's Grenadiers, upon reaching several important milestone in their life such as finishing their apprenticeship, becoming a full Artisan and becoming a Master, Grandmaster or Guild Master. These artifacts are works of art and to a good extent the quality of the gift provided will determine the future opportunities available to and Artisan. Given that this tradition dates back to the Dark Age of Technology and that Svartalfheim has hundreds of thousands of Artisans the armories of the Svartalfar Guard must contain millions of relics, some of which contain long forgotten technologies.

The cities of Svartalfheim are built into the massive cave systems that cover most of the planet and are capable of containing the entire population of their region in times of war. The cities fortifications are massive, incredibly advanced constructions which could hold of a small army by themselves. Currently several dozen of the most centrally located cities are having their defenses even further upgraded to the point where only the Imperial Palace on lost Terra could exceed them. The armies of Svartalfheim primarily consist of well trained and very well equipped elite Infantrymen with the Svartalfar Guard in particular being incredibly well equipped. Each member of the Svartalfar Guard may choose a weapon or piece or armor from the guards artifact vaults upon joining the guard and may make an addition choice on certain occasion such as being promoted. The officers can choose from the Guards relic vaults which contain some of the greatest items forged on Svartalfheim over the last twenty thosuand years. Given that the Svartalfar Guard number slightly over one million it is a terrifyingly dangerous force.

Lord Klovis-Ultan has successfully made contact with First Artisan Granalf of Svartalfheim. He informs you that like most First Artisans, Granalf generally focuses on his craft and lets the Administratum run Svartalfheim except where it interferes with matters he cares about. This has resulted in a well-run planet, where the Artisans focus on their craft and the Administratum tries to avoid any issues that would cause the First Artisan to take an interest in running the planet.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Svartalfheim. "Svartalfheim has coped with the death of the Emperor better than most planets due to their already existing ancestor worship and belief that the Emperor is still looking down on them. They are slightly worried that they cannot currently import enough food to make up their small deficit, but they are confident that they can increase their hydroponics enough to support their population before their stores run out in two decades.
Turn last updated: 141

NiflheimMining WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-1,475,409,000-464,285,000-136,828,500-31,442,500-43,079-458
0/2 transTrade Levy
0.54End Total3,604,349,397,0652,307,630,897,3191,432,154,780,1908,329,532,685,98316,899,696,89237,049,2822,793,021

Mining World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Governor: Governor Ulrik

Morale: Excellent (17)
Ground Defenses: 6
Orbital Defences: 50 Defence Stations
Militia: Cadian
Fleet: Weak
Current Trade ships: 2 Merchantmen

Embassy Established
Turn last updated: 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Power Infantry Regiment322(282)30,340
Heavy Infantry Regiment282(232)151,702
PDF Heavy Infantry Regiment232(182)758,510
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade142(92)349,022
Fighter Wing (Air)250(200)100,000
Orbital Defence80
Military Size/Percent of population14,260,915,45018.80%

Niflheim is an Ice World that is populated purely because of its huge promethium reserves. The miners of Niflheim have a reputation for being independent and strange and they rarely come into contact with other humans.

You personally made contact with Governor Ulrik of Nilfheim. The meeting went relatively well and allowed you to get a read on him. You judged that Governor Ulrik is a highly skilled administrator, maybe as good as you, and decent at all of the other tasks that a planetary governor faces except diplomacy. He seems to have no real abilities to relate to, or deal with, people from other worlds and has no desire to acquire them, a pair of traits that the other albino inhabitants of Nilfheim seem to share. Your time among the inhabitants of Nilfheim was uncomfortable as all of them seemed utterly uninterested in you and their presence made you slightly uncomfortable.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Nilfheim. "Niflheim has not been significantly affected by the Emperor's death and reacted with a rather fatalistic "What happened, happened". Given that they also have more than enough trade ships, Niflheim is confident in its capacity to survive but is worried about the dangers of the Second Age of Strife, claiming to remember the first."

When Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan investigated Niflheim his initial results found that the average Niflheimer was incredibly well educated in many different topics. On the simplest matter he found that while Niflheim population is currently split over nine cities it is in the process of building a tenth. Most intriguingly many seemed to almost remember ancient history as if they were there. Combined with the fact that Niflheim keeps its children in very secure, and secret locations Inquisitor Kovis-Ultan suspects that some form of cloning technology is being used, though at this point it is the merest suspicion with no evidence to back it.
Turn last updated: 141

MuspelheimMining WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-10,254,196,924-2,175,721,293-1,219,026,211-681,501,977-323,339-4,578
4400.00%Trade Levy
14/200 MassTotal-497,924,118,00119,650,774,74080,687,061,838-1,848,270,006301,114,1425,320,88054,165
0.61End Total22,619,805,153,3793,656,887,487,8378,980,935,028,0091,217,253,263,72513,880,594,390154,674,2126,105,022

Mining World
Founding Member of the Imperial Trust with High Council Seat
Governor: Champion Surt

Morale: Perfect (20)
Ground Defenses: 7
Orbital Defences: 75 Defence Stations

Military: Medium
Military Specialty: Boarding
Militia: Cadian
Fleet: Medium
Fleet Specialty: Stealth
Navigators: 215
Current Trade ships: 9 Merchantmen, 200 Mass Convoyers

Embassy Established
Basic Spy Network Established
Last Updated: Turn 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Fire Giants Regiment403(303)31
Heavy Infantry Regiment278(228)11,076
PDF Heavy Infantry Regiment233(183)55,380
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade143(93)85,576
Fighter Wing (Air)230(180)33,000
Orbital Defence70
Military Size/Percent of population1,023,374,6536.60%

Muspelheim is a volcanic deathworld that is only inhabited because it is the most metal-rich planet in Sub-Sector Asgard. The magma seas of Muspelheim are traveled by great mining platforms that are held up by ancient technology as they sift the magma for valuable metals. Like the inhabitants of Niflheim, those of Muspelheim have little contact with others.

There are currently eleven Nomad cities on Muspelheim though the histories indicate that there were once two dozen. Over the twenty thousand years since Muspeheim was first colonized six Nomad cities have fallen to assault, three to rogue psykers and the remaining four were disassembled to be used as spare parts. Each Nomad city is a floating island around one kilometer deep with a surface of one hundred square kilometers, making them larger then many of Avernus' cities. They are held aloft on fifty banks of massive repolserlifts and Klovis-Ultan has found mentions of them maintaining their height after losing over thirty of the repolserlifts banks, if only for a short period of time, indicating a high level of redundancy. These repolserlifts are able to lift the Nomad cities up to three kilometers above the magma seas and allow the Nomad cities to travel-at around fifty kilometers per hour, a respectable speed for something that measures its weight in gigatonnes. They are very well fortified with armaments and shields that would not be out of place on a Imperial Battleship, with many of the shields specifically designed to protect the city from the masive heat of the magma sea allowing the city to comfortably rest at a mere hundred meters above sealevel. To make the Nomad cities even more dangerous most of these defences date back to the Dark Age of Technology and are therefore significatly superior to their modern counterparts. Much to his surprise Inquisitor Klovs-Ultan has found that not only are even the oldest of these devices still totally functional but that in recent years work has begun to replace some of those badly damaged in the Age of the Imperium, showing that Muspelheim has the capacity to repair them to a large extent or possibly even build new examples.

Each of the Nomad cities have an territory covering several tens of millions of square kilometers in which they have the final say and usually follow the best ore plumes within their territory. It is common for a city to allow another city to mine a plume in its territory in exchange for payments, called "Royalties" for some reason.

Lord Klovis-Ultan has made formal contact with the Champion, the local title of the Planetary Governor of Muspelheim, Sturt. His initial impression of Champion Surt is of a warrior who is out of his depth outside the battlefield, with no skills in even the more administrative sides of war, though his tactical skills are good. In fact Lord Klovis-Ultan estimates that in the sub-sector, only Lord Marshall Sigurd of Asgard is more dangerous in a fight than Champion Surt, especially when you take his heirloom equipment into account. Apart from combat, the one great talent of Champion Surt is that he is highly knowledgeable about the history of the Asgard sub-sector and about how to keep the Nomad Cities operational.

Lord Klovis-Ultan soon finds out that this is because traditionally the planetary Champions of Muspelheim only learn combat, history and the secrets of the Nomad cities and leave the government to the Mayor-Captains of the Nomad Cities. This arrangement seems to work well, with the Champion protecting the planet and making sure that the knowledge needed to keep the Nomad cities operational survives while the Council of Captains run the planet. The Council of Captains soon agree to meet with Lord Klovis-Ultan; they seem to be rather profit-driven but competent and responsible.

In his more recent investigation of Muspelheim Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan has discovered two major groups that fall directly under the authority of the Champion. The first is the Fire Giants, a group of men around a thousand in each city tasked with the maintenance and repair of the underside of the Nomad cities who operate under the leadership of the current Champion. Given that even when the cities are as high as they can go the air temperature of this area is several hundred degrees and they often have to work when something goes wrong causing the city to drop far lower the Fire Gains wear suits of ancient power armor with some resemblance to Terminator Armour. In times of war the Fire Giants equip their suits with weaponry and act as one of the most deadly and well equipped units of soldiers in the Nine Worlds. The second group is the Champions Thanes, who maintain the residences and records of the Champion and from among whom the next Champion is chosen. Most of the inner workings of this order is hidden including their numbers but Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan estimates that there is several thousand in total. The Thanes are taken from their families at the age of five and are taught much about both combat, technology and the history and secrets of Muspelheim. In times of war they act as senior officers of and elite task groups within the Muspelheim military while in times of piece they carry out much of the maintenance of the more advanced sections of the Nomad cities. When the current Champion dies the senior most Thanes will withdraw from public for a year before choosing the next Champion, who will choose a new name to lead under. In many cases the new Champion was not selected from among the ranks of the senior Thanes, who are often elders, but was instead a younger man.

After the Emperor's death Inquisitor Klovis Ultan gave a the following report on the reaction of Muspelheim. "Muspelheim has coped with the death of the Emperor almost as well as Asgard, their incredibly strong memory of their history, which stretches back to the Dark Age of Technology, giving them confidence that they survived once and will survive again. Interestingly they were not surprised to hear of the Imperial Truth that the Emperor once preached and were instead surprised that he had come to accept being worshipped, given that their histories show that he had outlawed worshiping him. Governor Sturt has offered to go through the archives to discover what happened to the sub-sector in the last Age of Strife which may provide information on what is going happen in this one."
Last updated: Turn 141

ByzantiumCivilized WorldThrones incomeMaterial IncomeMetal IncomePromethium IncomeAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Economic Strength (kCredits)Orbital-1,977,118,938-161,125,500-137,196,972-60,734,250-5,389-348
Trade Levy
146End Total18,585,980,719,8377,793,442,276,3754,101,251,528,944615,258,977,97816,865,589,92732,482,07810,872,110

Space Marine Chapter Homeworld
Member of the Imperial Trust with Low Council Seat

Governor: Chapter Master Julies

Morale: Excellent (10)
Ground Defenses: 6
Orbital Defences: 50 Defence Stations

Military: Medium
Military Specialty: Elite
Militia: Cadian
Fleet: Medium
Fleet Specialty: Planetary Assult
Navigators: 171
Current Trade ships: 20 Merchantmen,

Embassy Established
Last Updated: Turn 141

nameAverage Skill Bonus (before equipment)Number
Chapter Serf Infantry350(300)18,296
Heavy Infantry Regiment300(250)30,493
Void Infantry Regiment (Guard)300(250)30,493
Armour Regiment (Guard)300(250)30,493
Siege Infantry Brigade300(250)16,393
PDF Heavy Infantry Regiment250(200)152,464
PDF Void Infantry Regiment250(200)152,464
PDF Armour Regiment250(200)152,464
PDF Siege Infantry Brigade250(200)40982.32485
Militia Siege Infantry Brigade94(44)721,852
Fighter Regiment (Air)150(100)245,894
Bomber Regiment (Air)150(100)221,305
Armed Cargo Regiment (Air)150(100)122,947
Orbital Defence701,140,919
Military Size/Percent of population24,867,283,72616.99%

Byzantium is the youngest major world in the Imperial Trust, founded only a decade before the War Storm ended. As a result of this it is still developing its industry and is at the moment the poorest of the worlds in the Imperial Trust. However that it set the change of the next half century as the population continues to grow and more advanced infrastructure is built.

As is expected of a world run by an Utramarines successor Byzantium is very well organised and built from the ground up to be both defensible and productive. This is aided by the fact that the world is both highly fertile and has large ore and promethium reserves. It is expected that Byztantium will end up using most of these resources to fuel its own economy in the years to come.

The population of Byztantium comes primarily from Avernus and Midgard and seems to be combining the Midgardian sense of duty with Avernite combat skills and education. This has resulted in the Varangian Guard having a dedicated and skilled workforce and an even more effective military. The planet seems to be organised in a way that combines as many of the best features of the rest of the Imperial Trust, taking particular interest in Avernus' medical system and administration and Muspelheim's education. It is only due to these aspects that a growth rate of three percent can be sustained for extend periods.

However the heart of Byztantium remains the heavily fortified fortress-monastery of the Varangian Guard, Constantinople. This massive citadel has some of the best defences of the Imperial Trust and enough internal forges to supply the Varangian Guard with high quality equipment, including the Advanced Power Armour designs that the honored Archamgos Tranth has created for them. From here the Varangian Guard rule their people while preparing themselves for war.
Chapter Master
The Armoury- Led by Master of the Armoury
The Fleet - Led by Master of the Void
The Librarium- Led by Master of the Librarium
The Reclusiam- Led by Master of Sanctity
The Apothecarion - Led by the Master of the Apothecarion
The Master of Recruits- Tasked with overseeing all Aspirants and Neophytes
The Regent of Byzantium- Tasked with Governing Byzantium
12 Cohorts- Led by Praetors

Each Cohort has a specialty and is made up of
Cohort Command (Praetor, Fleetmaster, Chief Liberian, Forgemaster, Reclusiarch, Chief Apothecary and their subordinates)
1 Veteran Company
5 Battle Componies
5 Reserve Componies
1 Scout Company

Each Company is made up of
Company Command (Captain, 1-3 Lieutenants, Shipmaster, Epistolary , Senior Techmarine, Senior Chaplain, Senior Apochecary and their subordinates)
1-2 Techmarines, 1-2 Chaplains, 1-2 Apothecaries
12 Codicers
12 10 Man Squads

Named WorldsDooneeva, Cahernanoorane, Staigue, Arz Landre, Varnir, Groen
Population (billion)710.9
Population Growth Rate1.15%
Military (billion)93.4
Military Percent13.13%
Defence Stations1,422
Economy (kCredits)5,497
Armies per world80
Distance to Imperial Trust Core Worlds: 20 Light years to Alfheim (East)

Last Updated: Turn 141

Sub-Sector DanaanThronesMaterialMetalPromethiumAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Income Building71,655,013,846302,174,905,35345,378,723,36120,920,56358,354446,312
Income Base1,624,451,734,360168,150,432,493221,029,506,80852,198,426,375364,939,214109,688862,191
Trade Levy00
Net Income411,290,749,166134,301,037,649249,427,647,49843,005,961,704165,970,775-538,201336,109
Currant Reserves5,759,569,304,7114,726,601,943,73213,399,706,437,3431,942,827,666,9974,547,344,31722,471,63612,238,472
End Total7,016,023,050,5405,198,107,131,97714,566,844,674,8312,137,857,475,5175,357,198,19217,780,63013,919,015

Named WorldsVaelia, The Sky System, Hvergelmir, Gilznabrun the Cthonian world, Tordenjern the Storm world, Karlisle: The Broken Demesne
Population (billion)1,031.5
Population Growth Rate1.40%
Military (billion)122.2
Military Percent11.85%
Defence Stations2,063
Economy (kCredits)8,356
Armies per world71
Distance to Imperial Trust: 30 Light years to Midgard (Autem)

Last Updated: Turn 141

Sub-Sector CobaltThronesMaterialMetalPromethiumAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Income Building70,104,353,114452,396,311,754276,348,086,56220,467,82957,091436,653
Income Base2,356,996,800,497243,977,720,609323,599,632,473195,709,792,905529,508,228159,1521,545,988
Trade Levy00
Net Income653,163,084,671178,518,062,103379,524,233,029295,813,910,815238,167,708-854,392553,166
Currant Reserves8,016,220,516,5965,616,982,490,70918,996,616,522,95714,844,212,405,1706,749,759,4215,358,86519,485,781
End Total10,282,035,939,9496,309,572,801,22320,794,237,688,10216,303,281,959,2477,920,597,958-913,09422,251,608

Named WorldsMal Sara, Char, Deadman's Rock,Vlendir, Kiribus, Ryans World
Population (billion)594.6
Population Growth Rate1.28%
Military (billion)78.0
Military Percent13.13%
Defence Stations1,189
Economy (kCredits)4,562
Armies per world77
Distance to Imperial Trust: 60 Light years to Svartalfheim (North)

Last Updated: Turn 141

Sub-Sector GehennaThronesMaterialMetalPromethiumAdvanced MaterialExotic MaterialFood
Income Building59,930,294,673316,665,825,89645,506,743,62417,497,38748,805373,283
Income Base1,164,554,589,666140,636,424,832219,588,409,31744,890,522,470305,225,18291,740680,377
Trade Levy00
Net Income197,612,223,124114,225,439,780260,500,415,08141,372,128,944131,402,845-505,991252,618
Currant Reserves3,877,841,864,2324,127,131,096,47913,467,612,709,5962,008,635,265,0223,048,160,3194,882,0908,612,968
End Total4,165,902,979,8524,598,258,295,38114,700,114,784,9992,205,495,909,7433,695,174,5451,352,1349,876,058

Navigators: 7,973
Fleet Flagships: Legend Class Dreadnought Wrath of Bjorn, Prophet Class Hyper Carrier In Dying Light, Alexander Class Command Battleship Memory of Light, Vajra Class Command Battleship Sword of Sutur,

Merchant Marine
3 Mass Conveyors, 104 Merchantmen
Last Updated turn 141

Phase-Tiger Infantry Battalion27Infantry832,507
Helguard Trooper Regiment121,723Mech Infantry325,997
Helguard Shocktrooper Regiment3,353Light Infantry209,154
Helguad Paratrooper3,484Heavy infantry59,785
Scout Helguard Regiment2,567Armour292,761
Rough Riders17,971
Infantry111,759Drop Infantry28,717
Mech Infantry822,228Siege Infantry29,927
Light Infantry0Void Infantry77,728
Armour2,117Jotun Regiments37,380
Rough Riders0
Drop Infantry32,759Transport Regiment17,971
Siege Infantry792Artillery Regiment118,881
Void Infantry0AA Regiment28,831
Sentinel Regiment14,416
Vanquisher Regiment3002,092,028
Hellhound/Devil Dog Regiment1,311PDF
Bane Wolf Regiment1,311Infantry Regiment1,481,152
Anti-Air Regiment1,311Heavy Infantry Regiment601,013
Artillery Regiment4,589Light Infantry Regiment401,728
Sentinel/Goliath Regiment656Armour277,325
Deathstrike Battery900Mechanised Infantry Regiment923,175
Deathstrike Life-Eater Battery15Artillery83,473
Combat Engineer Regiment2,622Drop Infantry Regiments47,299
0Void Infantry74,204
Phase-Tank Regiment262Siege Infantry Brigade84,137
Land Speeder RegimentJotun Regiments76,958
Fast Armour Regiment1,9864,807,697
Skimmer Regiment75Fighter Wing1,889,791
Land Raider Regiment30Advanced Fighter Wing177,797
Phase-Tiger Company150Bomber Wing1,364,224
Advanced Bomber Wing131,058
Knights1,357Cargo Wing116,679
Macharuis Heavy Armour Regiment150Armed Cargo Wing104,120
Macharuis Vanquisher Heavy Armour Regiment03,783,669
Macharuis Mega-Vanquisher Heavy Armour Regiment300
Baneblade squadron30Number7,276,741
Magni Transporter Company75
Capitol Imperialis3
Fellsword Regiment (10)30
Helheim Pattern Adjudicator Mobile Assault Platform (Drago's Glory, Pask's Will)6
Northern Sentinel Maniple (24)60

Imperial Trust of the Nine Worlds Treaty


In recognition of the New Imperial Truth and acceptance of the sacred charge placed upon them the Nine Worlds of the Asgard sub-sector hereby create the Imperial Trust. The Imperial Trust will strive to fulfill the will of the God Emperor of Mankind and serve him when he is reborn once more. The Imperial Trust will strive not only to provide security to those under its care but also prosperity, so as not to repeat the mistakes of its predecessor.

1. The High Council shall be made up of the Planetary Governors of the Nine Worlds, the Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus, a representative chosen by the Inquisition, one representative from the Low Council for every twenty-five councillors sitting on the Low Council and a representative chosen by the Security Council who may not be a Planetary Governor of the Nine Worlds.

1.i Representatives from the Low Council to the High Council are determined as follows: Pools of at least three candidates must have the support of at least twenty-five Low Councillors, each of whom may support only a single pool of candidates. The High Council must select one of the candidates in this pool after hearing and deliberating on the merit of each member by blind, anonymous vote. In the case of a tie, the Low Council will cast a deciding vote by simple majority.

1.ii Representatives from the Low Council to the High Council serve for three regular High Council Meetings, whereupon they are subject for re-election by the Low Council. A simple majority vote renews their tenure for an additional two regular High Council Meetings. Present Representatives from the Low Council to the High Council may not take part in this vote.

1.iii Representatives from the Low Council to the High Council may also be removed from their positions at any time by a two-thirds majority vote by the Low Council, in which the councillor in question may not be permitted to vote.

1.iv. The position of Honorary Member of the High Council can be confered either by two-thirds vote (Hereafter refered to as HM-A) or by special appointment by the Low Council (Or HM-B). Honorary Members can put forth measures for the High Council to debate and vote upon, but do not themselves have the right to vote. This position is intended for highly respected individuals whose advise would be invaluble to the High Council, but do not otherwise have a right to sit on it. These positions would be given to individuals rather than to positions. In the former case, this position can be stripped by a two-thirds majority vote of the High Council.

1.v. In the case of HM-A, an Honorary Member can be stripped of their title and position by two-thirds majority vote of the High Council. In the case of HM-B, the position is assigned as followed: Prior to each regular High Council Meeting, for each Low Council Representative on the High Council, the Low Council may directly elect up to two members of the Low Council into a special Rotating Honorary High Council. These Honorary Members are chosen by simple majority vote. In addition, a world with a Low Council Representative to the High Council cannot have a Honorary High Council Seat, and furthermore, once a world has been selected for an Honorary High Council Seat that world cannot again be selected for the next fifty years.

2. The High Council shall meet to discuss the state of the Imperial Trust and policy every ten years at minimum. Any member of the council may call for an earlier meeting, and if three other members of the High Council agree then the High Council shall convene.

2.i. A quorum of half plus one of the High Council is necessary for it to convene.

2.ii. In the event that a member of the High Council is unable to attend, send a representative of their choosing, or communicate with the rest of the High Council remotely due to Warp Storms, sieges, or other disasters their representative on the Low Council shall represent them when the High Council convenes. In addition, each High Councillor must have at least one secondary emergency representative living in a system other than their own and other than the system in which the Low Council convenes.

3. Law and policy shall be determined by majority vote of the High Council.

4. In between meetings of the High Council, each member of the High Council shall appoint a representative to the Low Council which shall serve as the constant standing legislative body. These members of the Low Council may be recalled or replaced at will by the member of the High Council that appointed them. The High Council may, by a vote of two thirds require the replacement of a member of the Low Council.

4. The Low Council shall have power to determine the following by majority vote, but may be over ruled by majority vote of the High Council:

4.i. The budget of the Imperial Navy. A special section of the budge will be included for the construction of new ships.

4.ii. Size and budget of the Imperial Guard.

4.iii. The organization and formation of new Administratum departments as created by the High Council, the reorganization of existing Administratum departments as needed to execute the directives determined by the High Council.

4.iv. Temporarily increase the funding of the Inquisition until the next meeting of the High Council, which must then approve the increase if it is to become permanent.

4.v. Receiving foreign Ambassador and Emissaries. Appointing Ambassadors and Emissaries to foreign powers.

4.vii. Negotiating agreements with foreign powers, but requiring approval by the High Council.

4.viii. Authorizing naval anti-piracy operations that are outside of the Imperial Trust's borders but not within the borders of a recognized foreign power.

4.ix. Selecting which resource the Valuable Resources Tax shall apply to on each world.

4.x. Any other actions necessary to carrying out duties assigned by the High Council, subject to consistency with the other provisions of the organization in this document.

5.i. The Low Council may, by three quarters vote, waive a planetary system's tithe for a period of one year in order to mitigate the costs of invasion or other disaster, and thus allow the planetary system to recover.

5.ii. The Low Council may additionally, by three quarters vote, provide a planet with resources to help it recover from invasion or disaster. This may not be more then twice the current tax income from the Imperial Trust or 10% of the Imperial Trust's reserves,whichever is higher.

6. The High Council shall have authority to determine the following by majority vote:

6.i. Approval or over-ruling of Low Council decisions.

6.ii. Changing the funding levels of the Inquisition.

6.iii. Setting the general tithe levels, which must be specified in proportion to a planetary system's production (measured in Thrones, Material, Metal, Promethium, Advanced Material, and Exotic Material), and the tithe level must be the same for all planetary systems. These are currently set at 30% of all income types.

6.iii.a In addition there will be a Valuable Resources Tax, which will raise the tax rate by 10% on a single resource on each world.

6.iii.b. The Imperial Trust will refund a proportion of these taxes equal to 20% of the resources spent on the maintenance of those units eligible to be tithed to the Imperial Trust Guard.

6.iii.c. This rebate can be increased by 1% per additional percent that is tithed to the Imperial Trust.

6.iv. Setting trade taxation levels,which must be uniform throughout Imperial Trust space. These are currently set at 10% of total trade.

6.vii. Set military forces tithes for the Imperial Guard, as well as compensation for disproportionate military tithes.

6.viii. Constitute Tribunals inferior to the High Judges if such are determined to be necessary.

6.ix. Grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land, Water, and in Space.

6.x. Other actions necessary to carrying out the other provisions of the organization in this document.

7. The High Council shall have authority to make the following decisions by two thirds majority.

7.i. Declare War.

7.ii. Approve treaties and agreements with foreign powers.

7.iii. Impeach and remove members of other branches of the government. Including the Low Council, the Administratum, the High Judges, and the heads of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Guard in the Security Council.

8. Major organizations without representation on the High Council may put forth petitions to the High Council that must be considered as proposals to be voted upon. Such organizations include but are not limited to the Ecclisiarchy, the Low Council, Navigator Houses, the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, and the Imperial Bank.

1. The Security Council shall be composed of three generals from different worlds, three admirals from different worlds, one member of the Adeptus Astartes and one member of the military arm of the Adeptus Mechanicus appointed by the High Council. The Security Council's representative on the high Council shall have no vote in these appointments. The Security Council is responsible for determining how to best use the Imperial Trust's shared military resources to the best effect in matters of defense and in times of war in matters of offense.

1.i. The Security Council shall have the authority to demand the immediate secondment of a full third of all units subject to the tithe in order to deal with immediate threats.

1.i.a. These forces immediately fall under the command of the Security Council, and stay there until either the threat has been dealt with or the High Council declares otherwise.

1.i.b. The High Council has the authority to overrule the Security Council on this matter with a simple majority vote.

1.ii. The Security Council shall run the Imperial Trust Collage of War.

1.ii.a. All military officers in the Imperial Trust of the rank of Marshal or higher and Naval Officers of Rear-Admiral or higher will be required to have passed a decade long course in the Collage of War and to take an additional decade long course every century to maintain their rank.

2. The Imperial Guard shall be headed by one of the three generals to be decided upon by the High Council, with the other two generals serving as sub-generals.

2.i. Members of the Imperial Trust must provide a portion of its military forces to serve in the Imperial Guard. This portion can be changed by a vote of the High Council and is currently 10% of all second line PDF units, 20% of all Knights, 20% of front line PDF regiments and 35% of Grenadiers.

2.i.a Additional forces may be tithed to the Imperial Trust Guard with the permission of the Security Council.

2.ii. The Imperial Guard will serve as a reaction force against threats that cannot be defeated by local forces.

2.iii. When an Imperial Guard force is on the ground on a world actively engaged in a defensive war, the commander may take command of the local PDF and militia forces under their local commanders.

3. The Imperial Navy shall be headed by one of the three admirals to be decided upon by the High Council, with the other two admirals serving as sub-admirals.

3.i. Members of the Imperial Trust must provide a minimum of half of each class of warp-capable warship in their possession, rounded down, to be placed under the command of the Imperial Navy to be stationed and deployed where needed. Vessels placed under central command will be maintained using the Imperial Navy's resources. Worlds may place more than the minimum of their fleet into the care of the Imperial Navy if desired and accepted by central naval command with each such additional vessel becoming a permanent component of the Central Navy.
3.i.a. The Security Council may set up a point based valuation system by which ships of different classes may be tithed as an alternative to tithing every other ship of the same class.

3.ii. Orbital defenses and non-warp capable defense vessels shall be owned and commanded by local forces. However, if the Imperial Navy is present during a battle the senior officer may take command of all local naval assets for the defense of the system.

3.iii. The Imperial Navy may purchase additional vessels at its own discretion to be kept under its permanent command, provided it has the budget to do so.

1. The Administratum shall be responsible for the collection of taxes and tithes, ensuring the efficient distribution of the Imperial Trust's collective resources, and any bureaucratic duties as determined by the High Council and managed by the Low Council. The Low Council may appoint department heads as it deems necessary.

2. The Administratum shall maintain the following departments from the old Imperium, with some changes.
2.i. Departmento Munitorum - Responsible for distributing resources and logistics for the Security Council and the management of Imperial Guard tithes.
2.i.a. The Departmento Munitorum will maintain a central fund to ensure all worlds that require orbital defenses can afford to build and maintain them. The building of an appropriate level of orbital defenses shall be provided by this fund to all worlds unable to bear the cost. Worlds will be responsible for the upkeep of one set of Heavy orbital defenses and up to thirty non-warp capable defense vessels at a cost of up to 20% of the world's GDP. Any additional costs will be covered by the central fund. Whether any maintenance costs beyond this for additional defenses will be covered is at the discretion of the head of the Departmento Munitorum, with approval by the Low Council.
2.ii. Estate Imperium - Record keeping department.
2.iii. Logis Strategos - Responsible for analysis of threats and working with the Inquisition, local Arbites, and other intelligence and security organizations.

3. The Administratum shall have the following new departments, with more departments possibly being added by the High Council at a later date.
3.i. Imperial Mint - A department that will be responsible for the minting and management of currency.
3.ii. Imperial Trade Bureau - Responsible for the management of the Imperial Merchant Marine and collection of trade taxes.
3.iii. Departmento Treasurius - Responsible for the distribution of funds to various organizations.
3.iv. Departmento Revenus - Responsible for the collections of all other tithes, taxes, and fees.
3.v. Departmento Standardis - Responsible for fixing standard weights and measures.

4. The old Historical Revision Unit shall be forever disbanded and no similar department shall be created, for lies displease the Emperor.

1. The Inquisition is an organization of individuals and their chosen agents with a high degree of autonomy who are charged with preventing the corruption of the Imperial Trust, whether this corruption be from the Ruinous Powers, hostile xenos, or simple greed and incompetence.

2. Inquisitors shall have immunity to local laws. Inquisitorial Acolytes shall also have limited immunity, to be determined in the code of conduct. Inquisitors are encouraged to work with local law enforcement where possible, but this is entirely at their discretion.

3. The Inquisition will create a code of conduct to which its agents are expected to adhere, to be approved by the High Council. Changes to this code must be proposed by the Inquisition and again approved by the High Council.

4. The Inquisition is expected to be self-policing. In the event that an Inquisitor violates the code of conduct or otherwise oversteps the boundaries of their authority, the other members of the Inquisition are expected to deal with the matter appropriately. In the event that the Inquisition does not resolve the matter, no less than two members of the High Council may call for a trial to remove the accused Inquisitor from the organization. The trial shall be lead by a panel of judges made up three randomly selected members of the High Council that are not among the accusers or the Inquisition. The accused Inquisitor must be allowed competent defense counsel.

5. No Inquisitor may be a Planetary Governor, member of the Security Council, or head of an Administratum department.

6. Inquisitors do not have the authority to command the Planetary Governors of the Nine Worlds or other members of the High Council, nor do they have the authority to call Exterminatus.

7. The Inquisition may maintain a force of warships, merchantmen, and troops that does not exceed 5% of that held by the Imperial Navy, Imperial Merchant Marine, and Imperial Guard. Purchase and maintenance of these assets will be paid for by the Inquisition. Distribution of these assets among their numbers will also be controlled by the Inquisition.

1. There will be nine High Judges. Each Planetary Governor of the Nine Worlds may nominate one judge from the Adeptus Arbites or other suitable agency to serve as a High Judge with approval by majority of the High Council. High Judges are appointed for life, subject to removal only due to corruption, gross misconduct, or inability to perform their duties.

2. When there is a legal dispute between worlds, a randomly selected panel of five of the High Judges not from the worlds in question shall be convened. The panel will attempt to mediate the dispute. If no agreement can be reached, the panel will hear arguments and make a judgement to settle the dispute. Deliberations between the High Judges will be held in closed chambers, and their votes regarding verdicts will be kept secret.

1. The Imperial Trust is not inherently hostile to Xeno species that give humanity the same respect.

2. The Imperial Trust may incorporate Xeno nations and species as protectorates. The details of each nation or species shall be handled on a case by case basis by the High Council.

1. The official religion of the Imperial Trust is the New Imperial Truth, as revealed to Saint Seamus Lin by the God Emperor of Mankind himself. This shall be codified in a holy text he shall pen.

2. Local religious traditions and practices that are not in conflict with and acknowledge the New Imperial Truth will not be oppressed. Xeno protectorates may maintain their own religion so long as they do not contradict the New Imperial Truth.

3. The worship of the Ruinous Powers or any other daemon is forbidden to all and punishable by death. All humanity have a duty to disobey and attempt to stop any other who they suspect is corrupted by the Ruinous Powers.

4. Cults worshiping xenos are proscribed for humans. Any cult worshiping hostile xenos is proscribed for any xeno protectorates.

5. The Cult Mechanicus is acknowledged as an accepted religion within the Imperial Trust. At the time of founding, the senior member of the Adeptus Mechanicus shall be given the title of Fabricator-General and be considered the head of the Cult Mechanicus within the Imperial Trust. Future Fabricator-Generals shall be decided upon within the Adeptus Mechanicus itself by their own internal policies.

1. To provide for ease of credit and transfers of funds within the Imperial Trust, each of the Nine Worlds shall establish a branch of a central bank, with the central branch located on Midgard. Each branch shall be able to call upon all the others for credit and shall share reserves.

2. Each of the Nine Worlds shall have shares in the bank, with the total shares owned by the planetary governments of the Nine Worlds becoming no less than 70% of all total shares. At the time of the bank's founding, half of the 70% required to be held by the planetary governments will be split between the Nine Worlds evenly and shall be held in perpetuity, with the remaining half being divided according to the wealth of the individual planets and may be traded among them. The remaining 30% may be traded freely and will be put on the open market for purchase, though no single individual or organization may own more than 3% of the total shares.

3. The treasury department shall deposit currently unused funds in the central bank.

4. Other banks and merchants may deposit money with the central bank.

1. At the founding of the Imperial Remnant, all worlds will give 1/3 of their Merchant Transports and 1/2 of their Mass Conveyors to the Imperial Merchant Marine. The Imperial Trade Bureau may purchase additional trade vessels as needed.

2. The Imperial Merchant Marine will be paid for through trade taxes.

1. The following guidelines govern what technology can be shared with non-Imeprial Trust members.
1i. Imperial level technology can be traded in any situation following these guidelines.
1ii. All STC trades and Dark Age technology requires a majority vote on the High Council to be carried out, as does any trade that violates the guidelines.
1.ii.a. Both the Security Council and the Adeptus Mechanicus can veto any technology trade of any type, this veto can only be overruled by a two thirds majority in the High Council.
2. What follows are the basic guidelines
2i. Non-chaos tainted, and non-hostile human polities: Free to trade them Imperial civilian goods
2ii. Non-aggression pacts with human polities: Free to sell them Imperial military goods
2.ii.a. Bolstering Human Navies: As a specific sub-set of this, it is encouraged to use some of the Trust's shipyard space to build Imperial Era ships for other human polities, specifically for capital ships. The surrounding polities seem to rely on very large numbers of escorts in comparison to the Trust, likely due to them being much faster to build and therefore replace. The Trust can build capital ships faster than its neighbors due to its better technology, and our Imperial era ships are likely to be of higher quality than what most of our neighbors can build themselves, so filling out their navies with more capital ships could give them an important edge. Imperial Era Defence Monitors could also be produced quickly and cheaply to bolster other humans defensively. The Security Council should identify priority targets for this policy and bring it before the High Council for consideration.
2.iii. Defensive alliances: Free to trade them Imperial civilian STCs and most Imperial military goods
2.iv. Full alliances: Free to trade them Imperial civilian and military STCs, and Dark Age civilian goods.
2.iv.a.Economic Aid Packages: Even before most of the Dark Age tech was discovered, the Imperial Trust's economy was larger than it otherwise would have been due to the various economic STCs that Avernus purchased from Atlas. A strong supporting economy is the backbone of any war effort, and the ability to produce more material and grow the population faster is essential. While not all of them should necessarily be granted, looking to have a package of the various Imperial Era economic boosting STCs that could be given to allies would be a good idea.
2v. Protectorates: Free to trade them Imperial civilian and military STCs, and Dark Age civilian goods. May establish enclaves within the protectorate controlled by the Trust to produce select Dark Age technology using STCs, each STC and protectorate subject to individual approval by the High Council.

1. The Imperial Trust acknowledges that it will very likely expand in time, either through colonization of nearby star systems or through the inclusion of already established human worlds. Changes to the governmental structure above may be necessary and will be considered by the High Council at that time. This will require a three quarter majority vote in a full meeting of the High Council.

2. The Imperial Trust claims all star systems within a ten light year radius of any of the Nine Worlds as falling under its borders at the time of founding.

3.i. Uninhabited and unclaimed systems are considered to be the property of the nearest Low Council Member. The owner must give permission for any colonies or resrouce colonies to be in a system.
3.ii.a. To establish a full colony a system must seek initial approval from the Security Council, which shall evaluate both the extent to which it would extend the military resources of the Imperial Trust, and if there are any competing claims by outside powers that could entangle us in conflicts. Security Council decisions are preliminary until the next High Council meeting which will either approve or overrule the Security Council decision. The High Council must always approve the settlement of a system claimed by an outside power prior to colonisation efforts beginning. (Point out Fjol IV as an instance where we would support colonisation despite being claimed by an outside power - the Dark Eldar - because we'd be fighting them anyway.)
3.ii.b. If a colonising planet wishes to establish additional full colonies, that the level of defences required for all colonies of that coloniser shall be increased. This increase shall be one stage in all respects.
3.iii.a. A planet have as many Resource Colonies as it wants so long as it is within ten light years of a member of the low council.
3.iii.b. The Security Council may impose a higher level of defences on Resource Colonies after the first as they determine is necessary based on the Imperial Trust's security situation.

4.i. Full colonies must have a minimum level of defences, with STC availability tied to those defence levels. That there are required defence improvements that must happen by a certain number of years after colonisation.
4.i.a. A colony must have either two hundred PDF Regiments when founded, with an additional two hundred regiments being required for every full twenty years that the colony has existed or have five percent of the population in the PDF, whichever is higher.
4.i.b. A colony must have at least heavy ground defences when founded. This must be upgraded to very heavy within forty years of founding and superheavy within eighty years of founding.
4.i.c. A colony must have at least ten Defence Monitors and a Helheim Pattern Defence Cruiser when founded, with another ten Defence Monitors and a Helheim Pattern Defence Cruiser for every full forty years that the colony has existed.
4.i.d. Within 35 years of founding the colony must establish a civilian militia composed of at least 50% of the adult civilian population. The must receive a minimum of four hours of weekly training and the colony must maintain enough Impaler Carbines and body armour to equip all of them.
4.i.e. After fifty years, at least 75% of the PDF being recruited from that point should be from the local population.
4.ii Full colonies have certain protections that the coloniser must follow, if any are broken the matter will be brought to the High Council by the Inquisition or by the colony itself.
4.ii.a. Each colony shall be required to give no more than half of its tax income to the coloniser, a number that cannot exceed twelve and a half percent of its total income.
4.ii.b. Within a decade of the colony forming it shall have a local government made up entirely of people living on the colony.
4.ii.c. After fifty years, 50% of the local government officials must be native born or have 25 years of residency.
4.ii.d. After seventy-five years 66% of the local government officials must be native born or have 35 years of residency.
4.ii.e.After one hundred years 75% of the local government officials must be native born or have 50 years of residency, and the colonial government will be subject to an Inquisitorial audit to ensure that the coloniser has not attempted to set up a puppet government.
4.ii.f. The local government should have the right to present petitions to the High Council and that the High Council shall have the right to intervene in any colony with a two thirds vote.
4.iii. Full colonies shall be established with the expectation of independence within one hundred years, at which point they will gain a seat on the Low Council. However, a favourable long term trade agreement may be established between the colony and coloniser, that can extend for no longer than 100 years after independence. If a colony has not achieved independence within one hundred years of its founding, it may petition the High Council to be moved from the coloniser's control and be directly administered by the Imperial Trust instead. In such cases the Trust will act to improve the colony to full independence as soon as possible.
4.iv. If the sponsor of a full colony is cut off by Warp Storm from being able to support it's colonies, then the Imperial Trust will take over sponsorship until the original sponsor returns.
4.v. After twenty years, a basic level of universal education must be available to the population. At fifty years, some level of higher education must be made available. The Low Council will spend some time over the next ten years working with the educational institutions of the Imperial Trust to establish a few proposals for the minimum curriculum, which will be voted upon by the High Council in ten years.

5.i.a. The coloniser shall have exactly the same rights over the Resource Colony as it has over its own world, making the Resource Colony an extension of the coloniser, except where noted below.
5.i.b. Any of the requirements below can be waved for a Resource Colony with a two third majority vote of the High Council.
5.ii.a. A Resource Colony must be under half a billion humans in order to count as a resource colony and if it exceeds that number then it becomes a full colony with the year of founding being the year in which it exceeded the population maximum
5.ii.b. The residents of a Resource Colony, or any member of the Low Council, may petition the High Council for the Resource Colony to become a full colony, presenting arguments as to why the colony provides something of value to the Imperial Trust as a whole to justify the change in status. This motion must pass with a two thirds majority.
5.iii. At least a fifth of the income of a Resource Colony must be spent on the colony
5.iv. Resource Colonies must have a minimum level of defences, with defence levels increasing as the Resource Colonies production increases.
5.iv.a. Each Resource Colony is required to have at least high level ground and orbital defences.
5.iv.b. For every three billion Thrones worth of production that a Resource Colony has, at average Imperial Trust prices, the required level of ground and orbital defences must be increased by one level.
5.iv.c. Each Resource Colony is required to have at least one Defence Cruiser and five Defence Monitors.
5.iv.d. For every three billion Thrones worth of production that a Resource Colony has, at average Imperial Trust prices, one Defence Cruiser and five Defence Monitors must bee added to the defence fleet.
5.v. The STCs and Australia capabilities of a Resource Colony will be restricted.
5.v.a. A Resource Colony shall not be given any Advanced or Exotic Material STCs above the basic, any military STCs other then those required to produce the more basic weapons or any Naval STCs
5.v.b. A Resource Colony shall not be given any STCs that it does not have a clear and immediate requirement for.
5.v.c. A Resource Colony shall not have any shipbuilding capabilities.
5.v.d. A Resource Colony shall not have more then 50% more manufacturing capacity then is needed for upkeep.

6. Colonization of Conquered Systems
6.i. For every cluster of systems conquered by the Imperial Trust that is similar in size to an Imperial sub-sector, one world shall be chosen by the High Council to be colonized as a cooperative managed by the Low Council. This colony shall be intended to be the primary base for the local Imperial Trust Guard and Imperial Navy, as well as any other functions that need a local centralized location. A recommendation for which conquered system is most suitable shall be made by the Security Council.
6.ii. Additional conquered systems shall have their colonizers determined by the High Council.
6.ii.a. When the colonizer of a conquered system is being determined, members of the Trust may present their bid to the High Council, and the High Council shall choose from among the bids. Colonization plans presented must be valid and set to begin within a reasonable time period. If there are multiple bids and the High Council cannot come to a majority vote, the bid with the highest number of votes shall be picked. In the event of a tie vote, the Security Council will pick the colonizer from those members.
6.ii.b. Bids made by members of the Trust who have had more colonies on conquered systems than other Trust members making a bid shall be considered invalid.
6.ii.c. Joint bids may be made, with a primary colonizer listed on the bid for the purpose of whose colony it is for section 6.ii.b. Joint bids will be managed by whatever system the joint colonizers agree upon.
6.ii.d. In the event that no member of the Trust makes a bid to colonize a conquered system, the conquered system will be colonized as a cooperative managed by the Low Council.
6.iii. As conquered systems may represent a strategic interest to the Imperial Trust, the Security Council may add additional requirements beyond the norm for colonization procedures. These additional requirements may be vetoed or altered by the High Council.

1. The Planetary Systems give up the power to conduct foreign diplomacy on their own

2. The Planetary Systems give up the power to grant letters of Marque.

3. The Planetary Systems give up the power to coin money.

4. The Planetary Systems give up the power to emit bills of credit.

5. The Planetary Systems give up the power to lay imposts and duties on trade from other planets.

6. The Planetary Systems shall give full faith and credit to the public Acts, Records, and Judicial Proceedings of each other Planetary System.

7. The Planetary Systems give up the power to deny extradition of criminals and suspected criminals to other Planetary Systems.

1. The Planetary Systems reserve the power to raise and maintain Armies.

2. The Planetary Systems reserve the power to build and maintain a Navy.

3. The Planetary Systems reserve the power to create and enforce local laws suited to their conditions and needs.
1. It is the responsibility of every Planetary System to maintain their Planetary Defense Force or equivelant military organization to a minimum standard of training and force size.

1.i. The minimum training standards shall be slightly below the minimum standards accepted by the Cadians before the collapse of the Imperium. This standard must be met before any ability enhancing equipment is taken into account.

1.ii. The minimum force size shall be five percent of the Planetary System's population.

1.iii. The Security Council shall be responsible for inspecting Planetary Systems once every twenty years, with the right to one additional surprise inspection during that time period. Should a Planetary System fail to meet the standards a reinspection will occur every five years until such time that the Planetary System meets the standards specified.

1.iv. The first infraction a Planetary System failing to meet standards in a time period of two centuries will be met with a warning and the Security Council sending advisers to assist the Planetary System in meeting the standards.

1.v. Any infractions beyond the first shall be met with a doubling of tithes until the Planetary System has passed an inspection. Inspections will begin ten years after the establishment of these standards. Worlds affected by disaster or invasion may petition the Security Council for an extension.

2. It is the responsibility of every Planetary System to maintain their ground and orbital defences to minimum standard.

1.i. The minimum standard for ground defences shall be what is considered to be Super-heavy by the Security Council.

2ii. The minimum standard for orbital defences shall be 50 Advanced Defence Stations, 250 Advanced Heavy Weapons Platforms and 1,250 Advanced Orbital Weapons Platforms.

Distance Asgard Alfheim Vanaheim Jotunheim Midgard Svartalfheim Niflheim Avernus Muspelheim
Asgard NA 11 15 9 14 18 15 18 24
Alfheim 11 NA 14 13 7 13 15 14 15
Vanaheim 15 14 NA 23 16 11 25 21 17
Jotunheim 9 13 23 NA 9 18 8 11 17
Midgard 14 7 16 9 NA 10 9 7 11
Svartalfheim 18 13 11 18 10 NA 17 11 9
Niflheim 15 15 25 8 9 17 NA 6 11
Avernus 18 14 21 11 7 11 6 NA 7
Muspelheim 24 15 17 17 11 11 9 7 NA
  City Size Large Town Regional City Minor City Major City Small Hive Large Hive Huge Hive Examples
Fortification level   0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 16.00  
None     5 15 25 40 55 75  
Very Light 1 5 10 25 35 50 65 85  
Light 2 15 20 35 45 60 75 95  
Medium 3 35 40 55 65 80 95 115  
Heavy 4 65 70 85 95 110 125 145 Midgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim,
Very Heavy 5 105 110 125 135 150 165 185 Jotunheim, Asgard,
Super Heavy 6 155 160 175 185 200 215 235 Avernus. Nilfheim, Byzantium
Incredibly Heavy 7 215 220 235 245 260 275 295 Svartalfheim, Muspelheim
Ultra Heavy 8 285 290 305 315 330 345 365  
Sufficient 9 365 370 385 395 410 425 445  
Excessive 10 455 460 475 485 500 515 535  
Last updated: Turn 122

49,670 Imp Trust Vanaheim Midgard Muspelheim Asgard Alfheim Jotunheim Svartalfheim Niflheim Byzantium  
Prophet Class Hyper Carrier (1 Pjo 1 Legend) 2                    
Genghis Class Command Battleship   1                  
Einherjar Class Command Battleship-                      
Vajra Class Command Battleship 1                    
Alexander Class Command Battleship 1                    
Stealth Battleship   2                  
Medium Battleship 54 31                  
Fast Battleship 10 21                  
Armored Battleship 50 2                  
Grand Cruiser 452 15                  
Heavy Cruiser 1,455 25               4  
Gjallarhorn Battlecruiser 50 50                  
Battlecruiser 59 160                  
Night Class Battlecruiser 2     6              
Defence Cruiser 445 110 20 20 10 10   10 10 20  
Knight Cruiser 674 50                  
Corsair Class Fast Cruisers 251 281                  
Warrior and Praetorian Class Cruisers 508 67 16                
Bishop Class Carrier 210 25 37                
Escort Cruiser 18,551 2,842               20  
Light Cruiser 1,077 1,029                  
Fog Class Light Cruiser 46     80           5  
Page and Squire Class Frigate 16,133 3,275               200  
Soldier and Legionnaire Class Destroyers 27,927 9,165 102                
Privateer Class Raider 5,158 5,728                  
Shadow Class Destroyer 453 17   681           50  
Decent Class Destroyer                      
Military Transport 88   100                
  Imp Trust Vanaheim Midgard Muspelheim Asgard Alfheim Jotunheim Svartalfheim Niflheim Byzantium
Orbital Habitats                    
Space Station 5 3 3   1 1 2 1 1 1
Dock 1 slip 200 1,000 500 45 10 10 10 5 5 10
Shipyard 8 slips 1 420 91 17 3         3
Large Shipyard 32 slips   72 18 3            
Huge Shipyard 128 slips   15 3              
Gargantuan Shipyard 512 slips   4 2              
Colossal Shipyard 2,048 slips   1                
Ramilies Starfort 10 slips 1       1          
Orbital Cities   1,846                
Muspelheim Orbital City       9            
Orbital Defense Platform   8 400              
Heavy Defense Platform   2 150              
Defense Station   1 40              
Advanced Orbital Defense Platform 500 12,500 3,750 2,502 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,000 1,250 1,250
Advanced Heavy Defense Platform 100 2,500 750 500 250 250 250 250 250 250
Advanced Defense Station 20 500 150 100 50 50 50 50 50 50
Medium, thick Minefeld   125 10              
Muspelheim Forward Base 11                  
Advanced Ramilies Starfort, Forward Operating Base 16 slips                    
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Mechanicus Trade Take Two
Mechanicus Trade Take Two

Lord Klovis-Ultan and Magos Explorator Tranth give you the list of what Atlas is willing to pay for each of your archeotech artifacts and STC's as well as how much each item will cost. They are willing to inquire if there is anything not on this list that you would like.

Sell list
32 800 Plasma Rector Wingnut STC template
34 920 Plasma Cutter STC template
45 600 Self Reparing alloy partial STC template
3 960 High bandwidth Vox partial STC template
250 each Faster Cogitator (9 total)
500 each More easily produced refractor field (3 total) 41 partial (worth 100 each)
200 each Monitor Scout Vehicle (10 total) 90 partial (worth 40 each)

Buy List
60 000= upgrade city defenses
40 000=Heavy Orbital Defenses
20 000=Major STC eg(Power armour)
10 000 Light Orbital Defenses
10 000 Medium STC Template, eg Macharius Heavy Tank, Crassus)
5 000= Tech-Priests
2 000=Shadowsword Squadron
2 000=Minor STC Template eg, (plasma gun, Marauder Vigilant, Avenger, Cyclops)
1 000=Baneblade Squadron
1 000=Defense Monitor Starship
500=Survey Ship
100=Petty STC Template eg (boost to underground railway, mining, food production or medical technology, Thunderbolt)
1=1000 Material
1=2000 Metal
1=1500 Promethium
1=2500 Thrones
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Thrones will run out in 5 turns at our current rate of consumption, not counting tourism and trade income.

Metal will run out in 10 turns at our current rate, we need to expand the mines or get ourselves a couple of petty STC's to boost mining. Maybe the Tech priests will help.

@durin, if we take both heavy orbital defenses and light orbital defenses, do they stack?
Not in this area, it is possible that the Asgard sub-sector once had some sort of connection to either them or Fenris thougth

I found some vehicles I would like the cost on. I want to know how much mining vehiclesn primarily the Hellbore which can be used for the train tunnel. The smaller ones can probably help in hunting the worms.

Secondary I ask what the price for the Valkyre&Vulture cost if we don't have them.

Finally what is the cost for the Starhawk space bomber?

Now for vehicles. Do we have Leman Russ template and is it good enough to take on the wildlife or do we need the Macharius? Also, I read about a AA Chimera variant that fires flak. Do we need to buy it or can we build any varient of the Chimera?
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[X] Plan Skewfiend
32 800 Plasma Rector Wingnut STC template
34 920 Plasma Cutter STC template
45 600 Self Reparing alloy parital STC template

Total: 112 720

60 000= upgrade city defenses
40 000= Heavy Orbital Defenses
10 000= Medium STC Template (Light power Armour)
2 000= Minor STC Template (plasma gun)
7x 100=Petty STC Template (boost to underground railway, mining, food production, medical technology, Thunderbolt, minor tech useful for orbital infrastructure, something else useful)
20=50 000 Thrones

Total: 112720
Only if we complete it before the forge world does.
Otherwise they won't buy it, I don't think.

By the way, have they completed the Automated Factory one?
Because if they haven't, and they're interested in buying the missing pieces, that should clearly be the next priority for research.
Mechanicus Trade Take Two

Lord Klovis-Ultan and Magos Explorator Tranth give you the list of what Atlas is willing to pay for each of your archeotech artifacts and STC's as well as how much each item will cost. They are willing to inquire if there is anything not on this list that you would like.

Sell list
[X]32 800 Plasma Rector Wingnut STC template
[X]34 920 Plasma Cutter STC template

Total: 67 720

Hold onto everything else right now, especially the self-repairing alloy STC template. Right now it's worth more than either of our completed STCs - think about how much it would be worth when it's completed :)

Buy List
[x]40 000=Heavy Orbital Defenses (40 000)
[x] Medium STC Template [Macharius Heavy Tank] (10 000)
[x] Minor STC Template [Marauder Destroyer] (2000)
[x] Minor STC Template [Marauder Vigilant] (2000)
[x] Minor STC Template [plasma gun] (2000)
[x] Minor STC Template [Avenger strike fighter] (2000)
[x] Minor STC Template [Leman Russ Punisher] (2000)
[x] Defence Monitor Starship [x5] (5000)
[x] Survey Ship [x2] (1000)

[x] Petty STC Template [Thunderbolt] (100)
[x] Petty STC Template [improved underground excavators - boost to mining and quicker construction of subterranean projects such as underground railways and deep bunkers] (100)
[x]Petty STC Template [improved subterranean life support - makes large underground projects possible and makes existing ones more comfortable] (100)
[x] Petty STC Template [5 miscellaneous] (500)
[x] 2.3 million Thrones (920)

Total: 69 720

I chose Heavy Orbital Defences for the best defences we can get from an offworld attack or invasion - the best kind of hostile invasion is the one that never reaches you. The Macharius Heavy Tank should give some more punch for our armoured units, especially against scary huge wildlife like the Tyrant Lizards or against large armoured vehicles brought along by invaders such as Chaos Titans or Daemon engines.

The Marauder Vigilant is a JSTARs-type electronic aircraft based on the Marauder airframe, designed to carry long-range augurs and auspexes. The Marauder Destroyer removes the standard Marauder's bomb bay in favour of several twin-linked autocannons fixed to fire forward, as a ground-attack strafer rather than a bomber.
I chose the Avenger strike fighter because it's mentioned that it's been in use since before the Horus Heresy, and the artwork of it looks particularly badass.
The plasma gun is to give more firepower to our standard footslogger infantry.
The survey ships are to help survey the space around our homeworld, including the graveyard of ships around Avernus III, and the monitors are there to protect them.

So does anyone have anything they particularly want to add?

EDIT: Added Minor STC Template for Leman Russ Punisher, added 5 miscellaneous Petty STC Templates as a catch-all, and spent the remaining points on Thrones to prop up our treasury.

EDIT: Realised my point total was 2000 off, so I dropped a Monitor and a pair of Survey Ships from the list.
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I still want to know how much the Hellbore costs before making my own plan. The Termite and Mole as well cause they might be useful in finding more burried settlements.
@durin Questions for our boss...

Would we be able to purchase the STC for power armour? It would be far too expensive to equip most of our forces with it, but maybe we could build enough of it for an elite unit like our own personal guard led by Captain Ajax, or maybe an elite company of the Black Irons?

Do our troops have meltaguns? If we need to purchase the STC template, would it be a Minor Template like with the plasma gun? Would they give bonuses to our infantry, or are they just for fluff?

Our armoured regiments were mentioned using Leman Russ tanks during the Chaos invasion - can we purchase variants like the Exterminator, Punisher or Executioner (much love for battle cannon-sized plasma cannon :) ) ?
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Turn Eleven Results

Nine psykers were located this year of which two were Chaos worshipesr. The Chaos worshipers, a sixteen year old Epsilon-level in Gormec and his six year old sister were easily killed by Deacon Aurilians Witch Hunters. The remaining psykers ranged in included one eight year old Gamma-level, three Epsilon-levels ranging from eight to eleven and three Zeta-levels ranging from nine to fifteen.

<reads Warhammer 40K Wiki article on psykers and their ranking system and promptly spittakes and stares at the screen>

Durin, are you using the same ranking system as this article? According to the article "A high Delta level can read the minds of all the people in a good-sized town simultaneously, or crush a man to death against a wall in seconds". One of the kids discovered this year was a Gamma level psyker, and I think one of the first we found was a Beta level. We've got some real psychic powerhouses here.

And it doesn't end there. "The grades continue on down through the letters of the Greek alphabet. Grade Sigma and below are levels of "anti-psychic power". Such people are more commonly known as "psychic blanks" since they cannot be detected, manipulated or affected by psychic means and possess the pariah gene." (emphasis mine). Now consider that last turn we picked up three Zeta-levels this turn. Also we're on good terms with the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Magos Biologis, and the Adeptus Mechanicus have cloning technology, and things get interesting.

I'm pretty sure that Durin mentioned in one of the earlier posts that if we build up our churches enough we can get a commandery of the Sisters of Battle on Avernus. Now if we can get that done and start cloning blanks, does anyone else think we can re-create the Sisters of Silence?
I never really understood the sisters of silence. Why don't they speak? Why do they shave their heads but keep those ridiculous looking ponytails? What happens to all the male untouchables?